: v .... . 5.7 THE NEWS-RECORD ffO A A PRICE A YEAR 4 $LMJ MADISON COUNTY RECORD f ? V ;; Established June 28, 190L C'f'r FRENCH BROAD NEWS f ; ' ' Established May 16, 1907. "' i ' Coadi4mUt NraW 2, 1911 i U. Cr3 Thm PROGRESSIVE FARMER THE NEWS-RECORP PO ir BOTH AYEAR, FOR i.:PXJ f THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN MADISON .COUNTS r .... '5- ri rrv nv VOL. XXI? H JESUITS ACQUIREiHOTEL tPaOPERTY HOT SPRINGS; - The Jesuits, . ilw ; CjStfcollo ChWch, yiatierdity c! ifluirtd ptMtalw pi. the Hot Spring S(otel ptwr evenl djointnf Mtcte of .lMd, Hear Hot Springa, r ajmtinji between 450 and 500 acre. ! The property, : valued 'at $250,000, wu donated to ihe Jesuit. by Mrs. Bessie M. Safford, of Hot Springs. B The transaction was formally ap proved Monday in Madison' Superior Court by Judge Walter E. Moore. ; Sprint To Be LeaMd Under provisions of the compro mise agreement, the hotel property and springs, comprising about 100.it cres, will be leased or sold for com mercial purposes. The Jesuits will use the remainder of the property for establishment of a seminary for training of its clerical students, and t for parks. ( The seminary will accomodate be tween 80 and 100 students. The .Jesuits plan Immediate development of the property, and construction of the necessary buildings will get under way in the near future. Mrs. Safford retains a life estate in the home-place, consisting of the res. idence and 18 acres. Upon her death, the land goes to the Jesuits. The transfer of the property. from Mrs. Safford to the Jesuits haa been held up for some time, on ac count of litigation. A compromise count oi uinnuvn. a cuinpi uiuhw agreement, entered into between Mr. Safford, represented by Judge Frank k n-, f A,i,a. Carter and Jamea E. Rector, of Ashe. ville,. provides for the Hot Springs TTa1 nrmwrtv and haftlth rivinff ...kit. . : . v - "T fv. -Ltii-rf'a iwA. IjUO CMicmuHIVU V. lia WllURiai IN MEMORY OF MRS. WIlUS PAYNE (By MRS. GARLAN FARMER) We extend deepest sympathy to the the Congressional and Senatorial Con family "and relatives. :, We feel, that ventiona were -also appbpniedL 'n.' in the death of Mrs Payne we sustain an irreparable loss. She was a wo- man that was loved and respected, and waa ever ready to aid in aickpess in her community, uergooa aeeai won for her a place in aU our hearts, uur muiu Lmiiu w uuvl www '1? u which - . to ezpreaa esieen .. lor , xer i worthy deeds nd the kindness she' showed us. , . - ( We extend the husband and chil, dren our tenderest feelings of love .strirsfBttrs; .. "Deareat Carrie, thou hast left us, "Aiad thy loss are deeply feel; . .. But it it God that hath bereft us; . Heaven ail our sorrowi heal. Her place now empty here No one can ever fill; , For she. was very dear, .. ..... And we shall love her still. tit fcuaband and children, . Let Carrie be your guiding star, To help guide and direct .each of ou, To that better land afar.-; ; i For Carrie will wake again,' When sounds the trumpet's voice; We hope, to meet her then . And with her shall rejoice. , We are users of Hammermin Bond and other Hamennill products for printing Letter Heads, ete., for ouf customers is the Job printing line. Get onr prices ..?..;,.,,. FOR SHERIFF TOIHEIBEPUBUCAN VOTERS ' .OF MADISON COUNTY: Being solicited by a number, of the beat citiaens of Madiaoa Xunty te roaae Me race lor ancrio, t nav aiu:r vtuiuea uinpany wiuca wtu'vuipe duly-considering the matter- decided ain the"iexpahiion program are;; located to place my name before you. . ; jin that part of the Tidewater" section i ; , , "i jl ' '.. . J of . Virginia and Maryland which eos If nominated Jiad elected I promise taht'aome of tha moat productive farm you that I Will do the beat that i ta lands in the entire south. According me to make you tha beat officer I caaj, i to announcement of President W. F. , ; r v Yeura very trwly, I .istevena, -G. B. Woody of Burnsville, - H ? t swill -be ..in. aetlye .charge of . all the . ROBERT C LANDERS- company's properties fat Northr Cairo. -.--4 - -Walnnt, N. C.Ihaa.-. . . ashless l' n 1 JitO- Hi jiadison waml G. O: POATI s DR. HUTCHINS NA.MED NEW CHAIRMAN Stressing party harmony and tfijity as the proper and essential baste, on which to esUblish the 1928 poIKicsil camnaism. the Madison Kepmrnvan Convention met in the CountfylfKMrt house" Saturday at 12 o'clock 'wkh a recprd attendance of coherents of the porty, representing each of lOtp-wn-shipiTin Madison and packing to 'pa pacity the .'courtroom where the con vention met. The meeting was called to order by S. B. Roberts f Marshall, County Chairman, who'- aurrendored the chair to A. W. Whitehurst," who served as temporary chairman. B. W. Gahagan was appointed to serve as temporary "secretary, both ' Mr. Whitehurst and Mr. Gahagan being later elected permanently , to serve during the meeting following a motion providing for this action made by Charles B. Mashburn, local attorney. Mentioning the record and State-wide (reputation of the Republican party in Madison County and urging all the i - j?wUo voter. J to work for bar- ." supP party R- Edney, Mars Hill attorney; J. Col- man Ramsey, of Marshall, and for mer representative of Madison Coun in the State Seyate: Charles B. .v.i9tt Jrepraaentative in the Gel bly Paul Bruce, Mara HU1 postmaster f Among the important business transacted at the meeting was the e ilection of Br. J. H. Hutchins, of Mar--shafl to succeed S. B. Roberts, as 'chairman of the Madison County Re publican Committee, while A. W. .Whitehurst was elected secretary. ,; Although tte endorsement bf i part or complete Republican ticket at the G. 0. P. meeting wm expected; hy many, only one iandidat'was'en'o;or8- ed, the entry of John u- nendrfcKa receiving the nnaninmeua , endorse wnib 01 ui vvurcaiiuu.,. ABheviue Citizen ' ' - ' "' . " n i fyf fOffO rvfi PAr I ImIM I U , , i. i "m .Xvv... it . JUDGE OTSON mm Marshail Baptist church haa beenwnfrfa'an effortto aolve the mystery fortunate enoturh t secure the servic es of Judge T. L.Johhaon to speak, tol us Sunday morning, Mr. .Johnson is c fine speaker, and will explain to us the meaning Tof , the jQentennlal. Cam paign," Every Baptist should fhear him. He will present to. us some fact that we should know abpii fee nearly 100 years of Baptist History' Jn N. C; The Board of Deacons and Pstor.are expecting; eyery :. member;! . n . ehurch 'to be present Come - to Sunday School, Sunday morning and stay for the church ser. vice-, . -.- MONEY MADE Chicago, March Z9 More than million dollars waa made available to day for expansion and property bet terment purposes by the'.yprthirest Carolina Utilities, hc, at Marshall, BurasvilleJ. Bakersville .and adjacent communities. - jhifdJutW: . Other properties of the East Coast ''.Afturfia , v M ?V v Zoom . Wnttrn Nfwipapor Union, ltt BODY OF YOUNG FLOATS IN RIVER SINCE DECEMBER : 3rd,. IMir J.i Great excitement was created in Marshall Wednesday when the' body of J. L. Davis, so long sought, and al most given up as hopeless, after being the river since Dec. e, 192T, was itwtxviiitLirtissJxi .ir i w aasr discovered about ten o'clock by Noah ' afternoon instead. Important bust Rice and Otis Taylor, two Marshall nesa will be transacted at this meet- youths. Hundreds of people visited the dace where' the body was seen, Davis, young Asheville man, leap. ed into the swollen stream, December 4. to evade Madison County officers who gave chase to his automobile be cause it was said to have contained liquor when the machine passed through Marshall en route to Ashe ville. ?The' pursuing officers saw the man jump Into the river while a compan ion whose identity is still unknown tran trp a mountain and eluded the law. The officers stated they -found M gallons of liquor in the car follow. iag-st search." They also founds suit of clothes Which led to the identifica tion of the car owner. The Trench Broad River has been corrtrnually searched ever since tha e- tof. Davia' disappearance and it had finally been decided that the man had successfully crossed the stream-which jwas badly swollen by heavy rains and had gained the other bank. ' ' iTiM aged father of the youth, how. ver,nevr gave up hope that the body iweald fee found, saying he felt sure that his son had been drowned. The bulkhead dam of the Marshall Mill and Fower Company had been drain ed in order to locate the body there, if -possible, but this waa unavailing. About 10 o'clock Wednesday morn. Ling, Noah Rice and Otis Taylor, two Marshall, youths, saw the body float- ling partly out of the water at the edge of a large pile of driftwood and f trash. 'A younger brother, Mack Da- vis; "was located, and assisted in res cuing the body. V Deputy. Sheriff Charlie H. Ramsey, Zack Ramsey;' Glenn Ramsey, . Noah Ricc nnd Bill Haney-fastened two boats together, rowed out to the body and lifted it by aid of an, improvired stretcher of sheeting. ? ;- ' The inquest was held at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon.: The body was badly decomposed but was identified by a bill-fold containing the name of "J. L. Davis, ?S54 Pattoa , Avenue, Asheville." Dr. Harry B. Ditmor, Marshall physician, examined the body and stated that titer war no evidences of bullet, wounds, and that death waa due to drownings In the bill-fold waa found IS I Tha body was prepared for at the O. C Bector funeral establish. , ,v . v. meat and taken - to- the home Tar., Asheville for interment -;i"V hours oi work-a-day aeem loot, hard when mufliy August days and the locust's "sis weeks" song in the dusty trees, it pays the family In the car , camp stuff bundled on the sides, A to where the deep woods are Or there the ocean rolls its tides. -j Vacations hours are short and sweet; HerWays, like playing children, race; M But every restful day's complete wntn might stars guard our camping I-'?.' 'Dlace. Wind, sun and shady fishing streams, ' And campfire meals beneath the sky Who Caret how short micatioiiaeema? : We have each hour that dances by! Vacation hours oh, rare delight - Of strange new places beautiful; Of walking where the breakers', white Foam roars beneath the wheeling gull; Of knowing lonely, leafy roads, And mountain meadows starred with flowers; Of laying down our trouble-loads And ftvfag glad vacation hours I DAVIS IP AT MARSHALL The meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association,-scheduled to be held next Tuesday night, will be held Tuesday ing,; and all mothers and fathers are urged to be present. Remember the date --next Tuesday afternoon, the 3rd. AorH SUNDAY MEETING f the French Broad Baptirt. Association v wt, be held w'h PEEK'S CHAPEL CHURCH " APRIL 28-29, 1928 Saturday, 9:30 A. M. . Devotional exercises, Wayne Peek, thirty minutes. . Reports from churches present, 20 minutes. .-Introductory sermon, Jesse Corn, - 80 minutes. 4. The Worth of a Baptist Church in a Community L. C Roberta, SO minutes. The Marks of An Efficient Church R. D. Ponder; 30 minutes. Intermission, 1 hour Dinner on grounds. ' Afteraoea. Session, 1 P. M. Devotional Exercises Jesse W-tts 80 minutes. 2. Indifference, A Danger Signal in Kingdom Development J. R. Ow en, 80 minutes. 3. Are We Loyal to the Fundamental Doctrines of the. Bible E. F. Baker, 30 minutes. Business Session Adjournment at will Sunday, 10:00 A. M. Sunday School Mass Meeting, Les sons taught by F. H. Leathrewcod, 30 minutes. Tha Work and Needs of the De nominational Sunday School R. M.'Lee, 30 minutes. Sermon H. L. Smith. 3. NOTE J Peek's Chapel -.Choir will , '' ; furnish music for the meeU . ing. ; . ,; 4EWtNdrJlRCLE BAZAAR The SewinT Circle, .of the Baptist Church, - w" i 1 J M Baaarr .pru I. Aprons, iikj wvrm, - ktf .-j jw-. r.m wiU hml aokL . -: ? -.. ' t JBav vST esVBIsVtfBVavsji daa sMaa H.asiarBa;Rpww vrs'' , MEiEilIilir '7.'.. si.iiV.' -NwfAj1.' mm 'VELL ATTENDED Vttjia. Madison County Singing Cor vetttidfa.' in Marshall Sundav was tende;by 'more than could be com fortable hx the court house." It was the jppinfcmv of some attending the dohirention that the school auditorium should have been opened for this con. veion' and ' the real reason why it nog B-.nvi. apparent., anu n w npppu 1 ij. 1- I that future conventions can he gweir-j a . pettier, uuuiwriura man me cgurt- ''Nb .prizea were given at the 'Con vention Sunday, but three classes and three' tfuftrlettes rivaled one another in singutiv- ine classes were 'urape VmeVBto-; pine and Walnut Creek. The ' dtiaitettes were Little Creek, WrinirVCreek, and Wallin's. ,"Mr. . Jl, FvTweed was elected presi dent' ;f!,,:the, Convention succeeding Dr. "W. A. Sams, and Mr. t Roy L. Gudger was' elected secretary,': auc- ceedng Mr. Sanky Brigman., ... ;''Thjr next convention will be held in Marshall the third Sunday in.' WsfA and it js hoped the school auditorium may?na naea. PRISONERS ESCAPE FROM JAIL HERE oWen.Tbrkman.- one of the ,ree-e)'earsBar .Owett Brigman, member of a trio .nino. ftm'fi,. asii3atai aWailW'" Lmfy rested Blf yesident at Alexander, on thVvarshalI highway, t urday.o t Sheriff Ramsey went after Bjigttfi V lSturday afternoon and brWgtfthim back : to. Marshall. Sheriff Ramsey, aided by a posse, scoured , the hills east of here and in other factions' of the county Satur day in an effort to capture the other .tafo prisoners. &aj Throash Hole ; The threenrisoners made their ea cape by"fnipr6vised rope ladders made f'trbUnkets, through a hole torn )n the brick wall on the east side of ..TotiHding adjoining a blacksmith shM4tfee were locked in the same.r, .A 'JS said, and the outside locks were -'broken and bent with an iron1 bar. Among those escaping was Sam Phillips of Yancey County, who was being held here following the filing of an appeal by his attorney from a sanboitfi of rom nine to ten years in states, prison' imposed at the Febru ary term of court here by Judge Wal. W.R;MftOBj Sylva, following his : ' l ' !' ' 1 m . cnvicwon ,00 n roooery cnarge. rnu--lrpaahd a jroyng couple, Mrs. Homer Menage ioad her husband age 18 were 'trjieH on ' a charge of taking a trunk; containing a sum of money and chej'r.-tgrgrigating approximately S7fi0;?&mVthe, home of Wiley Met. calf, agedCfarroer of the Paint Fork section of Madison County, in May, Moss 'was given from eisrht to nim' ekMyhile Mrs. Moss was foirttf noigiflty, following one of the Hnost leetby and hardest fought trials in a Madison court. However, a few days after the adjournment of court. John H. McElroy, of Marshall, attor ney for Moss, and J. Coleman Ramsey attorney for Phillips, filed an appeal for their clients, basing the same on a purported error in the charge made by Judge. Meore to the jury sitting on the-easev'oAMosa was released on bond ofv,S&OQ0Vsrnfle Phillips could not make;' DojnL,y The hearing of the ap. peal w'm . expected in May. .i.'ir.;.r- ROBERT LANDERS Elsewhere in this paper wiU be fonnx) the .'announcement of Mr. Rob eiia;'Walnut for Sheriff. This announcement should have been in thia paper last week, but by an er-' re in. the printing efficd, it was left ont'Y'e'Vc yt'very much the error, but a'rj'rr te,-be fine apirit in which Mr Lc .' a accepted our axpianation aVfi)(;-.7A - If VmXallliLAAJ AT'iMAIIS-vHlfcfF .The- entortaftimenti pa on ,at UWf'lvWi j ' public school audltorium;a)k( Mafp Hai-(!;J J 1 1 .iFriday, fil&r: tfi'lfavfyrtnUAV nf Teacher Aaaociation of 'Mara Hill, lit which the Womanlesa' 'Wtddlng;w4! '.f - 4 the principal feature, was quite a auev cess in every way. Every seat waa taken, the aide aisles filled 1 witli -chairs, and a great deal of standing room taken. More than a hundred 1 dollars was cleared for the Associa tion. The entertainment, after some an nouncements by Mr. N. S. Whitaker, was. begun with musical numbers. - Preceding the wedding the Bachelor' Dream was beautifully done. Mlaa Bex Ramsey, a member of the facul ty, did well a difficult part in describ ing in verse each character as it pass ed over the stage. Miss Ethel Eng. lish could not take her part on ac count of illnesp, and some other changes were made in the wedding characters substituting for some printed on the program. For in stance, Mr. C. O. Crowder acted as groom instead of Clyde Holcombe aa printed. -Mr. E. R. Elmore made a very, pretty little bride and her train was,effectively borne by Mr. Bryson 1 Ttisen. Rev. J. R. Owen as the grand. - father of the bride, suggests that he rnight do well on the stage if he were ' not a minister, so well did he act hht part; and Mr. Jason Briggs as his "old lady-' was most effective. ' . Mr. W. L. George as father of the bride and Mr. Max Amnions, as moth er Of the bride, were also quite en tertaining. Mr. S. L. Carter as uiw -cie.ef the bride was natural, while' "Sli. R. S. Gibbs, as aunt of the bride was quite a good-looking woman. The twins. Messrs. Garner Hutchina and J. A. Paige, were so mischievous that ' I they they and Edward a V. .J' mm " up the wedding, h LI-)54lWrqs aa the colored' nurse took eare of the ' situation very . effectively Just imag ine Dr. W. F. Robinson as the -little ring-bearer. The jilted sweetheart," acted by Mr. A. E. Carter, al most made the audience weep in ym pathy. She was pitiful and pathetic. Mr. E. Y. Ammons made a good f ath. er of the groom, and Floyd Holcombe as mother of the groom was quite a. musing. Kenneth Murray, as sister of the groom and H. L. Anderson, as brother of the groom, were quite dir tinguished looking and we are- sure the bride was glad to have them in the family. Mr. N. S. Whitaker is good any time, anywhere, hut in thia he was the best man. Mr. R; M. Lee as .the maid of honor was quite stun ning. Mr. D. E. Poole, soloist, could sing both high and low, and Mrs. Knowall was well done by Mr. J. A, McCleod. Mr. J. P. Smith was also a delightful wedding guest Think of William Runnion as little flower girl and such fellows as John George, Paul Bruce, Bob Tilson, and Calvin Edney as bridesmaids. 'Guy George and John Pittard were fine ushers. The groomsmen, ' Dan Carter, G. C. Cox, Plato Reece, nnd Nathan Runnion were in their natural puces as groomsmen, and Mr. T. J. - Murray was quite dignified as he per. formed the ceremony under the' arch.' ed altar. Those who had the burden ot staging this play doubtless feel re paid for their effort and anxiety. 7 PARAMOUNT NEW'S Beginning April 2nd, 1928, the Paramount News Reel will be shown every Monday, Tuesday, and Thurs-' day and Friday nights of each week ' at "Our Theatre". Mr. Ozmer, the owner and manager -of "Our Theatre," is to be commend ed ,on this step which he has taken, . and movie-goers will note this change with interest ' " - The latest news from all oyer the ' - world in pictures -all news of impor tance right before your . eyes isn't that good? Our local theatre Is cer tainly putting on some mighty ;ood' pictures now. It is your own fault if fyou -do not see them. JOHN DEAVER'S .HOME BURNS: . The home- of John Denver, .weD-7 known Marshall resident was burned . to the ground Saturday nighty with : practically nothing of value being saved and no insurance. Mr. Deaver'a-t home was located at Rollins, near the reajdehce of Mayor Grorer C Red- '182aMfi 1 if" ."f!.JfSAV. .

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