I' 5 5,; V :. . Local and Personal ECU'S TAXI! 5 I tt : fafp: , uu.B.p . : BorntoDrtand Mra W. A une tour.room nouse, about 3 Sam8 Sunday afternoon adaugh- "wu 'um aw.u.iiiBu ter Margarette Elizabeth (Betty School good, location and good fot 8ll0rt) Iother and bab doitff. spnng close by. tor information nia tLl. k. u i. . D. LINK- Bee owner MRS. D. OUS. Walnut, N. 0.' ', r Can any one give the fuirde , tails of the Camping Trip to Alt ' Pisgah? 1 ' 1 Messers T. G. Baker and Jf . t, Smith vera cullers in Marshall, Sunday. . ' Mrs, Anderson spent Sunday aid Monday in Bluck Mountain, ' Mr. end Mrs. C, F. Fortner motored to Lake James io visit Mr. Hedrix,- lrs. Fortner'a rath er, who lives near the Lake v. Mr. R. P. Smith from Youngs- town, Ohio is nicely. JJook out boys here U aice family of four daughters. Bom to Mr. .and Mra. Paul Smith on last 1 Thursday a son. Paul Jr.at the home of Mr. and Mrs, C F. Fortmr. 1 Born to Mr and Mr, ll. d Rector a daughter, Laura Lilly. Mother ind baby are doing nice ly-- ' ' V."", ' ;v ' . " Notice of" Trustee Sale heme of Mr. and Mrs- Covert Fortner. Mr. and Mrs. W, A. West and family including Mr. West's father, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis, Mr. and- Mrs.- H: E 7 Roberts and littie son Hubert Messers 0. C. Rector, Cecil Ramsey,' Herschel Sprinkle, and George Robinett, attended F l e l d' s minstrel at I Asheviile, Friday of last week. Bv virtue of tlie frowef1 of sale contained In a certain Deed of Trust executed by J. W. Haw- visiting in the k' 08 to Herha Clarkaon .Trustee, Whe n you want a Taxi call 59 We appreciate yuor business. Wil ao our nest, to wveyou service and the price will be right Respectfully Yours, LISENHEE BROTHERS Marshall, N.C. Notice; Of Sale Of Real Estate y Commissioners By virtue of a judgement and dc cree of the Superior Court rraile ' nd entered in the certain proceed mg entitled Grady Merrci et a, against Sophina Phi lips et. al, we the undersiguod commissionci a will will on Saturday the 4th dav of October, 1924, at the court house door in Madison County at 12 o' clock M., re-sell at public - auction to the highest biddt r for cash . for partition among the tenaats in common the following described to secure certain indectedoees therein mentioned, for the pay ment of the balance of the pur chase price of land, which Deed or lrust is dated lltt dav of Jan- reai property, to-wit: nary ii?. au .remaierea in ine ReeinnW at a stake n th rrt uiuur ui ujC iMiKihtir oi mcbus ion corner of said Cinda Merrell allot- Madison bounty, North Carolina ment and runs with Baid rr,a,l N id to booic IT or Ueeds of Trust at W U poles to a state formerly 8. rage 107 default having been jel vi8 White OaK corner, thence 8 maue in p & j me d I ; o I 7 u vi MniM A . .f.u un0 . . i - ------ vavw mm wvunv VU v. 11 Vv the Indebtedness therebj M78W iKn,.' ikimtin w r nrt Mra M R IV ,1 Tliijif t I l i l l - . Kturiiu, wnereoy ine oowor oil 19 j. S.r. r-.Joa lw. v;..l,..-.. luuiorcu reensooro wi, bco gie therein contained became Ec- a staae'above the spring t , r, "r, Tv - o it. T" ueuianu navmg 8.90 W 17 and 1-5 polea to the ",v .""r .-;' inaoe on uie unaersigneo Scott line, thence with said line N - UJr ...e uu.ucr i uio nu- ao.ia yy - 15 poje, to ft Blake on fewdays, but was improving U scared by said Deed of Trust Lpofa ridge, thence with said ana was soon to resume ner that be exercise the power; ot ridge S 16 E 12 pojes toa White studies , The Dr. diagnosed the Laie therein contained and sell Lir . thBM 99 'Sn p i " i... v M o, w iaDa inere,n aescrioea, xor lh buncb of White oaks thence S 45 nwiu ewiijf (.mug tuc uauv wcu payment or said indebtedness, I Isn F. 14 nnloa thn. a k a w 1-1 will therefore expose for sale at I pole8i thence S 56.30 'E 9 noles. . a.uv.vu ; U iwuub; lJO l lH6 cornfir ot said linda Mprrpll wl".uV Ui wcouer iw ac Jziaii0tment. then leavinirihe toD of 0. clock noon to the; uijshest bil!-lsttid ri.lee with the line of said fll uer ior casa ai me conn noufei0tment N 41.15 E 56 and 3-5 door in tne lown 01 Marshall I poje9 to a White oak On the Nortlrl county or raaaison, &tate or hide of a road, thence S 32 E 12 North Carolina; the following de- D0ie8 tnence N 46 r 41 dom ' to spri oea piece, parcel or 101 ot rand he beginning, coutkining 21, aprei wwis; ouuaiea iym ana oe-1 more or .nK m i"u, lowusuip ia ioe The above lands are a Dart of uouniy 1 01 aiaaison, oiaie or the Annie Merrell farm ihirpH Worth Carolina, , adjoininir thel: ' p; nt u: auua .01 . , vauagan ana and are fine home sites and desir,: Amoa otacKhouse, and bounded I ftk ion,!,, 1 iwwi " ' 1 1 ww jj''U!' " ''-"""r'yx 1 I ' - , eating. ' : .;. The Camping Trip U o Mt . Pisgah proved a happy meeting ' ifor'somei' ' JU. v; Tw:.;.-;' Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Farmer motored to Canton jSunday after noon taking , with them Mrs. Farmer's mother Airs. Ferguson whowas returning lother home t ftt Crab Tsee. j , ; ,; ' , ' Mis, H . L. Story" ; retui ned to Marshall Sunday from Edenton N.C. The following young'.men left y motor Saturday for the ate University : Messers and more uariicularly described asioiiowsviz: UeinnlDK on a White Oak on J,'he top of a - ridge . O.arril Tlrvn'rv ; Wvn TTarmpr Td MfiKfnnevawrre Mt.-i,ibove w here 8 :M' Galiagan Hv prtv nA T.pa Whit . ed, it being tne firfge that divid- Elroy and Leo White. ; Y Rev, Phil Elliott left '. Sunday morning' by motor for the State University where he is to re- es tlTe wate'Sfof the Billy King branch, and the Barney,' Branch I and runs 8 359 west 92 poles I (morn or Ihss to thu Killv Kinir ... !.,. - - - - - - eume ms siuaies nnismng nw-Branch; thence down and v.lth Ph D. degree,and also as, ijt Laid brttDCb 73 pole more or 'less structor m English. . . t0 lhe Am08 stackhquse line; Mr. Anderson w h o h a s theno N 10o agreea E withsaid been at Montezjuma Hotel this Stackhousu line 125 . poles more ; summer accompanied Mr. Elliott; or less to the Barney braneh; to Durham. ,v " j thence N 80j E 86 poles to a 7' - Lost-A bunch of keys, findi r ' i lhence S 3o 92 poles more 1 ii....t n"NTAi.. ' Of less to lhe betfinnintf, , Known 1 d'.1Ji.ib'.' the -home place' of S. M. ward. 1 ' ' ' U8" ". . Tula 18ihday of Sept 1924. . Mrs. Phil Elliott went from , HEKIOT CLARKSON, Marsnaii eany oaturuayv moni 9 ,9 i4 l0 10 U 24 d. Truhtee. ing in time to catch an early : train from Asheviile to ; Frank- iz lin.. where , she will be forT ; a' '4 while before she jcias her bus hand in Chapel Hill s The Camping Trip t o Mt. , Pissah lert one young man in - thejvicinity of Marshall with a s "Drown" complection , This the 16th day of Sept. 1914. C; B. MASH BURN and ,'GUYV. ROBERTS, . Commissioners',' ' 9 19 to 10 10- 24 d Wm A. Sams Physician and Surgeon r'''';':7: : Office Front Room Over t Clt! a Bank. Builders Supply Co. I. C, taxes! Taxes! Taxes! , By virtue of the tax list in my hand for (Qllect-ion, I will , on Monday the. first day of October offer for sa'e tlie follewing pieces ' lion, John A Hendricks left t . . . Marshall Thursday on Carolina r Cpecal to attend the funeral" of j , ' No. 15 Township .. - tis elder brother; Mr Thomas. g Roberta. 4 acref land,' Hendricks who died "Wednesday tax and cost.; 839 57 Hisbt Sept. f7th. Mr. Hendricks q C Ramsey, 62 acres land, k&adehis home in DavieCcunty tax antj cost ; $59 33 llC. " iMraJ S Ledford, 285 acres - The Southern Railroad has' ' lod, tax and cost., j ..$265 07 1 Dealem : in lumber of all kinds, metal and composition roofing, window and doom, brick, lime and cement. Wo carry a full line of everyihinu. Come and ee us. or write for prices , THE TURNING . IN YOiLlk LANE: ' Tr7 your run 01 luck hasn't been quite so' good as you i could hope, and you're still looking for the turning in the lane, you can" speed it up by saving. ' , For When one has money set aaide -opportunities come1 y.thick and fast, and there's no dearth of turnings to choose from. Save now and speed the turning in your lane! The BANK 0 m EKOAB LVl Kit ert fir Carl R. Stuart to Vash inton D. C to be in the service .of the terminal Company, for an ind3finite period. .!H.3 Martha E.obion, Pres by'.rriin Community worker, i - - ll't r.s, N. C, was a guest cf ' 3 1 f ey in her hereon i .1 1 ... yi:....i f , l:. .t. L..3 had a very nice ' : ---.St rect and visit. Lr.3 re ''. ! t3 L:r vcil; at H"c;'."3 II U Ledford 48 1-2 acres land, tax and cost.. . . .$53 55 J G Briggs 55 acres laod tax , j and cost., . .. . r. , . ..$4860 I will proceed to levy and col lect tax that are now due. JYours Truly, " . Mrs. Annie May White,' 1 , Tax Collector. johiul Mcelroy ATTORN EY-AT-LA W MARSHALL, N.C 1 t - Kc.v Located Ia OLD GDSGER 6 The I'cELOY x OFFICE. Dr. J. N. Has Moved Ilia OfHce Up Oyer Grove C. Kedmons ; &tm. You Will Fin 1 i' IT;: a There Any t;3. . : COME IN NO W AND : Mavie Us Jo Do fhaf Job I " Printing For You , .. Oiir prices are reasonable arid wje can do nice neat Job Printing. i Give us Your Advertising, we will appreciate it Bring Of Send in Ydur Sub-5 scription To The NewsRe- I cord $1.50 A Year. : ANIf ODNCI'NG, Alison Ccssty Sunday School , Ccaventioa Whits' Rock Church NKX.KsrsisM, N. C, Saturday And Sunday ' ;'v Cctchsr, 4th And 5th, 1924. , a" P-rogressive' ) Reasonable"" )' A ttractive , ) ' C onstructive ). T-esied I-lluminating , ) Gomprehensible ) A-d; stable ' ) L-bical ) ' PLANS ? . nd . METHODS ("For more ef i feetive Sup- . ( day School ( ofganizafion, l leaching and J J acctivitiesSvill Prcram and Tull information will be sent you soon b!- d'l"at!on from your bunday beeoou- , ip ( be discussed . ( by experts. HEAR THEM? Take a v. Application For 1 Garland Pardon Hollifield Of Application will l)8jtiad fo the Governor NjiHi Croiina for the pardon of Garland HullinVkC convicted at the February 1924 trm of the Superier Court of iadison County forf the crime of violating Probibition'lawi and sen tenced to Chain-gang for a term of two years. - AH persons who oppose thn granting of said pardon are invited to for wa rd thdir protests to the Governor without delay. This the 3 day of Sept. lC:i, v (Signed) L. B. MAC:J ' 9 5 to 9 12 21 p.