11 THE NEWS-RECORD - Marshall, N. C. May 18, 192$ 0 111 ! THE NEWS-RECORD LANKFORD STORY, Editor. . H 4, STORY, Pnbllsner. . i xi .ft iL umIaImi Mi Marshall. N. C. y EatoNd a Mcona cww - ct of Marco S, 1S79. OipTE YEAR . f BU HUfl i US THREE MONTHS Subscription pricei i' a 00 THREE YEARS (in advance) S5.00 1.00 SINGLE COPIES .05 . ,60 Many (ordered before preasday) .04 UNfrER YOUR NAME ON THE LABEL the lino toll jo whoa yoar nbtcriptioa empire. If the papar do, not atop whan yoar time is oat, le poaUl card or latter addressed to MR. H. L. STORY, Manfcall, N. C. will stop it. If he does not hear from you, ha will ' think yoa wiah the paper continaed and that yoa arc williaf to pay for it at tha rate of SOe very throe month. : cmnr rot aLUxurotanMr it) T..a SIGN YOUR NAME : Don't blame the pabliaher of ; the Nawa-Rocord for aot pah- I tiahiag' what yen write, if yoa ' do aot alga yoar name aad ad- dress. We caaaet pahtUk ar tlclea aaloa wo kaaw who eeada them. We will aot pah- ! liah tha aaate if yea object. BIBLE THOUGHT AND PRAYER If pattntt will ham thtir cklUrtn i tin a BlUe tehelhn eochauk. It atftf pntt m prictltu htrllaf H than in afitr paara. A CONSTANT PRAYER : With hold not thou thy tender mercies from me, O Lord: let thy loving- kind ness and thy truth continually pre serve me. Psalm 40:11. PRA1YER: Lord, we claim Thy omise, "He that trusteth in the Lord, mercy shall compass him about' "Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy." Ezodua 20:8. Go To Church Sunday. OFFICE KAT KOLUM 4 . - By tfc. Oafca Cat" I want to tell you folks that I have been roaming around the woods and the great out-doors so much lately that I am afraid I ,am not much of an office cat any more. I have hard ly been in the office at all this week, and consequent ly I have not written much for my column. In other wprds, I have laid most of my cares and worries aside for a while, and am now taking what I consider a well-deserved reafc.' The twelve-page News-Record this week has not worried me at all in fact, I have left it up to the rest of the gang to get the paper out. Like the Biblical Pilate, I have washed my hands of the whole affair for one week, at least. Mother "You are at the foot the spelling class again, are you?" Boy "Yes'um." Mother "How did it happen?" Boy "Got too many z's in sci sors. of -wimaKowowiB)ia' Priceless This Confidence of American Mothers Dally -the mothers of America send their lit tle ones to AtP--fully confident they will re celve a denial courteous service as well as the utmost in flood foods and (food values. CHEESE Full Cream Lb. Evaporated MILK Pet Carnation, White House Baby size Tall can . 5c 10c n. b. e. Crackers All 5c Varieties pkgs 25c Tetley's Orange Peko Tea, 1-4 lb pkrf 34c! 8 o'clock Coffee lb. 35 Pure Grape Juice, Pint bottles SHORTER Swifts Jewel 1 Lb. I Cfn 14 Sunnyfield Bacon Lb. 39c Sweet Potatoes, 2 Large Cans 25c Sweet Mixed Pickles, Lb. 29c P. A G White Naphtha fcakesJSc, KeliorfdsSunny Field Post Toastles . . Corn Flakes.; ; 2 pkgs 15c IF r- n . Sultana ;-., Apple Base 13 1. lar OS IE. R. TWEED STORE- -E. R. TWEED STORE E R. TWEED STORE LADIES For week, Ladie' $2.50 to $5.00 Spring Hat for $1.98, We have about 100 different styles to se lect from. . '-.'''r'K':' . $3.50 to $6.00 Grade for $2.98 absolutely noth ing in ttoclc higher for one week. Come Early. Ladies' Sport Oxfords l L. $1.98 Special for 1 week on Men's and Boys' Suits. 35c to 40 c Quality Voille 25c Silk Rayon, 10 colors, per yd. . 29c Flowered Voilles, 25c to 35c value . 17c See our price on Linoleum Rugs. Tan Curtain Scrim, per yd. ... 7c CLOSE OUT PRICES ON OUR LADIES' BEST DRESSES New selection of Ladies' & Men's Bradley Sweaters for Spring If you need a TRUNK, or TRAVELING BAG, SEE us Boys' 220 Overalls, tizes 4, U-No Union Suits for Men .:.. 50c BIG SELECTION OF MEN'S STRAW HATS 3. . ir-Fees We will give FREE 1 Rag Rug size 23x46 with each five dollar or over purchase. Close out on Men's Suits, up to $22.50 ' values $14.75 From EAST FORK Peek's Chapel reports a fine 3. Mr Hmnt MeDarris has htm elect ed superintendent 01 tne . JJ. w 1 11 1 1 1 1 I Key. K. u. ronuer nnea nis tpku lar aDDointment Saturday night and Simriaii A lurire eonsrrearation was present at both services and heard wonderful sermons. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dill of Aaheyille visited their parents her -Sunday., Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Robinson and children of Hendersonvillo visited re latives here last week end. :' , Mr. F. G. Clark is right much im proved now. .... Little Nina tstines oi jaars niu spending a few days witn Mrs. Mae Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Cody of New Bridge spent Sunday at this place. Mn Ma-ri Morgan and dauirhtcr spent Thursday with Mrs. S. J. re Mr. Robert Peek is having his house remodeled. Paul Peek snent a few days with his m-andnarents at Asheville last Miss Effle Gosnell spent Thurs'lay with Miss Ellen Alien. Th. fruit hfrp is not all killed is was first thought of which we are very proud. Harv Lee Tweed of Marshall is sDending some time with his tincle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Twoed. Most everyone is through planting corn now. phet from Asheville and his family spent Sunday aiternoon wun Mr. a. C. Mace and Joe C. Robinson. Mr Jeff Whitt and Miss Orla Clark were out riding Sunday. -., Mrs. Minnie wooay who mi oeen sick so long is able to be out again. Mrs. L. H. Tweed visited Mrs. F. G. Clark Monday. Roscoe Cargile spent the week end with his parents here. FROM WALNUT TVi Mimic Recital, which was eiven by the pupils of Mrs. A. R. Baylor, in the Presbyterian Church on Thurs day evening, May iv, was very sue ppsKful. A delightful eveninar was spent by all who attended. The commencement exercise of the Wolmrf Tfirh Schnnl is an follown: The RpnHinar and Declamation Con test on l-Yiday evening, Majris. a prize will be offered for the best readinir and also a prize for the best declamation. On Sunday evening, May 12, the baccalaureate sermon will be deliver ed in the Walnut Hiirh School Au ditorium at 8 o'clock. On Tuesday evening, the annual senior play will De given, emu cu, 'Cranberry Corners," with the fol lowing characters: Tom Dexter, one ot nature's no- t' men Frank Roberts. -" Sidnev Everett, of the worldatorld- ly, 'Eldridge Leak. t. Ben Latham, a wanderer, frea Ramsey. Andrew Dexter, Tom's father, Vernard Freeman. Hezekiah Hopkins, fond of an ar gument Hubert Davis. Nathan Sneck. the hired man Ray mond McDevitt. Carlotta Banister, a child of rate -Ruth Gutherie. Anastasia Bannister, her "stylish aunt, from New York Marjone Blankenship. Amelia Dexter, sister of Dexter Stella Duncan. Mrs. Muslin, something of a talicer, 'as you might say." Grace Stines. Bella Ann help at the farm, Lo la Cody. A.f 1 The vard at Ferndale Farm, Cranberry Corners, on an after noon in July. Tne telegram. . AM. 2 Same as Act 1.. about a week later. The stranger. ; Act 8. Residence of Mrs. Bannis ter, New. York City. Three months have elapsed. In the hands of fate. Act 4. Back at the farm, two weeks later. The silver lining. On the following Thursday eve ning, Class Nignt rrogram, win oe given, with tne iouowing pupiis w lng part: , , Class UruHIDier vernaru rreemwi Class Prophet Lola Cody. Class Giftorian Lovada Cody. Class Will Marjorie Blankenship. Class History Fred Ramsey. Class Poet Stella Duncan. Th vradimtiiMr exercises will, be held on Friday evening, May 25. 'pifl.P- Woods. ftteaf& Ihe vaidfrtorian Ruth The Golden Whistle is given to Beffo by a little old woman Gutherie. The address will then be ae-; fa . d u f wicred Witch. He tods -W ail vn 5 ce vt'th d?pdiormal T.fa fZof the woods answer to the . cYot the whistle. It , is mlntblrs of the senior class .re:(Stolen by a rabbit and is restored by the Fairy Queen who re- Marjorie Blankenship, Wace btme-i, leages the Httle 0jd woman from the magic Spell. HZ'GuUril. by Mrs. Plemmons, Misses Chandler. O'Dell and jlmes Reaves ' Whittington. ' - ' U The musickl recital which was rk-A- "HYPSIFS FESTIVAL" given in the Walnut High School Au-, Operetta- U I raiE.OTE.0 I V.- ditorium rTiday evening, may ii, ujr . ; V';v. y Ul ailQ OUl Uraaei ; ; , "V;..- Octavia -Lawson P NUNN-BUSH SHOES INTERWOVEN SOCKS F E. R. TWEED STORE E. R. TWEED STORE E. R. TWEED STORE Y AND GRAMMAR ENTERTAINMENT HOT SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL Friday, May 18. 8 O'clock Operetta "THE GOLDEN WHISTLE" By Primary Grades CHARACTERS: Beff0 : r HerDert f lemmons Mary LeeJzia JGeprge Jared The Little Old Woman Robin Red Breast White Rabbit Fairy Queen Wild Roses - Butterflies - Attendants to Queen Elves Cardinals Tli(rn,l HmKai hail s WAnH mflrlcpt Mvwwwy w.Buw. ..ww O " " " value for the manufacture of mater ials used in the textile industry. LOST & WANT ADS. SB words or lata SBe for on week T5e" for four weeks. Additional word cent a word a week CASH First. mflNnirluvroUl Itauimtar Mo'or No. 3646507 License No. 288348. See or write M. H. DAVIS, Walant. N. C. 07um 8 pd. . -'" - ...Albert Trent .Helen Loivett ' 1 Ten Girls' , - Six Girls ..: Isix Girls Twelve Boys .Two Children Time : Summer Afternoon. the pupils of Miss Mae Home, wasi c enjoyed by all who were present. This Gypsy Queen . recital gave the community some J-1 T11pr dea of the wora mat is Deing none i dunftg the year. . . Iast Thursday afternoon, the sixth grade baseball team of Hot Springs School met the sixth prade team of Walaut School on the Walnut court. A very interesting game was played, the score being 6-1 in favor of Walnut. ; rtiaiuTlaV Rrna. Store was broken into Monday night and about $20.00 worth oi mercnanaise uucen oa. Sheriff Ramsey's son, "Dube" wa here Tuesday investigating. Yankee Peddler Chorus of Gypsies. Presented by Misses Chandler and Beard. Pianist 11- Elizabeth Grubbs C. T. Gorenflo . Miss Haynes USHERS: . ; Beatrice Smelse ZtK Robbie Thornbur f -1 VI '"i Pauline Churchy, Helen Gorenflo. From. RED OAK The people in nr community are later than usual getting their corn planted. - -" ' ' ;' lYait in this section was- not dam agd much from tha frost and snow. Red Oak Sunday School , has t "- ormti'i with a pretty good ati i- - , - c m?1 . it..- . ,4 . 4 t . i LU B6v . . more religious assemblage. ; . ' j x We especially tovim our neiguuvn and friends of other communities to heln ns with oar Sunday School at Bed Oak by coming and taking a part with ns. ; ' ' - Miss Lneille Hunter is Tisiung wan her sister in Newport News, Ya. t . i J'iss Helen Dula is at horn nw., I r. and Mrs. O. B. Jones Hn. dersonvi,'-, N, O wert Tii''.r- t' r FOR SALE! Sweat Potato Plant. C. F. FORTNER Marshall. N, C. O-May 18. 'tv--'4'. ii, - . " I HowliiurtM It is almost fly. time. Let w figure on your; entire job of screening. Coal; Feed & Lumber Company Don't buy your Electric Refrig- lerator until yon see the General Electric It is quiet No oiling do. No belts. No drain See 1 RUDISILL to pipes. FOR SALE . . , . " 18 1-Guernsey heifers and eows, and Out new scnooi nousa "",15 fine Berkshire, hogs (pigs, wra, rected fast and we hope that t7 its n(J bou. tQf doging mat being erected that wa may awake to ltock, on account of having no u-w h 1 . one VI loot alter n. xoesa ara una better educational and religions worn l. heifers sold in my Fall I? thU,e0,,1c,?iti.. :'i N1 B0W sTto 4 JTUoBs strain Our Editor. Mr. Story was in onr . i!V C an.t,t n community last wek paying social ti or ...v. c. , , T and busin-s.ealL We wish him much J . t UMhtiL N, r wul dri- success w his r " ' v- r-. y0n ta f-"-a.- If iot sbls t pay eash, 1,1 " J I ;.. sell ci l',m if rr-?r'y ired. ."- ' ' T '' II'' -.-., ' "ow,.

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