j. ' 4' ' 1 I" If ' , ' 1 J.y OA' I UiOllALL WJIVtO; ,'ew daya Vfsltinar friends 4i,feLinfhevlle after Novera i,, " , relatives on Walnut Creek. 7 Pmt; fU AsheyilW Monday. . ; , . ' J ONAL and OTHERWISE ppeninga ; In and Marshall Near ra. Irma Ledford had quite t: T mm I tmm i &1 A Iflll iffft afca- MW n lhv.Hi ' ' n Ma of Walriut were in AaViowilloli' .'.' ' t Saturday. Physician ''arid Surgeon Xhe Singing School whitfhjhas Office Front Room fWr been conducted bv Meisl rroniKoom Uver Chapel and Jeter Wallin "at the w callers at the French Free Will Baptist church for ou xxvopiwu aa cany nsner ine past ten nights, closed Sat uiuuu wuuiu perinii. vn . uraav nicnt. nesdav of last week Mrs I Mima P.nn. tt.,,,, tri , - . 1 niro Ui UVt ;ne ionowmg: Mrs. Lan T. Springs was in Marshall Satur. ifw, . A 4-1 txri-j i . me, iTiio. AiLiiur vvmie- aay aiternoon. TAXI SERVICE Da& Cow Efficient FJ Prowler f jjOf r . " - ;:; .c, ;. -, ' back frdhi "FIFTJt.fXGB jst, Drs. Sams and Moore, L Lucv Rovrfstnn. Mrs T. TT Iritt, Mrs. Qlaud Henderson I Mrs. T. A. Woodv. .fit-, and Mrs. J. T. Rvrrf Mr Homer Bowleg and Miss An I Candler motored to Hot rings Monday P. M. .Mrs. Harrison Marler of rs 'Mrs. Georcrfe Rohatrh nf Wi chita Falls, Texas, is spending a tew days with her son-in-law, Mr. John Frsbv. Jr. Mr. John Teac-np of SnnHv Mush loaded rrnastios for aViin. ment at the depotWednesday. mr. jerry namsey ot K. b. U No. 1, was in town Wedneadav ,rD iu. Mr. "Uub" Shelton went to v. Uuu iai ween- Asheville Wednesday niirht. Mr. Pint J Plommnno nf r. and Mrs. Earl T?rir.tTinirm.i xt ? 7" L r?r ..uremuuuaj, i JNews-Kecord office Thursday Telenhon RQ Good Cars. Careful Driver AND THE PRICE IS RIGHT You Drive It car by the Hour or Milt. If I satisfaction, tell your friends H5ENBEE BROS at Lisenbee'e Jewelry Shop Big line Overcoats at MCKINNEYS r it "hi ' v 'VI lev. and Mrs. H. L. Smith re visitors at the News-Rec- omce Wednesday. lr. C. E. Henderson was in aieville Sundav P. M. Miss Manilla Haynie worked Miss Mae Worlev and Misa Ada Silver, teachers at Skyland near aiarsnan, spent tne week end at the home of their Dar- ents. Mr. J. B. Coward of Bluff, N. r" j, ;V mr- D- owara oi ciun:, JN. I the Central office for Mssfr WQ v. xt ri ii hit j "'i "oiiui at me news- ine handler MnnHav nffir.T j mi , 1 xvecuru ouice inursaay alter i,y' . .. . . .noon. iui. iiri.il miHii.nii a m m ruiran.i AT THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH till mm ine rrencn Broad HospitaKhis father. Rev KK $Z3 Wl'h",ns, of Trust, N. C, brought L AV ,C M-Ttr Ti - il a verv Iare h8 to town Thurs ilv re51rvSha" W1Sh him "i whi weighed 671 pounds tMf; tj,. ; .... -rnejiog was bought by ir r r'.1Vi " ijvir. jonn Kamsev. The Thankscivinc serviVo Ml 1 i . . - Will IIP holrl in U.U,, 1 ----- "'w ill H1C X 1 COUV - Pink J. Plemmons and terIan Church at 10 A. M.. n' M I 'rhonlrnmiriHA. T ' T -air Jd. &. jf lem-1 '"n.uaogivuys uay. rvev. Mr. omitn win preach the ser-moh. J. N. ANDRE. lr grandparents in New Mar- x, lenn. Miss Emma Freeman. dano4i- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Free- ir n ox .... lci iml ivxr. ana xvirs. uave rree- t k T STv,11 f TOwmi of near Marshall who has" IltOn. JN. I,., waa the mioaf nf i it. . .. - V. Mo-nin. o r j bick ior a long time, does M .Manilla Haynie Saturday w show much imnrovement. n Minnov CentlV for Palatka. Flnridn l.jii- -nrj . i: t ai.a n-n ii v ( V11,c euiiesuay io see mr. ue- M8 w wTlU?end je wmter. cil Shelton at the French Broad COME TO THE BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY d Story and Mr. Glenn ves motored to Asheville nday afternfcon. - While re t.hpv iHsifsH fa;) jelton at the French ; Broad Revr. L. Smith fixnects to 'rve Mmday for Charlotte to fend the Baptist State Con xion. ' lr. James Redmon of the lev Branch aeoKn h Wednesday. heriff W. C. Rector and Mr. ide Henderson succeeded Ipturing a Ford touring, 18 pns of whiskey and 2 men fdayaifeht rnong those who attended faces in Charlotte Wednes- rere: Ulessrs. C. A. Red Hobart Davis, Wiley aitie, rearson Kamsey, W. Vest, Bruce Redmon, and willard C. Rector. Walter Cton of Erwin, was a visitor - .. . " " W TVl iesoay and rnursday of reek. ie town is havinc a fountain installed in front lr. R. N. Ramsey's store, jr. Ernest Ander was a vis tin Asheville Mnndav irsWorace Davis is anend lome time with her parents snevme. If VOU have nof. nnid vnur visit to the Bantist Church this t t .. . . , ' : . nospitai. . montn aunoay morning is the - Mr. J. Henry Naves of neantim yu should come. Every Marsftall returned to Asheville .nnstian m Marshall should where he is workinff- Mrs. LUlie Rector and three daiiffhfern Tiio fllaAtra Glennie Rector nf M qyqVi all TT - -V " f V ASAUXk3KACll spent Sunday afternoon with ivirs. kuius urow and daughter ear the nastor discuaa the tnmV 'Huntinsr for SotiN " Tf are interested in seeking for the lost be sure that you hear the morning- message Properly tmlt ttallt cul damn wor ind tacteria vvun lncreosinsr rentals and val uca of farm lands, dairy farming is raiJiuiy replacing otner types or live stock farming. A fiairy cow ttrodurinff S.Dfln nnnnHa lYilltr A year furnishes 1,000 pounds of dry maiier, au or wniclv Is edible and digestible. A two year old steer lVAiirhtncr Fivi.-fTi 1 onft . .1 . nnn pounds furnishes about 550 pounds "i ury maiier, not aa or which can be used for food. In other words a fnirly good producing dairy cow furnishes twice as much edible dry matter In on year as a goal two year old steer when he Is killed for meat. A cow can be kept for addi tional years of service, wh!Io to re place the steer, another r-iimal must be fed . for a period o,' two years. The United States consum-itlon of milk per capita has Increased from 42 gallons of whole milk in 1918 to more than E4 gallons in 1925. With growing acceptance of mill; h.u a iooa nas come an Increasing knowledge ff thfl rrrni. rny.r. miiK on the farm. Because odors from foods and animals In the cow siaDie are easily taken up by railk. Injuring -ItB flavor, they must not come in contact, with ivio ymiv n moval of the milk from the stable us soon as possible reduces the amount of dust and dirt entering It and keens down thn howini ,.,w IliO XJ1I1K, . Bacteria increase rapidly In warm inn causing i io sour quickly. Re mnvn 1 nf ttia r, ,-.,., v, freshly drawn milk by lowering the tcuieiiuuio i.u inai or cola well water (approximately 60 p.), greatly aids in preventing bacterial growth. A well, lighted, well venti lated milk hpuse, . not too close to the stable. Is also very helpful. Cleanliness in the stable is vitally Beeessaryi -Tie stall platform should be Just long, enough for ,he cow to stand comfortably wlth6ut r'dom to spare; otherwise, th& cow- will', be come rty from droppings when she lies down. The gutter should ''; MM W j 1 l & i" r""o0j M&yb Keep Iht be wide and deep. A good gutter is lb inches to l'i inches in width and i, I, lnohes below the platform. Bedding should be clean and plen teous. Lone: hair nn flio flnlra and tail above the switch of the dairy cow should be removed at regular intervals. Removing this long hair removes the clir.R'ng places of dirt which otherwise will fall into the milk pail in quantities. Keeping the hair short on these parts of tho cow permits cleaning in much less time and more thoroughly. Crush ing should never be neglected, it removes lnnea nnfttnU . ' , Fwio aui'lllllg IO the body. When the hair is short, wiping the udders with a damp cloth lUSt bpfor mllUr, I. i important aid in securing clean milk it is generally recognized that most of the bacteria found in milk finds Ha snilrrn 4n .1 1 1 a. tna onw nnH li.ininn. . . - . . . . ... vi'ij''6 xiiio uio pail during milking time. Simple prc- win practically eliminate this source of bacterial growth and dairvmen fii-.H ilomi.. ,, ii 1", "tvmooivra wtin re paid for tho little time necessar;- -i oucn precautions. Marion. N C. our prayer meetings again.' He lext.njgrt last Sunday and is back again now. Good for Fred! We will enjoy our new store in not bprings. Mr. Clate Tolley is going in the goods business on a larger scale. Mr. Roten Campbell is going in the eroods business near r.i. quo Lime plant. ! If you ladies need camphor, take your bottles tn tha iQ,.r I - ' w im n ui- ficers here and get them filled up. Mr. Tom Warre ville spent some time with his uncle. Tom Priahpe loot Q., iday night. He is in the whole sale and 'retail feed business in Asheville,. N. C. ' Good fbr our prospects for noc water nere in a new place as they are getting hot mud out Chances are fine for water at present. Go on Mr. Sanders as we have plenty of hot water now on the W t? Fin . ... LUlUiOUli farm. They have a fine concrete block buildinc eoino- tin hpro in town Of Hot Snrino-. nunoH Kir W. H., & Ira Plemmon. They are working the streets with hoboes for ridino- froio-nt .trains here now. I would rath er ride a Ford so I would have it to crank before T Ithere. Old Mr. "Sam" need not go up the erraDevine or nnlkaf.ru this fall as there is none, he will nave to hike. I sure hate to rise nn an on -1tt to go o far to my work. I wish it was closer so T cnnlH oloon It would suit "old few clothes." Mrs. B. M. Safford gained her lawsuit acrainst Mr. James r. tor last week. There is no use to law Mrs. Safford she wilj sure do right if she is treated in the same way. "Few clothea ran not ctonrl t Mvuiiu this cold wind and rain now. From LUCK . -... . . w , . 4. mil ii . ,, , ,, , i, " 1L KCI'8 a "n-ie coioer we can section is all dull or else they kill some of our small hora are too busy to write. here Owirijg to rain Sunday morn- Old Cahe is out on more time very i ine road is coming along ing we. did not have' any Sun- on the li 7 satisfactorily. The shovel day school at Mt. Pleasant. t Times r. Lurk Pnotnffl.o . . . . r. Miss . Zola Crow. Miss Zolalthe toPic will be "The Marks of , We didn't have any Sunday has" just returned from the hos-jChrist-" You are cordially . schools Suhdiay on account of pital some" time ago from a ser-'vited to both of these services thebad weather. I i . . 1 l i li j l i 1- . Hfjnn i" 1 - l Tr , on the line. are a little dull ha Hot uiiiiiiK incssaxe. j oouoiotiuiiiv. ine snovei H The People-of this section are Springs at present caSl e topic will be The Marks of : "e Qn t have any Sundav k a 4.t.j j tiio vQ;n a i.u. ,-,V4-" . apKnnlo c.in.. r.. . " ouuui uviie gouieiiiiK eurii auu,""v '"' " i-uiu weamer 1 Miss Genniel Kerlee went to - 1 wvi, wuic o., vf i.xuiii a ttu j - " vv vi mcoc Intlo r-nrfn4-i- Ol l - T ot'ci li aln 1 1 4-U 1 vpciauuii. one is nopmg ie nuustj. ' ."ici xvcuee went to to start to school Monday. I n the opening of the Sunday j r. n(?m "at .Black Mountain "Uncle Georce" was a vi'sifnr School the children will o-ivo Q during the wee'k-end. while Mr the News-ResoTd nffip Mn. i ne Droirram ahowino- tho ma Jesse M. Kinsr went h nmp tn Pi or mg.and sacredness of Armistice and.y- They returned Sunday ""j- . iiiw urogram wui be " ,v v wu ue meir scnooi under the drection of Mrs. W work in which they are very H.. Morrow. It is verv .....t successful. ivirs. irma Ledford wishes to sary at you be on time far lir- vensn riemmons was a thank her many friends and ac-tne opening of the Sunday fut of Miss Selma Coward quaintances for their kindness. School hour, ten o'clock sharp. SMPay. and sympathy shown Hnrino- Come, and in the meantime .Misses. Lassie and Nnla her recent illness at the French vite your neighbors and friends Br0Wffl of Uttle Sandy were the who rarely ever attend. weeK-ena guests of Mrs. Geo. ; . eu, aunng wnich they entertained Messrs. Alton Price at the News-Record office Mon day. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Irma Ledford wishes to Broad Hosmtah also for tho many lovely bouquets of flowers sent ner. Mrs. Ledord is tiow1 at Jit home and rapidly improving. ROBERTS FISHER ' in Asneviue Monday. Une of 'the most wonderful fr. B, B. Bamsey of Walnut, weddings of the day was that prahall Wednesday. of Miss Nell Roberts and Mr ruiey Eisner Sundav. at. rh ttome Of the bride a p.nnsin Mr Its oungaiow, Demg built 'ley officiated. f.. T T t . t ... i a a owing wheat. i Mr. Milas Mathus and sons and Mr. Carolus Ellison are ' SOWinC wheat. nn Mr .Tnanor Ebbs' farm and are planning Mr. (Jarolus Ellmsonnnn Mr. Willie Plemmona and Mr. Burder HiDDa are makino- a trip to Asneviue every Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Scoville Bald-, win of Paint Fork was visiting - AT D 1 J . .' t ' l ti . vir.i in. Daiuwui s sisier, mts. WU-i 8s ALONG LIFE'S TRAIL Byv THOMAS ARKLE CLARK Dean of Men, University of Illinois AUTHORITY 'pHE Qayton family had never be x Buppoued to cut much of a figure z : 'o w , wv.i6 U JUL lr; Roy L. Gudger at. the ena or town 13 last nearing iieuon After the ceremonv th ev lo-ft j- . .1 .,, r - " ior Asneviue, wnere they found 'delirMmia nruililinii .nim. 1 v.. 11 vuuiiig isui'i'ci wetlt- m v waa uu aciiuoi at m. n . jng at tne nome of the groom s fednesday afternoon, it be- aunt Mrs. Zeh ttrant f rmistice Day. -; , f phe bride's dress was a beauti- V T n ' M-nanaier jiui ,tan satin back crepe with ' ' fin loot SiIiiiiJ.., iu jf-ii Tl V 1 riff I IT n T , - V-,""U1 tne iOUOW- EXAMINED ffit .2bta .... v , i : . , ov tIlc "cvv roa oi nay- I Will be in Marshall 011 T,ood: Messrs. Geo. Cogdill, the """" vv eils Josepn and Uoc- fUk -Gentry. Ben Plemmons, wln and Zlst ; Misses Georcria Gentrv T.o Of this mbnth at ;Brown, of yttle Sandy, and LKENBEE'S JEWEL-' 7rS. ix.Kjui.M,ijKj u OLtllULl ,and Hard e MearW Tvr;, 1 , wTuf iooco , MVIllKF !-tle B- Ledford and Mamie Mi VllLi 1 Wilson were out iov ridin? Sat. Have your eyes examinJta3ittiT,,,whi,:h lie Plemmons last week. Mr WlllO Plommnna or,A Frank, made a trin tn' Paint Ule toinuiunity until the lather of .Fork the first of the weelr On ine f.u"lilj' ?Iected to the stlmol "iil With Mrs. Lattie Baldwin folks and their . maid answered the "x " """ . raouone jiKe a rraternlty freshman. Mr. John Gardner and :.TV The Clayton children cut their old Eulas Askew make a neddlin "Si because "pa" had suddenly be- trip to Ashevi,la o each M-j SSL3 ZTT'JZ r i-k t j ! "cendlng manner and society clothes, Mr. JJ. D. Price and son, , and "pa" developed a stmt like a Floyd, were visiting Mr. Joe 5 sophomore released from freshman Woody's home Sunday evening.! duty' untJI nis Passage down the street Mr. Jack Jovce and a rnm-t cou'd scarcely adjust itself to a side- panv of others were nut inv' 'aIk of binary width. A little au- ridinfir Sundav afternoon nH$ r!ty hi!d turned the hfiads t. i i j . . ' -t viu.vton ramllv. It wasn't h wwk- also had some pictures taken. after tne eleciion ntn Mr . ClaZn Mrs. Marv Davis nnH Mrs hrt Hrn 1.-. u.... tr 1 r,-r 1 j r,..v.. iiiuve nuiHL party ana Howard Clark were visiting! t!le "'''est Clayton hoy had been licked ivirs. Bene xjnce Sunday. I O. W Ferguson and Mr in WiLon' Tenn. Thursday on busi- i hose and shoes to match . her coat and hat werg dark tan. The bride is the charming daughter of Mr. and Mm .T w Roberts, ;;She was a graduate' .01m una. u. 1. naynie 01 ign j&cnoof. , . ille spent the week-end f The groom is a" prominent son Inicuua cr auarsnaiii oi Mr. ana Mrs.' W. J3. Fisher Lloyd Roberson, son of ,of near Jupiter. - He is an oper d Mrs. Ernest Roberson, ator at the power plant at Ashe- j was set by Dr. W. A.1 na ne was taken to the f his parents in the aft t .i ne many mends of ily in and near Marshall r mm an early recovery. rSlizahet.h1 Morton, 'of lphia, Pa., was a vistor ut Saturday. . . md Mrs. Wm.. Navesof buy inferior Shoes when i get Florsheim for men vufitar for women, . wn's for boys and - K miv..vu. HUU Children's Coats and dresses at iFKENNEYS JOHN IfcELROY I Attraey7aLjLw: ) llMarhan,;Ni.C,f;- NOW. LOCATED IN TE2 dU)' ed-and "crlajwea fitforl ifi Afessrs nK Hrs. Belle Price Sunday. for talking back to hig teacher.' needed.:. Ioct6r Genrty and Vernon 1 nJlfJJar? F,reeman .wh !H V!T-pMpI?.l,.ttd rw hMrtI r,n ... ,,.T Wells were the trnesta nf" "Mianc, it",lcIlullls scnooi at Leicester." ;v"'ue uucu ne. Dccnme a 'DR I ' V 1 KFRFP' Zel L Eula and Pansv fe !spent the week-end at home. . n'l,onte fo m-vor. He was picked UlU lu ..-LlOlWJidavevtnS? Pansy Miller lMrs. EHen Freeman has been vr T on the sick hst for the past few M T TZ davs hilt io imnirnTjn , I ... . v fclllly tan- v iiuw. r uiujue. xt there was little to be said !. Mr. Hardie Meadows of Spring Creek was the guest of iviiss urace Flemmons Sunday Hf tt t-i - y. Mr, Lee Moorfc nf - j o Mr. H. E. Plemmons took din: ?aS3d throu this sec- nor rt Mr. Joseph M. Plem Dnroue to D irinna' Snor, Dr. Roberts' on Pine Creek. Price was visiting mons' Sunday. " wKo?f "1? ni.' . Mr. D. D Mi . jocu r lern mons was ma. - - - ----- ...v.s itinor his brother. Rrv.n pi. n "ne Creek Friday and took 1. ti., o.' r "".dinner With Mr. T.nnnie Rnhortu iMr. Boy Webb spent the even. L .JF1 Ma!7 Pnce took dmner ing at Mr.' M. P. Cowards' SnnJ 7 mr&t orge Davis Sun aay. ; Don't wait' t" long 7 before' ,7 makin C' shre nf vnm 4nanrJ ' Misses FranrM. f:idv "1"ameJ ice was visiting Fave. and 1vTat w- l?lr- i-hillip Price Sunday morn- maP?r.,Pure Q y0-in3U sister, Mrs. M. C. Webb, Sunday V V e ar f1.? ear that the , ancer,v.,Fir gives no warn- evenng tnnway , ia still progressing i inif-iroten,come8 like a thief f. t..v.? . picely ; Up Sprint Creek. . it" :.i.r -"iz 7 1 iucora. uaiey riemmoiis and ; nr. d.h..j w.ii. r Lvmnnd PripoW,. . eOD OI IjUCK P to Hot Snrin n" 1 of Mr. Thii afoaW enri. tw urdav. ' 1 .- " 7 . 1 lr"VI' V;c? ; I . fort 'i;.n';:7r" nMBi;- t ,A?.r- miar.a. Plemmons pass- - i-v-ewsi-iMjcorUiea tnrougtt this section Sundav and its. readers.-., j . ,0a his way to see Dr2 Roherts - - 1 .Ti InMtUria"thjtJ bag been gerring ""F"" vwuera mrtaiaiiy aroce lain ' - : MARSH ALtl From TRUST, ; j the ''people f this' eecti'09 on Pine Creek ' Mf. HW: JVeemjiTi inVia a trip to 'Sandy Mush. Sunday, cest wisnes to News-Record. In his fs.vor, no one had ever notlcid him su.aclontly before to allege any thing E.-ainst hlm. He was kept en tirely In the background; he had litUe to do with his own election; he knew absolutely nothing of the campaign, uieuioas employed by his manager; but after his Induction into office he wg too chesty to Uve with. He could mareeij Dnng wmself to associate With the Common herd nf nelhhnr. in nig own wart, ne assumed a role ef 1 icwjersnip ana superiority that weald have been hnmonma if tt hod hun i.i. irritating. . . . Fortunately, not all mm an tufra thoTtty.- Ther, are "those who reoag-j nkse tt g an obUmtlon. who sea m Hi "iijnuuii.T zor neinmr and niiw. . tef tboM upon whom they, are per mttted to exercise tlwu- efflriot mm Authority makes some people kinder, 1; more considerate, less domineering and : aertoualy thoughtfuL . , j ' Tha most effeotiTO-and Immwaal." ' . antborlty la that which makes the leaar display,- which exercises 1 Itself jtr most eonsemtlvely, which uses pow, " only when It cannot be arolded.' Ttie. men who never "allows one to fot ' . J i' curcrs and r.!5-i--Y r?re-.having er - lr 1 P' -0 1 M ri what authoHty be ) 1

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