VOURfH PAGE ,T H . N -E W S RECORD Marahall, N. C, Oct. 80, 192, young people get younger. There will be some mysterious things happening Saturday, perhaps, ho watch your gate posts and things like that. From INMAN, S. C. We are having some very a THE NEWS-RECORD H. L. STORY, Editor & Publisher Entered as second class mail mat ter at the postoitice at Marshall, N. C, under act of March 3, 187'J. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: ONE YEAH - $2.00 SIX MONTHS -- 1.00 THREE MONTHS .50 blustery weather now, with THREE YEAKS (m advance) b.OU jrreat deal of rain. SINGLE COPIES .05 There were thirty baptized at Many (ordered before pressday) .04 he I n m a n Mill Bap- list church Sunday. They have .a nice church there Mr. Alfred Grooms returned from the mountains bringing with him his mother and sister Mr. W. R. Lamb had for his puests at dinner Sunday. Mr Alfred Graves and two daugh ters, Getrude and Annie of this t)lace Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Fox and their two sons, Johnnie and Charles, Jr., also Mr. and Mrs. Billie Fox of Del Rio, Tenn., re visiting his brother. We are having a fine school at Inman. The high school has ibout twenty good teachers. IFriends please send news to the News-Record, as I love to IT SURELY WILL: Be sure your hear from old Madison, in will find you out. Numbers 32:23. Best wishes to the News VERILY, verily I say unto you, He Record and its subscribers. that believeth on me hath everlasting life John 6:47. HON. LUNSFORD ENTER TAINS AT CULLOWHEE STATE NORMAL. WA1VTI7IV every person who has never had a bank account to have UNDER YOUR NAME ON THE LABEL the line tell you when your subscription expires. If the paper does not stop when your time is out a lc postal card or letter addressed to MR. H. L. STORY, Marshall, N. C, will stop it. If he does not hear from you, he will think you wish th paper continued and that you are willing to pay for it at the rate of 50c every three months. BIBLE THOUGHT THE THANKS GIVING SEASON Not many days are left now YOU" one with this institution. -THE- eed not have a large amount ONE DOLLAR will start you off. was also accompanied by Mr. H- Kfilfififfifi -f-4!fW Kfi R. W. Gordon, a representative 31 jof Harvard faculty. Mr. Gor- don is on leave from that msti- Si tution in the interest in collect- iner and studying folklore and 2fl folksongs in sections of the South. He has become very much interested in the won derful opportunity in Western North Carolina in getting a dis tinct contribution of native pro ductions of literature. The School was pleased to have these distinguished men and educators as guests during their visit to Cullowhee, and a hearty invitation was extended BANK IITCJT step into the bank any time and make known that you wish to JUfcjl open an account, and we will do the rest THAT'S ALL THERE'S TO IT. FOR mulated through a bank account. YOU will be glad to have you begin your banking with us. to them by President Hunter, 1 ! which was accepted, to return in the near future in the interest , of searching out and promoting 1 the folksongs in this section, Mr. Lunsford is a native of Madison County. TH17 thousands and thousands of dollars that have been saved, accu- WE CAPITAL & SURPLUS v $ 80,000.00 RESOURCES ... more than $600,000.00 E R. TWEED, President. J. C. TILSON, Vice President A. W. WHITEHURST, Cashier W. R. ELLERSON, Vice President W. T. DAVIS, Cashier She "I heard someone yell! A "fowl." Where are the feath-'JS ersr f He "Oh, this game is be-lie tween two picked teams." Ex-i oJ change. Subscribe to THE NEWS-RECORD Cullowhee, October 29th. The Cullowhee State Normal until a nationally regarded hoi enjoyed the delightful enter iday will arrive; namely ainer, Hon Bascom Lamar . . ... unsford of Asheville, in ha Thanksgiving Lay, Kept Dy our .Songs of Appaiachia", givea forefathers as a time for feast- Tuesday evening, October 27th ine .d ttatagivin a,dhoot.udmk Mr. Lord. This season of thanks- bringing together a rare eol giving has been handed down lection of folk songs of North ... .. Carolina, which he is able fee from generation to generation, hig audieBCefl with pleM and is still reverenced by the ing and significant interpreta- J.T TT- 1 u : J Li- V , skill as an entertainer with the our forefathers went out and 8piendid idea of stimulating a killed all kinds of game for this deeper appreciation for the na- rr, . tive folklore in verse and sonf. occasion. Today there may Thug hi0 projrrams not only eB not be as much wild game, per- tertain but offer real education haps, but we can at least con- al value as well. ... . His strong approval by the tinue to give thanks unto the audience wa8 shown by the con- Lerd. tinued applause throughout the In the minds of the people as Program and the several en cores cajled for and given after a whole, Thanksgiving is usu he had announced his last num ally linked with Christmas ber. A show of hands indica , rpu i ted that many of the senior During the time from Thanks members of the audienCe had giving until Christmas or New heard quite a number of the W ? PPear " ? wlht deif ter feeling and good w i 1 they heard again such numbers toward one another. This is as Cumberland Gap, Drinking ,. , ,Wine, The Weeping Willow, the most joyous time of the and o'therg The entertainer year. Men feel more pros je'so introduced several readings perous at this season. keeping with the spirit of the hour, which were blended in Let us all feast and have a happily with his banjo selec good time a t Thanksgiving lions. m 4- 5. u., -1 Q ol moon. iu "ituuiaKB a kicoicx nitci- LUly k3 UUb lllgvb IHV x v-ea iuvw ing of this holiday: To thanks to God. SHIP YOUR PRODUCE by HER est in folk ballads, Mr. Luns- MOTOR EXPRESS QUICK DIRECT SERVICE daily bo ween ASHEVILLE and HOT SPRINGS. C. A. REDMON, Proprietor. A student brought h i s mother to the university and was showing her about. The dear old lady was anxious to make her boy think that she UMdersrtoed everything. "Over there, mother," said the gn"are our wonderful po lo folds' "Ah," srffkl the eld lady, what is there fhat is nicer than Kieldf of wHran polo 7" lowa THE BANK THAT SERVICE BUILT There is a tale of the duffer who took six swipes at his ball on the tee and then remarked to his opponent: "I'll bet you theught I was trying to hit it." "Well, yes, I did," admitted his opponent. "Alas," moaned the duffer, as he bent to his task again. "You were right." American Golfer. Christian. LOST & WANT ADS. i words or lass Z5 for on wser 75c for four weeks. Additional word 1 cent word a week CASH First. HIGHEST HIDE PRICES and good weight. Express your hides to Athens Hide Co., Ath ens, Ga. Fourteen years square dealing in hides wool tallow and beeswax. &tpd PROSPERITY THROUGH OUT SOUTH IN SPITE O F LONG THE AUTO LUNCH adjoining Heaslersoa Metor Co., has changed management. .. Good things lo eat, sanitary conditions and prompt service is the Watchword. When hungry or thirsty call them. give ford briefly outlined a contest for the collection of original folk songs, which promises to create quite a bit of interest a- mong the students. He has of fered a five dollar prize to the one who will collect the best DROUGHT Daa(l and send it in to mm wunin me next two weens. Despite the long, dry season jt is believed that such efforts recently undergone by people will result in bringing together; ;rcrcrr.l hftune many valuable ballads which' vv A tniuuBIu, otherwise will probably never have turned out much better find way into print. Vian ovnortarl psnpfifillv the U V WANTED A Hired Girl vork. to Mr. Lunsford was introduced - Vw TTrn Marvin niiinnp nf . . . . . i ' iirn milih nfwxra " L.wv,.., ... Asnevnie wno at one time at-: are very much encouraged over tended the Cullowhee Norma!.! the returns from the corn. Mr. Glance in his remarks ex- For particulars, see C. B. MASHEURN. lit. Dressed his delieht at the ranid This only goes to show that it is changes and remarkable devel- found On the first day of October, not worth while to growl and opments wnicn nave taiten piace at ounownee since ne was grumble about the seasons. Generally crops are better than expected. Now that the Thanksgiving season is here, crops turned out better than hoped for, hogs being killed, etc., the people as a whole feel much encouraged and prosper ous once mere. a student here. Mr. Lunsford Good Teeth Mean Good Health DRS. ED. EVANS OWENS DENTISTS A.heTilla, N. C. 6 North West Pack Square Over Gilmer's Bakery 1925, the undersigned found a Ford Roadster. Owner may have same by pioving a title, paying the garage bill, the cost of this ad., and for the time and trouble of the undersigned. Tl.is the 24th day of Oct., 1925. McKINLEY REDMON. A man walking along a coun try road found an Irishman Derchsd upon a sign-pest which pdttted north, with the inscrip tion, This will talte yon to Mal vern. "What are yon p there tor?" asked the man. "Faith." said the other, "I've tee sittin' here for two hours, and I'm wondering what time t starts." The New Guide. THIS SPACE GOULD BE USED BY 3 v ni.s-i. : : : : 1 t" r -.. . . - Tenderfoot "I don't see how a watch can keep accurate time." First Class "Why not?" TenderfooHr "Well, time flies, but a watch only runs." Boy's Life. HAVE YOUR PICTURES MADE PROMPT SERVICE PRICES REASONABLE The very best of workmanshi, FRISBY STUDIO JUDGMENT a HALLOWE'EN Modern Dentistry at Reasonable Price EXAMINATION FREE! COME TO SEE US. Office Hoars: 8 A. M. U 8 P. M. DR. OWENS WILL BE IN MARS HILL Well, Saturday night is the every Saturday . time for spooks and ghosts, - ' ;. black cats and things hke that. ACTI Dental Gold, Plat This is one of the times" when? vAollfaium, saver. Diamod, . .. " . peoplketaTlarprksand? That IS, th Cash y return muM. I IFOR SALE A one-horse wag cn. newlv nainted and is in crood repair. Double box, spring seat, and springs tinder box. Price moderate. W. K. MORRIS MftrsbalL N. C, R. F. D. No. 5. t.r. get young again. Hobt.XCs, ttUk.- OR SALE To be sold at Court HoImo doer in Marshall, Nor. 14, 1925, at 12 o'clock, for 1924 tax. 800 POUNDS' TOBACCO MRS. A! M; WHITE; Tax Co is based on experience. We have examined the eyes ot thousands of people, have made every combination of glasses, fitted all sorts, sizes and shapes of noses. It is our pleasure to refer you to any of our patrons We shall be equally glad to number you among them. See us today and see better from now on. Charles H. Honeys OPTOMETRIST Eye Strain Specialist 54 Pat Ave. Opp. Postoffice ASHEVILLE, N. C. to let our readers know what they have to sell. To do so would benefit them and enable us to give our readers a better paper. Why trouble customers to run around from store to store and ask whether or not you have cer tain articles of merchandise? They should know you have them because they saw them advertised in the News-Record. Our readers would also help the paper by tell ing the merchants they saw certain articles ad vertised in the News-Record. Giving the Dairy.Coya Square Deal Newt Bureau of Antmaf Husbandry tuff mm PURE MILK If yon drink milk, why not drink the best?' It coats no mors. Yon and your children are not safe nnless yon know that yon ere vising pars milk, tar vflk is gnarantssd to be pure, fresh and fres from any adulteration. Sweat milk Cream, Buttermilk, Soar . aiBk aad Bottor appUoatioa. . . REID1 BROTHERS it. l . k il.osV'S.i.' IV. A tame on s KiwiMfciMy coductd sWJwm diiry fi ttadcil aubla. keptupaarir I SiiV There are now 2S,t7S,0M dairy catUe In the United States. Of tnese, says a reoent report, onljr about one-half are oared for la a manner to enable them to return a xair prawt to oislr owners. Many a mHlc cow has beeoi -ao-.eused of being a "boarder" when the owner badfonly nknself to blame. UnllVs htman besan, dajry oows never shirk mtenUoaallr, aad frequent tests reveal that mmingly unimportant detail mjthe oar of milk oows have tartlifif ofleots aa any or yeur mux aerp: ewesnee ron beiieva them to bo anprodtotl-eJjBl In the queetlonatre below Cor ySur own satlsmctlon. If yon eaa write xes as an answer to as er the questions, It Is safe to assume that. If your oews are not illtBsssed. they are gettlna- a sqnaao deal aod taere fore ousht to repar yea faoreoaly. Are jro feedtas; then a propers balanced raUooT --r. If n-Var B tJ r sjafta WTM aawes a properly tileaOnt raaoav -Wvfik eewa, c-a aa touoa wkraar eaOaV f t M wl pap yea to aotlbav dally during the montBs Ton keep the milk cowa kiT aean stables and geod Tntila tlon are essential if the sow is to give full returns. Clean gutters, eleaa bedding and lots, at para air are knaertant.. Has your milk herd aooasa to all the fresh water they will drinkr If not. give it to them. Water la eheap, and they will repay you with more and better milk, h Do yoo keep the oows atetiij VBth adhering to flank and! ndaees takes saoaey Hakt ont of rear pocket. Imparities are ab sorbed into the syatam. bat manna more feed or leas nnac. IfOk from a maaare oared . cow Is tmclean and, on a strict InterpretaUon ajratnet the law. la inet a few mln. ntes, yea eaa Sip the oddBra, flanka aad smoarllnes of the sows. Thera. aftar,.it Is early a matter ef seoonda S5 tU "H foreign mau daarp tioth. Parmera aaaatryaseatwhetoiiowthkipahe. ttos aay K namasas mitt flow and! vae ataa. iM tao sow la' 4 aaara anrnfartaale aad,- 7 old rAeople- get young, tnd. the" ftliii.,.fisi ree .aj-mp; year mm a Are Oat awart ;i4. eft 1

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