rOURTHPAGE THEflEW S-REC OR D . . - Marshall, N,C. June 8, 1928 - r t THE NEWS-RECORD LANKFORD STORY, Edlir. H. L. STORY, PnbUsaer. Entered as second cUm audi Matter at the postoffice at Marshall, N. C, Ml of Marc 3, 1879. ONE YEAR BIX MONTHS THREE MONTHS SUBSCRIPTION PRICEi 8 OOTHREE YEARS (in advance) 15.00 1.00 SINGLE COPIES .05 .60 Many (ordered before pressday) .04 - e UNDER YOUR NAME ON THE LABEL la line tells you when your subscription expires. If the paper does not stop when your time is out, a le postal card or letter addressed to MR. H. L. STORY, Marshall, N. C. will stop it. If be does not bear from you, be will think you wisb the paper continued and that you are willing te pay for it at the rate of 50e every three months. Gtal amrf re unuxrotmm smewii.oiWewi"mue nsj BIBLE THOUGHT AND PRAYER If panmb will Aott that Mirm mmt fix e BiklmfUcMonuKhwk.ttM)dlproam m priuUtt ktritaf is than as tfim fan. SEEK TODAY: Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon i Him while He is near. Isaiah 65:6. SIGN YOUR NAME Don't -blame the publisher ef the News-Record for not pub- lishing' what you write, if you do not sign your name and ad- dress. Wo cannot publish ar tides unless we know who sends them. Wo will not pub lish the name if you object. PRAYER : O God. Thou art full of goodness, truth and love, and Thou thast assured us that if we seek Thee we shall find Thee. "Remember the Sabbath Day, 1 to keen it holv " Exodtu 20:8. Go To Church Sunday. YOUR DUTY TO VOTE One paper has said that there has become an alarming ten dency towards apathy in public affairs, especially the selection of public officials, on the part of citizens of this country. The percentage of eligible voters voting has shown an almost steady decline for the last two or three decades. This is true through out the country, and we wonder if there are citizens of Madison County like this, who do not vote. When the time comes to ac tually vote, doesn t your better self tell you to VOTE? If it does, then it should certainly be heeded. If it does not, then you really have no better self. Statistics show that in 1896, 80 per cent of the eligible voters in the United States went to the polls and voted. In 1900 the percentage dropped to 77; in 1908 it went down to 66 per cent, and in 1920 the President was elected by a majority of the minority, since only 49 per cent exercised their privilege of franchise. In 1924 this was raised to where the majority voted. The approaching elections are not far off, and again it will be up to the people to decide upon the right man to occupy the highest office of our country. This privilege should not be ig nored, or regaraea ngniiy. it is not only a privilege and a right, but it is a duty for every eligible voter of this country, OFFICE KATKOLUM . ! " V 'Vr ';C-vv' - So the great election, is over, eh ? Well, I can't flay that I am sorry tat it is over. The office gang suie did put out some work just before the election, or rather, for the past twtf or three weeks. 1 How about that false fire alarm the nite before the election? That sure did tickle me, the way all the people started running and rushing around, ftnd then found out that it was all for naught. There was no fire, for the fire chief was just giving the boys a little fire drill, or practice. . . If you folks do not go hunting, then you have no idea of what you are miss ing. Hunting is my favor ite recreation and pastime, and I stay in the woods and fields most of the time. Just as long as there is good hunting to be done, III do it, an furthermore, I'll be completely happy and satisfied while thus Oc cupied. I sure have had some fun listening at the foot steps of the candidates as they "headed for the Ramp Patch." I'm sorry for them, but it can't be helped. Everybody could not win. You may think that"fi ought to write a whole lot this week, but right here is where I sign off. Station K-A-T signing off until next week. G'bye. I I in & R TWEED STORE E. R. TWEED STORE --E. R. TWEED STORE- 1 .ft- V .vVv'V : ...... H ' n f.- - - . -. ,;. . I jt ,. , . j , lAJ JJ. TT I awl'i,V w . WW arena, & j a- auu ii juu xaii lu vuic, tueii yvu lau tu uu yuur uuty. nave you quire the licensing or corporations (producing- and shipping coal In inter. cvci wiuujuv uuui tins matter in tins uni wnat a citizen wnu iuta commer:e; nd to create a BtH neglects the duties and responsibilities of citizenship not only j m mous jjjjj oiUns. suffers by foregoing his own rights, but is really a detriment to I Representative Adolph J. Sabath, the government? 113785, relating to returning alien Another thing to think about is this not only should every irom tSZOt lZ. citizen vote, but he should also prepare himself to vote intelli-1", House gently. Nobody should "fly off" and vote for the first man he, No. 13780, to promote labor and in hears of, but should learn about all the candidates for the office, 'panding in the foreign fields the terr- should learn their merits and their faults, compare them, care- YZnTTilTau 'and diffusing useful inlormation re- fully weigh the matter in his mind, and after fully deciding up on the RIGHT MAN, should VOTE accordingly. BILLS IN CONGRESS Foreign Serric Clerks Representative J. Charles Linthi cum of Maryland, introduced House Bill No. 13745, for the grading- and classification of clerks in the Foreign Service of the United States of A merica and providing compensation therefor. Memorial Highway. Representative Henry R. Rathbone, of Illinois, introduced House Bill No. 13751, to provide for a survey of a route for the construction of a high way connecting certain - places asso ciated with the life of Abrahm Lin coln. Prasidaat's Term. Representative Emanuel Celler, of New York, introduced House Resolu tion No. 200, regarding the retire. ment of the President after his second term. Tariff Commission. . Representative Joe J. Manlove. of Missouri, introduced House Bill No. . 13713, to increase the membership of the Tariff Commission, to increase the salaries of Commissioners, and ' to make more flexible the operations under section 815 of the Tariff Act of 1922.' ' -V-ft-.,;:-- cr- .'.Panama Caaat. ' Representative Maurice H. Thatch er, of Kentucky, introduced House Bill No. 18706, to provide for the construction of the Panal Canal Me morial. ---. '..V Pari PUtforma. : " '., ', Representative" John Q. TQsoiu of Connecticut, introduced Hons R so lution No. 201.' providinsr for the printing u a House document ef the garding labor and industry, 2 r, ' Air -Commerce. 'Representative Fiorelk) H. LaGuar. da, of New York, introduced House Bill No. 13782, to provide compensa tion for disability or death resulting from injury to employees in certain employments in interstate or foreign air commerce. r ' , Presidential Election. tianntA TaeMaa PnAnsi a f i kjvusivwt nv smuvd whuviioi vs ais. j iis gan, introduced Senate Bill No. 4499, to apportion the electors in the elec tion of President and Vicei President and to- enforce the provisions of Ar ticle 11, section 1, clause 2, of the Constitution of the United States, f. Contract Labor. Representative Albert Johnson, of Washington; introduced House Joint Resolution No. 812, relating to the enforcement . of the contract-labor provisions of the immigration Act of 1917. - : - r, - . - TarisT Act. 5:, Representative .Clarence -Cannon, of Missouri, introduced ' House Bill No. 18875, to amend the Tariff Act of 1922, entitled "An Act to Provide revenue, to regulate commerce with fordern cnuntrip. and to CTrnm io of Michigan, introduced House Joint the industries of the United States." Resolution No. 807, to preserve! for j . : Eqnal Rightav j power and park facilities ef the gorge I lUnrewntstive FrsHrick W. Ma. development , the potential water m) f pnnnlvnia.-lntriliivi nd great falls of the Potomac River, i House Joint Resolution No. 810, pro-i ; nni. I posing an amendment to tne Constt- ' Representative Lorinsr M. Blaek. ' nt th. nniA it. Jr of New York, introduced House 1 to tonal rie-hta tnr men and women. Financial Settlements. Representative Henry R. Rathbone, of Illinois, introduced House Joint Resolution No. 806, requesting the President to direct all agencies of the Government that -financial settle ments can only be secured through the ordinary channels of law and duly authorised arbitration agencies. Interstate Commerce. Senator Guy D. GOff, of -West Vir ginia, introduced Senate Bill No. 4479, to regulate the - shipment in in terstate or foreign commence and transmission through the mails of de vices and information for the dupli cation of keys for locks from the lock number. ..'... Neg'otiable Instruments. Representative James G. Strong, of Kansas, introduced House Bill No. 13849. to provide that transfers for collection of negotiable.' instruments shall be prefferrei creditors of na tional banks in certain cases. Water Power. Representative Louis C. Crampton, Resolution No. 211. to recotmise the Nationalist Government as the Gov ernment of China. Jndicial Cede.' Senator Robert P. Wagner, of New Aerial Exnerts. Representative Stephen G. Porter, of Pennsylvania, introduced House Joint Resolution No. 811, to provide Jaa annual appropriation to meet the !... ITntt.J Gfau k York, introduced Senate BiU No. 1401 to amend aectoon 24 ef the'Jndicial expense of the International Techni Code as amended, with respect to the m( rmanittM a ImI v.-m. (jurisdictioa of the district courts of tnerta. ui uoim oisici over buiis orougnc I . Sss iU.e Cemneesetion... platforms of the Republican and D- mocratic Parties, respectively, to be adopted at their conventions in 1928. - ' Coast Vise TroW v .- . . rotor V'i::iam H. ef Utah, j f 3 I .1 4443. te by or against public, utility corporal RepreeenUtive W. T. Fitjierald, UOH. . ' , ... nkU - LJ,f.AJoo4 TTArioA ti.ll XT . Senstot James E Watson, ef Indi- owprisat t to s' , -is, tailors, an i ana, fnt oducd Senate EU1 No. 4490,'wUows. ,or c' " n. and helDlet' to to-Jstm - i -trr- fcnd foreign 'and depend t Men's All Wool Guaranteed &1im Serge Suits, 3-piece $ 13.75 MenV AH Wool 2-piece $9.95 We are closing out tome Men's Suits frqm $7.50 to $12.50. AH Wool Blue French Serge Suit, Value $22.50, for $14.75 23x17 Bath Towels , 10c Silk Rayon, All Colors . 29c Men's Work Shirts L.;48c; 2 for 95c WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION OF BATHING SUITS, ALL GRADES Ladies', Men's, and Children's. Tan Curtain Scrim 7 Vic $7.50 and 8.00 Boys' Long Pants Suits : $5.95 Boys' Short Bant Suits f 13.45 Men's 220 Weight Overalls 98c Linoleum Rugs, 6x9 ft. from Roll $2.10 CLOSE-OUT ON ALL LADIES' SPRING COATS WE "HAVE BLACK & WHITE TOILET ARTICLES Bit Selection of Men's Straw Hats'-.-: . .. . $1.50 up Men's 2 Pant Suits, Value $25,00 to $27.50, for , ,$19.50 Ladies' Hts, 1 Lot for $1.98 j I lot for $2,08. Nothing hither. Mets Tan;& Black Welt Oxfords . ; Ladies' Black Kid, 1 strap, low heel pumps . r $1.98 Just received selection of Men's Cool Cloth & Linen Suits $12.50 2 skeins Clark's A, Willimantics Embroidery Thread for -JJc' Interwoven Sox . Arrow Shirts Cheney Ties Nunn Bush Shoes St Oxfords Middishade Suits INUNN-BUSH SHOES INTERWOVEN SOCKS Hp M r E. R. TWEED STORE E. R. TWEED STORE E. R. TWEED STORE Resolution No. 809, calling upon the President of the United States to issue a proclamation every year de signating the first week in May a national health week. : Revising Versailes Treaty. , , Representative Victor L. Berger, of Wisconsin, introduced House Joint -Resolution No. 814,' (directing the President of the United States to call an international conference for the purpose of revising the terms of the treaty of Versailles, the terms of the reparation v agreements entered into thereunder; and to rewrite the Versail les treaty in accordance with the terms upon which the German people laid down their arms. National Employment.- Representative Henry R. Rathbone of Illinois, introduced House Bill No. 18901." to provide for the establish ment of a national employment sys tem and for cooperation - with : the states in . the promotion of such sys tem and to rearulate the expenditure of moneys that shall be appropriated for such purposes. ' f , National Healtht Senator Joseph E. Ransdall, of Louisiana. Introduced Senate Bill No. 4618, to establish and operate a Na tional Institute of Health, to create a system of fellowships in slid insti tute and to authorize the Government to accept donations for use insaeer-; taming the cause, prevention, ana cure of diseases affecting human be ings. vi'- . : AgricnltarsJ esnenment. Senator Charles L. McNary, tf Ore gon, mtroducea Senate joint resolu tion No, 160, authorising appropria tions for the establishment and mam. tenance of an agricultural experiment station in American Samoa.. ' " ' Aeronantacal Conference. Senator Geonre H. Hoses, of New Hampshire, introduced Senate Joint Resolution No. .161, authorizing the President to invite representatives of foreign governments to attend an in ternational aeronautical conference on civil aeronautics in Washington, December 12, 13 and 14, 1928. ''.h Oepnty U..- 9. Marshals. -?v.'-Senator Bronson Cutting, of New Mexico, introduced Senate Bill No. 4533, to increase the minimum salary of deputy United tatea marshals to $2,000 per annum .-r S? piK. Jnridiesi l.en tare nee. - - Representative Stephen G. Porter, of Pennsylvania; ' introduced House Joint Resolution No. 816, authorizing an appropriation in the sum 'of 1 12, 350 to pay for the expenditure invol ved in the participation by the United States in the International- Juridical Congress on Wireless Telegraphy to be held in Rome in 1928.-. -; - Wasningsen'e Eirth place - i Senator Claude A Swanson, of Vir ginia, introduced Senate Bill No. 4531 to imrrove the MrtT'ace oi ueorge U's bington, st , . J, Westmore- iI?d County, VI . " V ecoas J Veterans.'- t -TV- ' 'ive C'srtstee "3C-'Me- Bureau to provide a flag hereafter to tirape the casket of each deceased veteran not dishonorably discharged. Educational Hearing's.' Representative Daniel A. Reed, of New York, introduced House Con. Ra. solution No. 40, to provide for the printing of additional copies of the hearings held before the Committee on Education of the House of Repre sentatives on the bill to create a De partment of Education, with a secrey tary in the President's Cabinet. THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY. Speaking of love, a man should look before he leaps otherwise he may fall in. Aim for a sroal you have Rome chance of realising. It is sometimes (difficult to convince the head of the house that two heads are better than one. When a woman marries she not only takes a man's name but every, thing else he has. In contemplating what he has done for others' the average man is apt to overlook what others have done for him. ... r- -. Virgin Mary, would that I, Were patient, sweet, like you, Would I could see each one, - With eyes as tender, true. Would that only virtue fair In other folk; I'd see. Love like yours as freely share, Virgin Mary, 1 would grow, More like you each day. Kindliness to others show. Teach me that I may. Would each purity of heart, Saved as shinimv white, Virgin Mary, grace impart, Lead me with thy light. - Sent in by Larcie Ree Norton, .?;):, .;i.:v!,ar;: Lone Tree, Iowa. i i ' i ' i'i n i ....;," Now that electric servants . have relieved women of the drudgery of housework, they've become so rest less that they want to stay .out half .THOMAS. Dept. j. u 9. fTeeport, in. the night. pa.CJ( , LOST orflfAiNT'ADS. 15 words or law I5e for one week 75c for four weeks. - Additional word 1, sent a word a week CASH First. FOUND Chevrolet Ros-oWor Motor No. 3646507 License No, 288349. See .or write .V -. . M. H.- DAVIS, V Walant N. C O-June 8 pd. i . . . ... . MAN WANTED to run McNess bad. ness in Madison County. No' experi ence needed, v Must have car can make 87-$ 10 daily no lay offs no bosses chance .of s lifetime. Use our capital to start. W rite FURST AND Ik .KAn - 1 , . 0 Priced for Quick Action Doe to the tremendous populsxky of the Blgrw and Better C-hevrolet in this conv -7 naonlry we have on hand a large ef specially fine used can 'which, we want to .snoveatoiKe. t ;;:. f. v . These cars have been thoroughly lecood, . tiooed by our expert aaerhanke, msing . . sneclsl recoadltlonioe tools ' entl mill r p fwoWJe thousands of milts of dependable, v". J Satt-Xsctory ervice. Come in today while . out selcja Is ttsonnlWat ' ' ' -r 1 . ! j-.. . r-$.-: .5.- r I si i 4 t 1 i i ...ea lor ves&eU in the! . . -Mir . : in 3 1 r c s, r- -rrtrs, sndl .- T' C O 'jJ -1: sous coal; .pro-1 T- !. of I n; i .-.trodaeedTss o jj a i';

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