TWE NEWS-RECORD PRICE A TEAK the NEWS-RECORD BOTH A YEAR FOR VOI XXI - i:t.i'r. i i I ' ll I - .1 .v I ' I I vi r i i i i i i i ii i jo COUNTY RECORD 8,. 1901. NEWS iablished May 16, 1907. " Coniolidatad November 2, 1911 MADISON ErtaM a J. HENRY ROBERTS SUES FOR $50,000 CLAIMS DAMAGES FOR ALIEN ATION OF WIFE'S AFFECTIONS The following article ap peared in the Illinois State Register, Springfield, 111., May 27, and below Mr. Roberta ex plains his case. nDiir.r.iT NAMED IN DAMAGE SUIT AT CARL1NVILLE f a Sued For Fifty ' Thou.and In Marriaga Tangle Carlinville, May m 27. Charging alienation of the affections of his wife. J. Henry Roberts, now of De troit today filed suit in the June ierm of the Macoupin county circuit court against C. A. Steinmeyer, lo cal druggist. Dm""" i5o0b'X are asked in the bill. Mrs. Roberts ?s now married to Mr. Steinmeyer Mr and Mrs. Roberts formerly lw . .a.. ur.o Two vears ago she started divorce proceedings. He filld a cross bill, naming Steinmeyer as correspondent. The divorce was a L Jndire E. S. Smith on Irounl oyf A Roberts then i new trial, the motion being denied. Appeal was not taken. Steinmeyer's former wife ww granted a divorce by Judge F. W. Rurton here last year. Last tau Stanmeyer and Mrs. Roberts were Roberts' was employed as conductor by the HHnois Taction here. He is represented in the suit hv attorneys J, linville and Springfield. Mr. Robert.' veraiom ir i. 4-. malfA trie . w,Bn. ";:., to the above statement in j v " rt,a Tlllnols article as published by .the Jl Unou State Register, Spnngfield, HL. t om the oldest child Of (Unit and Alice M. .Roberta oi mj V Z : n a- T Girl Works Road Mars Hill, N. C, June 14,1927 Dear Mr. Story : ;. ' - . i m writinflr a few lines which. I want you to put in the paper. If 1 do notVget it in readable icfm please adjust it for me. Here e.; I carry ine mu - ---- and Mr. J. W. AmmonS is one of my . Voow rains recently STthe road that passe, hi. place leaving it in an nv -- abie conaiuou. : j by herseu, a qibmi";b - - . r nnfMnr it in Kood condi- Son. If every man in Madison County mile orroadeVch instead of fussing at tiie road officials, I think it wontf make a wonderful improvement on tne roads. Men of the county, we ought to be ashamed of ourselves to evenletagirlworKtnDerDERg jyifrlpiui v i NKWSPA PER' PUUL1SHED IN MADISON COUNTY ma?cUa.i M r. FRIDAY. JUNE 17, 1927 SUCKING SAtff R0M RIVER BOTTOMS T MARSHALL CIRCULATION-1925 ANNOUNCEMENT The annual session of the French ln? c... Rchool Conven- oar"wTth Chanel Hill &srchurch July 30-31, 1927. MARS HILL BONDS SOLD H. Murphy oi ar- John G. Frewmeye oi following RICHES Mr J. A. Hendricks returned from Mars Hill Wednesday, where he re WaI! till m Hill Ald the $90,000 Water bonds to I & Wilson of Asheville at par, e per cent The same firm was also awarded the contract to install the gravity water system. These transactions were conditional on an approving legal o pinion. Work will commence as soon as tavorame legai up"" - ----ed, which is hoped to be within the net week or ten days. CHRIST'S SECOND COMING BUSINESS OF MARSHALL SAND COMPANY rKUJrLRuuj (EDITORIAL) ; T; It is quite likely that not many peo ple even in Marshall Know w u a business as sucking sand from, the bottom of the rTencn dtou imt goin on at Marshau .no. nas it is done, one should visit the opera tion near the power house at Bedrtoft. It is not a long waiK irom at. tint railroad, or one could drive to the railroad under-ground crossmg near the dam ana wbik dc. irV two or three hundred yards. There you wouia nnu mense steam shovel lifting the aand around after it nas Deen arw iu. Tha shovel is used also LUC ii"-1' - . lnaliriir the cars. rv j tVio river 18 a covered ure nniDDed with machiney driven by , powerful electric motor. A six-inch. pipe is laia aiong on ,,l Iv shore through the barge and into the water on the other side. The end ol the pipe projecting into inewami made movable Dy a irs" nection. Through this pipe, water and sand are sucked and forced a shore where the water and sand are t-A Mr. Paul Frisby has charge of the Mr. Sam Almon, formerly of Hot Springs now at Ashe ville, operates the steam shovel, while Leslie Tweed, son of Mr. and Mrs. J, r rv,A ottonrls to the separator. The business is owned by the Marshall principal stock holders. The present equipment, we uuun- stood from those in charge, has a capacity of about a carload oi sana an hour, aboui om cudic yuruo iu.i..s an average carload. New macninerj is now on the grouna ior enmrsuiis the capacity of the plant. Asking what the sand was used for, we were surprised to learn that so much of it is used for a purpose naraiy niuuguv of by the average person. We have oon milrnnrl nnirineers pour a little ...j nn tVia trnck in front of the rwheels to keen them from slipping, but had never tnougni oi ito i4"" " 5 i. ,ani tnr this nuroose. Would you believe that to Asneviue I ,f ..nd a waak are alup- pped for this purpose. For the same hpnrpose six canuoua ...rt - JCnoxville and six to Chattanooga. Of -course, we khuw r. mount or sana is useu m work and there is hardly any end to the need of sand for may purposes. Ii nno wmiM think that a carload of from the bottom of tha French Broad River would soon .exhaust the . supply, but it does noi. iAcrossthe river just uera. bheration is stationea is dSm creating power for the power. Cil x a tv, orotpr nours over this 5m ihe sand in it settles to the bot- tola of the river, merciu., SS of the rvier, there ore serv s twt) purposes: in auuiLiv.. - -sahd itself hvaing commercial value 5???L . riv.r from fillinar up and fcnce affords more water power for there are some things of value, Life bestows Riches of spirit and the tints of grace Which lift a man above the common place, And make him long remembered when he goes. A good name is beyond the rage of foes. And past the powers of gossip to de- base He has achieved who, through the years can trace The fair esteem of everyone he knows Success lies not alone in wealth or fame, 'Tis in a neighbor's love and friend ship true. . A humble garden may as truly claim God's morning sunshine and the even ing dew, Peace and rich memories with lite s sunset fall To him who has been gentle through ita11- . t Edgar A. Guest. SPORT COLUMN "By COLY" EXTENT OF DAMAGE BY FLOOD NOT KNOWN tii, Mmmtair,. beine one of tTialtamiv do raise Uiavn " These people cer- ! tle Pine, P. q. . . t itr r Mollie ' Lee' . januir . w; -N- c' 1906, and re- ro ---- ; 1. .. in Mirshail till Feb.. j-..-!.-,. Vathleen. was b position Electric 1909. A 1 . ' Vofh Aflfl. WHN UU1U -'" 23? 1908. I accepted a 5ii! i. Tiiinni Traction ' r in the train service, as a hrakeman on 'freight Snrinrfeld, I1L a n extra trains at I was promoted to .r.i, Feb. iwio, . t..m np- . 1 mmi if nsLHHeuicci vac... - ween8 Stf? $ fffl tne ..- -1Q2R. kililnK four lon lrl" rman instantly. passes ..-"--- later anTone lady ed about U months later About 15 were m the hospi ta L I was about 16 months recov ering. The family and I moved to CarHnville Feb. 1M1 and there mm--sjj mv home and lamuy were broken up by one C. A. Stein- Mrs. Roberts started divorce pro ceedings Dec.. 1925. I cross-fiUd win mnlrn her stand trial, ner A" cfair.mAver correspond divorce, on newiy.. UUJy"""" ; . . the late Mr, Thomas Rinoker,,, and I nderstooa Judge Smith to say-we won the cr9 biU.Ve "Jj idence and got motion for a new trial and thia evidence Puu, Judge Smith again denied e, April 19Steinmeyer's former wife began di voe proceeding. Oct 1925. , f..v.. rroRnnndent. after way. wn overTormer Mrs. ftejnmey ?SyfooW The former Stetamey ere divorce case came up the 8th aay SfoS926 she securing her divorce andmiiden name and and dollar. Oct., 11. MV-J SeptJ term V court, and not in the June 'eQurUr;-fe' ''J. A Madison County boy,, u J. HENBY ROBERTS, i .,. ; , Detroit, Michigan. . . TELEGRAM 520 PJy.t :'r -' ; FEET" LONG IR'p ?t .'..-;:;' i UNDTS 1 8,200 J ' A iatck of 52,000 lalagrani; .--jTL CharUa A. Und- - w dalWarad t. tfca wkif Wo to. tK. .autfM, wn?.- preached in all the world, for a wlwajlthe RameVs moiher, MARSHALL JAKES l.t OF SERIES FROM HOT SfKlNUS Last Saturday afternoon on the Hoi; Springs diamond, Marshall ae feated the Hot Springs nine 7 S. This is the first game this year when Hot Snrines and Marshall met, ana the game was hard fought. Fowler, for Hot springs, was mi iiru, Parris was put in, but due to a sprain H nnlflp. couldn't stay in the box, then Runnion was put in, but as the Marsnau ui WnHhinirton. D. C. The worst of the flood in the Mississippi Valley if now over and the residents oi jnow nriannn feel secure asrainst the dan gers that threatened a few weeks ago according to information received from Charles F. buck, uepuiy 01 Supreme Council in Louisiana. R. nroora nf the river have aub- 1UC " " " , sided and it is felt .that the worst i? over, he writes. There has not Doeo at any time a drop of river water on the east bank of the Missippi Rivr, except at the crevasse humanly made at Caernarvon, some twenty nmea u low this city. The great damage to Louisiana arises from the breaks in several levees in the northeast portion of the state, on the west bank of the river, which has caused the flooding of the Tensas Basin, the Teche and Atchafalaya Districts, inundating mil lions of acres of the richest and most fertile soil in the Stat eof Louisiana, and causing misery and suffering to ii a tVinimnnHii of the peo- pie, and at present the extent of the damage is not known. The National American Red Cross, he continues, is thoroughly organized and doing wonderful work for the relief nf the sufferers. The Masonic Relief Committee is likewise mwv ughly organized, and working, thru the Grand Master of the State of Louisiana, with committees composed of Blue Lodge and Scottish Rite Ma sons, in the stricken area. It is at 4. i,caiv,ip tn estimate tne damage that has been done, or to fore and and parsoaa. Exchaafv. By putting four acre of land un der an overhead ' irrigation iystem. Harry Shriver of New Bern nd. that he can grow successfully three or four crops per year regardlesi of rainfall. ; '. t somnd nomine of Christ seems to be the center ot Wtction' abore almost every other WBV; ble today, and strange ttf .say', f olki in general seem to knor less about Vt than the other subjects of the Bible so commonly discussed among J;ne people of this age. The Teason of so flAnfuoinn nun misuiiuotDuuiu- 1I1UVI1 , m ing of the Biple today is Decause w the human construction piacea on the word of God. Ana tne genorai idea among the folks now is that ev ery man has his own right to his own way of thinking and a right to his own opinion. Peter tells us m the Word of Uoa tnat tne scnptuicD r,n nrivnte interDretation. Here is where the whole world, almost, has made the greatest mistaKe, ana nas tone into almost total darkness. Poo- pie say ii you inmn a tnuig u nR then it is right, and you will be saved on believing the same. Ican t see anything in the Word of God to bear this idea up. I know the Bible says, As a man thinketh in h heart so is he, and this means if you or 1 think evil in our neans we w are righteous, for no man, could have ar erighteous, for no mad conldhave a good thought in life without God would help him. My text, Be ye also patient ; stablish your hearts ; for the coming of the LORD draweth nigh Jas. 6:8. No man is eafe -in setting a day or hour in which Jesus will make his second appearing, as some have already unwisely, done.'J We can safely say accordingly aswe aee the signs of the times being fulfilled and according to the language f the text, that the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. Jesue said that, no man knows the day nor the hour, no, not the an gels of heaven, but W Father only. So if someone comes unB ut.j f . nrtin time when Jesus will fcome yon may well mark him down t a false teacher, a ; wolf - in sheep s clothing, jesus : , . ,11 parable of tne nj, ."'T branches are yet tender ' Wnd putteth forth leaves yon know" thafejrammer la night; then says Ukewta& JSfoen we see ail these things wi foow . the end of time, and His febmiHg W mgh, even at the door. - What is he talking about us seeing? v He; is talking about ns seeing the things ne wameu m He saya, And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wanr see that ye be not troubled ; ; for all 'these ings must come to pass, but the end. V not yet For nation ? shaJV kgajnrt nation, and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines, and pest ilences, and earthquakes - in divers places. All these are, the; beginning of sorrows Matthew ?4?6-8. v Dear Christian, let me exhort you; to the language of the text ; ' BOe lso pa tient; stablish your nearto; for .the n. A the Lord draweth' nigh. And watch therefore ; '.for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come u.m 9 a .A9 . Therefore oe y aiso ready; for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man eometh 'Vs.. 41. Not knowing the day nor the honr In which Christ will come it Will pay.ev- tn ha readv fOf RlS coming. When will he come or what must at last have to take place before the Christ will come? Answer: And this ..tvo! if the kingdom shall - be VBf ., V" - - v v ness unto all nations; ana tnen bdw .."Caldwell, and the at the end come matt, a u :t. of Mr. and Mrs. shall take place at His coming 1 rf V " Rame v Mr. Ram- resurection first. What class f fTOritt.llow.y folks shall come forth then? Ail ey f He took the saw that are in the grave, not just the o. of Wyn 8 house and righteous alone as you nave .e rAH the family in the second day. taught by millenium teachers. Mar- "joved the J amu y n vel not at this; for the hour ,s coming JJX?cUot& which in which all that are m tne grave piemmons. hear His voice, and shall come forth J .bad been built Dy mr. ou they that have done good, unto -the 3 ii v,o that have 1 - - T7 resurrection i .""v Yf- ' - r,- " - :. done evil, unt jne msu. damnation. I here see i . r4 tnaAnla era tfi atfthe same hour and this includes all I that are in the grave and there is, but just these two classes oi peopie , and if only these two classes of pep- pie and they mciuae an mat are n uarver jjiuuhcu a o ----- --- Marshall. An unassisted double play by C. Redmon at first base featured. Our regular first baseman, Ramsey, was called to a government hospital about 3 hours before this game. REVIV ... . i, llr n ST. grve, there is no need of anoth- May; - SrTY1f T.HITll LI1CLC i I flCl V business men of the Town, ah urged to be present at this service. Seats wil be reserved, and a special message will be delivered at this hour. SUNDAY There will be three services Sunday 11 a m 3-nn nd 8:00 P. M. The A roaiirrootinri AH Cl iV.W. will be. When will this resurrection take nlace? This resurrection win take place at the last day. Read St. John 6:39, 40; Kt. jonn xi;c. xw-y will arise at the last trump. . Keac 1st Cor. 15:51-53. If all tnat are in the grave shall come forth at the same hour at the last day when the last trumpet shall sound what need have we with another resurrection "-"j will be on the or- wil he no one to resur- afternoon service wiu ect' And ibes des, the present earth der of a "lass mee"; avch' " win beAdestroyed.' Read 2nd Peter He-ley who , doing MARS HILL TAKES ONE- SIDED GAME FROM WALNUT Mars Hill took a "runnin' fit last Saturday at Walnut and took a one from Walnut to the tune 0f 14-4. It was the general opinion of: the porti fans w.WF" bT get the names of the pitchers used in this game, " . -" LEAGUE STANDING Madison County League Team: MARSHALL Mars Hill Hot Springs Walnut; W L Pet. 4 1 800 4 1 800 2 4 834 ..1 5 167 MARS HILL ROMPS ON THREE WALNUT PITCHERS FOR A 14-4 VICTORY W. E. McFALL, Box 86, Hot Springs, N. C. T. 0. anT Rev. M:! S would like" to have as many o tn place le for a millenium. .VSfZZSS to have : those whom he has led to .Christ in ' other churches during his ministry in : this section. Special music LIVING IN HOUSE STARTED DAY 0ne of the features f oi - this service BEFORE Mr. Hensley will deliver a messag e appropriate for the occasion. The At Luck in Madison County this public are cordially . nvv todtoj attend week, we found a family living in a the semces which are bn? house which had been built from the each morning at 10.00, ana eve foundation up in about one day. It at 8:00. - Mora Hill and Walnut staged their initial battle in the Madison County loop at Walnut Saturday. Tko frame was featured by the hit ting of Snelson for Walnut, and the hard hitting oi tne enme iu "... team. The box score and summary XIIIIImx VTTJ if REV. SAMUEL T. HENSLEY CALLS MASS MEETING - " OF His ConvcrU ; , SUNDAY JUNE 19, :- -At 3:03 O'CIock REORGANIZATION OF MARSHALL BASEBALL TEAM rffi Jit a meeting: held hi Marshall, N. . CL. In the office otDr; W-.A Sains. 1 thaseMlt5ten ttetowft pt MaYshalira member tf the maaiBoa County League, members of the team present-Bill Haynie, Herman Red mon, Fred Deal, Colman Caldwell, Frei Sprinkle, Charlie .. Tipton, Wal don Roberts, Ralph Carver, Ollie Ramsey, Wiley Mcrione. On motion oi oi , ed by "Tommy" Roberts, the place of Manager, now held by Mr. Mc- a.i. was declarer vacn'. ".- " 1 that a copy of this be to McMullan and Mr. Whitehurst. A -ile was taken ana every ubiu pieoent vote aye for the motion. The question of a new Manager . j:.nii..aH DTII 'hen tnoroug-m.v ui-.vus.ooj., -notion by Colman Caldwell, sec ed by "Red" Tipton, C or C. i-.r.on was elected Manager of the notice is to be given Mr. AB 5 . 6 . 5 . 6 6 E ..1 ... 0 .2 .4.-2 R H ...23 .11 2-.2 3 13.0 5 220 5 12- 0 5 221 5 010 J. 47 14206 AB 5 5 6 R 0 0. H E 0.0 .01 120 B 110 6 140 6 00 4 000 4 000 4 1 0 0 Mars Hill Miller, c Bruce, K., lb Sams, 2b Bruce, P., ss. Jarvis, p. Haney, rf. Ramsey, O., cf. Ramsey, J., 3b. Ball, If. Total Walnut McDevitt, O., 3b. McDevitt, T., ss. McDevitt, C, lb. Hutchjns, c. Snelson, cf. Thomas, rf. Davis, p. Chandler c 8 b. McDevitt, F., If. Totals 42 4-71 Score by innings: ; Mars Hill 1 0 7 2 12 1 0 014 Walnut 0 0 0 0 0 10 2 14 ., Home runs Sams, Bruce, K. Bruce, P., and Miller. Three-oase nn Ramsey, J. Two-base httsBroee, P., Snelson, Haney, MiUer, 2, Hutch ins. Stolen bases rMcDevitt, F, Double plays Bruce to Bruce to MU ler McDevitt to Chandler to McDev itt. Struck out by Jarvis, 13; by Da vis. 3. Bases on balls, off Jarvis, 8; off Davis, Z. on u Hill, 5 , Walnut, 10.- Game called at S:S0 P.'. M. Urftpires reane w Goldsmith. , BULL ; CREEK defeats j um-- JFORNIA CREEK wwb. nn rvv ilafeated California C. ! n.nwi nn th Mars Hill Th rame was closely play' d. an I is weir- wro t'" tt7 W.v tha Knit from Bull Creek, but til a took next 2. G. Merrell hnth tha -winninr irames. ' C Brigg waa on 2nd base, resting him self f or.Carolina again next Saturday. ma hnma tuna were knocked; on i n.w..tiBi kt T. Metcalf and A. Tlawk'ne ended 1-8 for Bull Creek, JhiU Creek won-7 ; loewi. v." cr or team, rtno VT1 'cthu'-'t, Secretary oi tne Leagut, and" Dr. J. H. Hutchins, President of t t ot;gue, and the request that Mr. Ucllulan go and settle up with Mr. Whitehurst, and turn over such prpp c 3 he may have in his po?-p" on such as Bails. Gloves, Breast Pro tectors, Shin Guards, and all Para-T--nalia he now has which belongs to the team. M Ordered, signed and put into effect th's date, June 9, 1927. - a-t.f A FEW MUMtn la WITH THE IM MORTALS The place to take the true r-.easure of a man is not m tne orai i or in the amen corner, nor the com fie'd, mt by his own fireside. There he lays aside his mask and you mty le-rr. whether he is an imp or an an gel, cur or king, hero or humbug.I care not what the world says of him, whether it crowns his boss, or him with bad eggs. I care a ioti a cop per what his reputation or his religion maybe. If his babies dread Jus homecoming, and his better-half swal lows her heart every Jintf ask him for a five-dollar bill, he is fraud of the first order, even thongh he prays night and morning n,il M. i. black in the face, ad howls hallelu jah until he shakes the eternal hilta. But if hi. children run to the front door to meet mm, illuminates the face of his wife every time ahe-hear. "his footfall, Twna take it for granted that he is pure, for his home is a heaven. The hum hug never gets that near the great white throne of God. I can fonpve much in that fellow mortal who would rather make men swear than-women weep; who would rather have the hate of the whole wono. h u of his wife; wno wouia v anger to tte eyes of a king than fear ?the face of achild.-W. C. Brann in "The Measure of a Man.. - -Mrs. Henry M. Middleton of Warsaw- in Duplin County won second orixe in the southern garden wntest conducted by the Southern Rnrat . fi.(- u rear. Hn. Midd.e- v. v. ton was awarded a" cash prize of $ J

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