ihV j'n(m-'f i? A rf.i"'! rtj " $2.00 PRICE A YEAR t i TOE ONO NEWSPAPER PUBUSIiD IN MADISON COUNTY VOL; XXI MARSHALL; N. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1926 1200 :TW0 MEN IULIiED AND ONE INJURED '-'- COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT'S COLUMN W Edited by O. S. DILLARD ;' ' ON LAUREL LAST WEEK EXPLOSION OF DYNAMITE x KILLS ONE INSTANTLY V ANOTHER DIES LATER , . , Otoe Injured Now In Hospital Two men are dead and an other injured as a result of an explosion on Laurel Thursday morning of last week, J .The 3 men who were',' employed by the State Highway Commission J :re loading a hole with dy rnite. It seems that some struction in the way of the load , was causing the men ;to drive the load down, when it exploded, killing instantly Clarence Capps, age 18, and fatally injuring Fred Rector, of near Marshall so that he died at a hospital in Asheville that f afternoon about five o'clock. i; Shelton was the f 1.. 1: i ivuiy uuc huw living wiiu waa Ian eye witness to the tragedy. I He is now in a hospital in Ashe- yille suffering from a broken ( leg and bruises, from which he is recovering. These, wore working on the state highway on Laurel. When the explosion occurred, Capps was blown to pieces so that it was necessary for different portions of his body to be col lected before it could be interr ed." Mr, Rector, who was. aj brother- of Mr. Geonre, Rector ! of near Marshall,- mtda family J having been married twice nd stood; in its nakedness with its chosen title head; all shot to pieces.. ' ' -.. '- ttr . Thence perusing "TM Ashe ville Citizen '. of same date. I note on the editorial page a piece entitled "America Is Sing ing." Well, I didn't know but that America, bad always been singing. My mother was sing ing lullabies to me at the earli est dawn of my memory. .But no. It seems that there was some kind of a performance In the holy (?) Jity of Chicago where and when this great and holy spirit of singing was bornt that . America had at last, through ages of toil and travail, ....... nnlf AWMttABBlAM iuuuu a way ui ocu-caji cotHvut and this through the medium or song; that by the power of this gift we had come into the full ness of life and of understand ing with all peoples. , And. its name shall be called JAZZ, for behold, it is said that it quickens the dance step of the youth of a whole nation and puts grandfathers and grand mothers to ,, pounding .the (church, no) .ballroom floor with rejuvenated feet" And that even a Chicago audience was so enraptured by the' spirit of its melody that they all with one. accord rushed upon the composer and showered him with kisses. And now behold how. wonderful a gift hath been INDIAN SUMMER Sometimes when loud! the laughter rings, And love aitd mirth light every glance, A dainty, old grandmother springs Up6n the floor to share the dance ; Lifting her petticoats she shows .; - That once she tripped bt hiqible toes, While all her children's children see How beautiful she used 4 Or strangely in an old ttan's- eyes ', A twinkle flashes now and then . Which causes him erect to rise. . To show his skill to youhgeimen: ; A ring is made, and small and big Applaud while Grandpa does a jig, Giving a brave, but brief display Of splendor that has passed away. fifty-'--'- ' Thus in the proper time arid, place Age oft relieves its earlier days, Youth comes once more to light the face, And set the tired-old eyes' ablaze. A brave brief spell of joy is flung From one who is no longeroung. An old man jigs upon the. mat And Indian Summer seems like that! 44 HfJ44ifGfi44irlffiiffifi !Ara44HHi4 near White Rock; V Wm SUNDAY his old commandments The first says that I am offer ing you an old LANDMARK for a WiVTHiK route into me King dom. The second says "I am offering you a new and better way. Learn jazz and dance your way into the kingdom. My way is so broad and grand. Why, eveir the Devil could get back nto the glory land u ne bestowed upon us. for this apir.! lleaving five childreii in-all.: Jt'i is said that Mr. Shelton'Was of fflf e;?1t would on y lay down his mahce wyc" "' " "k";""v-" land select one oi nis oia cnuice the mountains where the moun- j he need not repent and all tain white" dweHeth, and assthat other 0id-fsshioned stuff, oracle of God proclaims "IT IS; ui. joaa a- nn n Ho latest iazz im!DJ2ffiL "Charleston-down One of the most interesting teachers meetings of the, year was held at Marshall Saturday, January 16th. The Walnut High School Orchestra furnish ed music which was very- much enjoyed. The three high schools of the county that have made music a part of the course are finding it very satisfactory and profitable this year. Aft er, the general discussions of the problems of reading in the elementary schools, and of high school problems by the high school teachers, Professor W. E. Bird,. Dean of Cullowhee State Normal School addressed the teachers. In his address he pointed out many of the won derful things that the state has done within the past decade for schools, and told of the won- inidertui progress ta& state nad maue. out m spite oi iue gains that have been made," he stated, "we are still ranked a roUnd fortieth among the states of the Union in what we are do ing for education." He stated that the future Of educational progress in the state depended largely upon the teachers of the At chattel recently the stu-stftte In Jnaking the system more dents had the privilege of hear-, clearly meet the needs of this Whod a thought itT . The au- 7n,A ow,-no- wivip ;t . thor doth tell us that JAZZ was ad say 'Come; blessed of my f ! of lowly Mrth'born in the ,, ather inherit the kingdom." St. Pe- portals The Fifth Sunday Meeting of . 11 1 u fv.u tw,j a 7:, dance halia oi tne cities Slums. j. x elicit, iii uau ntaociaiiuiii . j -i 'will meet-this month at Paintl.But 71 e evef upwar,d ll Fork Baptist Church. The pro-j3 cIled frm Pla.c to Place gram is made to cover Satuiv'f.1",0 eminence to eminence, i jn day January 30, and Sunday hl l hf re?d the zenith, the following.- This is a fine com-:?;6,3 o th theatres,.: And munity and the people will wel- that by jfo magic has joined , come messengers and visitors iJA ,. -,7 Tv. j IV , 'from, the various churohes. RutO ! .What a pity that .some Many of the pastors of the As-f hted i'ou wUl spurn the socitiAiiiave been faithful inith 4 msist that -after a! , attendance upon these meetings' &zz'aa hf f,tr"ck lts; V'el " which' nave proved to-be of fhat through all its wandprings o-raot value ir, in Jr.ivufinn a I ar,c UP and down tMOUgh the earth, flnirit.nal nnww rh1 In thfi rip- 1Vn- squalid' haunts of the lellow Do you wonder why the world stays lost? C. H. R. YEAR BOOK FREE ing a delightful talk on "Excess Baggage" by Mr. R. L. Patton, of Morganton, Superintendent of 'the; Burke County Schools. He spoke of extravagance, smoking, ' laziness, profanity, and - lack, of confidence as so much baggage to impede one's progress, excess baggage which should be got rid of without de lay. r this is "Study Course Week" at ' Mars Hill in which various courses in S. S. Normal training re;iven under tne airecuon oi the T&BtttttefiKMlBi en College Organized Cfasses7ilri-jr l:' HT 1,T T XT T 'Wide rieu j. iyiuui c. xvii-. o. xi. nette of Hickory, Miss Berhaus er of Raleigh, and Miss Shu mate of Nashville, Tenn., with such training as will make pos sible the future progress of the state. :'x Transylvania County recent ly "voted a tax to increase the school term of the county to at least1 eight months. Mr Hen derson; the county superintend- ent thinks' that it will take a special rate of about 45c to give this length of term. This is in addition to the general rate ofj 65 or 70 cents. Transylvania is one of the first counties in the vide tax for schools. It ft-thM!1 first 'county in thenvestern, part.. of the state to vote such a tax to approximately $6;00a,0t)0.00 Therefore if the state would in crease its income tax rate to just one-half of this amount; it would be able to finance the two extra months off school.. If the two months of school be-. yond the six months' term, it would enable a great many- of' the districts of the state to de crease the special rate voted, or enable them to provide bet ter buildings and equipment and render better service from this standpoint. There , is no doubt but that the matter of financing the term can be done without any extra burden. It will be a matter of distributing the burden, and e qualizing the opportunity The question "What will you do about it" should be proposed to every candidate who aspires to represent his county or dis trict in the next session of the General Assembly.. But most of all, those who go to Raleigh from the poorer counties of the West; and the sand hills and dunes of the East should be those who will go there and fight that the children of their counties, the children of the by ways and out of way places shall have opened to them the doors of a greater opportunity. 1 They should be men who will have courage enough to put the ' burden th training the future citizens of the state upon the -state ,as a whole, with guaran teed quality in the length of schOpJrjEermV- .. .vct v jirv Aspirant to the Legisla ture,; Jet's have your answer. MISS EXTELLE WRIGHT . GROWS STRONGER DAILY a of iRecovery1 : Is "iStill a Marvel to the People of Ashe- vjJie and the Mountains several members of the faculty, t rankin are the teacners of the texts lefldi countie3 v:nh are- taugiit. beverai a Transylvania has long been ' - noted' for its excellent school (From Charlotte Observer) king among the ASHEVILLE, Jan. 18. Miss . I i:unc!'ca seals will doubtless ce January 15, 1926 won during their study and lightiul thereby. ' ft. L. -MOORE, Executive Committee. Mr. If. L. Story, ?uarshall News.-Record, ! vlarshaU, North Carolina. I My dear Mr. Story: j , I have for free distribu-; tion a number o: copies of tliei 1924 edition of te Agrcultural; iearbook, publisied annually Kible Denartu.cii-.; year. Diviner the first semester .-u s Hill led all the schools un- - the Southern Baptist Coi:-; of all U.'s, in orgh the i'K oi the I'M in the state in Extelle Wright of Candler, who its progressiveness. If Trail- has been an invalid for the past sylvania county thinks its child- two years, and who suddenly ren are entitled to the benefits recovered last Sunday night at of-' an eight mouth term, it o'clock, is reported to be seems that all the countv .andjgrpwjcg vstroper each day. " It state ought to think likesSSe'p'orted last Monday and i ne c MiGivn oi inis cou ty and caused quite a bit of interest he state for that matter and v.-as hailed bv some as a number oi a. -. . oi v.i-r -j k;r. e a-i i:iere:i',ed miracle oi the olden days. total number of fAv'th of term. Onlv bv such Xii - Wright, who is the- snip promoted c lties s; SlUmS1t alVbos of "tbe b the Department of Agricul nvoi, ,, 'opulent there -has 'been no tul!?- TM? PLSl0 nittee change in the character of its ?ulie ' yniuI",ai " ' n7'i " aittee. , , u. ; ..j0 is useful to farmers and others . tovt,, . ' interested in farm products, CARD OF THANKS 'change t rtheir -atoTude toward. d upon request, I will be glad 211 l'- we exDect them to members enrolled in the t. nions, and in the awards vvon.oaco with the children of oth (764), according to a statement er sections that have the ad by Secretary Perry Morgan inVyantages of such a term, a reqent issue of the Biblical Re-! ' coraer. , nrc. nf mr. Vice Presdent P. L. Elliott measures to come keep'dau-ntcr oi A. n. Wright, of Lano.ler, and a sister of Mrs. Wiil Cr.they, of West Asheville, had been practically helpless for over two years until last important Sunday night at 9 o'clock, at before the'wm'ch time she suddenly got up q0(j ao senu a, copy i-u any vim vvnu preacnea ior tne congregauon next session of the general as- irom ine ea "ffl claimed ; desires it. of the Temple Baptist church sembiy will be the proposal for er or two years commenced I Tir,wntufnntftfttii I wiil appreciate it if you 0f Durham on a recent Sunday... ftnnst.itntinnal smonrfmont dressing and awakened the ' ' ' " w" ' ' . ' v v.v- . ... 1 . il: -. r it-TT i i 1 ? . 1 j mi. -. wm inane lius diiuuuutcuiciiu iVirs. ivicriugn, neau oi ooi- ff:vine- tlip state a minimum lamny. ine iamny naa retir- !ege Music department, attend-gejj00j term of eight months. et! afor attending to Miss ed the Convention of .music he measure ought to be sub- Wright's wants, and their sur teachers which met at Birming-';4Arl n thp nsnnle fm- rtifi. prise bordered onto fright at A We wish to thank our. many friends in and around Marshall for. their kindness, and service same editorial column occurs riurinor th death and burial oflnu. c. mn "R-cVinn Mn-,R 3rour PaPer- our son, brother and husband, j "" ( --noed A3 saying that a Fred Recotr. -. , well-played game of football on MR. AND MRS". JAMES A. Sunday is as pleasing to God ecs "HEUTUK, M KS, r Kri D'a service m a cathedral RECTOR and children, VAN B. JRECTOR, . G. II... .KECTOK, SHAMES A, RECTOR, Jr., MRS. W; P.-DE A VER, : 'ARTHUR ith best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, A. L. BULWINKLE. MARS HILL 3ar the opening of the Just how well pleased God is nibu a Duvibc ill' vawicuiai i know, hot. Neither does Bishop ).;.vr.rro;. 'M St how well i3 He RECTOR, CHARLIE RECTOR, pleased or displeased with aisnrin semester each year the . --..livi x ji,-. .,-. - v , igame 0f football, on Sunday I two Literary Societies for men Willi FT1 AP - A f TrTft cno no" Neither does Bishop at Mars Hill College give their llUlJuu Ur -A' lllillJ Manning. I do know, however, anniversary programs. The i mat tne oium teacjiea ua to usual eAceiience vvaa nia.ni- serve God and that " God de- tained this yearin the execises lights in and rewards -true ser-f which were varied, entertaining, vice I do not acceptias true land attended Dy large numbers, 1 i ' . . n ? x mi tt a i i t v. ham, Ala., last week. catirin. All candidates for se?in ner waiK aD0Ul tne nouse seats' in the next session of the rejoicm in her recovered geheral assembly ought to be heaitri. men. with vision and backbo- - ., 11 ,was reported last wgM, uiat ner cure was brought a bout by earnest and constant ina;. -The New- Year's . mail had come in and the writer nicked up the Newt-Record to see what B. C. Steele of Florida and H. C. ' Hopkins of '1 Ashe COUnty; two orations- by W.H. Plem- if anything, " had, happened in? with'' "plain teaching of theTBi- was rendered Saturday evening the-old home county What ble. - Read Isa; 55:5, 6.; J?or .included two' declamations by eaught his eye was a large mjr , thoughts ; are not - your -heading -"REMOVE NOTVTHE thoughts,, "for as the heaveP ' OLD LANDMARKS." : . tare" higher than the s. earth, J so ' . There" followed f some very are . my, thoughts .than : yourimons of Buncombe County and 5 itfmely truths- 'about the bid thoughts." So L,'. have not the"; Raymond Long bt Gaston Coun- time religion and the modern least notion that Bishop Man-'ty ; and a debate on the query tendency to find substitutes for ning knows God's- thoughts,iResolved, ThAt Congress should it. I That the "worldly church 'much less the peculiar charac-jhave the power to nullify de had lost the way and had taken ter of them.' " . -'. i M i cisions of the Supreme Court, opiwith-something, refined orj There comes alopg a manr of constitutionally con ceded new, scholarly or cultured. ; ' the -world lost .an sin. One then to the deluded arid lost, isays "Come in, have your feet he,, the author, declares the on-;washed and be immersed and ly and true way is "Keep the or. so enter into Peace." , .Another dinances of the church of God, says ."Select a nice piece,; of Wade Bostic of China and Tom Belcher of South .Carolina up holding;; the affirmative; and Clarence King of Yancey Coun-j Baker of Wake j OPHARD BUCKNER OF MARS HILL HONORED , - - 7,'eribugh to allow thi Ophard B. Buckner, of Mars HiH,'go.to the pec:"!o :v N. C, today is wearing a shining dec- grsjitO" i nu ,0.... I oration-which proclaims his member-'b'V. . e ;;e:.J... ship in one of the crack shooting out-, pi can 'et a voto fits of Uncle Sam's Army. r':6sitioil, it y.'ii! Pinned on the "breast of his coat in': 'V .:3 chiy ari. an official War Department medal, Offered io such aiffnifvino Kin aAmiitjinnn in. tha mnlri ' f Visjfr .Hi A .fflTA 1Q of the Rifle Sharpshooters of the U-flnance it I It is estimated that.1,1 as inAPart? of Asheville, nited States Regular Army. . Orders it, would take about $3,000,000. !ana since me ume oi ner; re made nnnrfcpni tion during the annual target practice'$3,OQO,000.00 additional 1 0,r?,used u.ite a Wt of interest in at (Jamp USx, M.J. iWnat mou- ;hat is rayer, and that she finally ought her faith up to the :int that her rejuvenation was aiTe'cteck Miss Wright is a member of the Methodist -1 1 -A V1 " 1 1 u proposal is cnurcn at anaier ana is wen too Door to known in that community as public' today - at Army Head-ffo-giye all the state an eight covf has be.en the wonder . rs announce he won this distinc-1months' term. That is of tn ' community, and has a-, , 0,000.00 additional t 0.i"su-iums w inverest m . . Is already being given by other parts of the Country, and , ftnoltno onltf Wann fa, h SimtJtt flfofo ' T.hia la fi hior anm rf UOUe OI . ll ' ITieildS Seem tO ; 'doubt her explanation it is said. ' mental Commander," Colonel Stanley; that North Carolina .ranks . a-Cf0?-"1"''!111 ' H. Fprd, rates him. highly as ah effi-vbout fourth or fifth in' the a-'tnat Miss Wnght,' expected to,' elunf' anMisv. -'an i muHtim ' .ihak. fcln(fitit nf tnTPK nnirl th Porlpral move tO Asheville Ul the 'Hear . mill devntnn inta a still bttp nh'oiiilChvprnmAiif nnvinir s AtJk n. future 'arid 'Commence WOrk. : hinder Intensive cochin Wore the; mouh $165.000,000 !here- fh.e to -now.be . ' 1925 target firings it was learned ' annually this small sum sinks I ne nousewom at . t Amry Headquarters, e s' ; intoinsignificance: Among the fim? an?. 10 bf e engag. , Buckner is serving rith the famous agricultural States North Caro- cu, D""-'s ith i.f..tn .km k fn if. i-r,o taVaa Knnt oi-rh niaia in velous recovery from wnat Was . Valor, for serrice in the Indian up-'the. value 6f her farm crops. to?"?.ht ; ;De Panent risinw. and the First COLORS nlanU Yet in her ctod of Children it"V- fv and , E. P. feet washing, the 'Lord's Sup-- jazz andiust walta right up in- County--taking '.' the negative, fed in the Spanish trenches atSaaJun ranks Forty-Secoad ' in the Per. and baptism by immersion, to the kinffdom-of Heaven." " I Music was furnished by'M: L.lHiu. the first Americans "U faH. in opportunitv it is trivinsr them. The writer looked back on that Stifh another ;advises that if iKesler, Jr. of ThomasvilleVE N.France were from its ranks.'. , 3 . it is estimated that the Fed jot seeing double, cut mere Teacher-"Sanunie, name the four, seasons " r - fK '-. Jeral reduction of taxes this year .Sata-SaH,' mustard, ''vinegar. I i it how bard you can kick some of d Burgess! Utesvflle;-.-'f Major TA,s.-Av RetfrsJCi'y jlorth' Carolina will, amount , peppet."-rlrsre5siTe Croesti 1 1 i , t - I