; . f ft 1 v a v , r 4K L THE NEWS-RECORD fill v c PRICE A YEAR -r-iM ; , L The' PROGRESSIVE FARM , , . triii? NPWS.RECORD (PO 9E4.f .'- . iiiu . -m k - 1 - nniu A WAR FORWtttW iivi DUlaa - - - '-.'0 VOL. XXI 1 ' MADISON CO Et CORD ; lfcuedMay 16, 1907. omolidaUd November 2, 1911 TMF ONLY NEWSPA PER PUBLISHED IN MADISON COUNTY MARSHALL. N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1927 CIRCULATION-1925 J .'.I . . Ml. CAR KNOCKED IN RIVER AT MARSHALL Son by the choir. Scripture les son readby Bro. J. A. Ma-Jobn lut chapter. Prayer byA Treadway. Minutes of la. noting Scented tfjfcj:- nation, i.wv, riK. Hon.. cioti donation. $1.45! MX Ziion, A 1 CVlilM I " ' ' . NARROW ESCAPE FOR OCCUPANTS The Ford touring car of Mr. J. D. Hensley of Hot Springs was knocked " , . .1.- .Uniili nnnn off the road into tne river last Sunday between the station and piiin. Mr. and Mrs. Hensley and Mrs W. T. Ricker were passing through Marshall en route to Lincoln ton. After crossing the railroad where more than one car was delayed by a train, they were driving along when a car attempted . to pass be tween them and the rock wall. The passing car was driven by Mr. Glenn Ramsey, sow of Mr. and Mrs. Coney Ramsey The hubs of the two cars colUded turning Mr. Hensley's car into the river. The car was practic aHy submerged but fortunately did not turn over. The occupants of the car were in water above their waists and if the car had turned over, they . . , fcuva drowned. T.ney nnageTto get the car in order by fi',lo.k that evening and proceed ed on with their journey. REES COMMENTS ON TOBACCO SITUATION "The continued rains of the past couple of weeks has given u " - vTonn to set tobacco. I hope they are taking advantage of the good sea sons as to my mind this is the year to Plant all the tobacco thai t . i f arm; er can conveniently take care of, slid Col. Evan Rees, when ' dcssin the tobacco situation. In the first Place there is a shortage of plants brought about by one reason or an other in all of the large tobacco grow ing centers. The Appalachian valley country is more fortunate in this res pect than either Kentcuky or Middle Tennessee, where frost, bugs, etc, cut dowS the pknt production, therefore the shortage of plants whi to a mis fortune to some sections, will be tno scar&y ot Plant, tatto large produc ing territories M a-; maStotjf 'ThVn ther7 w7re sections who last year started to gro w tobacco as an experiment and owing to their inferior crop and low prices on common tobacco, did not sow plant beds nd from all of the information ereat aemanu ; looking types of tobacco such . fa crown in this section, therefore it w bound to cause much higher prices on into type which is so easily irrown in the Appalachian section. My advice continued Col. Rees . to the , farmers of this section, is to plant every hill oi this secuun, f care 0f. tODacco . mnrA that There is no crop in the world tnai will pay so much to the acre as a to bacco crop. wonderfully du pastlwo j--g E farmers of this section to take idvanUge of 6ne of their pwy . Spportunfties to cash in on a condv ,?toVthat does not often ointhete way. I look for good prices to pre var on all grades, especially on the -olorv types. - -v-' - - READS TIMES AT AGE OF 90 R MINUS 'SPECS' Spacing of nien and; women wl never really grow old, there is G. W. Buckner, o? Little KM"g C2' He will be 90 years old on Dec. 9, and his wife is 87T t0 ' Despita his age., he .njy,fv8J the utmost, and ao -does his wife He reads The Asheville Times without Sasies partly due to Ms retention of ood eyffit and partly to toe new pe, which he likes very much.f . It is easy on his eyes,, . - , The Buckners have raised ten chil dren Of these two boys and five S U married, are Still J., H children have; been good i obed ient children ..nd he 1. .proud lof them for H, he stated Saturdays never had to whip them l or ,-fT Although they are separated from thf children now, since tHeir. marr rkge. thTBuckners visit neariy aU of (hem frequently, for most of tiiem - lhSV ie LitUe Hope ".-i,. iw-AsheviaeTImes.,. r, REPORT OF WALNUT DISTRICT REPOiuVow MEETtwc ,, ' The Union !ftSl . .1 v c.n.. hofnr the. otn sun- d.rin MaTat 11 o'clock vrith rinr ini and prayer fZ man. ; Lesson read Rom.- 13th .chap ter by Broth G. W. Brigga. A good sermon by the reader. Payer by - t VHM.an. : Some arood songs ..a . rhrlirtian handshake. . Dismiss- iiu m . f dMe?r.tl5P.M.wiinr ing. Prayer by Bro, G. W, Briggs. G W. Briggs, Cora Briggs; donation, li.00; MaShall. Bro. W. A. Tread ...... oitr Fra Bowman; donation, wjr, ---- D u lint Z no; 6y Bro Kelley Roberts; donation, $2.00 Reynolds Hill, Bro. Bob .Freeman; tttion, $3.20; Shoal Hill, Bro. C. n. urowu, -r .j .xm.. Subjects discussea uo i,. S u the Motive of Our Union .. i Wnh Freeman. Uro. Beb White, and others. What " . r:ii n.nfiata Relieve and the r ree ana Stand For, by Bro. o. others. Beneaicnon. . .i i- cafiirdav nieht at 8 .."Jr"' 7r,raver by Sister w,l.n I"'"' e Praver bv Bro, Bob wne. - ; - d fc Bro. Maltey Biceoto 17A cgPj ter. Sermon yy------- ob in. OA fnllnwed DV DTO. Benedicnon John Freeman. w-.Ari?!!i . ia so Sunday morn . wel."K",:": leaver by Sister Mow'6Moning.subject!r What U ft. Great Need oxxn., , and now -: Nr-nt Uniormeeting will be pM with tha Anderson Branch church7 beginning on Saturday bc ?r the 5 Sunday in July at 10 O'CIOCK. cro. ,t U 0. preach the opening - y clocK. . .. 4.. . moderator, Bro. J. A. Jaaruu, j Sal "J Seir Wnd hospitality in fo6! caring for this Union meet- Song Dy 3 , v , 1 MADISON BOYSDOWA SUtUiWUL BUSINESS IN ASHEVILLE NOW ing. song Act8 27th Scripture ueao"" r R chapte?, and prayer ev C.B. t noornr 01 church at marB.... j---tll4, cho5r k the soeaKer. ou j ---- 7 Uffenng -." $15.65 A good sermon a bv the choir. Total offering ,1 Dismissed. Dinner on tne Kjuuu. ans- 30 with 8ginK by tio Shoal M-l" cnuu. te8"TSan handshake unsaved. - ' Beneaicnou w ; L. Lvmsfora. APTm KIiV. v. a. Moderator. 7 REV. MALLEY BIOE, Clerk and Treasurer. Babe Ruth Donates Aiitocrraohed Ball And A Bat. There will be many cups and prizes . V " j-j u nrinnara in the wimmtaTneld and track events and tTnnte atrte Citizens MiUtary Trata inir Camp at Fort Bragg this year, Z perhaps the most coveted reward for athletic prowess will be the Babe Ruth autographed ball and bat to be riven to the outstanding ball player SVthe camp. As there are now wo diamonds, it is expecwu Hiir. 1 iitr LcuuiH ... en greater improvements, for three hardlay courts are being construe ed In a centrally located and shaay spot One or more tennis touraments wm be conducted in both singles and doubles. These loura.."" -"-bring together , some of the best young tennis piayem r th Waarter-mile cindered track now located within the camp area.lt is expected that the track coc who incidentally is a man 'tat university experience in oowhlnj for track and field events, will have his for the big Track and Field Meet, July 11th. . i,Bjftiin McFayden'a Pond to bettor the iacili tiea to instruction toswirotoing. TM com of Red Cross Life Saving ,Jn. stroctors are planning.higquati? meet for those who indulge in water 8PFor'ttie students of 'the camf i -who may desire to especially, prepare for next Fall's football season, there has been secured a coach who produced football teams in the South. This splend opportunity tag will mean much to high' school teams, and already , a nunetof Ahe school teams have expressed a desire to enroll in thia Summer Football All these athletic features of Fort Bragg Citizens Military Camp, which will be held from June IB to are free to any young n "r . or South Carolina whose age ia IJ or better,- and whose character can be vouched for by a reputable, citizen. Furthermore, transportation toand from the camp, and food and nif orm while at the eamp, are all .applied by tha government, '--..y An attorney who advertised for a ehauffeur, when questioning applicant, aaid: "How abouVvyott. , Naw, sir, boss, aaw, sir, Ah makes mah owB-JivinVV : H '- j:?; ln Transylvania' County soybeans are being planted as a preparatory step to keeping more cows. . The largest Commercial Photo- graphic Studio in Western North Carolina is being operated in Ashe ville by three Madison County boys. The firm is ownedjind managed by Ewart M. Ball, wHo specializes in commercial work. He has with him Johnnie Frisby who has charge of the portrait work, and who was in business in Marshall until last fall. The KnHak. or amateur department is being conducted by Wayne Banks, also a Marshall boy. He reports that he is getting many orders now by mail from various parts 01 me county well as from othe radjacent counties. The Studio has a memoersnip in the. Asheville Chamber of Commerce and also the Photographic Associa tion of America, a society of Photo graphers doing the highest class work in America ana juoi. $6,000,000.00 advertising campaign T 1 i. -.ij.nAl murra in all tne prominent ub.m zines. . . . Mr. Bali's Commercial wore c r.t 4-l.a law. won comment irom mmc est industries m tne country wuoic the have used his prints in reproduc-! tioiland catalogs, etc; ne receives orders often by wire for photographs wanted promptly of industrial bu'ld ingij or concerns whose headquarters are north ranging from New York State to Chicago and Cincinnati. The service and quality offered are far su perior to anything of its kind in this section, most of the work for one of the f Asheville papers being done by this' firm. - Sir. Ball and Mr. Frisby have known each other for several year. Thev enlisted in the U. S. Army IV 1 a in the building where their studio is now located, neither of them Knowing , least thine about photography, were separated in a few days after nvMncii at I n umDUS. U. lur. cau going to the Philippine Islands while Mr.-Frisby went to the Mexican bor der, neither saw the other until they were each in business, one in Mar shall, the other in Asheville, both ha v-ing-married and there being three children, in each family. .FROM MARS H0W)lMAIilP Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Baker and chil dren left Monday for a several weeks visit to Raleigh, Rocky Mount and Wendell. Mr. Baker will attend the Preachers School at Meredith College- Miss, Mary Hamby has gone to Ra- (SPECIAL) Mr. James Hampton is seriously ill at this writing. We hope he will soon be better. Mrs. Martha Hensley and children of Alexander spent last week with n r xkt HunoUv RVie Teturnnd leiirh and Durham, to vsnt fnenas hnm Frirfav. She was accompanied and relatvies for ten days. 1 home by Misses Lessie and Clara ' Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Elmore left Sat- Hensley and Messrs. Martie Buckner, urday to attend commencement at the Roscoe Phillips and Grover Gentry. University at Chapel Hill, their, Misses Edna and Julia Buckner and daughter, Miss Kathleen, graduating Miss Verda Buckner and Mr. Raleign from there this year. English motored to Spruce Pine Sun- Mr and Mrs. R. L. Moore spent day afternoon. They reported a nice &t', took dinner TmLmgZld lt that place. (with Misses Orla and Minnie Ponder Miss Bonnie Arrowood is visiting, lastunday in Spmdale for a few days. ann n(f daughter. Martie and Eliza- Mrs. W. F. Bradley has been caueo motored to Burnsville last Sun- to Sanatorium, N. C, where her daughter, Lena,' who has been a pa tient there for several weeks, is crit ically ill tn iait relatives and friends. Mr. Roscoe Phillips spent Sunday with friends at the Forks of Ivy. Mia. rirla Pnnder tOOK SUPPer wun AN APPRECIATION FOR THE ANSWERS ON DANCING By MISS MADIA GENEVA RIDDLE I want to thank those who replied to my article, "Is Dancing the Great er Sin" and I wish to say that I am not upholding, or never have, any thing that is condemned in any way in the Bible. It seems as 11 you wno replied to my article tried to inti mate that I was upholding the sin ful dancing. I asked the question "Is Dancing the Greater Sin.'" men gave my views irom a BiDie sianupoim., along with a number of questions which I wished to have the views of others on. In regard to the reference given by Mr. B. J. Ledford, I most readily agree with him that in the 5th chap ter, 21st verse of Galatians, we find that Paul pointed out different works of the flesh, revelings being among the number of them. Webster defines revelry as boisterous merry-making. He also defines boisterous as rough or rude. In the definition of rough you will find the word boisterous used the same as disorderly. He says rough and rude in reference to be haviour suggests violence, ' orderly conduct or discourtesy. I wish ,rnn wrvnlrl TlLcase lOOK up me wuiu violence. In connection with dancing or any other form 01 merry-maaing. I agree that it is a sin, proviucu . performed in a boisterous way, but I am exceedingly sorry that you did not get my point. I said that I had been taught that there was no harm in dancing provided it was performed in a nice way. Anything being per formed in a nice Way could not be violent, or looked on as disorderly cou duct or discourtesy. I know Mr. Led-tr-A that von did not make this mis take purposely. A great many times v,;i- nre have a nroblem solved V C 1,1111111 .w ' - . . i but when it is tested, it won t wora. both ways. . , , t:u, I have never lounu in tne oiuf where the Lord went to a dance, but read Exodus-15:20-21 and 2nd Sam. 6-15, where the women went out with timbrels andj with dances and sang praises to the Lord, because he deli v- ered the cnuaren out i bsjvi destroyed Pharaoh's army in the sea. j when rtnviri danced before the Lord, and the L01W rebuhed them not. 5Aa far as tne .cnurcnes re cumwu that the firreater part of them are about dead and have taken on a form of worship wnetner have dances in the settlement or not. In the 6th chapter we find tha. John the Baptist was beheaded after being confined in prison because he told Herod that it was not lawful for him to have his brother's wife. This caused Herodias to have a quarrel a gainst him, and in a general summary I believe that we could be safe m that the wickedness of Herodias was the. cause- of the death of John. the Baptist. We do nna aancinB o.. nected with it but in n indirect way. I think you can hnd m tne oiuie where it says that there is a time for all things. These are the words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem. . 1 "To everything mere is and a time to every purpose under the heaven." - . "A time to weep, ana a tune - time to mourn, ana a n a AJAliXJ uj.w a. v . " . . . i?ev .T R. Owen. Mrs. uwen ana r.aia TTenslev Sundav nient. Mrs. JL. D. Edwards attended the fun-, Migaes Gertrude Bradley, Evelyn eral of Mrs. Rector at Weaverville whitt and Mr- Roy Bradley were out Sunday. Mrs. Kecior i me walking Sunday arternoon. Mrs. Im l. Eiiier. Mia. T.innie Carter of Henderson-. ville is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Guy George. ! ; tw. A C. Hambv. Kev. Kaipn mor- JiiJSSS Z You are cordially invited to attend in ----- .u. Herflatinn ceremony at tne open A SPECIAL INVITATION Raleigh, N. C. June 1, 1Z7. Preachers School at Meredith College. ASSOCIATION ORGANIZES B. , P. U. WORK , Y. .Members of the various. Unions of the French Broad Association were invited to meet at Mara Hill on Sun day June the fifth for the purpose of organizing an Associational B. Y. r. U ing of the new stone tower erected on the aummit of Mt. Mitchell which will be held there at two o'clock on Friday JUThia tower has been built -and donated to the State by Col. C J-' Harris of Dillsboro, N. C, to be used for the pleasure of visitors and to as sist in the protection from fire of the surrounding mountain forests. Mt. Mitchell State rant, inciuuiu j v V- Ofte 'nhfa. nrenared and served in thi. peak was purcnaaea , the"aR Sams dining aU by the ftTO-S foj eKt afternoon be, STjgjl fti gaS at two o'clock with Miss Lizzie North p"- T.nt. nf Mara Hill nresidiiuT. eWnnal was led i by Mr. E. M. pose. The tainly aid in carrying out tnis pur M. pose.;- . , u . . 7 " ma K a talk on the xne exercises u r Hid OvfUt .1 i toothy tl by "JSrtta-kr C.I C. J. H.rrfc. the group sang a nb of hymM catto n-pEpAKTENT 0F CONSER and enjoyed a vocal duet, Bung by N. C. "f,r,TDEv ELOPMENT. Misses McMahan and Brigga. j, VAUUW . : i A hearty approval met the report t. ' Jmt. of the nominating eommitteo and the J VTht were yonr father last following were elected: Mr. J. H. worA1" r-i . ::: : Hutchins, President; Misa Lwzie Jar- j "Father had no last words. v Moth, via, Vice-Pres.; Misa Mary - Hamby, fj WM -th him to the end.' - v Secretory-Treasurers - Mrs. , I. ;MV ISiilU t f?XFr "iartTW;i:yo m. W wtfewaa termrdi7te district leaders? and Mia. ' jr atenogapher . herora i Orlena McMahan, chorister. , her. . .; ,, !; v . , lausrh: a to dance. . . "I know that mere is no gw" them, but for a man to rejoice, and to do good in nis me. y"u .n,'e heart. God shall judge the righteous and tha wicked rt. h i time there for every purpose and for .every work. You can fina these verses in the 3rd chap- tear of Ecclesiastes. Yes, sir, I am not only a church member,,'but a Christian also. , The references given by beidon . Burnett did not reveal dancing to me as being- an evil in any way. fcverv- body please look mem up it Blvea,i,.rH'W4..;' . . .: ,. 1 do rot care about ;icero a viewo on the subject or any histpricare- vents. I am aware oi tne iaci ,ir tw. l.riiririff.ln Rnme was sinful and Lindecent.iand I certainly am opposed to ay such dancing as that, ana i wm vou to oroughly understand tho.t 1 ... . l a.1 x T AnnAS stated in my article mat x w ed to ronnd dancing, so you need not have mentioned the modern dance in connection with w questions. I was already "Ware of tlie fact that it was a sin, and I am certainly not trying to make any compromise with sin in any of its forms and especially not with th". modern dance. . I wish to state.tha I did not siy that G 'ver authorised anyone to praise Him. with .musical instruments. I said " tlease wad the last Psalm, esoeciatlr, the fourth verse, whew it exhorts to praise God with the dance, and with stringed instruments;,' I hore you will pardoa me for be- so reclsa about tha matter put I o not wish to be exposed as trying t cirr- -te anything falsa through tvcol n of the News-Record, and t -k i would have been any more vrn f tha preacher I mentioned to h-ve p' ed aacred aongs on tha ssv-e.stri-"-,d instrument than to have rvyed -m on the .organ, andj yes, : in : j4,urcK How, could anyone normal mental ability even '"r trowed songs at being amuse-j-t - v entertainment and ft moat on a aevett atriged instruraent, or any J other kind of one and in church. I did not try to leave the impres sion that the other sins I mentioned would make dancing any less a sin. I only mentioned them in connection with question "Is Dancing the Groat- , er Sin?" . . No, I have never read of Jesus at tending a dance, or any other kind" of amusement, such as ball games, and in regard to your views of the physi cal, harmless amusement, I wish to say that harm can come from the so cial games, and does. How many ball games have you seen or heard of be ing played without hardness between the teams, the players will have dis putes over the scores, they will even fight and many people have been ser iously injured and killed over ball games and in the act of pplaying, they abuse theri bodies in playing. In cities like Detroit, Mich., the above mentioned things are happening con tinually. People stake money on the teams and in some places ball game are even played on Sunday. Would we not call such things as these evilt I believe that social games are per fectly harmless if they are performed for the purpose ot exercise ana narm less amusement but how many ball games are played merely for the ex ercise? You certainly can make harm out of dancing, and dancing can be used for the good purpose of recrea tion just the same as can any other kind of physical training exercises. I wish to say that in regard to min isters preaching for a salary I looked up your references,, and in them I fnnnH nn Ran et.inn to ministers de manding a salary for they're preach ing the Gospel. I certainly do be lieve in tne collections ior me min isters, and everyone paying them ac cording to their ability, but the Bible does not speak in favor of a preacher demanding a certain amount of mon ey to be paid him monthly or anual ly in exchange for his work for the Lord. And in case a certain church can't afford to pay the amount he de mands, he saying independently, I can't pastor your church." Notice what Paul says to the Cor itvthiana in the 9th chapter and 18th verse of 1st Cor. "What is my re ward then? Verily, tnat wnen preach "the Gospel, I may make the i e rhr-iat without charee. that 1 abuse not my power in the Gospel. "For, though I be tree irom au mm. yet have I made mysei servant nrto all, htat I might gain the more. I believe that we will receive our reward in Heaven in exenange im what we do for Jthe Lord. Read the 12th chapter or at. ijUKe said .into his discipples, therefore I say unto you, taae uu yourselves what ye shall eat, neither for the body, wnat ye uu v . "The life is more than meat, ana the body is more than raiment." "Consider the ravens; for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and Ood feeHeth them; how much more are ye bet - the fow'.s?" 1 . arc the 22nd, 23rd, - 3 ver""'. Notice the 10th chapter of c,. - '-r :?r)eciallv the 7th verse. "ami in the "same house remain, eat ing and drinking such things as they givr for the labourer is worhty ot his h'.re. It doesn't seem to mean tha' -e is worthy of the ppric? ? de mar for his service or labor, but the price that is paid unto him. There is quite a lot of difference be tween the words hire, hiring, and hireling. The words hire and wage; denn'fc the price paid for labor and the v.ord salary denotes a fixed com pensation, we speak of ministers who do r-t demand a salary as beir-.-lecteu by the churches they P-ot j 4.1.. .nea nrhn demand a salary . - ine hired. I don't believe that we have any mow w - isters. but for giving to them freely th price paid for theiw service. I am not using these remarks aa restr active citicism. You did not sny that you approved oi huobw-j manding a salary, but in case you do I hoUiv you could use thess re marks sa constructive criticism. I -"d not write the former articia fnr mment'a sake neither do Imcan this for a rebuttal. I am writing k as n appreciation ior me "";. . ; : anil of cow .I'm" backing up the former thirr- I said concerning me "r - i:i.a ooxr f Viino th&t X can't back up. If I have made any mlskes in what Lhave written T ' admit that it was through ignorant and not intentionally done. am not trying to get sanction from the Bible as to the attitude of the Bible towards dacing, neither am I trvinsr'to climb up some other way. . ..... i. .i.;-.. aa nan- There mgint De sucn ",r Z ' Die straining at a gnat and swallow ing a camel. A PRAYER FOR HUMOR (The following is aaid to have been . found in Chester Cathedral:) r Give me agood digestion. Lord . sAnd also something to digest Give me a healthy body,, imto, r -With sense to keep it at res pes...,, . fiMtM lira TO get soma nappmvaa v. r. , A A naaa It Ml td Other f Oik. ' - . ----- . . 1 . Give me a healthy mind, gooa wru, s To keen the good and pure in eigUV Which seeing Bin to not appalled, . But finds a way to aet it right. - . Give me a mind that ia not bored, . .That doe. not whimper, .whin or Don'ffet'ma worry overmuch ' ' About the fussy thing called L- y-. ; . ..... A' hnmAt X jfiTn. . Give me the grace to see a Joke. i