fn n hr b cor Di ' - - - - - - m -5 r J Lfnonei is and Z47 LSI1 -"T.ftr ttjis Customers' Phone 2494 CRUISE'S SHOP Superfluous Hair, Moles, Warts Facial and Scalp Electrical Treatments Permanent and Marcel' Waving Hair Goods to Order MANICURING SHAMPOOING HAIR DRESSING 23 Haywood Street, Asheville, N. C. We are having some hot weather at this place. Little Durward H. Chandley has .been very ill, but .is improving. ' ,JThe people of this place are very busy hoeing corn. Mr. Banner: Chandley spent the week-end . with Me. and Mrs. George Shelton of Revere. Miss Mamie Hensley bpent Saturday night with her aunt, Sange Ann Shelton. We were all sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Neal Admas of Revere. W want to ex tend, our sympathy to Mr. A dams and family. Mr. Howard Chandley con ducted prayer service at Car men on Sunday, May 24. Little Miss Mildred Chand ley spent the day Sunday with Frnm AI I FftMANY her friend, Pansy Shelton. Mr. juoya Kamsey motored up on Laurel Friday, returning Saturday. , .Messrs. Sampson Landers Jeter C. Franklin; Misses Merle and Ruth Stanton were out rid ing Saturday afternoon. Miss . Grace Hensley spent the week-end with, her cousin, Tulis Chandley. They had a fine time. ' Mr. Walter S. Hensley, who is at work in Asheville, motored home Saturd&v.and snent the night with home folks, return ing to Asheville Sunday after noon. Mrs. Howard Chandley vis ited Mrs. Sol Shelton, who has been sick, last week. Mr. Fred Shelton is the proud owner of a new pair of over alls. Best wishes to News-Record ASH0MEM E. W. BLAKE WELDERS AND BRAZERS OF ALL METALS Welding of Farming' and . Mining Machinery A Specialty Corner Southside and Church St. Asheville, N. C. i PHONE 1116 W?ffalf""4iTTfal?fT. From Anderson Branch We are still having Sunday School at Anderson Branch and have, a large attendance. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Moody Davis a bouncing girl baby. Mrs. Matilda Goforth has been quite sick for the past few weeks. She is about 90 years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Payne and son, Arthur, and Miss Zil pha Randall and Mrs. Jonah Massy went to Pine Creek Sat urday to register. Miss Ethel Davis and nephew Buster Laws was seen on the streets of Barnard Saturday. Miss Bonnie Davis has spent the last few ' days with her brother, Moody Davis. Mr. J. P. Davis has been 'quite sick for the last few days. Miss Bonnie Davis is the proud owner of a nice birthday present. . $SJ?s, Jeter Harris and daugh ters,"Helen and Margie, visited Mrs. Matilda Goforth Saturday afternoon. From Bailey Branch Mrs. James, who has been ill so long, is reported to be worse at this wrjtmg. Mrs. Abitha Bradburn's little taojvHugh, ig getting along nice ly and will be home right away. Miss Ruby Wilson is spend ing a short time with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Caney Wil son. Miss Wilson graduated at the Asheville Normal this year and will attend summer school at tne Normal. Mr. Howell Swan, of Weaver ville, and family visited rela tives Sunday. Mr. Arthur Wise and family visited relatives Sunday. Catarrhal Deafness la often cauied by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect Hearing. Unless the Inflammation can be reduced, your bearing may be de stroyed forever. BALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Will do what wo claim for It rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused, hv vaiarrn. - Sold by all druggists for over 40 Tears. jr. j. uneney w xoieao. unio. JIinVORLD OVER IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS OF THII AND OTHER NATI0N8 FOR SEVEN DAV8 GIVEN THE' NEWS IF THE SOUTH What Is Taking Place In The South land Will Be Found In Brief Paragraphs Foreign Two steamships and eleven schoon ers, members of the liquor fleet which put Into Canadian ports after estab lishment of the United States coast guard blockade, have departed from Halifax and Lunenburg and are sail ing for St. Pierre and southern ports, Including Havana, Nassau and Ber muda. Sir William Fletcher Barrett, 81, scholar and scientist, died at London the other day. "In your comfortable hotel we for got that von Hlndenburg had been made president of Germany" this note on a Milan, Italy, hotel register lost William Jaenlcke, son-in-law of the late President Evert, his Job. Difference of opinion has 'developed tn the arms conference at Geneva over which am how many states must ratify the ' convention before It can become) effective. Fire destroyed the city hall in Que- mados de Quinea, about fifty miles from Havana. Sixteen men all of the crew of the motorship Wakena, which burned off Nanaimo, B. C, were picked up by the tug Bella and taken to Nanalmo. The Wakena's men escaped tn life boats. Queen Mail of Roumanla has Just completed a series of newspaper artl BrtJMtoi dry fleet aonverglng mo vein eat .upon liquor, lawjf ? violators up tne uuana rivers, ia plan ned by prohibition officials. The recommendation that the min imum specifications for a standard patch for compressed cotton bales should be 28 by 48 inches and weigh between two and two and one-half pounds was made by the tare commit tee of the American Cotton Shippers association. rt. w..fEa7Wa si t-' -r .-77! r tyS lake frontal m4 tkem r- w ' S, ..it". . t t'f&irtHsZ fife m L ESTATE FXCHfl BF r r 1 " r " WE BUY, SELL, AND EXCHANGE ALL KINDS OF REAL ESTATE "ANYWHERE" l! We handle property either at private or auction sale. Domestic Between eight and twelve men In automobiles besieged the town of Brook, Ind., home of George Ade, hu morist, blew open th.e vault of the State bank, and escaped with ap proximately 12,500. Clem Shaver, chairman of the Dem ocratic national committee, said at the Waldorf. In New York City, that he has no Intention of resigning his po sition at this time. First sessions of the board of In quiry appointed to ' investigate the sinking of the United States steamer Norman in the Mississippi river near Memphis on May 8, with a loss of 23 lives, has begun. Mining men are looking forward to the time when the coal bill of the United States will be reduced $500, 000,000 by the perfection of devloes for mining coal with machinery. One of the robbers who held up the Cottage Grove State bank at Des Molnes, Iowa, was killed and another wounded when pursuing Iowa officers engaged them in a gun fight at Ave nue City, a suburb of St. Joseph, Mo. The Terminal building, Toledo's (Ohto) largest-auditorium was recent ly damaged by a $200,000 fir. When you are in the market to buy, sell or exchange any kind of real estate, you will find it to your advan tage to write us, or come and see us and talk it over. If you write, give full information in first letter. MONEY TO LOAN: We negotiate first mortgage real estate loans. If you have money to put out in this way, you will find it to your advantage to give us a call, or if you have first class real estate, well located, and desire to borrow, we will negotiate the loan for you. NORTH CAROLINA REALTY CO. J. H. GROGG, Sec-Treas. Cl...ic Building DC A I rrna Phon" 2581-"2 78 Patten Avenue KJLAL 1 UK5 Asheville, N. C. AMERICANS CONTRIBUTE FOUR MILLION DOLLARS TO NEAR EAST RELIEF (BY MRS. J. P. CALDWELL) the the 'The extent to which chaned with bains- a oartr to an needs of the Orphans in alleged fraudulent ranch unit settling Near East has appealed to the scheme which was said to have net-j American heart is shown in a ted more than $200,000, ' Millard C. Report of the expenditures just Baker,' real estate dealer of Ne Or- made by the Near East Relief to leansT-bas been arrested tn that city the American Embassy at Con by postofffce inspectors and placed annf,nftr,i0 anva j R U,av dee, the first of which will be pub- undo a $3,000 bond to answer an to- statp Chairman nf ' thp Near l.shed in England and America with- . dlctment at Denver, Colo. &w vJJt h?. uuov xvviivi 111 a 1 vx is 11 vai viuia. she remarks in ono of the series that' boat known women stage directors of iwenty-iour million dOljars she does not care tor men too tame. ' the country, died at Los Angela re- were used is Armenia and other A stormy debate on Prance's Mo- following the birth of her aeo- large amounts in lurKey, byna rocco campaign, featured by Social-'ond and- Palestine, and Greece. Last 1st charges of Imperialism and de-' Clarence Darrow, Chicago lawyer, year more than a million Amer mands that peace negotiation's open stands ready to aid the defense of J. icans contributed four million at once, culminated in an extraordl- T. Scopes of Dayton. Tenn., who haa dollars to the work. An inter- narr demonstration of enthusiasm for bee Indicted on the charge of vto- estmg feature of the work is former Premier Herri ot of France. t latins, the Tennessee anti-evolution some of the accomplishments Of The first and only portrait of Ml- law. the orphan farmers at the Agri- chelangelo ever painted of himself has A uermite oreax in tne iresoyierian cultural School maintained by been discovered In the artist's great- Church In the United States of Amer- Near East Relief in Russian Ar est mural masterpiece, where it haa tea la Imminent, modernists In the menja They use American been hidden for centuries. denominations general aseemDiy to methods and are tauffht scien- sesslon n Columbus, Ohio, declare. ' t i fi c methods o f farming. els to the acre on their potato farm., Besides teaching them a vocation by which they can later support themselves, the food raised helps materially to feed the orphans. One of the main features of the work now consists in finding homes for the orphan children. Last year twelve thousand were thus placed. Time alone can tell the great work accomplished by helping these distressed children. I'hey are being taught useful trades and are learning Christ ian American ideals. No bet ter missionary money can be spent than in helping to thus train these bright, apt pupils. Owing to the scarcity of funds, the great effort has been to feed and clothe these chil dren,, but much other work has been done. The Americans ar the only people these folks can turn to for help and if these generous Americans will keep : up the workxor a little while longer, in the course of a very few of the Svetl Krai cathedral. nZIn-Theae orPhan bys have grown years all of them will be grad igaria, In which 160 persons T 'Ztt 't" as much as four hundred bush-uated and taken care of." Three of (he leaders In the recent bombing' were' killed, have been hanged They Chicago,, overpowered three employ were executed in a public square In ? f! '! . , jewelry eBtlmaaed at between fifty the presence of thousands of persons, fr ' . . . . .. ' thousand and one hundred thousand Ernest Berger, treasurer of the dollars In value. The quintette bound newspaper L'Actlon Francalse, Paris, the employees and practicaly cleaned fell a victim of a mad woman's bullet out the stock of diamonds. Intended for one of hie chiefs, Leon PolIowlnlr investigation Into al- Daudet, leader of the Royalist associ- aft ftmnn aIu1 ation and editor of L'AcUon Fran- PniiPn Lipntpnant William J. caise, or Charles Maurras, co-editor. T.hB ni i,fiartflnP.erH. Txinis r. Rus- The Bulgarian government has or- sell, federal dry agent, and Harry L. dered demobilization of the first Atchley, said to be a salesman, were three thousand men recently enlisted arrested on charges of conspiracy to with the permission of the allies to violate the prohibition act and extor meet the crisis arising from the coun- tlon in Rochester, N. Y. try's Internal problems. Demobiliaa- w B Warren and H. M. Richard tion of the remaining 10,000 extra gon charged-wlth using the malls to troops depends upon the allies' reply defraud a Memphis, Tenn., concern, to Bulgaria's request for permission to; have been ordered released from cus- retain them longer. This permission tojy by the federal court here for Is not expected to be forthcoming. iac 0f evidence. The men were ' charged with being involved In a con- Washington ' splracy to obtain sums of money on , . . . . nunnpii iiniiLM ill inn riaia ui ivko me snipping nas taxen a step to- " ... ICAtCAlfAlEAiEAiTAieAiEAiKAirAiKAiA..... ward weeding out obsolete vessels and The Elk Hills naval on reserves tayranwsnwznwatWaiWStlSlSlW, placing its fleet on a more compact were obtained by L. uoneny s fan-1 - - ; - basis, adopting a resolution recom-! American (Petroleum and Transport rUCK out the best grain and mended by its scrapping committee, company by fraud and conspiracy ana sdve 11 ior seed tnis iail. Dr. specifying that 200 designated ships ' must returned to the government R. Y. Winters, plant breeding I REDUCED PRICES On all kinds of 31 Hi Hi AND APPLIANCES Also Have One DELCO LIGHT PLANT At a Sacrifice ?190.00 installed. CITIZENS ELECTRIC COMPANY 3 Walnut St., Asheville, N. C. 'HOLDE AFJD TILSOU f FUNERAL-DIRECTORS - WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF CASKETS, A HEARiSE nd eir FUNEk all . ,r - ' r ' time " GENERAL EMCHANDISE .... r. -. . w. -'r'Tf'-'."',' -rV: v T T I DRY GOODS, SELZ SHOES STETSON AND VELOUR HATS .NOTIONS, GROCERIES V: H0LC0HIBE & TILSON tyidRs hill, Ni c should be advertised for sale as scrap, that is the decision handed down by agronomist at State College Tk- ,H,oi mnH jn.tioT, i Judge Paul J. McCormick at Los An- says there is alwavs a sparritv "" o.-"- jj . . fc n . - - naval oil leases called more witnesses KBleB- uluc,'"s v mi-. 01 Boa Pianting grain that the Doheny companies were not 9 from the Southwest. Henry L. Phil Hps, president of the Sinclair Crude Oil Purchasing syndicate of Tulsa, Okla., waa the first to be heard George D. Flory of the State National Bank of El Paso, Texas; A. D. Brown- field of Corizza, N, M., and J. W. Zev erly, coiinBel for Harry P. Sinclair, were ahiqng' othera called. 'O, VanSwerlngen of Cleveland, prima mover. la , the Nickel Plata con solidation project, placidly recounted before 4he .interstate commerce, com' mission the ' procedure bj which he and hui'-brother, buytn stocks, bor rowing. money winning v associates, had In' nine years, prepared ' them- elraa Id "lead the firat attempt to combjne trunk line railroads In east' arm ; territory, y ; Bert "H. Haner, Democrat, of Port- land,' Oregoa,: hma bean reappointed a member M the, shipping board by President CooJMga. i ; "iH- PropoSala "v of Park" and ; Tflford to sell -to the government at cost, the 1.800,000 gallons of old Overholt whis ky which the eoncern haa Just pur chased would be accepted if soma pro hibition officials had their way (be cause they believe that government dispensaries for medlciaal whisky would provide the beat method of control. ' , ' , X President CooUdge does not think the United SUtes should beeetaa a party to the present Haeassloa among European nations, directed toward aa gotlaUon of a saelDity pact , , Tom Tarheel says if a hen with yellow legs and a streak of yellow around her beak or vent is found at this time of the year, she very likely should each I be put in the pot for she isn't doing her duty as a layer. lawfully entitled to develop them. Lieut. Roland D. Hill, Jr., waa found guilty by a wurt-martial at Norfolk, Va., on tw6 charges and was acquit ted of another charge growing out pi the finding of liquor aboard the naval transport' Beaufort y Business interests of Kansas City, Mo., oppose the least of the-Alabama and Vlcksburg and Vlcksburg. Shrava port and. Pacific railroads by tha Illi nois Central syatem. One nundred; and.' thirty' person; eleven of ; them, women, wars Mad at Fairmont, W. Va, before Judge W. S. Meredith. One hundred ana .szz teen man war found guilty. of violat ing an Injunction which prohibited in timidation of employees' of tha JJaw England Puel and Transportation company and, were fined II and coata. Tha woman were iouna not guuiy,- - ' William W Edwards 46; motormaa; waa burned to death m Sight ot rea euers, another motonnan was serloua ry injured and almost ji score of pas sengers hurt when two tnterurban cars collided i Md i partly telescoped each other on a 15-foot, high tresUe near Louisville, Ky, the other night. The so - called oleomarg arise bill enacted by tha recant California legis lature, which provides for a tax of two cents per .pound "upon cotton need oO products, la addition to tha present license tea, baa bean signed y tha cOTsmor. ,-:.,.;.;. -i' 4 Vf. Lit., xi a- 1 ::' iww fa tut: time 10 ouy your r . . FERTIEiKERS - before the rush gets on. r If you delav buvinir vonr ; fertilizer, you may not get it at the' time you need it to iPiant your toDacco. xoulcnow that means money lost for you. We have the best fertilizer that money will buy, the . kind that will produce results. ' "t BUY FROM US AND BANK YOUR SAVINGS. s MARSHALL, N. C. ' Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in - T" i BOLTED MEAL . " . " ? Whole Wheat Flour,5 Bran Short, Cot ton Seed Meal, Coffee, Lard, Sugar, Flour, Hay, Grain Etc - We Grind For Your Cattle Your Corn, T Cob, Shocks end All. . i - X 1 F. E. FUEEMAN, M&narct. P 4 1 ! ' i

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