j Marshall N. C'May 13,' 1927 TH EN E W S . RECORD THIRD PAGQ fliftjProsenfoYourPropony i i ,- The Brand Thai SafWUs Pure White Lead, Oxide Zinc and Unseed L n PiInf WMt ' covemff txiweri; Dreaaini capacity and duraMity; . There is no guess-work 'about , itt quality.- .neacj me iqmiuia n cycij vou.- " forms a tough, tenadou leather like coating which remains in perfect condition for many years. It retains itf color too. V It costs no more to apply the best than a cheap, inferior TkH.fii th IwmI m the cheaDest in the Jons run. , r "T Vrt . . (-; . ' " ;.i.v- T A 117 Brand has beefttoU myour commumry for years. A1 VI GE , I your; dealer about "its quality and for names of users. 3 ON BALE BY 'Builders Supply Co. MARSHALL, N. C. From BELVA The S. S. and prayer meeting at t: nunnl ( .nino nn an usual. A large crowd was present on last - r M.A4ni .van! WPn. ounaay. rrayer . , tinnHav nifi-ht and everyone 13 in vited to come out Those visiting Mr. ana airs. ueo. Cook Sunday were Mr. Charles Gun ter, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Cook and lard Kuykendall, Walter and Nellie Gosnell, wauace vnnuier, Cappa, Josh Gunter, Misa Susie Cook, entertained them with music on her 0rStesea Susie and Nettie Cooke were here Sunday. Miss Susie Cook spent Sunday 5i,4. nrUii her aunt Mrs. Mitchell UJgUV ' " - Gosnell at Allenstand. jL Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Green itf Allenstand Sunday, night a fine toy Mrs. George Cook spent Sunday night with her sister Frona Gosnell Mr. Enosh Gunter, Mr. Isaac and Oliver Gunter visited Misses Susie and Nettie Cook Saturday evening. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Daimy Capps a fine girl. - Miss Susie Cook went to town and had her eyes tested an bought her a new pair of "specs". ' Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cook like their new home fine. Miss Nettie Cook motored to S. S. Sunday. ,, . Mrs. Theodore Thomas called on Mrs. G. W. Cook Monday.' Mr. and Mrs. Grady Gahagan are the proud parents of a big 1 Bib boy. Miss Nettie Cook enjoys taking her music lessons and going to Junior Meetings. , , , Mr. Gaston King and Emmet Tho mas were seen here Saturday night. We were glad to see Mr. Arlie Shelton bock in S. S. Sunday. Mr. Scott Cook left last Wednes day for Nolan, W. Va. REASON ENOUGH When we sell a man a used car we are naturally hoping that some day he will come back and buy a new car. Honesty aside, that alone seems reason enough : for selling1 hfcri a GOOD tJsetf Carat a fair price. HENDERSON MOTOR CO. MARSHALL, N. C. A US&D CAR IS ONLY AS DEPENDABLE? AS TH DE-ALER WHO SELLS IT From REVERE ;: (CarrUd mm from last mk).. Tit a nan n1a nf thin section are all busy getting ready for their crops. Ml.. Vmv WlHn haa returned home i where she will spend the summer, vf. XTAf am aaIV iiinnv wit.n Miss Margaret Leake Sunday. Mrs. H. E. Wallin visited Mrs. W. M. Norton Sunday afternoon. Miss Fay Wallin Miss Margaret T vro.. Mnrfnn. Mr. Bvard Rav. Cas Wallin, Newman McDevitt visit. ed Mrs. Patterson Bay sunaay aner non. ' '1 Miss Ruth Ramsey viaitea Mrs. a. A. Ramsey Monday. . MisaPhelnia Wallin is ill with measles but is Improving some. . t-M. p..nnn Ramiiev has returned to Revere after spending a few days in uarsnaii. ) uin ArfU Norton snent Saturday night with her aunt, Mrs. Juda Nor- Mr. Ervin Ramsey is the pleasant caller at the home of Mr. H. E. Wall- inMr. Shelt Norton was the pleasant caller of Miss Mona Lee Wallin Sun- Misa Maomie cwevin w i. ou day School. ' , - Misa Larcie Norton took dinner with Mrs. Boyd Ramsey Sunday. Miss Pattie Kice spent ounaay uiki with Mrs. Carrie Wallin. Misa Larcie called on Miss Mona Wallin spent Sun. with Miss Fannie Adams. , . , ., Mr. J. R. Leake was out truck rid ing Sunday. Miss Neple Norton spent Sunday night with Margaret Leake. Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Ramsey took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Rice. Mr. Loyd Chandler and family are ill with small pox. Mrs. B. A. Ramsey and Miss Larcio Norton called on Mrs. John Norton Friday. t Miss Ndra Norton visited Mrs. Ju da Norton Saturday. . Little Ross Norton was in ih.-vv SUNm' Omie Bullman visited her grandmother, Mrs. Ben Chandler, UMrayf!arl Wallin went to Marshall iltuiiuBjr " " " .j. x Mr. and Mrs. . . duc tho wfi.V-end with Mrs. Burnette s e j.T n 1admnn M. C. Mrs. Carl Wallin is spending a few days with her father and motner, :vir. j u i si wa in. Mr. Shelt Norton is on tne sick im this week. m A, . . nff Amna T.nnrlflV IS on loe sn-ft Ulin. fllUVD MM" J i: nrolr tw aJ Mm. Jeter P. Ramsey went to Marshall Monday. , XTXI o we - TT tirITit MAnHAV. Mr. Winston Ramsey of Big Laurel was in Revere Sunday. From RIVER ROUGE, MICH. (Carried over from last week) and A. D. Gregg left here Saturday for their home in Coloado Springs. . . Ms. Rav Farmer, who has been on the sick list, has recovered, we are glad to say. . . j 0 . . r T-ir nit n.i'a amI Mi. jar. naa wrs. w. i. And Mrs. Tilson Worley were out car riding Sunday. . Mr. Clyde Massey is ybius Ray Farmer. FROM PASTOR OF THE FREE .. WILL BAPTIST CHURCH AT WALNUT, N. C. There will be an all-day service at the Walnut Free Will Baptist Church next 'Sunday, Mar IS- This ser vice will be known as a reunion for all members of the church. : . . The pastor will preach at 11:00 o'clock and the Lord's Supper will be administered. There will be. preach ing, speaking and ainging by differr ent classes in the afternoon. I insist 'that all members be present and ex tend a welcome to all who will come. The Free Will Baptist Church at Walnut has a large active: memberr ship and is doing good work The Sunday, School, under the superin tendence of W. M. Sanders is doing fine work. The average" attendance for last month was 5.v ff v I will be looking for you Sunday. , B. C. Guthrie, Pastor. From .Thomas; Branch Mrli J. O Sevia -was "In Marshall Monday on business., ; ,Pfii- Miss NeU Thomas was in Wamut ' Monday. - " .-.",:' i-?hht2l, Mr. and Mrg. Jesse 1 nomas wera . fa Wainht: Saturday. rf Uu week.1 y Miss Laura Cody is the owner of a ' new dress. Jt. vv-"l;,i.ii .ivv1,'v yk Miss Olive and Vonalee Bevis were hit Sunday School Sunday. - x Mrs. Llge Fortner and her Sunday School ClasS went on picniqlSatur- .Mr. ino' Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Revis and fam ily Monday. Mr. John Henry freeman ws vac cinated for smallpox Friday of last week. . Mrs. John Henry f reeman was visiting her father Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ethel Ramsey is very ill at this writing. ,. . Mr. KoDert jonnson was m " nut Sunday. mr- nk.4 TlitmH war attendlnff the ball game Saturday of last week. . T rtlilTA PflVlfl MISS iaura vuuy iuis and Miss Lillie Goldsmith took a hike out to the schoolhouse on Sunday morning. Mr. Palmer rJnsiey was in wainu. Mril&i'nia Tinalni and Miss Vona lee Revis had a lot of fun Sunday. NOTICE! We have set apart Monday and Tuesday the 16th and 17th of May, 1927, to clean off and fence the Dry n 1 r VJ want f Invito everyone who has friends and rela tives buried there to bring their din ner, and tools, and.J come-, and belp .mt a Mf f hi, v Him. ? ni mvi more land added to the graveyard, so we want to pm a gooa ienc uuu it alL lA Pleas eome, everybody. . tmnHirv- arm vera are . relieving the local situation t by Snuan i4 fhafv anmlna earn thru .vnMu sand nanerative earlot eniD- I V11V A .VWV ' 1 WMf.-vwg . ' t 'fMaxweU -jChandler-was. yiait- ,jesisj!y?-::rf n . Wa are parties and From BIG BRANCH ' (Carried over froU Iait week) , m, armVa nf Ihtk Battlement are all about done planting corn. - Hfra Tavanna Ranks Snent the day with Mrs. K U trough Tuesday. ; Miss Lievena Kector . waa visiting her aunt, Mrs. Mae Deaver Wednes day. ' f Mr. R. H, Clark attended the sing--i 1-4 .v- nri.n iw will Pontiaf ohnroh M(Wl)Tt HTffllt ' ! : Mr. Jim Rector was able to be out .Tuesday.-. ,. .- ta.f Mrs. R. H. Clark was on the sick Mr. Bill Alien is planning to go to Marion Snndav where he will visit his sister. - ... Mrs. Josie Davis and Mis' Nellie Crough were in '. Ashe ville .shopping .Tuesday. :??.?-. nf'f?l always'readytocpeB responalble-rtl From $PRING, CREEK. Ad we pay postage, n 'ifilr" "''v S ;(riw8a tatt w.kV MAIL ORDER SERVICE J HJTiM varl TA-nov4vi ATtfj iYt nro nf rnertfl-. I J ; is always at your tommand. ' These experts anop. for, Li von and use all possible good taste and judirment ini.: I making, selections. . Why. not give this service a trialT w - .1 Aim. umi. Wifh MMmABaihle irlJ BONMARCIIE ASHEVILLE'S QUALITY DEPARTMENT JTORB. . r,, f.--- o J ASHEVILLE,; km' a m s'nAt si' tv WUitl" : f them a bright and happy ftu. , .. ; - iivrt -,:. .-vr'' f.' '' ' . , MraT Dorothy Riddle aad"chljdrwi i .--returned to Craggr Saturday- after p - r. Tm:jr- rT , . v i ; v y: DP lialDiiojni Tire for Fords and Chevrolets REAL NON-SKID SLOW. EVEN TREAD WEAR QUIET RUNNING Size 29x4.40 orsnpaimy If'- ' ' ' ' Marshall N. C. spending two weeks with relatives and mends of Bluff. . 1 Mr. ! Joe Sawvera of Raitmore Branch is very ill at this writing. iney would appreciate iriends vsut Ing them. ' Mr, and Mrs. Craig and Mr. Smith, Misa Elizabeth Craig,, and Miss Olga Gillespie of Asheville were ' pleasant callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gillespie Sunday. Reported a nice time after, seeing the beautiful scenes of White Rock, accompanied hv Mr. Mormon Gillesnie and Misa Ni- ta Moore of Bluff. Mr. Dewey More is still a tn-weck-ly caller at the home of Mr. Stans Plemmons. - Mr. J. F. Gillespie spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Riddle. Miss Crety Fowler spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Nora "Meadows. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Henderson of Spring Creek motored to Marshall Sunday. ' . The Sping Creek postofnee is mov ed! J. R. Henderson's store near Baltimore Branch. We would like to hear from sev eral Of the writers of Spring Creek. From GRAND VIEW Sunday School is progressing very -v tVa Mjasinnnrv Rnntist Chur- inuvii v v"w j ch with good attendance, but would be much better if we all would be more interested in the work. See that the children are all present on each Sunday morning. The children of to day are fathers and mothers of to morrow. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Briggs of Long Branch were visiting her sister Mrs. Home jucuarris last sunaay. Mrs. J. A. Rice and children of Laurel Branch were visiting relatives at this place the first Sunday. mere nas Deen quite a lot 01 sick- nPM n thin aAtiAn tint! nil a,A im. proving at this writing. T I. . . ... , . . . airs, in 01a martin wts taKen to tne hospital three weeks ago. She is im proving very slowly at present. Miss Alta Allman is now employed at Charles Store of Asheville was the guest of her sister Mrs. E. D. Green Sunday. Misa Minnie Rice a student of Marshall High school is spending' a few weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Rice. G. L. Burnette of Asheville motor ed down Mother's Day to see his fath er and mother, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Burnette. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Reese and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Reese Sunday evening. FROM SWEETWATER VALLEY The people are all about through planting corn at this place. Mr. jNeison jsucicner ana tax. uew- ev Ricn vitntflri Mr. J. C. Waddell Saturday afternoon. Misses Susie and Martha uucKner went to Redmon last Monday. Mr. John Chrisman was shoeing his horse Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. u. waaaeu iook a trip to Craggy Saturday. Mr. Frank Buckner took dinner with Aaron and Jehu Waddell Sun day. ltfipe Rails 7nrn Rnrknar and sis ter Nancy were at Redmon Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewey nice spen Mondav nieht with Mr and Mrs. Nel son Buckner. Mr. Dewey Rice and Mr. JNeison Buckner are working for Mr. Oscar Davis. . . . Mrs. Nelson Buckner was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Rice Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Rice took din ner with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Buck ner Sunday. A small cooperative selling organ ization in Brunswick County will handle over 100 cars of truck crops for its members this season. The shipment of 8 1-2 cars of fat hogs from CravehTounty on April 5 returned the cooperatnig farmers a net income of $15,935.76. JUDGMENT is based on experience. We have examined the eyes of thousands of people, have made every combination of glasses, fitted all sorts, sizes and shapes of noses. It is our pleasure to refer you to any of our patrons We shall be equally glad to number you among them. See us tday and see better from now on. Charles ;H. Hone , OPTOMETRIST Eye Strain Specialist 54 Pat Ave. Opp. Postoffice .ASHEVILLE, N. C. a " The people "df this section :aM get- a 1 lit. il. 1 1 wurb 5 1 fW a1nn nieelv with their WON e week to learn of the wedding taking , I -1 place 01 miss xseme itioaia ua r. Ol.t. Tlnolratt lint r wiahinC WE recently were given the tremendous advantage of having the mammoth Firestone factories brought to us. In Tire Educational Meetings we were shown, by means of motion pictures, charts, tire samples and complete engineer ing data, the details of Firestone tire design and construction and how Fire stone and Oldfield tires and tubes are made in the world's most efficient and economical rubber factories. Firestone pioneered the original low-pressure tire and made it practical by Gum-Dipping. The motion pictures showed us how the cords of the carcass are dippSin a rubber solution, thoroughly saturating and insulating every fiber of every cord with rubber. Simple demonstrations and tests ulustrated the ereat advantage of this process, which supplies the extra strength to withstand the extra flexing strains of low-pressure construction one of the reasons why urns ca.ua tjj rs TiJ Tm ararlioriinc such unheard-of mileage records. We learned why the Firestone Balloon Tread gives extra safety, comfort and long wear. We were shown why Firestone, from the very begin ning; designed and continue to use the round : n.iiAn 'TmhuI: miAfmlzlfiff "shoulder breaka. so Mtmrrim to drei. ' Excess rubber at the edges of : - n.l1nnn TrA la waate-actuallv detrimental to tire mileage. Ja the Firestone Tread the small units and sharp projections are scientifically placed j to permit easy nextng, resulting in exrraoiuuuur Come in and let ut put a set of these Gum-Dipped Tires on your car you can forget about tire trouble. Quality is - higher than ever before prices are. : lowest in history. Buy now! Cash Prices 30x3 v Fabric.-55.05 30x3 Vt Fabric..-; O.CO 30x3 ft Cord 70 20x4.40 BalloonJ 0.40 32x4 ; Cord.... 13.40 31x50 BalloonJ 13.33 33x0.00 Balloon- 0.35 OldHeld Tabes are o priced very low Wreete-ii 11 (MmrtSMSi MAklWIsS : TlreWarraerty cCiCcrvcYouBcttcr oacl Savo Yoa Llcacy Marshall, N. C; Phone 29 fv c