SIXTH PAGE : BRING YOUK EGGS CHIX TOMATOES APPLES BEANS I. POTATOES BUTTER o 8 j BEETS S. POTATOES MELONS CUCUMBERS CANTALOUPES ONIONS ETC., ETC. O STATE RANKS HIGH AS MONEY EARNER THE NEWS-RECORD DOINGS IN THE TAR HEEL STATE X o ill u no or M II U s- m COMPANY MARSHALL, N. C. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PA!D HUNTERS, SAVE WOODS! THE With the autumn hunting season getting under way in the Northeast and in the South the Forest Service.United States issues an appeal to all sports men to guard against forest fires. 1 . nX-v "rtt which 80 ais, a given uuimi. mv firp, orp started. rnrplossiipss bv their members. Other clubs and organizations are following suit. In fact, the time is rapidly onnrnonVlinir when hunters ev erywhere will seek the woods ,;! full knowledge of forest fire conditions, and these hunt- v.o r;n hp nf invaluable as- efanpo in nrotectine: the coun trv's forests rather than being dis, - , fnr0rf firps are caused eacn oii w Vmntprs. These tires m'inv firps are started. The Federal Government era- inese u " V ,rHranH ;t lv destroy valuable tim- pioyes iu ' - r " " fu 'upttpr forms of ookouts to protect a,.. ber but also the better torms o rpt. Most States like game animals, ana ne. -; ; -wardens and defeat the plans ot tne nunieis; - - nnwfirs themselves. . 1 Hunters should take warning Those whose duty it is to gua; protect the forest lands from Jre '!n0dodbse t h e y should erase usuallyapprehensive oT the fall ; -ood eTpfi :enacen theS mcnbnave;to forest fires traceab.e to hunt, learned that hunters are. era community en measures to prevent this lands. 31 H ifi Hi i ifi EXtLEDtD BY 14 IN WEATH PRO DUCTION; BY CO IN ACCUMULATION. "A Ca m of the union "Only the col and iih! IC23." ;l pI'OlllK'f"- a I Milks h:.:h BllOl! rar. 'i ly : tri .; and conn CeH, T."J :lS Raleigh jf wealth, North among tho statoj ri. H. Ilobhs, Jr. 4 stilt' s rank neaU OI us .. ..(I value of basir proilm's .'rial outpul for tho your 1 ,);' ii'ii'v-i. "(Mir posit n a'i r of pride to ev. iv State. The !.;tat"S ; '. I of it-1 ovo t h. ir rank in r r M".-r'':r u: !n anil in.'. lopne nt and to their population. Our wee n m ,.u,.ivly from two so. r- , farms and factories. annual production of several Stat inriri 'v ai I .ritmtahle to oil and tnin which some day will bo exhausted. Our farms and factories will continue to produce long after the mines have become exhausted. "The total wealth produced by farms, factories, forests, and mines in North Carolina wag more than a billion and a half dollars for the ytar 1923, distributed as follows: Produced by industries $951,811,000, by agriculture $513,400,444, by forests $38,061,00 and extracted from mines $10,006,000. Thus nearly 97 per cent of the total waa produced by farms and factories, both of which are fairly well distrubt ed over the State." "However, in the accumulation of wealth on a total basis North Caro lina ranks 21st and is surpassed by only two states in the South, Texai and Virginia." I NEWS OF NORTH CAROLINA Z iulu I rsi ai-iursi GRAPHS FOR BUSY PEOPLE DR. J. H. HUTCHINS DENTIST Citizens Bank Building MARSHALL, N. C. Farmville. The Kannvllle market still stands high in toba.eo averages. The average last week was cents. Lenoir. Lrnolr is to hae a new furniture plant. The plant of the .,,, i i ,,,w oomiianv Is to be OI.Ulluiu Marshall, N. C. Oct. 30, 1925 1 x ! r a ALLOW US TO REPLACE THE WINDOWS IN YOUR AUTO Quickly Done - - - - Costs but Little NEW TOPS OLD TOPS MADE NEW RL'X WINTER ENCLOSURES For all Automobiles ASHEVILLE HARNESS CO. 33 Biltmore Avenue - - -&- - - 42 South Lexington Avenue Asheville, N. C. t t ,.v,,,,,',.,l tmo a furniture p. int to man ufae.ure a line of medium pneed ease jjyjyjlglj Hal.-'Bh - Wake county's road bond i . ., i,i I'mv SI :kH".0llO. the fust road From REVERE (Left out last week) poll and i snrh manil uile ever 10 ! .fiiv ni-os.-uted. carried Mil or.- . 1 - . through the county. 2 7" j out y , .,,., R nozier, I We had fine Sunday School prominent Vanm-r uui'wuieiy known and fine meeting Sunday We 'ttizen of Nash county, died at his were glad to have Rev. N. II. homo near Nashville, according to ad- riffin With US. rices received here. I Mrs. Clark Wallin and her Wendell The Wendell tobacco mar- daughter, Juda Wallin, visited ket opened in lively fashion here and her mother near Walnut Gap this week bids to surpass all others Sunday. this season both in number of pounds We had some rainy weather sold and prices brought. ilast week but we hope it will Kinston. More than 85,000,000 be better this coming week, pounds of tobacco will have been sold j jyi jS8 Grade Norton spent Sat here before the closing of the Inde- urday night with Phlenia Wal pendent market early in 19J6, Ernest jjn Webb, official statistician, estimated. Mr and Mrg Roosevelt High Point-To relieve AsneDoro. Frankiin spent Saturday night large crowd with her father and --mother, Wallin. There were a Saturday night. The Revere singing class did some good singing up at the Decoration in the Cove Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wallin were in town Saturday. v We were glad to have MrfT Pressley with us at Sunday School and meeting Sunday. Mrs. Minnie Wallin took din ner Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Emily Ray. Everybody is getting busy gathering in their corn at Re vere. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Jonsell ate dinner with Mrs. Nina Stan ton Sunday. Mr. Joe Cantrell was the guest of Mrs. Nina Stanton Sun day afternoon. Best wishes to News-Record JES JEST as famous J Soph 0. would be years old!' were he alive today More "Sure! Why, he at least three hundred ' Boy's Life. Traffic Cop "Hey there, flvintr on! What's the matter with "Weil, 1 came uv. D , colors, anyhow," remarked a painter, 1 ruck-driver - I m " who had just fallen off the scaffolding out my e.,B...c with a pot of paint in each hand. come you?" thanks; Passenger (fumbling through pock ets.) "I'm afraid I've lost my tick et.' "What do you mean couldn't lose a ticket Conductor, lost it? You a yard long!" Passenger. "I lost a bass drum once." Columbus Ledger. In a state of considerable excite ment the circus manager rushed up to Sam, the colored canvasman. "We need a little help, Sam," he cried. "Four lions have escapd from Cage Five." "'Scaped?" ejaculated Sam. "Hoi dis hammer, boss. Dat's jes' zackly whot Ah's gwine to do !" Ex. "Ye. Shakespeare was a great man. but I wonder whether he'd be How Doctors Treat Colds and the Flu To break up a cold overnight or to cut vhort an attack of grippe, in fluenza, sore tiuroat or tonsillitis, phy sicians and druggists are now recom mending Calotabs, the purified and refined calomel compound tablet that gives you the effects of calomel and salts combined, without the unpleas ant effects of either. . One or two Calotabs at bea-uma with a swallow of water, that's alL No salts, no nausea nor the slightest interference with your eating, work or pleasure. Next morning your cold has vanished, your system Is thor oughly purified and you are feeling fine with a hearty appetite for break fast Eat what you please no dsn- Get a family package, containing fun directions, only 85 cents. At any drugstore. : Salary and Wage Body Stands Pat. The Salary and Wage Commission met to hear appeals from State em ployees and steod pat on its published report, which goes Into effect on No vember 1. The commissions stood up against ussaults from without and within and while a few appeals go over roi fur ther consideration, none was allowed and the bulk of theui rejected. At its forenoon session, the com mission Issued a statement which In dicated that it had receded from fts .osition in regard to legal holiday! In view of a ruling by the Attorney General to the effect that the commis sion's action in reducing the number ol k-gal holidays from twelve to six was without authority of law. However in the afternon the lost ground was regained by the commis rion which tentatively pased a rule re ducing vacations from twelve to sis days, except for those departments which play the commislon's way in re gard to holidays, the provision beins that every holiday observed above slJ being counted against the twelve day vacation period. The departments had previously allowed vacations of from two weeks to thirty days, the amount of vacation given by the federal gov ernment. No change was made in tha limitation of ten days for absences on account of sickness or in the system under which all absences of any sort are charged against "petty leave," which is limited to two days a year. ahnrtasfi resulting uuiu prolonged drought, High Point wui Mr &nd Mj.g R R Walllin. supply that town wt n p " ' v nf 1 Mr.Eurin Ramsey went to loo ooo gallons of water daily, city Asneville Monday on business. flcials decided. M- Mrmn Wallin annr Fri. Ramseur. W. A. Craven, aged , oi , - -r - - y the Moffitt mill sectlon-of Hanaoipn ua "i wvuom wiu iw.o. waTkille'd2 on' Ws farm when"! S ! of dynamite under a stump Charlotte. Contract for erection oi the 20 story First National Bank build ing was let to the Hunkin Conkey Con struction Company, of Cleveland. Ohio. The bid was for $1,000,000. New Bern. Two Onslow county clt laens called for jury duty at Jpekson vtlTe were lined $25 each for drinking m. t hv .Tnrtze M. V Barn iuh "i nwv. j - - hill to be a direct affront to the court , Littleton. Hartwell Alston, whe lives near here, has 20 living children. . In the lot are four sets of twins, these pairs born consecutively. "Baftre fS also one set of triplets. Mr. Al , ston's age is 50 years. j Durham. A. W Allison, who has1 held a position as detective with the , Durham police department for quite a , while, was dismissed from the j I01IOW j AUTO RADIATORS, FENDERS, BODIES & MUFFLERS REPAIRED I rARftf TNA R A TH A TOR AN11 t FENDER CO. Walnut St., Between Broadway anH a. Market Street From FOSTER (Left out last week) new built plans were Tolleyt's Radiator & Sheet Metal Works RADIATORS R "REASONABLE ELIABLE ESPONSIBLE ECORDED REPAIRED EBUILT INSTALLING NEW CORES OUR SPECIAUTY v . - DENTS, FENDERS, BODIES, HOODS, JAMS, W1NSHIELDS. ; V. TANKS STRAIGHTENED AND REPAIRED Ss .' PW-. ?U)7 65-67 BiItmJr. Ave, V;'A5HEVILLE.'k. C. ..11 "QTHEES TRY WE SATISFY 41 ' ' i u: Oeoiion on Pullman Charges. The decision of the Interstate Com merce commission to re establish the Pullman surcharge In North Carolina "1b In line with its general polley ol making passeger rates conform In all the states.' Corporation Commission er A. J. Maxwell made this statemenl when informed of the decision render ed at Washington. The matter had beea before the com mission for about two yare, said Mr, Maxwell. A hoards was held on t ,g aubject some time ago at wliicn ticw the North Carolina corporation com mission requested the federal body to consider tho North Carolina ca along with its investigation in the feasib ility f abolishing the snrchargt throughout the country. The commission anally decided again the abolition nationally ot tha surcharge, said Sir. Maxwell, adding that he believed Wert Virginia and North Carolina vera the onjy state in vhloh Mm surcharge wu not et-(eeUre. Sunday School at Mt. Pleasant. We are sorry that we were dis appointed Saturday night. There were some out for preaching but the preacher didn't come. We were ex pecting Rev. Everett Sprinkle to hold a revival meeting for us at Mt. Pleasant. Mrs. Kate Price, Carra Hipps were visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Davis Sunday afternoon. Mr. Dolph Hipps was visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Freeman Sunday. Mr. Jack Joyce was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Plem-mons. Rest wishes to the News- Record and all of its readers. bv the city manager, ing a hrutla attack which he made up Wg havj gome cof on two Chapel Hill youths weather here now. Winston Snlem.-By request of coun 9 Fender is at he sel tor the defense, trail of Max Bamet Mr. Isom 1 enaer lb at ne and son Jake, charged with burning point of death, -heir .to're building and stock, at King We have organized a prayer 10th being heavily insured, was con meeting service. The revival tinued until the spring term of stokea has closed. We realize that it's mperior court. a great help to the young con- Tarboro. -The committee appointed verts, by the Baptist congregation to consider Everybody is busy at this plans for the new tsapusi cuu. piace gathering corn and get Baptist church in this city this ting ready for winter 10 ilie tuugicftfti adopted by that which will be fall submitted plans to the congrega-, M Rnvan Weeks and Mr tion and they were adopted by that F,emon Lewig were the callers body , t irt'at Mr. S. P. Fender Sunday aft- Greensboro Warrant against Judge av w Yates Webb, of the western erl?90n;Tr. , TT , -i. tt Sort! clrollna Federal district court Mr. Winifred Hoyl visits Mr. Il cSrge of speeding his automo- W. Z. Proffitt's every Sunday bile has been issued at the office ol evening. o w. Duke, local magistrate, it waa Mr. Garrison Bnggs and Mr. learned, but it has not been served. Bratchet Pack hauled some Mrs. Ruth Carpen wood for the school today. Mr. K. K. smitn, witn ms saw mill crew, is waiting for the money to mend up his tools. Best wishes to News-Kecora. Good Read Meet. Qorernor McLean is expected in the near foUre to name the delegates (rem North Carolina to the next an nual good roads yenventioa and ex position of the American Road Dand er's association, to be held in Chicaga, January 11 to IB, inotasire. : Special Courts For Two Counties. Governor McLean called special two weeks' term of- criminal court for Henderson county,' to begin November 18. Judge W. F.1 Harding was named to preside. ' 1 ? , ; . - Thjs lerm of court, wWen !Ws eaU - a ml tfcrf rennestk of Jndee .Harding, tfcj olleftdf, and members .pt ther fn inaft COUBiy, wui uo ueiij laiumu " two-weeks? term of civil court which A special two1 -weeks term of lvil court for McDowell county, to begin November. 18, ws also called. ter, aged 103 year, Deneveu io u: been the oldest resident of this city, died at at her home on Buxton street, for the past 17 years Mrs. Carpenter had been a resrSent of this city. Washington. Gold crosses of the su preme counccll of Scottish Rite Free masonry, one ot its rarest honors, were awarded to R. B. Simpson, ol Charlotte, N. C, and Charles S. Lohin ger, now of the department of Jutlce. flalisburyv-The 'possum season 1 on and numbers of hunting parties are out every night after the grinning' critters, but there Is no one in thei county that enjoys a genuine 'possum i.... mnio than Rev. C. P. Fisher, oil rfcV Grove. He has been engaging i in this sport many years and boasts of several of the finest 'possum dogs to ie tound anywhere. Rutherford ton. Mr. Wilson, who. lives sear Harris, was gathering corn. a . 1m fwttit rt film fukl ana saw m Brus vi , lng rnsUed, He stepped up to see what It was and Urge alligator four feet ! loag was staring him in the face with Its nwuth open. Ho oaptured it with nolo and has it in a box. It was on Floyd's creek in the bottom. Mr. Wil son i yusled ts where tha tistor hafled from. preeaville. The Rev. James W'. Cook, rector of St. Pauls Episcopal church ot this city, Is in receipt of a telegram from Washington advising him of his election to the high honor of Knight Commander of the Court of Honor by the supreme council of Sccot Osh Rite Masons, S3rd degree. ., ' ' Raleigh. A grade prisoners, a select, score . from the. Caledonia .'farm, left here for.dgrjcombe coutity whert they are to Vork forpe Sparliq c,om rnv in the construction' of culverts for the state highway commission, and In which camp system of honor and ..AMmn will Ka nmniAvad lUfBIUIUVAl . From TRUST (Left out last week) Pete "Why is a thin pig like a close haircut?" Bill "Dunno. Why?" Pete "Well, the haricut is a close shave." Bill "And the thin pig?" Pete "Oh I that's a narrow queak !" Boys' Life. "Jones referred to me as an old fool. I don't think that sort of thing 'right; do you?" "No. Why, you can't be much over We are having a very gooctforty." Tid-Bits. ifi mm PliTKP ASHEVULE'S LEADING STORE Where Quality Style and Moderate Prices Meet. And Remember DENTON'S Are Just As Close To You As Tour Telephone, Post Office, or Mail Box. f at 1 Izzizi