w 4 . PCONDPAGE r ENEWS-ltECORPV ''-"- June 29, 1928 Y :"' ' ' ' " '. 1 : . '." "" "" . .lll".''r '.-".'-r,. !,!, .lit , , , UV- h w'- w . r . must condd. great;; many The best part of It ,aU is that .this doesn't tell, however, ho'l0ia9r' I John 1:7; 8:314-17. Farm Demonstration Agent's Column - V,.1, Contributed by KARLE brintnall mawaawwamaaawawmaawmmwaaammaamaam SOWING GRASS SEED. There has been inquiry regard ing the advisability of sowing grass and clover seed at the last working of the corn. This question cannot, be answered without qualifications. As far as to the young grass and clover living through the winter the seed can be sown op to within about a month of the first killing frost. Grass seed, alone, can be sowed even later than this for it is not ten der to a freeze as is the young clover plant. Clover, however, should be sown long: enough for the young plant to secure a not getting the seed staJrtedvto grow this year as. the soil is full of moisture, If the . conditions for growth are f avoraier1jntit will probably Uve. 'However if it should come off hot and dry just as the young plantstarted growth it would be hardoii them. The 'lay of the land' would also have a great deal to do with it. A piece of rich bottom land would be more apt to se cure a good stand of grass and clover than would a worn-out piece of upland. The latter things and each must make his everyone seemed pleased Uni own decision: This year!' with ,versally they remarkWeji, it th AhllT.rfnt rifM.tllM-'rA.iM .0,E"M, mnS OUIWT. JUSt IBSt night a lady told us that they only paid 20c for butter, l.We just asked, her why not sell cream. TRY IT AND SEE.' "' he. less danger than in a dry year. the a considerable Wot-gfpP1! r0xe 18th; and the 2l8t taken place the young plants BARLEY- Preliminary reports M T - I m i i oi June, nar. risner camea 10 nn th hur ov nJ the Blltniore Dairy around 2750 Un w;nfe. nn0i -ftnoMaUki., pounds of cream. This is about good start before a freeze will .would not start the plants as touch it. -t ..- vigorously as would the former and the soil would dry out S30 gallons. SOME CREAM. Should we calculate the a- mount of butterfat in this a- mountof cream we would, use the figure 35 for the percentage of butterfat. This is just an esti- ' - it mation but we believe it to be at least not too high. Multiply 1 but the remaining plants have the final result will be. '"r.'T "!.TMr , lasi nail acre are. one who cu y befort rewntrttion, six more rows. Two of '' ple4;:f Ja, ln- are over a-fertiUzerwWchlLUt-n tie nitrogen is 1-Srd. froni Of- repent' and born nin to be saved ganic sources as cottonseVd I .'T'"''' ' 4 , , v . v.,'. , .; , : . -,Pol did not ptottu to be free nieaU iisJkealtaflge-afld. t rom ain. Romr - - - - - - 2r3rdarft frdn) mineralSOrO- P1 forth the standard of as nsodasuhatej,!;, p.uri nc - d . h8 of ammonia; Anothef tWd rdwa went under condemnation by obtain have l-3rd! the nitrogeafrQmj knowledge ' of the law. Rom. law. Kom. . l i J in it.it luiueiai HuurcEa ana "z-arus. b n.iint branched out or stooled and from organic sourcesStiiran- TWhen Paul" accepted Christ he ob- helped to fill in, the vacancy. The heads are long and seem to be filling. It will help A GOOD TOBACCO PLOT One of the plots selected for to bacco demonstration was on 2750 by 35 and point off twolthe farm of Otis Chandley a- places. What have we? 962.5 ,bove White Bock. You can see other two rows has, fertilizer tained deliverance from the state One difficulty to be consider ed when deciding to sow seed at the last working of corn is that pf a prolonged hot, dry time while the grass and clover plants are young and tender, and before they have a great deal of root development.Such a period would be very liable to KIl a great many of the plants. There is not much danger of quicker. Seek sown just before or just after a drenching rain, the latter preferably, will give better results than seed sown after a very light shower that gives only enough water fo sprout the seed. It is evident that in deciding whether to sow grass seed in corn at the last cultivation one pounds of butterfat. Use 446 as it on the right of the road as the price per pound of fat pndjvou go up Shelton Laurel just we have $423.50 coming Into this side of Otis' home. At this the county this one week., Now this is just an estimate. We have taken the number of dans of cream hauled, calcula ted the gallons, allowed 8 1-3 pounds to a gallon, and reckon ed the price as 44c per pound butterfat. The correct figures may be less, they may be more. Dut they will be somewhere a round the ones given . place a half acre of tobacco was placed over 500 lbs. of a fertilizer which Mr. Floyd mix ed, having the analysis of 12-4- 6. Right beside this half acre another half acre was planted over 100 fbs. of a 30-15-15 This is a new fertilizer put up in a concentrated form. At this time the plants over the 12-4-6 are making the most growth. heretofore described. Rom. 8:1-3. that has the nitrogen derived f Paill'a experience under grace. Let 1-2. from mineral and f-2 froin us heat" his testimony, in A. D. 54, organic sources. The purpose is A; D. S9t t t.1Ut. A D. 60, Act. to enaeavor to learn wmcn oi Z3:i; z4:io: a. i. 64, pmi. i:2i; these mixtures of nitrogen" is, 4 A-V V u . I Some people teach that a christian's best for burley tobacco. ' 'aoul' is cleansed ind then stays pure According ' Gride cromaing accidmnta can bm ftn wntmd if jam arill tppromoh tht soam of dmngmr datBrminad to excrciae caution For Your Own Protection. ire STOP This is an interejttinir. plot Iways j but the' flesh sins. ' , ... , , . to God's Word; this la wrong, ana sno-aia oe cioseiy waicnea ,. Where doe8 iln conie fromT Matt by thOHe passing that way. 15:18-19. "But those things which , I. proceed out of the mouth come forth GOOD BEE MEETINGS C. L. from th heart nd the3r defile the man. For 6ut of tha heart: nrnr-eoA Sams, a Madison County man, evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, f or a number of years Bee Spec- fornications, thefts, false witness, u blasphemies. 'r81 W1 wxvo- m peMon God,a goodneM of the State, Visited the county abiding in him- bring forth corrupt last Friday. H met. the , bee IAn,u' or " otner woroa, does he smi r ; Answer "For;. good tree bringech men at two places, up on Bone not forth corrupt friit; neither doth Camp and over on Shelton Lau- corrupt tree bring-forth good fruit reL There were 4 at the Bone Fir every ta kioWB b1,i" own rei. mere were i at tne cone fruit; M of thorn, mfen dd nbt Camp meeting and 13 at the er figs, nor of a bramble bush gather Shelton Laurel meeting. All xr grapes., a good man out or the good treasure of his heart bringeth were much interested. fnr,i, tw u n Needless to say Mr. Sams man out of the evil treasure of his was pleased. All he said was, heart bringeth forth that which is evil for of the abundance of the heart the "I'd like to go back again." Mr. mouth speaketh". Luke :43-45. Sams knows bees. The bees y the lowssomg gcrtptures we can . plainly see that sin comes from the seem to like mm. lie aoesn i u0. -m. t . ma r.A bother with a bee veil, gloves sinful heart from which sin proceeds, and those 'unnecessary things' what purpose did the precious son of God have in cominar to this sin-cursed like the rest of US mortals but world? He said He came to save his wades right in barefaced, bare- Pepe from their sins. In Colossians . . i:zi-zz we nna, "Ana you inai were handed, and seems to enjoy it. aiienated, and . enemies in Once in a While One Will .bite your mind by wicked works,' yet now him but he just brushes it off ? h" reconc"ed tthe body f W flesh through death to present you and says nothing. We Were holy and unblameable and unreprov- sorry that there was only one able in his sl'ht-If ve continue in the , xaiin grounaea ana seiiiea ana oe not moved away from the hope of the day for Madison County, he will be back again. IS IT IMPOSSIBLE TO LIVE A SINLESS LIFE? By CLENNIS BURRIS The peril of the road crossing has be come a national problem with the mul tiplication of automobiles. The Southern Railway System has elimi nated 900 grade crossings, and is eliminating tr.ore every year, but nearly 6,000 remain to be separated on this system alone. The total cost to complete the work is a stupen dous sum probably half as much as the cost to build the railroads. , . . r Even if t'.:o money were available, arid the public wU!h to pay the increased freight and passenger rates necessary to provide a fair return on it many years would be re quired to do the work.. s Protection from the peril for the present generation at least must be found in some other way. Trains cannot stop at i every crossing if they are to be run at the sustained spaed expected by the public and required to carry the cornmerca of the counfirjTh3 train crosses a highway about every mile. The rrtorist encountera a railroad only occasionally. . ' c';':; ' It is necessary, therefore, fbr the automo bile drivsr to stop in order to avoid risk. No one who did this was ever killed. v If is better to save a life than to save a minute. ;3 gospel." Jesus said in Jno. 8:34-36, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, whosoever com mitteth sin is the servant of sin. If the .Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed, i We cannot serve God and Mammon Some may say when a christian sins he is not serving the devil. Let us see the difference in the fruits of a chris tian and a sinner. "By their fruits ye shall know them." Now the works of There is no doubt but that many the flesh are manifest which are these ; people answer this question in the adultery, fornication, uncleanness, affirmative; but on the authority of lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, God's Word, I aay that it is possible hatred- variance, emulations-, wrath, to live sinless life. sinie, seuiuons, Heresies, envyinga, First. I wish to answer some obiec- murders, drunkenness, revelings and tions which are brought forth against 8Uch ,ike' of the which 1 46,1 you be" a sinless life in this world. fore I hve lo told you in time 1. "There is none' good but CodS wn, ueV'"n.? Matt 19 :16-17 No ' one possesse. ? the ngpm o Uoo. goodness independent of Q:MH-'PKP:K 64 :6. God will dwell and live in us. Spirit Is love, joy, peace, longsuffenng 2 Cor. 6:16; 1 John 4:12. God will ?ntlene oodness, faith, meekness, make us good. Luke 23:60; Acta 11:24 temperance, against such there is no 2. There is no man that sinneth and "ythat are Christ's have not 1 Kings 8:46-47. Ecc. 7:20. The,rucifi6d. fle8h with affections above was uttered by Solomon about and lusts." Gal 5:22-24. r one thousand years before Jesus aise the Lordl We may have per Cltriat came and made a perfect at- t victory through Christ, and cad tenement for1 ain. The sacrifices of aooye am ,w wor.u. the law could not aava from sin. Heb lan not.ljve .wjth jiin, for the 10:1-4, 9-lti 7:19 11:39. r . wagea oi.am is aeain, wnen we sm Sine Solomon', day Jesw , has e apmiuw qeauu come to the world to put an end to sin, and to save man from it Som. 8:13; Heb. 96; John 1-9; Matt 1:21. . . People can now Hve holy .Uvea, "For the grace of God that bringeth salva tion hath appeared to all men, teach E. 2., Marshall, N. C. ToMUoAUfe.Not . . A living ;; RAILWAY U- ).) SYSTEM ! ft'"-. f m tkt RMbn Bttmn at " WMhlastaa, Claelaaati and t LealavUI . . tnm taa Wanara : ahis .". . ta tlx Oecaa Porta at Macfen, Cliilifa. aaTasaah. Ill aa4atfcaMrtlM . .. aaa MM Oalf Pana at afoaOa ana . Orlfaaa . . . the OmttMra THE SOUTIIEIUI szr.vzo .tii:; P. 1 m j - OUTII ;! Every ambitious, self -respecting Individual wants to make a living. ing us thai denying ungodliness and That he should do, and as much more worldly lusts wo should live soberly, as his services to society Justify. But righteously and godly in this present m this money-mad age we do well, to world." Titus 2:11..! V' y C remind ourselves that after all the The Lord swore with an oath that real purpose of -our existence is not wo may servo him witbput fear in to make a living, but to make a life holiness and righteousness - all the a. worthy, well rounded and useful days of our life. Luke l:73-75.i - - Bfa. In the long run, therefore jeny : 1 8. "None righteous, no' not one.! thing that defeats that purpose is not Bomans S:10. ; ; ; i -i S worth the cost John D. Bockefelfer. This was not spoken of God's peo-' : .r. .. '. Charity and Children. pie under grace; Read Bomana 3:10-x ,; : , " , . . -: s; 18. It was written concerning the two WHJRE patience is needed Gentiles in their anregenerate sUte, 4 V ; ul' AKM 1 Kwnu, Notice the preceding verse. Bom. S :9. i m woriou a runny place. God's neople are righteous as he to." -w in.u ' 1Z .woman aav. . 1 John 8:7. - ? . -v., , . - . . "I'U be dowwin a minute." 4. "If we say we have no sin we .(That mesne another hour.) deceive ourselves." 1 John 1:18. : A Also there's another thing " . - John taught that in order to retain Vt ,Tbat Pr0T,n a' delusion. " the gre of God w. mustlive without TiToT ccluion" ' committing sin.. 1 Jno. 2 :28; t :6; 3 :7- (That means another hour.)