, ' I'll , l ''I i S 'i THE NEWS-RECORD Marahall. N. C. May 18, 1928 1 r - ' r t. ft- r I. J, 1 1. '? ; y$$x$ of service r only a staffing point forRviCK" Skilled engineering and rugged construction make it the most durable of motor cars! Keep in mind when buying your new car, that more than three-quarters of all the Buick cars produced in the last twenty-five years are still serving their owners. Buick endures Buick stays young Buick stands up and gives its best over a longer period than any other car- because it is endowed with an extra-rugged double-drop frame Buick's world-famous Sealed Chassis and Triple Sealed Engine and the most nearly perfect oiling system ever developed You'll prefer Buick because it leads in beauty and luxury: an! you'll prefer it, too, because it is the most durable of cars and therefore the most paying investment. All Buick moJd hart Lcrtjoy HyJmdit ebiorbm, frmU mmd rmtn, $ tUndarj taaa SEDANS $1195 to $1995 SPORT MODELS JM trial f. . . tVat, Mick, WEBB MOTOR' Cose Street When better automobiles are WEAVERVILLE Miss Gwendolyn Whitted is holding a position in Asheville at the present with Mrs. Bonney. Miss Gladys Swann arrived home Sunday evening after a two day vist with her aunt in Asheville. Miss Pauline Whitted and Mr. Frank Branks of Weaverville were married last week. Miss OHie Bradburn is visiting her aunt in Asheville at the present. Miss Myrtle Capps entertained Mr. Clyde Roberts at her home Sunday afternoon. Miss Ruth Whitted arrived home last week from a visit with her broth ers in Kentucky. Miss Edith Wagner was visiting her -friends at Weaverville Monday after noon. . . . Mrs. George Capps is very ill in her home at Weaverville. Mr. Glenn Ramsey of Marshall was visiting Weaverville Monday after noon. Mr. Clarence Brigman and Miss Mary Buckner of Weaverville are to be married in June. Miss Josephine Hyatt has arrived home from a visit to her sister at Marion, N. C. Mrs. Arnold Walser of Salisbury is visiting her parents here at the pres ent From Roaring Fork We have been having some bad weather for the past few days. Messrs. Tilman Williams and Fur man Davis were the guests of Mr. Harson crown oavuiuajr Tlmo from Work Mr. Albert Garland, of Somer set, Ky- reosBtly said: "I used to work in the mines, but lost quite a bit of time on account of sick spells I had. I would get to having a bad taste In my mouth, and a very dull, tired feeling and ache. "My mother told me to try Black-Draught, which I did, and after a few doses I felt much bettor. Now I take it as soon as I feel the least bad, and I don't get down. I certainly can say that It has done more for me than any other medicine I have ever taken.;, -. 7": t T never get wlthwjt Black Draught If I go on a visit I take a package along m my suit case. My health is better now than it has been la fsam",' ISsAkOraasMbmeperedsVom jrr" roots and herbs, of highest quality. Price 25c. Try it 8 ! LOST I die tkocJt Itqmpmtmt ' COUPES $1195 to $1850 $1195 to $1525 nr 1 1 lax lot added. COMPANY ASHEVILLE, N. C. built, Buick will build them Mr. Billy Caldwell was in this sec tion Monday. Mr. Jim Williams passed through here Sunday. Miss Verdie Keener was the guest of Miss Bonnie Williams Thursday night. Mr. Furman Davis spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. Willie Willie Williams. Mr. Furman Davis and Mr. Tilman Williams went to Meadow Fork Sun day. Messrs Nick Parker and Eb Ebbs and Jim Brown motored to Marshall Mon Hav Misses Bonnie and Annie mae Williams were the guests of Miss Maggie Parker Friday. Robert C. Freeland Public Accountant Asheville, N. C. Audita Systems Tax Service From SANDY MUSH Mr. Fred Hannah has gone back to his work at Waterville, N. C. Mr. Dock Boyd, of Canton, W. J. spent Saturday night, Sunday and Sunday night with Mr. Oliver King. Mr. Charles Waldroup was up in this section hunting for some lost cattle. Mrs. T. T. King spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. M. M. Hannah. Messrs Roy and William Rogers and Jesse Brown were horse back riding Wednesday. Mrs. Lee Harris and daugnrer, Miss Gertie Harris, called on Mrs. T. T. King, Mrs. Franklin Surrett md also Mrs. L. a. Clark Wednesday. Messrs Oliver King and Denzil Surrett motored to Canton Saturday. Mr. Dewey Woody passed through this section last week. Mrs. Mae Hannah was sewing Wed nesday. Miss Ora King went to the store Wednesday. Miss Nelie Wilson is expected to visit this dace in a few days. Mesrs Harold Lusk and Mck Hannah went to Mr. Jesse H. King's store Thursday. Mesrs Edward, Norvel and Ernest Lusk were out motoring Friday afternoon. Miss Elsie Surrett is getting along fine after having the measles. - Misses Ora, Bertha King and Edna Surrett called on Mrs. Inez King and Mrs. Minnie King Saturday. ' What has become of the writer from Cross Rock? Wake up and don't go to sleep. We enjoy hearing the news from over there.. , Miss Nola Freeman, of Cross Rock, attended Sunday School at Chestnut Grove-Church last Sunday. . Mrs. " Mayma Surrett was visiting friends Saturday. ' ; - Messrs Densii and Franklin Surrett motored to towa Saturday. . v ' vv , Mr. W. A. Hawkins has been ill for some time and is slowly improving. We hope for him a speedy recovery. Mr. C E. King was out walking Fri day afternoon. .v.c:.,;.. .: ; ' Miss Nola Freeman has returned to her home in Madison County -after en-'"r -a few days with her sister, rs. v caver Clark. ; U A U II lil U tJ; J 7? From Big Laurel Our Sunday School is progressing more each Sunday. On last Saturday, -Rev. Mr. N. H Griffin oreached a wonderful sermon at this place. There was a large crowd at church Sunday afternoon. Rev. B. E. Gutherie preached at this place Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rice's , little son, Leo, is visiting his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Rice. i; .) On last Saturday at our regular meeting, a committee was appointed to locate a place to build al church. Also a committee was appointed to raise funds for building purposes. The people of this community were sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Os car Galloway. We hate to give up our friends, but God knows all things best. Mr. and Mrs. Connis Sams little daughter, Minnie Belle, has almost, recovered from injuries received from a burn last iaii. Come on you writers from Crewe. We like to hear from you. TAXI SERVICE Open and closed cars. Better serv ice. Prices are right Phone, write or telegraph B. FERGUSON Phone 68. tf. From BIG LAUREL I f We are sorry to report that there was not very many people out for Sunday School Sunday on account of rain. We hope there will be a large crowd next Sunday. Miss Robena Buckner has been on the sick list Miss Rosa Lee Waldroup was out kodaking Thursday. . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fortner were visiting home folks Saturday and Sun day. . ."!' Mises Cora and Robena Buckner were out hiking Wednesday. Mrs. Sarah Hall and son, Andrew, were visiting Mrs. Carlie E. Rice urdav. ' Mr. Carlie Kice was out car riding Sunday afternoon. Mr. Barnum Lewis was at tne store Saturdav. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rice and Miss Carrie Lewis were in Marshall Friday. Mr. Leseie Rice went to the store Monday. Mrs. Hatrie Buckner has been on the sick list for the past few days. (5 Cures Chills and Fever, Intermittent, Remittent and Bilious Fever due to Malaria It kills the Germs. From Clark Branch We are glad to say that the S. has been organized here. The tench ers are Mrs. Lola Reeves, Miss Bon nie Reeves, Miss Emma Glance and Miss Pearl Clark. Miss Hilda Brown, Secretary. There was a large attend ance Sunday but there is room fee more. Everybody is invited to come and be with us in Sunday School. Mr. Howard Worley and Mr. Bas com Clark of Odessa, attended S. S. at this place Sunday. Mr. Lloyd Angel and Mr. WUburn Worley passed through this section Sunday on their way to Ramp Patch. Mr. and Mrs. George Messer, Miss Ollie Jenkins and JMiss Lola Clark who has been visiting at this place return ed to theuf home at Marion Sunday. - Mr. Howard Worley was the truest of Miss Beulah Caldwell Sunday. Miss Pearl Brown was in this sec tion Sunday. Mr. Howard Worley was here lost Tuuesday. ROOMS $1.63 MEALS .50 SERVICE arises, week or longer. Else- trie lights, Bath, Telephone. Woadetv ful Mountain Scenery. -; The GIBBS HOUSE . Mar Hill, N. C. From Roberson Cove We are glad to see the beautiful spring weather. The farmers are near ly done planting corn. Mr. Richard Duckett was visiting his brother Everett at Canton last week I. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Duckett were visiting E. T. Duckett Sunday evening Mr. M M. Honnol has been visiting hamefolka this week. Mrs. Nancy Kirk is expecting a visit from her daughter Minnie ferguson the last of this month. We had a good S. S. at Chestnut Grove Sunday. Next Sunday May 19, is our preaching day. Hope all will be there to hear the sermon. There will be a Decoration at Ebe- nezer the first Sunday in June. All are invited to come and pay a respect to our departed loved ones. ' W. A. SAMS Physician, and Surgeon OfBce Front Room Over Citizen Bank. " , : J From Roaring Fork ."s-i'-vf.v? r. -'r;' -.!J?j$:1 vj!; We are having' some nice weather at present..',,,.... j, We had a good S. S. .Sunday and large attendance. r ' 3 , ' Miss Mary Green was at S. 9. . Miss Carolina Parker called on her sister Sunday. . ' ' ' Vliss Annie Graves and two. stater i'sirell snd Gertrude were tie guests ni l -' rr'e ttii f'?7 Cre r - GOOD - - mmS Sneeial "1 VI 1 JI ri a a VI 3 11 V Sunday for dinner. Mr. Charlie Taylor and Mr. Ralph riemmona called at Mr. Willie Will tarns Saturday night " - ' ' '"' Miss Verdie Keener. Charlie Tay lor, Ralph Plemmons and Robert Beck took dinner at Mr. wuue willims Sunday. Mr. Lloyd Ledford and Mr. Thomas Allison passed through this section Sunday. Mr. Herbert Pangle went back to his work Sunday. There will be singing at Bethel on Saturday night.' Everybody come, Mr. John Moore motored through this section Sunday. Mrs. Morning Wyatt went to visit her husband Sunday. Miss Maggie J. Parker called on Miss Gertrude Woody Saturday night. Miss Martha Payne and sister Hat tie did some shopping Monday. Mr. Johnnie Payne and Mr. Blank- enship have gone to b. I. Mr. Clyde Wyatt spent the week in this section FROM HOT SPRINGS Mr. George Lippard motored to Asheville Monday. Mr. J. M. Brown of Bluff was in town Wednesday. Miss Margaret McConnell spent the iveek end with Mrs. David Kimberly. Miss Alene Burgin visited friends in Marshall Friday, Mrs. J. F. Justice who was on her way home from Newport, Tenn., stop ped a short time with Mrs. L. J area Wednesday. Mr. Roy Plemmons made a busi ness trip to Jefferson City, Tenn., last week. Mrs. Bruce Holt of Bluff spent the week end with her sister Mr?. W. C. Fowler. Mr. Don Brown of Black Mountain was in Hot Springs a short time Satur day. Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Ra leigh,. May 10th, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Church spent Sunday Withrelstiyes on Sandy Mush. jars. jl. nuny is -visions ni uusu ter at NewporW;TenBV';.N,, i: ' ' Mr. and Mrs. R$bs Barrett and fath er, Mr. Tom Barrett of Whittier, N. C, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Brown Sunday. Mr John Gardner or Trust was m town Tuesday. Mrs Sam Freshour, 63, died Satur day evening at 8 o'clock, at her home near Tennelina. Funeral services were held Monday at 2 o'clock at Fairview with Rev. B. Doyle in charge assisted by Rev. P. T. McFee and Rev. G. L. Lovett. Miss Georeia Smith and Mrs. Mae Raines of Newport, Tenn., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Smith of Hot Springs. Mrs. E. E. Smith motored to IV ew- port and spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gorrell. From ALEXANDER , Evervone iis enjoying the pretty wea ther around Alexander. We are having an interesting bun- day School at French Broad Bap tist church. Everybody is invite 1. Alexander post office was damag H hv a ear last Saturday afternoon. The mail has been moved to the rear of Goforth & Ramsey's store. Everybody is through planting corn at Alexander. Mrs. Gordon Williams, who has been very ill for the past three weeks, is now able to do her nouse worn. Mrs. Clarence Eller, Who ass neen HI is new better, , . ... Born to Mr, ana Mrs. uewey m- on, May 8, liras, a .uaugnier. Mr. and . Mrs. Tom , Jtucker rave moved to 897 Brpadway,, Ashevjlle, n. c. : . ' Mr. One Treadway has moveu nis family to Alexander. Mr. Treadway is operator at Alexander swuon, Mr. aiid.Mrs, Warren Pike motored to Canton Tuesday. . Mr. Wade Hunter motored w Alex ander Thursday in his new Ford car that he purchased a few days ago. Mr. Kelmer Roberts ieii; ior Vir ginia Saturday. . 'ttit. Messrs. KODen inumpouu, Bailer. Willie Wilson . have returned from Hamon, Indiana. Mr. E. S. DeBruni returned mon- day from Litle Rock, Arkansas, where he has been for the past two weeks. Mrs. Gudtrer Gofortn, Mrs. ieia Caxe, Mrs. H. V, Coxe and daughter, Helen, spent last Friday in Asheville. Mr. Roy Buckner was the guest of Miu Hml Rice Sunday. Mr. Homer Roberts was the guest of Miss Mildred DeBruhl last Sunday. Mr. Robert Thompson was the guest of Miss Mabel DeBruhl last Sunday. Mrs. Anna Randall, of Asheville, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Silvan Chandley Friday ana aawiraay. ir- Miss Mildred DeBruhl spent last Saturday evening with Mrs. Lela Cox. Miss Perkins Thompson spent last week with her sister, Mrs.' Allan De Bruhl at Asheville. , Mr. and Mrs. Russell Roberts were out motoring Sunday afternoon. .. Mr Veasnev Evans has been work ing at Craggy, Station for the past Mry8E ' S. DeBruhl nd two daughters. Mildred and '. Myrtle, spent last Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. Murry DeBruhU y . ;; : 7 From Roaring Fork , ; A"" large ' crowd attended Sunday School Sunday.. v ;-, J '. . Mrs. Nathan Payne was tiie guest of Miss Rebecca Wyatt Sunday. - Mrs. Berry Brown had as her din ner guests Sunday the following: Mr. snd Mrs. Harvey Fleming and three children, Mr. i. N Parker, Misses Lou, etta Fleming and Carolina Parker.' . ' Mrs. Mildred Blaakenshis called on Mrs. Sarah Payne u.s -v i- - A -: . Mrs. Gertrude Spearmaa and Miss Anna Graves took dinner 1 with the Greene girls Sunday. "' '. Mrs tula wyau has seen ui yor a rw c. vs. Littie Viola F' rfcenhlp spent Sun- - ( ... -- r- i your OrdcrwcfMiy all Poifaqc Pecronol Attention qivcn5deeliu bon marche; . AJMlVlLLfS OUALrrV DEPAKttlENT S1Y3RE APHEyiLLfc Misses Ruth and Beulah Trantbum, Messrs Judee Fowler and Hassan Justice motored to Hot Springs Sun day. There will be a decoration at the cemetery here May 27 at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon. Everyone is invited to come. We will also clean off the graves May 26 at 2:0.0 o'clock. Every body come with something to work with. z There will be sineimr at Bethel Church Saturday night. All are wel come to come. We have new song books and want to practice sinsrinir Thursday. '' ' ' ," ; ' . Mr.' Leo Keener motored throusrh this section Thursday. Mr. IJnvd Ledford of Wevneaville. was the truest of his brother. Mr. Jasper Ledfo WednesdayM Mrs. Cora Payne and sister Isabella, were . ine guesis oi Mrs. . - Miiorea iL i M sr asri Blankensbip Wednesday. Mr. Jeter and Frank Kent were truck hauling last week. Mr. E. B. Ebss and his mother-in- law, Mrs. Lou Duckett, motored to Meadow Fork Friday. Mrs. Cordelia Graves called on Mrs. ! ASHEVILLE'S KaC We are just as close to you as your telephone, Post' Of . fice, or Mail Box. All orders filled promptly. We pay postage. Give our Mail Order Department a trial. We are always glad to open charge ac counts with responsible parties. From GVNTERTOWN We are having some nice weather in our section again. Mrs. vLilile Franklin and her two daughters, Alma Lee and Juda, took dinner'with Mrs, Sally Kate Wallin. They also .visited-Mrs. Cbandley. Miss Jessie, rrankun -.came dck Oattmlav from Arcadia. S. C. where she has been the guest of her brother, Mr. Olsen, Franklin. MiaJOlaan Franklin and baby Ed gar, are .visjting her father-in-law for THE GAFECT THE MOOT COMFORTABLE THE MOOT RELIABLE UssMSSarSrasaaasaaate ;.. OMaaSatMrS meti ae . ;i 1 1 asa o sae Usui isiIiiiisSihiih awrsswsTajp seariSaerMS adlraaaaasaa 2"' Z':. u-ttseatrisatasai . e-.k-a ? t " T ' "f; - - !; t. t- . .. it aan fare , w9tm ttttnuMm ' . ; . : s rasassf Sjb) maaaataraaai w , H'-Mtrunsi 2 V , aoooaiMiLoauiesLrwwoe y sfcae apes' I pa tr """sl wm tMtwaaa fa ja-tr 1 ti zae S4MMB car mt T. H &ZLfQ Ceaerl ! MORTtl CAROLINA Rebecca Parker Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Suttles have moved to Hot Springs. Miss Anpa Graves spent Friday with her aunt, Mrs. Sam Wilburn at Cold Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Russell and children were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Trantham Sunday. Misses Lois Gregory and Louetta Payne were the guests of Miss Caro lina Parker Sunday night Mr. Hal Woody motored through this section Saturday with a load of fishing poles. Mr.. Tom Moore and son, Johnnie, motored through this section Satur day. Misses Gertrude woody ana Maggie Parker spent Saturday night with Miss Ella Mae Wyatt at Bonnie HilL W 1 y Auto Tourist "I clearly had the right of way when this man ran into me, and yet you say I was to Diame. Local Cop "You certainly was." Autoist "Why?" Local Con "Because his father is mavor. his brother is chief of police. and I'm engaged to his sister." ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmMt LEADING STORE a week, after which she expects to visit her relatives at Walnut. Mr. Ashley Roberts passed through the "suburbs" of Gtinter Town on his way to Spin Corn Where he works. Mr. f Jeter Wallin was in Guntor Town. Sundays .!-. . 1 Mr. Earl Rice and Misses Dora and Wavel -Franklin were out motoring Sunday afternoon. Mr J and Mrtv Roy. Franklin visited her mother over the week-end. Mrs. Olsen Franklin and Miss Jsssie Franklin were 4 i visiting Mrs. Cas Thomas Sunday afternoon. IT COGTG XEOC f s. a ttt t"at . wans ' tTsc&btzteat D. C ' - - m w 1