Marshall, N. C, Oct. 80, 1926 Tflfr NEWS'- R t CORD MARSHALL NEWS PERSONAL and OTHERWISE Happenings In and Marshall Near Miss Velmn Eastman and Miss Roberts were in Asheville last Saturday. Dr. Oscar Sams, President of Car son-Newman College, stopped in Mar shall for a few hours last Sunday. Dr. Sams was en route for Asheville. Mr. P. V. Buckner, of Sandy Mush, was in Marshall Monday on business, Mrs. Clara Ramsey is to leave Wed nesday for Arizona to spend the win ter with her son, Mr. Jack Ramsey. Mr. Will B. Ramsey, who is in school at Burnsville, N. C, spent the week-end in Marshall. Miss Iola McHone and Miss Evelyn Hinkle spent the week-end in Black Mountain as the guests of Mr. and Judge Wells is attending court this week. Mr. Thos. S. Rollins, of Asheville, is attending court here this week. Mr. J. C. Redmon is sick this week with a severe cold. Mr. Grover Redmon leaves Thurs day for Old Fort, N. C, to attend the Log Rolling Association I Mr. Ralph Litterell, of Ivy, was in town Wednesday, Mrs. A. J. DeMotts, of New Or 'leans, La., has been very sick at her home, but she writes her mother, Mrs. A. E. Davis, that she is slowly improving. The members of the senior class of Marshall High School have received their class rings, of which they are very proud. The rings are really very beautiful. Mr. Grant Deal who is working in Asheville, was in town Sunday. Miss Ammons, teacher in Marshall High School, spent the week-end at her home in Mars Hill. Miss Mae Davis went to Asheville Monday. Mr. E. J. Sawyer of R. F. D. No. FIFTH PAGff Miss Anna Kate Ramsey, who is in f was a visitor at tne mws-Kecord oi- 'tifia I 11 oadair Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Baley went to Asheville Tuesday. Mr. L. F. Smith of Morristown, Term., spent the week-end with Miss Mae Davis. Mr. James Redmon of near Mar shall, who was seriously injured ia a car wreck a few weeks ago, was in town Wednesday. His many friends tore glad to see him out again. Mr. Sam Freeborn of Walnut was in town Wednesday, Rev. H. L. Smith is confined to his bed with lumbago. Mr. jonaa Henderson or near Walnut, was ia town Wednesday "ScCiool at Asheville, spent the week end visiting friends and relatives in Marshall, Mr. C. M. Hinkle was in Elizabeth- ton, Tennessee, last week. Miss Gage Morrow, who is in school at Mars Hill, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mor W. A. SAMS Physician and Surgeon Office Front Room Over Citizen Bank. HEALTH ATD PHYSICAL CULTURE is much purer than in the day. Afer a hard day of work or play, the body and mind mus have complete relaxation anaf .u- "I want some collars for my husband," said the woman. "but I am afraid I have forgot- TAXI SERVICE ! Emerson Telephone 59 Good Cars, Careful Drivers AND THE PRICE IS RIGHT You Drive It cars by the Hour or Mile. If I give you satisfaction, tell your friends LISENBEE BROS at Lisenbee'e Jewelry Shop rest. This is obtained through sleep, and when one does not give his body and mind the res! required, he will pay dearly for .) this, in ruined health. When tne body receives no rest, it 'The first waalth is health." grows weak, many of the im portant organs do not function and the entire constitution is (By GLENN W. N The most important and valu- gradually weakened and is an able passession of man is good asy prey tor disease. health; without this, even Nature has provided this though we may have many 'plan as a means of restoring sources oi nappiness, pleasure strength and vitality lost in nd entertainment; even though each day's living, and when one ;we may oe wealthy to the ex-lollows it, a stronger, health .tent that, we nre able 'tn have ipr hnrlu or A on i. tent that we are able to have ler body and an alert, clear any necessity or luxury that we mind are the results Jimmv is t.Virpo vonra nlH anA desire, life is nothing morei The most interesting. very fond of telling his dreams than a state of dreary exist" of the most beneficial features at the breakfast-table. One ence.ln the wor.ld f un-.of the "Good Health Program" morning his father, thinking to ' appines8' su,fferine and mi8ervj 13 outdoor exercises. Exercise apply an intelligence test, said, Wltl,are "0t possesors of good,cabe taen W ways "But Jimmy, I don't believe you .heSj&, v ?Uch a walkm' dancing, boat- i v jl j . y With the exception of those ing and games such as baseball, know What a dream IS. 'sufferinsr from, nr handiranneH IWhall KQaV0fKn ri Jimmy's answer came quick by teome nermanent illness or all snorts, swimmino' o and sure : Yes, I do. It s deformity, there are no sens-beneficial, as it brings into play moving-piciures wnne you re a- lDie reasons, whatever, why ev- every muscle in the body. Ev- Thirteen and a half. ma'am?" suggested the shop assistant. "That's it. How did you know?" "Men who let their wives buv their collars for them are al ways about that size, ma'am," explained the observant sales man. Ex. JUNIOR RED GROSS AIDS PEACE BY BIG GROWTH Gains 142,000 Members in Year in Schools Throughout United States. Congregational- Mrs. Cole, Miss Rice and Miss Geor gia Gwsltney, of Asheville, spent Sun day in Marshall visiting Irteaos ana relatives. Mr. sad Mrs. H. L. Smith are plan ning to mOTe into the new parsonage this week. u- r.nJlaT nf Hot Snrinm was a visitor at the News-Record offleefWBiaess. Monday. Mr. Thomas Marler, of R. F. D. No. 1, was in Marshall Monday, seHto Droduce. Mr. R. B. Payne, tat West Asaevffls, spent the week-end ratting friemds and relatives in aaJ near Marshall. Mr. Chapel Wallia of Revere was in Marshall Monday. Mrs. H. LWenbes Is visiting her parents, Mr. aad Mrs. Tsaisss Marler of R. P. D. No. 1. Mr. R. B. Parma erf TTest Aahevflls spent the week-end visitinc frlsads and relatives ia and aear Marshall. Mr. Chapsl Waffia 'of Rsvsar was in Marshall Monday. Revolt 8. vYoodawa sad Hev. MaT- lls Rics ef near Karshall were in towa Monday. Mr. J. T. Byrd -was ia AsKevttU sn business Friday. The brick building -now being erect ed on Main St, Try Mr. Z. V. Fish er and Sons is sow Bearing com pletion, i Miss Gags Me now returned to Mars Hill Suaday afteroeon, having spent the week-end in Marshall. Ske was accompanied 1y Miss Marguerite Raines. Miss May Wrley and Miss Ada Silver were visitors at the News Record office Monday. Mr. Wendell Smihsy, s student of Mars Hill, was in Marshall Sunday. He was accompanied by his father and mother.. The "Owl Club" of Marshall has purchased a new basketball. Mr. Lankford Story motored to Mars Hill Sunday afternoon. SCHOOLHOUSE BURNS Jni l i. . L u sopoouiouss oa upper aw Creek burned to the ground Tuesday, aecordlagi to reports received at th News-Record ofice. The ire aogat. is the attic or loft of the hsildiag frost a defective chimney and the up per past of the building was a mass of flames the are was aieoover- ed. All ef the pupils were gettea ent of the building ia safety but we derstaad that practically aoae ef the school furaiture was saved. The building was aot owned by Mat county or district, but, according to rsaoits, it was the property of the Missionary Baptist Church of that community. We trust that tha children who hsve beea dervied of a school ran attend nearby schools or be transported to Marshall High School. From CANTO We sure are having plenty of rain here and some very cool days too. Mr. and Mrs. John .Gentry of Hot Springs spent Sunday with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Iyde Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Kosey Boone and little daughter, Luis .Fran ces, of Woodfin spent Sunday with Mrs. Boone's parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Ed Robeson. Mr T? T Mmrnw nf 'Waf On account of the rain and badAghe Wednesday aft- weather Sunday the Singing Conven tion was not as successful as many expected it to be. Miss Lillie Marler of Asheville spent tiji week-end with friends and rela tives in and near Marshall. Mr. T. C. Caldwell of Asheville spent the week-end in Marshall, visit ing fn'eaids and relatives ernoon with home folks Miss Savannah Brown was vis iting Misses Ollie and Bonnie Wells Sunday afternoon. Mr. Lyde Wells had a corn husking Saturday in spite of the rain. Mr. Rosco Reeves is a Sun- There were many people in Marsh-day caller at Miss Lassie ist. IN eryone snoum not nave good eryone should know hnw tn health. It is only when the swim, not only for the sake of 'aiTYinm firm a wa At ri oTnro oro tha vMr:.. 1 x . i " r-i ....w " " '-"" cAcitise, uui BO as 10 rje not kept, that we must suffer prepared to give assistance in tne consequences by tempo- emergencies, in case of drown rary or permanent illness, or ing, and other water accidents pernaps, death. I which occur very often in the Conisdering its importance 'summer. esDeciallv about, lak e ucououuiijr, gugu iremui 10 BWlIIiming POOIS. etC CARE OF CN VALMwBNT There are many other good exercises that give Tery bene ficial results, and almost all are faejistaess J ssss ema The aspest. Bjmega wea ea the iwaa is eaosier. a ceswwtM eWHaa si. 1 shH h. m&m "I V5PwV-re n .- wm aM essswiw mmr 'wht sMfea-iihe taste Mre&et he sees f? PWtB ; eeaAeases mm eesswswHa at satat the cheapest thins in the world. One does not have to be wealthy to have, or, enjoy a strong pnysique. mere is on-good if not carried too far. ly one price for this, which alljSuch forms of exercise as lonir races, football and profession al baseball are in almost every classes of people moat pay, and that is a strict corporation with, and a close obedience of the unless instance, too ntrenona. laws of Nature, and when this those taking part have strong is a fact, tho results are oodlconstitutions and are in good neaitn ana nappiness. .condition, physically. The contrffoutiar factors ofi In Dlayinir cam an nr ta lrin cr 1 1 HI. e . ' " " : irwu flesuai rs pure iooa, exercise, one ahou d h vrv ' A. 71 1L M M 1 - 4ure waier, pieniy oi iresn air, :careiul not to play until ex w. outdoor exercise and plenty oi hausted, but rest when it is wwim w sasvu. a Aon IT TlAAAl nl A. in naiaaaainr ik. J ttMi mm mm mhm 'to I vaV wW a vvu. uut auu. suuueaij cooling z 10 nrii rii n slum jnf-'-;h''' the most important. Athletics should have just as no prs;uous we can ia:e wiu much consideration in scnools keep us in good health if the as any other feature, not only iuou we eat auu me water Decasse of the benefits derived onnir. ior tne upxeep ana.jiour- physically, but bcause of the isnmenx oi our DOdies are not added interest of the pupils in pure in every sense of the word, their work. I In the country where people Here is what Theodore Roos- oDtain tne greater part Of their erelt said about school athJet food fresh every day, direct ks: "I believe with all my from the fields and gardens in heart in athletics, in sport, and which they are grown, or from have always done as much a supply stored up. for future thereof as my limited capacity use, the danger of impurity and and my numerous duties would uncleaoliness are not as great permit : I believe hi them nt the ae in city where vegetables, only because of the amusement is a trui na otrier Iooa supplies, and pleasure they bring, but be- m mmt. smsv Kept an stocx in stores are, in cause I think thev are uaufnl " ww mum. mm ae.eaaes sagsc. seta many instances, exposed to In nlmnsf ouorv .),nni onA mm mp ef seahieslsh aJlr aai dust ,flies, and worst of all, the collecre in America, atlili,.. handling received from the pub- are among the most popular iiu, m ie uiteii jsauiereu sev- and important features. sNi fer the hmriM Ma ike ml reai JS eiore Demlf piacea jad habits such as the using . ytutMic. 01 tobacco, alcoholic drinks. . M.1 . ' j &o far as pure water is con- etc., are the greatest enemies LeosMMrry iraa. cerned, obtaining water in this to crood health And n at SC Tt4 condition is a very simple mat- constitution that one could men- 00, wur- t tmam. i jkn r, especially in towns ana cit- tion. Tobacco has become a nit ies where a pure water supply greater menace in the United Put n lagreSleata ta a Uawo trnlt IS maintained IOr ttte PeOPle. States than almnct " csin aas in the country the watpr A sew high level tn peaee membership of the Amerteaa J Red Cress reeerded tor UK ttsv ranks nwnberiac S,7M,A Ssbool gtrl ad hee--a tain of This mkjue aad powerful ebildresra ergaalsatlea staeted ss a war meaav ure, bat teaay le ene of the greatest tnflseaees ler peaee ever known. Am meseaemg aaeatetpation tn local Bra gram of , sei slee has featured tbetr year's grewth. K is Indicated that U s gveaeer aegree than ever pupils tm the sehooh are yertormmg rndivieV oal aad eeHeetfve acts of service ta at true Bed Cress spirit. The seeeess et the J union swimming program, launched last year throaeh eo-epesattos ef the life-6eving Serwr lee ef the Hed 0ss, has led te a to' tevanaiatimi te make it a regular teav imrm ef beth these branches. As eetoeaadtag teatuve of Ute" himtrnm' weafc tblfe year was to ear Uetpsttea for the ftret time of a Junior ' Med Oem werher tn the disaster re Ref epesMfeas hkHowtae ttvc tucaaoVv hi IQjfWun. KSsmels. and feW.tttiiav sheeA'ls seamy saore fortuaauip local Met aWeatagied s seen iaeeroat tn seadssf St-ye saW soehe for lh ne of Mas ihWea is Is the rMaser area JSSMar m4 Cress rergrHmThm In seMfed eon see been extended ri mwlr to native iUas!ran sshssls whese saaaj Bakiino ehiitlren Jaaier week. In iiAdsdoD. tstnaHsnai evtrespeDaeuoi be . s eh pals Is ftrovlag atorc am! papular American school are esMependlag with these in thtr Igr-BBer sitaaWttoi. Tm saaseMML M slnaa siirsttOrT hat haesaweeheehv 3reg MwsatfwshJp AppeJ fas Red, Cross Disaster Ei vss "What If d:sjf: ter aaeaal vUlt tur eity?" the leading sitfcisne af many onimun'.lies ohe Bastes States have adoptod tha SEbat. inotte te Be Prtpjred.- ttopressod By a fpequency arncf tfie? wide rauee of peace lisie c.-tamit!os in thak seuntry, they hare ui'gauizedi their sommualtla with the thorough-: aaas whlsb normal coudlvicaa pernrit,. ajatasl tha poRsiblll'.y of ;i tmi whenr Shr wtU bt- ci' chance for thought isthiwIaK are saehtes'ef eeeSw mm- wmmm sas reiefS aSC ash mm Ai Jlnw- haf nrt hoinor all the first of this wek attending court. Professor S. J. - Peek, a former teacher of Marshall High School, was a visitor in town Saturday. Miss May Worley, who is teacning at Skyland, near Marshall, spent the week-end in Marshall. Miss Othalia Silver and Mr. Grant McDarris, teachers at Mt. Nets, were in town Sunday. Mr. George L. McKinney returned Sunday from Florida. Mrs. Bessie Safford, of Hot Spriars, was visiting Mr. and lira. R. S. Sain sey Mcfnday sf this week. Mr. 3. N. White spent the week-end In Morristown. Tenn., where he is taking treatment under a specialist Mr. Jack Rumbough, of Tennessee, was in town this week on business. Dont Wait Until Coli Weatker To BUY YOUR COAL Let as fill wear bin aow , and have st rwtdy B. N: RAMSEY. Brawn's home. The many friends of Mr. Ed ward Brown are anxious to know why he didn't go u-p Fall Branch Sunday? Miss Annie Mae Morrow spent the day with Mrs. Lyde Wells Saturday and reported a good time Mr. Dow Morrow had a corn husking Monday night. A large crowd was present. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Brown visited friends at Leicester Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. G. H. Boyd and Mr. Gar rnon Robeson are helping Mr, Jess Robeson shred corn this week. Chirm. cnerry Jiflu may the lagraafcm-ry. any one in thing that can be mentioned. , juim may b Iced Oecea. 3 tsp. 00 co a 8 tfrp. rugrnr cup water Pinch sait cup evaporated mlJk dlhited with M eup water tsp. vanilla Mix cocoa and susrar thoreiiBhljr and add the Vt cup. water aad boll over a low flame for 1 minirUs. Soeld the tftluted milk and add cocoa eyrup and saK. Continue cooking for 15 minutes rn deuble boiler. Add vaallla. Otflll and. serve with chipped Ice Top with whipped cream. '3imm Witme. airs m imm iff -HaaaiiSJatfVB, krittMSim JOHN H. McELROY : I Attorney-at-Law 1 I Marshall, N. C. ! NOW LOCATBD IN TEX OLD j ' Oiwan AKD.MeCLMlT .i' i IS Even the- 'finest construction sometimes fails to withstand nre. -Only certain protec tion against financial loss is sound insurance. Be pre pared. This agency represents the Hart ford Fire Insurance Company an institution that has been servinj- property . owners': faithfully since 1810. k ,' ,. -tf .... ; , MARSH ALL ; insurance;; . ; iv AGENCY, CU lUJCpa T(M, Ugr. - " Willie L 1 1 CI L I. till ui: ill L 11 L1U1 ma iuiui,tD m fui c, ij. uuiaiu- jls use nv men. nnvs nnn cvon t..t..d of ed from a spring or well which a large percentage of women is protected in every way from leads almost every form of in outside seepage or other dan- jcaigence in its rernicious effect gers xnat wouia aiiect tne Alcoholic c;ri;ik.s are another purity of the water, however in dangerous encmv of good many instances, one can see in health. Since prohibition of tVli 'nnntnr uralla o-nrl onrinf c ..11 7 .i i . . . ..v. r...o anu oi an aiconouc (iimKs, bcn-' without any protection what- either used or so' l in -rruvic " ever, except perhaps a few a improve-;: wit is i;i CV boards, stone or anything pro- dence in our couniry. Prohi- v.. ... c uiuuii, tne xotn amnument to way to prevent anything from the Constitution nf th Tlnit getting in the water. Such States, is in my opinion, one of protection as this, is worsep the . best national laws ever .than none at all. passed for the good of the A- If water ib not absolutely merlin nonnio Tha I pure, it should be boiled before sicke- ing and disgusting thing a snort' funny tale." being used. It is my belief I can think of is to hear some.! This having been repeated in ,that almost every case of such one who claims to hp a trim r0 icnrus by the children, the ,j , ., ., 1 : j r i . . ' uiises aa tyuuiu lever ana tnotic citizen of his country, ar tuberculosis can be traced to an gue and attempt to convince his liuput e iooa ana water supply, fellow citizens that prohibition ii every prcaution is taken in is not a good law. regard to the cleanliness and The care of the teeth is purity of food and water, side- rerv imnnrrnnr nnW t.ito.m e j: il. ... . ' ' -- -"J ox.vuiu in iium uiaeases ui tne mies- De cleaned as often as twice tinal organs and in many cases, 'daily. A visit to a competent j other diseases will be very rare., dentist should b made twice a f icou sur ia anomer very 1m- year and if necessary, oftener portant feature of the "Good Hem Health rrogram. and is verv rules. rnnioH tr-nm o i-onf ueueuuai, especially wniie one or fnysical Culture magazine . i a slaaTM'n A a JT lXl a.- i j a . P ' om8. 6"nu wiinB co eauea ty JBernarr McFadden, do is to open all the windows the great Physical Culture and in a beareom before retiring health authority: and allow them to remato open' "Exercise is necessary for e- uuncrci vac D11VU1U UmUlaUUO. , be careful not to sleep direotbr "Eeennprn nf minri in a araft. wfth a sfmrtcr hnv " It Is verysmTsteriouajwhr'v MMasrn - 4. ' neonle Who ar H1Hne Ka mm-m i 1 j- ' he law. .f Wfth 'tovrr. CwTitssJsm CTtt " li .... 1 , 1 11 The teacher was explaining the-meaning of some new words to her class of youngsters. anecaote, saia sne, is teacher continued: "And now I want you to write a sentence containing the word 'anecdote.' " This was one of the sentences presented for her considera tion: "A rabbit has four legs and. o(ne anecdote' Australian ASHEVILLE. NORTH CAROLIIIA "Tae Laaa ml Ike aty- SPASTANSURS, S. a "Tk Nek SNy el tke Urnmrnt' Oat m aie kMatl ta the bcert cfmmn J r einni iue lichen fkfc i turn werSL Mil are li.wi. te . - Beeaaiejtaav- Btn,. v Vt ioa u eej aad IMalWrtnl Otftm Wets, eaia "HHl c- ; it1 peliy t O vto aj twqsijy tm Jtapji." n a ah nn t m

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