, ".,- Vl- ,N ' ' - ' , 1 , s -..-,-. ' ' , . " - It , ' . , At , " . ! ..-.,'. j " i . I ' , t. v. it V 1 VJt. Tllff NPW 1 t ., ;i, t1 :UiiJ- -lid THE ONl4Y! NEWSPAPER PUEL1CHED IN LIADISON COUNTY TIT r0L. XXI 1 ir tVEAVERVnXE ; mi WIDEST ?AND BEST, IN STATE P.' J I III , - , 1 I II I ll I III ll Ull' I I III llll WEAVJ&VILL3 HbWAPF SPLENDID CELtHATI0N LLE-j P, CO PnL E Little Sandr and warf weitipr whool -r-nt ATirtM-iV I and -hurch.- Th houw: wa- boul iCIAIUN,BY J 28x50 fet ndro:tori ;Lrt ii Thursday thi ptopW' tVlwnif le and Ashevilla rejoiced tojrether, lebratlnf - the opening of . ib 24 ot concrete road connecting wear vUlej aad -AslieyUleTlM' ay- was lihtful.alid;roite a large igathejj. ir I DeoDie eniovea tne occasion. bout twelVa OTclock.the cars,' jnary ' them decoratkd far weira colors and ind proceeded toWeawviUeMriiep e atreeta througn wucn tney passed was' changed toane story and usel for a church only. A.aew church no4 stands on the property ner,y,'tii eaUed J'LitUe Sandy'LThe territor involved no wnstituteiACross jRoc and Middle fiandy Musy school die mTh'H5.eWii4epier highyay pn Aflheville.,1 the , Smokv -JHountaij ark andcMBn 'to' Kirtxville-wiUipaH 1 laced'TXi thmi pa ain, for we art au roovinB icetr r i na are not go mi H. BEEVES 1 'f we Jlftwjn;jColor;i The y-peakiiw And dinner werf on Jfti,e.)frfiujidsj.ol , v ea ver iuueK tAa it was e speaking jt .lit- -V .i itock. an attomem o4iAshevilJeiiwaa 1 tl!,fr ,, ., ..;...',) u m fiTf":...v faaater of ceremonies and in the oat The fifth Lee Uarker for the Di fet, whetted tne-appBttte'ioI'inla m ;ir Htehmy 'thtonghU Western fOT :fefwaftoo fitting remarks he introduced "Mrjr.Jltjhaa jbeen announeed by Mrs. J. 1 . Stikeleather,-who spoke of ihisGadger, Jr' state chaimiui of.tte iece of road, aa, the widest .stretch in ! comittee..on Lee Markers, of the C forth Carolina) aiid at Jt ,Ka link Jn i JDai- hters Jf the tyhfederacf. b th iteJ&PMMtimUk '&W,M3ttfW-. ? just from Maine to jaextconjy air jt. ombe .County Commissionert, said l,the,.wnd. for which now stands iimonBihetalnKStha'lMafi had tamimraOT-mfli wad eon the avervffle'roali' witirtha Xiw River road at Alexander. Mr. ; the Tennessee line, and at Calvay Holmes -, Bryson, i lehairtoan , olr-ttte ' Epiacopal, churchy Fletchanv A sinfl (Aaheville hanher.otXommprclUfce lana teia4o be Jedicatedt "Hen- toextspeaker, said thatjAsKeville, e . dertonvUlh bnlATinii(.Day, and 'V l,'r;'.:ii- . A. UtM number of-the Madison Couhtv teachers attended the'meet-mg-oCtheiWesternt District of the.N C. E. A. which was held in'AshevillS list- week.' f la' fact' th largesti nuntc her that has ever attended from this county was there. The teachers of the .county this year hare manifested a greater spirit of Jbyalty and 'coop eration taanijWjeiij )W-, are proud of the fine record that is being made br thenV'V'r -j , n"..i::; mi CHAMBER COMMERCE -Ui. 4UU !rcJie flleTttie inetronolia' of Wettterrf North "taroH- ipa, would soon unite , wtth Weaver- n westerns wortB'auroiuuu'jttr. scoe Marvel, chairman of the Ap- ng-tht WsaYeviHefca sboiL tospendnj 80.000"a ' sT-Water System anrisr ooking.towt paved street in the tear Jut --, r.!viac:er,--or P'e' Jiridr-!.' aa t tastor'of" the Ca- -' li..E. Chur h. at Asheville. the ' next sp ker, said that, Asheyil,tjt,iei 1 't!-; the old street car line fiv.a ' iverville , " t o AshevUle, - v ' lint 2- . h : bededjcated mdve to -plate tthets at Btttfeore and at Tuxedo on the South CarolUa line iaVbeinpuahed-by the efimmjt ta.v'v., i.i.-Ai-.,- i.r.w.MA$:iA' . u k followed by a.: dehUulidUuieIf cnidcesi nni osnearn meataj;reads. :eggi; salads,'rpiae, pkkleataks and -many other good thmga,;iwaarisprad 'mi thfltitahle cloths spread on-ltoe 'troan U& llirat tto. thek hearts' ontento It was ai.delightfut occasion. 1 .Ji.'il'V mti ' i n;-t. " f TRANSMONTAINE) .V j jstMor WMiRnMiwa conce WAW Mi! .TransmQitaJni, ibis building bearing that.,appel ationwas fBpectedU (ew years.agoi , pripr to tl)Civa.7(Won.4ttl9 VHyuen, ift,of -wnsnij;,,, if ul to i..uis .scnooi,.waa.,auii aucce the first lew -years jl Ji t existence tav9 z ewwere attracted to it -from wainr JlMon- JanyHaytoied' coun ties. Rev. W. -P-.- Parker aided by his iwitw, rwhor' ihef ore hr marriage; was iMiaa Martfaret WeareB and who i dust recently died at Weaverville, andihy wtheva, taught school itheMT" -,jf . i-'! i Amoag-. those liOf u note -fromy Hay wood, were David and Frank Boyd, . EbM;iFeson(JUdgrJarlandtFer v suaonemdi Attorney iBurder, Ferguson. ; nrfathevitof Homer.; Ferguson vf. ship' building fame. Somerpapils fromiBun ' combe were a CaULi W.f E. Weaver. athslr ,efcCongri)8amattgeh).Weayery auEBivuaav weaver mm. mameflLir. rDiiH.Teagaaiw)Weaarvilleit and, j)iMisa;;Kjttie Weaver, srho, became the, wife of Dr. I. A.t Harris of. Jupiter. t Vaars afTer.'Jthe," writer want to thiai school when amall bov "waUdne twa. t.and'athall mites. Jt was then eaUeduwes wjy, aeft l?Rrva fiun 'the waroetlj I've imitten your cities a . t home.1 I've e ncl j the walla of our sta 'Voiirt ihtrHmd I've spoiled yeur garddOs mh W -wihardstv 7'4a- ;o.ijrx-' "t. ..ft.). i'vecamea youronageaAway The loss is told in mUUlSns of geld;' The indemnity you must pajl .-. t -' But had I not cause for'aamrt i : .... Sas tfctoot time to rebeltjMd ask "it th springs' that eed sue J rnen- rocK-nooed neigbts can teikr : Go to my: mountain cradle, 'm i v Go" to my home anl see, vi .(f; r Lfek on myruined fortstar ' if, And note' what ye dido These wearemiyivanibowert, , i v ' my oeas or oracxen and rern,-;i, ; The spels where If lie and rfest me E'er to your !weKarl tnm. .--.oi. These' y ou havef plundered anti wast- il . ed, I'CToion v- irtiti 1 iv-A;' You'v.hpped and JBOENE&i And. 'C:-;;scared. ort; fc Jswiaiwi r s Till my home tailef ofivardaratbe-: re ii " i .." v reft.-. So I have goao-on- the warpa''th; ma,yopr iapo1wiaj ri . Restore with care my.woodands fair ...A-West .Vfcglnis, darkey i .b'la'ck-' Smith, recentlv Announced a Vhhnirfl' te hift.nesa aaj.ws.Nej opartoiipTretoore'jw between.moand.Wosaklnnertt by reeolypd. Dem whatj)wed;.oei firm u tUP Wrnatand,.whafrdCinn aWld The Dr&rram rendered at. the. Dis trict meeting was very-good1. Miss Lucy Gage of Peabody. College, rec ognised' "'ne -'$f the leading pri mary teachers ill' the United States, gaye0severar , splendid addre'sses' to various groups pf s thi'J AssociatioiK On nf thri"t4hi vataaricad JrtiAt hef addresW it the' first general meet' ingrwaa the best educational; address1 b 'naa neara m twenvynva years. Sunt.' A. "T.1 Allen made a masterful address to' th cbtmty and city super intendents. ;- His subject i'waa ithe Need ''of "tttt l Bight Mhnths School Term!' 'T'hOpe"that this address can be .published in thi'NewskRecord within the "ttert" two ; weeks iso' - that ill the'Wple Of the1 county may real ise tnat in a greatest1 'neecr 'in exiucai uonu une wwf w a longer scnooi term. -.i- -v':mi,f- yhu.ii .ii ) i "Di i . 1 : i' 1 . i hi' 1 i '. i .i ir i . u' ceuntyt If avt are spending ,too much money, who will be the first one to suggest that the Beard goback tQ UieH Old,, dilapidated nuuding on the bill top r criticize1 ttd- Boaid fdinvesto tag, W9und t9,P0O 00 ,of the county', money in the children of Ubpei1 iu- rei at;JObs .pradiiiSchopl7 , our, teachers are too. well qualified who will be 'thsfCirst te JBuggest :that, we turn down those who have made pre paration' for 'teaching" tend ' Secure X I understand' that VrelitT deal of ojjtical 1proManda"'ls "being spread ugnou? xne cQunty on tne cost oi guilty to thef ict that We are spetad- ing lote or money lor, schools. ,we ten fit tHa Bountv. ' Wh Oleart to tWchartha the best teachers' 'guilty have employed it was Dossible secure with the mune'kvaflable: Wf ple,UtrtoJtt tharge'at fbf theFfirst tie ih' thi.hlstoi' of the .eountv'ae there h'teachers;em ployed in the system wno'do" not (mea sure" up t6'the'S1t.'mndard.'t.W6 plekd ftfttty 'tt'aOrb haV( one b the geat rural high schOloWlin lhe wesi- cheaper class of unprepared second grade teachersT f , J Ttl- 0 .We further boast of the fact that the ne buUdihgs- that " have bee Duutunder, the, present Board's man agement has beetf the most ecbhomi al,Jta m history.Eyerypna who sees the jaew building at Marshall admits that 1 we "tttw 'ttetttng at.Uaat ?00.OQ cheaper than such a building has been built? elsewhere.Ohe promt sent guilder , who visited Htbis ing Tecently told me that he-could hot 'Awvexbuiltif syeh, almUdiug for lea; than $85,0p.00. The building at -Beech !! iat beingiibuiltt ifdr a fWW.yv less. Man any other of iu typo; in tnecounty. nmn rXes, tt.ia true that we are spend ini' lots5 tff -money." We hhve toVThe beys, and girls. of rthja county are just as much entitled to a good feducatioh as. uuncombeiiyeti jwe rhaye,! been spending only a small part as much per cnud as'mncomM nas: we: are not criticizing any rpast , boards . or commissioner.' biit1if thtfxounty hrid en putting, something, more into. schools in the past: itwbuld hot be . JX -it t A 1 mm nn ncesenviume:-) Dr. Edgar W. Knight, one of th tijl,my. 1 truBt iat lome PLAN TO MAKE COUNTX- oniWillbe goodtenoutehto thechilo .,' ' ren,p.th? county.kick me. out-,,,,, .'-WJDE . ORGANIZATION , , . . .. i . fWf!fl what tne .Mcpmpllsh ;'-:-wVi- .rETJlHW- KJWfa.V. mients of the present DeenujM 1. board men of .Marshall was called Thursday It erected a ''VuailyJ t0"i ir Elbveiand feartied ia SBeiafi boi? ' rgahsed a -.Chamber f.r of ocnopinjeion there. Zv It ordere.0 ahd carried a Special SchVol 'Election 4urdep8omiit . tl ur, darar w. reS uCwtoM not .only of North VBronna.p.ut.oi the .entire south ceatly haath te'sav hbout the i of , education,: , ,,! An , f festive , .school system costs mcreasinsrlV' more moh- jeyj generally much.jnpre. money than an ineffective school system. Every aaainon w enudren, term, curriculum improved pnysicai , equipment, outer moaem equipment W tares educational eXficiency ----- t p pfjte stats' W Mars'-Hai V. bt t M ige tVcfthlt nexfcW we s alasMlendid bigfr'scittbl bni' ? 'it.' BeM.Glefe fb? all: the chi. . i of Nttmber 'Four' 'townshM e that the!chiTdre m that isrtf'justlhmteh'LenttUed 1 'thl''advaiftges''ks of .XuifvT hob aa4& Scjiodl U numoer . to Eleven uTi mm addiOonal fun ,r I hoi .and rvo-aMywitn any oi cm other western t4OjQ0 vcPes.,pff;thi j bicn-iea-i counties, iu. " has worked out and iwill be distributed. .caUa lpr f adopted' a 1 county wide plan of schboUir; fhisf is:, irare u l :','.?. Kill; sup nuenaeot'is to provia asj econo mically as possible the best school fa culties possible roraj oiechiiajfen' of m i county And any, bwM ;qf aduca tionjor supermten,denrwho idbes ot uxot ".ioiasijfftiisinn me MVAna wnea my vision gets set poor as a looseisignf oi iis J50JC(C- Till? OEASHEILU3.IS i...-.-i.o(iii ! :-..ir 'iilii hi BY 'FRIENDS -fa. l!'V Jiff! ' 'j.j,n :1)1T 1 "'' ''7' ft Jin ?' '.','t)tf!iB':' ; r " ''''' l ".. '' I -rQR .SHERIFF J' V ii juipry , Jl ii i-i , . ,tP This is; to let thevotefs ofrMadison hi Ticket 4 4 Your 4 Ii 4 !i ii 4 x7ill Tv or.riiAidfor 7' A ... .... ' ' . . . - . r i ' r ;- v for the roada that it ta rue , .. , .....,..... . McDeritt has promsied to kaild Li f 1, 4 '11 Mill; ft I Mllim'tltir tiaovt .7."v lti 11 i;r- 1 '.i'iir It'.iV 'Mt .n-.t .mtifui)!" i r'tim(i OJ fUf(i.V uw' :i'fiirT tl "f ,)i.- . illi): ,''1 'lllj lllfl l) &l" Ml '!!). .ilij. ll mi ii ; )lftj!.)) 1 ap . i ...v ... .....,. .lurimj-yi? .;b. : j 2;:'' '. i ' (Ml , ;., : . i IUK it if:.', "i , j-Xoi '.!, lift vti. VK hi Ji XI . (H I'll- ' (: ("ii It ','1 !'.( 1 1?' ) KitC.WUHAshevilleatbrney laa.,fo.atlicttorshlpi'ef :tfae.'Jt9thv !'!.;;; 3W L Judicial District of florin Carolina. , . rlT'J t.i . i.rl'i 5 juri )I(!jJ r-lM 8v jS..'' 5! Ml'.'.',:. I ' itl C - c . . Jr. . ii ' V. .fSi;:X- it. ' a VOTB FORrllM MEANS A VOTE y - fFOR LAW ENFORCEMENT' J FOR-' -"ff 5 i WCtt AND , .POORUKE : .y.r ff": i: 1 ri 1 MCDETO-BA(M Calvin B. Ednev. Republican 1 . . -. IT .... i...n).Hir . hi IIMB AU& WUWM. HIT. ... week's Record on account of a letter written by. Mr. N. B. McDevittJre- fleeinr u on Mr. Edney's '. bUity . challei ; Mr. McDevitt to a Joint disouas)uB-in each township Olj tnef Conntv. uoon Mr. jsdnevs persenai enauirv last nurht. Mr. McDevitt tailed to accept tne cnauenge. jrrne,. topics suggested oy Mr. tdneyi lor (1) The disgraceful attack Khat had been made up on Mr. Ednef by untruthful rumors, Which have been circulsed tha he had eompronfisett himself .M& down his henos to a, ri. ; a. the Boat of Edjuca- tion ' - W o . . 3 i (2) How the money is to beyais- red i ia the' diftereHt fcommuriitiennn rf ir . IS) .The alleged rumor tnat sev eral commissioners were i toibo'iap. nointed.by Mr McDiwitt electeuV whether they should be Republicans or Democratsi.nd:)Whs: Jthey-ara to be appointed. , ; n iU Vi.Thehf records; "and. fifthUcal affiliations. It was alleged that ro remote section A ' report i was ' being cjrenfated, ehat Mr, cDgvtt ,fjjok a immocmi. - Ednev'a abilitv as a Representative tat ttSttt this time that thin went to! ipress.he. had shied of( this challenge 1 1 like 5 burnt TthUd ftomHhofnre. ", .'J .'.Tbo.peoplejure. wondering why. he in afraid. ' Is he OODOSed to discuss lithe topics mentioned W Does, be, byay some Hidden tricK tnat ne tears wu. Aeexposed heomesttC in theroc pen?t? Qr is he,sfanply fearful of that abUrfv thatf heUried-to - belittlet Ii MroMcDevit i, afraid olthese thgal at aume, v. nut, wuuiu uuppvu w mui ini' thsj Ler-siaturtt- ? h(ni .y Mr. JticDevitt should come out i the epeny face the fActa'Uy his 'card on tve t-H so the ppobI my kno ; n hit W sU-ds t orXdrJ ' 1 1 : embracing a large, par of., Number One township, and secured funds .'thereby.'itai ecect oner of the most godern school buUdmgg in the west n Jpart of the state. :9UHi rd4red aM .carried a special School election embracing an bf NumbW Four Townt ship,, and theneby secured fnnda, to erect - for that township a modern high -school building. 4i It ordered and carried a. Special School Election embracing a sumber'offdtctricts'iiear Walnut thus giving that district bet ter facilities to carefor its children and providing for a;ll the children of that section ah eight month's 'te rm. 6.; Jt has. 'built at public epensfls, rft nice large building in Number Four teen 'Township; f. and has plaarca ipot.fthe furtherance of this pro Jecf so'that tne childreh 6f that tbw shjp, wip recieve just as good Momen tary training there as Qiey can "re ceive inr-the schools at-Marshall, i9T Mars Hill. 6. After a generation of waiting it ha iven c. Number Ton township a nice two. room building at Rice Church 7.- It has added teethe Mars Hill High School' buijding so that the school has been hble toT be come the.largest High Sehool and, one ok tne nest in tne county, v. it has put on m large toumber of i trucks thss putting within reach of a great num hber'bf ooys and girls bot& standard sSibfaciljfe. !frtaseraS2dt(Se standard :for teachers ia the eountv so that pur county now compares fa- Commerce, Mr. Guy V. Roberts was elected president ana mr. a. ' w. Whitehurst, , secretary treasure. . The dues will be $1.00 a month o'er 'mem ber and it is planned (to .make the or ganization county-wide, to make it a live1bTganlzaidn.'"i'''(.U Ul n -in'? r .The,, president , kft this , . (Frdiay) morning for Chicago for k conference with some prominent bankers, who are interested in the'' development ' in MfidiBonn Connty.;i Mr. ..Whitehurst and others also went to Asheville to day -mtereet of the newtorgsodss tipn.. !yIt is planned to have a .book? let prttel setting forth some W the Savties,, attractions, an-advantsgea Madison County? " J?');i.'i '..r""1 i i ' ' mi 'n THEWQRLD.TQ 'r NokhfCardliha wUK 'soon feave' the derful resources, her history, pro gress in culture, art, literature and education. She-will tell something about her Udustries. her; commercial advantages and emphasise the rich field to he fodifd 'here, for safd aild , profitable, .myettmenta, Tfte , story of North CaroHna urWhe set forth ia a ipeoial Supplement which will be issued bv the Christian "'Science f Monitor on November ftth. ).The cir culation is about 105.000, but so much interest' has 1 tmen manifested IVPPifiment S!lU3 of"?woer buildings to the. county Just as soon as funds can be secured for their, consnmation.. ;;i;( ui i s : i i ii ; J ' Teel ' It takes ' monev : tb Uol lha tnings. ii any man can offer a way to do this "without PuttlasruB" some mmi. y, we'shalTbr glsd to"nWrliWIaV nw. wv nave ooae wrong m try in t provide xheao frt ill ties iar the ehilorea, .we saall be glad to iiavct. oners as to what ones should bej better to do lt.Z t.-, -5H . -. m V ' .-' J J - AMERICA'S FHtST, ? MILLIONAIRE A MASON 'PorlunJnv indeed tor our state to spread before the world such a vivid picture of its ' ad vantages for most of the news ar ticles will be written by the most prominent, we and wpmeaf i North Carolina. Thev realize that this ia ndtlkOprbpoaiUOftioi The Christian Science Monitor, but it is a North TcaTroiMar-Tnwject--lir-which - every Fredericksburg, Va. A monument to the memory of Brazil Gordon. said to be America's f irst millionaire, may be seen in the Masonic cemeterv here. He lived in Portsmouth, Va.. and his home and place of business are still in good repair. -.-A lew days before the War of 1812, Gordon shipped an immense quantity of Vircinia tobacco to Eng land. It arrived after the declaration of war and sold so hltth.' due to the shortage, that with his already ac cumulated wealth, he found after the war that he had in cash $l,ooo,ooo. 'BLOODY MADISON' YIELDS MURDER RECORD TO COUNTY ttttt Madison County must yield the crown to Buncombe. Mi..;fltf That fact became knewdi'HfficUUvi eateraay arternoon m '"HUerior ourt when Judsre Pender 'At' McEl. roy, himself a native'iOf'Madison, made a remark after the aTand: ifnfcv. 1 J Jli a i . JT w naa iiieq into tne room and the lore- man had approached the bench. C3Mtmberf6mmerarev4fly body and every loyal citizen should take- active-interest and to which he. should WfOr his Support,. This iaaTare opportunity for us alt to take a part In this work to help TfE COLDijN CHANCE (By EDGAR A GUEST) There is in life this, golden chance For every valiant soul. The unpenned poem or romance The undiscovered goal. Beyond the sum of all we know And all that man has done, Life holds a never-ending row Of glories to be won. Still waits' the canvas for the paint, The paper for tjje pen ; Still searches Faith to find a saint . Among- the. ranks of men. Though man,' it-seems, has traveled far . (j -,,t,- Along achievement's way. His conquest and his triumphs are But splendors for a day. .. v 'wraits In all that .is of paint and print, And: marvels1 which we see, Life gives- us but she faintest hint ... Qf : splendors yefr. to be. On still unfaraveied! roads of fame The feet 6f meh shall climb Far nobler goals than ours to claim from tUB-rachiap of .time. Unreekoned- genius ;ybt unborn - Undreamed of deeis shall do. Night ends the old.l!With every morn . -Life bids'ws'jtart4new. iiiiiniiii -in) Vl Vlate.neri'Everything I say, murder indictments." the idd2 morning and say Ford.' " fiVe murder indictments." the itidrfe declared. "Such a thing has never occurred in all my experience on the bench. It appears that 'Bloody Mad ison must jteidta( combe 3ujjyi?'T3 - Asneviiie uiiizen. Stranger here, aufl 1rott1"tba parson admitted it '"i-ravelmg man7" said the barber. "No," said the parson. "suoDlvina- l , a .... - - " - - line pumre."- Patient cart" POrVuio; .the fenteftP aehoa-U the barberK who had never heactha phrase before. "With whatT" ' A real 2setate cxItuimanfT-Uv tk sell a house to U xtCtacVlywda. Said the wife: "Why bay a hornet I. was bprn.Jn hospital ward, rear ed 1ft m boarding" schooV:educ&ted'm a: eoilogev'ietourted 'i-JanMutomobiJe, atod; married ajchirehiiKfget!irajr meals at a, cafeteria, Uv in aa apart ment, spend ' mv" morhuurs lvin- rol,rmyfsrnqons playing bridge-in ni eveomg w oance or go to the movies; when I'm sick I go to the hospital and when I die f shall be buried frmo4 an -undrtakr's:. lAKI 1 1. . ... ... . , - ... uc m m gm-g- W11U B pscrODTB. Tom TkiAESl: siyiibrdiiidt arai.Tka etcn f j not aica so noco eiace ue new oroa- ; arJ .t i&iZsKSnKrll'h: H. ...... Does your wife drive the By thTrwtt? diihaf newthu. tfumtcm tun ont all riahtl" JF M 'why he's in the hos pital." Husband (to wife "driving a nail) : oweverdovpu expect tojhjje a nail in the wall with a clohesbrushT ' I: or eat, 1 MrstWusnjf at RA Chauttaabua: "There's the Jprofessbr. I'm iaM hi & going to say something wonderililly intellectual. Let's listen." - . -T, T'iTOfSjssrt,toi4f friend: "tint it about time wsj were rettizur ou ide foromj ho dogjMudwichea.an4j:of- made dii .;rtij.iiii der cow peas on, the v, jib Lowe 'of'lineoln Cc ity difference ;ih yield 'of as. . The difference was in favor of - the lime was easily seen throu;' out the growing season. ' , - pigs, a cow, eoe . garcVa wiil ht - 1 i who Tt . - s 1 POOR PR TNT