The rnocrivE FAtMEa 1r i P tTHE NEV3-RECORD Off ' I 30TU A YEAR FOR $LM l, J ' j 1 , ill , " " A VL : I . i I ul3 U..NJ l UUvU.vaU' V" V f THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN MADISON COUNTY VOL. XXI jlll f MARSHALL RC FRIDAY JUNE 11; 1926 1325 CROWDS TIffiONG STREETS 0 E MAR SHALL LATE HOUR SATURDAYi ; mwu iu iviwjy fiLivt nun RESULTS toaficlent Candidates Tara Palo a ,'.!" , Votes Are Coaate COMPLETE COUNTY VOTE GIVEN ?,; BY PRECINCTS Elections usually result in surprises ind the Primary election Saturday. Suae 6, 1920, was no exception in urprises. ' Candidates who were ure ,i; of election were surprised to ; bd when the votes were counted that Jio people deeided differently. Those whose ; election .seemed doubtful in tme cases mounted high. ,: Crowds Dressed, about the election judges at he courthouse and grazed with keen est Interest as the votes front various breeincta were brought in and post ed on tae bulletin board. By be tween twelve and one o'clock a suf tcient number of prectincts had been teard from to make one praetieally lire as to who was elected ,ifl the bunty., Pat not until the last pre jnct was brought in Monday after ,oon were Ae candidates completely; ftisned as to the results. In Madison, County the Republicans ive tne luuuwing; K. B. Ramsey for sheriff. J. Will Roberts for register of leeds., v- , Mrs. Annie May White for tax sol ictor J. Hubert DaviS for clerk of te superior eeurt Jolhn R. Jrisby for constable oi fo. 1 Township W. G. Buckner, Claud Wild, ana lonas LV handler lor county om- missioners. Mr. Calvin R. Edney of Mars Hill for representative of Madison Coua- py in the legislature, declared tne nominee because Mr. Hendricks was Withdrawn, as per his statement else' there in this naDer. ; - I The Democratic ticket voted on at his -primary resulted in Lee S. Over- tan being reelected over Robert R. Reynolds for United States Senator, i. II. Batwinkle over J. A. Dimette or' Congressman from the 9th" Coti rwsloiaWEHstsict ? an6wUbti:fM'. Wlls over Bllis C Jone f or boiisi' (Carried to third page) FARM TOUR DECTOED UPON Monday, the committe hav ing the proposed farm tour in !hand. met at the County A gent's ofBce and "completed the retails. ' The date set for this 'tour is July 19 to 24, inclusive. Six days of the best of fun in termixed with a large amount 'of the most profitable sort of 'SEEING, The route decided upon will take in the State Test farms1 ait Swannanoa Und '.at RECTOR ELECTION AND RUN INDEPEPfflENT ;;' NOT I c Bfcr'VK' 3 li.'fiRTH CAROLINA,' MADISON, T the' Uiuitm County Boardf el Canvasi ! ' This k notice to jron that I, W. C, Rector, Candidate for Sheriff of Mad- ; ison County, against R. R. .Ramsey in ' Che primary held in this County. June i 6th, 1926, desire to contest said pri mary, election as between myself and the said R, R. Ramsey for the reason that if the election had bit honestly ana v xairry conducted that 1 would have received the majority 6f the I votes cast in the contest. v - I desire to thow that large suni of, ! money were used by my opponents to ; secure votes, that voters who entered the booths to vote, for me and asked . to be allowed to ' vote for me had their ballots marked for R. R. Bam aey, and for other. irregularitis..'; CARD OF THANKS i TO THE VOTERS OF T-v ; MADISCN-CSUNTY . Ladioe and Goatlemeo: j , . v ', I wish to thank each " i ry oae In tfce County for ehe vc:a : 'vea me In the Primary. AIpo I wj. . ? state that I it-1 sclicit Ui frier ;...:p of every one end hope I can do some thing to upbuild our country s a p-'-oie. I wi-.h tve ' oiie Kay T. :- t- tAn be hsi. 1 . : I remain, Statesville and the , bigiexperi mental farm at Baleigh 'riThe visit to these three places would in itself more than pay for the time and expense involved. Al so it is intended to visit the State University at Chapel Hill and of course the State Agri cultural College at Raleigh. Going and coining there will be commercial creameries to visit, dairy farms and poultry farms to inspect, orchards that are yielding a good yearly .income to their owners to study, and many farms where general i , . , farming is carried on. A Captain has been chosen to lead the way and to keej the party in the narrow way. Guy V. Roberts is the mail chosen, Alrio a rear guard was decided upon and Clyde Brown was the victim. Levi Buckner from on Middle Fork was made Chief of the Commissary Department and is expected to keep the pro vsion chesjj well supplied with srood food." It is intended to rent tents to cover the" party while they sleep' and to get a frucif'to'bir.paittytvthe .party to carry the provisions, the tents, and to carry a mechanic to tend to any car trouble that may occur. The expense of the entire six days trip should not amount to more than $15 We, Want every section of the county represented and should have 200 in the party See the member , of the Agricultural Board in your section for de tails and tell him that you are going. ' Let's gorget some fun, secure some knowledge for our- selves and show the. rest of the state 'that ' Madison County, in the Land of the Sky is to be reckoned 1 with. SIGN UP NOW." . WILL CONTEST THE SHOULD PLOW TOBACCO sEyiRV TEN DATS 1 Ra!eh',, K.' C.-After thd root feet wen nxea tn the sou and begin grow ing, start ? cultivating the tobaeao plants and keep un the cultivation ev ery ten days leaving the row open to secure good drainage. ;,'- x ri Though the season has been unusu ally dry over most of North Carohna this spring and many farmers have had a hard time getting their tobacco plants set, they should not rush culti vation immediately after setting the plants but should allow them to i eg ill' grOWUt. - . -'!; .1.: "This is usually from ten ditva to rtwo-weeks after transplanting, says ai. .x, f ioya, extension specialist in tobacco at State X3ollege." "In dry weather, it is more important for tlis plants have -time to get a good root system than when the msoa is more- favorable For the first work ing while the plants are small, a three tooth harrow, may be u?d. As the slants growr a swep snd t a tlow best be used. 1hee v. . i aua the soil as needed to keep t a pUr's rr'i-' irt new root. At each eul;iv.,oa ojn un the middle. . Air. ioyd states that it a rxpor. tant for best success 'With tobacco, ; - Te French were jest evaruat'-- ke rV!r Va!'ry. A pol'.u she1 . t . n staniirg on t ti s r to keep the middle always open. This will take more plowing, he utates,' but even if it continues to be a dry season the tobacco will, grow better. . Then if the season is wet, this open middle will keep the erop , from drowning. Drainage is allowed by such a system of cultivation and this is extremely UNVEHJNG AT HOT DUE TO ILLNESS OF MR. JACK RUMBOUGM "LEE MARKER" WILL NOT BE UNVIEL ED JUNE; 14 The unveiling of the "Lee Marker at Hot Springs and the attendant ex ercises nave been postponed Indefi nitely on account of the Alness of Mrs, Safford s brother, Mr. Jack Rum bough. .It has been well advertised in this and other papers that these ceremonies would be June 14 and it u 'with regret that we have to an nounce the postponement. Airs, sanord's letter follows: FINE SERMONS BEING PREACHED TWICE DAILY AT BAPTIST CHURCH QUITE A NUMBER OF BUSINESS HOUSES CLOSE FOR MORN- ING SERVICE The revival services at the Baptist church, begun May 31 and to contin ue through next Sunday, have proved to be delightful to quite a number of people of the various denominations in Marshall. .Rav. A. Q. Kinniett is a powerful minister and his sermons have been delightful. The people of i the community who have not heard them, have missed a great dead. Lit! has been a pleasure to have members of sister churches near by to come in! nd vorshtn. Wednandav. Thursdav. and Friday of this week, quite a num. WH HENDRICKS DID, NOT CONTINUE ilTHE RACE .,-t..v I have had so many enquiries why I did not continue in the race . forW. A.- West substituted. It is true representative, I have thought, in justice to my friends, a short expla nation would be in order. , First, I was not a self -constituted candidate. I had been asked to run by people from all over the county and from different parts of the State, and this request came from both, political parties. Friends from different sections voluntarily propos ed my name. The only reason I per mitted my name to be used was that I believed I could be of some real service to the people of Madison County. My former acts had been for the common good of the people, which seemed to conflict with the Srivate interest of a few people, who eeame very vicious to my candida cy, and succeeded in fooling some of my friends.. Lata Saturday .evening, May zz, a number or mends came to my office and stated that Parties were flooding the county with false reports anout me, and were greatly preju dicing the minds of people against me, and unless these highly colored false representations could; be i run down that I would be "slaughtered" in the ' primary' . Court convened Monday and I explained that in jus tice to my clienta that I could not be a went irom court, , and that I was utterly, unable to peddle over tHe Caunty from house to house for the r irpose f running down and tontra ducting false and fraudulent repre sentations. I very reluctantly told the parties to do as they liked,-but I could not believe . that conditions were as bad as represented. I had rot been out in the County, but I be lieved a large majority of the neo- je were for me. I did not know un til some time Sunday that my name ..p-. MAiw i::ix cotixcs "TJ- v v Ho, everyone that desires a fountain of knowledge t Haste,. haste away to Man Hill College! t J i .. The healthf ulnesa of which has never been told. - ' i" Here character is held dearer than coins of, gold; , '' .' Her people are religious, upright and true. -' r -, Ideally located, out in the azure blue. y -?l a., Mars Hifl College, emerald of the hills. -, - -stars uu youege, wnav a uear piace n nua,, i;i'' ;.' -:;''"''' '".., . . ..Har mlhenca ShineS like si beacon liffht. " vommenamg yon to au tnat is nonoraoie ana upngnt, - , - - All honor to the builders who builded so well! jr The myriads of lives touched no one can tell, i v ; - 1 , Onward and upward it has moved since its birth. - v" 4 - vHer pnpils now come from, all parts of the earths , , From the sunkisaed hills of the West and the golden gates of the East, ' -From the North aid from the South they come to this educational feast.) r Among our magnificent buildings stands a library piotnresque, sublime Built of solid rock that Will stand the steady beat of time, v ... " To bnild more permanent structure would be an impossible feat It will probably stand till the stars shall fall and the .earth melt with '-- fervent heat.. . ' . Her reservoir on the side of "Mount Bailey" from1 bold springs and ' .. , rippling rills, - J j . h Pure at it source e ever flowed from the sternal hills :.f ' c -. A soaiee of pride is our Baptist Church whose bells' mellow gong ... v - Inspires oae to forget care and enlist in the Christian throng. . - Here's o the fscr''r, wise counsellor, who know no-strife ' ' As noble a torr of workers as ever breathed the breath of life, - -. . - ' Tea'!. -' f- t - i r 'n, travellers To f - 1 win a crown from i Vcr ! forth pt;y si t t eonfe&si i vi i 1 " " - - - in. r.r Important with tobacco. , It is a crop which cannot stand wet feet. . f . ' tTobacco should be cultivated ey ery ten days, if possible," says Mr. Floyd. "The last cultivation should come a. few davs before toppinar and the soil should then be placed well up arouna me stains." SPRINGS POSTPONED AGAIN -aw TT H-J?6.' - June 7th. 1926 My dear Mr. Story: - Will you kindly state in your next !! vof the Nw-Rcord that owing t. the sever illness of my brother, Jack Kumbough, the unveiling of the "Lm; Marker' i on the Dixie Hight wav. - cannot take olaee at desired on tL 14th iost. Flag Day. ' i I ' have just returned from Knox rOle 'where he lives and expect to be ceJUed any time,, as he is too weak tor any operation, we can only wait. I ' thank you, and bma to remain Most cordially yours,. a. m. SArruKu. ber of thai stores and other places of business have closed for one hour from ten .until eleven o'clock in the morning', thus showing a fine spirit of cooperation. MRS. WHITE THANKS CITIZENS OF MADISON Gentlemen and Ladies: DEAR FRIENDS: ' , Most heartily I want to thank pport lection and to especially thank those who stood" by me and worked so faith- fully for tajr interest. M$$, ANNIE MAY WHITE had been withdrawn and that of Mr. that the Chairman of the Board of Elections did not actually withdraw my name , until he saw me, but I had put the matter in the hands of friends as stated) and felt honor bound to stand by what-they didi I know now that theyvwere misled by reports em anating from a few people whose pri vate interest had - to . give way for the public good. These people and a few misled teachments made a lot of noise which misled some of my friends. : .. .. . I know now thai they were greatly mistaken. For instance, it was re ported that in certain sections I Would not receive a vote. Careful investigation revealed that- in some of those very sections, not a person could be found who would vote a- gainst me. I am now satisfied that I . would have carried the County nearly two to one, if not quite so, wish to apologize to my friends all over the uounty lor permitting my name to be withdraw. My friends. in being misled as to the effect of the false and fraudulent reports circulat ed about, me failed to accept the max im of Lincoln -You cannot fool all the people all the time.'. . A false and fraudulent get-up will travel fast but it will soon run its race and. after all. the people :i who are only looking1 ror the best lor tha public good will soon discover .the right from ; the wrong, f ; t f i :r I wish ; to kindly, thank the great mass or people who , were taking keen interest in my candidacy. ; . assure the people of Madison Coan- ty tnat no one regrets tne awrwara i x2 . 1 , XI T . ........ siiuaviun mure wnn i. JOHN A, HENDRICKS . ...,.,.T..v,r 4hH if T or tne son . V; r.. . WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA ED CHAMBERS Program of Activities Adopted at Meeting In Asheville On May 21, 1926 Purpose of organization as stated by President C. P.YRogers "Purpose of this Organization is to unite all -of the constructive -forces and agencies of Western North Carolina in one for ward movement jfa,whlch all cities and counties may.pafUcipate." Purpose of this meeting is to consider a defi nite progranV for the ensuing year." (i; MOTOKTOURS Publish booiclend map giving de tailed information' concerning all mo tor tours in Western North Carolina which will be open. to all-weather travel during ,the current year. rAmmttfa'nk ' ' ' ' VV111IU1V VU V J f ' ' F. , Rogers v Miller (Asheville), . unanwan. Chas,' lykctf ( Tryon ) E. C. Kmasbory (Franklin) E. C. G. L. Withers' (Waynesville) M. Sturkey (Lenoir) A. ABbotv (Marion) (2) HOUSING tainmXn.t AND ENTER- Local organizations will assemble data concerning needs and opportuni-; ties in respective communities to be! presented to, .hotel and financial cor-J porations for t7ie"purpose of encour-j aging the building of hotels and inns, j Federation members to exchange in- and other entertainments of interest to summer visitors. t (3) EXHIBITS All members to cooperate in as- semblin ft Representative display of, productiftiia.i'evirces to be exhibited There is still much interest display at the ''Spthern' 'Exposition in New' ed by the people of Washington in ork next Qctober. j the old-time fiddling contests, the i :li0'tf j first of which - occurred February .9, CommitteetV; - J926. The Washington Times, an, P. L. Ado-lph (Lenoir) Chairman. evening paper, contributed a beauti-; H. P. Corwith. (Saluda) fal silver cupto the winner of this S. T. Henry' (Spruce Pine) ', contest.' The following persons took -Horace Kephart (Bryson City) , part: Samuel H. Tennont of- McDan- F. Q. Boyor (Asheville) iel, Md.; William F. Mathews, Ken-y , , . sington, Md.; Herbert H. Nethken of (4) C 6 O P R A T 1 V E AD, Brentwood, Md. DE. Woodyar,;of . " -VFRTtsiNrr' --jMsaassas,, .Va.? K. B. Chisf 61m,' of 7. Charlottesville, Va. J". H. Cihisholm Committed W prepare, publish and fiwMIMtrlS r' ?in nT teran;AbpMarion) Chairman ?J&&bl& Vr?&& . .T F. StnKhS. JHnrtronville C. E. Vaughn (Black Mountain) H. E. Buchanan (Sylva) L. F. Jackson (Burnsville) (S) FISH AND GAME All member organizations to coop erate Jn re-stockiig- the lakes and streams of Western North Carolina nTeotST tat FORESTS v ' 7-t : To be made 'social order of busi. ness at next meetttog, which Forestry officials wUl be invd to attend. t pytfnsian (7) EXTENSION s if CommittedVappointed to cooperate : . , 1 . ,' . V ' ' t , , , , ,v..:.'Jl - , - wm ' a n , W. ai r n ii n f v -r. .t5?'i'- w ' STUDENTS. AT CULLOWHEE vvV',V' ' - ' ':'.ih'itA',,, ''-v ; '-i . CULLOWHEE.' N. C. A 1 1 h o u ar h nearly pne-tenth of the 850. students harmonicas.' ' Charlie Bowman, 4 the enrolled at. CullOWhee State Normal star player of this group,' challenged for, the first, session of the. summer the winner of the contest just describ school are from other states, the cn-' ed and on February 20th, the two held rollment figure?'. show that the school a friendly contest in the pretence of is preeminently. . training school for about 20 fiddlers, It was not tech- Western North,' Carolina teachers, nically a oont est, however, sine? n ' The . eieht Northr Carolina counties .winner was to be announced. They ' leading fn tttimb'ev'ef students enroll-, ed are: Jacksou.. with 46: Buncombe I witii' 87 tfrMaeon,'f'with 32 .""Haywood witOeliw laf Macpstmywtft Ut ana-VnerogceiPiaveai nrst rne v rwtt .-con wstanw- t withl8.vV,V.M then the SO' fiddlers. Telegrams 1 With thev6ptioii of Boone Traini and telephone messages came in from ing School; Cullowhee is the only state everywhere, and no matter how did ; acrmal this side -of Greensboro, ahdja song was, there was someone in the this probably accounts in part for the crwd who knew . it and could play it, unusually, large enrollment regardless ! or the iat Miac western nortn uaro Una ina has fi,ve.summer. schools for teach- en. fli.i'-.-A . (.....,. V . ;.n,,. ..... . v. Althbugh the t .CuHowhee : officials' have tried to urovide all 'dormitory Space possible "for the summer school! stuaenta, dormitories, are overflowing and already plans are being made to provide more, room for a still larger enrollment lor next summer. - . - -'The rapid growth of the institution is shown - by the enrollment figures for the past three years. There were 150 students 'vw' the 1923. aummer school, 221 in 1924, 312 in. 1925, and the enrollmenf for the present: suu mer school will .likely reach , close to the 4u0 iRf k, ' :' ;- , . ' ,The . succ tas" 6t the school is no doubt due in part to the famous sum mer clint sf and mountain, scenery of Westeiii : rth Carolina. . Nearly every', cour'r; in te-eastern part is rtpresanted. Ihe t achers of Cut owhee state t., t s students seems I as rood work in t..e r"nik.r ' '.on which h hook ls for- to be capable oi as students' us j winter- t' a FEDERAT OF COMMERCE erease affiliation with Western North Carolina Federation : F. H. Coffey (Lenoir) Chairman R. L. Sandidge (Bryson City) W. R. Mehaffey (Tryon) T. A. Wilson (Saluda) J, E; Stubbs (HenderBonville) (8) REAL ESTATE DEVELOP MENTS Federation urges the organization of Real Estate Boards and the adop tion of standard code of ethics in ev ery county engaged in real estate de velopments. (9) NATIONAL ADVERTISING A rpecial order of business for con sideration at next meeting when de tailed plans are to be presented. ( (10) INTER-CITY RELATIONS Federation to promote Inter-City meets' and special events designed to promote better understanding and co operation between the communities of the mountain region. Next meeting Lenoir,, July 28th, 1928. , OLD TIME FIDDLERS' CONTESTS by ' H" b- RtSE Author of the story of the;. Exploration of Thunder Caves, My Trip to Mt. Mit chell by Mule back and f others. uo ui . " -niuo . "Uncle Am" Stuart of Bristol,. V. and Albert L. Courtney of Washing ton,. D. C. The contest was held -in , the studio of Radio Station WRC and ' broadcasted all .over the Uhited , States.). .The . much-Joyed old songs "SW'a 5,, Bhu Jv ?" Kir 'ia,' iaPV11 v-&-J2 e. Johnsoj etc. published later than 1898. The win- ners were chosen by votes' sent in by J8 2?? audience, and are tuZ."!. ' strt Kota'IS Third Samuel H. Tennont . The same night of the contest, aft- tLan "S!! mntief' I , , I A ... cioca ana piayea ana sang uniu a o - clock the next mornuur. Of course, by this time everyone knows that the HiU Billies are from tne mountains oi Norm uaronna ana Tennessee and not only. are-fiddlers, but perform on banjoes, guitars and met merely for the fun of it . and. Washington never did hear auch a 'grand revival of the old songs. . Clear in th morning they t- The r many familiar songs brought back 'sweet memories of the sunny Southland and Washington is anxious ly awaiting another , opportunity of hearing the most precious songs of all the old-time airs which recall tne ", happy days of youth.' ' LETTER OF THANKS I wish to thank, all who "Voted for .v me m.the primary for Register of . Deeds. It is a great .pleasure to- me to, have this opportunity of express ing my heart-felt gratitude to alk- shall always have a warm spot in tny '' heart for you, s " ' '- , -"I -am yours truly, - . ; ' Zi:-?E. N. WARD. t, , . Question: A man's sons (not bia daughters) hare i"i mal farm. Yhy is ' a ulaLl name for tac'a a farm?-; . .y A-swcri f .: 3 i ' jnot found ia f t j-"te'y loc: ' 21, 1.