THE NEWS-RECORD PRICE A YEAR f $2.00 TK PROGRESSIVE FARMER ' THEWEWS-RECORD CO OK 1 1 BOTH A YEAR FOR p. J 18 Pages This Week VOL. XXI MARS HILL COLLEGE COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES FINE High Christian Standard Maintained The closing exercises of Mars Hill College last week were fine through out. Beginning Friday, May 20th, the piano recital by Misses Gage Mor row, Mozelle Wall and Sallie Warren, was high class and perfectly render ed. Sunday morning, May 22nd, the sermon by Dr. Frank Pool of Furman University was a masterpiece. Wed nesday evening the orators' conteet took place, followed by the readers contest. In the orators' contest the four who spoke -were Nina DeBruhl and Barbara Freeman of Buncombe County, Reba Lowe of China, and Edwina Dalrymple of Macon County. In the readers' contest, Opal Pryor f o Henderson County, Ona Woody, of Madi.on County, Mae Plemmons ana Sarah Blackwell of South Carolina, entered. Thursday morning the ad dress by Hon. O. Max Gardner of Shelby was not only entertaining, but was sane, sound, and sensible, and filled with ecouragement and good art vice for his hearers. In the after noon, the debate between representa tives of the two literary societies was filled with interest. The query was. Resolved, That the McNary-Hougen Eroi frm board and surplus con trol bill should be adopted. The at firmatfve was upheld by Moody Bridge of Rutherford County and Dewfy Jamerson of Yancey County. The negative was defended by W. C. Parker of Wake County and P. B. Brown of South Carolina. The pres idenTof the debate , was Durwood Hofler of Gates County and Knolan Benfield of Caldwell. County. Dewey Jamerson was the winner as well as his side. The alumni, dinner follow ed the debate. At eight o'c ock an entertainment was given by the fcx-. nression and Music departments. Friday morning the class exercises on the campus were very impressive and ihe address by Dr. Porter Bailes of Lakeland, Florida,, very inspiring. 67 graduated and quite a number .were awarded medals and prizes. , All we 'Si praised in highest term, the sptadid & lie scho ol la dote and Xnever-. Indent- MooreltaiM -was- mentioned, the student body roared with applause. For thirty years Prof. R. L. Moore and Mrs. Moore have, with the aid of the con secrated faculty, maintained a high standard of Christian living and con duct andthe visitor is upplifted as he enters the atmosphere of this great college. FROM MARS HILL Miss Cornelia Howell entertained with a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. A. C. Hamby Tuesday afternoon, in honor of the marriage of Miss Edna Mobley to Mr. Leo Ross. The living room and library were thrown together and beautifully decorated with mountain laurel and PAPfter the guests arrived and Miss Mobley had opened the gifts, which were many and lovely, Miss Howell, to the surprice of all the guests, an nounced the marriage of Miss Mobley and Mr. Ross which had taken place April 16th. . J . ' . Mrs. Hamby, assisted by her daugh ters, Mary and Lucille,' served delic ious fruit punch and cake.f Mrs. Ross was also "showered" with good wishes for a long and happy married Mr. and Mrs. Ross left Friday for Bakersville where tney wiu speui, -eral days. . . About twenty - members of the graduating class of the High School enjoyed a "camping .trip" to Ogle Meadows this weeV They were .k.n..nnA v Mm. E. R. Elmore and Mrs. Anunons Reece and, all reported . .nnlarfnl tim. ! ' ' ;'C The college closed the most suc cessful syear of Its ' history. The Commencement Exercises were well attended, and the address oy nra, v. Rinhur wna verv fine. '. There were several medal given by each So ciety to its members, and the winners of the medals tor wmcn ocn tried, are as follows: Orators' Medal Paul Caudm DeclamersMedaW v i- n.nAalt TWihatera' Medal n. J.t Jamerson: Readew' -Medali. J. Jamerson; Wmi; Th Ona Woody, The -Loving Cup wa n -kw Nina DeBruhl for the Clio Mr. and Mra. N.i S., Whitaker and Neal Stewart have gone for a stay of ten daya to Raleigh, Wilmington, and Moorehead City, j '. 1 . ' 4 Mr. and Mrs. Lv D. Edwarde and daughter Ruby and Irene aents Sat- nrday to Asheville. ;; ;... -Douglas Robinson returned from " French Broad Hospital Saturday He ...! tnr ennandlCltia a- . . hont two weeks ago, v-'" . - Misses Sarah E Elmore, Myrtle Metcalf and JHattie Roberts of Ashe ville attended the Alumni Banquet , given at the college Thursday. ... ' ! Kate Bradley left Sunday for Mem. k phis, -Tenn., where she will enter the Baptist Hospital there for training. ' ' " Miss Louise Allen of Raleigh is the guest of Miss Irene Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Elliott of -Rich Square spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. WslL If LiL tuc rMi 1 IlUi V1M Mrs. Stapleton, Dr. ani Mrs. J. C. Roberts and Miss Carolyn - Biggers were dinner guests of Mr.. and Mrs. R. J. Wall Friday. ' Rev. Ben Eller, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Statesville, and Rev. Zeno Wall, pastor of First Bap tist Church of Shelby were here for commencement. Mrs. Boyd Sprinkle and son Hart are the guests of the formers parents Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ramsey, Eva Ensley is visiting friends and relatives in Hendersonville for a few weeks Mrs. Roy J. Wall entertained with a birthday party in honor of Maggie Brown, Saturday evening. Games were enjoyed until a late hour and then Mrs. Wall served delicious ise cream and cake to the following guests: Myrtle Elmore, Mary Pool, Mary Bradley, Kate Bradley, Mary E. Carter, Vista Stines, Bonnie Ar rowood, Mrs. E. C. Coates, B. B. Parish, Clarence Patrick, Harry Davis, Willard Robinson, George Stroupe, Manly Eakins, Bernr.rd Bradley. . . , ... Ona Woody is visiting her friend, Mrs. Bob Willson near- Knoxville, Tenn., for a few days. Mrs. John Gardner has returned from Marion where she was the guest of her brother, N. P. Anderson last week Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Morgan and niece, Dorothy Carpenter, went to Penrose Sunday where Mr. Morgan preached at Enon Baptist church at that place. . . ... Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Baker and child ren, Mrs. A. C. Hamby and Ernes tine went to Jupiter Sunday. . r. a c. Hambv Dreached at the Knndav morning, the pastor Rev. Mr. Owen was sick. FROM HOT SPRINGS Mr. Geo. S. Lippard spent a few days in Asheville last week. Mr W. N. Garrett and small daughter of Asheville spent ttie week- mrwtth Mr. -Srirr 'rirfi.vid vv- sun- mm ,, Mrs. L. Jared motorea w ww Saturday afternoon.- j ' , - . lurtcio F.nna Haws of Jonesboru, Tenn., was in Hot Spprings Wednes- Mr. Frank W. Brown left last week Mr W. T. Davis and ftmily mo tored' to Lincolnton, N. C, Monday. Miss Edna Brown of theAsheville Normal school is visiting her grand .w.nt9 Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown for a few days. Messrs. Ira Plemmons and J. J Hensley were in Asheville Friday. Anion the-young people return' ing from school for the summer are Dean Plemmons, Kenneth Burgin and Miss Harriett Price. Mr Tinv Plemmons motored to u.nAvt Tonn.. Monday. Mr. D. H. Culbertson of Bluff was in town the first of the weeK. Gardner and mother, who have lived in Hot Springs only a few weeks, moved Tuesday 10 nuu Vaalr Ton Tl Mr.' Bill Ricker's shop was. burned last week, destroying all nis ioois equipment. 1 ' FROM ASHEVILLE NORMAL SCHOOL NORMAL SCHOOL GRADUATE MARRIED y:'J-f; " Miss True Purcell, of Enove, S. C a member of thiis year's lass of the t .Ujimiia Vnnnil Sphnol. became the none . in .j . ... ' bride of Mr. Clyde Mauney, - of Shelby, on Wednesday at ,12, o'clock in the- EUzabeth ? Boyd ji Memorial ChapeL Dr. O. J. Chandler, pastor of the Central Methodist; Church, offici ated. ; ' 'iv.iVS:Ai--The wedding party, was x formed . xto1 6f,,innfai ' and i all wore lovely organdie frockaH-YTherXhapel was appropriately : decorated, for the occasion, with mountain laurel, pine, ferns, orchids ana sweet pm,.u was lurnisnea oy at the organ and miss vsmpoeu, . ui Charlotte, who mQ fR and "At Dawning." Miss Cheek play ed the wedding March f rom lohen grin as the couple ; approached vthe The ushers were miss Auujt uu-derson,- of Rutherf ordton, Mis Emma Orr, of Charlotte; Miss Martha Man gum of Bridgewater and Miss Eula Reagan of Whittter., All were dress ed in ' white ' crepe de hine rocK The bridesmaids wore frocks of ..or gandie. Maids of honor wereMM lone Dunn, Dean of tha Normal and Miss Purcell's sister. J Flower' girls were Patrlcfa Mauney, niece, of the groom, and Margaret Calf e,. daugh ter of President John Calf ee, ,;, The bride, who as given in marriage bjr her cousin, wore a white taffeta gown with a large white picture hat trim med wfA lilies of the valley. Her bo nnet was of white roses and lilies or the valley. ; ' . - '- Guests were i Mrs. John Calf ee,Mis Anna Lyle, Miss Fay McManus. Miss Mary Lisenbee, Miss Bobbie Martin, 'p'.UT'T- V a a if ' v, v 1MF.WSP A PER PUBLISHED IN MADISON , MARSHALL, N. C. FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1927 To Preach J 1 i X:: 1 1 REV. SAMUEkjtTfJHENSLEY Pastor Evangelist ,' iV"L'V,-V-.'. Who will preach in Marshall revival beginning Juiie 12. SMisi Hf.jsa m& OME COMING Florence Barnes and otners. Ouita-a few attended the church wedding of Miii True Purcell anai Several Normajgraouaies were were J mewmng jwa a.v JTSSZTSSn the Aurch were present Miss Dillie Hensley, of Greeneville, S. C, and others. Miss Bobbie Martin is at the Nor mal occupying the position of Weav ing in the Home aconomics uepun.- ment. Miss Mary Lisenbee is at tne iNor- mal engaged in Domestic Art and other arts, such as printing signs for Summer School assistance. Miss BobWe Martin and Miss Mary Lisenbee are expected home for the week-end. , The Normal girls, faculty and em ployees attended commencement at Farm School, Friday, May 27. They also took dinner with the Farm School boys afterward. REPORT CONTA GIOUS Dr. W. F. Robinson, of Mars Hill, r... has succeeded me as Quaran- N, tine officer for Madison county. i.n ffii. tnr Madison (Jounty. Jine become very negligent in reportirg communicable diseases to the Quaran and the State Board of Heal has requested Dr. Robinson to I prosecute according to law mi sons who fair to report any contag ious disease at once. A much as Dr. Robinson would dislikerto prosecute anyone, he will be compelled to do so The Ke Board of Health U .going tV send Inspectors intofa bounty to investigate conditions, Jtnd I an fraid some oi our peopie wm a" " z. Snbto!. There is now jan Epidemic of smallpox and measles in jnany narts of the County and very few cas SSfi -Ported. .It UJmpo.bk to control tnese epioem- -v-are quarantined, and to do this tne cases must be reported.. So let s re port all our cases just as soon as pos sible, and when school opens in July our County will be free irom all con tagious diseases ' ' N . Very respectfully, -! V FRANK ROBERTS, M. D. New Garage To Be n f yErected IriiarthaU hriXeoncreta and steel building to Saras' . .rag. W be used agency here is expected to oe i " aoeral bids have been received from "Z, local contractors. Thte buUd ing which will cost iPP'oi,aty LnAT:i w. Mr tmA on Main St Per . Bnu. .-- ; b ft .vv . . 1 The old frame rto buUding which f ormerly occupy the ta of the pro- posed new. oui.u". j, down and removed and rythw fow... for the laying of the the garage business and eonrtrud the building is composed F"': ",. Mar- Hill; and W. R. EUerson Ind'Thoa. Frisby, of Hot Springs. - 1 aMMMM'.' Ha' f iF h r - I.J . - In Marshall Wm A 1,4 . w TM i l ' w frind9 and fellowship.' ; The delayed somewhat by the refreshing showers, so badly needed and for nrttfelt xaa were indeed thankful. But as soon as the sun began to shine the people started from their homes and filled the church to overflowing with onnia fmm five counties and two states. We regretted that all were not permitted to hear the soul stir ring message brought by a former son of the church, Rev. J. B. Eller, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Statesville, N. C. His subject was "Follow the Leading of the Holy Spirit," and was presented with such clearness, force and earnestness that many declared it the greatest sermon they ever heard. After the Morning Worship, one of the most appetizing and copious dinners ever seen m this community was spread beneath the shade trees on the church lawn. It taxed the three hundred and six.y square feet of table to hold the boun tiful supply, which was hardly half consumed by the approximate five i j I n.nnln n re sent. Alter oin- nunuieu r . , . ner. the people reassembled in the auditorium and enjoyed singing some -3") hvmns. that have grown yeirs. The afternoon prB' " a continuation of the high tide of Christian fellowship reached in the forenoon. First-was the Welcome Address by Rev. J. M. Pickens, one of Jupiter's oldest sons :h12. an honest laborer in his Father s vineyard of Jupiter and adjoining communities. The response was by L. S. Roberts, a former son of tte chnrch who is now successfully con ducting a mission Sunday School on Gabriel's Creek, which is a branch of the Mars Hill Baptist Sunday School. Dr.. J. H Hutchins brought us some "Relation of the Sunday School to the Community." ur. nuwi" y- sentad the demand for, the import ance of and the benefits derived from the Sunday Schol work in the com munity. tWer Don C. Young ask ed for a show of hands of those who were Sunday School officers snd Teachers, which revealed the fact that a god portion of the congrega tion was .composed of workers. Jie them brought them face 1 to face wi the truth that God, in calling them in to Hi. srevic. to be HU representa n.d nlaced upon them faremen- I douy responsibilities. 5 He laid fcat to rfve of their best nothing less to the sacred task of teaching God's Word to God's creatures. Mrs. L. s. Roberts concluded the program with a touching appeal to "Keep th .Home Fire Burning." She . showed 1 that these fires were to be kept burning noon the altarr of the God's people. There was good sing ing by the congregation and several selection, by, the Jupiter ebolrba. tween each of hte talks f the after noon The day was truly a Red Let ter day in the life of Jupiter Baptist Chnrch. We are greatly indebted to Vw members of the other denomina tions in the community lor weir heartk cooperation in helping us make it a delightful day for aU. . COUNTY THROAT CUT BY BUS DRIVER Mr. J. C. Cole of Walnut is in a hosDital in Asheville with quite an nclv rut about his throat as a result of an affray near Walnut Gap last Sunday with a Knoxville Asheville bus driver, Jay Hayder, who fled to the mountains after the cutting. It seems that Cole's car and Hayde's M. B. Tilson, Mrs. C. K. fatten, Miss bus had a slight collision, which Mary Madeline Ross, Mrs. Scroop caused some words between the two Stiles, Mrs. Lloyd Garrett, Mrs. Fred men. '.The report is that Cole left Brown, Mrs. J. C. Hooper, Mrs. Frank his car and went to the bus where , Blackstock, Mrs. Lynn Weaver. Top they quarrelled and as Cole turned score prize was won by Mrs. Clarence back to his car Hayder came up be- Reynolds. Mrs. C. R. Patten cut con hind him and slashed his throat from golation. A dainty salad course car one ear half way around to the other, rying out the color scheme of yellow Kayder is said to have been seen in and white was served after the play- Asheville since but at the time oi this writing has not bbeen arrested, though every effort is being made by Sheriff Ramsey's department to ar rest him. Cole, whose wound vas treated by Dr. Roberts before he was sent to the hospital, is said to be im proving and is expected to live. FIFTH SUNDAYS?; l hosts of others. Mrs. Josephine Smith MEETING AT ENON iw:Si:Ur,iU brother, Mr. Ed Reeves during the ; nnmm.nfpiiipnt season. Despite unfavorable weather last Saturday morning quite a number gathered at Enon and the program was partially carried out. The de votional exercises were led by the pastor, Rev. R. H. Morgan, and the topics assigned were spoken to by Dr. J. H. Hutchins, N. H. Griffin, H. L. Story, S. M. Stroupe, L. R. Wil liams and H. L. Smith. S. M. Stroupe was elected Moderator and L. R. Williams was appointed to preach the sermon Sunday. An ex cellent dinner was served on the ground and the occasion was delight ful. , KILLED AS ENGINE HITS MOTOR CAR FRIDAY E. S. Higgins, middle-aged employe of the Southern Railway was instant ly killed last Friday when the motor car on which he was riding was struck by a switch engine. . TtiW Accident occurred Just below wn.ann-fl,rttioa: about; three K mtfesVest O ClOCK, several nwu o va w ... . . . Al 4V mhmima I A wltn jHiggms ai ih struck it, but they all managed to jump and escape injury, niggius mained on tne car uniu tne cim " . . w 1.-11 The Doay was DrouKiii. vu and prepared for burial. Southern employees here sent the body to White Pine, Tenn., for interment. PRESBYTERIAN FIELD DAY A get-together of all church offi cers, worker and members in Confer ence and Rally a Visitation from the Presbytery STEREOPTICON VIEWS G OOD VIEWS LIVE DISCUSSIONS See the program for details. Come and talk over the interests of our congregation and hear the Church s ereat messages on: EDUCATION STEWARDSHIP AND MISSIONS MARSHALL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, JUNE 7th, TUESDAY 2 P M. Conference and Discuss'on led by Dr. R. I. Gamon. ft P. M. Address by the Rev. A. B. Buchanan, Missionary to j Japan. STEREOPTICON PICTURES SHOWN by R. R. I. GAMON, Knoxville, Tennessee. Offering taken. UNVEILING There ' will be an unveiling -at thp Ball cemetery on the South side of French . Broad River next Sunday, June 6. V. Marshall Camp No, 571, will have, charge of the ceremonies. Asheville' Camp and Arden Camp will be. present; also the Woodmen Circle, or. Woman's Auxiliary, 01 Ar den Camp will be here. Colonel G. W. Sams will be Master of. Ceremo nies at the unveiling of this beauti ful monument to the memory of our deceased brother, Sovereign Hosley A. Lisenbee.' V " ' MASONS TO ELECT OFFICERSV , ! TnW'wffl'ba a regular meeting of French Broad Lodge No. 292 on Fri day, June 10th at 7:30 P. M., for the election of officers and third de gree work. VA11 members will take notice, and all visiting Masons cor dially invited to attend. -Refreshments will be served, i J , : G. , W. SAMS, Secretary. X The Hendersonville curb market has been enlarged to allow 100 ad ditional farms to sell surplus produce. i The crop of May peas in lower Halifs County brought $15,000 to the growers in one week. One man made f 304 a 1 1-S acres." VA.V. AD1SON COUNTY RECORD ri Established Junt 28, 1901. . ; FRENCH BROAD sNEWS Established" May 16, 1907. Consolidated November 2, 1911 CIRCULATION-2286 WEAVERVILLE Mrs. William Pope and Mrs. Wil liam Reagan were hostesses for five tables of bridge, Thursday afternoon at Mrs. Bede Weaver's "Hazy Horner Tea Room." Playing were: Mrs. J. Fred Reeves. Mrs. William Sidney Porter, Mrs. Clarence Reynolds, Mrs. C. H. Reynolds, Mrs. Robert Reagan, Mrs. Carroll Reagan, Miss Tacoma Rector, Mrs. Arthur Robinson, Mrs. ing. . Weaver College Commencement has been most enthusiastically attend ed this year. Numbers of Asheville people have been present at the ex ercises among whom were Mrs. Jas. , Stikeleather, Dr. and Mrs. Weaver. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. ScrooD Stiles, Mr. and Mrs. The programme following made the 1927 commencement one of the most notable of the almost a century of Weaver College commencements: Weaver College Commencement 1927 PROGRAM Friday, May 27 8 :00 P. M. Music Recital. Saturday, May 28 9 :00 A. M. Last Chapel Exercise for the Year. 2 :30 P. M. Field Day. 8 :00 P. M. Annual Junior Debate. Sunday, May 29 11:00 A. M. Annual Commencement Sermon. 8:00 P. M. Annual Sermon to Ep worth League. Monday, May 30 10:80 A. M. Annual Reading Con test. 2 :30 P. M. Oratorical Contest. 3:30 P. M. Declaim- Contest. 8:00 P. M. Senir- 'Vo - "The Goose Hf-ti Hrh. TudT7 May 31 A. M. Literary; ' AfT ss- to . Class of 1927 T. Guy s Weaver.'. M. Meeting of Bf-r1 of Trustees. M. Banquet. P -iness Meet ing an'' .ddress of Alum ni Association. 2 .30 6:30 The mr-Hage of Miss Josephine to Dean T. R. Duncan of v- College has her" sat for June 7th. "'s Resean has beer 'snored by r.-ir.;' o' her friends w":h pfis, show ers, "and various social functions. A BTitertnTn"" for Miss F - wore: Mrs. R. K. Carmichael n-' Mrs. Curtis Robinson, Mr. Lee r ?iiss T PmMh. ""d Mrs. Ja; Beckwith, the Enterptan Liter ary Soc5-- of Weaver College, the ?'own Missiona-v So"'"'" t the home of Mrs. Fred Brown, and Miss Ev"v,eth Roberts. "i3s Mary Williams, wh" has been very ill at the Mission Hospital, is glnxrlv imnrnving. The cinema attraction u"der the auspices of the Parent-Teachers As-j,,.::r- fn- Tb'irsda'" night was "Steel Preferred." Mrs. C. I. Love and -hildren have ri... home from s visit to Mrs. Love's parents, whose home is near Mu'-y. SPORT COLUMN "By COLY" SUMMING UP In the best game of the season, f Marshall beat Walnut on the local' dirnond last Saturday 21 Tipton hi good control and the Walnut players couldn't handle his deliveries. McDevitt and Davis for Walnut, also pitched good balh At the same time mars nui uuu .4 Hot Snrinsrs were fighting it out onf the Hot Springs grounds, the game . standing 11 until tne 10m inning . when Mars Hill ran in 3 scores, Hot; Springs being unable to score in the . last half of the lin. ntcners. Coach Roberts for Mars Hill and Fowler for Hot Springs. , j Monday, May 30th, Walnut wal-f loped Hot Springs for another win. Davis, pitching for Walnut, Judge x Fowler, Jack , Parris -.and another! pitcher being used for Hot Springs, f The game between Marshall and Mars ; Hill for Memorial Day was not play-l ed because of bad grounds at Mars '. H LEAGUE STANDING, MADISON COUNTY. LEAGUE , TEAM: MARSHALL Mars Hill s Hot Springs . Walnut 'W 2 L 1 1 2 3 Pet.1 667 ; 667 ; 600 2S0 i .2 WHERE THEY PLAY SATURDAY 'TV,- Marshall at Walnut " -" Hot Springs at Mars Hill 'Ml. my

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