.rrzr n?r:iPAC3 MM 1 I' llliMkr. r 1'' v MUM. WW wzi Tii::nALriAKr!D it In fiTiH1 iMpAr Marshall V. '.-.,.;. i " .i.i,''-t11 m. n w nmav of Hart ran and Mr. RHi ShaaVof W&t Pond, Tenn.,vwere visitors at our orac . Tuesday and left their eubscription "to the-News-RecordY . v- Mia Virginia "Gilbert,; a trained nurse, v at Greenvijle, Tenft spent from friday until Sunday, wth ber aunt, lira. X W;mftehurBtk ? , Mr! and ''MraT"Preaton Ingle of Ashevipe, apent be weelnd with her pajenta, Mr. , and Mrt.' Caney, - Misl Katherine Davis, who Jto a student at Tusculum. College, Tenn., spentjast week-end wP h mother, ' Mn. tan Stft fi-f&ik i i ;.V" 11 Mian(Mrfc hato on, diaa, Jr., whohat been voting theirarenta, Mr. and Jn..w.l Ensley, and Mr, and Mr. Mark Davto, and other wlattves nea MarMiaU, left Biureday of last eek fmrtheir LomeS They .had motored home and - retarded by automobile. ' Mri. Ralph -Sprinkle and Mrs. Ar thur urreH of Gran Vine yisitea e QewsrRecord , office Thursday or is week. ,' , . ' Mi6 Robert Tweed narrowly escap ed serious consequences this week wheirhtehenvy-; truck turned -oyer, down the rbanfc- He -stayed at hi wheel' until it-stopped turning and then came ..out unhurt ; : , Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Snelson of near. Turkey Creek church were in Mar-, shall Tuesday on busbiess. Mr. and Mrs. R. H.' Clark in charge of the County Home, went to Ashe ville Tuesday, MW. Clark going for treatment. Mx. Cora Allison delightfully en tertained at a dinner Wednesday, the guests being Rev. and Mrs. H. L. Smith, and H. H, Jr., and Mrs. H. L. Story. Dr. Conley, whose ad appears else where in this paper is a graduate of the University of Louisville, Ky., krving two years hospital experience. When he decided to locate in Mar shall h was surgeon for the B. & O. Railway, and was -health officer of Wirt County, W. Vai Mr. L. B. Roberts of Mars Hill was in town on business Thursday. Mr. Johnnie Frisby and 3 small children are. moving to Redmon this week to stay with Mr. Frisby's fath er. "The children .will remain with their grandfather while Mr. Frisby will. return to Norfolk, Va., where he has. i position. , L l. J. M. Baley of West Ashevfile cwam town on Business Thursday. fTXnm rcarunrt We want your business. The Bank of French Broad Marshall, N. C. I x tc't'-ean'tiierefore' SELL FOR ,.Cr nee lb 7c s (T"-.. Women's Hosa regular $1.60, now seUing at ooc , other, articles of. merchandise in proportion. , Dealer v.,' - 777'--. MARSHALL, NrC. .;-:. -' " nnnnsif RnilwftV Station V ... . vri C 1 LUnWVKI Thursday; Friday, Saturday I: 13 o 4 Li n !i 4 !? MarshaE "I -t 4 . MARSHALL PER SONArlJ 8 -. ; ,, , ... MfMMMM I .v muffin.! MiknH Mrt Ed Ramsev and. two children ol ainui;, were wwa xnursaay. v Mr. D. Silver, who has been in MemphiSi Tennessee ior some rime has returned to his home on Route 8. f ; y.i.:' ,. ' Misa'.Eth'el Alien returned from Whitnayi a C, last Sunday night af. ter spending a few daya with her fa ther who has been seriously UL Miss Allen reports her father's condition' very much improved. " r .';.(. .... . , .. ,i i Xru ' Jaaaie ' ell of Knoxville. Tenn.. hat accepted J a . position seietryto Supt C. B. DlUard. ..... tornev. was in Marshall on business: Tneadajr aiternooni- w. 1ta Vhm. nharlev Enslev. who have been visiting Mr4. 'Ensleya par ents, Mr. and tax a wav Mf. Ensley's parenta," Mr.- and Mra wi Ef Enstoy; left lat;bnrMay morning tor- tne noma in iw" Mich. . . Mr! Emmett Davis left Saturday for Oteen for an examination at the government hospital. -. , Messrs. Charlie' Ensley, Paul and Emmet JDavis went to Laurel River last Monday on a flBhingr trip. ; 'Messrs. T . S., . Rollins and Mark fit-own. Aaheville attorneys, are at tending court here this week. Mrs. S. C. Allen, who has been vis iting Mrs. E. T. Blankenship at her home in Ashevijle, has returned to her. home on Route 4. Mrs. Texanna Banks of R. 4., was in Marshall last Saturday on business. A part of the News-Record force, Joe and Harold Eads, Lankford and James Story and Glenn Naves, also Hubert Worley motored to Asheville Saturday afternoon. Mr. Romeo Ferguson was in Ashe ville on business Saturday. Messrs. Tom Anders, Thad Shel ton, Henry "Cub" Shelton and Col man Caldwell left Tuesday morning by motor iot .Winston-Salem to see Mr. Shelton's son, Cecil, who under went a serious operation at the Bap tist Hospital last Saturday. They i report .that Cecil is improving some. PRIZE BABY Charles Heinz, Jr 14 Months Old, Honored tr- -u : Fourteen ' months old Charles Heinz, Jr., is the first prize baby of all those entered in the baby show of the Modern Woodmen of America which was held last Friday. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heinz, of 110 West Wells Ave. Knox ville, Tenn. First Prize was ?25.00 bank account. - Mrs; Hein2 and Charles, Jr., are expected to visit her mother, Mrs. W. F. Deaver, the latter part of this week. SHERIFF RECTOR BETTER Tim condition of Sheriff Willard Rector, who has been at a hospital in Asheville for an operation for an in fected jawbone, is better. He came home Wednesday. 64-LB. CANDY ROSTER Mr. E. R." Elmore of Mars Hill was in Mnrstifill Saturday with a candy roaster 38 inches long, weight 64 lb s. LESS Give me a trial. Flour : $1.10 in ' ,J.i . M(UW, iL PHARMAGY n-ri The RESALE Store.: -. S. 8. Snndav was very Drones mivtt . SnrrliM were onened hv old Reirf Mr. Harris, .an 'pld 'njinister i out acquaintance He and bis daugh-i ier-iwera uib we-uu vaiici m ... G W. Cohn. v After S S. Rev. A. P. Sprinkle, our beloved pastor, preach ed as very inspiring sermon. The prater meeting in the afternoon was conducted by Rev. Mr. Harris.. We had a very fine prayer meeting at Bro J. F. Merrell's Saturday night It was. conducted by Mr. Henry Sprinkle. Thos who accompanied in 'talks were Wesley Hunter, F. M. Coffey, Clarence Tiflery, and Ai P. Sptinkle. There will be prayer meeting at Mr. Z. T. McDarris' next Saturday night. All who can, please , come. Mr. and Mrs. Claxton Cohn were at BuU Creek sufcday. , Mr. F. M. Coffey was the guest of Mi) Wesley Hunter for dinner Sat urday. . Mr. Stafford Wade is back in this community agate. " - - Jtnss Myrtu Merreu enjoyea wun day fine. v-r:3. .-rx-a ;.,. llessrs.' Grants McDarris Attley Hanter: 'Guy Mefrelli Flo vel .Cohn, anf Misses Jessie- Metcalf went . to Weaverville to' ball game Friday.; . Afissei Bertha and Kate Landers. and Miss EHtabeth 'Butkner wf Mara H1U' were at Bull ur eelt tsunday even- rJ ihd Mra.: C. X Guthrie were the guests of 'Mr. and: Mrs. C.. L. Phillfp Saturday-night. - tMr. '. Earl Carcon and family . of Asheville: N. C, were the guests of Mr. and Mr. N. K. Carson Sunday. Mr. H. B. Brown has been' making molasses this week. Mrs. T. H. Rice and children were the guests of Mrs. J .H. Hunter this week-end. Mrs. T. H. Rice and chlidren were the guests of Mrs. J. H. Hunter this week-end. Mrs. S. C. More, who has been somewhat ill is improving some now. We are all hoping, she will get well withut an operation. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Silver and f am. ilv went to Asheville Sunday eve ning.. Mr. Terrell Bryan stills travels the muddy road to Mr. G. W. Cohn's each Sunday. JUDGMENT is based on experience. We have examined the eyes of thousands of people, have made every combination of glasses, fitted all sorts, sizes and shapes of noses. It is our pleasure'to refer you to any of Our ' patrons We all be Equally glad to number you mongthemY See us vnday f rid see better from now on. Charles H. Hone&s OPTOMETRIST Eye Strain Specialist 54 Pat Ave. Opp. Postoffice ASHEVILLE, N. C. BEASLEY RAMSEY OnFriday, Oct. 22, at 11 o'clock A. M., Miss Mary Kate Ramsey, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ramsey, of Marshall, R. 1., became the bride of Mr. Joe D. Beasley, of Marshall, N. C, son of Mrs. D. F. Beasley, Clay ton, Alabama. (Father dead). The coudIc were married at Newport, Tfinn" t.ha hridn heinor rlrpfSpH in ' handsome gown of Claret red satin. The groom is engaged in business with the Copenhaver & Foster Con struction Co. The -couple were at Newport, on Friday night and Hot Springs Saturday. They will be at home in Marshall for a while. Mr. Beasley is 29 years of age, and Mrs. Beasley is 16 years of age. ' She will resume her studies at Marshall High School. I MR. C. Y. PHILLIPS DEAD Mr. R. Y. Phillips, formerly of near Mars Hill died at the home of his daughter,' Mrs. S. P. Caldwell at Greer, S. C, Jate Tuesday vening. Funeral' was at the Forks of Ivy Thursday afternoon. A fuller ac count next, week,, " - j ; V S3 ft : v ,,- -;N; Carolina g .1 it,. , un, :: Shoe& and offer them to you for ii:Merate saving of 25yetave lots of Sample Sweaters, Glovesj Shirts, Knit Goods, Fancy Goods, Scarfs, Silk&difes, Sox, ' Handkerchiefs, and many other items on which you can ' . ,sv save at least 25 per cent. ; - V DOLLAR 'New Masonic Bld'g. ( - i Flla rllnhftn and Miss Texa Hunter were the aruests of Mrs. T. J. Forester Friday night . Hiss xennie jucuarris was nuuj for the week-end. , Mm Ponnkr AVrnwond fwafl the guest of Mrs. J. H. Edwards Monday. Mr.- uoraon uucKner was ui iuoib TTill Mnnrtnv. Mr; Leslie Steidel and Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Frisbee are expected to return home some -time this week. They have been in Georgia for two Mr. Arville Edwards was in Ashe ville Saturday. Miss Texa Hunter and Mr. Attley Hunter were on Grape Vine Sunday. Mr. John Silver was the guest of Miss Kate Edwards Sunday evening. Mice fiollio Kate SDrinkle was her guest for dinner Sunday. Best wishes to the News-Record and all its readers. From SEXTON We are having a good Sunday School at our little church here. Ev erybody is invited to come; t r.Vionnl Sholtin from Tennes- see will preach Saturday night, Oct. 30th at this place. . Also the Sunday School girls will give a play; "The Ten Virgins", I I 'I.'. - i i '' " . imI i'i :ij SAVED-DOLLAR MADE M Everybody come out and you will certainly find a welcome. Mr. Wylinza Howell of Jupiter was a visitor at singing Sunday evening. We were glad to have him with us. Mr. Hermtfn Davis is a faithful vis itor at Sexton and he still knows the way to Mr. Grooms'. Miss Lizzie Guthrie was the guest of Miss Zetta Hunter Monday night. Misses Sadie and Ollie Sams spent the week-end at Laurel visiting their sister, Mrs. Jettie Buckner. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Arrowood and family of Asheville were at Sxeton Sunday evening. Mr. Doyle Guthrie was at Jupiter Sunday night. Messrs. Doyle Guthrie and Cletus Hunter are working for Mr. D. E. Messer, helping him put up a wheat mill. They are enjoying the fork just fine. Miss Zetta Hunter is enjoying tne cold weather just fine. The farmers of this place are all getting ready to s6w wheat. Best wishes to News-Record and all ias readers. Tom Tarheel says he may not get much money from his cotton this year but he expects his cows, hoga, hens and garden to keep his family in good shape until next year. ONLY ONE SURE WAY , There-is but one way to accumulate money, and that is by Saving. -The only way to get along in this world is; to live within your income and save regarly a portion of it ': A little money an,d ji. good credit established by consistent saving will accomplish wonders - ' 7 ' : ; .;-. . U . '.;(,-' S-: ' Zl-. Ci ST '" rft " ' " MARSHALL and HOT .SPRINGS, N. C. . !: ! twin L aerae r Marshall, N. Carolina NOTICE As trustee or assignee I will on Wednesday, 10th day of Nov. 1926 at 1 o'clock P. M., offer for sale the stock of merchandise of J. B. Harri son and all book accounts, at Hot Springs, N. C, at the place of busi ness of said Harrison for the benefit of his creditors for merchandise, Oct. 29 1926 ' C. B. MASHBURN, Trustee. 2t Dr. Orva Conley Office over Rexal! Drug Store Residence Third Floor over French Broad Bank J" 4.J, iff -----