V " : ' "' O J MADISON COUNTY VOL. XXL MARSHALL, N; C, NOV. 14, ,1924 1000 rT n U:s Day CLSEIITEa XDI?LAYS T! s Ittclim County LJ-citloaal iiceiing held in Marshall r:.i rliay and Eatsrc'v wts cu..i a gala day for lladlscn C: . . It is always jlsiaar.t for ptcple to ccme tctther ia - c : a cause, asd espedally worthy Is the rrc-t cause ti t ..... J, a, now beizg tiven tnore attention In Madison Coun- 1 7 t. an ever before. Peer le were.here from all parir of the Cou-'y and quite a number of tSe'echoola of the County 'enter . cd u a contests.- . The address cf the day was ably delivered by Mr. Frank 1a Wells, Supcr:r.teadent cf the Buncombe County schools . The Dretlzutlon contest was won by the first grade of liars Hill U,coU only Hot Eprfcjs and liars Jlill competing la lL.i ccr.UL, v. ' "' . , , - -' -'-''.. ,; ; ' The rri...ary 'Ctory-TelliEj contest was won" by George Up ward cf Hot Eprinrs, quite a number of schools competing . The Grammar Grade Recitation Contest was won by Hiss Edith Downs of Hot Sprir'3, II. C, several schools competing. The Grammar Grade Declamation Contest was won by Master Tom Pavis of Hot Cprings, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Ti Davis. The Spellisir Cor.t: t for Grammar Grades was' won by Miss The Grammar Grade- Composition contest was Won by. Miss DeEtta Almon'of Hot Springs.-: ' k " ' " ; : ' The IIIh School Composition Contest was won by Miss, Vic toria H&n;scy of Walnut, jcu. " ' ; TIIZ SCHOOL EXI!ISITS"( C7EN.TO ALL SCHOOLS ) 2Iia3 Heba Roberts Of Marshjr won., tfie prize for drawing tfie best map or the United States. i y . ' M- Mr. r.ichard Bris of Mars Hill won' the prize tor drawing tlrt le t map bf North Carolina. . -f :."$n The fourth grade of Liars Hill on the. prize for the best Splay of Clay Molding by any school. h ' . . . .- The prize for the best Bag Doll by a child of the primary grades was won by Robetta Thomas, "pf Walnut," N ,C,. tli;:3 Mary Anderson of Mars Hlll.won the prize for the best clESrh&m school dress made by a grammar, grade girl.' , .- The prize for the best piece of fancy work in the high school was wca by Miis Violet Chandler of Valnut; and ia the gram isar grades by Misa' Viola Deaver, of MarshallN.' C." " Jack Davis of Marshall won the prjze for the beet piece of wocd work or wood carving, by a grammar grade boy. ..' ' 'The third grade of the Marshall school won the prize for the -f fr-pho?H rnWntr .Aravirirtv nr nnsfpr iho fttifpcit hofa" A- f . :n'to-lhe gramn:ergradcs; ".i .". .:-r -",v; fc'-o-' -.e pi;ze zor.tne t cxt.90C.T, 01 a.. - . . n4W vii te seventh. grade of Marshall,: tpis, content being pnlyifor the j . Jane Morrow or walnut won the prize for the best bookie - f school work by the high schools. - , The best exhibit by any school was won by the Walnut High "-' -7 V - - , ATHLETIC CONTEST-' ;'v0; vr,':'.f-;..-v - ; ,.,,l,f(!':1i:';"f ; Saturday, November 8 Messrs.' C M. Blankenship and ' Ax :- Smiley in charge, i ) . v-.';-,-- i.;--. ,1.5-V.-;;'Vvrv.'v C3GT.C::3L!(1U0 b a " tril?, Dcptity, and ... n---- r five r.m'Atm one V0:iAlUllJAILi . One of the most successful attempts of oScers of the law to put a. stop to illicit liquor dealing made jn Madison County in quite a while was made Tuesday night, of this week, November 12, when Sheriff - R. R. Ramsey, Deputy Claude Henderson, and Reve nue' Officer Jarvis captured 60 gallons Of liquor, three auto mobiles, five men and one wo- "V. THE NEWSPAPER CRITIC My .fsthsr Myths paper that h rasds slnt put up right . .' i ' I! finds a lot of fault,1 ha do, perusing It at alht. -E tays.thata ain't s singla thing In It worth whils to read, And that tt doeaa't print ths kind of Stuff that poopla Ca toasas it aaida and .says it's strictly "on the kum" But you ought to haar him holler whan ths paper doesn't come. ; ' Ca read shout ths weddln's and ha snorts like all get out, - ' lit reads the social doin's with a most deriaiva shout; lis ssys they maks the papers for the whnmiu' folks alone. . Ile'U read about the parties and hell fume and fret and groan, r II says ef information it don't contain e crumb V , - Cut you ought to hear hhn holler whan ths paper doesn't coma. ... ; .-: - ', . '.-'.,. lie's always first to grab it, and ha reads it plumb dear through, . ;. Ite doesnt miaa an item or a want ad that is true, - w " " ' lie says they,! dout know what we waflt, than dam newspaper guys; ' Xtck going to take a day some time and go and put them wise. Sometimes K seems as though they must be deaf, blind, and dumb" '' Eiit you ought to hear him toller when the paper doesn't come. -t . -LUCTLLE DtJNBAB. - ' i man. Th capture was made on the Hot Springs road at Laurel E.jdger The cars and liquor were taken into custody and the occupants of the cars lodged in Madison County jail to await trial. . ' .For some time Sheriff Ram sey has suspected that such 'a procedure was ' taking ' place In jthat vicinity and . had laid a trap for these violators of law. The possessors of the liquor de clared that; the liquor was -ob tained in Tennessee. The wo man in the Case proclaimed her innocence in the matter, claim that she had gone to ride with the' men without - knowing Where they were going.. The party is said to- hail from Bun combe County,. .. . are markketed," ssys Glenn O. Ban dall, extenson horticulturist for the , State College of Agriculture. "There is much loss from rotting brought a- ' bout by sorting the roots from time to time during the storage period. ", The fungus spores are spread la this way. ' "Careful attention must else be gives to regulating the temperature. A hgh temperature of from lO Uti degrees during the first ton days ef - two weeks is of primary Importance. This is the 'curing period duriag which time the moisture is removed from the roots. If the weather is ' cloudy r rainy, it k necessary to"' keep this 1iigb temperature for', a longer period. ' " '. ; i . "After earing the roots, the tem perature ef the bouse should fee low- ered gradually to SB degrees and kept within the range of 60 to 86 degrees Without greater1 variation. ' careful attenton to maintain within these limiU not only inhibits infee- 1 tlon from storage rot,' but also pre vents undue loss of weight by the potatoes because' of unnecessarily high temperature.' J, , ' -: - Wreck Near 'Bluff , , Younsr Lady Killed "No suh," says Uncle' Mom,"!, ain't never gwine Slap my old 'oman no tpo and ha'ye to pay fines.. De nex' time she .'zassperates me, I'se gwine kick 'her good sn.' hard, an' she can't shew dat to de judge V . 1 ' - SWEET POTATO v 5 5 STORAGE NEEDS -CAREFUL k Ur-.i. ATTCWT1AM ni i ui a avue 2. 8. 4. S. 6. aw Running Broad Jump; grammar grade' boys ' '" First. place-Sherwood Thompson',' Walnut, "13-ft. 5 in Second placeFisher of Dry Branch 'j ' Jill 'ft 8 in. rVll Running Broad jump,, grammar, grade girls First place puby Reese, Mars-Hill, tT4I Second place Sallie Hamlin, California, , Running Broad jump, 'nigh school boys .: First place Hu'-o Wild,' Uars Hill Second place walun, Me IHh Jcr-io. rrnr?r tirade bovs lirst plce E -;r.8 Keece, liars Hill Second place Treadwayf Mt .Neta, . Kith Junp, high school boys v lirst place Hu"o V.'fT i, liars nill Second place 1 .11 w'ect, Marshall " '. - - : : . , - rcata Race, frr-t'rr T3 girls ' ICYard E r- toys ''i If " . "5 -- ' ! 10 ft, 4 in 10 ft 2 in 15 ft 2 in, U4ft4in,. ?cond place Fisher, Dry Etnch C 1Z 5-Yrrd Dash, 1 ih schc -1 I -ys 1 ice- - Vili, L.:rs Hill, 9. CO-Yfi Dash, grammsr rrs ie f'T's I lr i r :e Callie II -... i, C l.fcrrja ' "t I , I ' '1 . . , ' . , lsh tchool girls , :iair i fchc:l l?3Ts -d .;:i, IIars Hill and ;rihall. 10. EO-Ytri Y 1 t - V 11. Es' '..c. " .i 12. r -'IL A . - x j A !Le : sV'vV-Yfcr J . a C0fi.5in. 67 fi. 243 ft rce t. i L ' Guy I...: i the above schema!-- i events, a few of the eihool3 d tD t t: 3 Ear Chinrizg Contest with the following re- I i. r r Ckinr.;-j, --'mor grade boys i ,'rst place ii r-'.r, Dry Branch " L -nd place Haiti::, Hers Hill, 15. Bar ( '-r.ing, frrpn-r r '7-":rl3 Fi... -? Sallle llir'i, C. ' '.rr.ia Eeco. . " -o tied: Tr: -. Jr,-ay, I..t r, Callfcrria -21 times ' 14 times 17 times Neta and . 14 times each. "-V.r? i;?,alei(Th. N, .C.rlJ,'!?WjBg"a jeH j hfiei sweoti; poUU) storage huae is not. all that is essential to-suceess I in keeping the roots over winter. I', Several -sorsge ))recautions must be observed. There are many de- tails which appear to" be" of minor im portance, yet are ... of tremendous value in successfully keeping the po tatoes, pne of., the first sto care fully handle the roots before and .af ter they are placed in storage. In fection by tot- producing fungus di seases takes place largely through a- brasion? In the skin made by hand ling the toots ' carelessly. ' ."It is a good practice to store gra ded, potatoes in slat .crates and then let. them lie undisturbed until they Anether Occupant of Car Serv ously Injured and in Hospital Rev. Mr. Miller's son had the misfortune of wrecking his carl last week, on which six people were riding. The accident oc curred near, the mouth of Meadow Fork Creek.Miss .Su sie Holt was killed and Mr. , Troy Kirkpatrick 'was serious ly injured and was taken to' a hospital.'; .,.;.;.',. y t4ftti-'.': FREE WILL BAPTISTS TO MEET -' WITH SHOAL HILL; CHURCH 1- i FIFTH SATURDAY AND. SUNDAY'' 'v r' The Marthal! r..tr'.,i t ' . tag of '-Free T, ;:i I i held with shoal ::;:i C, ...i i.i I. . tie Pine Creek on' the Tifth Satur day andSunday in November.' - B S. WOODSON, Clerk. It never pays to over-crowd hens they need a comfortable house, dry and roomy, with plenty. of fresh au and sunshine: Plans for -, building such a house may' be., secured from the State College extension service. at Raleih. 1 . ' !',;" """7 .' Vjy. v : UathiahaVle: . ' , He Ijiake ten, thousand a year r though you probably wouldjiot think it to look at me.,) ' , , . . She No and. L wouldn't; think Jt to hear you say rt. . . '; .... ; SuLobribo to Ths NE7S-rCC?.D ! n SON FATIIZZ-I.lLAW OFV-J- KI3 OWN FATHER Tha rcat, wadJiags , ef Karl Eraaa, Z3 yaare eld, aad kis fa ther kv started aa ul'm ckala ef re!iakt " 1 " I a get WeyoaJ tW r..3i t.' ft 3 eUU aad caliaiaated ia Lreaa's hesamlag his father't fatker4a- uw. 1 ; ;--'., '-;; Yeastg Braaa aarrled a wi l.-w ef 45 with grwa-ea V," ' -su riortly altert WU - father, E9 year of age, married the . 24 year old daaghter ef hit . ton's wife. Genealogists fifnre that a a ren't of the two wedinfi, young Braaa -became his -father' father-ia-law and that hit wife's daughter became her ' mother's mother-in-law and the step-mother of her owa step-father, v ' :; j 'te;J u.. FOUR LOVES .V. , . . : - - '.v.v (Bjidgar, : Guest) i -.. i Theloves alone wiH, bring content: t -., ,: " The love of home,, which, works to know. - little oed where roses blow ; t it t -Ajcheery hearth, where kindness reigns - i And smileB light up the window panes,"; ; The Jove of-home, which works to make.. ' A playground for the children's sake, , .':, ( And loveJy;rpoms where selfishness v1; : May sow T-o diacord. or distress, . . Thelt,seco!5d love to Jbring; f ontettl. vkt445 Isiove r.of friends and neighbors near? 1 ' A- love too warm; too true to sneer,,, j. " A' love that understands the cares 't " And griefs and hurts ach mortal bears, . That seeks beneath the garments thin Or flesh and cloth the soul within, ' . And holds to friendshiDS.. tried and true lake's changing; fame and fortune through. OPEN DEC 1-JAN. 15 SQUIRE SEASON . CLOSES DEC 1 We have been asked to" call the attention of our readers to ' the fact that the .season for hunting birds is between Dec. 1 and Jan. 15 and that the squir rel season will close on Dec. 1. The County Commissioners of- f er" a" reward of $5.00 for the conviction of any person found -hunting out of season. , l tlT I The third greatlove to brinsr content , Is love of God: that love which sees .,. Ilia splendor in the sheltering trees, j k . . That finds Hini nightly in the sky, ' j Where race the. stars and planets by; icai xeeja m$ presence. when he stands . Before life's storms With .helpless hands, , And trusts .IIUn,n whatsoe'er befall, .. ; To guide him safely throug it all. The fourth true love to bring content i Is love of country: that sweet love . . Which cherishes the flag above, Which stands to serve and seeks to build A native land with laughter filled; Which give3 obedience to its laws,, Upholds its evary righteous causU, , And strives to live so all may see Just what a free man ought to be. L! I i I I I i LI 0 ! FAitMElt KILLED BY A DHUNKEN DRIVERS : m Mnf Vincent Murphy, . a farmer "V, who lived near Leicester, died ia a . ' hospHaf fat" Ashevtlle last week from .... injuries received when a wagon in whjchvhe was riding was struck by : ' - - an automobile, driven by a drunken ' man,. whose same could not be leant- . ed'bythe police of Asheville. After - hitting the wagon, the driver escap- . - , ed. The accident happened on the Leicester road Bear Asheville. ' J ' CARD OF THANKS - Ji ' I take this method of thanks'.; ing the ' people of tho Coemty for1,:- tie g eneroua wote . theV;"i gave ma oa NovemlMr 4i and to'asaure them that I will Io aU in my power to merit their con-V" fideneo. I especially - wish t": congratulate Mr. ; Clarencet - j j Redmon for the gentlemanly'' i j J manner in which he has take v i i His defeat. He has proved 1 1 1 himself a man, willing even to j surrender his ARTILLERY to r l nis opponent. Ml iiespectruiiy yours, f4 i VILLAHD C rvZCTC?w-

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