r V 1 If i f lb :4 ?. pit ' .' ' Ji'ii'.'V. . V Tke Burley Tobacco Bulletin THE NEWS-RECORD ffQ C BOTH A YEAR FOR t?Z.) THE NElY5.RECO.7w -v.-.'.'. v. .. . i -1 1 t'- ' : I iT , ,'ljrVM1 - ' "fllt-fc. A YEAR P.UU - ' 1 THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN MADISON COUNTY IVOL.XXI BUILDING PERMITS OVER HALF MILLION MAtf of 4 Athevilje Issues 88 n01Iinf Permit. During moma ot nonmber. FAMILY RE-UNION AND THANKSGIVING DINNER IF (Taken from'Asherilie Citizen) - Building permits issued by the City of Asaaville during the month of i November total $889 031,, according to figures . flnmmled vtoot4rtav .' . , atuiuing permiia lortne week ji, " ndinir Ktirmh- i Bonnie ana Allie. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ball en tertained a larsre -number of friends and relatives with a Thankunvinir dinner at their home on R. F. D. No. 1 ,on Thanksgiving day. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs MitVi Wo Am an Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vauthan and family, Mr., and Mrs William Naves and . Mr. Trnv Ball ' and : little son. Carl, and three daughters, Genevieve. MARSHALL, N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1925 NOTED PIANIST TO GIVE RECITAL AT MARS BILL, N. 0, DEC 5. AT 8 P. M: 1200 ,vuiiJit itTraoer zt total i , k j! T :.r f - 1286,36 Th total permits' iThe delicious dinner included ' iaSQed durtegthia week amount ck, freah pork,. -to,2liiof which number 15 were St!8- Pleiand bM)t f Ma ,w v. v vujvj wu if vJ A i. t. .. ... t. i During the month a total of c88 -&Hld$ig permit were ia aued, of which number 51 were for residences. TO ADVERTISE LOCAL LAND TO FLORIDIANS r :Haniilton-Barrett Syndicate to1?7 at PCa Not . - Little Miss Hattie Vaughan. age years, cut the cake and Mrs. Ball' received . manv com- nlimenta on her excellent cook. .ling. Little Miss Nevada Ward was also highly complimented on the nice cake which she- bak ed. (Mr. Ball said that he had manv thimrs to be thankful for. but the thing which he was most tnanKiui ior was that his fam- every - ii i HimVU 1 :n L. I- -r"v rvnutsicsuii win ue heard - ati thfii Baptist School program,. . u ' , ,Dwiirht Andwrson. liant -young American Pianist, I com Dieted i hiti tion- at the Ciadpnati ConseTO wuTor',1MuaM;;'Wher4e was a popil flft'TBVedeMtk'ShaUer Ev labs, His etudjerf Were continue, ed iln Ke Tfbrk notier the guidance! of Harold Bauer and 5th, a.. o'clock. tder Isidore Plillipp. whether, fat' thedrawintr rnnm or on the-eoacert staire. in r. cital or with orchestra, have al ways proved a source of sheer Start Intensive C immmi in . .. . -- ouninine state. After dinner was oven ail the quests trathprpH in tho ait- (Takfn from Asheville Citizen) "fj,0m an4 ,t -very dAe: Th Hamilton-Barrett felirw? i A itw "rtiifpur o clock they all departed SSShwof SoS Holly-lf -Pective homes say wood "m the ..and of the Skrf-lS? 1 ey ou,ldn 1 "k has started an T.tensve newspa-wnn1orf,,i t,mi v,, v,o xalculably to the artistic COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT'S COLUMN Edited by O. S, DILLARD 111' last WPPlf's l'ssilP nf iho &,Q?A we discussed at some Jengtft what the Board of Edu Hiir- Cesa of his nprfnrmnnppm TTia art and technique encdm1pae3 a- Mke the CAntrannrtAl dMhn rt vttc lrt-f ,m: luouw ilivvu WflilUK ' 1 . - oi ; jjepussy, and tKe! "poetic I(;v"wvva iuiwh ouniy wani charm or fiery passion jofCho-!e? Vo.to better the education- ar; Aiiaerson in tJi Unn Hill torium'at Mars Hill oVihe evcare Uy stuciy.ng and ana rt ofoun In thTS ening -oi isaturaay, ueeemoer "'r. m in fhP ni,mh nf .v,;m " " . Rth .at y n'n Ait ine counrv rnnav hAro txrua r w "J"A " HiilimltP nrnirt-Mnill hflino attempt on the part of tht found -ftlapwhprp in fh-Mkr board to do anythine excetotl L" : iP v; . . iWflat the tacts in t.hp P.Be iiirti. '"Jadga," cried the prtom&Jn the fT ,6nd what the duty of the dWL 1ave I eot to be -tried by . Boarq,,la.v an Jury?" I .YwjB$nV- we consider the fact Be quie't," whispered.Ws -coungel. wHttmtiit of the sixteen town riftiiflwifc JkiiHf-itheseAxecommendations after immediately estahliahea a Kond of aympathybetween himself ana nis hearers, which adds in- inatruction that meets the re quirements or needs of a modern civilization. As has been stated before in these columns. Madison flmintv ranks very near the bottom in delight to his audiences. Hep w't be quiott JudlS I can't shiplfrof the county have no ac even fool my own twelve strange worn Exchange. REPORT OF OUR UNION MEETING per publicity campaign in Flor . ida. ', , i. . . ' Large illustrated display adt. ,vemaemf!iwswin d uata.jq tn leading, nawapapers.of liajuJda and JVestemorth Carolina a -a whole will incidentals Drofit ft'ldvaneageaefoTS the eyest""o ' hundreds offllousand of peo ple from all over th tlnitAd States who will be ija the Sun shine State this winter. enjoyed. t MRS. BONNIE NORTON D E D Mrs. Bonnie Norton died at the home of Mrs. Alice i . GEORGIA ELIZABETH M PS. YJeorrfa':Wi7.abeth ay sMovemoer z&tnT:zo o' clock, age' 51 years. She Was ill only eleven ddys, "pneumonia nemg tne, cause m death. She was laid to rest in Wood v jcemetery at eleven o clock, fu neral services oemg conducted by Rev. R. HHion. of Ashe- ville, N. C, Pallbearers were Messrs. Eulas Askew. Plord Askew, ohn Gentry and Roy woody..; several people from Jtector, on the seuth side of the river, Thursday, December, 3 Asheville and Hot Spring at 1S25 at about 12 ;20 .eclock, tended the futaeral. after a lingerimg illnes of about. Surviving are the husband, two years, pellagra being the Mr. S. N. Woody, four brothers cause f death. and three sister. ' Funeral service wiU bs cpn-C The deceased Wa member ducted at. The Old Station I of Lusk Chapel Baptist Church, Grave Tttrd near Walnn Haf- oatinir fW kll k mmmAA V.I.I utday at 2:00 o'clock. in. sickness and poverty in her v xmi nspvn win appear in community. rne entue com- MS paper next week. munitv was saddened hv hr death and she will be missed The Union met with the Red Hill church on Saturday before the 5th Sunday in November. at 2 P. M., with singing. Prayer by Bro. Sam Chand ler. Song "I will Follow Jesus." We organised by electine iiro. Martin, Moderator in Bro Guthrie's place. Mjnutes ofl last meeting read and adopted ' CHORCHEST REPbRlr, Red ' HilL"" With deloo-atA !JLonaton w.oo. Jewel mil church. Dona Anderson Branch, by the oas- ..... i - itor-MJialiev Kice. Paint Rock, bv Rev. J Hurdt. A talk by Brother Martin Benediction. shake, and dismissed Sherman Rice. by Bro', ;LADIES AID SOCIETY Hi- t !'ini fiitrnnini in i ' III Kfl fl flK J it i-.S. srery ntucn, DEATH OV?VHSX PATTlE" MliLbSFl IS, Oa Saturday mornfng)i'No- t iazaarat tne old school hniiri.h i j , v , . iwuie aim look awav ner near rTl n,Ve!n??? anffther, "Uncle Pattie" Gilles- i PWI ui rinrxj "'P1?' a? h6 known by all his i wortn iarojina w Wfl-Mfc .was, gwKt canrd,, toad: tprjtix -And woala yowUte o kind ai .rt ,.it at xty-flT., heeav. thai', Met again Saturdav nieht at 6:30 o'clock, with singiafg. f . rrayer service conducted bv dtq. tJud Freeman. Prayer by Bro. Lloyd Chand ;er. Song by the Choir. Prayer by Rev. R. S. Wood- on. i Another rarer bv Bro J !A. Martin. ' Lesson read bv Rn. fi. W. Brlggft John, lUh chapter '.. Prayer by Bro. Carter. -Sermon bv Bro. Biwm- (Subject: "tOVE." A tak by Bro. Woodson. Closed with a Christian had- wife, let alone w;iPnhigh schools, and when rm guilty. yjvmtuAV"?1 cwiiamer ine xaci .wmij must ox niese lowiisxups vjiinoui sumcient taxaoie weahjtp build schools that will be. sufficient to carrv on sur.rsfts. Mtfr'fofarh school instructiTrn 'coiT)iparable with the high v: ischooia, at Walnut, Marshall Met airain Sunday morning i?dyiMai,a Hill or Hot Springs, at 9 o'clock with singing. thenwfi must realize that it is wesson read dv uro. anermah w"X!.-VJ'ft.vuuiny system oi sup- Rice. . Prayer bv Mallev Rice. iP.orfc that .these children can Sonr "Jesus. Lover of Mv ie.ver haYe,the advantages of the Soul," by the congregation. jWeaJhier townships. . i iO;,maKe some comparisons- Marshall church represented, 'leV&ses.what the situation real A A . .. ' ' l.a I . .X. A 1 L . . J $l.vu donation. Mt. Zion church. Donation SLS0. Pry Branch by Bro. Smith. 1 Song by the choir.- t ; the Ordaining ICouittril grahii ed 5Bro( Bob Freem'aUi Bro. Sam Ctilimiier Ahtt Sherman IliVe li. ' to, preach the Gospel for , year. Met again at liojdng. Player by Em. W. A. Tread- way Sermon bv Rev. B S. Wood-r son-i-Text: Heb. 12:1. Closed with a Christian, hand shake and great rejoidag a mong the Christians,". ' ' RBV. J. A. MARTIN, 1. Moderator.. MALLET RICE, Clerk. the doctor says Exchange .The bae tbaV. wut ;grftI1dchildren I m to keep fV. oe friend. f uo gyuc, iuul UOL XprKOt-(x--. i rr . . .-.i. i '!.. . ' . I . itai, , ns uas joinea tneir mother in Glory"where all part ing iaever. Dtiar children, do ydur'duty and 'some dav von (will go' and.Jneet thm Over on tyondejrsJiore. . I "Beautiful - fathftr ha irnna iouowmg program has iorever, r i 1 t A TLT witk pii. w,- niwi FJnitiHiiiT . r cniiq.' .'ainereiore n numDer ID township should undertake to give, its children the same edu- i:t 1 1 & ' . . . (caiona advantages as Hot fflprins, it would have to levy a speevai.tax oi more than ?3.50. 'iW'e do.not doubt that anyone WhA.the right of the chil drsh jh,. .these townships to the 'iap. educational -advantages as those, in the wealthier. They re,fb;be1(the future citizens of fthe'4unty. Upon their, shoul 'defMtbe placed the burden . t , - ;'- v.Bxng on tne wotk oi tne "UNL Y(l PAYS TO DO YOUR CHHISTMAS OT" t?y SS3 SHOPPING. AND ..TO DITV P U D I C W , a rx& j to problems will they S ri 1 I C" ' L v.S?pJthe door of : educational CiALo )0pprt4nity be closed to high -- . JcnowAoys and girls in half of rolled in hicrh schools.. Th latest ficrures available nlnpM tlie' number enrolled in the high schools of the county as 203 (figures of 1923-24. Thi placed us at 93rd place in the counties, with only 3.4 per cent Of the children enrolled in school that year in high school. The .average for the state in the rural districts that year was 7.7 per cent. n other words, we".failed to come within even .half, of the state average. The aVerage for the states as a .Whole, that is counting the citv schools, is 10.9 or over three imes as great as Madison Coun ty. . That is to say for every boy and girl enrolled in the Madison County hierh schools that there are three in a1! the other counties of the state Therefore, Madison County is giving only one-third its chil dren the opportunity that the rest of the state is jrivinc its children. vln the face of these condi tions, may we not expect that thefjtyys and girls of Madison' County will stand onlv - one fchaiie.e to the bovs and tnrWnt the rest of the state three atlhe opportunities the state lias to ox er its graduates of hifl-h. achoolrf. rWlil it ha your boy oryour girt that is denied, what'la beingy done-in the rest of thejsta&?T iShaU we send only one eJfcdld oiit preparfed for life, while the rest i of the state send three, and ex pect our county and our com munity to measure un to the Test, nf t.bfl atnta .finantlhr !n agai ,this township. This tellectually socially or morally? fgke a. vafuation of $433.82 per It can't be done. These are the condttiens that. exis i!f the county as shown bv itne records in the 'jlyjs the county: ion I Number 11 Township has 332 VViilriron township. It has a taxable VAlBfltfonof $207,024 or 23.- WtorPt Springs School di trict lias a property valuation f ?l:02p,606. with 331 children or .3083:43 or nenrlv fiud Hnuun nextUnion wTO cemrene anWh Pr cnild number 11 ginning Saturday before the 5th WRf shonloV desire, to. giVe, its Sunday in January, 1926, at Children the tsame edijcatioiai 10 :30 A. M. Bro. Sam Chand- adyantages as Hot .Springs . it ler will preach the opening ser- wofildijequire a tax rate of ap- mon at 11 o clock. wrwunwtiy $a.ou speciaa rate. Also. Bro. J L. Ledford to Number 10 -Township has a conduct theprayerservica. property valuation of $165,240. Uffenng- ?5.3,4. . jicxe.are oo cnuaren.oi scnooi MISSES FIRST GRAND m nr"wi wm m. m.T - 1 'ucr? vp Aoilf-Mbion's Path, Letuk, hritK w rrinceorr 6imi6U 44 SCHEDULE OF PIC TURES ,AT;P AS- TICME THEATRE NEXT EEK; BiftCifa f5ai.Di'eipatesf fiftj tenamg xne ;i59tnrannuat s9- mp Jiwinw. - n vrf i: . r -ran ILodge el-Georgia missed tne la minar figure -mx fast uranu Master Dr.a Jmes W.rTaylor, red 91 ireai. f -Dr. Tavlor. due to illness ras absent' for t'the first time' in. 65 4years from the urana iiOage-eeting, been announced hv thn mtnOm Woitinv ho4a Viq Arafnl ment of the Paatlme Theatre fnt; - For th'x rld ' ". ." -T .4V " yi'Ji yvii, v. xx xcixmb;4b VUfXixijBU ;.?vxxlie Beautiful.father, free;frqm i,th week' of JJecember 8 'to t Tuesday night, Ded '8th A Girl from the Wstjaad twor I reel cbmedV : Ckfef TJook." - 5 a I I'Tharsdar night. Dei .loth cpctuix xjxcbure , innocenUr Where i;wil je'ih(mn.,the fe?orobwC I'f'.t'L- J ofpaingtO far,t Cbeat -and a comedy, Whafa : vr-xa ; t j - .' v t ... , 1 i.' ssajurday Wght,, D5 12tn- 2 5rtl' wtf BredAt-IitnakCcmiN5 1 st sorrow, I ha fihnvA nnumm unna. V . 4.""''-. f .... ... - I A.M. ... . " . ftnaiiy good anaTneptaiaee4Jjroa " tou'i -dially invited, to attend' eachfjoy Metar teiirfiwWitpirt-o.'' Durinir the - war- between .the states,"whea Ae was-serving in the Conreflerat Amy;.he,.D tained a farlaugh to attend the session nem a tnaj BAPTIST SOTNG iCISLE;YcIL"L IfAVE BAZAAR (.tut, case. The Board of Education, actinor in the interest of the children of Madison County wants to rem edy these conditions. It has outlined a crooxam that will rn far toward srivinff all the chil dren Of the county equal op portunities. The Board of Ed ucatioh cannot of its own voli tion bring about these changes. I It ' has authority to . carry out its recommendations for a countv wide huilH in or nrnnrra m roniy" so1 far as is approved by itne vounty Hoard of Commis sioners, the tax levying body of cne county., tne Hoard ' of County Commissioners are res- W:(5ounty? mfWtZ3 - :7 w . f . -i. I 1 .' t I '...) '.'j - - . 1 uruKressive couniv or seatp m. oren vaawon oonty 7- In f tittrw -toiri Kn- v,k-v,.. - -Jk -l3plii'wi,ni, Circle -twill hold their 3aar at the -Old AUiaexi-ilot cnSitilrtfa 7 ''ci FMhloa. tiiTtnr lnt ne ratutra to their j eea ef'ttein tlieb succeed them.- Btavaiua eor a4 jctb, of Mtktta ftAd'e ttack aCatJs&exK i in Iikh iiirniM itit there 'en wh iin reach of high school! incBo eur ui to wnsni ds natnen a- l . . . ho' wh nh y,c w" "iu ouww Ai-ii tne peo- 'of vmiWinn u itV: pie ? county at the expense !:XuIKI 1" ,. i"r' Aix the property of . the nof Krof children T-WVl mmo 01 F9iPICT()liliSCEJES'i ,.'r'-" f - T, m.-e m -mi i . 1 jrbembMCfti;' 1925,- J . ... . ; 30W, . ' ' . . f Exchange. 'V"i"l'1ii . ... 'i , i i "in m ii. . i. . r nnnn nn t m

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