. - THEINEVV SIXTH PAGE THEN EW 3-RECORD Marshall, N. C., ; Sept. 2, 1927 Wait YOU'LL want to own the new Ford be cause of its speed, pick-up, comfort, safety, stamina and because it is such a good look ing car. There's a bit of the Euro pean touch in the smart, low, trim lines of the new FORD Service Motor Co. MARSHALL, N. C. for the MEW FORD From LITTLE PINE JOHNSON LUNSFORD A very quiet wedding was that of Miss Neta Lunsford and Mr. Harr:e Johnson which took place on Little Pine, Saturday afternoon, August 27, Coming up the road near Kalamazoo in a wagon the wheels kept rolling while the ceremony was being per formed by Rev. Mr. Jessie Watts. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Kie Luns ford. She is a very attractive girl and the father of the bride, Mr. Bird Mes has many friends. Those present were the father of the bride, Mr. Bird Mes ser, has many friends. Those present were the father of the bride, Mr. Bird Messer, Miss Emma Gooms. Th?ir many friends wish for them all the happiness and success possible in this life. Mr. Marvin Payne of Asheville call ed on Miss Bernice Whittemire Sun day afternoon. Mr. Ezra Payne left for his home in Detroit Sunday night. We were all sorry to see him leave. Mrs. William Boyd spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Payne.. Mr. Ashell Roberts was the guest of Miss Daisy Payne Sunday after noon. Messrs Robert Freeman and Ray it I Dreaded Aches, PAINS - Disappeared Strang Payne were the guests of Mr. Robert Payne Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Payne took din ner with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Riddles Sunday. Miss Vergie Payne took dinner with Miss Bernice Whittemore Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Garrison Rector motored to Marion Sunday. Mr. Herman Goforth of West Ashe vile had the misfortune of getting his wrist thrown out of place Satur day. Mr. Clemont Ball of Bear Creek, was on Little Pine Monday morning. Messrs Marvin Payne and Ashell Roberts, of Asheville, are visiting friends on Little Pine for a few day?. From ROUTE S. MARSHALL, N. C Mrs. Mary Parker and her husband Mr. Johnnie "Parker, from Springport, Indiana, returned to Mrs. Hannah Dockery's home Saturday, after vis itig relatives and friends- at Marion, N. C, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Parker, and Mrs. Hannah Dockery took din ner with Mr. and Mrs. Berry Redmort. Mrs. Parker was glad to be at Mr. Redmon's because it was her old home place. While visiting there, they took a two-horse buggy ride ov er to see Uncle Rob Freeman. They enjoyed their visit there. They found Uncle Rob not very strong. Mrs. Hannah Dockery, Mr. J. Henry Rob erts, Mrs. Tilda Redmon and Mrs. Ma ry Parker were once school friends. Mrs. Parker was Miss Mary Payne be fore she was married. Mr. and Mrs. Parker are returning home Monday. Their many friends reeret to see khem go hmoe so soon. From RICE COVE Mrs. Linda Coke Monday. Miss Susie Cooke spent Sunday night with her aunt, Mrs. Frona Mit chell, of Allenstand. Mr. Dawl Wilson is expected to visit this place soon. . Mrs. John Gosnell was the guest of her mother, Mrs. Linda Cooke Sun day. Mrs. Dana Capps visited her moth er, Mrs. Mary Tweed Sunday. Messrs Enoch, Isaac and Dallas Gunter took dinner with Mr. Boy Thomas Saturday. Mr. Charlie Gunter was the guest of Mr. George Cooke Saturday. Mr. Lattie Barnett, of Asheville, was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Cooke Sunday. Mr. Worley Tweed is working for the Gilbert Lumber Co. at present. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Cooke and little son, Junior, visited his parents Sunday. Miss Nadine Cooke spent Sunday night with her sister at Allenstand. Mrs. Green Thomas and daughter. Edna, who have been seriously ill we reported better at present. Mrs. Warner Gahagan spent Tues day night with Miss Carrie Gilbert in Brigmon Hollow. Miss Susie Cooke is planning on attending the auto race at Newport, Tenessee, September 4th. nett's room had their names on the Honor Roll for the month ending Au gust 26 : Pattie Eke, Eldridge Leake, Leo Roberts, Aubrey Kamsey, Kosa Lee Wallln, Helen Leake, Viola Mc Devitt, Belva Wallin, Artie Norton and Agnes Stanton. Pattie Rice is Secretary of the Re vere Parent-Teacher Association. Mr. and Miss Cornelius McDevitt visited Miss Alice Osborn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. C Burnett Mon day night. Charles Albert Boss has rone to spent a few days with his grand father. Mr. and Mrs. Jeter Ramsey went to Middle Laurel to the Fifth Sunday Meeting. They reported a nice time. Miss Margaret Leake took dinner with Miss Nora Norton Sunday. From BLUFF (Too late for last week.) Mr. Ky Norris and little Miss Cul ibertson and Neil Culbertson made a trip to Hot Springs Monday on busi ness. Mr. Robert Norris called on Mr. and Mrs. Ky Norris Tuesday. Miss Joe Culbertson spent a weok with her uncle. Miss Daisy Caldwel and Miss Icey Wilbitt went walking Sunday. Mrs. D. H. Culbertson is on the sick list this week. Hope she has a speed y recovery. Mr. Dayton Riddle and Miss Joe Culbertson visited his sister, Mrs. Nellie Duckett Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lusk called on Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Culbertson Sun day. From RIVER ROUGE, MICH. (Too late for last week.) Work is very dull here yet. Hope for better times in the near future. Mr. and Jesse Baker and Mr. Stock- ley Roberts have returned home aft er a visit with friends on Big fine and Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burkhard and Mrs. Attie Reese took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Emory Wild Sun day. Mrs. Marion Lunsford of Big Pine who is visiting her son here called on Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Wild and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Treadway Sunday. Mrs. Canard Baker returned home Tuesday after visiting friends on Big fine tor the past three weeks. Mr. Hal Wild came home Monday. He was called home on account of h;s mother's death, Mrs. T. J. Wild. Mr. Howard and Louis Wild are ex pected to return to River Rouge the first of September. Miss Eula Davis is still visiting her Drotner ana sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ode Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Wild came .home Saturday after a nice trip to Niagara rails. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Askew were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Treadway Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Burlen Clemens were , visiting friends in Ecorse or River Rouge Sunday. im.i- ;fi vflfl 1 "'"'"""'r ' " "P 23SSl3HilS3 m ' MADE IN THE CAROLINA S From BLUFF Miss Eva Worley was the dinner guest of Miss Violet Russell, Sunday. Mrs. V. C. Haynes and daughter, Miss Pinnie Haynes took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Homer Kirkpatrick Sunday. Mr. Hamer Kirkpatrick gave a watermelon slicing Friday night. Miss Violet Russell had as her guests Sunday evening: Misses Eva and Vernie Worley, Joy . , Willett, Messrs Ermin Payne and Glenn Riddle. From California Creek (Too late for last week.) Mr. J. A. Buckner is still improving very fast. Miss Mae Buckner and her niece and nephew, Miss Tennie and Bryan L s rhanHi-,.. o ui. ,.,;. 4.. (Tennessee w......u.w u fiaoawv visit tu UlCJr COUS ins, at Fosters Creek. Mrs. B. P. Sexton and Mrs. Enoch Thomas spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Thomas. Mrs. Pansy Davis and daughter spent Monday night with her daugh ter, Mrs. Floyd Barrett. Mrs. JM. L. Carter SDent Satnr.W with her sister, Miss Sarah Fisher, at Mars Hill. From SCOT TOWN ter, but in word, ye are full of raven ing and wickedness. I'd rather walk humbly with ms' God, serve Him and have the peace, joy and satisfaction, the peace that passeth understanding, and be in great need, than to be without God in the world with all the pride of life, pomp and splendor and wealth thit the world affords. Are you with me, or are you one that f ollews after pride and vainglory? One that helps make manifest a rejected people by weariner-Jbobbed hair, being.disobedi- lent to God in breaking His laws in stead of wearing your hair that God has given you for a glory. Read what God says in His Word. Jeremiah 7:23-29. But this thing, commanded, I them, saying, obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people, and walk ye in all the ways (hat I have commanded you, that it Mrs. Pollie Chandler is very ill at ,this writing. Mrs. Mitchell Gosnell was the gue3t of hpr mother. Mrs. Scot Chandler. . . I 1 II A 1 1. il 1 1. Juda Wallin Of Sevierville, may De wen unto you, qui mey nearn- has been visiting her tn not, nor inclined their ear, but (grandparents. I walked in the counsels and m the miss riassie ieiterman, oi Alien-1 men neon, emu stand is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lu- wnt backward, and not forward, ther Bell Chandler. Since the day that your fathers Mr. Ernest Gosnell is very ill at came forth out of the land of Egypt, this writing. unto this day, I have even sent unto Mrs. Dollie Gosnell-spent Sunday vou aI1 my servants, the- prophets, night with her sister, Mrs. Sena ! daily rising up early and send-ng Chandler. them, yet they hearkened not unto Mrs. Lattie Barnett, of Asheville. me, nor inclined their ear, but hard was the guest of her mother Sunday, ened their neck: they did worse than Mr. Kinkie Landers was the euest "neir iatners. mereiore inou snait Mic xt;: d., , i.i Mr. AinKie janaers was me guest xcw.cia. .hcicj.uic onc.o nav her " eXpects -to of Mrs. Pollie Chandler, who is very speak all these words unto them, but fJttilA?Tn?aarns: '11 at this writing. they will not hearken tothee, thou What is a Diuretic? ing visit to Paint Fork while. in a short ARMY ON RUBBER BASIS "My health had been poor' S tor ten years, before I took e CardaV ' says Mrs. Anna i Cronin, of Rockport, lad. : T was K&iMBt and to accounf. t I dragged wmnxu& day, afterriS day, every move an effort; Tt being well ,.-'t'fi-v- .. At times, I had a dreadful ! aohe across ray back, and my .side hurt ma, - I worried i along, aometimea hardly able to leave my bed, but the de manda of a growing family i had to be attended to; eo I would get nv do what was J absolutely ' necessary, r , and 5 then lie down agua. y . "One day, someone suggest- Z ed Cardoi to me. I took it JJ! for "several months, and all i the time I r?as growing stronger," and . lees nervous. 2 My aches and pain nsau 1 disappeared. ; w , v. ; ? "That vw two years ago. ?. My imprbveir:cnt has been ' ; perpiartent. Ihe good health, which followed the taking of c-1 Cardui, is still with me, ao I i i do not hesitate to recommend ?" it to aw fries ia. - : U j iS ii all 'The people in this section are getting ready to make molasses. Mrs. Dora Martin is very ill at this writing. f Mist Minnie Mcintosh is staying with Mrs. Dora Martin. MtBfrs Albert and Fred Buckner were fie guests of their sister, Mrs. Martin Saturday eveninar. ' Mr. Harrison Buckner is ill at this writing." . . . .; - Mrs. Isabel Buckner was vffitinp rer aaugnter, Mrs. uora Martin Sun day.." .-,'...-.".. .-. , , Born to Mr. and Mrs. M. R .Martin a baby boy. -f yt':ji " Mrs. Dewey Franklin was the ruest of Mrs! Dora Martin Sunday. ' We were glad to have Miss1 Ollie Hendricks to attend Sunday School at Rice's Cove Sunday.: Mr - Mrs. Mandy Hunter was the finest of Mrs. Dora Martin Tuesday.; ; From BELVA REVERE SCHOOL NOTES f The Revere Parent-Teachers Asso ciation since its organization two years ago,, has accomplished verv much in the way of several improve ment; the house has been painted. TV last meeting resulted in the patron meeting on Aug. the 20th in whici several truck loads of shale . werr hauled and the front yard was fille' m to save" the boys and girls Iron- wading in the mud. . It is surely ap predated by alL . - J . Our School Committee has provk? ed us with new seats which wen much needed and both children an tpAhrfl lr V0rv tliATlkful. is visitinB-' her ' Revere school has now the larger daughter. Mrs. Edna Williams for a enrollment for years, starting out a few days. - , , -- , 105.: . a.iss "ary Tweed was the guest of The following pups in Sir. Ear-1 Mrs. Pollie Chandler is seriously ill at present. We all hope her a snee- dy recovery. .rv'-v .. -- Miss Viola Cooke took dinner with her aunt. Mrs. Mitchell Gosnell, Sun day; J.;: : v Mrs. Geortre Coke and little son Hillard, visited her mother Friday. . Miss foliie Uahagan visited her parents Sunday. , . '.--" Grandma Payne One Cant Feel Well When Kidneys Act Sluggishly. THE part played by the , kidneys and their impor tance to bodily health should be clearly understood. Slug- gish kidneys do not thoroughly -cleanse the blood of poisonous f. wastes. Such impurities are apt to make one dulL tired and :" achy with often - a nagging ., backache, . drowsy headaches :, and dizziness. A common warr.-;' , ' fat of imperfect, kidney actkia.1. b scanty or burning excretions. Doan't Pillm aid the kidneys in their eliminative work. - 9U,uvu users nave puDiiciy,,-. recommended Domn'a. AJt ,;i vour nmighborf f Stimulant Diormtie to thmOJnaya '' Uncle Sam has finally opened up his kind old heart and agreed to sun ply the boys in his army with rubber heeled shoes. He has been on the subject for some time and hns come to the conclusion that the new type of shoe will cost little more than the old type with leather heels. Man y of the men have been accustomed to putting rubber heels on their reg ular garrison shoes, but they had to stand the expense. This will be the first shoe so equipped issued by Un cle Sam. Th' Ole Grouch EVER TDVWI HAS IWflAOUS1, ' - CAU 0&L ttW HA9 ftMAfi ' P9ADUkiXefi9, BUT 1 UKB IT JEST TVf SAMS, AMD I ., :rowr expect k uhc mo piC eenwt uwrvut ser iting, THE PRIDE AND ABOMINA TION OF THIS DAY. shalt also call unto them, but they will not answer thee, but thou shalt their God, nor receiveth correction, say unto them, "This is a nation that obeyeth not the voice of the Lord ' truth is perished, and is cut off from Dear Christians: In your surround- X0'!! 2 XSfi ' dings so captivated with the power of l&JPf. c8st 14 ,?Wy' ,and te:e the wicked one that it is difficult for ?&9iJ&J you to serve God, jf so just look up e d nd. fo r8akel1 to God with all faith and serve Him ,the ' f neration . H,s th-, in spite of Satan and his power. Hear ! Who are the generation of ?, His God's Word, "Pride goeth before des-" wrathTIt is the ones that fail to keep truction and an haughty spirit before the; Word of GodJ Rev. 6:17. For a fall. Are you oppressed 'with thq Ka uay oivnis.wrawi is come cares of life, keeping the things so 8nd who shall be able td stand. , Ob, tidy and so on, unnecessary cares and yu may say God was speaking to pride, that you leave off taking time Pop way back in olden, times, to meditate on the goodness and care YSi but he is the same God yester of God and His service read and study dav- day d, forever, and deals God's Word, consider our fathers and Wlth the Pop'e w the same way spir mothers of old, how they lived close I w there is no variable- to God, didnt have so much prtdc, neitb shadow of turning. .' He but took time to serve God. went blessed -the, children' of Israel when about their work in love, one to an- they "were obedient,'; and punished other and love to God, lived in peace tnem when they disobeyed, so he does here, shouted and praised Gof and wlth 08 today read Rev, 22:7 v. lat,t had a peaceful hour in which to die. clause-r-Blessed is he that keepeth the Where are we spiritually? .; What "J""" 91 ln. propnecy of thurbook. are we i!o:ne? Woe unto voa Ser'h ..,,-' r Kespecwully. " i and Pharisees, hypocrites, ye make -K MRS. MINNIE MOXLEY. ciean me outside of the cup and plat- ; - " JriPt r o,. Pi. , , LI MAIL ORDER SERVICE Our Mail Order Department in charge of experts S is always at your command. These experts shop for nj you and use all possible good taste and judgment in 1 u making selections. , ' Why not give this service a trial ? ' We are always ready to open charge accounts with responsible , in parties and we pay postage. ' -; H 'y: c-xt- j-Tvoif tarf yw AIIIVILLE, C 'J. IT C IT IT '. r;C?TH CAROLINA in a:

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