' r Kf-Wr-Ve -'- r-r.,-, h...'. ... 4 . 1 1 If I7"" 'JJ' p i .' f 1 J'. 1 .'. vj. B O 3 S i 7 3 W " 2 f ! T fflBRWWBSWJWK 5!i!a'r6j(',iw( faMeajwIcnAepNa TOE MEWMtECC;Rtf COUNTY MCOJtl PRICE A YEAR r . . ... .Tt i it, .. n r" r f t i i a i l w t i i vn- i ? m r -x . . jr i i i . - The PROGRESSIVE : 1 1 3 THE NEWS-RECORD Nsl" Li W LZ- CrtMlid NoVil..r , Mil- - i , ' BOTH A YEAR THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN MADISON COUNTY MARSHALL, N. CM FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25 1927 CIRCULATION-20CKI yoL. xxi .Si COMANDBESAVED W. E. McAlX God wishes u to com to Him aiMi bo tared, and ay, he ae all to the uttermost that comes to Him by Christ Jesus. And Christ says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; and ino man cometh to the Father but by Him." Our subject is, "Come and Be Saved." And our text is found in St. John 6:37. "All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out" Someone may have the idea that God only has a predestin ated few that will be saved, only as they read this text. But the text teaches exactly to the opposite. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me. This is the language of Christ. Salvation is free, and whosoever will may come. Christ is the propitiation for our sins, and not our sins only, but for the sins of the whole world. We read in the Bible, that the Father gave the Son to be the Saviour of the world, and not just only a predesti nated few. Wh6 may come? And the Spirit and the bride say, come, and let him that heareth say come, and let him that is athirst come, and whoso ever will, let him take thewater of life freely. Rev. 22:17. First, yon must desire to be saved, for God doesn't save anyone against his will. Some folks think that everyone will be saved anyway without any effort at all on their part, and say that this is a universal salvation. It is not only under certain conditions. Says one, what are the conditions? The condi tions are that you meet the require ments of God's Word. The first word of our subject is, Come. God says come, and if we never come we will never be saved. Christ says, no one can come unto Hint except it be given him of the Father. Then how shall it be given him of the Father? Through His Word it is given and that way the whole world has a chance . to come. He further says, "No one ca come unto Him except, the Father "raw him. How will the Father draw them? By His Holy Spirit through the Word of God. Christ says, "If I "be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto Me." He will be able to draw all men unto Him xnrougn the gospel. This is all the way that God works with the human family, or ever will work. Through His Word. Paul hath said that it pleased God through the foolishness of preaching to save them that be lieve. And again he says, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salva tion to everyone that believeth, to theTJew first and also to the Greek. So. we must repent and believe the Gospel The commission to the min isters given by Jesus Christ after his resurrection, jus before his ascenaon babk to the Father. Go ye into all the world, and preach my gospel to ' 'jry creature. He that believeth and is baptised shall be save; but ; he.tfiat believeth not shall be damned. Mark 1:15, 16. ; God help us then -ito preach nothing, but the gospel,' be- caP" the word God is uick and poWerful aid, sharper than a .two edged sword, piercing even to'the dl riding asunder, of soul and spirit, and of the Joints and marrow and .is a ' diacerner.-of the thnnrkt. Mthe heart, and should Jbe jg reached J ut n itoeMk, When Christ sent,his disciple jxit to "preach whfle he Was here he said, Pray y the '.toad of 'the tamest, that he will aend more labor! era. into the harvest. This ia m l"yfcJ4'S;or.Holy Ghost ailed, consecrated ministers and go. I wowers . into the great Jiaroet new of Almighty Goo anointe of "fee the pore gospel message o we world that they may know what to d to be saved. . AUthat the Fafher ghr shaH come to me; and he that cometh to me Iifl tamo wise cst onimyo,qwear sianer, ri.UsmrU&i&pfa he will In no wise cast yon out, but will ve yon on the terms .of the gospeL Ho" everyone that thfrstefh, come ye to he waters, and he that hath nn THE NEWS-RECORD AN OPEN FORUM FOR DISCUSSION OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS . '. V-. ' THE PUBLISHER MAKES STATE MENT WITH REFERENCE TO CRIT ICISM OF COUNTY, STATE OR NA TIONAL GOVERNMENT With No Desire to Suppress, He Does Not Encourage Continual Friction and Dis turbance in County moneyf. come e buy;- and eat;-yea, , come, buy wine . and . milk without ' oejr d without price. Is. B 5 :1. L 4 .Ja konelnsionr.Wi yo "comeTx. r;l '.Tours te Hinr,v.;j W.fE. McFALL. ' OneHcIUien: ef the - dusty . , road sajd he did not belong to k profession because he did not profe t ?r vetMsx - Several articles have appeared in the columns of The News-Record in the last three or four months writ ten by Mr. Ira Plemmons of Hot Springs, which articles are criticism of the various taxing agencies of the Na tional, State, and County governments. He discusses the possible elimination of cerain duplicating and un ncessary offices and the substitution of more modern methods and equipment for accomplishing the same re sults at less expense and a saving of taxes. As this pub lisher sees it, a discussion along this line, looking to a more economical method of running governmental af fairs, provided the desired results can be obtained, is not objectionable, but on the othjJjand, is quite desir able provided the critieism is really constructive rather than destructive. If the purpose of the discoss'ion is to give vent to personal animosities or to ride over preju dices into office or self -exploitation, the publisher of this paper does not wish to become a partner in it. On the other hand, if the discussion is to point out in a friendly or brotherly way, the mistakes of present or past officers or metjhods, in order to bring about more efficiency or economy in government, such a discussion is welcome. ' Some have considered the tax articles' of Mr. Pm mons to be of one class, while others have considered (; them of the other class. JTbe future will doubtless re yeal definitely to Which elass theV beldng. ;Buuetd fhe difference in opinion about the articles, the publish er of the News-Record has thought it best to withhold the publishing of these while away in he eastern part of the State dntil -he could return and give more careful study to this matter. After due consideration and aft er having been assured by Mr. Plemmons that his ar ticles are not being published through personal motive or animosity and that he has no intention of running1 for office and that his purpose is merely to point out the mistakes of our officers and to put them on guard as to a repetition of such mistakes, we are resuming the discussion until such a time as his articles shall ap pear, in our judgment, to be objectionable. The pur pose of The News-Record is to serve the entire County in a constructive and uplifting and entertaining way. The publisher is absolutely free from the domination of any party, faction, or fraternity. He has refused to ; join the Masons, or the Woodmen, or the Odd Fellows, or the Ku Klux, or anything else that would make him feel under any obligations to any set of men, and The , News-Record is a paper not dominated by any man or set of men, but of course the publisher realizes that a County paper like this is a quasi-public institution. t While, it is prixjrtely 4wi - without the support of ita constituents and the peopie v" of the County have certain rightsith reference to, the : . paperTrmoral if not'leiaral,1 . r .While.- we are publishingrtheta discussion of Mr. e.mmona ' the publisher extends to any person the privilege of a reply. ' We not only welcome but earn-. 'vf jjgjily; desire that some reply be h:mi4(u:; If his state V'nenfcjKf) not true to the facta in the case, if his con ' tluatons are not correct, then answer .him. : ; r' 'ttcies' be with the one purpose of'mai: :ylni.Madison Coun;:our State, and Nation,1 a better 'Cplacein -which to live.. : . '. ' -w Sfc-THE PUBLISHER. SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY SCHOOL tONVENTIOII'l - will ke lM at .BALDWINS CHAPEL f. 4th Sudar la Nereatker, ' at 10 to work deck A. M. ' : ,- -?;,-r .3. 0. BALDWIN, Township PTesid t pe !ic speciAlLt . It has been 'announced that the next'Rotarjr Orthopaedie Clinic Trill be held in Aiheville on Saturday, November tOJx, in the. Parish House of the All Souls Church And, the Bilt mor Hospital n Biltmore as hereto- All cripples ia your county are In vited to attend this clinic tor exami nsrton.and treatment by an orthd- f :' - -' . : l.A " f 1 , . t i .a , .. j j: : r ., Above is a cut of the new Virsuiia Dare hotel in Elizabeth City, N. C, recently complete jed at a cost of around half a million dollars. It is modern in e ery particular and is a credit not only to Elizabeth City, but also to eastern North Carolina. A moat delightful banquet was held there Friday evening, November Uth, 1927. If should be patronized, a it is more an expression of community pride than a money-makmg, institution.,. It more than 500 stock holders have reasons to be justly proud of this great accomplishment. FROM HOT SPRINGS Mrs. Honess of Asheville visitedF .4 As never before' the problem of e- vangelism is confronted with difficul ties and perplexities. The confusion and complications of the modem world present a formidable and chal lenging situation. Dr. Grenf ell while walking the streets of New York stop ped" suddenly and said: "I wish I were back in Labrador. It is much easier to know what is right in Lab rador than it is in New York City." Conditions in New York City are not different in a measure from conditions which prevail almost in every city and town and even in the rural sections throughout our country. The craze for amusement is appalling. Mov ing picture shows are drawing many thousands of people and countless numbers of church members spend more for their entertainment in the movies than they contribute to all tho pressing causes of Christ The auto mobile carries many from God's house, to say nothing of other dis tressing abuses and evils of the auto mobile business. Other forma - of worldlihess bewilder Gqd's.people and we are troubled and sometimes feel that conditions in this modern world of distraction and dangers have near. ly overwhelmed our efforts, for good Bat. L,atarted..out to write more definitely of the fanatic and the faker who capitalizing the ignorance, , th,e prejudices and the psychological con. ditloa of .the times bring the eause of revivalism Into disrepute- an hinder the work of evangelism , by creating an atmosphere -an4 arousing preu dices which unite to defeat the king dom of God. In a town of thousand people which I have known from my youth; the religious and .spiritual life. of the community, so far as- r.have observed "has been degenerating fer a decadej Recently an, observlareitM isen who has lived fat the town for evesjal years, told me that i& recent years three evangelists of the- tntex& denominational type, independent and 'without denominational authori ty or directioa iad conducted' sneea ings ia the community. Greet crowds attended their meetings, drawwby the entertaining ; features . and . elap-traa fakers. He declared that this was the catise of moral and spiritual leth argy and general religious decline of theonminity.iUf e,; MultiplyJ this instance by the many similar revivals conducted in many places all over the land and we do not wonder at the si tuation confronting our efforts to win souls. BUCHNER ANSWERS I see from an issue of The Asheville Citizen where Mr. Blankenship, Sup erintendent of Public School for Mad ison County,- states that Wiley M. Roberts, Chairman of the Board of Education for Madison County, and himself have given bonds as required by law. See. 2 Chapter 132 of the Public-Local Laws, 1927, requires the Chairman1 of the Board of Education and the Superintendent to give binds. The chapter referred to reads as fol lows: "The Chairman of the Board of Education And the County Superin tendent of schools shall each furnish a bond in the sum of five thousand dollars for the faithful performance of his duties according to law, said bend te. be approved by the Beard of Coaaty. " CosgimiMionors." No , bond for either of these parties, has ever bee? presented to or approved by the ; Board of County Commissioners of Madison ; County, . Neither . of these parties have' giB bond. I have sot 4ssued warranto for eith er of these parties, nor do I expect to do so. Under the law it is the duty of the Solicitor of this district to in stitute action, upon proper proof sown. hinul; Jlr. McDevitt took the matter oujt of the hands of the Solici tor, and jssued. a warrant for me for failure gjvArbond, when he could have readily seen by 'an examination of the Clerk's office that I had given my bond. I want to know why Mr. McDevitt took the authority to act f Or the solicitor, and after assuming such authority, why he did not issue war rants for hi .appointees; who are re- boeoV'Xhe.tlawshould not be -con strued politically, and if he Indicted me,, he should have Indicted his politi cal associates and appointees along" with mev. itji:'.-n f ' , W. C. BUC1CNER. T Knv'irfflnirhter. Mrs. Kimberlv. Thurs ; day. methods,-- vulgar sensational iem, fade l Th .'use frplaaes,' power boats and eceentrk theories whiea usuallr 'taiiboate adther floating devices eharScterired auch gatiieringsXargefor jthe. jpose of concentrating, sumt of money had been collected by lraHying '''eV'sliruir';BT-1'ilgratory tiiese religious charlatans andt 4emyttett owl tdhiprove shooting oa goguea.. Jt was discovered aflWthr'ditionahas bees prohibited by a Fed- went away that they were fr ' r era! Mrs. W. J. Parker spent the day ii Newport, Tenn., Wednesday. Frank Lance and friends visited Mrs. N. J. Lance over the week-end. Sirs. W. R. Ellerson motored to" Waynesville, N. C, to meet Mr. El lerson, who was on his way home for a few days' stay. Mr. J. D. Hensley made a business trip to Knoxville Friday. Mr. Roy Plemmons spent the week- 'end with Mr. Buquo of Black Moun tain. Misses May and Ethel Fleming, who are in school at Asheville, viahV ed home folks over the week-end. Mrs. Delia Culbertson and daugh ters, Rue and Edith, of Bluff, were to Hot Springs Monday. Mrs. Oscar Brooks returned homer from Asheville Sunday. - Mr. Walter Albony's little boy wa seriously burned about the stomach and hands Tuesday. Mr. W. T. Davis motored to Ashe ville Tuesday. Miss Joe Culbertson was in towa for a short time Monday. Mrs. W. R. Ellerson motored to Asheville Thursday to visit her broth er, Mr. W. N. Garrett ' rfMr.edersoa hf the Spring Creek' Bargain Store . was in Hot Springer Monday.. Mr. George Odell of Greene villev Tenn., was in town Tuesday. Mrs. E. M. Hulsey returned Sunday from Gainesville, Ga., where she ha been visiting.'-' i4 - ' - : The Ladies Aid Soctety held thefr Basaar Tuesday afternoon;' Beautiw ful fancy'work and most tempting re-' freshmeats were served. They realU -tsed quite a nice little sum, and wiafe to thank all who helped in hny way making it a sueeessT ' "j',' Sentiment That Uplift Gratitude Is on of rfce nMest sentiments which wells from ttie hu man heart It purines; uplifts and nobles. It Js an attribute of srabiUty la character. A maa may have manyl . imperfections, but If he Is cepuble of gratltooe he la -far. from being aT bad. ; And" wni sralltmle Is offere. to the Most" ffleh. ir Brings the to. Into tone wltb the Divine as acarc"; anythirig else can. I '7 J . '' .

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