t he NEWS.Rtecoinp 4SttMM . ''';':-H!':- f ;.. ' . Arrrrn . page v?- t. V i' it v , - . . -4$???? - -ri nfnirni! fiiuuicnii BRING YOUR EGGS CHIX TOMATOES APPLES BEANS I. POTATOES BUTTER BEETS S. POTATOES MELONS CUCUMBERS CANTALOUPES ONIONS ETC., ETC.. on l:cleod STALKS HARKETIHG MODERN METHOD E88ENTIAU TO 8UCCE88, SAYS PALMBT v EXECUTIVE. TAR IIEEOTTE TO REDMOH GROCERY CO. MARSHALL, N. C. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID WALNUT ladies are Walnut Thp following young ia; vnpfit.ion in spending mc.i with their parents: Miss Bertie Fort ner, of Tusclum College; Miss Naomi Guthrie, of Weaver College; Miss Robbie Martin, of Asheville Norma ; Miss Queene Ballard, of Berea Col lege, Kentucky. Mrs. Tva Buckner, of Asheville, and Miss Christine Stanley, of Lynch burg. Va., spent the- week-end with Mrs. Buckner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J J. Drumheller. Miss Virginia McClure has been spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Roy Plemmons, at Hot Springs. She was accompanied home by Miss MayTlemming, who will be her guest for several days. Miss Bobbie Martin spent last week in Asheville visiting friends. Born to Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Sector a daughter, Bosie Lee. Mother and child .-are 'doing nicely. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Hyde, of Ohio, nt spending their waeation in Walnut riih melHtives. Jfa. Cad Ramuey, f Berea College, Ky, m spending summer with his oTtast Thursday the Preehyterian Sand? School enjoyed picnic at the Laurel Bwet- About 76 ttended They were .conveyed in cars and trucks- , , The young people enjoyeu ming, fishing, and wading, yhen at nix o'clock a delicious supper was served under the trees. They arrived at Walnut about 8 o' clock. Everyone had a good time. The Walnut High School will open Aug. 31st with a faculty pf twelve teachers. A list of the teachers will be eriven later. ' Miss Violet Chandler spent Tuesday nio-ht, with Miss Margaret Haynie. Miss Lula Chandler spent Sunday ith Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Chandler. Mrs. Minnie Davis and son, Haynes, l A -I ill ara snonriinp the wees in visiting friends. Tnm Tarheel savs one way to keep flies from troubling the home is to keep things cieanea up about the yard ana Darn. Klnston. Governor Thos. Q. Mc Leod. of South Carolina, was greeted by attendance of several hundred niM hmlness men of this sec tion when he addressed them at mu- crest on the subject "Economic Con ditions of Marketing. The Palmetto executive spoke rrom the standpoint of a practical former. and business man, declaring that ne knew a great deal more about a mule's reverse signal thin the average motor ist about his car. "The trouble with the farming industry today," declared Gov. McLeod. Is that farmers nave failed to apply modern methods in marketing their crops." It Is Just as essential,'' said he, "to sen the pro ducts of the farm Intelligently as for merchants to use up-to-date methods In their business. The dumping of an entire crop on the market within a short space of time was not the intelligent plan and tended to lessen the producer's chance of getting fair price," said he. 'Cooperative marketing on a spas modlc plan to relieve a present situa tion is not worth considering, said Gov. McLeod, "but when based on principles of ecomonic business Just as any other occupation would con sider a problem, then it Is worthy of consideration. "When considering today's problems it Is essential to view them in terms of today and not as the fathers. did hflfore the war. The fanners raise everything that men eat and wear, yet In the United States, the Tanners con stitute only about one-third of the population. "That is a big contract that it ful filled ought to be with proper enumer ation and with profit. The address was leea than aa hour In length and was Sited with spice and humor. Cood Teeth Mean Good Health DBS. ED. EVANS OWENS DENTISTS AefcevilU, N. a Over Imperial Theatre HJm Dentistry at R Price rVafffMATION Me FREE! COME TO SEE US ruc Hmmi I A. M. U P. no. OWENS WILL Bl IN MASS HILL . . al m . w - - - I I 3tk tl 1 DR. J. H. HUTCHINS DENTIST Citizens Bank Building MARSHALL, N. C. n ill Set Ready to Opefi Pad Court. Gnaaoebora. federal eoart at taches of the Wester North Oaro Hn federal district here are Breoar- tag' Cdr the panln of the faU ternvt' b um aisarm, cae orsc oj waica win tt it aHv am ana first UaaAmr la September, with Jade E. Tatea Webb to sreaue, Judge wens vlu come here the first Men day la Decembe to a term at coast for the trial of ! criminal case. Dee pit ardonaa work of the eaart ateoet ooestaat aeaslona, the nntaber of caaea, crfaatnal and alvfl. tocreaaes taster taeai utey eaa be cleared and ota Che North Carolina districts relief In the creation of a "Cen tral Most Carolina" district. In the opteloo af those conversant with the work of the court. It la eonaidered raetiealy eerteia that effort will be aade again at the next session of Congress for creation of such a die trlet, and with unanimous consent of the North Carolina delegation in Coo grass it could be secured. From BLUFF We are still having Sunday School every Sunday with a very good attend ance. Last Saturday and Sunday were our regular meeting days. Two very interesting sermons were delivered by a Hev. Mr. Goforth; who preached instead of our pastor. Rev. WUey Ted K. Russell and family and Miss Bonnie Miller attended ehureh t Liberty last Friday nigrn- Miss Maxie Weaver and Mr. Craig Bnesell, Miss Margaret Eussell and Mr. Ehie Mliler motored to Roaring Fork Saturday p. m., on a joy ride Mr. 3. A. Melton from Hartford, Tenn., visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A .E. Melton, Sunday. Mr. Ted Russell and family and Miss Bonnie Miller motored to Mar shall, N. C, last Saturday. Miss Maxie Weaver spent last Tuesday neflit'with her assistant teacher. Miss Laura Waddell. Mr. Dayton Meadows called on Miss Bonnie Miller Sunday afternoon Mrs. Fred Bryght and small son, Thomas, spent the past week-end at the home of Mr. W. M. Bryght of Hot. Springs, N. C. Miss Margaret Russell. Mr. Roten Ehhu." Miss Maxie Weaver and Mr Craig Russell went kodaking Sunday afternoon. Mr. Clarence Finley. Mrs. Charlie F'uder and Miss Jiae Finley visited relatives in Hot Springs last Sunday. Mr. Edd Plemmons is a regular called at Rev. C. L. Miller's home. Mr. G. V. Russell and son, Craig, motored , to Hot Snrinrt on a busi ness trio Saturday. Mint Clara Lusk spent Tuesday ! night with her cousin. Miss Margie Henderson. ' Huge Distillery is Seized. Thorn asvllle-J. U Randall, Federal imbibition aa-ent in company with Policeman C T. Younts, oi i nomas ville, Deputy John Moore and Taxi nriver S. A. Billings, of Lexington, captured a 300 gallon steam distillery three miles east of Fullers In Ran doloh couty. Also there were taken 200 rations of liquor. 14 feraenters, feet hlzh and feet square, me out fit was found 65 steps from a man's house whose name' is withheld for the nresent and ten steps from . another man's field where he had recently worked. The latter's name is also withheld. Mr. Randall says this was nn of the laraest and most perfectly equipped distilling plants that he has come up with in a long while. . .. ... '.:Sj-i. ...... h Killed. Ll Tolleys's Radiator Ct oneeu s RADIATORS rEASONABLB I I EU ABLE Lesponsiblk r Lt ECORDED 'EPAIRED ' . EBU1LT . - INSTALLING NEW CORES OUR SPECIALITY5 4 : J unnitt unnn. JAMS. WINSH1ELDS eV H .DENTS, rtnitRj, v-, , - - . .. . 4 : 1 TANKS. STRAIGHTENED AND REPAIRED . , S-J .jJ eVo MBILTMOREAVE. ASHEVILLE, N. C "OTHERS tRY WE SATISFY" it o eV Ll ; , aw O i e Sain Y.ryson nandnrionrilla. Sam T.- Bryson. former mayor of Hendersonvllle, was lint lnitaatlr killed ' W O. Ia Brooka. local barberX Brooks' l-r old eon. Murray, was with his father, and la belnc held also without tall on the charge of murder. Botk mea are of-nromment families and are well known. - ' " The ahootlna occurred ; near the Southern Railway BUtion. and a large crowd was leaving the sUtlon when Mrrtfid fcv fusillade of docen ot Aioae shots. Bnrson was hit' by sev eral Bullets, being instantly killed. Several man grabbed Brooks ana after a sharo BtruKKla. during erlhch ha snapped his revolver several timet, t was subdued ana taken in enstooy fcythepouca.H,: . sv---.,, rafee Arrest and Sues For ftSO OOo Salisbury Suit has been instituted fn Rowan Superior Court by i, W. Bostain' against F.. W. Wool worth Company, In and T. D. Dunning, manager - of Woolworth's Salisbury branch,' for damages In the sum ol ISO.000. The suit was an- outtrowtb of the arrest and imprisonment for a short time of tbe plaintiff last May 30. following charges ot theft of roods from lie local store. . The case was tried in Rowan Countj Miurt Jane 1 nc3 the rn-r n-.ta WU ' NEwt oVnorthcabounaX TOLD IN SHORT ' TARA GRAPHS FOR BWY PeOPLB l.iaaaittKM'tttt Ashevllle.-With pnly .77 W anlnch ot rain registered during . JV. Ah rllle experienced the driest July in !2 years last month. The normal local Drecipiiaxmia in 4 . ..-i. m infected Jaw caused by a mere pimple which grew: into a boll and was not given propi attention caused the aeain n Kale LiaBberger, age IB, son oi r. and Mrs. James Lineherger, oi New Bern. Caught In the unoerrow whn they ventured out too r the surf, two New Bern negroes. Oli ver MeCabe and Henry Reddlck, lost their lives at the coioreo Diaiua beach near Atlantic View oeaca across from Morehead City. Oastonla. O. M. Moss, agea uiung station keeper of West Dallas, was held up and robbed by a lone boy bandit' who threatened the vicums USe if the latter should make an oufc cry before the get-away. Burlington. Four members oi we family of A. M. Barnwell, whose home u three miles north of Cross Roads church, are taking the Pasteur treat ment the result of one of the cows on the farm having rabies. They had been drinking the cow's mux. mey are Mr. and Mrs. uarnweii, nis ou and daughter, wiiminirton. Klnir Haaken "VI, of Norway, has decorated Walter Small- bones of this city, with the star or the order of St. Oaf and has conferr ed upon him the rank of Knight of the Kingdom .of Norway. The knights of this order are selected by the king Oxford. Edward Hudgins, white, aged nine, of Reidsville, who was vis lting his uncle, Q. C. Saunders, In ox ford, was killed in aa auto wreck two miles from Oxford. Flonnle Hudgins, bis cousin, aged 16, was driving a coupe in which were eight persona. The boy. who was killed, was riding on the running board. Raleigh. Infestation of cotton nelds bv the boU weevil now averages much higher than at any time last year and is much heavier In southern and east m (vmnttes of the state, rrowinr pro areaalTely Uahter in' the western cot- . area.-Fraaklln . Sherman, or toe stata' division of eitoniology. ' ; Wmingto.--Cueonia reoeiptt In the office of the Collector of Customs at the port of Wilmington raachad aa qajrenedsBied figure of t7Ul.4 during Jaly, ahattertag all reoorfla for any previous month. . The Sgurea were nut hmh W.oot u weeaanu. CoUactor of Cnetoma. tprlnga. The faU Bla&ross' TtalaJng Ceevsa, condacted by the Pfeahrtertaa Orphans' Home, will open at Barium Springs Sept 1, with the targeat aorollmesu in 1U history. This special course u aaM aemi-an imailv. and Piwvldee tratnlaa for those deatiing positions as matrons, usually lasting ror tonr monina. OaatonU Allen Ballard, of Kings Mountain, waa reported as being In a critical condition with knife wounds from bis feet to his head which requir ed over 600 stitches and Charles Rey nolds, also of Kings Mountain, la In serious conditions as the result ot a cutting scrap and drunken brawl tot lowing a poker game. Boone At Deep Gap, on the "Da lei Boone trail," which leads from Wlnaton-Salem to the Tennessee Hue at ?lonvUle by way ot North Wilkes- boro and Boont, the county of Wa tauga has just dedicated a school of the group system, handling the child ren of several communities, by means 3t school trucks of the best type. Tarboro. Funeral services for Lew- la Pleasants,' Tarboro lad who was drowned in what la known as "Collins Hole," a point In Tar river above old Bells bridge; and at the first bend of the stream, were held from the home of the lad's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, . Pleasanta.,rp';?;?;:-- - ... -ti.: : Bessemer City. A haby hoy with two tront-eeeih was " born about X a month .ago to Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Capps.. : Dr. George. Patrick, the tarn. lly physician, voucnes ror tna verac ity ot the statement, wnen tae eona i ij waa a tew days old one ot the teeth a cut tl bebyt tongue, making it necea- sarr for the doctor to extract ft, leav- j ing tna otner one.(V. r ii ASQEVELLE'S LEADING STORE Where Quality ! Style and -Moderate Prices Meet. And Remember DENTON'S Are Just As Close To You As Your Telephone, Post Office, or Mail Box. rJ i: I r-l Ma The home acent of Samt)80n Hountv states that $11,000 ol new money came into the coun ty as a result of the recent car- lot shipments of poultry. From Lower Big Pine When our revival meeting ' closed we began a prayer meeting which is proving to be of great benefit to all, and especially the young converts. We have prayer meeting on Wednes- ay night, Saturday night, and Sunday afternoon. The meeting was held at Mr. W. H. Roberts' Sunday afternoon sc., his aged mother could be at the services. The, services were conduct ed bv Mr. Henderson, of Tennessee, who was visiting his daughter, Mrs. A. Worley. It was a very uplifting service. Mr. Henderson was in our Sunday School Sunday morning and made a very uplifting talk. Miss. Blanche Worley was the guest of Miss Myrtle Worley for lunch Sun day. . Mr, Tonnle Worley of Newport, Tenn., was visiting friends and rela tives hers Sunday. He spent the Bight with Mr. Henry Worley. Mr. Luther Worley of Runion was visiting his uncle, Fred Worley, Sunday. Mim Annie Mae Worlev snent Sun day night with Miss Blanch Worley. Miss Nina Hunter was the guest of Miss Texie Henderson Monday tugbt. Mr, and Mrs. Homer Worley were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kellie Worley Sunday night. . : Miss Nellie Worley from Dertolt Mich., is visiting friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Buckner from Big Pine were the guests of Mr. and Mr.s Joe Wdrley Saturday nigth. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Buckner and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wor ley were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ailer Worley Sunday. Mr. Reaean Worley. Mr. Tyson Worley, and Mr. Wesley Hunter were the afternoon callers of Mr. Henry Worley Sunday afternoon. Our school is nroaressing nicely with a daily attendance of about nine ty. . -.' .,- . , ; Renew Your Health by Purification Any physician will tell yon that Terfetst PurifiesAion 1 the Syg tea J ; Ngtnre'ii oundtJoii of yonrself' of ehronl ailmentf that are undennining your vitality f Thntttv vrnir entire srretam VV taa tia a. tfinmnirh aonraa of --once or twke a week foraeverai vreekg and tee bow Matore ro eanln won with health. . CatoUbf avrt the greUest of all syttem: inrmer. uei umuj package, containing fall - awe tions, price 85 eti.$ trial Pevskage, 10 eta. At any drag store. (Adv.X is carrying more high class features in connection with receiving the latest ? news - from . the ASSOCIATED ! a paper, there must be a reason. If the Observer knew the reason, no doubt you would be a reader. If vou are not a subscriber and will kindly fill in and - 1 rlin the i-nimnn holnw snd nAnrl tn the (Circulation De- f ' natmAnt 4-lna rS'RQWnVlT.P t WTlll BOIld VA11 f rAO 'RAmnlfi '.; , Ll copies of The NEW OBSERVER, or better still, fill in , v and mail the coupon with a small remittance and The M UUSHiKVCiK wii. pui you, on as a Buuscnuer. v"ZZf: i e have to pay for a year at one time, A shorter pendd I will be appreciated and will perhaps be more cottven- . : 'lent ''for you at this time! ".Send your remitttance for J any amount you wlsn. By an means, aon i; overjoon. ,Ai;n h fko rminnn filloH in nrf lt us etid vou 8am- pie copies and tell lis why you are not a reader of The OBSERVER. T : SUBSCRIPTION RAtES rBY MAIL V ' 1 mo. 8 mos. (5 mos. Daily and Sunday, 75c . $2.25 4.60 Daily without Sunday 65c' 1.7& .3.50 Sunday Only .:: 40c , ' . 1.00 . 1.75 ' 1 year. 9.00 7.00 3.50 LaT!lW a. rental nook svaftem wtn he. placed in operation in the ele mentary school i the rayattemie city schools this faU. In explaining this system, Supt, Harry Howell said that the rental plan win effect a con sldefahls saving to the ' parehu of school children, and that his plan Is to. lead up. eventually to free s text books, ti .?-.. '"':' . s " breenvllle. With the completion of M.d achool building and a-rrammar ichool hulldlng now in course of con struction, Greenvuie wm nave ronr ichool structures other than the East Carolina Teachers - College . and '- tht Model School, .the Utter being a part ot the college." Ahos.kie. The general coanty tn rate for Hertford this year Is 1.7tt oj the $100 property valuation. -, 'This if 34 cents higher than the 1924 rat. ht.( is made necessary oa account ot ,ih' xhaustlon of the half niflllon dollar bonds Issued three and a fcal! ysr & for road isonfimctia. . , . I -The Charlotte Observer,' ji Circulation Department, Charlotte, N. CaroUna. ; ; , ' ' Gentlemen: Enclosed find $ months subscription , r-- -T- for H OBSERVER. Send sample copies to y"n -: .:,.,..; My reason for not reading, The OBSERVER is J r I F Name Address i r m m a ' -a ncqmttex .mMaez--'-: .. - i'.

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