Nov. 4, 1927 T H EN JEWS-RECORD FIFTH PAGET school. Marshall, N. C, rT,:';:...vV-:F'-IIIIIJI11, " V c Flour. 24 lb ; 95c - 25 lb Sack Sugar, $1.60 1 Irish Potatoes. 7 lbs 20c Cleanser, 3 cans 19c "Side Bacon 20c jFI A. Dodk6h & Co. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Wild a daughter, Oct. 81, Virginia Fay. MvtV am an1 Kali mva Arrt9 WaII. BOY YOlil SO OOS-SP HALLOWE'EN PARTY GIV EN IN HONOR SENIORS Friday night, October 28th, a par ty was given in honor of the Senior Class of Marshall High School. The party was given by Miss Mary Mor row and Mr. William Roberts, at the' home of MrVRoberta, from eight until eleven o'clock., Many game" were played and -fortunes were told. The party was well gotten up and every body found plenty of amusement, i. ' Refreshments that were served con sisted of fruit punch and cake. -v ! . Those -i present were: Seniors KMHMMWiMmMfiMMHMMf June Ramsey, Everett Tweed, Jr., i HIOHEY-WHERE YOU CAfJ GET THE f MOST FOR IT-l MEAIilQST VALUE. I l. - -jsk-r-ar rsr-fc-7tCNTT A T 5 HaTWest, Kaiph rnlllip, K. . Kam- f IAJJ AXJ JL IJT XLirVCTVJLI My, N. B. McDevitt, Vanda Davis ivm""""'"'"''"" - Mrs. A. C. Estes , and . little son, Earle, of Andrews,1 are visiting her mister, Mrs. H. L. Smith. Dr. and Mrs. Averjr have returned from Florida. Mr. and Mrs. T M. Hinkle, Miss Evelyn Hinkle and Master Bob Hink le went to Elittbethton, Tenn. Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. George. Meadows and 'Ann and George Meadows, Jr., were in Marshall Mondays Mr aid Mrs. -Ted Lance, Walter . and Mrv Catherine Lance were in ,Marfeall Tuesday. .-. Miss Katharine Davis stedent at Twsculum College, spent fast weefc ; d here at her home. wMfffMMfMfMMfl Evelyn Hinkle, Clyde 'Roberts, Daisy White, Ernest Everett Wil- spend a week, conducting a Mission liana Roberts, Mary Morrow, Vivian Study Class. All women of the Bap- Sams, Merle jSams, Clyne Rector, Bil tint rhnrch are invited and urged to lattend these lectures, which wUl be in teresting and instructive. . - s ' Hairoehings lnfaiid Near Marshall J JZTZ'&X t.ul. .. Items ToawUli M mI pilt t j M 5 Teasrae. Cline West, and ....MiwwiMwwiwMmtiiwiftiiifitwwiiwwwww'"' Frlsby. Others at the party- lie Redmon, Phillip Brintnall, Virginia Hendricks, Howell Wallin, Mrs. A. M. White, Grace Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Morrow. Dr. Glenn Bryan, now in the West Indies, has just returned to the West ; 'i;;l;ivfcLL Indie, after a three weeks' visit to SOPHOMORES (1TVF his'home at J. F. Bryan's. Mr. Bernard Reid made a trip to Valdese, N. C. last Friday. Mrs. Malissa Ramsey, who has been ill, is Improving now. Mrs. J. M. Wallin is planning to move to Greensville, Tenn., next week Mr. Van Deal was ill one day this (week. 1 Mrs. Cameron Dean and daugh ter, Miss Betty Ann, who have recent- Scripture ly returned from a trip to Indiana, rrayer, GOOD PROGRAM Last Friday morning, in the High School auditorium, the ninth grade or sophomores, gave a very interest ing program. Quite a few people from town attended this exercise. Below is the program: " 9TH GRADE PROGRAM Friday, October 28, 1927 Opening hymn No. 101 School i Carl Bryan Mr Kenneth Silver, a student at Wiwmihrtn Colleee. SPKht last week- k woelt -Mid in Green- Quartette 9th grade Af oniaera ville, S. C Playlet, -ua Wanda Robert,- Mary Weit, Bob Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McSherry and Hinkle, H. L. Tweed. Mrs. Samuel Ward of Asheville, spent . Mother Belle Hunter Tuesday afternoon at the home of Zilla Marguerite" ?Wallin Mr. and Mrs, W. a. Morrow, ana took chorus "Farewell". 9th graae A great many good peo ple are sending their money away to the mail order houses, and get ting ; JUNKor if any thing . better-then are paying more than they should. .- I will meet or undersell any price you can get from any .mail order house for like good and the other merchants in Marshall can . do the same. If this, then, be true,why send your money out of the County to firms that do nothing for the County. The merchants in Marshall are entitled to your patronage for they pay more than $5,000.00 each year in taxes to . help run the schools to educate your children, while the mail order houses do nothing and it's gone. Be fair with us as we will be with you, for we help in every public un dertaking both for the town and county, and can only continue to do so by having your sup port. .r If you can not buy your goods from me, then surely you can from some of the other mer chants here, thus keep ing your money at home. THtNK IT OVER- Resolve this day to nev er send another cent to the mail order houses. YOUR FRIEND, end wih "his parents ,Hr. and Mrs. A. S. Silver. : Mr. 'Clyde . Redrawn, of Tusculum College, Tenn., spttit last week-end -with iiis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Eedmon. JDr. F. Roberts and Mr. Guy V. . Roberts are spending this week at -Sduthport, N. G. hunting ducks. Friends of Mr. Beulah Tweed are ;glad to have him back from the 'Freneh BroaH Hospital where he un derwent an '-operation for mastoiditis. Miss Delia Huggins, of Mars Hill, will come to Marshall Sunday to s ss r e ' ;' We want your business. The Bank of French Broad Marshall, N. C. dmner fhere that evening. Miss JJary Guflger, Mrs. Guy V. Roberts and Mrs. Steve Roberts at tended the conference at the Central Methodist Church at Asheville Wed nesday.. Misses JtinB Tweed, Vivian and Merle Sams and Mary Morrow are all invited to spend the week-end in Asheville, as the guests of Misses Sarah and Louise Pritchard. Mrs. 'Garrisen Brown, sister of Mr. W. J. Farmer, is very ill at her home n Little Pine Creek. "Choral Club" Ifi Prices Always Ju st a New Masonic Building Little Lower Marshall, Sophomore Clau Organization ... tt rrr . 1 President n- iwe . ' ' . " mwmm .r-ir-uieA.AlElCAeVIClCeW ICAUIAUIAtCAICeninenlKAISem: Vice-Pres Thelma Tweeo LtCTCeV14eriaiaOlTO1" - The speakers were selected from. Sec'y.-Treas. Pianist Historian Joseph EadS Merle Sams Bob Hinkle Color Rainbow. Flower Sweet Pea. Motto "Esse Quam VideTi" Presented under the direction Mr. Yonce, Room Teacher. MISS EMMA TIPTON DEAD af Professor Yonce, of the Marshall High School faculty, left Wednesday for vCharlottesville, Va., in response to a telegram informing him of the critical illness of his twlfe, -who is in a hospital there. Mr. Lankford Story attended the play, "Broadway" in Asheville Wed nesday night. Mr, Harry Wednesday. HALLOWE'EN PARTY Leatherwood. Mr. Leatherwood read the first 11 verses of the 6th chapter of Luke and took as his text, "Launch out into the deep; let down your nets for a draught." The sermon created a great im- On Monday night Harry Lee and Fred Tweed gave a Hallowe'en party. It was enjoyed by all present. Many games were played, some being Wink and "Dates." After the games, re freshments were served consisting of pression upon all who were present. fruit punch and cakes. Those who The last half hour before dinner attended were : Zada White, Nell Dod was uged in a round table discussion son, Merle Sams, Minnie Rector, Reba 1 on Review of Past Year and Plans Ramsey, Sarah Brown, Daisy and An- for the Future, nie Worley, Grace Ramsey, Leonaji2:00 M. Dinner.. Served by Up Smith, Vivian Sams, Bernice Sprin- per Laurel people. 1:00 P. M. Music Upper Laurel Choir. Miss Emma Tipton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Tipton, passed a way Oct. 28, 1927. She was seriously ill with pneumonia three years ago june Tweed, Emerson Smith, Ev- tnis leaving ner lungs in a wean, cuu- erett rweea, naipn umuscj, j)v dition. She afterwards took T. B., Wallin, Bernard Coates, John Red this bein the cause of her death, mon, Bill Silver, Harry Lee and Fred She was a good girl and had many Tweed, Ralph Kedmon, bod ninKie, I(jeai8 and standards." friends; She was convened some Hal West, Howell Wallin, Hubert In stewardship R. L. Moore, time ago, but neglected duty and grew Worley, Claud Boyd, Lester Tweed, In Evangelization S. A. Bradley. cold.. About two weeks before she- McClellan Deaver, Hubert Edwards, Jn Religious Training Jesse Corn. Lee Tweed was sick died, being dissatisfied with her con-' Finley Ramsey, Warren Ramsey, Ed- j The topjc8 were ais0 discussed in The afternoon session was taken up with discussing "New Testament Mrs. John McElroy is substituting until they get Mother teacher in dition, she was reclaimed, telling ner mother she was all right Revr B. E. Guthrie of Walnut offic iated. He was assisted by Rev. Mr. Franks of South Carolina. The serv- THE REXALLITE "OL7T "NOV. 4, 1M7 NUMBER 19 ,3511; :"poea your wile pick all your suits?" Jim: o, just the pockets." -1 Smiling is .an art ot har to cultivate and boob leeemes 'a habit 4 ' , Some jfellows who used to drink .like fish, have to drink what the fish drintnow , , , r . - - One nice thing about having a home is that iti gives you a place to Wish you were away from. - Square people, not square miles, make a' great coun try. ' . . : . Any considerate motorist will give a woman half of the road if he knows which side she wants. ' i ' ; o Every motorist should J carry a We have them . ' -J J first aid package. a. ' - J ices were attended by a large host of friends. ' some being from Asheville and South Carolina. She was laid to rest at the Henderson Cemetery be side her sister, Rose; who passed away only a short time ago.' Surviving are her father and mother, four sisters, Lenda, Robbie, Sadie and Mrs. Julia Rjamsey; also two brothers, . Ralph and Monroe. MARSHALL PHARMACY The REXAI-L Store 4 U wlik .eleVat y REXALL Dreg St HALLOWE'EN PARTY Friday night, Miss Sarah Brown, Mary Knox and Reba, Ramsey gave Win Hector, ty ney ivciu, tt hhcim nion, John Worth McDevitt, James Story. Parents present were: Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Whitehurst, Mr. and Mrs. Luico Smith, Mrs. E. R. Tweed, and Mr. and Mrs. Fed Tweed. EMERGENCY HOSPI ; TALHERE - . There will be ah emergency hospi tal in Marshall in a very short time, according to reports. Drs. Roberta -and Ditmore will have charge of this hospital, and hope to open it either , Saturday or the first part of next. week.- The new hospital will consist ' of five rooms over the Marshall Phar general by Miss Delia Huggins. Adjourned until 9 :30 A. M., Sunday. i Sunday, October 30th Met according to adjournment. Sunday School mass meeting lesson taught tby Miss Delia Huggins, Demonstration program, under management of Grape Vine B. Y. P. U. the Association at larger B. Y. P. U. Address Fred Jervfet -Sermon Rev. R. D. Ponder. Text "All Are Yours." The message was clear and strong and was received with great interest by the workers who were present. The speaker called upon the Baptfaftr to take a greater interest in their denominational activities' Music Upper Lijurel Quartette. Dismission by Prayer Floyd Ponder. The next 5th Sunday Meeting7 wiE convene with Middle Fork church. L. J .AMMONS, Director. FRED JERVIS, Secretary.. From SPRING CREEK! There was a large crowd ; at the Flats of Spring Creek to attend the Sunday School Convention. Plenty IT dinner was there for all and thejr had some good singing and speakingc and everybody went away happy. Mr. Bossie Norris of Joe spent Saturday night with Mr. Cecil HayneKo at. this place. Mr. J. R. Henderson spent Sunday selling soft drinks and candies at the-rally. Rf2fL"L"ZT5 pelightful party. Many games i"-; " v"c v ",lm -were played and afteV the games re- Uen Beeded here for loa i H I IOTCMI ? cti i- i ri, v K 1.1 V I kill freshmenta were served,' consisting of cocoa and-eake. The party was enjoyed by all who attended. Thoa present were: .Mary Morrow June Tweed, VirginiaTHendricks, Viv ian Sams, Merle Sams, " Marguerite Wallin,' Nell Dodsoa, Nell Ramsey, Clem Rector," Evelyn Hinkle, . Vanda Davis, Bernice Sprinkle, Grace Ram. sey, Beatrice McDanieL Floyd Rich ardson, Avery BoydN. B. McDevitt, Jr., Carl Bryan, Zack Bryan, R. W. Ramsey, . Finley Ramsey, McClellan and will be quite an addition to the. town. FIFTH SUNDAY f MEETING HELD UPPER LAUREL BAPTIST Chare Satarday. Oct. t. 1927 i Opening Song, "When I Can Read. My Title Clear." Devotional Exercises were conduct- Dearer, John Redmon,' Connor Tweed ed under the management of J W. BUI Silver, M. Brown, Kenneth, SiW.wuJi . k 1 nrtni T. V L TT 11 TT7 t I ' fWwatBfAm . Ter, nuuui UHnif aiiwiu - Iln, Emerson Smith, Everett Tweed,' 0 Orgaalaatloa - . La, Z. ABBtM Bud Rector, Clyne Rector, Hal West ' ' :- A . . Interesting - minds . are, far rarer than pretty faces, probably because leeted Director for the coming year. The body recommended that the clerk of the association serve as secretary. Musical Service Upper Lao.' Choir. MCE! STOP! LOOK! ! price of sugar Has gone down .-j-r u v-' ".. ." -,' -r ... ' .- l. ?.? $6.20 PER HDNDRED Lbs. Lard, 8 Pqtitf ds; $ 1 0 L4Pauife ' V;.ve63 Good Grade of Flour - - : Sl.CO N All meats and "groceries priced I awbuiuiugit I f r i it: 1 1 I i if- I s Li i i : i Come traded Avith us and save i i-the difrcrence. J r J 1! ( they're lea In demand. , ; . ; (Introductory Sermon Est. f.i E

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