.' ' sv, , w - " j-d 71 ?.i j t r-w. war' ri i r-. . r f !t n ' mm w w r . MARSHALL NEWS PERSONAL'and OTHERWISE Happening , , In and Marshall Near Mr. Lea Fowler of Marlon, N. C, after mending a week on his farm sear Marshall, returned to his home Marion last Saturday. Miss- Anna May Deaver ia noma for a couple of weeks till she suffi ciently recuperates from her operation cently nsed as'the Reetor jbarbev ah" next door to T. A. Dodson'i rrooerv store, ia being-torn down, preparatory to the erection of -a new brick build- in to be used by Mr. E. E. Tweed as nia ary gooas store. r ne ouuaing now being used by Mr! Tweed 'is to be remodeled and used for the Marshall Pharmacy. i'-? ''!.. ;"' What the " building now occupied by the Marshall Pharmacy is to be us ed for, was not learned. MISS SARAH RAMSEY DEAD Miss Sarah Ramsey of Marshall died last Saturday night, April Srd, before takine up her training at the. about one o'clock, age 78. She had Fraach Broad Hospital again. been making her home with her son, Mr. Charlie Ramsey. tern' Texa but was porarily at the home of Mrs. Ramsey, on the south side of the riv er. She had been ill with flu, but was better prior to a relapse from which she died, having been ill about ten days. Funeral was Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Key. J Martin and Kev. H. u Smith and In terment was in the Ramsey cemetery. She leaves one son. Mr. Charlie Ramsey, two sisters, Mrs. Emelino Redmon and Miss Rachel Ramsey of Murphy, N. C and three brothers, Mr .J. G. Ramsey, Mr. George Ram sey and Mr. Jim Ramsey, all of Mar shall. She had been a member of the Marshall Baptist Church for 50 years. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our sincere thanks for the many expressions of sympathy and kindnesses shown us by the people of Marshall during the illness ana aeaui ox our uitm uhuku ter, Faith. MR. AND MRS. EMERSON HAHN. Mr. ind Mrs. H. L. Story spent last Sunday alternoon in Asheville. Miss ttuby Wilson, who is teaching at uiUTuiae, w. c, spent last week-end witn jaws una nemmons, Mrs. J. N. West left Sunday to spend some time with her. daughter, Mrs. Austin, of Charlotte. She will probably visit other relatives while away. Her daughter at Ridgeway, Pa., is expecting to move back to North Carolina. Mr. Bud Davis spent last Sunday afternoon in Asheville. Miss Mae Worley was in Asheville last Sunday afternoon. aufriends of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Wei Wf will be interested to know that they are now living at Chimney Rock. Miss Osce Payne, who ia employed as a nurse at the State Hospital, in Raleigh, N. C, is spending a few days with relatives here. Mr. Kirk Payne of Little Pine was in Marshall Monday. Mr. Willie Anders, who has been in Detroit for about four years, came last Friday to spend about 80 days. He came on account of his father's condition. His father, Mr. T. J. An den, who has been under an operation at a hospital in Asheville, is now at home, having come last Saturday. At home for the Easter holidays are Messrs. Ted McKinney. Lawrence Mc Elroy, Leo White and Bill Tilson of Chapel Hill; Misses Carroll and Sel wyn McDevitt of Carson-Newman col lege. Tenn. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist church met Thursday aft ernoon with Mrs. D.. W. Kanoy. A full attendance was present, Mrs. M. E. Fisher has moved this week to the house next to Mrs. How ard Rector's. Mrs. R. C. Nanney of Naples is spending the week at the Rector Ho tel. The Rector hotel has been leased by Mr. J. Hubert Davis, who will con tinue to run it as a hotel. Mr. Clarence Redmon, who has been operating the Rector hotl, has given it up and moved back with his family and mother to his father's home. Muster WilHnm Roberts, son of Mr. lEr. n, V nW. .ninJ KViiKYONK WHO DUES NUT ??.d 3$: ?L-?iJPltT KNOW WHY HE BELIEVES IN THE ZZJa . t I Arnif BiBLE SHOULD COME TO THE AJT.tr STS. to he ? BAPTIST CHURCH" SUNDAY Mife Mary Gudger, so as to be ne"r jfORNING. THE PROGRAM FOR l"e,"T t M.v.n THE DAY IS AS FOLLOWS v,5o n , v,i fnmilv to T.v- Sunday School 9:45. Bring your man. South Carolina: where' he has,0 L one of our Sunday cone into the erocery business. Mr. TITTTV TTT Tfirtl fPTTW TTT)T TV McClean recently W "iK L "h!lA Si ,hour. Why not spend an. hour with uiuuw. oBv, ins STiii let. the naator heln won in PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATION TO MEET MONDAY The Parent-Teachers Association will meet on Monday, April 12th, im mediately after school. ' Everybody invited. SERVICES AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH "SUNDAY neas and went back to South Caroli na. Attending the Republican Conven tion in Durham this week from Mar hall are Messrs'. J. Will Roberta, S. B. Roberts. Dr. Frank Roberts, G. L.I McKinney, and J. Coleman Ramsey. Mr. F. E. Freeman has treated him self to a new Dodge Sedan. Mis Ethel Allen has returned from a visit to relatives at Spartanburg, S. Mr. G. W. Odell or Asnevuie nas been visiting MisswEthel Allen eently. i . " us and let the pastor help you your belief in the Bible. "THE OTHER WAYS" Matthew 7:13-14 will be the theme of the evening discussion. COME AND WORSHIP WITH US, IT WILL DO THEE GOOD, SICK CHILD AT HOTEL DEAD The 20 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Hahn of Hickory, who have been . at the Montezuma re Hotel nearly two weeks, died Tues- day evening, aoouc o o ciock. rne body waa taken back to Hickory wed- mmrm mA nnnim neaday. for burial. They expect to I IVKKII III KK III I return to Marshall Friday on No. 11 1 !l LAAJ . 1 V U U U J 1 and peBd tnat nightr a, Key. and Mrs. H. . L. Smith and resume their NEW STORE BUILDING RECTOR BARBER SHOP BEING , TORN DOWN FOR NEW BRICK . BUILDING . . Changes are being made in Marshall all the time. The wood building re- jonrney to Canada the next day. W. A. SAMS Physician and Surgeon Office Front Room Over Citizen Bank. ' A V Z I A li V I IN It. h IM Yi I M 'FOR REPRESENTATIVE M-v Dlatform is, if nominated and elect-; ed, to represent to the best of my ability the g interests . of all the people : of Madison S . 'J am opposed to all unfair, extravagant, and unnecessary'? expenditure of the tax payer's money. -1 am opposed to, any. un necessary county officers. ! ;" " , , There is no political ring or clique urg- I . - J. IJ 11 V UVUV1VM' A , ;i r O , 1 1 in or m'o to offer mvself as candidate. il am '.' S appealing directly to the people who i eel ;$ the burdens as a result of how liigs have O ft gone in the past. . ; . v I I am a full-fledged. Republican and; al- ! ! ways have been. V::V-'"':A'Vl'.'? " I will not favor any action to cut on any : LIST OF JURORS ,V1 List of 'Jurort drawn for April Term Superior; Court, April 2, 1926 No. 1 TOWNSHIP Charley Coats. Joe Rice. R. W. Rec tor, unas. freeman, H. S, Freeman. ' ,N..l TOWNSHIP . 1 v '-,- rt-F Straley Hentley: Milbttrn Gosnoll:- No. 3 TOWNSHIP , v W i'-; O. -F. Ledford. Lewis Ponder. No. 4 TOWNSHIP - ' B. A. Robinson. D. B. Metealf. H. M. Sprinkle, J. F, Revis, R. D. Ponder. No. 8 TOWNSHIP : E. H. Jarvis, H. L. Gibbs. 0 No. 6 TOWNSHIP M. B. Brown. F. Cassida. Nov 7 TOWNSHIP i Z. B. Freeman. H. B. Riddle. No. 8 TOWNSHIP . Homer Reeves. Robert Norris. ,:i No. TOWNSHIP Thomas Frisbee. J. W. Norris. No. 10 TOWNSHIP Andrew Adams. No. 11 TOWNSHIP Guy Enelish. C. N. Willis. R. B. Randolph. No. 12 TOWNSHIP W. H. Roberts, Jr. No. 13 TOWNSHIP John Balding, J. T. Blankenship. No. 14 TOWNSHIP J. H. Caraway. No. 18 TOWNSHIP ' J. H. Still es, John W. Anderson. ' No. 16 TOWNSHIP J. L. Shelton, W. L. Fender. TAX LISTERS Tax Listers appointed by the Coun ty Commissioners April 6, 1926, for the various Townships and Wards, are as follows, Te-wit: . No. 1 Tewuhip, Ward 1 " Jfi. N. Ward. Marshall R-3. No. 1 Towuhip, Ward 2 - B. E. Guthrie, Walnut No. 1 Township, Ward 3 H. K. Ramsey, Marshall R-5. No. 1 TowMkip, Ward 4 . J. Winston Rice, Marshall R-2. ' No. 2 Township, Ward I B. T. Hensley, Carmen. No. 2 Township, Ward 2 Blame Rice, Big Lurel. No. 3 Township Raymond Eller, Marshall R-3.- No. 4 Township H. J. Jervis, Ivy.! No. 8 Township ' Floyd Barrett, Mars Hill R-2. No. 6 Township M. M. Worley, Canto No. 7 Township Caney Brown, Marshall R-o. No. 8 Township, Ward 1 B. C. Meadows, Spring creeK. No. 8 Township, Ward 2 . Shuford It. Coward, mun. i No. 9 Township," ; ' W. M. lwson, f&mt kock, No. 10 Township H. cj. Waliin, Kevere. No. 11 Township Mrs. Zetta Bryan, raust. No. 12 Township A. L. Buckner, Big fine. No. 13 Township W. J. C. Kinehart, Joe. No. 14 Township Vaughn C. Fisher, Marshall k-z. No. IS Township C. N. Jervis, Mars am. No. 16 Township r Miller Wild, Flag fond, xenn., 3C MARSHALL. N. C. (Successors to F. SHELTON) AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS COUNTY FOR MADISON We wish to announce to our friends throughout the County that we have organized The SERVICE MOTOR COMPANY and are prepared to give lineal ervice We expect Satisfied Customers to be our best adver tisement. We have a complete line of all STYLJES of FIORDS. SEDANS, COUPES, TOURINGS, ROADSTERS, TRUCKS & TRACTORS We cordially invite you to come in and see us. nn 11 0) VB.B A .W. WHITEHURST, President X VE. R. TWEED, P. V. RECTOR, W. A. WEST, Secretary & Treasurer L. H. TWEED. 3C MRS. J. A. SMITH DIES SUDDENLY SEMINARY CHURCHTO BE READY FOR USE APRIL 25, 1926 The new building of the Seminary Baptist Church is nearing completion. lit is expected that the uppei1 story of the building will be ready for use Sunday, April 25. The pastor, Rev. H. L. Smith, is planning a special service for that day. Mm J. A. Smith of Stocksville waa found dead in bed at her home yes terday morning. She had been in perfect health, and was not complain : ninu when cho retired tha nhrht before: Her death came as WILL NOT BE A CAWUiUAitrua MR. W. A. WEST TO GIVE UP CLERK'S OFFICE FROM MARS ML (Special.) complete shock both to her famHy and friends. . . . She ia survived oy ner nnsoana ana REELECTION THIS YEAR The many friends of Mr. W. A. eleven children; Mrs. J. A. Sluder 01 west wui no douDt De concernea w Asheville Mrs. W. T. Redmond of learn that-he will not be a candidate 5n. . Mr. W J. Keith of for reelection as Clerk of the Superior Asheville; Mrs. Lee Garrison of Weav- Court of Madison County. This final :n -. rAi smith at niBcc moun neciaiun iiaa uecu nwucu witw enure, v... rj ,v A .WV tnl Mrs. J. A. rOX OI. neavwuiQi sou twin ;m ouimb uu , Mahal Hnir: AiecK ana tms naoer. rar. west d umuc. The friends of Miss Lessie Hensley are very sorry that she is ilL They hepe she will soon recover. Misses Delilah Buckner, Vergje Ponder, Mafra Buckner and Herbert Hawkins motored to Laurel Friday evening for the entertainment. They reported a nice time. 1 Mr.; and Mrs. Walter Hensley spent last week-end with his mother, Mrs. C. W.. Hensley, of this place. The Mars Hill High School will soma he oat, With th llimmAF MA.nt. his ;reason and we learned that the,! This is the first class to finish in Mara omce aoes noi pay enuugu, wii,u un .hui aUCb School. . i i ... i j .i t fl,..... I 0 to make it ttractive te Mr. West tarn; and Mary, Paul Smith of Stocksville. such a splendid officer and was pop- ,11 w --- - . . r . . , ... n rnna , n n. rn r mm byi.riii. i iimi. w w-. uiu uul isa ters and one brother; Mrs. Bud Mor- pect anyone would have the nerve to Mr. Troy Rector, who resigned. Miss Dyke, the music teacher of Ml H. S., has been very ill with the flu, but is now able to be back in school. I The Mars Hill High School was very proud of winning the twenty-five dol- ' lars ($25.00) at the County Corn Mr. L. J.' Crow has been appointed mencement last week. chief of police of Marshall succeeding . We are all wondering why Miss Les- lne Ble nensiey ia spending ner sunoays MR. L. J. CROW NEW POLICEMAN j nna brother: MrB. sua mor- pect anyone wuuiu nave vuo u i. v.'i " - ana. one oroiner, m ... T v i . v. - j,Q1 nvon ir a..,,, Kpcritip cffpct ve after a meet- at home now, Of Stocfcsvme; Mrs. ,, ..,,T "",,7 TV YC. tw C.nn Tnead Miss Delilah Buckner snent. lst Tfir irrit 1 1 1, mi Liiui, lie nvuiu v.viivii , , , k, .. ... . . fl n Mnrristown. Tenn.; and Wil iam Ross of West Virginia. The deceased was a memoer i . Mrogan HilJ ' Baptist cnurcn, wnerc the funeral will be neia mis nj""11 at 11 o'clock the Rev. N. B. Phillips of Fairview officiating. lac vjnif&A?. to fill this office. The fact that h? night. l njirt. nf T.Tadisbri to Buncombo County. " I solicit your support in thd Republican From Walnut Creek mi TfHi, FaulVner is visitinz ner , si grandparents at Mars Hill this week. Glever West were out car riding Sun day. They also were veiling Cora Kilpatrick. t -Jv- . . Mr. Harley nice is movms w x- -511- :, TTa trava a chicken least ue fore' he left. , The boys are all sorry fe aaa him va " ' : " " ' ' .. I fi nr rtm tfunUtner was - visiting 1 hec parents at Mars HiU this week. Mrs. Delia Wallin brought a rooster up to Mra. ,Ora, Faulkner's ;Wednes- (f r. Homer" Faulkner ' wai ' visiting home folks Sunday. ,,;.t1 Miss Nellie west M-r' "T Reece were visiting v ara, , anuw Faulkner Wednesday. . ... Miss Marjory amuey w i Walnut Creek Saturday and Sun- dMr Winston Rici W having his hXPG'ind:NeUUCW'and John Kilpatrick made a flying trip to t IS.. SutnrilfiT. . Mr. Beulah Reece made a flying trip to KarshaU Tuesday. ; ;; With best wishes to alL - J ',-.. ':- ' - tor vni"T tohne- Saturday night with Miss Lessie Hensley. tion on her throat. We wish her the best of luck while she is gone. Mr. Clyde Hensley and Mr. Blake Silvers of Biltmore visited Mr. Hen sley's mother and sister, Mrs. C. W. and Miss Lessie Hensley of this place. Misses Crla Ponder, Mafra Buck ner, Vergie Ponder, Delilah' Buckner and Mr. Hubert Hawkins and Mr. Ho mer Hawkins went on ah Easter pic nic last Sunday. " The Senior Class of the Mars' HilT High School has ordered their diplo mas. They are anxious for them to t ! I TOMTOAN VOTERS I MADISON COUNTY I hereby announce myself a candidate, for the office of Clerk of Superior Court, subject to the will of the voters in the Re publican :Primary to be held June 5th, is2- :. - I earnestly solicit the support of both la- ) K dies and gentlemen. - j If nominated and 6-1 K lected I pledge myself to a faitMulperfor-0 mahce of the duties1 involved in fulfilling S3 this office. come. 1' P n LI n Ll 4 : For: Tax Collecto: ,r:i TO THE VOTERS OF f r-t MADISON COUNTY V E I hereby ' announce, myself a candidate for the office of f County Tax Collector, sub-! ject to the action of the Re- i publican primary to be held f June 5th, 1926. Ifnom- inated and elected I will I serve the people to the very j best ef my ability, w - t : ' ' Its?Tectf ully, ''A ,;" . Primary,;',:.;. '.,.1 - I T ' i ...'' I -1

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