' , ' " ' 1 , ' " ' 'i, farmer . , "Tk i,n n The Burley Tobacco Bulletin THE. NEWS-RECORD fl9 OC BOTH A YEAR FOR pZZD - in riwvsivciai vs. r mm ci THE NEWS-RECORD BOTH A YEAR FOR THE NEWS-RECORD $2.00 PRICE A YEAR - j , THE QNLYk NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED. IN MADISON COUNTY yOL. XXI '-. : v:::V-: fe MARHXLLlaFRIDAY OCTOBER 21925 v ; ; 120o GAME UWS OF MADISON COUNTY FOR SEASON OF 1925-1926 v.-, Deer, Oct. 1-Feb. 1 ; quail V (bob-white, partridfire) Nov. 20 f aft. 5; ruffed grouse (pheas- ant;, xs.oy. xe-reb. 1; wild tur . A key, Nov. 15-Feb. 1 ; dove, Nov. 15-Feb. -1 , woodcock, Nov. . 1 Jan. 1; blackbellied kid golden plover, yellowlegs, Sept. 1-Dec. ,16; ducktreese, , Wilson shi'pe, 1 Nov. 1-Feb;l; squirrel, Sept. 15-Dec. 1 (except when de li atroying crops) foxeay anlaw ' lllito shoot or kiirexcent in cbaise (may be killed when do , ; Ing injury to fowls or farm' ani- ; mais). Hag limit: quail 10 a t-aay, 50 a season ; pheasant, ;?.grouse, wild turkeys, or doves, 4 25 . a - day.v Non-resident of county license to hunt or fish, tS Not required of nonresi ' tent or members of family when hunting or fishing on own land. Unlawful to. buy or sell oi more tnan .value received That is not the light in which use the term. Teachers here teach for half the salary, they oie uuereu eitsewnere ., coin students and teachers en'dure privations and inconveniences not felt at some other places They do these things not of nec essity but of choice and gladly Again the spirit of Martf Hu is the spirit of co-ot'dination However great it may be, we do not hold altogether to he iutili- tarian tneory oi eaucanon.. ua con was right when he said jof studies that they teach not their own use'- He leaned more to the .-"certain deliveries of a man's self" as the secret of "Fortune." Note this illustra tion; there is History and HIS TORY. The fact that Columbus pheasatalts or quail; unlawful discovered America in 1492 is a to ship squirrel, pheasants, - quail, or partridge, exept non ' sident shall be permitted to ; Vry or ship those he has kill ed. Unlawful to fish with seine -djf-g net, 'purse net or hauling , net of any description. Fish " leas than six inches must be put tAqck into the water. Written ' nrmission required to hunt. Jine Of front $15 to $50, or im- : pnsonment from 15 to 30 Ays, lor violation. - IpNAME BISDS: ,;( ) All wild birdr (except f-nht u blaokhfrctajac " -d.oWla protected throughout We 'year.'. Insectivorous and song birds, prTKtecxed indenniteiy unaer tne Federal Migratory Bird .Ijaw. . Robins are also protected at all seasons under .the State law in Buncombe, Franklin, Guilford, tiamax, neraora, xaaaison, Mecklenburg, Moore, Rocking ham. and Union counties. chronicled fact, useless and will always remain the same. That is History. The significance of the 1492 discovery in the light of present world civilization and leadership is quite another. matter. That is HISTORY. We consider all knowledge, utilitar ian or otherwise, related. Wa consider, too, all truth empiri cal or otherwise, part of a uni versa! whole. The teacher who has not the ability to lee hit field as a part of thil universal whole and properly relate the two .. lacks . something in vital preparation. Mara Hill', duty to i ftjUtf ty help ? yoa v eateh f a of the1 essentiar tinity of ail tJiowieage wittrtioa com pletvand' eternal pregram- f of Again tne sspinx or jaars; UNDERSTANDING Soma have to ask you if it hurts, and hurt you more by question ing Some seem to Yonder why you griew, and there's no comfort they can bring, i But soma there are who see your tears and move with gentle voice and hand ' ' To guide you safely through the dark, the pairt of it they under stand. (:'',..,. . t" , They never question if it hurts, the sting and shock of it they know, vThey .seem like travelers who have been .cross the way where you : must go; t - Theirs is a strength that you can trust, an understanding deep and troe, , . For in your darkest hour of need they know exactly what to do. ... Thole lfho have suffered take with then a sense of pain unto the etnd - 1y. They need not question if it hurts or ask "how shall we play the friend" ;. Knowing the need of spirits bruised and having braved such an guish through v .. They come into your troubled life and hold the torch of faith for you. 1 y interpreted.- To have the a bility to reconise truth truth wherever found and to in corporate it into life is our ideal for you and us. This is real greatness; this is real scholar ship. Too, it is a quest, and it is spiritual. -; But he who seeks must be free; therefore, the. spirit of Mars JSQII is the spirit of free dom. We believe in the free dom to search for truth and the ireeaoa to mpart to others the benefit of the truth thus found. We ' believe that all evidence ahoulef be considered ;" elae how can f-t tru vewict bdf given T Thui w 'itiQUtW deal n "prlh ciplerind on codes of fcg"- uiationsv 'K'r y':: GAME LAWS FREE Legislative Reference Librar ian H. M. London, of Raleigh, has recently compiled and pub lished a very useful synopsis it the game laws in the various counties. Local game laws : were amended or changed in 60 ' of the 100 counties of the state by the lastLegislature, so that v up to this time it has been al ,most impossible to know just what changes were made. The - poqklet can be obtained free on f application. SHE SPIRIT OF mil COLLEGE By P. L Elliott, Vice rreeiclent. suggests duty, and duty' signifies that which we ought to do. I confess that I am little con- I ' Aa address' delivered to the students Bear the opening of the session) t', ,It is hot for methis morpins to eulogise Mara'JJill "and h-r place in the sun: herbe U assured It becomes taydutr However, as well as my pleasure to speak to yoil' briefly about .the spirit of Mars Hill. You will expect me, no doubt, to speak to you in the conventional way ad monishing you tot be loyal to the institution to which the country owes so very much; but I shall disappoint you by. by not mak ing any attempt to do so; I sal thinking today mora of the spir it of Mars HU1 in its relation and obligation to you; and shall so think of it, throughout thia. aadresa. Cs'. ' h v ' pt rH i. My. ' subject is 'difficult ! The f'pirit of a thing ia' intangible, and -evasive and ' oftentimes complex " and hard tOM'tinder etand. Certainly; the spirit of xa ai e u.aa ia v v aoi v cf vviu and hard to understand, -just like every individual or institu. tion that is worth understand ing. f The spirit of Mara Hill is the : 'rit of sacriSce.-.ThBj; word ; t " j is unfortunate' In tv.at cerned about duty as such. am more concerned that we have that within our charact ers that persistently cries out for the best, that we act by love's compulsion and With no thought of duty. It progresses us little on our lone way to do things because they are right and not because we wanf I am thinking of what Ei j ton referred to as "a calling iu your character. To make' out of you a personality that .will nat urally respond to righteousness, and that will go out to encour age; to reprove, and, to lift up without and designs on being leader or an example is the dream and spirit of Mars Hill Again the spirit of Hi is the spirit of the quest. W do, not count ourselves to. ve attained, ' The . goal - which We seek is a progressive ureal: the perfection which we cvet is a progressive perfection Mars Hill makes no aoolojry for" the fact that she bows in worship ful recognition of the thrist of the New Testament; . We con aider Him the fullness of truth; f And we iConsidef our greatest pobligation"H9 weR ia -r cst privaiegevtfie poi-... J ; to'JUimDciaUyfin thirhc; f Uflcertaintj'and strife. ' Ho w-4AriviU fimmUS. L . otes to io"3 the fivlaj tlSle'l arrcncsusly. asi f aLs-W; :r ever regrettable it may be, we recognize the fact ' that the world ia torn ' with" strife, ; A spirit. almost" akin to mob spir it, exists here and there among our people; 4 gome ox them in an attempt to! rid ua of those whom they consider idanserous have useomethoas beneath the level of a gentleman,: to say nothing: of a Christiahidi ?The strife has been soJ intense thatlm Marshall. we have been accused of being afraid of the"truth: '- We have tirades and vitriolic attacks OnJ muiviauaia vana-" rasnraaonsi We do r ot need contentions de bate now, " but' demonstratfon. Mars Hill in this hour is con cerned to start you,: equipped with v selective abilitrV through this unavoidable maze in -search o-l.;-1 a t hif-r; T Be accfuire- ment -'of 1 this selective, .'-.prin ciple we consider fundamental For" there is not a bo-",'cxcept the Eible,. that ii hot a L.r.-rture tf truth.and crr:r;r I . t; i the institutions; there are no finer. Mars Hill cannot do. all the good; afro she will have her hands full to direct the youth of serious purpose and tireless efforts who are seeking to light their torches at the master Light. " The first concern of Mars Hill is for the advance ment of the Kingdom of God ; and the "Kingdom of God is within you." There the spirit of Mars Hill is that invisible in fluence here that tugs mightily at the hearts of the travelers who pause at this place for a brief time, bidding them press on over whatever may bo in the way up very close to the personality , o f Christ that breathes, through this institu tion. - COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT'S COLUMN cauea oy u. j. U1LJLAKD girls. Those present were: Misses Epps Haws, Ada" Whittington, Orla PJem- mons, MrotIemmons and Mr. Carson Lawson; Mr-and Mrs Warren Davis,' Mr. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey, Mr. and Mrs.' Hill; Miss Herrin, Misses Fond, Brown, Shaffer, etc. , COUNTY SCHOOL NEWS REVIVAL IN HOT SPRINGS The revival which has been in pro. gress at tW Methodist Church here since last Sunday a week ago, closed Wednesday night. The pastor, Rev. C. B. Newton,' has been assisted in this revival by Bev. C. E. Steadmon, of Spring. Creek The sermons have been strong, and- very interesting. MRS. ALICE CREASMAN DEAD spend about a month with her sisters, Mrs. John Gentry and Mrs. Charlie Smith,. Mr. fcr, B. Lance of Travares, Flori- spending some time with home folks. He electa to leave Friday. Mr.- soy Plemmons is filling the position at the camp, near Marshall. rormerly ailed by Mr. F. H, Waller aa enginew, since Mr. WeUar h been, transferred to Weaverville. Among those from Hot Sprines who have been attending court at Marshall this week, were Mr. Lon BrookSiiMrW,. T, PaTis- 'Mr. O. B. Dnckatt Mrs. B. M. Safford, Mft W. jar:: warren- uavis nas about re- coversd from .rattier ;, painful ex- patience ? Whle jam m train her eve I . . r.rkl Gmm. our aolleaiaan. W4l,a:WM HJWn sstisfakow 4-iervjei FROM BOT SPRINGS HAPPENINGS IN AND NEAR HOT SPRINGS The'foonation has been laid for concrete Moek store on the east side of Rosid 20, the owners being Messrs. -W.-H, sad Ira Plemmons. Mr. JEU- Hipps of the Spring Creek section 'Waa jfta Mot Springs Wednes- day on trashiias. Mrs. yt.Jfc JTIarwmrent o Aajja- rMrs,:Lind.. j, JMkf want to Ms..i.i.BaJto -M-LmtUma fa m enatvf1haBtryMons for one year." o , Mr Kd iOn.'7mk Xauca are es- pectingvte issraa Hot .'Springs in boat swfiasto to wiak their home M. nd ja.-Henry Starenson of ATon:Pai riav who nacve been visit-. in Mrs. K. J.JXaee toft-Monday for ner nrms,mpptag-iiTesvn nay or two U flaesMcaaaaMjba : Vjt J '. - ' , , 1 ' famfly f frport,' Tenni, spent last accomplished-.nothing by bur Isandaj wita .UrA. 3. nnioa and familyj 'Z t&tti Mrs Mndre4 Moore -ius accepted a position ta th store of Jlr.'J. B. Har- rison. ; ' ' ''v- -.- . ?-rSri iC,CA3dmdn; rf Marshall comes over iie abnt every, day on busmaas trips. .: ", .'.' v Editor H. XI BtOTjr of Marshall was in: Hot SwiEirs WednesdaT on buss- 9 - . aess, vv.v '""v 7 -': '.-"'v-v.; Mr. Ted ,inewinrwtnniv with Zlr. H. B. Xante the latter part .tf the wt i to i- ItTlariJa tla hma.T. ' cf thw sadsWYM m small piece of glasm wens Aanevuie uonaav 10 consult a specialist in regard to it. Boscoe Garrison, 'of Morganton, who was seriously injured in an uutoi mobile wreck near Hot Springs recent ly and taken to a hospital in Morgan- ton, is reported better. The new garage of Mr. W. T. Duckett, back of his filling station, is being operated by Mr. M. C. Cand ler and Mr. H. G. Candler. On last Wdnesday evening Misses Sallie Henderson, of Walnut, and Miss Bergen, of Hot Springs, took dinner with Mrs. Roy Plemons. nev. bteaaman ana XNewton are conducting i a revival in Hot Springs M. E. Church. Mr. Steadman has preached fine sermons. Our H. S.. is growing every day. We have more children than we have room. We like the way the school spirit is growing. Volley ball is the favorite sport with the H. S. boys and girls. Hot Springs boys played Walnut a close game Saturday, the score be ing 6-7 in favor of Walnut Mr. and Mrs. Moody Chandler, Miss Lula Chandler and Mr. R. H. Ma dura were in Hot Springs Sunday, Mrs. AKce Creasman died at her home about three miles from Hot Springs about 8:30 o'clock Monday, September 23, 1925, age 60 years. She had been ill since March, cancer being the cause of her death. The btidy was shipped Wednesday to Swannanoa for burial. Mrs. Creas man is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Florence Clark, of Hendersoh villa. Nv C.i end two sons, Mssrs. Oscar , and. Box." She also leaves two brothers, Mr. "George Creasman and Mrr Alfred C. Creasman, of Swanna noa, and one sister, Mrs. Josie The. -funeral,. service was from the church 1 near Swannanoa Wednesday aftMaoon at four o'clock. f RAMSEY i'ftXi&'WXIQUOltl mad a''ltaid"i4i train naasing ttrongh Vuesaay nignt. ne capmrea o gal lons' W'.lJfltiVr from one person,, but two .others who had 6 gallons each got away with tlieirs, as the train was moving' off when the offenders were discovered. '.U',t ' ' DOR1 LAND BELL SCHOOL OPENED THURSDAY OF ' -;.;-T. HIS WEEK NAMES OF FACULTY AND V 1 ENROLLMENT '-'The. Dorland Bell School opened TntJjlrpdyy; Oct. 1, for its usual, eight jlfjiliiton. About 81 girls and 479ys have enrolled. The faculty thisyear ia as follows: FACULTY OF DORLAND-BELL r - SCHOOL fThe First Group Teachers' Meeting Was held at Mars Hill on Saturday, Sept. 26th. The attendance at this meetine was practically 100 per cent. The chief topic discussed at this meeting was the subject of reading, , A number of teach ers had most excellent papers on various phases of the pub- ject. Pqtrfessor Rrf L. Moore made a very interesting discus sion On the "Wpfllrnpsnn in Reading as Revealed in Promo tions to the High School." This is the beginning of a series of group teachers' meet ings to be held througout the county, ,The subject that will be . emphasized at all these meetings will be that of read ing.. For, we find that the read ing of. pupils of our schools is not up to standard. Before a pupil can make the progress in any subject that it ought to make,, it must be able to com prehend what it reads. The next group meeting will be held at White Rock on Sat urday, Oct. 3rd. All the schools of Number Two and Number Ten Townships will be expected to attend this group meeting. An excellent program has been arranged. The other two group meetings will be held at Marsh all and Spring Creek next week. 3. . t DORLAND-BELL FACULTY ENTERTAINS At six O'clock n-last JVidy; v ing, -are Vnfcered thevtfew .spaeipm dining fflnnusopbean'ttf ally., daaoratad and gorgeoWy4ighted with fcaasBesk where we found sm U-ahapedL. table with place cards for forty. Wa all. oyed a bounteous . dinner' oi i tavr Xanndrrl'v Christin JUlWrwn(JBoyflstoa I AnaWE. Baek-WaakiiraK : V. 'EHi.Cl'Herrea (Willows Matron) Nuraew-Ainrta. J McGregor. OOck JsWTbrAanetU G. Schaier. th Hot Springs High r School,. honored guest Dr. Badley master.' . He told us their plaasz iar the coming year. .? ' v " .. Wa are hoping for better things! this year a Hot Springs. , Thwrwawh ers of. both schools are showing- a splendid spirit f cooperation. muL are very deeply interested .in th chtl4zan of nnr little town. ' 'A v ' .'Miss Herrin' told ns ef hei wwk with the boys at the Wfllown, Miss Hames,', Messrs. BrookK' and Davis made short talks on -school wrk and their plans for the year. Tfi pew arrangement or cuning nau'i ana kitchen' is going to- make it wry convenient ifer; th girls .and:, boyac We almost envy tbem tiieir ptaca for hot lunches lot the by aaot. girls- SupeWfiBnaeht Lindsay S. B. Had Lastasaa; tfnpt Mary W. Humphrey Teax&erft-Caroline B. Pond, Mary K. Ftlck'Harriet G. McCullough, Mary Croslajr,vLna G, Towns. Music-ljoUise' M. Hosmer. Oomesbi.jArts & Science Teacher EdittA. Honghton. Matrtms-iaslM. - Pollock (Dormi- "torxKv,-' VAmf.Av,Iaatherag (Dormitory & TheState Board of Health has justfbmpleted arrange hiehts !with the' County Bdard of , Healthr'for an exanunation of the' school children bf the eonty-by--a competent nana. auw iaeii uucnan,has already come and started her workShe" will visit every school inJ the county and give all the children of the county a thorough physi cal examination, with special emphasis being given to the eyes, tonsils, adenoids, and teeth. It is hoped that a clinic may be held in the county dur ing the early summer next year for the treatment of children thft need this medical atten tion, t i - I wish to urge upon the teach ers and the public in ereneral their most hearty cooperation with Miss Buchan in-her work. No more important duty de volves upon the teacher than that she look after the health interests of her children. There are hundreds of children in the county who are handicapped in their work because they are suffering with bad teeth, ton sils or adenoids. With the proper encouragement and ad vice from the teachers most of these may be corrected and the child's whole future life changed. The Western District Meet ing of the North Carolina Edu cation Association will be held in Asheville this year oh Oct. 16th and 17th. Plans are re courses. Miss Epps Baws principal of fFarfav Manaajef i Raymond W. Hilt SflJint Giads t Bldgs. Hnbert .y-JUsnora, -'Hortp (Dormitory k Jng.jrl-igTiattend4nc . of the meeting, vjwe are ex1- pwtin;w;100-pewent:i enroU,' ment of our teachers in the As- sociation. No teacher jeaxt af ford not t6 join thia Aasocia-' 5 tion. and stay in the profession." -For this association . has done more to promote school interest and secure better opportunities for the teachers than any other organization in the state. ISrSTEaiGIRL MARRIED Mk&iSX-JCnik of Lafcea; tar "'annc-inhe marriage ,of their' daughter,.- Elsla-' Mae,: tejMr.SBaph Meadows . "or; Wast Ash viU which. i;sol42....izeQ.on.- Wednesday ay Ren Lv. W, Colsan. pastor ef the Balm Gww-.irBihokt church. After- iheH eereoony-,- 1U: and Mrs.. S. A.; Mead ows;, gave a--wadding supper -nt the home at thi vgroom,, Waynevfll Aveasm -west- Ashsvllle. Covers wera.l&ii fa-'n IS friends of (ha cojn- ple.M.'sait IZrt.- Meadowa wSl be ati homatb .their- friends after .Oct- jwty can's yon have aometnU.njobr at-waodHa. . ' - that -for out boys and girlst Following tl's dcUcioas dimterr hsd 'daJt1,--"r", sntertaintrtj-musfcal pregriim, ,tT7. t "1. went hoc ;: w.osldL i - f.r esr l:r r " is ' 'A. Caa and a. Cjr few into-, a fine; ri f said the flri It,si'y,'v ,r j-- i.s . ,-. ;'.. k - , ..... ,': - We -wishlto urire; upon the i !. th teachers the necessity of ." keeping , up their attendance at ' thia time.. Usually at this aea; ,t son of the year there comes slump in attendance due large- ' ly to the fact that school work : . has become hard and the noveU ty of the thing has, worn off." Others seem to think that they, must stop to work.- If all teach. . ers.-will make epecial efforts to : , keep these children, 1 . school I -. feel sure that the attend aace , . : can ba'f wonderfully. Improved. -We should remember that our Schools t.re for ell the ch;!ir:r Cast so they, flew thru :n r c t: J nnnn rd tmt

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