HZmPAGB Til E A. N E W S-R ECORP Judge a USED CAR by the Integrity of the Dealer Your Buick dealer's high business standing in his community his solid, long-established reputation for fair dealing safeguard your used car investment when you buy from him. He offers you a wide choice of used cars including practically all makes and models, and covering practically all price- classes. He will give you an honest description of any used car in stock. He wants you to be satis fied with the car you buy for he wants to keep you as a used or new car customer. Judge the used car you purchase by the in tegrity of the dealer who sells it to you. Go to the Buick dealer. You can rely upon his word. BUICK MOTOR COMPANY FLINT, MICH. -DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION WEBB MOTOR COMPANY Coxe Street ASHEVILLE, N. C. ECORP-'' - ' - '" ' V - " - Marshall, N. C. - June 8,1928- THE PLACE OF PRAYER The dear old spot, where Ve love to go; In cold or heat, through rain or snow. " ''.' The place of prayer--thers Jesus meet us, speaks peace and joy; Where we forget the things, that do us an noy. t .1 Oh, spot so rare, where we honw go, when in despair; ror Jesus wi remove our care. ; , When we pray, there we bear our troubles to Him above. ' He" hoars and answers, Oh, God of Love. If on the upward way. f By VIRGIL G. METCALF. From Landers Branch Wo nre having a lot of rainv weath er and people are getting behind with their work. ' Mr. Trov Rosrers and Miss Delma Roberson were married in msrv.in, Tenn.. Mav 28. Those present at the wedding were Mr. Carl Tharp and Mr. Lee Tharp and Miss Flora Rogers. Mr. Ralph Kunnion ana Miss M:'ry West were married in Erwin, 'Tenn, May 31. Mr. Furman Alien was tne guest 01 Miss Robbie Rogers Sunday. - Mrs. Arthur Crow was Visiting on Landers Branch Thursday. Mr. arid Mrs. Troy Rogers took din ner with Mrs. Doyle Rogers Wednes day. Mrs. Jim Xover was visiting Mrs. Mack Tipton Sunday. Miss Flora Kogesrs spent eatunmy night at Mr. Doyle Rogers.- Miss Portia and Daisy Griffin visit ed Miss Nellie Tipton Sunday. Mrs. Bob Tharp and Miss Bessie Tharp were visiting Mrs. W. Q. West Monday. . , Mrs. Clarence Keamon, wno is spending the summer with-her mothe' Mrs. W. G. West, spent Sunday rii;ht with Mrs. J. J. Redmon. ; , Mr. Olson Griffin was visiting Miss Elsie Roberson Saturday night,. When hfi--: "vtvrc-h'le! Vv'At, I -l . v.-v? bv'd-i iliam. IW INN til SPOON CREEK iter. . 1). ' I en ;i' again ;il 1; St H I ! (nt. i 1111(1 v m;iny We isi'.r.l 1h. H1('!'C lire sorr; Ah A rn i If u i re c; -n-'cii a nice lil'lllil-C lllilil!! hirthdnys. to s-.iv, howei t I th Mr. Fcrtnei- must begin digging an other well right away because of Mr. Harrison Payne's carelessness. He took all the water from the well in order to give his lover a birthday shower. We hope that Bernice will not grow ill from the birthday "duck ing." We wish to congratulate Miss Myrtle Fortner on giving a party. The cake was delicious! Guess how many candles were on the caki ! r 1 HEARTED Never Felt Well "I don't see why women will drag around, in a half-hearted way, never feeling well, barely able to drag, when Cardui might help put them on their feet, as it did me," says Mrs. Geo. S. Hunter, of Columbus, Ga. "I suffered with dreadful pains in my sides. I had to go to bed and stay sometimes two weeks. "I could not woi, and just dragged around the house. "I got very thin. I went from a hundred and twenty-six pounds down to less than a hundred. "I sent to the store for Cardui, and before I had teken the first bottle I began t improve. My side hurt less, arvd I began to mend in health". "Cardui acted as a fine tonic I do not feel like the same person. I am well now, and still gaining." For sale by druggists, every-, where. Give it a trial. . ; ti.- iitish'-ne .i. nuri. Miss irL';ni:' K:.;n?ey o! S, -: r v:; i- vi.;;:!-g her nm:t. Mr. IVm )': trc-. of Leicester. Mrs . .; Kiva and Loui.-e Robinson :;t We '"esihiy night w'th their un at.d r.iiit. Mr. an 1 Mrs. Friiiik ' H:!1. i Born to Mr. and Mr-. Frank Ba'l, :May 1 1 t h , 192S, a son, William Da vid! Born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peek, May 16th, a son, vamie Eu gene. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gudger Mace, May 14th, 11)28, a son, Al. Alfred Smith. Messrs. Jake Edmonds and Ben Peek left Spoon Creek for Wayncs ville where they are going to work. Mr. Ren Hensley spent Wednesday in Asheville. Miss Mary Ball, who is staying with her brother, Mr. Frank Ball, spent Wednesday evening with Miss Elva Robinson. Miss Dorothy Ramsey and Phil, hoi brother, spent Monday at Mr. Char lie Bruce's. TAXI SERVICE I Open and closed cars. Better serv ice. Prices are right. Phone, I write or telegraph tf. S. B. FERGUSON Phone 68. From ALLANSTAND Mr. Sim Chandler is on the sick list this week. Mrs. Mary. Chandler's brother, Jes se Green, from Converse, S. C., is paying her a visit. Miss Dorothy and Charlotte Sl-el-ton visited Miss Mildred GJnandler Tuesday. Miss Inez Chandler was visiting Mrs. Clersy Gunter Monday evening. Mrs. Lily and Emma Johnston vis ited Mrs. Mary Chandler Tuesday. Mr. Elmer Gnnter visited Mr. Wal lace Chandler Sunday. Mrs. Sim Chandler visited Mrs. Bir chard Shelton Tuesday. Mr. John Gahagan will soon hive his new home finished. . ; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Green went home Sunday after paying us all a visit up here. Come on with the Gunter Town news. CARL R. STUART Attorney at Law Office Over Citizens Bank Marshall, N. C fiHiiiwiiiifiMmiimiiwjmwiHmiiiuiwHia 4 J ASHEVILLE'S LEADING STORE I '.. We ire iM as close te you as your telephone, Post Of- 5 fiee; or Mil Box. 'All orders filled promptlyjIWe; '; ' Clve pur MailOrder Department triaXs v r j ' , :"v -- -V,'e 'are ?al ways glad to open charge a.c- wunUWlth respo- le'r.rtlci, ; I Robert C. Freeland Public Accountant Asheville, N. C. Audits Systems Tax Service From PAINT ROCK From Sandy Bottom Mr. deter Davis has returned home from the U. S. Navy for thirty days. Mr. Davis and Miss 'Mary Jnne Roberts were quietly married Satur day, May 26th at Newport, Tenn.-,It came as a surprise to their ; many friends. Miss Roberts was the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Roberts of this place. Mr. Davis is the son of Mrs. Leona Davis Anderson also of this place. Mr. and Mrs.-Davis will leave June 7th for Boston, Mass., where he will enter service again. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McDarris of Barnard were visiting frieYids 'at this place last Sunday week. ! Mr. Brice Bradshaw of Hot Springs was the guest of Miss Evelyn Dockery Saturday night and Sunday. . Miss Carrie Gosnell was visiting friends in Marshall last week. Misses Viola and Evelyn Dockery spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. McJJarris ox Barnard and attended the commencement exercises of Wal nut High School. . Mr. ueorge Treadway and Mr. John Davis were in Hot Springs Saturday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sexton of Hot Springs visited Mrs. Sexton's parents Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Roberts Sunday night. . 'Miss Josephine Dockery has re turned from Asheville after broad casting over 'the radio WWNC. . Miss Dockery also played for friendd nt the Langren Hotel. Uncle Taylor Anderson is serious ly ill at the home of his son Avery Anderson. We hope for his speedy recovery. itr..j n J!LASHSttD' STRENGTH SMARTNESS POWER COUPE F-O.B. DETROIT GUY V. ROBERTS Attorney at Law Marshall, N. Ci; ' " -"-.'..ty:. ADD them all together for a vivid and vital . picture of the Dodge Standard Six! Fastest top-speed traveler ever sold under a thou sand dollars, with the swiftest pick-up bar notu. Smartest lines, colors and upholsteries ever lavished , on a popular-priced cat. And power without apparent limit 1 horsepower to every 47 pounds of car weight! A hill-climber of cham pionship calibre! Phone us today, and we'll gladly place a Standard Six at your disposal. 4-Door Sedan, $895 1 Cabriolet, $94? DcLuxe Sedan, $$70 f.cb. Detroit HENDERSON MOTOR CO .Marshall, N, C. D OD G Cr B ROTH ERS From PAINT ROCK Mr. and Mis. J. C. Ward spent niL'ht with Mr. and Mrs. Cora Wai ;1 Greeneville, Tenn. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie 1 Mav 2l, a daughter. Miss Nellie Ward spent Satui '.y night with Miss Viola Myers. Mr. and Mrs. jonn wara spmc rne week end Ward. with Mr. and Mrs. ,f. C. Mr. Chnrlic Thoriiburg and family of White Pino, Tenn., Mr. Tim Ttieko'' of Asheville spent .Simday with Mr. LTid Jiirs. K. II. Riel.er. Mr. and Mrs. Ituhble Myers of Nev port, Tenn., ;;ieni Sunday with Mr. anil Mrs. J. W. Myers. Mr. and Mrs. Canu 1 Fowler of Hot SpiinRs spent Sunday with Mr. and .Airs. W. M. Lawson. ALSO THE VICTORY SIX 995 TO 129i AND THE SENIOR SIX $1495 TO 177 From Roaring Fork W. A. SAMS Physician and Surgeon Office Front Room Over Citizen Bank. From REVERE Our S. S. is getting along nicely. Miss Margaret Leake spent Satmv day night with Miss. Nora Norton.,. 4 Misses uracie inn 1101a iwnuu, Vircrinia Wallin. and Pearl Massey, who went to White. Rock on Monday, Mav 28th. to have their tonsils taken out, are improving nicely. Mr. Eugene Franklin was in Kevere Thursday night Miss Margaret eake and eta Norton spent Friday night wuh Mrs. Perlie Rice. ' - : Mrs. Dollie Franklin was verting Mr. and Mrs. B. Wallin Tm-li. Sir. and Mrs. A. J. Adams weiv vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Norton Sunday. ' Mr. Rankin Ramsey left for Ten nessee last Wednesday after spend ing a, few days m Revere. Miss Beatrice McDevitt spent Sat urday nite with Mrs. Wade V i ne Mr. Champ Kay is in Kevere now.. Mrs. . Robert Norton was visiting Mrs. Reuben Wallin Thursdav Mr. Hubert Ramsey was the guest of Miss Virgie Worley Sunday Mr. Shelt Norton was the guest of Miss Nellie Bullman Sunday. ( folks. Mr. and Mrs. Dellie Myers of Alex- ander spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Thornbarg. i Paint Rock and Shutin had a ball game Saturday. Paint Rock won the , garnet. . j. Mrs. Susan Waddell spent Monday with Mrs. M. U Thornberg. t. 3 ;(S Cares ; : Chills ' and " Fever, f Intermittent, Remittent and Bilious Fever ' due to Malaria It kilU the C From GRAPE VINE We are having plenty of rain hee now. - f - Our oeoole are Setting plants. Mrs. Dan Lewis, who has been tick, is improving now. ' Mr. Isaac Rum baugh oi .btocksvuie was on Grape' Vine Saturday to-', see Mr. E. S. Mornsr - - - Mr. Linn Coats is quite ill at Ahis time. ' . j ",.. . Mr. Mark Cody of Weaverville.was visiting His pitreuw iictg ounuay, ir. and Mrs. Bill Cody." V Mrs. M. T. Morgan of Mars Hill were visiting Tier sister here Sunday, Mrs. E. S Morgan; Vi ';! . ' Mr. and Mrs. :TrOv Jeaver of Mor gan Hill were visiting Mr. and Airs. E. S. Morgan Sunffay. - .- ; .Mr. and Mrs. Franb W Morgan were visiting on urapa Vne Sunday, '. Mr. John Coats was visiting . his . . ' .. . n j ' r . - sick Toromer pere ounuay,, pir. .imn I Mrs. H H. Clarlt' was' visiting1 J'rs. ueonre Wild add Mra auco Mor m 1 We are having some very )nd .weather at present. There were several who attended S. S. Sunday. I Af. r1 : . : . i , rhn vtirl aml MlS- Floyd Sh'P': bad luck. He has had some sick m r . m u a children; then he fell and broke his Miss Viola Myers has returned jawbone' twice and haji 1 0 g0 to the BnCt Dorland- ho ita, and his sister.in.uw i, in Bell at Hot Springs. 'the hosnital Mr. and Mrs. Willie Ward of Alex- j ne ' nosP"' ander spent Monday with home folks. I Ml8s Loetta Payne took dinner Mrs. W. M. Holt is having some I work done on her house fMffifiIfffiffiHraififfiHiairara Lamb spent Monday evening with I Mrs. J. C. and Miss Nellie Wand. Mr. and Mrs. James Blackwell of Marion spent a few days with home- with Miss Isabell Kent nnd Supper bunrtay. Mr. Alfred Thomas ate supper nt Mr. Willie Williams' Saturday night. Mr. Maaron Hickam has returned to his old home place to spend a fpw weeks with Mr. Jim Williams. Mr. Jim Payne's family and Mor man Wyatt's family and Mr. Jim Wil liams went herb hunting last week and reported a nice time. Miss- Carolina and Maggie Parker took dinner with their sister Sunday. Mr. Francis Kent called on Miss O ma Williams Sunday, evening. ASHEVILLE WELDING COMPANY E. W. BLAKE WELDERS AND BRAZERS OF ALL METALS Welding of Farming and Mining Machinery A Specialty GOOD ROOMS $1.(10 MEALS .SO SERVICE Special prices, week or longer. Else trio lights, Bath,. Telephone, Wonder ful mountain scenery. ; The GIBBS HOUSE Mars Hill, N. C Corner Southside and Church St Asheville N. C From GRAPE VINE From Roberson Cove We are having lots of rain at 'the present and, the farmers are getting behind with thier work. ) Messrs . Ralph ' Gosnell and Claud '" " .West of Asheville spetit Saturday There is quite a lot of sickness here, night with Mr. West's parents at this Mrs. Nancy King is on the sick list, place. This being Mr. West's birthday Hope she will soon be well again. 'Mrs. West set. him a nice birthday Mrs. Annie West and little dangh- dinnar. , . , - : ter, Margie, were visiting her sister,; Mru and-Mrs. E. S. Morgan were this week, Mrs. G. L.. Baldwin, also visiting Mrs. D. Lewis who baa been her father, Mr. E. T. Dnckett 'on the sick list last week., H - The farmers are getting along nice- 4 a ahn. ly with their corn-hoeing, v . SD,dinir some time with Mr. West's in Te r&vedT. vfisn .is away. at. work.. thejn good luck at that work and hope ' b was a large crowa at singing the"time will Boon come when they Saturday night. , v c ' wiU capture them alL , Mr. Robert Tweed lof the Semnary - Our preach failed to come last conducted prayer cesv at iis week at his . regular appointment Pi" last .Wednesday ;-; Hope he is not sick. - . - "rz,27 AZTSZti Mr.-. Wilder Clark has Been visiting pnyw wmcw , relatives here, but has returned to his Those s.iiwno auenaea services work at Cincinnati, Ohio. 5 r .Bassyontr and J. B., Jr., Misses Effle and Irene Gosnell. Zula and Iva Wilde, and Mr. James Davis.': v:.1- iJErrftV.K'-'.-I - Mf Rataii nnnell - who has been Everybody is planning for a good;, nleasant caUer at Weaverville has crop year. ? . turned his Ford toward Buckner. He . we are Borry to announce tnat airsj Terv haDDV Sundays -- ' t 1 ijauie xvauiuru iuibu iuy om, iye.o. . i Mr. Claud West 01 Asneviiie was ' Tom Smith is almost ready to plant .'the pleasant caller of Miss Irene Gos nell Sunday aiternoon, From BUCKNER corn. He is planning on a heavy crop this yeari:---nfc':i r..-t. Mrs. Minnie .Kadiord ' is making rugs for .10 Church:St'i '-'rf ' i, Mr. Ueorga Allen ot uahbintown made a real trade last week. He ex changed two Fords for! one' Chevro- lev ana a iarm. -;.' '.v i . Mr., Duck has' changed bis day of going 'to Asheville from, Friday to Thursday" '' :. v : '-Miss Sallie Radford, who fs attend ing :West Asheville' High School. ; is planning to return home at the close' of school, June 8. I am proud to an nounce -ahe has made a record. o be proud of .this term. ,'(- ;." . , Mr Jake ABen is making, his home with brother at Cabbontown. ' h .' iftfrs. Amanada Fairchild harrfetnrn ed to Iher old home at"Cabbont'.wn where she is intending -to stay. ! Sorry to announce that 118. Eli 'a K b . very sick and hope Mr. George Dill was badly hart last . week by a mule last week but he is reported better at present,; s On account of the) rain there was a small crowd at S. S. Sunday. . -Mrs,- Vera- Sprinkle -of near Mar shall was visiting her parents at this place Sundays -v - ,-i " MK Henry Norton has purchased a Ford car. ' - . v ' Mrs. -Lola Sprinkle and small. Son Fred is spending some time with her brother at Black. Mountain. MessrsWillard Hensley -and Wal ter Sams of .Asheville , were visiting here Sunday.v . . . - . 'j Mr. Coy Gosnell was the caller of Miss Cora Wallin Sunday P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Riley Corn of Wood fin were visiting Mrs.. Corn's parents Sunday. 1 - Everyone is invitefd to-come out to prayer meeting anq ueip. us w iuu it: interesting. , V. lfeFrom BELVA. The farmers around here are very busy setting out tobacco.- - n Miss Viola Cook,, and Ine Chand-iiJ ler, ' were- Visiting Miss -Lillian Gun ter Wednesday. ' , ' r - - " '. A nice decoration service was held at the Cook Farm Wednesday and a fine speech was made by Lela Cook. " Miss IiUian Gunter visited Lola Cook Wefdnesdayv.-'-' Miss Geneva Guntef and little sister Ruth were at the decoration. " . , i m Mr. EugeWe Franklin was the guest -j. of Miss Katherine Ramsey Wednesday !b-;;lDRrJ..E IlUTanNS;j; : ', r a DEtiTIST Citizens Bank t.. , -t .". -X'J V.Ji1 ..... - . MARSHALL, z Building -T r! t - -1 r.- .v wrrj: A rrrci lty. Li Wertie('.--y.' - 1 - - ' ir 1 ", e r-sr tl at Mr. George Dill," - I i ty a niu'9 lat wee