j-'-'Hf suu 1 .'. V.fW J.l 1.. . . , " - it : . i nt, ntwa-KECORD BOTH A YEAR FOR THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN MADISON COUNTY yoL. xxi MARSHALL, Nl C.;' FRID A Y; ; DECEMBER 25. 1925 - ty -- . -q r'.v. -H Hh; wL-73 ,VTy W i ;:;-L-:3 S.N- U -'H Lzi THE NEWS-RECORD tfQ ni : - M 1 1 . ' . rmi.r. a vkau'o . ..nr , i., ' - j i ....,..MMi,. vtmyrn, uiblHUCJVM, XaL,;,v,v;, , , - . ';'1200' r' ' f ( . I : FARM DEMONSTRATION AGENT'S COLUMN I. to 2 tons. It shmilrl nlsn hnfain o' If A D CD A I I ntn - ' - -VV11VMI4 U ftj JCt31l. I III LI ft m WU f ' f mw fRT9 YOU IS BORN THIS DAY IN i njii urn UF JJA V1D A SAVIOUR, WHICH ! ;;glory to god in the highest and ujn uiAttTtt,- I'lUACE, goodwill toward MEN." . ' ' . - ... , - - , How many of those who. read this paper have (ever given thought to real .result of th0- birth of !Hua whose advent into the world was announced you win tne conamon oi tne peoples of the world at the time .of His birth; picture again the condi- wns oi mose people m tne worm today who have .the conditions. of those peoples in bur world who .nave neara tne giaa news ana have made it a part 01 meir me. What a diiterence! . Many people Can Sav With aRSliranA that. thA eniranoa nf Him Whose birth was announced ro Inno: atrrt :v has Drought peace and : goodwill toward men; mto their lives; many families can understand what it means to nave mm enter inm their hnme anrt a- bide; nations where He has been announced and Trnere room nas Deen maae ior wim can show ev ldence ot the truth of the statement that His com ltlff has hroiicrht vneare. trnnA will turarrl -'mri Historv .will testify, that Hia entranre intrt tVi fives of individuals' tir nf natinna haa krnnarhf a prplong peace andl' an. enlarged goodwill to EiiSL;-' AJLof ishoiildiCTide!ivoi;.to;,Rho our an- ffrow some stockbeets. Thev raisa fliom mountains that weih as hiVH a 20 ftminc oh ... - ' TJT V VUfVAA) II AHsgo Mvcio oj.c tut vAtcHcui auuiuon 10 ine miiK cow ration:. thev are sucrnleWt and hava o nerf ain additional effect asa sort of athmV A nflpw will grow from 10 to 20 or more tons and a cow will re- QUife about 13 fn 2 tons Ariririt1 fVio winf at. Tf might be Well to COnSUlt your COUntV aareht about . The Marshall Baptist Church this. r . i nasscneaweawr the first week Sunday School Programs that TKTSTOIIAVEA TRAINING SCHOOL" uatnall of our dealings, vilouxvfclow men,, Thk Madison Qomfy .JgovMry: Cluh wiU have r hi ij m.M m niiiiini .i.m ri ....', i.i rrw l. i i m i wruM.m.mm ma am xd from the 4th of January to. the 16th. This is daturaay ana we nope tnat each member of tne - in -i.' -:' ' it j.' it". : . .'"- it: - "M.i:.! uommitieo as weu as eacn memoer wi ine viud erf -vill tAA4i'4KA 4of a-r-f tY AiriAAf nor.iii.'Trtfmrl ' Alc that each one will not only come to this meeting Klif will imrafa Viia nAivViVtnm nmd si " I'kavc tmv nui uotvo iiui wiMituvto ui vvmivi iuvi ahvav Till be an exhibition of poultry; a good talk n pauitry, and other interesting parts to tne pro ram. . 'r ' 'v- I fVn rAAamKAi 1 fi onr? 17- af fh a Paf a-it Pailr Hotel in Asheville was organized what has been Called the Carolina Highlands Agricultural Asso- 2iauon. mis association nas ior its purpose ine development of the agriculture of the mountain :cction of Carolina. It will attempt to unify the rtarlr nf thnse interested hr acTiroilturaV welfare of this section so that an may work toward a com- mon end: vIt is hoped that this association may do rat Ji in outlining a scheme of work to be follow zd by the County Agents in their .work in their re- A - 1 ' ' TT'll 1 .'11,.: . 1 .. t o .. .peciive counties. ? nitneno ine extension iorces aave xiau wu uuiiixxu uicu uwii yjieuis. vv iicu anew agent came. into a county he usually brought new 'Anaa ttrtrt cdTfAl wrtvV dlnTiO" linA""AnitAlvHi?- 1 VUO WU TV VI IV i M' A llAy VJ. : ferent'froni that of his'predecessord;. the, result j was a large xuss ui woi k, axiu uiiie 1 vv iiu a uuu,v to outline a definite plan the agents will . have a Toundation to work on and when an agent enters a county he can iouow up to a greater extent the line of . work the o'he who preceded him was do- ing; ne win not need to, and sipuia not oe auow 'ed to substitute work nf ah other line to the necle.H- 'of that work already established;: Mivv Buck "of xancey county was elected president and Mr. W. t T-i . mi . i ' - ..''" i;. iiierson oi our own county, secretary. ' Those wanting soybean shcfuld c-et in touch with '.he County Agent. ; Now is the time to buy as seed nil oe nigner as the season advances and it may :c t t o possible to'get the variety best suited to our .Thcce who keep even one milk cow should pre- -arc to crow leed that will provide a suitable ra tion f the cow during: 'the following winter. This r -- should cor i Icme ic: ;hr.jc; if v t hr.vo the c!r. 1 'y fra-v r roy ; .7 will need in thij Lllcn 1V . , . . , f1 ouuuj otnooi rrograms tnat And do not f orcet t.hnsA phiVlrmw V.a f an ha yer, been held in this com tfmuM Ko,;n 'lrnA w With UlAli llu UU ATr3AlKi I 111! I 1111 I I I V 1 1 I I I ItlH a CIA X . The vanety isn't so important as the strain of that worker. Bro. j. N. Bamette, of Variety, there are irood and hurl hirinn in axrar-xr Sick0 Misa j Lavender ot variety, A oodW btot3HtaK ? a bunch of day-old chicks frbm a reliable t)artv. LvThe folIwing courses win be flat fhoc-o VinnUriA n4-tU -'xi. r srvenrv pui vu ui&DG xj.Oitit.ii.dx tn.it i.i trm. i iv 1 1 1. i.i 1 1 1 - - i ri in i i ric-a irt if in stock, grow them out quickly and well; and then provide a suitable house fr them next winter and you will be sellincr ece-s to the other fellnw for the price that spells, profit. Now don't put tnis on, see aoout it at once. This is Christmas time. WehnnA avatvatia ia doinsr Somethinp- to makesomeone aIsa .hnnnv ke your Plais and decide We wish' each and eveiyorieof our readers ffkT sSTS-ffi'wSk S! J ivi.iuv I tnmoimAd. ' u? aiternoon. we : Li L . ' . lurht take the Junior unrt Tnt.r ient hour in the afternoon. ' "Building a Standard Sunday ocnooi. "THe;ANewv Convention Nor mal Manual." "Working with Junior." "Plans and Programs." "Si point Record System & The Sunday School Secre-;'-'.tary.- CARD 0R.THANKS Th ftunfly of Mrs. H. TT. Norton mtib, to' tkuk , W alitor, lin. J. I. Eoctof and daturkter. Aimm m aatlw flUmi., l-tV d Mn YESTERDAY AND TODAY (By J HENRY NAVES) What wa can't nnrferafAMii 'J ' I11? .""Owing program a or boot the radio is haw tn nHi.l"ca9uV.FH oe followed each l"11!"0" "!acJeveninVthV;i wKT ??icl1 to worse than even aome V company. mat . - --7 - 'TT-Y1 oor ruru scnools or today, a- aufni. ttaanoKe woriawews. - jail tonstrufctea of hewn log. vlW Pevotlona)-.e(!f(k Roanoke World News. MadgWJT. dreadful p' ftJviCJassea. -1 Mriori "S f ; fj.'f ; 8:00 ; Conferencet lt to thf thatre-4ife. f 8?I5;.ChwRi. , . J iMe4 r ; L We take this prlvfleg tdeit. w ' - Hand in nv hnrK ih hyt AN EXPLANATlnWu - ? m.to eomegtodywith to.;.!! It was a verr mH fnwn if one could call if. aitoh with o small DODulatirtn , Ta collection, the 4 only business houses were ' three small Hrr goods stores and one small gro. cery .store, located on what is now upper, bridge street which was owned bv J. J. Perldna fi ver the door of this tnr vm r very , unique sign printed with ordinary lamp black with the following. "The Old Snack-r house Man,'' - . ,-t r ;,:ui . The streets were verv ti arrow unpaved and muddv with airf. ' walks only two feet wide com- v,, w fc auu wooa siaos.- . The onlV Street hvhta post lamps; one located at the A ena qi upper oridge street and a the pthefc where State Highway ' No. 20 now connects with Mii "-- Street . titrnr h These lamp posts were six feet . mgn ana 11 .tne ou supply gave 6ut durincr the nicrht. th'itwon was 'in the dark.'! : . The ' in wn hnA school "with only ' bne tMehn: As stated in lncf mhi&Ziiy T ft W W many.Of.tbe Pas- 1 "V " " v u wic wwr iiaafwr, Dwycnntenaenia ana teacn- j"" ; ' Vi orcitti wcciuj Oil very Important IT yians co fewtllLeftern,a,1;0!2!eSt? I regret 'Br'Eitiiette would it iaj mat in is nas ben nfip.Aa5nrv huf fiucf ftiot ia . - " " T w f P- W W tu U4JJS lUlCJiLi III lb LfTtfU 110 w w w v u ftUC ' UULUI H e3"S have not tos AftvthW HWriia land.superintcndnta of the As. Vision had rAn aX on.' ' i , i w v r; ci;i w uBaaueu ierence wanuary 9, at the Mar- regularly.;- Fortunately until last week's i issue ih" Church f at 2jso rAmilofxr ftfIki"l 1j 1" , w -pepresenttobearBrfcJteraette - o- wx MJMMuuciy BnU tt jacK 01 current as now to netter our work One day; the naner waa HaTava . n in the Association. 1 w W uwuc wcj-wxt; uus issue v COUia iDe- printea, mwa gr. privilege thai in hence it Was Tuesday hAfnr tiia )nA mnU w th ays to eone they will re- mailAr! r gret-, , . " '" ' . hos on Sunday, k January CHRISTMAS WFFIf 3rd. when Bro. Baraette and VnWiT2iJlXrf-.' W , Mi,tav?nder will put before a 1 v t uiab uiD inHiii iii i.riM Arn nan naan hiai ah u rnt iithiM f ihx .a.v i. l . It IS SO" near Christmas if wa wata tA rtuf o virtv. I given.uCme and , heltr us to in this issueas usual, the office force would not get StiPm fSSS anV tl TYlAnTT TAT (Timofmoo nrA know all work and no play not only makes Jack a Say bcho o i dull hnv hiit if JaMr nfln u ul.. I -'-.owflfAX. SOH OOL - v . u V V A VJ.'V llfl lllll .1 1. w urn. VI IIMII r I ri I hm. - his teens, it is cruel to expect him to work ,all H 117." 717.7.7 .11 la. . .....i . . , . iMMim UWMh, Lnoarded .- on tfe' oatid with fretfihr lumber. The - - Court.- hoa-ij.of pof tonstnjttiejf and equipped, with lamps aod-.' haatinir..:. sfosea; ;aa a. mMna nT. ' bopplying heat' fThe PoetoOc - wn tjpi ory goods etorf . and was aav(f nfton tm the other dr, raaHa tnra -t-Sam . r lin Marshail. There - waa na - liural Free Delivery servioe an4 everybody in the eoontry had t COme to town in 4J mail - unless they received it at one of the few country Postofiees the located at various nlaes in county. ? f i - , The only means of travel was . ' on 5 horseback or hv kiisviM . ' .T...S. " eamaffea. etc ' - And tntT.i;mt salesmen and others who wish ed to travel in th ennntrvBA ' to go to the town livery stable and pay anywhere f rem five to eigne aoiiara per day for a pair Of horses and a. hucrirv in tlll. " , - . . " UWW tnev eoDld travAl nnl .w fifteen or twenty miles per day, generally coming in at night with themselves and their hors. -es almost covered in mud .or snow.;;. There was only one ho tel in town at which viaitnr could spend the night The water svatum nf Wa t nM fcottsisted of One public and three private wells, which was almost as bad. as no water sup- iveauavM o IN pi, tlw. 1) tne time, i Hence wa arA mnHnff tVia IT i": er.this week in the hope that' We can get out on 1 time, enjoy the holidavs and Va the JXew Year with renfwpH atiai-o-v ani li : nation to make 1926 the very best year in the his-! tbry of Madison County newspaperdom. H m 1 1 TO OUR WRITERS "If the news of your commuriitv has Waati sAnf ? I in and not printed, we trust such will nnt Ka triA i i case again.? j We wish to nrint the npws frism avah j ; communitv in Mafnri f!nnntv; ' Vnn x : w - r. --T" - . vwvvui,, vu.'.UTCU 11VVI; ! 1 t.ll. 111. ' . I. I Li f I a ill - w i if ri i n rr i nTrnwi if i 4 i a va aik K ari h- -7 -. wwi ""6 icvreia uuk icbusuavt; uie news oil I J Elabo are on our mail list as a writer, nnrl vmi. ora nrtf .i i can De e'nino' tr writ a nToacoc J'': P If portunity to get someone else in your place. . I ! UY- A T.IERRY CHni55TlTA5 ;S . We Wish to thank our subscribers . writAr a A. vertiscrs and natrons in ioh nrint.infnr bplriino- us to malre this paper possible during the outgo- in- year ana we wish them all a most joyous Chr: trr.r.s and a haDDV and nrornons - Npw I rate or Simple, your Xmat needs met here in perfect taste; ' you are in doubt as.to what in nv-' come' here for- your inspiration and su- v r111 fina manicur"e knd toilet seta, .mclc eiV.iundriei, perfumes, faner and neceasary toilet ar ticlca, and a thousand and one appropriate article, for ji.ta. ' - 1'- ' ''X'- IJ A RS H A L L P H A n ll A C Y f: :v;'.V.; Thz REXALL i i ! Hi n ! 2 I , 1