T?LltldiL,r.-i - (11105 3?fl.8 3 14 3 H T T " tfciwft!imfti!.a;.iiwa ,- ... ft . -ON county mf 010! jp -. stabllshed June 8 1901. fe " , PRICE A YEAR IJL- .UVi -1 - ? l - i- iiL 5 1 " IM-JT FRENCH BROAD NEWS Th PRi .RMER1 " Established May 16? 17. i,' Consolidated NonmW 2, 1911 S f !' THE NEWS-1 BOTH A Y: THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PfmuSHED IN MAPISON COUNTY mu aRfcULA i 1ON-200Q &:- VOL. XXI l MARSHALL, N. C, FRIDArr, NOVEMBER 1 1, 1927 HOMES FO HOMELESS CHILD "And whoo shall receive one such little child in my name received me." ThU from tit lip of tit Man of Galilee has been handed down through twenty! centuries and its significance will be recognised until the declara tion shall emanate from the port als of Heaven thatime shall be no. longer. It is a clarion call urth and protection of innocent childhood and Che.Nortlv Carolina Orphin As sociation pleads the cause of children bereft t nareafal care anrk tender sympathy of a mothers love. X,. Alio AHUviauuii agaiu vaua upvu every man and woman in the State to contribute on or near Thanksgiv- ing Day at least o tf e day's income to her choice 11 ""."' r or a aozen years a sim-i 11 1 1 n 1 J. and the generous gifts to the twenty five orphanages listed below have revealed the tender 'and practical sympathy which our people feel to ward the thousands .of fatherless children who are being trained in .... k . I ni aw AiflnaniiVitn ovtlrl ITlviflK- . . ... JZ dom. May the gifts of the approach- 1 mi i ni.An. . -...ii,, 1 creased interest in this worthy cause Few situations in life are more distressing than that of children with - out homes. No loss seems so grea as that of parental love. Bereavement inflicts its stroke with acutest anguish when it cuts all the! (lender , ties that bound the loving lives of father and mother to our devoted heart. Other sorrows, other losses, we may bear with fortitude. Other bereavements, even, seem not to fill our spirit .with, such bitter humiliation; for they come to us in after life, when we have somewhat learned to -bear the lessons of grief, and. when manhood or wo manhood has brought us increased power and endurance. ' Childhood, with all its ignorance, of worldly sorrows, and with all its frail ty of spirit,' is overwhelmed by tribu lation of being orphaned. The orphan, therefore, is entitled to peculiar sym pathy and protection. The child be reaved of its natural guardianship and left, in its innocency ana tears, to the tenderness, of n cold world be comes the, very symbol of defenseless affliction; and as such,. it should re ceive the protection of every-man's arm and the affection of every wo man's heart We have seen, perhaps, the actual exemplification of all uhe suffering home pictures. We remem- er the dark and tearful day of Burial. iWe seem again to seethe child with trange fear and fcrief , tvKning its ittle arms about its parent's neck, anfl covering with kisses the cold Ucheeks. We think , of the passionate outbursts of sorrow when the loved 1 form was borne away. a I jfhen more sad even than al) this, wa call to mind the long years of sbr- Toy, suffering and loneliness that iol loed. Maybe some of our own par snls were thus taken and are nowj a mng the sainted host ff Heaven. fSilrely, then, we .do qfi need to 'be 'coJpvincedby the col force of- aripi- rnanC no .Von? by1 the warmth fof ; gwing" rhetorio in order- to nduce urto leel lor ie woes, ana to relieve the privation of the orphans n our indstt J To this Association, ift the colemn c isideratiow that Gld Himself nai n ide especial pronjiles of projection p the oprhan, f rjfnds who will "stick; c ser than a irother." Friends who come, softly jJhen their eyes are feet and their hearts are. heavy and'be cme the Vehicle of Merc Trtith ni Astice, flashing frpm'tts centre! 110 rites of stocks or pageantry of lungs, risking the circuit .of the world Mth lip for the destitute and hono for At lowLvl.If ou can estimate! the Alue of thlife of a child bereft of tne blessings and comforts of 4 heme,' 4V)u can besrin to realize what it means i 0 enlist in the' movement to swell . j .x irvinV. AUr OTpBanago wreauxic. tt giving, ii yon xau t to experpne pleasure' and satisfaction outof ren dering the service suggested in this appeal you have failed to Catch the in spiration from the words of the Mas ter. "It la more blessed. to giVe than to receive," :i'Vt 'r'"--- 1 , In order that more adequate equip ment and support for our orphan homes may be provided we make jour rthe eaft appeal to The prince of business to give out of his abundance Jhe actual estima ted income of a day; The landlord and rjioney lender to to give one day's rent of his houses and lands, or one day's interest on his money; '. , The professional piail to give one day's earnings, specifying the day or taking the average flay; The salaried worker to give his 05 her salary for ft day; The day-Wborer with only pick-up jobs to devote some special aay w cause, genuity and devotion to set apart the work of a day; e bovs add arirls with no regular incolie to getfc job after school lours 6r orisome Saturday and give tHe pro ceedsto ftie orphans. , hi short, EVERYBODY, old find young, rich and poor, learned and il literate, to join in .this toly moye- l ment and thus tJvis the fatneilesi in their affliction. J V J V " -v r-y - m w. .0 nnn n tAA nrafts nrnt alhic ,0 give" the widest possible pubcity to this movement which is philanthro pic in purpose and Stata-wide in ex tent; we tall upon, all church leaders of all denominations to urge in thiir respective1 congregations' the giving of ' . . . . ... .ft r iphanages on or near r , Thanksgiving Very respectfully, M. L. Shipman, Stacey W. Wade, VtT A flraVintn J P Vnntio- John D. 1 v. Pn Iahl,ann M , T D.,vu;f rmf o Josephus Daniels, Publicity CJmt'ee. Lit of Orphnf A Superintandentt Baptist Orphanage Rev. M. L. Kes- ler, Thomasville. Methodist Orphanage Rey. A. S. Barnes, Raleigh. Presbyterian OrphanageJos. B. .Johnston, Barium Springs. Methodist Orphanages-Rev Chas A. Wood. Winston-Salem. Thompson OrphanageRev. W. H. Wheeler, Charlotte. Methodist Protestant Home E.; F. Allman, High Point. Christian. Orphanage Chas. D. Jobn-j ston, Elon College. : Oxford OrphanAsylum R. L. Brpwn Oxford. . " O Fellowi Home Chas. H. War ren, Goldsboro. Eleida -Orphanage Revj Lucius B. B. Compton, Asheville. Pythian Home J. W. Xnowles, Cay ton.' " Lj Children's Home Society J. J. Phoenix, Greensboro. i Nazareth Orphan Home Rev. W. H, McNairy, Crescent. j Falcon' Orphanage J. A. Culbreth, Falcon. Freerwill Baptist Home Rev. Cj G. Pope, Middlesex. ,- Nazareth Orphanage Rev. Geo. A. Woods; Nazareth, h- ,r , 4 JJduntain' Orphanage -h-Hubert s. Deathrige. Black Mountains . Grandfather Orphanage J. W. Hoi .mmh .ltillliwi' FIW Alexander Home plri. FAnie .harpe, Charlotte: Junior League Bab; Home; Mrs. . x. pansier, vnariou. Maxwell Orphanage J. E." Lancaster," Frankjin. ,- ' Wright Refuge Mrs, Octavia Evans, rTtorhsm." '' J ''''' ?'c Sain t ' ; Anrrs! jt Home Sister UJ fMcBrjde. .; r" ' -Memorial Industrial School" (Colflred) "1 Hyr. W. JPoihdexter, Winston- Oxford 'Orphanage7 dolored -Henry P. C!heabim, Oxford.'5' ' . Juniof Relief,Bome-Mrs.rC 14 Mo " Night, Winston-Salem. ' 1 ' ' ' ChUdlpladng lnstitntion. ' ' , From ALLANSTAND ... . u t-... 1 1 1 in- tf.'ir The school nt this place Is.prood of a new .'stove these'cooldays.; ' Little .Donald, and Arnold Uatagan wer putplag. with aCgun ind c wpnt off.and shot Arnold through, the ankle. - fie .was taken tothe hospital at "White Rock Sunday evening where 1.1 . mxu nuniv vuvddbbu - . .. ,Miss Morton was .very sicx 6atori dap and was'taken to the hospttal '' Little, Miss Loreti 'Hy'drtt very lonesome these 4aysL asMiss' Morton : JnTss Nellie' Gosnajf spent . Sunday sight, with hef. grandmother, W r' Miss Xeahl Shejtoh spent Saturday night wiQi her sister Mrs.' Olivtfr Cook Miss Mary jGosnell attended S. S. if" MRS. CECIL AND GOVERNORS TO OFFI CIALLY OPEN GREATFLOWERSHOW FLORAL DISPLAY V) 111 be the GREATEST EVER STAGED IN k SOUTHERN STATES. Asheville,' .,. N. 0, Soy. ning of theSc 10, The official opening Southeastern Flower Show, under the ausaices and direction of the Southeast Flor - u i.tkm.'wffllie olaee it 1K 1 m onntf m standard time, at Ken- ilworth InnAsh-Wfile, N. C, with a ceremony in which Mrs. John Fran- cia Amherst Cecil and the Governors of; North Carolina, South"Carolna i8erv delicious mear8 during the three the folks think that the County Com and Georgia will take part. Mrs. Cecil days that the Show is in progress. I missione'rs picked tax listers, who aft- at thafetime will cut Jthe Iribbon a- K :., M J .1 . i ki.. An. a cross me eiiuiaiicc iu mc .v" a tit- M.ri.- n.w. win accomp"y A- ernor of North uaroiiira,, on a tour or inspection of the exnihrts.. This c-reat floral exhibition, upon which enthusiastic and untiring wor- kers have fteen spending their time for mdnthl has grown jfar beyond the expectations of thi organizers. tibr, full fl xno mi. Tr 7m t vC. j tv of Kenilworth Inn, llCaUUUailCia iu' the Southeastern Jflpnst cenventum, .... t: I ' as wefl as one whold sectiln of the lawn and the terraces.. iThe Show will be divided into two irreat divisions' ,. - , i &uaaw-4Vv w vuivuiui'VU w iv v i. v. one devoted to cut flowers and the,; the finest form& garden, displays , other to a formal garden display, jeyer thrown open to the public. Other; The cut flower exhibit will be de-! attractions will be the minafure corated with trellises and southern modej gardens made by the sehool sjfiilax. Ibises with six foot stems,; children of Asheville and the color c&rysanthftnum8 with heads eight to ful exhibits of he Cherokee Indians.! ten and twelve inches across, cycla- i; On the night of Nov: 10th thej men plants- with fifteen, to twenty- Chrysanthemum rBall will begin at fiye blooms all these land more; nine o'clock. This will be a very beau will be sent in from different flor - ists of the Southeast And the flowers sent in will not be confined to the! Southeastern States alone. There will, be wonderful roses from, Illinois and, a beautiful array of orchids from;fashion show will be staged on the rtiew uneiuiB, new aivxiu kjiuiu an exhibit of cacti grotesque but at Allemstand Sunday. Miss Bonnie Payne made music on the piano for Miss Ellen Brazil and Mr. John Martin Monday. - Mr Roseo Gunter and .Miss Inez, and Wallace Chandler and Geneva! Gunter went to White Rock Sunday J " Mr. Enoch and B. G. Gunter have gone to Tennessee to hold a singing school. . . Those visiting Mr. Sim Chandler Sunday were Mr. Dallas and Oliver Gunter. . ' Elmer and Rosco Gunter and Miss Gladys, Gosnell M.iss Myrtle Gentry spent Sunday night with Gladys Gos- yyf ' MM ii 7r Jt.. f : "99 .if' attractive," and carnations from far off Denver. Great exhibits of ever greebfl and many more hardy plants will add to the beauty of (the occasion Plants, will range from "those grown on the southern border of Canada to tnose; ihatare indigenous to Florida. I Tht Swiss Villasre. a feature of the fowr Show, will be conducted by ; the"Asheville Clubhouse for Women, Utthiu- jnM, F.nwriht as General ,lmiWn Thi will h a uniaue arid .interesting Spot The ladies in charge j 0f r fa .deHghtful ' village 'will wear nicturesaue Swiss costumes, and will The'; entertainment will be provided - ' . . . . .. - .. , . - . Dy inq, ivimmey ocnooi vi xjuikuih 'i 1T 't. , . it.. iana win aaa mucn to tins pari, ui mo program. .. V Thedisplay of miniature gardens . , tof j; tno . show -and probably the greate8t ftt. ction of a ihe exhibitg wiu be the , formal den occupyinfr one whole flo j, f th r Th different d;g. .piayi Dy tne individual nonsts wm ..Jr... . - - ha.iMAnMaH ifrt aVt a f.o.f i.ra f.xrvy."' gg-den, Each display is being dis l kwucii, nacii uiopiajr is ucuig uio- tingUished only by the exhibitor's nnTnw Tho wlinl offpt nf t.M nr - m-f ia iifj v.Q t j tlfui affair and will be especially enjoyed ; by the ladies, as eaeh will receive a gorgeous chrysanthemum as a souvenir. As a fitting climax to this renjarkable program a great; i iwn uy vx uic juiivefiLiuii anu r luw- j er Show. nell, j Miss Geneva Gunter spent.. Saturn day night with Miss Inez Chandler. i Mr. Lester Chandler visited Mr. Sim Chandler Sunday night also Mr. i Rosco Gunter. CHICK'feN SUPPER There will be a chicken supper giv en by the P. T. A. of Mars- Hill, id the Oom OjVer the bank, Friday ee. ning, Nov. 11th, beginning at five o1 deck. Cone, get all you caft eat ixa SO cents, and also-help your, school, ...i ,1. r It REPRESENTATIVE TO CHAIRMAN BUCKNER'S LETTER - Referring to an article last week in the Madison County News-Record and the Asheville Citizen, entitled. WHAT $1.75 LEVY WOULD HAVE MEANT .TO THE FARMERS OF MADISON COUNTY Signed by Chairman W. G. Bucknor. It's not what it would have meant! It's what it would mean' nowl Here's what ifr would mean, that every tax payer in Madison County would keep BOc on every hundred dollars worth lof property assessed jn his pocket. Would mynfriend, Mr. Buckner have er siting tne oatn 01 oxnee u iisi A T TTO TT TTTT" VAT TTU TXT .iBMBM - tM - iir tts TWTTK VAT.iTM tm ! MONEY, iust nroceed to list with an idea jn their heads to confiscate $10,000.00 in money from the rail- road company and other incorpora- tionslto wve tt farmers. J 'Was that the idea your board had '"nQeI l"e aQ unaer -your oa:n, Mr. Buckner? Actually, Mr. Buckner, weren't you . .... , , ' . .;. Must lokmir the. farmii's ahnnt nnttirifl' " r i it on the railroad company, to save - j - ... .. , . hem' or did read the art,cle be" ifore si8nin rt? ! The Machinery Apt, under whicn property is listed, is not a mere joke. It's the law of the State of North Carolina, and the oath your listeners took or should have taken to list prop erty at its true value in money is a solemn oath. See the oath of a list taker Sec. 45, Machinery Act; also see Section 60. ft pepviaes thatgthe equalization Boarn (Tie Colnty Ojbm missioners) "Shall equalise the Val uation so that each tract or lot of land or article of personal property shall be entered on the tax list at its true value in money." f Then from the article, Ml Commis sioners, it looks like if you had been listing with the Intention of carrying out the law or legal frate of $1.7g property would have lopked moreval uable to you. It thai; the idea? 1 find tax payers scared! since the mis leading article appeared,' thinking from your article and "your rub-down explanations last Monday you are go ing to raise the assessments. -How could it be done? Ha(i the boarjl had a change of mind this fuick as to true value in money? No.ithe assessment for Madison County is not going -to be raised again this yfcar. It passed out of the commissioners' hands after the first Monday in August until next year and then only on personal prop erty and four long eyearf on real es tate. ""v " t -v If the legl rate of $1.75 on (V hundred dollars Js "established matur ing indebtedness may be funded, If the commifeionertso desire. , v- I Mr. Roberts said thai if it was ne It's -myi oppiorj that uniecssary lcesslry toj remake, wguld cfct about expenses snouidb"e elimmatecMn or der to reduce the farmers' taxes this will mean something to the farmers, but any attempt handed out in any way to make the tax payers think the assessment is going to be raised is un fair and it's not in my opinion fair tb the commissioners or the list, takers to try to make the tax payers think the railroad, was "pinched contrary to law to save he" farmers. - If the tax books are" to be re figured at the rate of $1.T5 and ittosts a lew dollars to have that dorte-I say whose faolt-is it't 1 Tf S this fault of the com missianers, of course. , . 1 Evidently the tax books' show the amount of real and 'personal property listed by every taxpayer in tfie cpun-,1 ty and to ascertain the amount of tax es due by each one would require the total amount Multiplied, by $1.75; fr example, if a tax-payer's property was listed at $1,000.00 at $2.05 his taxes would be 20.60nd at $4.-75 his taxes- would amount to $47.50AN ThW looks like it would be 4-ite isy f r the commissioners -o have-figured out--and I am very sure it would look easy to the tax payers wnen they ,b down in their pockets after the money to pay the Uxe j'. pfl; Tours .very truly, N. B, . McDEVITT. - . - Truth may, be ejdipo 1. i cank not be extinguished. .0 M There are lota of big boys and small men in the world. A silver dollar isn't very heavy bat some men find It difficult to raise MWVITT REFERS OPEN WATER BASIN v. AT MARS HILL 5, The new $90,000 water .reservoir has been opened at Mars Hill which will supply the town; also Mars Hill jL College. The reservoir is on Bald Mountain, nipe miles from Mars HilL While there was no formal dedication If the completion of this venture ha brought forth a general, rejoicing of tht people as there has been a short-s age of water in past times. The new reservoir has a capacity that will provide water for a popula- tion twice the size of both the town" and the COllegl community, it Is, :j tu w o nnnntinn '8ald. therefore, good for a generation Pr more HIGHWAY CASE UP SOON AT RALEIGH When the Madison County caten-H' dar is' called before the December. term of the State- Supreme Court at ',.. r ,. . . . Ralpio-n. Madison will be reDresentea ( tt--o . ; . j by two important civil cases. The one that will attract the most. attention is that of "T. A. Silvers and" others against the Madison County Bostrd of Commissioners andthe North Carolina State Highway Com mission in which a sum aggregating $225,000, representing a loan Jqr Madison County to the highway com mission is involved. The second case is that of George ,ole ynd wifej-Mrs. S, L. Cole, both of Tennessee against the FT Shelton J-eirs of 'MarthalS consisting of 011- ver SheltonTiIrs. 0. C". Rector and other children of the late F. Shelton. KSMAYBE SARY HERE If the law 1 miting Madison Coun ty's tax levy t the $1.75 on the $100 valuation is j roved to be constitu tional, a new I ax book will be neces sary, accordin ; to J. Will Roberts, Register of D ;eds of Madison, and elerk td the 1 oard of County Com missioners, coi sisting of W. G. Buck ner of Mars lill, chairman; C. J. Wilde of Big ine, and J. C. Chand- ler of Walnut the three of whom were arrested here it few days ago on war rants sworn Jut by N. B. McDevitJ;, representative in the General Assem bly from this count, on charges of levying a tax upte highendhan the lav allows, of violatiifc the roW law, and in the case of theichairiark not be ing bonded in the sum o $5000, a required by law $3,6UO ano.requtte dpse tnree months' labor to complete. Much interest has been aroused by the situation in which theJthree commissioners and Mr. McDevitt are involved and it is expeid that a large crowd of Madison county citizens will attend the. scheduled preliminary hearing of tt case to be held before Lee 'Bryan, Marsh- . all Justice' of Peace in the courthouse Saturday at 10 o'clock, a m. The three commissioners are at liberty underbond of $500 each. 1. SUNDAY, SQQ)0L V CONVENTIONS ' . TbI following prograra will give aa idea-as to he various S, S. Conven tions to be beid.'r f y .r. WHITE ROCK.-l. C at f r-wlyterUn Ckarcl--Scond Saa , :t day, Nv. 'l3thA0 A. ML CHAPEL TWEED, Township Pres'C ... EVERYBODY COME! , di'C LAUREL SEMINARY l .BUiJUvrel, N. C, ISAAC RICE, Township Pres't 1:30 P. II.' EVERYBODY COMEI ff !AINr-ftSRlclBAPTIST CHURCH , 10 'clock A. M. SUNDAYr NOV. 13, 1927 EVERYBODY COME. . . Interesting minds are far rarer than pretty faces, probably because they're less in demand. NECES Jfc- ' i

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