it i f. ' i - I i ft J "? i I: I" . tv - ' v 1 i 4 r. 5 - -"1.1 I. . irrrrT-llrr- m you it.. a. ; CAN BUY ft !-."l'V '' ' I '" rt,, - . for thM schools, and Cat further wa would apply for loan for Whit I Boek as-soon a (ha roads la t&af s"tfc- von were completed to uat wi could I give tnem m atanaarct nigti school. Every member of the Board of Ef. ucation went before the commission-1 ors iB.iujr mat una u aone, except Mr. McDevitt. If he la as interested in the education of . the children of I me coumy as ne snouia De, fie would . '3'j DJ have , helped put this across. ' I am iiMM.'nt.g W sure that if he had been as diligent I m pressing mis point as ; ne nas in I KY. STAR DAIRY FEED PREMO LAYING MASH and SEDAN SCRATCH FEED ON A MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE Come in and look these Feeds over. You will like the Feeds, and you will like the prices. CITY MILL COMPANY MARSHALL, N. C. NOTICE! Hi attempting to defeat the Marshall project, and if the county ; commiss ioners would have been as ready to believe him in that position" an thev have in this, we could, have given a V ; V i r r- m . . ... jnign scnooi to jn. rour lownship thi; iyear, to Spring Creek, to No. Four teen and a four-room addittion to Mars Hill. If the people -of -these places want to have schools they can not be . misled by statements of Mr, McDevitt on a district proposition. If they blame any one for the. lack of adequate sclooI , facilities, they cannot attach the blame to the nrps- ent board of education, but to the policy of Mr. McDevitt that each dis trict must Day for its own buildino- There are only three districts in the county that can do this.vThey are Marsnau, walnut and ttot Springs. The County Board of Commission era refused to take over thi hiiil4inr St I cost oi tne county, Dut they did ap 1E prove the application for the Mar- Si Q shall building on a district basis, aft- .is all that the commissioners did. I ; think that they made a mistak SUPT. O. S. DILLARD REPLIES not Puttin? the matter clearly over . . , , ;as a county proposition. But as tliev (Lamed over from first page) did not, they cannot be blamed for thev w horo. t j i . anything that they did with jthe se l 5ic,ed t0 t,he d strict. Mr. curing this loan. ' i'n.icltl JVI1UWS Or SnOllin lenn-m thof A a. i t . . the State lnnnc I t -V A" lo prlor loans. a am inrormeci Fund 'ro?Jhl.fjte? bv the. State Department of Educa- f rT. rir::ri" CK tl0n- that the loans to the board of amount ; ,7V'U"A education for MarshaU were as county building fHd, would lack se've St "? " J8' suTi r; ZZn ,? lh! ind d by fhe .ocal committee, but Tnnrp nnvmnnf t K.i .... a il I was indorsed by Mr. McDevitt as until thTrf T;?,-: Z Z Ue maGe member of th County Board of Ed Now lpf sap ucation, hence the county eommiss- to Trove Thf m JS; 1,6 fattemPU oiners nave no lien- neith- the tr,.rkP.r0M-.H J.? i63 County Board of Education on this thp r.l,:(Drf'. f ' I amount unless the district wants to ; rt; r "e il1!T?a 9 Py which they will be willing to do f,pv;V " 'ul c" and are going to do. But if A Zt" "l r ""."L?-... "A McDevitt as a member of the Board ..r., l.""6'11"" bad been as l. 6 '. T' me county, r.nar countv fundc TheBuick Sealed Ckassis and En- gine rwmm:.. 1 1 . IlLlllit "NORTH CAROLINA, MADISON COUNTY, llntlur and by vi-t ie of an order of the Superoir Court of Madison Coun tv. made in a sr;e;;il Froceedings Jn titled. J. C. Ran-. . Admr., of James Olemmons. Decc .. J vs. Willie Clem mon.--. et al. lit.':: s-at-law of James Clcmmons, deccnr-oj, the undersigned 'cmmi-sioner. .It 1 n H .Mcblroy, did hi pursuance to - :Sh order sell, after due cdveiti. emon:, the lands describ ed in the petitio.: therein, on the 15th Aw of March. . t which sale Henry i-ome the last and the sum of $75.00 .bed as No. 1 in said And whereas, within 1 by law, the said Bid ten per cent.. I will of April at 12 o'clock t. 1 in MarJfnnJs If U ; t , CO tn r,P hio-hest bidder with the srhnol lw nH it .; ' pu"K locacea wnere ne wanted it. ... vv ..-o v.o uuda'-IUII, If .,.U to know these simple facts, he either " HVer Sht;!ton dk! 'l.iirhcst for the lot d: a-v.-rt i' omen thr time spec r.i? Inn ra;s r. tW? IPth d noon, al tne c sh:-.'.. X. C. for ca h, thr- following described pro yv . lo-wit, in the town of Marshall, S. W. side of river, "Beginning a b .ii ! poie i'lom a pole bridge, on a locust and maple on the bank of the French Broad River, and runs up the rivr 10 r.o!es to a maple on the bank of the rivar; then westwardly up the hill S polo to a stake; thence 10 poles parallel to the river to a stake, thence eight poles down the hill to the river, the begin nine corner. Containing acre, more or lass. Excepting a right of way for n .road or street through said premises. This 2nd day of April, 1926. JOHN H. McELROY, Commissioner Out April 16, 1926. the architect's fee is paid out of the v, funds allotted to the building and is not a charge asamst the snppia iunns or aeainst ti cenpr.i anxiuos to protect tne as he now is, why did e not see that the local committee sipfnnH thp nntps fnr the mnTiow' "M t;lx he honed hv this nronositinn that hcl nnnnf.. . 1 " ."u..., could use thls as a CU t0 et tho Ai,o-v,f t i j . gesrea o tu. i..., 6 about-the local committee paying it build where he euj- nothing would bo said UOTICE! TJOT1CE OF SPECIAL TAX ELEC TION IN SPECIAL SCHOOL TAX 1NG .DISTRICT. TOWNSHIP NO. 4. resign ' back: if not- then they should not Now. lpt' bpo wl,o ., i have the money. Let's see if this is fiVo t itri.ii .it.;.:" if" true. The Board of Education se hon ti : . 1 . ' j cured the money and had it in the in the snecil tnv pWh tv..f o bank before any arrangements what- holH Jr. tv. MoMi.oii j..- tj. j:j ever nao been made to pay it, back, "v uai iiiiau uisiiii:l. lit" 11 1(1 a ,1 , . 1 not vote, consequently, he voted a- AS soon as tJne ues"on. 91. "cation gainst a special school tax that would canJe .uP-,ani.a reatv. d'vif1n aro? enable the district to do this very as t0 ta location, such that it would thing that he is fighting. I have been J13!? ben POMible to carry an e- m the school work for the past fif- vy " " teen years, and this is the first time was ordlfred1 by the Board that the m my knowledge that I have known "c i""0 " uau- a mnnhor . tV., T3 1 Per Cent. Education to vote against a special M WlrfiSd record an3There, that Kotn is hereby given that a spe cial school tax election has been or rfprotl tv the COUNTY COMMIS- STTfNERS nf Madison County, North Carolina, to be held at the regular voting places in Number four iown surp, on Tuesday, May 11th. 1926, to ascertain the will of the voters within 4he tjpo nosed snecial school taxing dis 4riit. wnether there shall be levied and collected a special annual xax in me district of not over fifty cents on the one hundred dollars valuation of pro perty, eal and personal, to supple ment Hie six months' public school :f unds nd to provideprincipal and in terest on 'building funds. The proposed Special School Tax ing District is as follows: Embracing all of Township Number Four. Thr Countv CommJssioners , havte ordered a new registration for this election in order to meet the require ments of the law for holding such an election. i. F. Carter is appointed Registrar ad W. C. Radford and Clyde Brown s Judges in Ward No. 1; W. B. Duck tax. Nnt. nn xr AA ha vnfA aaoinot if but he used his influence to defeat county commissioners and told them the proposition. In the next place, h?n that thLe district could not pay he sneaked before the countv board lhls money back, or that the county i . . . Hs Q11 f ll HiiMnf Inn vara a 4- mnw r OT (AmmiumnArg vith o noolr f fa a wuuvouvii wo vi v hik w statements .sUting that this school PuLsonJhln8r ovrion the county, is a county proposition when it is P difference between our action NOT. He gave them figures that and hw 18 .th??- We secured the sig- were msileading. He spread propa-Satures,.01i. tn 'ocal committee to ganda all over the county that the 2le PPjcation before we mdorsed it. Board of Education was trvinir to nut We had a special election to secure something over on the county. His enough money to pay it back, before only and sole purpose in this is be- asking the State Board to approve our cause he is riitumintlpri hppnnap h ; loan. The Register of Deeds filed a not dictating the policies of the coun- statement with the State Department ty Board of Education. of Education as to the approximate Mr. McDevitt has an axe to grind, valuation of the property in the pres and he is using this method to grind e,nt school district. Upon this data it. (the State Board of Education ap- I shall state that asfar as I am Proved the loan. Mr. McDevitt Be personally concerned I have nothing cured the indorsement of the County to gain by this fight. It perhaps Board of Commissioners to an appli would be much easier for me to drift cation of $65,000.00 without any in along with the least resistance pos- dorsement of the local committee, aihip nWino. tvniitioa with fho ..i...i0 No eleetioa was ever held in the dis- of the county, disregarding the rights trict to raise sufficient funds to pay of the children, and seeking to do I it back. I leave It to an unbiased nothing that would cause any His-1 public opinion as to whose method of turbance. But when state health au- proceedure has been in keeping with thoritiea. and all laws of hvoipnn the law. Sec. 284 of the public school state that the health of the children law states that unless the committee " Marshall is being endangered bv indorse tnis application, etc., tne completely away from Buick opeiv ating parts Try to find the same protection on other cars, before you decide which car to buy BUICK MOTOR COMPANY FLINT, MICHIGAN WEBB MOTOR" COMPANY ; Coze" Street ASHEVILLE, N. C. iruii o TO THE VOTERS OF MADISON COUNTY f LADIES AND GENTLEM AN: I am announcing myself as a candidate tl for the office of Sheriff pf lTadfsoh County, . subject to the will of the majority of tke & voters at the Primary held June 5th, 1926. I am entering the race for sheriff : at tho earnest solicitation of friends from tho various sections of the county. If nom inated and elected, I promise to execute W the duties of this high office in the most ef-1 J ficient way with fairness and in a courteous manner. I promise to call to my assistance i if elected, the best men I can get as depu ties arid to enforce all the laws to the best of my ability. Yours to serve, R. n. Ramsey support his contentions, are burying their hopes for better school condi tions that only time can tell what will be the outcome. O. S. DILLARD. Superintendent Madison Co. Schools. From Gabriel's Creek NOTICE! ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE that it will do so. The County Board of Education has asked no favnra fnr Marshall and is asking for none. How ever, we do insist that if we ever have a system of public schools in the coun ty, it cannot be done on the basis that Mr. McDevitt arirues. For without tne support of the Marshall valuation, the poorer districts cannot ever hope to nave anyining luce equal education al opportunities, and it is an tadefnn. sible argument so far as the rest nf the county is concerned to attempt to build a school system on the district oasis as Mr. McDevitt undertakes to set forth. And the rural districts that NOTICE! Ha. and H. L. Bice as Judges in idance in the present school ing, when a great section of the county must depend upon this place, for high school advantages, when only a part of the chiirren could attend school for the full length of term without - extra cost of tuition and transportation, I could not fold my to appointed Kegistrar ana iyi hands and ehut mr evea to the urgent J T u KlC?f1UnS.",nand that omething b done." , The 'JtJ-i -1 In November, the County Board of fta kept open during bli Education adopted the County-wide tin place of business of the registrars from Saturday, April lutn. 10 sarar dayr May 1st. The foUowing four plan Of school organization. . We went before the County - Board of Saturdays tam especially set aside as tne hi buildings of the county beionew then, 'we will state that vai ox more taao 9iuu,uv spent ior county board of education shall have no lien upon the local taxes of the district. In conclusion, I shall state that Marshall High School will take care of its building cost, and operate its school om a basis that is fair and e quitable, and that no section of Mad ison County need feel that it is be ing unjustly taxed to i support Mar shall's school. It Marshall, that pays more than one-fourth of the tax es of the County is not entitled ,to some consideration at the hands of the Board . of : Education and Com TBgiatfation oays: &aturaay? ptmi, county proposition. In our plans cui. i rrb nik mat l err na . - . . . jLwui., iimw mul, . a? ft Iw aavocatea new buildings lor Mar Kegvanrs wiB have books at the rer-ahall, No. Four Township, No. Four- Oar polling places in the respective .pn Townahin. Rnrino- nA mA. -wards on these dates. The registrn-ijits. - t M gm A .Mk. tion books will be elosed after Satur day. May 1st.'; - Saturday, May 8th,, sshaTl "be eballenge day..- The election adiall be held on Tuesday, May 11th., sad 'hall be held under the laws for lidding general elections except that n one. is entitled to vote wno nas not registered' for this election. ' The election' will be held at the xvgular. polling places in the respective -wards of No. 4 Township. V. At the election those in favor of -t' e tax shall vote a ticket on-which r 1 be written or printed the words ErtCIAL. TAX." i Those op tied shall vote a ticket on which shall -rH'en or printed the words "Av " t r fPECIAL TAX" " decUon to called wnder author-1 ' t of Article 18 of the Public School 7 - cf North Carolina for 1923, ed that the county board of commis sioners approve applications for loans NOTICE! Having qualiled as administratrix of the estate of I. C. West, deceased. late of Madison County, North. Caro lina; this to to notify all persons hav ing claims against the- estate of said deceased to exhibit them to under signed, properly verified on or before the first day of March, 1927, or this nctice Will be plerted in bar of their recovery.. All f wsons indebted to NOTICE of SALE of LAND By virtue of the power in me vest ed, by a Judgment and decree of the Superior Court, made and entered at the March term. 1928. for said county and state appointing me as commissioner in the following proceeding: "J. C. Ramsey Adminis trator of Thomas Lloyd, deceased vs M. P. Lloyd and other heirs of Thom as Lloyd, deceased and Sue Gibbs, de fendants" I will sell to the highest bidder for cash -on Monday, the 26th day of April,C 1926 .the same being the : first Monday of the Superior court of Madison County at 12 o'clock M., at the courthouse door in' Madison County, the following described real estate, to-witt One acre of land, with a grist mill house with mill (fixtures and a new mill fixtures and a saw mill and planing mill outfit, together with a mill site and race described as tract No. 1 in, a certain proceeding where in Sue Gibbs is plaintiff and M. P. Lloyd and other heirs at law of Thorn c. ord-r of the Toard of ,8a5 estate will please make immediate wj ct 1 si -ton paymsnt. TV f irch, 192 6. ' ;tratrix of , deceased. schools last year in Madison County, of which Marshall paid more than one fourth, while it received back only about one-eighth, it is being unjustly discriminated against. ; . ' . - I shall further state that Marshall has funds with which tojlnance- tts'M Lloyd, deceased, is defendant, and i.n nmiiT n( I. 5t- i.t ! 1 t the same time and apportionment out the operating and IP1'" another tract of land consisting equipment fund of the county, and j of about 75 acres, an4 being described as Tract No. 2 in the said proceeding, and being the home place' of Thomas Lloyd at the time of his.qeeth. Said two tracts adjoining, eacb. other, and also adjoining the lands of Martha Norton, Jack Lloyd, and others, and situated in No. 16 township of said county and state on the waters of Big Laurel, said sale being made for to make assets, and. for partition amonz the tenants in common. To the said proceeding reference is made for a full description of said land. -Doae this the 25th day of March, 1925. , : . . .; , . .; - ' . J. "C EAirrST, Cemn.ioaer. t April 16, is:s. - . , Having qualified r.s administrator of the estate of Z. L. Bryan, deceas ed, late of Madison County, North The people of this place are get-1 Carolina, this is to notify all persons ling along nicely now. having claims against the estate of Miss Ethel Buckner spent Thurs- the said deceased to exhibit them to dawnigrt J J-J C,??5ps'u t x, i the undersigned on or before the 28th Mr. Walter and Miss Ethel Buck-i . . . ... ner acompanied by Miss. Glen Clark ! day f March' 1927 this notice of Mars Hill were car riding Sunday, jwill be pleaded in bar of their recov- Mr. Sawyer and family and Mr.iery. All persons indebted to said and Mrs. Dave Woody who moved a- estate will please make immediate way from our community are missed .payment very much ) Mr. Tillery Phillips family who has This the 26th day of March, 1923. been very sick for some time, :3 get-; A. W. UK YAW, tmg along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Anders ana son. L.utner. oi Asneviue visnea m our community Saturday and Sun day. The Misses Capps had an egg nuni Saturday afternoon at their home. There were 22 present. After the egg hunt games as follows were played: "Are you in kehoot," "Tap hand," Cross Question and Silly Answers," "In the mush pot," "Spin ning the Plate," and Thiihble." Messrs. Woodfin CaDDS and Mr. Alfonzo Rice are the proud owners of a new cob pipe. we are naving some nice weomci now. The roaas are nne; cars travel them most every day. We are proud to say that Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Buckner and family have Administrator of the estate of Z. L. Bryan, deceased. Out April SO, 1926. AT "Fully Accredited by th4 National Atsociatioa of Accredited Commercial Schools." - Train for ' business the richest field in the world, r If you wish to plan a successful career,' qualify in the subjects business demands: Pen manship, Spelling, Business English, Letter Writing, Business Arithmetic, Commercial Lift w, Bookkeeping, Banking, Machine Bookkeeping, Ac counting, Shorthand, and Typewrit ing. Master these subjects while young, then you will place yourself in a group from which general man agers are chosen. This training will enable you te work your "own way through college. Vacation time is the stenographer's "harvest-' -: The key to success is the capacity for "leadership, then select a training that will enable you to do some one thing well, in a superior way tho safest, sanest, and, quickest way t0 financial ' independence 1 and large achievement. ' '.:. T':'U:-UX'' J. '."'".iV Our schools have been the. business moved back in our commnnitv. Mr. and Mrs. Marion DeBruhl of Alexander, Mrs. Myrtle Deweese and children of West Asheville, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Capps of Asheville and Mr. and Mrs. Offle Silver and kids of Mars Hill visited at the home of Julius Capps Sunday. Mr. Owens Arrowood who is working in Asheville spent the week end with home folks. Mrs. Jim Ammons who has been very sick with flu is improving some. We are sorry to hear that old Aunt Matilda Buckner is not expected to live long. - Mr. Boss Rice who has been very ill with heart trouble has improved , some. Good wishes to the News-Record. TAXI SERVICE Good Cars, Careful Drivers You Drive It cars by the Hour or Mile. If I give you satisfactiea, tell your friends AND THE PRICE IS RIGHT LISENBEEBROS ( at Lisenbee'e Jewelry Shop . Telephoae 59 o : fl A QTJ For Dental Gold, Plat- , vlOllinum, Silver, Diamonds, atagneto points, falsa teeth, Jew--elry, any yalaablea. Mail to-day. Cash by.retnra'. malLs-.', " , , . Hoke S. Jk R. Co., Otsege, Mick. . NOTICE! V ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OOTEL SWITZERLAND ; WALf.'UT, N. C - - Wherre a real mother Ws charge of the cookitij. Good service, reasonable rat;, f Grr f ortable rooms with run ." rizj wlater. -1- Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Richard Gahagan, de ceased, late of Madison County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having" claims against the estate of the Said dftoonfiAwt tn vMKit tticm a man's source pt supply for pfllcctrain. mieTS:8zei oa orefore 12th a ne.p jor yaaxv .oen.. ,day of March, 1927, or this notict will Infomia.on. , 4 . 1 ' " 4 Ibe pleaded in bar of their recovery. CECIL'S BUSINESS COCLZCE .111 JfiSE Adievaic, H. C SparUab-rg, 5. C.lwlU b1m-. MJsf . This th 12th day of March, 1W6. EY15EXAEnNEp '"'And Glasses Fitted"' A ; I have reopened my office In Marshall. If : yoa have eye troubles come see me. . I assure you of good service. I refer you to the Ciany pa tients )J have fitted around Mar- i : tv. r " - . 1 J t 1..- l i - JOHN GAHAGAN and '' if WAENEl GAHAGAN, Administrators of the estate ct Eichr' ard Gakagaa, deceased. Out April 16, 1926. gold dust::rs Ctl " ; . - - Ci, -L-.Tifa era a. i. Ij . ii sj gj j

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