, i ' . i s ' v y l . 1 j , : THE NEWS-RECpRD;: frO fteffiWft: 3'- l hrf(' J I THENEWS.RECORDfl9An ! ,1 (1 V;jormiA:iYE i,, n it-J.MA r, M 7 U; j J PRICE A YEAR vn;44Z.UJ - . , THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN MADISON COUNTY VOL. XXI MARSHALL, N C., FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1926 1350 SUNDAY SCHOOL PROGRESS, IN NORTH CAROLINA (By D. W. SIMS, GeaeraTSuperla teadeat, Nerth Carolina ' Suday ' ocaool Aatociatioa.) " One thousand fifty-one interest d Sunday School workers from fifty-seven counties attended the two sections of the annual convention of the ' North Carolina Sunday School Association held during the . week from Monday May 3, to Sunday, May 9, one section being held in , Hickory on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, and the other in New day. Practically half of those at- Bern on Friday, Saturday and Sun- tending, or to be exact 485, were pas tors, superintendents, teachers and other officers. Besides those who , registered from the different coun ties . fully ' three hundred people at tended as visitors.. ' v '",':. The following items taken from the reports submitted for the past Con vention year, from April 1, 1925, to March 81, 1926, show the accomplish ments for the year, and the growth of the work during the past fire years: . . 1. All the one hundred' counties in the State are now organised into. County Sunday School Associations, and . all held . County Sunday School Conventions during the past Conven tion year. Five years ago only 17, counties were organised and holding conventions. y-.-i.'f-i-.xi . 2. In , the one . hundred' County Conventions held .during the year a total of .1,641 Sunday Schools were represented by 409 pastors, 769 sup erintendents, and 3,799 teachers. The estimated total attendance was 24.850 people, or an average of 243 at each meeting. ";;:.-';;:. i;.?,"';. 8. Four nundrea seventy-iour Township Sunday School Conventions and Institutes were reported held dur ing the year. This is an increase of lov.over tne numoer neia m tne pre vious Convention year. , Five years ago only 84 such meetings were held during the year. , . w. u . 4. ; The employed workers of the State Sunday School Association at tended all of the one hundred Coun ty Conventions and eighty-two of the Township meetings, reachinge in these one hundred eiehty?two meet ings, 2,280 Sunday Schools, 641 pas tors, 1,128 superintendents, and 5, 689 teachers, an an estimated total of 83,851 people. ' - ' 5. : tteports irom me various coun ty Sunday School Associations show that tne organizations are rapiaiy increasing ' in ;: efficiency. Twenty four counties won places on. the Ef ficiency Honor Hofl for work done during the convention year. At present there are 1,599 people serv ing; as officers in the County and Township Sunday School ; Ascoais- tions.. The free service rendered bv these people is equal to eight people employed on full time. , - 6. The officers in charge 'tot the work of the" North Carolina Sunday School Association are aar follows: President, J. B. Ivey, Charlotte; Pres ident Eastern Region, T. W. Costen, Gatesville;,' President East Central Rea-ion. Dr. John B. Wrieht. Raleiv h : President West Central Region, Dr. C. M, Van Poole, Salisbury;' President Western Region, TKos; P., .Pruittj ikoryj Treasurer, E.B. Crow, RaU h; Chairman Executive Committee. y. .W., Clark,-Sprays w;?;:?. .5 . The employed workers of the A sociation are D. W. Sims, General Superintendent; Miss Flora Davis, Associate Superintendent; Miss Daisy Magee, Children's Division Suoerin- tendf nt; Miss Rubye Holland, Office Secretary; Miss Daisy Atkinson Of fice; Assistant r&,JpA f ! i3t' This te a' typical American ide of an Englishman talking over the Arrisonl What) ; ThU is Mr. 'Ari telephone: v. - lvi m.i. u k- You carn't 'ear me? ; rison. Hee, her, bee, hee, her, tee, 'Erbert. Haitch hay, har, har, f hii aihess a ho and a hen, 'Arrisoni 'Erbert 'Arrison 'imself ." m.,-;. PUBUC SERVICE FOR COtiNTY COMMISSIONER TO THE VOTERS OF MAD ISON COU N T Y . . I hereby announce myself a candidate for the of fice of County Commissioner, subject to the action of the Republican Primary of June 5, 1926. f 'If nominated and elected, I promise to serve the people to the best of myability. , t ' v , Yours to serve, , LUJHiqfijItUNSFPFlD; MARS HILL CEMETERY MAY 22 1 MARKER UNVEILINGlEPNEY EXPRESSES POSTPONED ROBERT E. LEE MARKER DEDI CATION POSTPONED TQ JUNE 14 ' Dedication of the Robert E. Lee marker at Hot Springs has been post- Soned from May 20, the date orlg kally scheduled, to June 14. . This change has been made, it was announced, so as to make the dedica tion fall on Flag Day, and thus add an air of solemnity to the occasion which would, make it fittingly comport with th ideals which the marker will ox press. . ' ,' - ,.v;'r: The marker to be unveiled is a gilt of Mrs. Bessie Rumbough Safford. . 11 The barbecue, planned to be hen in connection with the unveiling has also been postponed to June 14, -m These markers are being placed all along the Dixie Highway under the auspices of the D. A. R. to commem orate the bravery of Robert E. Lee. ' Funds are being raised in Marshall to erect one of these markers in front of the Court House. Dear Editor: " . ,'--y Will you please, make this an- jnouncement in your paper, that who soever is interested in the Mars Hill Cemetery will please come to a Gen eral Working on next Saturday, May 22nd, and dinner on the ground, f- u, ' aiso on tne autn 01 May wui be a program Kev. Frank Snider, pastor hnonth. until twentv ner ppnt haa hpnn I ' 1 X T 1 1 T- . 1 rtt 1 a . . I . " - roi tne iMortn xsaptist cnurcn, 01 Asne yille will conduct the services. , , . Barnai-d, N. C Thanking you in advance; MRS. W. E. SMITH. TAXPAYERS, ATTENTION '9ii . The Tax books are turned over to the tax collector for collection, on the first Monday, in each year, with the proviso that no new tax book shall be turned oven to said Tax Collector un til full settlement shall be made for the old tax book. During the month of December discount of 1 per cent shall be allow ed... Dunne the months of Jannarv and February the taxes are at Par. jjuring tne succeeainir months a pen alty 01 1 per cent is added for each POLITICAL VIEWS Mars Hill, N. C. Afav 91 IQOa Editor of News-Record - ' Dear Sir: : '. - Permit me to thank you for the kind offer made through your editor ial columns to candidates for nomina tion for Representative in resrard tn statement and discussion of platform of eajd! candidates. This (position by you is to be highly com mended, because 'it indicates that you have the interests of the public at heart. In response to your offer I $100.00 REWARD The offering aj reward of $100.00 for the arrest or information leading to the arrest of nn a Milt PVapnaii with the murder of Fred Anders. ' , WILLARD c. RECTOR, Sheriff of Madison County ; ta-eached, IDrawn off by JOHN McELROY. Atty ;By request of Grover C. Redmon .,1 ' May 19, 1926 . DO R LA N D&B; jLS C H 0 0L irc!kUttriEJLlKVrtt!Jkiag Dr. Hadley To Leave Hot SDriB wijiwairfw-aiiiw-aiidnaidiMiw-JijnLJiaJi.niJuiv The Dorland Bell School wfll close . . . . . . .u.a AiMKAAinnmui session may zo. it is with re- liKfiita1aat!r gret that we announce the decision of TO THE VOTERS OF MADISON COUNTY - ''' " ' , It has been reported that I am Working for one of the candi dates for sheriff-and against the other. This is absolutely untrue1, I am making a campaign for myself only. , I haven't asked any candidate for the various offices to make a campaign for me, nor have thev asked me to make one for them. ! ( As to my life in mx community, I am willing for anyone to Investigate it I have taught seven terms of school in my home community, and was asked to take the place again next term. 1 I have alwayf tried to practice the Golden Rule and will con-, tinue to do so.h i . : .. t ,- . mere are some voo try in uio viubuib uuui vi -v g ; start something that is -calculated to hurt AU I ask is that you, -J investigate any report before eoming to a definite conclusion. I am your friend for a square deal, . , A v v t 111" VV 4-Ma t' ' i, " Hadley to leave the Dorland Bell School after this session. Dr. and Mrs. ' Hadley have many friends in Hot Springs and other parts of the county Who regret that they will feave Hot Springs. Where they will go nas not yet been made public, HOT SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL CLOSED LAST MONDAY I EXERCISES HIGHLY PLEASING TO THOSE WHO ATTENDED The pubhc school at Hot Snriners came to a close last Monday evening witn a contest in six readings by girls and three declamations by boys. The program began -with a Japanese Fan unil by the huch school eirls which showed splendid training and provod to be very entertaining and pretty. Following this an instrumental duet by Miss Alene Burein and her mother cv.is rendered which was not on the printed program. With that excep tion tne program was carried out as ptinted below: The double- duet by FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER Ladies and Gentlemen: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Commissioner, sub ject to the action of the Re publican Primary of June 5, 1926. r GARRETT BUCKNER will say 1st, I am opposed to all un fair and extravagant expenditure of . the taxpayers' money for local and special purposes. 2nd. I am opposed, to having un necessary county officers. 3rd. I am opposed to raising sal aries of any county officers. 4th. 'There is no political ring nor clique, with an" ax to grind, and desir ing special legislation urging me to offer myself as a candidate. 5th. I am appealing directly to the people who feel heavy burdens as a result of how things have gone in the past. I feel that the taxpayers need a "breathing spell." , 6th. I am a full-fledgred Republi can and always have been. ' 7th. I will favor no action to cut off any part of Madison to Buncombe County. 8th. I stand for general county taxes to be used for the general coun ty good, and for local benefits to be financed by local taxation. 0th. I favor good roads and good schools. I will use all my influence to get State aid for better roads or bet ter schools for Madison County. I am progressive but favor a sane, sen sible progress. I do not favor a "Florida land boom" type or wrecking type of progress. I favor a progress that our taxpayers can stand. Let's progress as we can stand it. ' r I trust that each candidate will refrain, as you suggested, from mud slinging. Accusations that someone has lied do not ever establish a truth and aren't conducive to good political feeling. My- opponent is known by the people. If he is the people's choice, he is mine also. I am coming clean with people in regard to my platform. I have no trick up my sleeve. I hope the people wiu not be influenced by last minute reports mat may be circulated. Thanking you again for your kind ness, 1 am Yours truiy, CALVIN R. EDNEY., . FOR COWOT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: S After)emfir' requested by so many of my f rierids . i-from different sections, of -the County, I herebyran-; ; iiwuiice niyseii a canaiaate ior the office of County Com i 4 I" i J June 5th, 1926. If nominated and elected I will en- J- c vwj wi very uest oi my aoniiy to serve tne people X 2J vof till Sections of the County. ' X IE ' :;: tsV T .. - .. . .... . . A a mmmm M. & a a aBMSB A SMSM A. BBBB I MMrfOtHM TlSltrfa. PlIVMln Mattel HaiVAa I . 1 - - jT.x, 2L. nv j: . I i , 1 l " II ' ' ' 'i-; i', , . 3 r . X mil done mni we did wish, that we - a r ' v t i v-v r n - z . ; it .r.r'v-" bsent. . i: ti '- J. ' r : U , " j i i Those . i AV1-" ' J ' " - ' -Vv i V rwas approved by. v.tiie audience.. , 11 ' i " ! ' -n gtret JLippar ' t A. m 1 r 1 J 1 t I ) f 1 ! Ill I m l I . t ? I l ' Ml ' 1 J ! 1 'ft j . -AA " : "Mini i rtiS;w I "v U U UiVU L.:. U vyud, V' Springs, was won by Miss Jaculyn ' - ' 'n.1 V. if t ii W- JT , j A O'DelU ThU young lady is the daugh- ' - ' i i .1 - (t i ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. IL O'DeU of . w. ,t, ,lr '.filu j neien uarenno 01 uot springs, was S2.50 L given by Mr. Lon Brooks of Hot Springs. " In the declamation contest, first prize, $6.00, given by Mr. W .R. Eller son, was won by Tom Davis, son of Mc. and Mrs. Warren T. Davis. ' Tom has quite a reputation for declaminsr and deserves it. To win so - many irises' and praises would give some oys the' "swell head," but we trust!.. T U i U j' . U J 1 " The second prize to the declaimers. $2.50, given by Mr. - J. D. Hensley. waa-won oy -JPhil Brown. Declama tions well delivered-are always enjoy. ed and it is hoped these boys will keep on trying and that others will in them. . . Superintendent O. S. Dillard. jn presenting certificates and prizes, an- i tnat twenty had made a rec- perfect attendance, not bein cr late durinar the vear and of number five are in high school. entering high school next year rank Brown, Walter Choeklev. AneeL Hill Corbett and Max- Alman. ',';. I have had four years' experience as County Com missioner and 2 years df that time as Chairman. I be lieve that I understand the details of the office and . know how the business of the office should be handled. i Thanking you all for your support in the past and asking for your vote and influence in the coming Pri- ' . I am, I Yours to serve, JONAS C. (HANDLER 4 TO THE VOTES 07 : UADIS0N COUNTY I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Collector, subject to the action of the Republican. Primary of ' I m X ! 1 A nrize Of t2.fi0wea viv. TTT-i.ii . tt.1 7n az 1.1 reu vi ung mwei n mv nnoeni mu. second prize; thslighest error pn her, th.f ' pfJ n part would have given it to Misi Mar- 5ll,.7"T5;J, feeatnce me nrst vnM,n.wJr.rzlZZJrzr-Z .nmr. .1 the exercises Friday, Saturday ' and Sunday, but we understood fr9m those who attended that all these exercises were fine and much enjoyed and were with lew exceptions carried out, as printed on the programs below. . One exception was that the presentation sneech scheduled bv Hon: Geo.. M. Pritchard of ; Ashevflle- was made by Mr Shepherd,- of v AshevUle, tMr. Pritchard becoming suddenly sick af t- ( Carried, to third page , iv. i i A , , . . r t 1 Vlsi,-) ,3 rs. pear Hot spnnn ana ner sister is one ' of the teachers. Her selection was the winner of the prize at Walnut last year. -Miss O'Dell's soul was in her recitation and ner expression, memory, poise, enunciation, and pro- ncciation were exceedingly fine. - - The secoiid prize, won by Miss "-::. PROPOSAL r- : to ithz voters o f; m a d i s o n county, as a cat cd id ate fcil tax-collector: .V ... I ., -. , ... , .:. ..-: ' .. T. '. ' J V " ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ; ."' ' ' Referring to Mrs. White's and Mr. G, C. Redmon's statement, I am in favor of the hbh man or lady being the nominee, there by rrirc tlla county the expense of- a sec- . i . . -. . . . :- i! !! ! . i l 1; I 1. A. I i I! my TO THE VOTERS OF: MADISON COUNTY: hereby announce myself a candidate for thefcffice of Sheriff of Madison County, : Subject to the Republican primary?; td:be? X held June 5, 1926. A If nominated and e- - 1 t lected I will endeayor, by, the help and co-f ) operation of the good people of the county, to enforce the laws and execute, the duties of this office in a fair and impartial man ner. Thanking you for your support in the past and asking for your vote and influ ence in the coming Primary. - . , 1 ; ! i 1 "fa ' . ' Yours to r ;ve,' . . ... - - r 17

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