t' -v.vi .-v. 3h ' t .5 PERSONAL and OTHERWISE Happening!' In 'and Near ; v. - ' .i "f! I.- . . ? Miss Nora Henderson of near Mar. . thall left : Friday of last .:. week for ' Washington,' D. Gv to make her home wh h- hunt h si- .RMmut Han. r demon. ;, Misses Robbie and Cattle Flinn of . Walnut Creek; spent the week-end at Worelv vfoitmar Miss Fannie Caldwell, t- Mr. McKinley Caldwell arid 'sister, ( Miss Fannie Caldwell of Worley were i in Marshall Saturday. ,;a Mr. and Mrs. J. . Ward of Eden- v. ton, returned last: week to their hone ' alter spending; tne weeK-ena in mar "shall.as guests of Mr. and Mrs., H L. (story wniie touring western worm ; Carolina. " Mis. .Ward has charge. Of jar. story's rJdenton paper. Mr. and Mrs.' Will Reams and twq Bonn of Knowille. and Mrs. L. A. Honeycutt of Walnut, were guests of Mrs, Van Uavia Sunday. Mrs. Hon. eycutt is the mother of Mrs. Davis irs. uavis's daughter,,' Mrs. ' Weaver of Charlotte is spending some time with her.' She and Mr; Weaver plan to make Asheville their home in the near future. the near future. The families of Dr. v Sams and Mr. C. B. Mash burn were also present and it was an enjoyable occasion. -J - ". y Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Davis, who re jal, turned Wednesday of last week-from f a tour to Canada and other northern - points, were in Marshall Sunday to attend tne funeral of Boh Gage Mrs. Davis sang very effectively as solo "Somtime We'll ' Understand." Mr. W. E. Capps of Stackhouse, N. C'was a pleasant visitor at the News-Record office Monday. Mr. John G. Ledford, who is work tag with the Cadillac Motor Co., in Detroit returned to his work Monday night after a visit of a few days with M-X. 1- J 1 il IK II County. While here he paid the News-Record a visit. . Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis and Mrs. Fred Wills of Walnut Creek were guest of Mrs. J. Jr. Candler, Sunday afternoon, Mrs. uwens and two sons, Kalp and Roy. and Arthur Henderson, an Bill Reed of West Asheville, were re cent sruests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Dover, and their son, Charles Dover, now living in Mr. Roy Gudger's new cottage. , Miss Norma Ramsey will leave next Saturday to teach at Williamston, N C. next session. Mrs. J. M. Copenhaver, formerly , mrs. rauie u. nooerson ana ner nus- band left Tuesday to make their . home at St Mary's. West Va. Miss Leta Reeves and father, A. S. Reeves of Walnut were in Marshall Monday en route to Mars Hill, where Miss Jueta win oe a student tnis ses Miss Stella Dockery of Walnut wasf- m Marshall Monday. Mr; and Mrs. Bryan Rudisill and Dr. and Mrs. Austin . of Charlotte came Sunday and spent until Monday with Mrs. J. N. West Mr. W. B Ramsey has been in, jioriaa xor several aayo on Business. Mr. O. S. Dillard was in Sylva, H. C, on business the first of the week. Mr. N. B. McDevitt has purchased a new Dodge sedan. Messrs. Troy Rector and Hubert PMwnrH vera in A)ipvill Mondav. Mr. Roy L. Gudger waes in Ashe ville Monday. Mr. Everette Rector who holds a responsibly position with the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., of Winston Salem, N. C, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rector of Route 1. Mr. Rector has been in Winston-Salem for some time .having left Marshall immediately nfter his graduation from High ' r iool. jlr. Oscar Rector of Route 1 was ir Marshall on business Wednesday. lUiases Carroll and Selwyn McDe-'-. e'uned Tuesday to Carson ;;.. .man College, Jefferson City, Teim., to' resume their studies after spending their vacation with their a .ieuts here. Mi-. J. C. Tilson who has been tr. sick is reported to be improved, lAi: Norman Ferguson left Mon- iiy for Asheville, N. ,C, to resume ' his studies in the Farm School there. Ilr. E. R. Tweed has returned from Knoxville where he went on a busi- iiets trip. , Mr. Hersdhel Sprinkles was in .A Seville Tuesday on business. Miss Omie Kent, Of Whittier, N. C. ent the' week-end with her parents on route o.s.-' y i: ".',-.''.. Jirs. L. J. Rector, of Balkafts, Ky., is spending a few days with friends and relatives on Wttle Fine. i Mrs. O. w. rersrusoih oi Konte 1. 'jjpent Tuesday; with jher sister-in-law " 14rs;,iB- ergU8o,n.'-."' s. Vrf ' - Mr. . Porter Robert left Tuesday for Brevard, N. C, where he will at tend Brevard Institute this year. Mr. Van Deal was on the sick Jist . , Mr. Ed Davis has accepted a pesi - tion as bus driver between Asheville, N. C, and Knoyville,(Tenn. . Mr. H. K. Ramsey of Route 6 was in town on business Tuesday; Miss Anna May Deaver is in Knox- VfllV St istar 1 -f Ur. ) a newr ending a few weeks wtth W ira. c4 E. uew. (v ' - " 4. .B. McDevitt baa purchased Dodtra Kedan. , i -.vvi-.-- . t. ; Miss. Lena Penland. left Thursday for Knoxville, Tenn., to enter school j ; .Mrs. Peoples 'of Hotel, Switzerland, was in town on business Tuesday, i Mr. Edward Locke .of Walnut was in town Wednesday. X' Mr.' Calvin R. Edney of Mars Hill was in town on pusiness Wednesday, Mr. lud. Sheiton has purchased a new Dodge Sedan and will drive it as a taxi.!-' vy.v.v--., ' ' - Dr. . W. N. ' Johnson of Mars Hill, ana: daughter, miss Bruce, and sister, jaiss naaiue tfonnsonf .gi xuueign were in Marshall Wednesday.- Messrs. W. A, West. Bill West. Jr.; Pender McElroy. Wayne Farmer. and : Leo , white went . to charlotte Tuesday: '.U . , Dr. Wi A. Sams was called to Ten nessee ThnraHav tn hi niatar. Miss. Jessie ,sams, who la quite sick in a Johnson City hospital. :': ' f ' Ivfiflnim ' ia&A MArrknr nrtA 'AriAvav Byrd left' Wednesday for Mars HiU to enter Mars Hill College. Mrs.. . A. E. Cole who has been spending a few days with friends and relatives in Marshall, left Thursday lor Raleigh, ' Mr. C. C. Bruce of Mars Hill was in Marshall on business Thursday. . M.r Leigh Tilson left the first part of the week for. the eastern part of the state to teach school. Miss Velma Eastman was in Ashe ville Wednesday. Mr. B. G. Fortner of Portsmouth. Va., has returned to his home after spending a short time with his rela tives in -Marshall. Mr. Fortner is manager of the Port Norfolk Revi sion Bureau of seven railroad sys tems as follows; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. Nor folk-Southern Railroad. Norfolk and Western , Railway, Pennsylvania Sys tem, Seaboard. Air lane Kaiiway, Southern Railway, Virginian Railway. Kev. wait ti. Johnson and sister, Miss Nadine Johnson of Delway, N. C and daughter. Miss Bruce of Mars Hill, and Mr. J. H. Weathers of Bunn, N. C, and Mr. Curtis L. Weathers, a student of Columbia U- niversity, were in Marshall Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rector and family, who have spent the summer in Asheville, returned last week to their home on Rectcjr Branch Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Goldman of Asheville "were guests of Mr. and Mrs, ueo. f ortner and Mr. and Mrs. C. F, Fortner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Yelton of Win ston-Salem and Mrs. A. E. Warner of Philadelphia and little Misses Ma jory and Helen Smith of Youngs- town, Uhio, are guests of Mrs. C. F, Fortner. They are using the camps of. Sky-Hv. Mr. and Mrs. Yelton are leaving today for their home. Mrs. Yelton and Mrs. Warner are sisters of Mrs. C. F. Fortner. Miss Anna Randall visited friends and relatives on Big Pine last week, She reports a very nice time. Mr. McKinley Caldwell. Miss Fan nie Caldwell, Mr ."Floyd Caldwell, and Miss Anna Kandall motored to Wal nut Creek' in Marshall Sunday. Mr. ana Mrs. wn. rioiton uye and son of Indianapolis are spending much time in Marshall looking after the Carolina raiisades development. .Jill B0BBH? -GAGE PASSED .' AWAY' ' "vwwir UHC,HVJU JC-'V(31IlUt3l . Lift, . 1914, the 11-year old son of Mr. and 1 Mrs, Clarence .M. Gage,, died at the ( French Broad Hospital in Asheville last Friday, September 3, about 8:48 in the morning. His trouble was a leaking heart and little hope had been entertained foV his recovery after the real con dition was known. ; ' Funeral service was from the Pres byterian church in Marshall Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, conducted by Dr. W. E. Finley assisted by Rev. H. L. Smith. ' ' , Interment was at the Redmon cem etery. ' The floral tributes were nu merous and beautiful. The church was filled with sympathizing friends and relatives oi the family. "Bob" was popular at school and loved by all who knew him. The bereaved fa ther and mother have the sympathy of the entire community. He is survived by his parents and one brother John. The pallbearers were Messrs. Kov Gudger, John McElroy, Hubert Rob erts, Eugene Rector. Miss Clara Hood and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Willieford of Kingston, Tenn., were, with their sister. Mrs. C. M. Gage prior to the death of Bob and attended the funeral. , 31 NEVER GIVE UP "Never give up, there are chances and changes, Helping the hopeful, a hundred to one; And, through the chaos, High Wis dom arranges Ever success, if you'll only hold on. Never give up ; for the wisest is bold est, Knowing that Providence mingles the cup. And of all maxims, the best, as the oldest, Is the stern watchword of 'Never . t 1 1 . it1 j " t ' ; f B, i (' : , .( ';-1 " '-'- "'. . ' REMOVAL PRICES AT nn 3 U I H give up. -Holmes, AWAKENING think the first sound I shall hear in the eternal morn Will be robins singing As I hear them- now At early dawn In Spring. A. Wallace Canney, Some of the best poultry farmers' in North Carolnia will cull their flocks in early September and sell the non-layers at the poultry car. WHAT ABOUT IT? It always makes me laugh, So wonderful a treat, To see an athlete run a mile And only move two feetj. HENDERSONVILLE NEWS. MR. CARL R. STUART GETS LAW LICENSE L" Eli .r At the August Examination of the Supreme Court, Carl R. Stuart was granted license, to practice law. Mr. Stuart is a son-in-law of Judge A. McElroy. of Marshall. Mr. Stuart has been studying law for a-1 bout three years and completed his course of study at the Asheville U- niversity. Mr. Stuart has not open ed an office yet, but we are sure of I his success wherever he chooses to practice his profession. LANDERS McELROY Mr. J. E. Landers of Mars Hill and Mies Mildred McElroy of Mars Hill were married in Mars Hill Sunday. Aug. 17, the ceremony being perform ed by Kev. J. K. Owen. They are making Mars am their home. Bilious dull feeling old Btelld"by " Thedford'a Black-Draught 1 have used It off and on for about 20 years," ays Mr. W. S. Reynolds, of R. F. D. 2, Arcadia, La. "I get bilioua and have a bad taste in my mouth. My head feds dull I don't just feel like getting around and doing my work. I kaow it isnt lazmess, but biliousness. "So I take a few doses of Black-' Draught and When, it acts well, X get up fecHeg lilfe new faM of pep' and ready for any kiad of work. "'I can certainly recommend it." S In ejute o.' b'-'do. s'i js.-. a -.l tivi j disareoable c'.uii-'oas due to (5j - ' ,iJ t- 'til 1 1 L helps to drive iito poii.onous im purities out of toe system and tends to It-eve tb orpans in a state of norma), healthy activity. , Black-Draught is made entirely of pure medicinal roots and herbs and contains no dangerous er harmful mineral drugs. It can hA aafalv ralron fro aimnmnfl jr Sold everywhere. Prico '25c a FOR ONE MORE WEEK BEF ORE MOVING TO NEW MASONIC BUILDING Many Special Frite To Be Found in Entire Line v . . Dry Goods, Notions, Shoe s, Hats, Caps, Mens and Boys suits, ladies and girls coats and dresses, shirts, ties, and many other items' found in a general line. . ' ' YOU CAN ONLY FIND Tlorsheim aiid Buster Brown Shoes, Schloss Hand Tailored Suits, Princess Mary Dresses and Coats, Colorfast Shirts at G: L MCHINNEY E-T0-R1EASURE CLOTHES Schloss Bros. Representative will be at my store September 20th-22nd with more than 300of the newest and best selec tions mens' and boys' suits and overcoa'tfn&terials materials, workmanship and fit absolutely guaranteed The time and place to f et that New Fal! Suit and Overcoat. Remember the dates Sept. 20-21-22. MAD G.L Mc Kinney Marshall, North Carolina I " S41J! fii making Mars Hill their home.. - IB 2rm riif ilfellSlill CHANGES HANDS The Champion Shoe Shop has been recently sold by Mr. D. 0.' Purkey to Mr. Chas. A. Davis, who is now personally attending to the shop throughout the dajr. Mr. Davis was a former superin tendent of the Cotton Mill in Mar shall. One of his daughters married Mr. J. A. gamble and now lives at Bethany City. Miss Salina, another daughter, is teaching at Walnut. The family is scattered and Mr. Davis is now alone, his wife having died, some 16 years ago. chevrolet agen cy Changes hands in marSHALL BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. Chandler, August 11, 1926, James Moody, Jr. Moody a son. CARD OF THANKS We wish to acknowledge with; heartfelt thanks the many acts of kindness and sympathy shown to us by our friends in our ereat bereave- Tom Tarheel says he saved lots f ment throught the illness and death money on his poultry last winter by tffoStfiST1- taking out the hens that didn't law I MP udo rr ui?xi-.in and selling them durine the earlv fall. 1 u mp.p Si ASHEVILLE WELDING COMPANY E. W. BLAKE WELDERS AND BRAZERS OF ALL METALS Welding of Farming and Mining Machinery A Specialty Corner South side nd Church St. Asheville iN. f. We want your business. r Thef ,..;.- Danli 'cf French Broad Marshall, N.C.'- On Saturday. Sent. 4. at 2:00 o'clock p. m; at the home of Rev. Ellis Reese. Mars. Hill. Miss Nell Gos- nell, of Marshall, R. 2, became the bride of Mr. Dewey Wallin, also of Marshall. , B. Z. Miss Uosneil la the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Gos nell, of Marshall, R. 2, while Mr. Wal lin is the son of Mr. and Mrs van' Wallin, of Marshall,; R. 2.' The cere mony was performed by Kev. rJHis Reese, of Mars Hill, N. C. ,Th bride was attired in beautiful dress of blue crepe-de-chine..1. The . 'maid of , honor, Miss Ada Gosnell. sister of the bride. also wore a dress of blue crepe-de- chlne. Other' attendants were: Mr. Claud West, of Asheville. K. l.Mr. Howard Sams, of Asheville. R. 1, and Mr. Wesley Hunter, of Marshall, K.s. The srroom is shippine clerk for wholesale firm in Asheville, : N. . C. The bride and groom, accompanied bf the bride's sirter, Miss Ada Gosnell, wnet directlyto their home in West Asheville4 v.They yisited their parents on : Grape ' Vine' Sunday night and Monday, f Then they rets-l Mon day P. M., to their home , in West 8neviiie. : . :. Mr.- Wallin is a former student Mars Hill College. He is one Grape IVine's best citizens., He has been engaged in business in Asheville for about a year. Ha takes as his bride one of Grape Vine's best Chris tian ladies. We all wish for them long, bappy life, 1 r-t ininiivinsiiimnniu Mr. A. H. Bryan, proprietor of the Rrvan Motor Co.. sreneral garage! work at the stand formerly occupied hv the Marshall Motor Co.. nasi- formed a partnership with Mr. A. F."' 44k4l&&i:&&&.e&t WiK.. rK-fn f.rhr wifh thA Msiiisnn . t " ' -n springs ana tnis. X Motor Co., of be interested to know of this change. Hot springs ana tnis . ; - . .. . ASHEVILLE'S LEADING. STORE TO THE TAX PAYERS OF THE TOWN OF MARSHALL: V "Your taxes are now due;; ; Please call'1 ? and'settle. .This is the THIRD Notice I; g have: given : you; this is enough, Take.'W jj .warning. t, . t 1 2 3j : Li Ll Where Quality Style and Moderate Prices Meet. And Remember DENTON'S Are Just As Close To You ' A Your Telephone! Pet: . , 1 t. 3 J '"VAXCOIXECTOR. :lA t-AiilA-t r'r'Ti ,xy i 1 1. ..'.............'..-.....-'... . ... . ,N' "1 J . . - '.'. !'

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