. ,.,v.,-- .-.,...r -Twr! . - .nic , n Ui ,v villi ((J ffi l.i jfiflOvJ Ji V5llJ rf 1 t ' VT.r l' i"T.:.r " v'- U IV ! If r ' k i, V"U , . . Mapisom county Recoups . . r i . l v n j i , : i v . " i H&nn1 rmemavman raw saw "a ji , . a. . t Mil: ! ;. ' '1, : , ! 1) rOi 1 A VEAU FORv- 1 i 1 vol; xxr 5 DR; NORMS IS OF MURDERING D. C. CIIIPPS. v.,c.J- r AUSTIN, Tet, , Jan. 25,-J)r. Itank Norrls,! fundamentalist Baptkt ' i pastor of Fort ; Worth,, toDt itep- ped from hl third courtroom a free mam He wai acquitted by a-Jury 'in ; ' Trayia county .district courtof Amur i t 'dering Dextef .E. Chipp lumberman 1 k'ot Fort Worth, whom ha killed in his , church office On the afterrioon of last July 17. f t v ; ; v,k'.A Jury composed of fafmera, ( r laboring1 roen,1 a former sheriff, lefkd and ftiercbants, said that ci!Norri8 shot Chippsto save his it.-.! I - ii. 'i-iii it; ";'' ' Own uiQ wueii wiu inner tttruc to the pastor's private study, to potest against attacks Norris ti'has imade1' on-Mayor-H.- C. , t lj ifeacham, of Fort Worth, ahd 1; There were tears of joy and 1bo tears of another kind from other eyes when the simple ver; 4jdfotof ' ('notfirullty" was read in u loud tones' bjt S. A, Philquist, 1 tOurtclerk. f i. The tears of joy were those of Norris land his wife. A ' r soon ' as " the vedict . rang out, I was a wan smile on hft lips, but he showed no" emotion un til his aftorney, Harvin Simpson,-shook is hand. He em braced Simpson and wept. .'" t The other .tears were in the ''eyes oft a Ismail, brtown-eyed ' toy who has sat throughout the rial on the side of the' State. "He is.CexterJELChlppsfc, f . , iai,ner iiwrrui jtnicui. , jmall for his age, Is 14. 'When tasked about the - verdict tears came to his eyes, and he chok " ed up;'.. Cat he said: : ",Tm so "t sorry for mother. It has hurt he." 9 , r The boy was alone of .all his .family and as the great' crowd T !. 1..tl.J Tlii knit jlrpressea arouna 10 .enaice ine 1 ,;freed man's Jiand, the lad walk Ked slowly out virtually unnotic ed. , . , , '? Th everdict came after f our-T-teen hours of argument and testimony which was ended with a heated-appeal by Wil- ..liam P, McLean, of fx. Worth, ' v one. of thespecial prosecutors r ; fwho-said as he pointed his , :Sfer ax uie jury: f""ii you sena ! bim out to kill again,1ie's your icriminalnot mine'4 '6' r;; t j,. "iar him ,thftTpistol pack-j . -and these Words were ringing, , -- wis Jury 'filed out." iVr Vj -r in Ui-AshevilfB Citizen, - ' JOw UWJ ;.l'UJHiIUJfI wipbsjm aaison yonnTy, ' - .'Vt n T? n rr " isccompanied ;MrFarnnmon , iTelleetion upon ' an une(- but -I amopi I2dpt"y j4 that Coc- . fTTjbiicatkm to get by without some ft Mr. SobCrtf bOOjt a nnr ' a h- been- t r-v . lBrtt. Creei? Tlf TM " Vl-.fr" .i3 ' l2 V: 9 tf-f: ce and peor' plaff$.C9 Ja I4t? HftLf. 7.!.-.'. . sod I don t t; .uk ?tor cwy to cri- ". , . , c e the country where we live witn.:Wherir n'?JHa$'. f9 eSUJtli 3 ) t our community could' be better. 1 1 ut where is a place that could not e have lawbreakers ev- 1 e b r. We -yv a, and we are goin to f ti. i sue i have.5-.You state t.. t tl r w. ey on every hill and in every low on ' Foster Creek. There 'tie some whiskey in our county tin riy frankly that it is not o . t.,at.. .C'.ai to say that t i 1 J.: . i passed waaout a doren be- i ff vT f.. . J rt r - 1 - . . . - l.t, 1, ,1 t i - 1 .r.eoimitd f r-.m Cref 'i the Civil Wr. :C.ooJ tiiru, k. So I don't figure that this. 1 AO ' ACQUITTED. ;: -I community is so bad. We ihould 'yive our citiiens and officers Just a 4ittle honor, for I know we stUl have some rood moral people. ; Just to teH the trftth, any of ur country is bad e nough but when the truth : gives put our time would be better spent Just to lay aside our writing: stick and chew our gum and for the sake-of intelligence especially. ' - -! ''; :'-::- ':-v''';.,)ij"' GROVE DLL IN SUITE IN HOTEL HE nil Son And Dughtr-In-Law Ar rive, Has Contracted;; Pneumonia ' V 'J .' The condition of Pr.' E. Gapve, Asheville eanitalist and builden at an eariy nour in is morning was reported as Critical.!. Hi n and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mri, K. W. Grove. Jr.. ii . . t. ........ , arrived" yesterday frOni St Louis, Mo. Mr. Grove is suffering from pneumon ia and complications. - " - "'"- " j - Dr. Thomaa R. Brown of John Hop kins hospital, Baltimore, Md., arrived yesterday , morning to consult with Dr. William L. Dunn; who has been attending Dr. Grove for the past two weeks. Dr. Grove is confined to ah apartment at Battery Park Hotel . Dr. Grove owns extensive business and residential properties in: and a- round Asheville , and also bM . large holdings in Florida. - Bet i the builder of he Battery Park and Grove Park hotels here. "' ' ", ;: , ( Asheville Ctfsen.j MADISON BUYS CAR 30? HEffERS ; Thirty-ieven Guernseys Imported; Dairy De- yelopment Pushed i ""Hv.ood Cow,For Every Farmer is the slogaif that hasT 4een adopted in Jfadisoh coun ty, acording to Dairy Specialis P. B. Parhum. Mr. Farnum Said yesterday Athat a car load of r37 high grade Guernsey heifers was unloaded in Mar shall Wednesday. These cows were ; purchased by the dairy dairy specialist in Chester Co S. C, which Is One of the lead ing Guernsey counties in the South. . , , -v l ) The dairy business in MiM son .' county has' been " an out standing project for the. pas.1 year and now the iarfnera are acting, on their conviction tha Madison 'county "can .be.made fln-JoneCbf theJbest Bairy "counties M ; Western North Cvolina, according to Mr.-Farnum The dairy J work, ' jn the county, i was shown, Joas'Veen brought of County Agent' Eirle? Brlnt- wuv xma uen ni wortt on th? e 'lnce blpointiwnt thefe J Vi ( w v - -iGimV Hoberts a 'prominent y UeTilSey .aaly. la'fhf.' s i-'ivj- Tii'i c..a :SS.jrr I' ; ii!,'.'-. i i - .4 v--.- (Ey jack ,Va 4Joycte) , MAN A MASTER There kttvh '-'''Ti' end s"' fe'4 - I I ' e mil t" cvr t..e c;. ;jnn' tf cr tot ) ev(nuted or v utia- r Cod r". a. 1. . t m nt atta.I t ing-myseii to any a., .-netl ea ?- K THEi ONLYj NEWSPAPER PUHLISHED;IN':., MADISONv'CQ.UNTY:.ft u mniv IAftkXLLN C FRIDAYj JANUARY- 28; 1927 Thousand Eat Golden; Rule Meal , , At : Gathering of Newt Yorkers ORE than. a thonsabd leaders' In religious,' Social,. cmT en 'political circles In New York sat down .to the "Qoldea. Rule Dinner?, at the boto InnaylvanI-mv New ; York which' recently opened the caff" paign for i the fourtji . annual observ ance of International Xolden . Rule punuuy id ins wmiwu oiaw. -. Clergymen et au faiths ana eome or the leading philanthropists of the na tion participated ' in the' program. Girls' from ; various : New 4ork .and Brecklrn colleges served, am '. wait resses and not a dish. was broken moet iof ; them were made: from old condensed milk cans especially for the dinner by boys In the Near Bast lutionary . questions. But . viewir ihrdistGrbancea all over t wT has set me thinking about the .won derfulness of Man... Some pwplnrttt say to you that in this advanced state ofleariing in wWch -we find WJ- , i -nrUr.11a 1drinrftnt -wh&, DC -. ... J ...,, i !-M -.ti'i. i lieves in f Creatmnof Mr as st forth m scriptural .wnin- beginning I want to announce tt to thf worbf, JWtU, an fgaeramuS of tb Jfery; wor&t tm- the Bible fcreatfcn of Man word for word, call it ignorance rf-W-M Man was placea in this world to be come a v:-t2$t tation and other thmga Jn L9JMj The diff ereneer between the creation of man and the creation of Jhe Ani: male was that.Qod calkd the animalB. vegetation RQtt Various things into ex istence. Be said,;? Let there ie-such and such thing" an4 it . wmL f when Be ?ecme reaoy w ina WIT Vi dust of the earth and I breathed into him the breath of life and man became a living soul God imparted into man some of His Own Divine Self and since that fame man has possessed a never dying some thing which- We caU a soul, something which differentiates him from the An Imol ldno-doia. n ' i ;vA..ort j,-t. Man can be said to have two crefl tors. Firstr'God. Secona, nimseu. First, Cod gave him the raw tnateml with whieh to werfc And th laws by which man by either eonfarmmg to them erupt can; make with his Me, what wrmrKrfi'"-4 Second, Hintselfr He k a CWatof of his own Ule. Man posseses over himself Marvelous" possibilities and Wdftderf til opportunities for making a Ufa there- is in tne woriu toaay too ffltieU of the theology of "I am a feeble wvpx of tbe Dust'- w And not enough of ''llmi great human souL uTeo much dl tW'Strighten tho Corni er -Where You Aw and jiot enough of the nfe rxft9 i&tfl of the World." iw wsmit-w.tJ-. , Have you "wer nohceJ chit whea a Man!makes a failure of Iris Die he always saye: "I'm what God has mit mtJA. But if he succeeds in attain , ing the- highest peaks f success he , says: :l am -a aeirmade .man.". we owe t urselvea what we become If we fail it is becaaee-we not conform ed to the Jaers. of -God. ilan in his M . nereaaTef -trcum-t-'nn in bis vtreerth h a Creator 4f CircuiafitBiices. ''- --,- ' ..Xhere is onethta-te whicVfallures of jwni iivaa.can be attributed and that is they have fai!ed to .follow 'the' tfcri :ir-Jesustirwt.r. We all knew bow before Jesus so ered'the Crosti.e tsvmuir- kryv1 ius earlyf min.cry Jierent jute um harden oi Gethaeiwane-and there am f ace t6 faee wUi lmseif and FATTIER So: mnst man c.,rbf fclone. the -wiour.taJu ei spu-itnai taof nt and there come fee to faee&WiJi tfcuaself -nd his God. Jle must see that t.e himself notmerelv a feeble -worm of the esh but thot he ia trulv rrrt ho- nwi soui. iiaanussreaiiae mt tie la Kinjp cf b9 own destinv. This 1 indeed cm et the Kardert tasks man as ever-Md to XacvTo guide hia o w r aisviiiy. .-, n seews 1 so easv tor oiri en t tiirect tiie destinies of ? ctrtwesar con poms and tat fnide n- i ci aacioa&, ttrrwrtance but vet when it conies down to their own lives ttiey are ntter failures. - Alexander f oi l rn -jore j the whoJe world but was oiebid by bin.f,- - iten CPn be Wtik rf rfT lint I v persevv , snce nn.i re t t - tnrlt "r t. e I'pn. t t M s tind be t l ack to 1 t V ef . ..S3 - tae rcr iSMSv. 'ft 1 liet training school on tbe island GreeceTheyV were similar to the tableware of the orphanages. -, i ; The, menu served was meat stew, 'lucwonf and; eheese, stewed alpricotjs. t vltK irro'hreadrna;co. ;jThl Is ueuei iprpnanBKa eoroaa t . cobi ih aWmate'iyif6sBi''eeBua 'meaLO & .lienj:tule - Sunday tliia ear wtn have' added signiflcance since about it wUf 6e ullta nationwWe campaign tor W million doHare to aid the. vie Ums! of the recent earthquake in Ar menia and toprovlde funds tor the mautenance. f ohHdren in the Neai Re-ln Ballet orphanages until June.- j; , p::.f?j.t.t.''-.'-!,'.''.' ...t.A-V-r-; t . .. ' . ' . ... i. ,-,v -. -- r W ? 1th 50ats 1 oi $bse that stoned Stephan iVm four man after that occurred behold the same man as Paul the ardent and enthusiastkfproclaimer of M,. !iiii nf God. -j what wroueht -(... . .(..kmI - T ttrna ' that bersonal interview with himself and bi od on tne roaa so uiukuo. Uo i'n ed Ws wuliagnj! to;cionfom to ,f he s laws ?of ,God when fce.'atyw1!?' whatwut inoo Mw nfwoM? ) conquered himself Clsadacmji t If & inen bows to. environment he is a slave. If ne bows W HereaKary tra dition he is a slave. (-Of course, I will not dispute tbe fact that these, two forces have something toA do in de-' termining a man's life, but I will dis pute the saying that these two forces are THE determining factors in a man's life, Man tan be conqueror of both ' environment and hereditary traditions if he has the moral stamina to be so." He can exercise that Ma jesty of Self -Kingship so sorely need ed 1 in the world today. Are you dear Beaded, a slave to yourself or arc you a conqueror of yourself. WHICH IS It, SLAVE OR KING? GHOO ITEMS i By 0. S. D1LLAR6 I The six months' terms of thje gchool closed this month. There are thirty schools in the county this year of Jliisr typjej . These schools have, an enrollment, of approxt imately 1800. This is slightly less than, a .third of the entire re i enrollment of the county. FromthftfAfinalq reports o: these echook thaUiave already beeii aiilinlabnlcit the perl mWgqjim&lL&'&i ai tendance jiaa ificrMah6ui 2 i-2 iWei&m listyei -ff r. average 2trti,.xt. sbttwA'r reports have baeit 1 attWs ftU';l rv. writing show n a waga dually f M-Jfc.lfl) strildrj tiling: tlut the nombe ajreragiB daily, atten v. . ( dance1 inea accoDg to the sizef thaCsebopL, ' That is, i the larger' otae :shool tha larelf" te ejr ; pent 3a 'average daily tttendance. ThV larger schools of the type of .Marshall and Mars Hill, will average at least 15 per cent mora in atten dance ,thr the one teacher schools. , TLen if . we- could lzt9 ell err cI-JLr-a'ia.tlii.--- larger, type of school our atten- j i 1 j uauvtr vvyum luti case apyf uai- mateiyB f or the year on this small rv tfp of school. ; This would. also be an economic ad? If. '"! til ' ' 4 .vantage:. For in the larger tvpe' Tof ; school each teacher mibl' teaci on an average of $5 children; ne day, while in the amaiier(type;of scnool, 25 ciiu 4ren isthe'-average; In the:i teachrj'flchdols it is. even less than-jthat.; But in 1L, schools fjfj less tjaii1 four teachers ithe eradoea, not run more, thnn cpnnectiotf-ith the short term nobisM tile fact that though thejj cpntaiij; approximately one tw4ib(i Chjildlren ; of the county they -contain only one- fifth;iof ;jie i health of the coun- tyTislay be better under-- stoodviiay that the av?r-age-wealth in the territory out side .thJioicial tax districts Js $903'perlthild. While in the Jala districta the average weaitbech child is,$1872, In .Mother 'vwdrds; , the local tax fljsfricts booting and levying a special tax can give its ehil tiexif alUJer term of school at: just Att the rate that the people, vfould? have to pay Jin the?othier territory putstdei fcne present boundaries of thfrisne- cling:districts- -? .; ic7: Me tear a sgreaMleaf about the-state, feftuiUgythe the scliook :t)f the state.V M arguetht;the state, oughf to give the weaker countiea great er financial, assistance 90 tbey Will be able to finance their schaQla - withoirjt puch a high cost.u If this is true, then the counties need to equalize the burden of the various districts of the counties so that whenev er an district pays an equal rate of tax that it shall receive an equal length of school term up to eight months. For ex ample, we say that Hot Springs or Walnut can run an eight Inontna' term with, 'a local taX levy 6i' $0 cents. Then every other district In the county that will vote a rate of tax of this amount should have a term of eight months, I prpppse to make this recom mendation to ; our Board of Ed ucation and County Commis sioners when our budget is "MAIIIIY 'S . A COMEDY - z.iU - . , MARSHALL HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM 4 JiJfyfi o'clock., v iwt of the proceeds ffomgr to the School. : -WEAVE n VEAVI-RVILLE HI SCI IOOL AUDITORIUM Part of the proceeds goixiff to the Baptist Church, This Dlav hZS. hrT invhn ' nrifoVi',Wil 1 "Tv.! EuTTACville to laro and appreciative audiences. - I-.-'.'rT,. . 1925 made ur next year. The funds to make lip this will come, we hope, from the increase in the equalization fund. ' r In the proposed bill for the equalization fund for the next twp years, a fund to be known ag the. stimulating fund is pro posed along these lines. If a county will vote to increase its length of term to eight months, then the state will increase Its apportionment to that bounty one-third, since the term would ' be increased one-third, v. For example '; if this measure is en acted into law as-recommend ed by Superintendent Allen, and'; Madison County .would vote -an eight' months term, then 'We would receive an addi tional 'amount toward paying for that term of from ten 'to twelve thousand dollars. If Madison County would do this, then all the districts that are now paying fifty cents could lower their rates to at least SO, and1 then we 1 would have1 a county wide rate the same and a system the sarnie all over the county., : I hope that this recommen- dation by the State Superinten dent iwill be written 'into law, ' and that next year 'we will be able tbaubmit this prPppsition to the people of the couhty, .and t-iA. ' i.' ..'.11 ..Aa tnntvi With MU OlgUk UIUUWW WMU, nun lib inorfj taxes than' we are'pay at;Pterient ; ffi ; 'H ' -; owwisaowuir'flowr: ui pun cani beworketfout: IMPROVEMENT ON NEW ASHEVILLE ROAD The widening of the bridge athe Riverview filling station on the river road to Asheville and the leveling of some of the ruts on the dirt part of that road is quite an improvement, Mr. D. K, Dover is bUl!i'Bf g??Jl at his filling station as can !) seen from his ad in tills paper. We pre dict that this new road from Marshall. toAsnetfl!S gradually build upT SYLVA PUBLISHER BURNED; FIRE RUINS PRINTING OFFfGl Sylva, N. C, Jan. 25 Dan Tompi .Ll, publisher of the Jackson Coun ty Journal here, was burned about tie head, and barely escaped serious in jury from fire, mHm Win 6 gaso line, torch in the Journal's compos ing room, temporarity crippled the ' newspaper today with damage in the vicinity of $500. 'The flames dam aged type setting machinery to the extent that, it will be necessary tem porarily to print the newspaper else where. ) V- va X a c . Mr. Tompkins was operating the' torch at a metal casting box when the top. blew off, spraying him with flns lng gasoline which burned clothing from the upper part of his body, building as a ' whole received minor daman. he only ,-.-7AshTfll Citiien, VILD ROSE" .m' V t-Aa lDRXMA- . -! : - v: i. . .' r k ' :7 - V i li.f. V. f-r J ' ' 1 t 4 1 f-1 .Vk 4 ( r, 4 '4 ' V' lWAM....Ai, - A.A,i (r J - 1