I- V J v i v 1 O Vt lO O 4 i. ..i - 'I'd - BUNCOMBE COUNTY REVIEW Special Edition MARSHALL, N. C.; FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1927 . . . ... . r Survey Made By Men Experienced In Community Study Shows This City and Vicinity to Be a Leader Among Those Typical American Communities of This State and Nation Business Men Speed Onward March THESE TWO INDISPENSABLE GROUPS IN EVERY POPULATION CO-OPERATE IN MAKING ASHEVILLE AND VICINITY FIRST IN THE- GREAT SOUTHERN STATES Rural and City Classes Join Hands Prom-ess the Kev-Note of This live and Wide Awake Com munity Whose Business and Professional Men Uphold the Highest Standards ofi Forward Looking Community Development T.ofo,i in the heart nt one of the moat DrosDeroils sections of the great est utatfi of the irreaH Southern States. Asheville, N. C. and community stands without a peer among that vast number of American commumties whose population is made up of people, cosmopolitan in their outlook, and engaged in almost every occupation conceivaDle among a peaceiui popmace. if .oi-r oviriant tn uv that there !a nowhere from Atlantic to Pacific, from the palm tree to the pine, a more contented, forward-looking and industrious group of people than one will find right here in tms com munity.1 Within the city, the wheels bf industry and commerce move on unceasingly, providing occupation and activity for the thousands who have settled here. Each evening from the store, from the factory, from the desks, these thousands go to happy homes, homes made possible' by honest labor of brain and brawn. , . ... Th nnivpranl rnmmpnt abbut Asheville wherever one hears it is that the people love their work. The fact that people love their work makes possible the great progress which this community has enjoyea ana wm cun tini a onW Thtd rnntAntment is the result, too. of a great community spirit. Leaders iri civic life here testify that no people could work together more unitedlv thatl do ; the citizens of Asheville and the surrounding Amfn7 niittino irrmi anv o.ommunitv nrolect which-the V attempt. Modern factories, stores, office buildings and an, almost unprecedented number of fine homes speak eloquently of the results of this fine community cooperation. Cleanliness, picturesque streets and well-planned amusements denote a high civic pride. . , Outside the city lie the rich agricultural districts. Expanse of fertile fields dotted with,' finft country residences supply the city and outside market with their many products. Many of these homes are as moaerniy equippeu as the finest city home, Automobiles place all. the attractions of the. city within an hour's reach of the most remote of these tillers - of .the- soil. Modern macrdn iid 8ientificapplineeSiiave, made fajriAng assSicientr ly a conducted business as any enterprise of a progressive nature: . No longer is the life of the farmer or the farmer's wife a long period of drudgery; no longer are the farmers shut off from metropolitan advantages. Scientific developments such as the automobile, lighting, heating and water systems, and most recently the radio have literally brought all th advant ages of all the world to the, very door of the farmer. i Remarkable, too, is the cooperation of the rural and urban populations in this community. - Community projects are accomplished not by either of these groups working separately but by the two striving together in enthu siastic cooperation. Business men of this city realize that the farmer is 'a paramount consideration with them. They realize that the continual onward course of progress of the community depends upon the cooperation of the two groups whose interests are ultimately the same. Welded thus into a united community, the people of Asheville and vicinity are determined that nothing Shall stop their onward march of pro gress and prosperity. Fully recovered from the period of inactivity following the war, every phase of commercial life points to a period of continued growing prosperity. Believing that optimism, backed by an unconquer able determination, Is the very life blood of progress, every citizen of thic community has resolved to continue to do his bit keeping up the reputa tion of being the hub of the most forward looking community in the United States. ' This does not mean idle boasting. Asheville's achievements speak for themselves. Nevertheless, !n order to keep on driving, it is somtimea wise to remind ourselves and the world bf the position we hold, and of the people and enterprises which make that position possible. It is with this aim that this "Community Booster Review" is published To our readers we wish to call attention to the many business houses, financial institutions, professional and commercial enterprises in this city , and community. The readers should understand clearly, also, that these articles have been written by experienced and competent newspaper writers, who have written them, with the primary aim of showing how each individ ual business or enterprise contributes its part to that great whole I the, oommunitv. The nublinhere wish -to make it emphatically clear, also. that no man has written an article about himself or his business. - The readers, should , understand clearly .also, that while every article in v this section is a paid advertisement, no man has written about himself or business. These; articles have been written by -experienced and competent newspaper 1 writers. They are the observations of ; men . unbiased in their judgment but experienced in the study of community life and the enter prises which go to make up that life. 1 ; . The write-ups appearing in this edition have as their primary aim the showing of the progress of this community as illustrated by the high stand ing and progress of these business and professional firms. ; : These articles have as their, primary aim, not so much the advertise- ment of the particular i business about which they are ; written,, but the - higher aim of showing, the progress of the community as illustrated by the high standing of these, business and professional firms. . jkmmtican National Bank Established 1898 "ASHEVILLE'S BANK OF SERVICE" Located in Asheville at 44 Pattbn Avenue Corner Church St reet, is a Prominent Financial Institution, the Mainspring of Community, a Bulwark of .Strength in Financial Circles Throughout the State. Organized to Serve the People. Mod ern Financial Service Jo Promote the Best Interests of This Community. You Can Always Consult the American Na tional Bank About Your Investments and Receive Information Based on Experience and Cheerfully Offered Without Charge. Under National Charter and a Part of the Federal Reserve System. Officers Have Confidence of All the People. 7 ' The mainspring of prosperity of any community must De its names. Were it not lor business, agricultural strong, well-managed and steadily krowing Bank. A special department ikes care of foreign drafts as well as and commercial loans properly made, travelers' checks and other accom any community would likely expert- tnodations for the person taking an ence periodical panics. The function extended trip such as going abroad. of these bulwarks of the community In the Savings Department de must be to keep a balance in the fl- posits as low as one dollar are nancial affairs. No institution could Solicited and uniform courtesy is more highly fulfill, this function than shown to the smallest depositor and tne American national isanic ..,.-.. the largest business interest. This No Institution in this ' part of the friendliness to all has alwavs been state can show more progress , than one of the points of pride in the repu this well known local national bank, ation of the bank. Even children QnnliJ dHAMiAtiit ...uiMl.. lit.. 4- 1 1 ... business policies have been followed tesy and friendliness shown them. oy tts executives since the time of Its Xhere is none of the coldness of a founding. financial institution, yet there is no This institution conducts a business lack of soundness. Never even in the when you meet the high pressure salesman. Nearly every man who has a little spare money receives a call sooner or later from a "high pres sure" salesman. He generally knows a friend of yours and because of un usual circumstances is enabled to let you "in on the ground floor." Be ware of "the chance of a life time," he offers you and at least put him off until you can consult your banker. "High pressure" methods are winning "high stakes" and leaving "low spirits" behind them. You can al ways consult the American National Bank of Asheville, N. C, about your investments and receive infor mation based on experience and cheerfully offered without charge. eral Government. It is operated un der the supervision of the Comptroll er of the Currency and is a part ot that great national financial bulwark the Federal Reserve System. One feature of great accommoda tion to the public in this bank is its safety deposit department where a safey deposit box may be had for rental easily within reach of every head of a family. This review would not be fair if closed without some mention of the officers of this bank and the place they hold in the community. No men stand higher in the confidence of the public. Strong in character and able in financial affairs, these men are un- questionably capable of directing any nnanciai institution in verv i rusi Business as wen as lor your gmmng its officers have been men Savings and Checking Accounts, and who have commanded the highest invites you to do business with f a public confidence. Be on your guard policy any commun ity. They are more than this: thev institution have taken an artiva nart in amnr was made a national bank. community activity for the good of Operated under a National Charter the people and have given such activi lt has all the protection of the Fed- ties their whole hearted support. F. E. Lykes & Company T Local Real Estate Firm Meets Needs of Everyone. - Located Community Pros- Spe cialize in Home and Business .property in Both Rural and Urban1 Districts. 'PalStice;Given Each Client, Betterment of Community an Ideal of This Firm. in Asheville at Number 2,all Street. perous Because of Wise Investments in Real Estate. There are many explanations for our prosperity, but the real one pro bably is this: a major portion of our investments are in real estate. The latest reports will show that the aver age man has more investments in real estate than in any other one thing. "No investment," said the late President Cleveland, " is so safe, so sure, so satisfying." Truly the pros perity of this country is a rich harv est reaped from our investments in real estate. Because of this fact the people of this community should be particular ly prosperous. Uew people in the country are better able to advise about wise real estate investments than the members of this well known local firm. They are able to give constructive suggestions to anyone interested in real estate in any wav whatsoever. Long experience has made them experts in real estate val ues. They Jcnow the trend of devel opment in this and other communi- ticular business. This firm, furthermore, has always been known for its dependability, for its fairness and squareness in busi ness dealings. The firm has a large clientele because those in charge re cognize that a satisfied client is a client forever. There is, too, in their dealings that personal touch so rare yet so appreciated in business. This firm handles all kinds of fire and automobile and compensation in surance. It writes policies protect ing real and personal property from fire ' and also issues fire, theft, acci dent, collision and liability insurance oh automobiles, protecting the owner against personal loss or responsibility for damage done on other property by his machine. Mr. Lykes also owns a gasoline fill ing station located in Asheville at the corner of Market and Walnut Sts. This is a distributing station for the Gulf Refining Company products and the operators on duty are courteous and well equipped to give you com tteteht advice on vour Iras and oil ties.. No matter what your means, problems. This service station known they can offer you just the right kind "as Lykes Service, Incorporated, is one of investment. Furthermore, if you of the most popular filling stations are looking for a home site, they can in . the city and is the home of "That tell you just wheer to buy and build Good Gulf Gasoline" and motor oils, so that you will not $nly have a The members of this firm recog beautifully located home but also nize the real constructive service a profitable investment. If you arer Which they in their business can rend interested in property for a business -er to the conftnunity. They take no building they vwill tell you just which step in their business which is not a way business js probably . going to step toward bettering the community move, just where you can nave all as a, whole. Such a firm is of untold the advantages wanted in your par- value to any city and community. - National Cash Register Co. Located in Asheville at 5 1 East College Street, is the Local ,' Sales Agency of the Famous National Cash Register Com pany, the Model Factory of the World. The Complete Na- tional Line Includes More Than Five Hundred Models Ranging in Price From $75.00 Up. A National Cash Re gister to Fit Every Kind and Type of Business. Mr. R. H. Wheaton, the Sales Agent in This Locality, Will Be Glad to Advise Which Register Will Serve You Best. He is a Busi- 'Ine'Man-xifc WitleElkperiencft arKl 4Jeprx:tel Citizen in-v This Community. The model factory of the world counting, Commission Houses. In- The JNational Cash Kegister Company sianment r irms, etc., work. is located at Uayton, Ohio. It em ploys over 7,000 people in its most modern and up-to-date factories. The National Cash Register Company has made Dayton. Ohio, a very successful city just as it has made hundreds of merchants successful business men in Asheville and in other cities in the world. In the olden days the never knew how he stood. Mr. R. H. Wheaton. the local sales agent, is a man of wide experience in this business. He knows cash re gisters from bow to stern, has spent much time in the factory where they are made before having been ap pointed as the sales agent in this lo cality. His business experience places him in a position to advise any merchant merchant on which register he should have and He never use in connection with his husinpna. had any record of his sales, never Behind him stands thp Merchants Sen. gave a receipt, never knew how much vice Division of the home firm with was paid out and how much was paid experts at your command, that will in without first consulting books and be only too glad to serve you and records if he had any. With the ad- help you overcome the daily business vent of systems with the advent of nroblems with which von must .. keener business the National Cash Associated with Mr. R. H. Wheaton Register solved these and hundreds are several hitrhlv efficient and train. of daily other problems for the mer- ed salesmen executives who not only chants, bankers, professional men in know cash registers from A to Z. but . ... I are experts in sales methods and are scientifically qualified to analyze a man's business and suggest methods whereby he can increase his profits. This service is rendered without charge to any firm in the city for the asking. This paper proudly goes on record as heartily endorsing National Cash Registers. We know they manufac ture the best, only the best and stand the world. National Cash Registers today are as important in any place of business, as the stocks on the shelves, the machinery in the factory, the workers in the plant's employ. The complete Une of JNational (Jash Registers contains more than 585 different models. In it may be found a small, simply operated ma chine that retails for as little as S75.00 ud to the bitr No. 2000 ma chine which is the marvel of the age. sauarelv behind everv register anM. This class 2000 machine is adopted We also recommend Mr. Wheaton for use in banks and other financial the National sales agent, because we institutions. - And does most every- know his heart and soul is in his work thing from marking the amount in in rendering the business firms, the deposit book to crediting it to the bankers, and merchants the best pos proper account. sible service in giving them only ilt is also designed lor posting, ac- the best obtainable in Cash Registers! ',1 Snappy Service Station1 : Of Asheville Located on College at Spruce Street, Is a Modern .,Garage .Whose First Interest , is a Pleased Public ; Is a Thoroughly Modern and Up-to-Date Motor Garage.' Equipped '" - With Modern Scientific Machinery That Preserves the Lustre of the Car and Removes the Dirt and Grease. . Duco Polishing, Goodrich Tires and an Added Service." '. Phone 9124 : They'll Send For' Your Car and Return It to You: Hi-Pressure Greasing " and . Washing ;rService.;, V ;v;.y 1, . " - V,;, - '1 ' YouVs often heard some gossipy tackle, They take a real interest ta ly.' -It does not squeak, rattle, Jott ..i,n .01,. "IaoVi like thev had seeing that the motor cars on the and jump. All these things irritate .' "e'so0' W ?. j v T streets of Asheville, N. C. are kept the nerves of the driver and the peo- it for a century. . -Ana uie reason jn better, appearance than in ; any pie who ride.. In this respect this en- . for this uncalled for remark was be- other city in the U. S. They employ terprising firm not only makes mo- cause the owher.of the motor ear men who have made it a- life-time tormg more a pleasure for the pep- ".nj aH th importance f business to launder motor cars. These pie of this community but they add failed to realise' th importance oi mgn experts.. They , know that fife to the motor and flexibility to the keeping his car in spic and span con- goapg contain ajkali eat into the car. . , c . - f ; dition by having it regularly washed body of the paint. They know that v The , proprietors actively manage Brewed and polished. acid of any sort in the water they use this business. . They believe that the Washing eTeasinff and polishing la to wash the motors entrusted to their way to make a business successful is a dirty job Yet ft is a particular hands will destroy the lustre of the to pleae the public at all costs. Cour- one because' if done consistently and enamel and make a new, car look teous service, adequate accommoda- efficient'v it increases the resale old. They take great pride in seeing tions and the lowest cost with a high value of the car and makes it rive that each car that leaves th"r launt quality of work are necessary attri- better service This enterprises ferns dry gliftens and shines as it did the butes Wsuch a policy.. This taper ." .Val , v , , f Uf n 7 Ua mo-'day it 1 ft the factory or paint shop. , feels sure that, the public, of this , . 'jn do- sorvice t f r t t' r eu .to'. community will respond willingly to . i ."! .'.a ta A, rro; . . . Jc n if each a p.ky. tor cars "sn f' "P i ; t.-a i ;i t Campbell and Vance Plumbing and Heating Contractors With Headquarters in Asheville Located at 1 70 Patton Aenue, is a Modern Firm of Sanitary Engineers. They are Equipped to Render Complete Service in Every Detail. They are Au thorities in This Line of Work, Their Work is Guaranteed to be Satisfactory. People . Do Not Hesitate to Call Upon Them For Service.' v Charges Reasonable, i ' A Full Line of Plunibing Supplies Carried m Sto ; , ; . What the "arteries art to tho body a nlnmbiner avstam is to a home. This comparison is indeed not far-fetched. Both require careful and expert at tention -when they need repair, . If your circulatory system is bad, yon art doomed; . If you are building a noma, eon- house the ; latest kitchen . plumbing suit these men. They will advise you supplies. All those conveniences as to the very best that can be ob- which take away the drudgery from tained .in the way of a plumbing kitchen work. Sinks which contain system for your home. Their work the latest convenient device to make is guaranteed and their prices are' such tasks as diah washing far less the most reasonable possible consist- annovinir.. if 0a nlumhlnr avatam n the high, quality of their aer . Needless to say, ; the - enviable . of a home is defective yon are never vj.jt their "stock rooms and dis- firm has been achieved onlv bv doinsr at peace.' Campbell and Vance make play rooms is to see the best that business on the fairest basis possible, it their business to put and keep th can be bought in the line of plumb- People instinctively fear sanitary en plumbing system of your house . in ing supplies. , The fixtures are of the gineers because of their fees. There order. ' - : latest design and have the most mod- is not a home in this or surrounding These men and their employes have era scientific appliances to assure communities where these men have gained that mastery of their trade their convenience. Here in the large worked that will not vouch for ti e which only comes wllh careful study display room you will find a complete high quality of -their work. T. end long experience. - If you have bath room fitted Out in the most mod- carry this same ideal of service 1 1 fluT Ling troubles, you need look no ern style. ; - - their lives as citizens of the conri ii i- idn..iit to save them eliminated. iou will find on .display in this ity. -A

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