Hrl11,N, C Feb181927 TUB MBVS.RCCOnD SEVENTH ?AQ3 , , , i I 'ii'inayii lit ' Marshall,5 N;C..! a I i 3 AIL kinds of second hand Auto- $ 'mobile parts. Tire , repairs and J Recharging of Batteries. , Also BOOMS FOR RENT R J. NORTHEY, :Pr6prietor Hi ifi night . last . week.', She reported an enjoyable .time. i'.' i ,J fe r r : The men of the neighborhood ere flxintt the roof of the church. It will be several days before they will have it finished. We have prayer meeting every Thursday night and everyone is in vited. We are all sorry that Miss Agnes BiBshop missed school all last week. 'We are sorry that Willard Burris has had to miss so much school. Miss Mamie Tweed, teacher of the four and -fifth grades, is going to give a- prize to the student that doesn't miss a day of school. Rev. H. L. Smith, the principal of the school, is a splendid teacher, and all the students like him. From BEECH GLENN (Too late for lat week) r rpm , 1 lUd I n ,,. (Tm late for lart weak) We are having some bad weather. - Mr. W. M. Fox is building a right niuoe house at Beech Glenn, and he is having a muddy time getting his brick and material in. He now has his house almost ready to move into. Misses Ollie and Bonnie Wells i were visiting friends and relatives at 'this place last week-end. Mr. B. T. Davis has been busy saw ing lumber for Mr. Nathan Plemmons '- Mr. Edgar Justice was the guest of Miss Thelma Davis Sunday. - Mrs. B. T. Davis visited Mrs. Bell Price, Sunday. Mr. Bailey Frice ana miss Alice and Bonnie IVice spent Saturday ! T nicht. with Mr. George Davis. t Mr. Edgar Justide and Miss Thel ma Davis vif ited Mr, Ballard Webb and Miss they had Victrola. Mary Price Sunday some good music on and the From Meadow Fork (Too late for last week) : Mr. Hickum had a party last night and all who were present ware Miss Nannie Hickum, Miss Hunter, Miss Icy Willate, Mrs. Arthur Hickum, Mrs TH Russell. Mr. Ted Russell, Mr.Troy The Beech Glenn school building is, Willate, Mr. Arthur Hickum, Howard WESTWOOD PLACE "ASHEVILLE (Carried over from ' last weak) almost completed. "KMr. Ervin Briggs, age 6H years, died Tuesday, February 1, 1927. He was a -very nice oia genuemeu ana 1$ That good PORK SAUSAGE The J. A. Baker K'nd. Also "TENNESSEE MAID' Creamery Butter. Have you ever tried that good loose Coffee, 35c per pound. 3 lbs for 31.00. We are having some nice weather at this: writing. Mr. and Mrs. I, H. Plemmons and children spent Sautrday night with his father and mother Mr, D. J. Plemmons. ' . Mr :: James Coward is having some dental work done this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Plemmons and children were visiting his brother M. F. Plemmons at Leicester. Mr.T). Ji Plemmons and Mr. H. C. Plemmons and Mr. Roy Linzey are de puty sheriffs at this place. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Plemmons and Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Plemmons and Mrs Cartie Coward all attended Bethel church last Sunday. Mr. Ray Willett and Mr. Ed Price of Spring. Creek were visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Plemmons in West Asheville, 'Monday. Mr. Dock Plemmons and Mr. Cole man Skirlen and Mr. Walter Walkins and Mr. James Creasman were trying to catch a freight train and Mr. Skir len fell under the train and got his right leg cut off. He is in the mission hospital now. . Rogers spent Thursday night with wm gurely be missed in his communi- Miss Gertie Mae Shook at her home on New Found. Miss Mattie Davis of Beaver Lake was visiting her cousins last week on Church Street. Miss Dellie Roberts of Sandy Mush and Mrs.f spent last week with Miss Roxie Clark ' Mr. J. D. Young of Woodnn and a student of Duke University was the guest of Miss Dellie Roberts last week. Miss Annie Mae Davis is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hurley Rogers. tv. ' Evervone snoke . well of Mr, Briggs, and to know him was to love him. SAMS? SALVF J--.. i. FOR - x ' .jD1' PNEUMONIA, COLDS. I CROUP, INFLUENZA. & - ; HEADACHE ASK YOUR DEALER OR WRITE -CALDWELL MEDICINE CO. BOX 318, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Run-Doivn ; gave out easily ft Swylma Carver is spending the jUcrt StayTMrt' U ,ek end with her mother Mrs. J. M. ; wSXiS From BEAR CREEK Ball has been on the is some better at this Mrs. H. E. sick list but writing. Mrs. Sarah Hensley seemed to be interested in hunting pine Monday. Miss Babe Freeman was visiting the store Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brooks and family are spending a few davs with Mr. una Mrs, Jesse Brooks. After a short visit, they will make their home in New Jersey. Mr. Walter Jones and Miss Mamie Brooks visited Misses, Ella and Mamie JKoberts Sunday afternoon; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brooks and Mr Knd Mrs., Jesse Brooks and Mrs. Jones Roberts went: to Asheville shopping Saturday, -v ' Mr.: Ervin Hensley was enjoying rid ing horseback Sunday. Mr. James Hensley is glad to have Mr. Eugene Rice back with him again Come on with the news from Wal nut Creek. week Carver, Mrs. Butler Bradley and daughter Betty of Hendersonville are spending the week with Mrs. Bradley's sisters Misses Dorsie and Daire Martin. Mr. George Lassiter and Mr. Col bert Barger are tired of the mud on Church Street Miss Mattie Ella Wells and "Pea nut" Henderson were out riding Sun day afternoon. - Plans are being made for the com mencement exercises at Leicester Hi whichr will be during the week of March 20th. r Mr. "Spot" Reynolds and Miss Gene Rogers were out riding Sunday. Miss Mary Brown is ill with ty phoid fever at her home in West Lei cester. Leicester Hi Basketball team will meet Biltmore Hi Friday on Biltmore Court and Candler Hi Saturday nite at Candler. Two fast games aro ex- pected. To thine own let's be true. ifi I Ifi ifi Hickum, Craig Russell; Poll Kirk, Trby Kirk, Elay Miller, Mr. JNewton, Pressnell Burnett, Mrs. Florence Sheltley. There will be music at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hickum's Thursday nite and it is hoped that everyone will Iiava ft nice time. The stork flew over Meadow Fork Sj this week and presented Mr. and Jfi Mrs. Furman Davis with a set of twins, girls, named Beulah Fay and;X UMrs. ".Arthur Hickum has boen ill - ifilfilfiifiifitifiifilfiifl the last few days but is some better, J. T. REDMON, I Marshall, N. C. From CANTO (Too late for last week) MRS. LAURA ROBERSON DEAD W. A. SAMS Physician f and Surgeon Office Front Room Over Citizen Bank. ' , From LEICESTER (Too late for last weak) '. . Miss Lucy Revis is spending this week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. M. Parris, Highland Park, Can ton. ,:, " ' Those motoring to "Asheville last Saturday were Misses Lucy: Parris. Merkie Sluder, Daisey Martin. Ethel , Cassada and Rutty Gillespie, and Mrs. v-Jtfarshall Sluder. - ', LA Mr. Marvin Darris was la Lelces , "vt on business last week. " 1 ( " . Mr. Mark .Gillespie and Mr. Den ver Sluder were guests at the Cold Spring last Friday night -. - , Miss Lillian Clark English teacher . ' at Leicester High School, is very ill . with influenza.' V " '. - -, Mr.' Burton Ball will not take sup- : ' per at nome on aunaay nignc i ' . Misses Merkie Sluder . and , HOTEL SWITZERLAND WALNUT, N. C. CHICKEN DINNERS Good service, reasonable rates, comfortable rooms i with, running water. For Female Tnmbka From BONNIE HILL 1 Miss Verle Gowan entertained a ' number of her friends at her home last Saturday night. They all Seemed l i iV.. 1. 4.1 I I. cuju uie luuaii; uu Hie puuuugraiiu and Mr. Willie Sexton playing the violin. They also played some very interesting games. Those present were Messrs Bobbie Caldwell, the Beck Christian, and loved by all who knew brothers. Ernest Wilburn. Clarence her. She had many friends ",nd rel-f and Napoleon Holt, Misses Mayola atives. Was a widow of D. W. Ho-' Beck, Edith and Gladys Gowan. berSon, and lived at the old home Mr. Perry Gowan took dinner Sun place for 8 years, until 4 weeks ago. day with his cousin Miss Ella May Her son, Baxter Roberson, got her Wyatt, to stay with him through her illness, ' MegsrB Nick and McKinley Sexton from which she got worse from day; of this place called at Mr j N Par. to day until the Lord called her to erg' Wednesday. His own. She said she was ready to ' m- Knin r,nwn nt thin nWt-o, mil. gojust before she passed away. ej on Miss Carolina Parker Sunday. - She was the mother of five children, , : of which four are living, Hattie An ders of Grape Vine, L. W. Roberson of Asheville, J. W. Roberson of Can to,' and B. C. Roberson of Canto and the dead one, Annie Jones, the moth er of L. L. Jones. She had been sick for 6 years with a stomach trouble, and suffered a great deal all the time. ' She was a patient mother to wait on all through sickness. Dr. M. C. Roberts attended her. All who knew her and more especially by her family. The deceased has one sister still living, Jerry Banham, nge 84 years. ' Written by B. C. ROBERSON. It af i i J TnlaroSn wUA U - Mrs- jaura Roberson, age 77 years, .?vK;3 IS a months and 5 days, died on Feb. 7, 1 w ?u before X liad done ftt 7:60 P. M. She was a good loving wqruuoH SJ-1 mother to the community and a true nave wreiigui, una u x cuu the least thing it seemed to tax ton bo I could not finish. I WHtf rmj-dowtl surw eaougL A "Several of my friends had taken : Cardu! jpi they said to me. "Why doit roa tw it?. I knew I Deeded something to 54 mnia up niy . general neaitn ana w mcretuse zny maeugia. "Finally one day when I mi rowvwmtK uvut : apeu wis . oi mcjcnessv l oeoaea to try, CarduL I got bottle and W Ifii gan totakdjt, I oould notice ffS, tost I was Improving as my ! appetite got better and X did not give out nearly so quick. I took several bottles and I felt lots better. l J decided .to take it again, It built me up 'and, made me feel like .diflierenti person..; It is the 'grandest medixnne for women that I know anything about" ; li t mm. I Mr. Clarence Holt called on Mr.K John Woody Sunday. i Mrs. Addie Sexton and Mrs. Cyn thia Cook are very busy these days quilting. ' Ve &re forry to report that Mr. Sayford has gone and will say thnt we miss him very much. Messrs Hilliard and Perry Gowan have been working very hard for the last month or two getting out acid wood. Miss Bonnie Gowan says that by the grace of God and Dr. Grigsby, she is able to be out among her old friends once more. j People say that they are getting more eggs since all the dog Were killed. There have been nearly thirty dogs killed in this section since the mad dog passed through here. Our Agent in Marshall is "THE MARSHALL PHARAMCY" Every day is a flower day "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" From RICE COVE (Carried over- from last week) We ore having some rainy weather here for the last few days. Mr. A. Buckner made a business trip to Asheville Saturday. Mr, Dewey Franklin spent Thnrs day night with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wild who has been ill for some time. Mr. Phillip: Buckner and Jacob Griffin made a pleasant call at hh father's Mr. D. Buckner Thursday. . Mr. Wiley Bishop went to Gunter- town Wednesday on business. Mr. Albert ' Buckner and Freddie enjoy their job of hauling poles to Stackhouse. They report the roads very muddy. Mr. Percy Buckner spent Sunday with W. H. Hunter of this place. Mr. and Mrs. A. Buckner had a large crowd Sunday afternoon . to hear the. Victrola. v Mr. Jacob Griff e has bought a nice young mule for his renter to plow with. He is also going to burn about five tobacco beds. - - , ... Mr. Fred Buckner motored up to V. Buckner s Saturday on business. From REVERE Mr. Joe Wallin, Jr., went down to Mr. Nolan Adams' Thursday night Miss Belva Wallin spent Tuesday might with miss Liee Koberts. Messrs. Erastus Wallin. Jo eWal I iin and midridge lieake went 'posjum hunting Wednesday night. Thev caught five. Mr. Shelt Norton, Jr., Stanley Nor ton and Jjadridge Leake were out visiting Friday night Mr. 11. M. McDevitt is the Proud owner of a Ford roadster. We were orry to see Miss Fave waiiin leave for school at Marshall. Mr. George Pinknev McDevitf hat ed to tee the Crough family move a- 'way. (Sv , U a Preserinliosi for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever - and Malaria. It kills the germs.' From Lower Big Pine (By another writer ) Mrs. Joe Black was the gue?t of her sister, Mrs. M. B. Brown Friday. Miss Lassie Brown spent Sunday with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brown. Miss Lassie Brown is stayiiig with Mrs. H. C. Randall this week. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Morrow and little Bon Billie of Woodnn spent the week end with homefolks. Messrs Dow Morrow and Garmon Robeson went to Asheville Friday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Freeman and little daughter Elizabeth of Wood fin spent the week-end with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Rov Brown was visit ing at the Morrow home Sunday. Miss Lassie Brown called on Miss Annie Mae Morrow Sunday after noon. Mr. Plato B. Carver of Woodfin spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M B. Brown. Mrs. Henry Wells visited- her fath er and mother Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brown Monday. 33 Haywood St. - - - - Phone 3716 ASHEVILLE, N. C. Flowers By Wire All Over the World From Roaring Fork We are having plenty of rain and mud these days. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Furman Da vis on February 2, twin girls, Bula Mae and Ollie Fay. Mr. Jim Blankenship is very proud of his new renter, Mr. Elbert Wyatt. Mr. Wyatt has moved to the "Wild Cat Farm." Our good neighbor, Mrs. Harriett Smith, has moved to Waynesville, N. C. We were sorry to see her leave. Mr. Furman Davis moved 'n the house that Mrs. Smith vacated. Mr. John Payne called at Mr. Robt. Kent s Saturday. lMt Tim T)1a,nlrAia1iv Atsl bam MISS Ola BrOWn is home now on a C!nr ln nrnnA nwnora nf a vacation, w - nnt naAat Uncle Lee Brown has been verv ill tt.h xunj .uj i.; i bu? improving very slowly. the- M. John Woodv. Thursday and reported that he had caught 119 var- Mr, Ellis Reeves of Cross Rock was I the guest of Mr. Dow Morrow Sunday i afternoon..; .... . Miss Savannah Brown had as her guests Sunday for dinner, her broth er Mr. Edward Brown also her cousin Mr. Jesse Brown. . Mr, Ben Roberts who is enuhved at .Woodfin scent the weekend with home folks. was large at both services. Owing to the inclemency of the weather, our prayer services are each Saturday night The interest seems very good. Our Sunday School is picking r.n. Those who attend Feem to be much in terested. We would be glad to enlist every boy and fcirl in the bounds of our school. We are glad to read the different articles from the many places about the S. S. work. From THE SEMINARY Madison Seminary We are having some rainy weather at this writing. -!... j We are having a very nice school at: the Seminary, ndue to the -good teachers we have.' ? f'- - Miss Hester Black spent Thursday with Miss Treva uoilineld and attend ed prayer meeting and reported a nice time. - . . Miss Rena Black spent a night with Mae' her friend, Miss Annie Lee Fore one ; fh ,triT "iliii MLiUUMJ AJx.irUlA . -v . - E. W. CLAKE V - ' ' 1 WELCnM AL'D EUAZnrJS OF-ALL METALS . WeLZIajt of Farming tnd Mining Machinery " .1 Ei , r m i Corner SontTsflJe ni CI, C AchsrUla U. C On the account, of bad weather there were not many out to Sunday School bunday, . ,x Mr. Everett -Worley has been sick for a week, but is better now. , Mr.: Kelly Worley is suffering bad ly with his side. -, - . ' Mrs. Ora Baker, is Ul at this wrti- ing. We hope for her a speedy re covery." J " . , Mr. Edward Randall, spent Satur day night' with her Hansard. Worley Mrs. Bonnie . Willis and little son. Clarence, spent Saturday night with her brother and sister.. Mr., and Mrs. Joreph -Anderson, at Highland. Mrs. Joseph Anderson and children visited her- father the first of .the week, Mr. S. C. Worley." -. Rev, Mr. .and Mrsr Everett Snrinkle ! visited Mr. and Mrs. Everett Worley e first of the week,-r - . mr. ...waiter Kandau spent one night lastnight last week, with Mr. Everett Worley. - -.:, .-. Mifs Blanche Worley and Miss Tan nic Henderson took dinner with Miss Annie Mae Worley Sunday. Miss Myrtle Worley. visited Mrs. Myrtle Sprinkle Sunday afternoon. . Mr. W. H. Roberts, Jr., wns unable to come to Sunday School Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Worley vis ited J'r. and Mrs. Kellie Worley Sun t;v afternoon. . - r-. jcl--! r - 'a:i viiud . & C wiM.y Lu.-f t-ra JODGIIMr is based on experience. have ; examined the thousands of people, have made " very -? combination of classes,, fitted r all:, sorts, sizes nd shapes of noses. V It is our ments this winter, 55 of them being possums. Mr. Oscar Blankenship and Miss Bonnie Williams were out motoring Sunday and Mr. Tilman Williams nct ed as chauffeur. Mr. Doff Wyatt has moved to Ryal Odells place near Hot Springs. " 1 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hickam had a " music party at their home Thursday - night. Several were present. I Mesprs Stanford Rlankennhin. RiH- ( ney Brown and Floyd Connor nsre the guests of Mr. Berry Brown Sun W day. . -Messrs Tom and Georee Ebb kill- eyes Of ed a nice hog last week. Kev. J. v. Payne preached a good sermon at Bethel Sunday afternoon. There was preaching at the church Sunday afternoon. Mr. Mike Griffin spent Saturday and Sunday with his son, Joe, and brother, Jim Griffin. Mrs. Minnie McLean spent Friday with Mrs. C. W. Tweed and also Mrs. Dora Ramsey, Born to Mr. and Mrs. 'Possey Grif- nn, a baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Slagel spent a few days with her mother, Mrs." Al fred Griffin. Miss Elsie Griffin spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Ball Mrs. Nellie Bishop spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Mike Griffin and they reported a fine time. Little Miss Zura Griffin spent Sat urday with Miss Agnes Bishop. Farmers of Catawba County ship ped 151,000 pounds of poultry in co orerative shipments during 1926. V us amount will be increased 50 per cnt in J927, states County Agent J. W. Hendricks. From GRAPE VINE How Doctors Treat Golds and the Flu - To break vp a cold overnight or to cut short an attack of rrinne. ia- fluenxa, sore throat or tonsillitis, phy Mr. Rarnn CoatA. whn hnm hnn leasure to refer you to any of F f00 nalth for. some time is slow- , - - 'v' ' v improving. urT patr&as ,.v We j shall - be u Mr. Tom Cargile and 'wife were enuallT ' irlad A niimkaV "wrni 1?U&J.J r Id" ruztfr are now recom- - -.7 I Y 'u"m ""'c UJr "'!,r mending Ualotabs, the purified and irnonar- them, t Seo to'iay;,?' SSJSaSJISua ined cPa "p5 We . , - ; ,;!. i i ' ..."i wn Mr. K. a. Morgan and attended gives yon the affects of calomel and and Be better from now n. j .prayer service. . v . - salts- combined, without the nnpleav ' .... .. . ..... i.:.. If, TitM.KjM A Him l.,mh,1 L M -11 K. I ,-.' svv -w vh mhimw -Wlli-l mil'tf BHWH in Chirlss H. rjenet , OPTOMETRIST O - . , - Eye Strain Specialist 54 Pat Ave. . ASII2VILLE. N. C. . . Mr. Joel Morgan has ptrrcnajid a new 1927 model Ford. He was Jn Marshall Saturday looking after bus iness as an officer. . . E. J. Bradley, Ela Bradley and Mr. George Silver took dinner with Mr. Onti Pnatnflfa Bd Mr K 5. Morgan Sunday. upp. rostonce Mp.-Siaa Cappt trom Ivy Dam WM Visiting D. Lewis Wednesday. -. . Our partor was present Saturday On or two Calotabs at bed-tlnw .with swallow of water, that's alL No salts, no nausea nor the slightest interference with your eating, work or pleasure. Next morning' your cold has vanished, your system is ttor ngbly ruriued and yon are f -Jng fine w'.a a learty appetite for treas fast. Eat hat you please, no dan ger. . ' - ... Gea family rac' - - oe5-".t fall til recti one, only ii c-U. At C:r. . " , . (',, and Sunday. He preached two good uospel sermons. Our congregation