$2.00 hn t-av iv -,;,,rx n 1 . iiM 4T7 THE NEWS-RECORD WUCEA YEAR - MAUI SON COUNTY RECORD W . Established June 28, 1901. FRENCH BROAD NEWS Established May 16, 1907. Coiuolldatad November 2, 1911 . a The PROGRESSIVE FARMER , 1 THE NEWS-RECORD h BOTlf A YEAR FOR id. .U" I t THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUHIilSHED IN MADISON: COUNTY 4i VOL, XXI rV MARSHALLK;;FRIPA WNE i?l928 1825 .!: ' 1 3. i. b:W..v' .-T I 3" p "in 1 1 r. i z 'i v t i- I I I 1 , bl m l r m n,. i. , f 1.4.. .-. .,. 1 , . 1 1 1 " "m. -v : a t m, 1 1 a 1, , . v ji Ba m. & PIERIONS BOLTS PARTY AND ;t BREAKS PROMISE TO NEWS-RECORD i '' - May 24, 1928. Mr.. Ira Plemmons, . Hot Springs,; North Carolina. Tlonr Mr. Plnmmona: ' ': I understand that" you have filed your name with the County Board of Elections as a tiepuDiican canuiuatu A for the State--Senate for the. sum f Senatorial District. I have no quar rel to make with yod about this, but I really believe that when you come to seriously tonBider the matter that you must decide that as a Republican dftnd as a man, that you ought to with draw your : name. -1 Suppose that there is no law to .prevent you from filing your name, regardless of wheth er yju have the legal right under the law, governing" political nominations of candidates to do s0;- I think you know that 1 was not an applicant for the nomination, Without my request or any action oh1 my part, the Re publican Convention held at Miu-A-aU, March 12th, unanimously endors ed me for the nomination, which in effect was instructions, to the Sena torial delegates to , vote for me- for the nomination in the Senatorial Con- vention. -You- were present m Onnvention at Marshall and took an active part in tKe,;weedigs orthe Convention. Wheii the resolutions were offeaed (by parties not in Mar shall), endorsine me for the- nomina tion, not nly the elegata like your self were Dermitted to- vote but the questiMas submitted to-all Repub licans present and . the- Courtroom was crowded, . No. vote was cast a. srainat me or in the negative, ahd 1 take it that you voted for me.; At least you did not vote aaginst me or make any protest against my nomina tion, and certainly nothing has trans. Dired on my part since the Convon. tion that would cause you or anyone else to be aaginst me. rne senator lal District Convention was retrular- ly called by the Chairman . of the Senatorial Executive fJommtttfe to meet at Spruce- Pine oh the 7th day of May at t o'clock. "At the time ap pointed the. Convention was regular ly organised rand all the counties, Madison 'MittJiell. Averv and Yancey, were represented ny; duly elect4 del ratea bv the EeDubUcan Conventions I the. irespecuve counties. - Jixiet we ConveiUioawa iiiwed my nme w nlaeaH In nomination 1 bv dele- rates from all of the "counties and T was unanimously nominated as the Republican candidate for- the SOth .Senatorial District. My nomination was duly certified by the Chairman, Dr. C. A. Peterson, and the Secre tary, Mr. Frank Carr, to the Chair man of the Republican Party of the four different counties composing the district, " This seems to me to con stitute a legal and valid nomination as candidate of the Republican Party for the 80th Senatorial District, As a man and aa a olyal Repcb'i can, do you think you are doing the proper thing in the face of all that has been done, to defy the action of the organized Republican Party and to become a candidate against the regular nominee of the Party? I have consulted several other lawyers and they all agree that I have been legally nominated under the law and that lam the regularly nominated candidate for the State Senate of the Republican Party In this District am loathe to believe that you n-int to be put in the position of a bolter of your party and defying the organs aation of the-Republican Party., If the Republican Party, through its du ly autnorued agents ana representa tives, had put vou in the same posl tion that I occupy, .neither persuas ion not any other kind of inducement woum cause me to let my name run in opposition to the voice of jny party and in opposition to its duly and reg ularly -nominated candidate, regard less of -what I : might r think . voters might do in the primary. I thought we had seached the point for one time lUi WV UiOtl KTUH JVIUB TVIICU WJC Republican Party in. this. County mieht be united, when it might be said that no Republican would bolt is party or do anything to help tleet common fairness and Justice that -every man owes to another, and in the name of the Republican Party not to be moved by any parties who-are ap pealing to you throueh auch.a spirit or who may be appealing to you for their own semsh political advantagea JOHN A. HENDRICKS. The above letter was sent by mail to Mr. Plemmons. No answer. It is the universal political party law that where a, candidate is regularly nom inated for any office, by duly constituted convention, that such nomination is binding on the party and all loyal mem bers of theparty. As hereto fore shown, I was duly :and regularly nominated by dele gates properly elected,- as the Republican candidate for the State Senate, 30th District. In compliance with all precedent, all that was necessary was for me to file mjr name with th? e lection Board in order to have my name put on the ticket as the regular nominee of the Re publican Party. So far as known, Mn Plem mons is the only man in the his- f bry of the Republican Party in forth Carolina, or- any other party, who has .not kept the faith,, has broken, the rule And maintained by the Statej This1 is one of the principal roads in the County and serves a large and prosperous, population. The road from Marshall to the. Forks of Sandy Mush should be taken over by the State. The HENDRICKS' PLATFORM i 1 HENDRICKS FAVORS MEASURES THAT WILL REDUCE TAXES AND I I HELP THE PEOPLE ,-;I favor a state-wide school system neonle in t.h ?ar.Hv Mhbi Sp. ver f?unty ,n the btate to pay the ' .-same rate 01 school tax which Will re tion have never had a depend' able road and it is one of the best sections Of Madison Coun- :bondlnir the coiintv exceot bv vote of duce taxes 50c to 60c on the $100.00 taxable property in Madison County .',1 stand now as I did in the legis lature 1 of 1921, against any further ty and they are entitled to a good road to get to the County fc)l-ntoAnlp T naaaaA fliA low 11 1091 that -Madison County should not bond beyond 5 per cent of the taxable nroMiTV. i tip nATt ipo.minr.iirA 10- seat ana to market their pro- ipealed this law. t -l. i J 1 Jini in favor of a law that will uuuuj. Ynicmer x am eiecteu to givei pepole living on private roads Kenublican County in the State. -f most respectfully ask you to stop, think and pause before you taka the last step which cannot, be recalled. It seems to me that there is more than the nomination for office to be con sidered, but honor and loyalty are-at stake. . ; I think when you corns . to ter that you may decide that y0U and more roads to amend the cannot afford to repudiate your own attttM H!,,,wv T. 0 t -'WL fbecome a -"bolter nd seks nomination "under like circum stances. From the publisher's state ment in last week's News-Rec ord, it appears that Mr. Plem mons, in order to get his propa ganda published in the News- Record, pledged his word and honor that he would under no conditions be a candidate for office. He violated his honor bound oath and broke his word with The News-Record, accord ing to Mr. Story's statement. For many months Mr. Plem mons has put out his written propaganda, appealing to the prejudices of the people, has endeavored to inflame the minds of people against taxes without suggesting or offering any remedy to legally reduce taxes or for the better progress and uplift of the people, My plan for a state-wide school system and uniform state school tax will reduce the taxes in Madison County and other small counties from 50c to 60c. on the $106.00 of taxable prop erty and we will hive better schools and better schoolhous-es.-f We will have better roads the Senate or not I shall do everything in my power to have the State take over and main tain these roads. If necessary I will go to Raleigh and present the matter to the full Board, State Highway Commission. If we pull together I believe the State will take over and mam tain these roads. I know if we can have .the Stite Highway Law amended as I iiave propos ed we shall have plenty of money apportioned to Madison County by the State to do this, and give Madison and other small counties as good highway counties JQHN A, HENDRICKS system as the large now have, y? A ' or cartways part of. their road time on sucn roads or cartways. I favor amending the State HVh way law so as to apportion State road money on a basis of mileage and not population. This will give Madison County and all the smaller counties more; and better roads, gfi" $ am in favor of the State taking over, ana maintaining the road from Mar Hill to Upper Laurel, and the road -.from Marshall to the Forks of Sandy Mush. The people in these sec tions: are entitled to this and I shall do B in my power to have the State take foyer these roads. vjfj elected I propose .and hereby pledge! to stand and work for exxch measures as will better the conditions of," the people, regardless of party, friend or foe. JOHN A. HENDRICKS SHIPPED FROM MARSHALL Pedestrian : "Which is the quickest iv to get to the general hospital?" VAlHiOl t H HUII) UUb Ql LMllli WI11UUW a . and hrpoi.vnnr lM?.AWri.t.n 1 priee WOU1CI Dft WOno SiSUU. FOR SHERIFF To the Voters Of Madison County I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sher iff of Madison County, subject to the action of the Republican Primary, June 2nd. I shall appreciate the sup port of all the voters, and if e lected will discharge my duty to the best of my ability. Willard C. Rector. Mr1. Brintnall informs us that on last Monday 600 lbs. of but terfat were shipped to the Bilt more Creamery rfrom Marshall. This-amount at .the prevailing PLEMMONS DOES N0T..DENY THAT HE FAVORS INCREASING ASSESSED VALUA TION OF FARM LANDS 20 PER CENT Plemnions has replied to circular citing his let ter in which he says the assessed valuation of town property is too high and assessed value of lands should be increased 20 per cent. He does not deny that he is still in favor of increasing the assessed, value of farm land 20 per cent. Vote for HENDRICKS, the nominee of the Re publican Party, whose state-wide school system will reduce your taxes 50 cents to 60 cents. Will you vote for Hendricks, the nominee, who proposes a plan to reduce your taxes, or tor Plemmons, the BOLTER, who offers no plan to reduce your taxes? JOHN A. HENDRICKS. (POliLTICAL 'ADVERTISING) "Do you come to Sabbath School voluntarily. -. or because you are coerced?' raSked the pretty teacher. "Voluntarily: I aruess." replied lit tle Edgar. "I thought they only had to get coerced if they were Baptists. xouth's world. Father; "If you want to make a hit. my son; you must 'strike out for your self.". '.,.. Son: "Yftii're mixed in vour base ball talk, dad;. if you strike out vou can't make a hit" "WJth ieet like yours you should get a Job with the government." "Doing what?" "Stamping .out forest-fires." "Darling what in the world 'a the matter with this letuce?" asked the fond young husband of three days. "Didn't you wash it?" "Of course I did, dear. I even ased some of that good perfumed toilet soap on it." Some startling predictions as to tha future population in England were recently made by Rev. William R. In gle, commonly known as the "gloomy deacon." Hastings (Fla.) paper. Thirty-five head of pure bred dairy cattle were added to the cow popula tion of Guilford County by Agent i. I. Wagoner last week. COL JOHN D. LANGSTON Candidate for Lieutenant Governor DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY June 2nd JETER P, RAMSEY MAKES FINAL C:aEPLBDR.HUTCHINS FOR STATE SENATOR actions and to defy the law and prec edent of your own, party.and to be come a bolter of you party which it . appears to me ii - you i-uutiuutt iu pose and the people in Madison County living off the. highways press .your nomination in ;the rln-;; tit Li;, U ? uf- ' mary election you will do, regardless have part of their - road KlA ttmk thai time UK put their.priyate rqads after mere mature deliberation that in condition I am informed that the State Commission - , has yon win decide that you cannot afford to take, such a step and that you will withdraw your name from the Board of Elections and avoid being .put in the position of having the stigma -of .Highway personally intend it nr not.- r know (taken the maintenance off lhe that every-man who is active .in ijfe . 'w..-. ': haa some nemies. , I don't .know road ffom Mars Hill to Upper that I have any but my lot in life hai v k.;rp also' nff -th Mnrri'll " alwaya been that I have had to scrap-HPej a 13Q prr ine Marsnail- for Hying and I have been active m Sandy. Mush Road. Of COufse my profession and possibly I have I t - made some enemies who may ba ap-jthis ' is - a State' Matter, bat I pealing to you to take the eanrse. ' . . ' TT.,r which you LveafeE out ia order that ;know. the road from rr?rs ITrlf they may even u in some way with to TTroer Laurel' ow t to" lie me, but may I ask you in the name of lu uper jurei vu..t 10 oe In entering the race for the State Senate, 'I feel that I am doing so at the demand of very many of the good citizens of this County. I cannot make any campaign, since my fath er is a very sick man arid I owe to him the duty of being near him, and with him, to do all I can for him. , I think it is very well known what I stand for, and. in the event the voters nominate me, I shall drj all within my power .to give the taxpay ers some relief. , - If my friend Mr.; Hendricks, gets a majority of the votes- m this County, then he will be the nominee of the party, since it is Madison Coun ty's time to name; the State Senator for this district'.. -' I; :iid take: it that if I shall have a majority in this County, then the nomination will come to me. I urge the voters to carefully consider which of us represents the btest interests of the tax pay ers and vote accordingly. ' -;v::-- i -'t , iU further urge every voter ta go to the polls and vote. " -. "' -' I ' - t 'A, -, t" r, J.;' ' . I thank you f or the confidence you may have rrri V PLEr.ir.IONS ; ' , fPOUTICAL ADVERTISING) . ' - I have no ill feeling with anybody who is my .opponent, and I wish to say that I am not approaching their character. I want a fair and just treatment to all candidates. I stand for the best interest of the nennln and MY WORD IS MY BOND. I mean, to do what i say I will do if it is in my power. Neither ring can lead me and I am determined to stay away. Reports have come to me that I am tnis and that and so on, but upon my honor and my word, which I try to make my, very best, I expect and I am determined to (do the square thing, in all my actions toward my fellow men. ... ' "The' wih of 'the people ii my wish." I Want the oeonle ta he aatiotioA and if I, am chosen as Representative I shall, try with 'H my power to do what the. .people,. want done. I have nothing concealed, I stand openly to defend and protect the people who are dear and near to my heart,. th com mon people. I like to be in their home and' in their company for they are my da. "I HAVE NOTHING IN MIND BUT THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE."' I wish to say that I have no mo, ley to spend in the race, sincei I expect to get nothing out of it only to, serve the common people who have a hard time' making ends meet If I had some thing I wished to do for personal in terest, I could then afford it and then collect out of the poor people of Madison, as many have done before, I ask the common people to stand out for their own interest, and be care ful how they cast their vote this time as never lief ore. The common People's Friend, JETER P. RAMSEY. (Political Advertising.) GROVER C REDMOND LETTER 'Iv, May 30th, 1928. TO THE VOTERS AND TAX PAYERS OF MADISON, COUNTY. Ladi ad Gentlemen: Having tried to see vou all befor th i i my platform before vou now aa th U f u w d fjf Wmeftotf Wfore the Primary, I wish to state to you that I nave made you a fair oflFer to save you tax payers $1061.92 each year or for the term of ofnee. $2.1 23 Rd !.-. i win Koberta ha. bpt offered this to you and by hot doing so you will know that he1 stand, for high taxes '-o he can get higi wages, I have ,k9 y,J men to take my statement tothe Auditor and see if it wMforrect and several people went and found it cor rect If you people are against high taxes, show me se by go. mg to your Toting place and cast; your " vote for Grover C RedmonWfeat ; did J. Will Roberts swear on the stand about 1. Madison County? Here it is, just as the question asked him about how the lands were assessed : , Question.(by Mr. Robert.): Then f ask if the lands in Madison County are not assessed for what they are worth , f or taxes Z'i;J Aniwei (by J. Will Roberts) : About 50 per cent Friendtj T don t believe in slinging mud with my opponent, but I an) willing at any time for you to look up my record as to my general character and look up my opponent's, and then af ter you have thoroughly investigated them both I will be willing for you. to cast your ballot for the cleanest man. ; All t biUrevever done politically has been done for your in terest and for the welfare of you.. Why did J. Will Roberts and his brothers stand so' closely to Plato Ebbs for the repre sentative. .Of 'Madison Countv ? listen. I , will tell vou HE RAISED. J. WILL'S SALARY TO $2400.00 per year. These -are facts you should know, not intending to mud sling but to put -U before you as it i. :! Friends, I leave the Office of Register of Deeds jn -your hands, believing you will see who is the man t save you $1C51.S2 per year. Thanking you in advance for your rapport af the Polling Boxes. Yours to serve. ' . ''.-. Your friend," .' GROVER CREDMOn'V ' (POLITICAL ADVERTISING A

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