. ' 'l,.! v 'tl'j ' 1 (TYiM i r ct o 3 a awi v- ;; n r ; i v - it '' MADISON COUNTY IKCOIft f !; i BsUWished Jan 8, 19011! 5,? ! ' PkEIjCH I ' BROAp KJEWi J ,! ?. J ; EaUbliahed May 16, 180,7 Con.olitf.uJ Nov.mW , lBll 'if ;PH ' M J THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN MADISON XOUNTY MARSHALL, N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1928 E 1750 ELIfCTIOC! TUESnAY. TJOUEOERifi, SHOl'JS lilflfJV CHArjGES ALL OVFR RdlirJTRV ' ..:Mi 1 ' ' 1 ' 1 ,,' " " " ' , ' .': .- ;av:' - ' " '. '-. ?", . : mw :j- ; ;' !': ,t: ' j- ; 'Tti'l60ol for service, men began '. Qf County Elects Hutchins For Representative Mure vow AiuposviDicijoha B. Johnwn This Week T -3803 FOR SUPERINTENDENT OP PUBUC INSTRUCTIONS We are disappointed not to l108??) I A ' T Allan be able to give our readers thehsue) 7 entire official balloting in Tues- L G. Greer 1248 FORD TRAINS SERVICE MEN .8788 days election, especially to (p,mofcrat). , Madison County, but at three Dennis G. Brummitt o'clock Thursday afternoon, (kpwci): .1241 Absolute uniformity of service on the new Ford Model "A" cars and model "AA" trucks is beinf main tained by the Ford Motor Company, through a . plan which involves the training, in the Ford plants, of ten thousand garage mechanics. The Ford branch plants, and the Detroit factories have assumed the character of a gigantic training school, to which every Ford dealer in the United the vote was beinir counted and ttEZE tF I sut6a. h Mndin one or mo" r ' i w vvnunititftviiciii vr rjwfc it became auite certain that we and printing. could not get the official vote in time for this (Democrat) : Frank D. Grist week's paper. (Republican) : Next wepJt w knne to fflve the Junius B. Goslen ........ FOR COMMISSIONER OF AGRI entire taDuiacea voce, u we .1238 WHAT THE AMERICAN RED CROSS HAS enUttveV it'Thia'ichool for service, men begad with tut teaming of superintendents and foremen of the thirty-six branch plants ox the' company in the United the same course given the branch men States., Vefore.the Model "A" Ford lat Detroit, and upon its completion was -introduced, these men from h given a rigorous examination. This branch plants were being schooled examination includes many points a- infthe Ford factories near1 Detroit in lout the car which might not be con- .thi manufacture and assembly of the1 eSdered essential, from the service B0W Carl ' Thev returned to tha hir. jnn' iriAwnnlnt TTnwvvnv th VnrA hfiix fiti branches and immedfavCoTOany is requiring complete know & begutJiht training of men 'for ledge of the car on the part of every dealers in their respective territories'. ' dealer's service men. Failure to fhe met' come in relayit ec)7 gfiup . large as the branch plant msnas to take the entire course a- aM purposely kept small, in order is sei Met to the dealer with the that the most intensive training can sdggeMion that he is not considered h jgiven.h;PEach man is put through qulifled to give Ford service; where- !iMiji i .,', .iLl i fupon'.thegealer sends another" man ate of North Carolina Democratic In North Carolina, O. Max Gardner was electejd over Sea well by a large majority, but it appears that four congress men may lose to Republicans. It appears certain that Bul winkle lost to Charles A. Jonas. As we go to press, a gre(at deal of the vote Tuesday is mere speculation. 3777 CULTURE i had waited for this the paper (Democrat): would not have reached you on SJJSJ?"1 time this week. We) are giving Daniel A. Patterson for the next training school session. Thi$ requirement for trained serv- Armiwpi JSHEnmiR mam last YKirysK . "t faent.may be. Many dealers have I : 1 f .J sent '.o or more men to ths branch I 1. In Porto Rico the American Bed cltwses, how to rive home care to the for training. Upon passing the fac- Mio nfflniol fAfnla oo mnViv oa FOR COMMISSIONER OF INSUR sui ANCEi possible. (Democrat): In Buncombe County, two Dan C. Boney appear to have been elected of A 6jjjn special interest to Madison for commissioner of County Mr. Getorge Pritchard !evenue, (Democrat): to Congress in Tenth Congress- Ruf UB a. Doughton ional District and Mr. Jesse Js (Republican): t.;i j. t. cu.! Noah 0. Pitts Z b Dai? "Vc yt cV4A4FpRRroRAlTC4.COMMlSi Buncombe Both these gentle- Cross has a half million homeless and sick in their homes and how to nre- tory' examination, these men return uooumte persona unaer ws care, ana venx sicKnes ny tne proper care of to .we dealers' shops and pass on to in Florida there are 60,000 persons the horn and the family. Entire shop organizations the .3771 assistance as a re-. 17. j. their fight against main 'iWtni tamrtinn -t " r".7i3So. 5? of many physical"' ; JVkJVV.uiuv H1IU VUV O LC I'll VI UCObl uv tion over a fifteen hundred 1209 course. A relief fund of about 000 has been raised with which the lestruc- organization, has given nutrition in-' J J mile structioH 4oJ 128000 persons of whom X JCT Af II TD AD C $5,600-422,000 were children. Mfll' W JUilUiiO lich the fi. With 90,006 persons a yeal7' A ' ' Intense dyW as a result of aceiHontn. tha V'fi ' .V" T ual starvation. ; 2. During the cal year which - I 1.J t 1 ' " ' " I " JCM -3783 igMn preventing mi-ense -dyIngr as A result of accidents. thal 'VlJ l xt m sunermg ana in many instances act- American Bed Cross is waring a na- L J. "e,nDeJ i won wiae campaign to reduce thia, "",M3;vv"i e organisation s fis- annual los of life. In the last twelve1'' ' No.fJ OWnship: A. L. PlernmonB, Closed June 80th it mnnfV. f t.a. ti.n.t.J . . i.v. "m-ii oiii. 1 tt ti.ii Ti-11. tj 1232 gffiO?f 88JJ 150,00(1 persons in the United States ;.,Na;; 9 .Twnshin: Wvman. Tweed. 1 l x " ' SIONER: (Democrat) : W. T. Lee men are Madison men original ly and have many friends in (Republican) our county, who would congrat- James D. Gregg ulate them. The figures we give below are official totals : 0R GOVERNOR: (Democrat) : O. Max Gardner 1318 (Republican) : H. F. Seawell 3858. 66 of which were In this country and m 8778;? JVat : . .. - .. nujnher of Dersons enrolled in its Ufa f rP- after receiving inters v. sisted an average of 40,600 service i"8"1 in methods for rescuing and ex-service men each month, helti- aad Reviving the drowned persons, has ir, fi,m i ' i:- reacned nearly 174.000. Duriner the ll .j 1 ,fi j . . . year it has also erven more than 4.000 iiu ijiucuib uuspiuu iireaunent anu ; . , , " " -. , ' .Z 'seeing that their families did not suf- i68 and demonstrations for the 3751 fr while these claims were nendin. furtherance of this campaign. v. nuuviAiL ju3iiu.a ur . al me same ume xtea THE SUPREME COURTi W. J. Brogden (D) in camps and hospitals ffltfuM-Bjeei Frank CantrelL fivVT n i; T 1 Edwards, R. M. Sams. ;No. 4 Township: J. G. Metcalf, N. Jervis, Milton E. Radford. '" No. 5 Township: R. L. Carter. &o. 6 Township: C. H. Reeves. VI UOD WUI A.VI 9 4vv. w ..-41411,3 niuu V i r ri, , - ;c adminiRfrflHvA and nttior nhaaao a Wra, A. r . bluder. a OODIObCU Oil - www4i. fi4vvu w I -S , . - George W. Conner (D) Walter B. Love (R) Thomas J. Harkms (R) 3760 FOR JUDGE SUPERIOR COURT Firit District: Walter L. Small (D) 1222 FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR: (Democrat) : R. T. Fountain 1287 (Republican) : W. H. Fisher . FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: (Democrat) : J. A. Hartness 1253 (Republican) : Mrs. Emma Rollins Tighe 3823 FOR STATE AUDITOR: (Democrat) : 'Baxter Durham 1246 (Republican) : John W. Yeager moo .average of nearlv 16.000 men each tn work, Red Cross volunteers have Nor 8 lownship: L. C. Davis. 1019 month and arranged during the year during the year, produced more than, N6. 9 Township: Roy Plemmons, 1213 jnore tan 22,000 recreation and en- a quarter of a million garments and .Buff Gffok. , --3712.tertainment events. (two and quarter million surgical dres- M: VW U ahin. A T A.mo Til I 4. Carrying on civilian relief ac- ""ST8 'or use in disaster relief work 'r vi tivkies only where there is no other and other contingencies. They have man uo 8n v agency to do it mostly in small als transcribed 1,816 volumes into No. H'Tiwnship: Mont Shook, Sol towns and rural sections the Red Braille, a system of raised lettering Shelton.' ' " Cross has assisted more than 10,000 whereby the blind are enabled to read. jj0 12 Tb'wnship-L E Baker families during the year. Practically all Braille transcribing in Nn';i4-rnm,.,in'. i n t 6. In communities throughout the this country is done by Red Cross1, No j3 Township: J. D Brown, Jno. United States and in our Insular and volunteers. -, . L- Balding, W. J. C. Rinehart. Foreign possessions, its 745 Public ! 10. The American Red Cross No. 14 Township: J. J. Rice. Health nurses have been fighting dis- makes no appeals for funds during1 No. 15 Township: N. S. Whitaker, ease and suf ferine and improvtae the ithe vear excent following DTAnt. Tinfinri w w rWa T m Amm. v .in , j i M . . . , r;., - . 1 . g " . ' 'm v a a-iiiiii vixi v ue awwa. ict ni UUMWIIB 111 Willi: II CttHHH all II1I1QH - XT V r m 1 T r i have made more than a million visits contrihntud rB .n.T.t. fM ,n ,a.v ' 1Q - - renaer, u, ito homes during the year to care for in the disaster for which the anneal ,s' ender. R- C. Briggs. tha alnlr onH nn4.-.f 4.V. On A AAA 1. 3- rm.1- xl . 7 Will nnU4. 1.:4. .4 r I 3645 Y; . . v v wu wtvu. o .,uuy la maws, x ii ib enure prograan 01 Sep. - . ' 1 w.wivi3, 4bcBi9wr iueu , school children have been inspected vice is financed from membership 'and Clerk to Board of Countv Com! r- 1" ine,r "LZSLJSX: is d0 y that the RECORDS SHOW HOOVER 6. Nearlv 60.000 women and rirl. STXLrjZ ZZZZttlM" true list asdrawn FOR JUDGE SUPERIOR COURT Eleventh District: John H. Clement (D) . 1218 FOR STATE SENATE 30TH SEN ATORIAL DISTRICT: -3827 Ira Plemmons (R) FOR MEMBER HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: N. B. McDevitt (D) J. H. Hutchins (R) -4091 .2653 yv,vw wumau auu gins i unas nnance many reiiei operations r vfi'',vt, i t V nc rrpMAM rvTD trtinM 5.ave b5n "lt. In the organisations following relatively small disasters !h ,from Box 16, 1( Nov- 6 1928 OF GERMAN EXTRACTION Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick which no special appeal Js made. " . 1 '.flLL ROBERTS, Clerk .3791 FOR STATE TREASURER: (Democrat) : B. R. Lacy I i 1 f 1 1 j . ; s Got. Alfred E. Smith ; f - who will . nefver run "for ofuce gain. Retires to private life after this year after 25 years of public life. : i - Succeeded by , Franklin D. "o-osereU as Gorernor of Now crk. '.i.ii i ; : T'sr BALTIMORE, MD., July 22. That Herbert Hooyer, Republican candidate for president, is of Ger- 1250 man extraction is shown by records here. ., These show , that .his- great- great-great-great-grandfather came to .this country from Germany about J1740. The original Hoover whose. name was Andrew owned land at Lmr wood, on a branch of Little Pipe Creek, Carroll County, at that time a part of Frederick County., M , Miss Ruth Fesler, social secretary to Hoover, found interesting details of the early life of the Hoovers itf old land records at the court house yesterday. She also visited parts of Carroll County, where it was thought Andrew, Hoover once lived. From, in formation given through the records and other data it was found that An drew Hoover after living or 16 i or 20 years in what was formerly Fred erick County, removed to North Caro lina,' where his son,. John, war born. The son of John was Jesse, who also lived in North Carolina. The sonoi Jese, Eh, was bom in Ohio. y The sort of Eli, Jesse .Clark Hoover,, was born in Iowa and the son of Jesse Clark Hoover is Herbert Clark Hoover: the presidential ' Candida te,Copied. v"; - - . -- i . Before giving advice' the wise 'main prepares to dodge the consequences. It spoils favor If you are asked to return it. . - ' . !" "i , ' r A loan widow is one who has mon MADISON VOTE ATTRACTS STATE-WIDE INTEREST (By GLENN W. NAVES) With tha two presidential candidates, Herbert Hoover and Governor Alfred E. Smith, of New York, run ning a close race in North Carolina, one of the most important states of the Solid South, from midnight Tues day until late Wednesday afternoon, official,, returns from- strong partisan,. couh ties like Madison County were being awaited with much interest by candidates and members of both par ties throughout the- State, wlhile the State press, in cluding the Associated Press, made arrangements for securing the returns im mediately following thet precinct and total counts, due to their importance. Approximately 4500 Re publican and 1300 Demo cratic voters were register ed in Madison, with the fi nal counts giving the) Coun ty an overwhelming majori ty on the credit side of the Republican ticket, while all Democrat candidates on the State and National tickets were far in the minority. The returns from Madi son were covered both Tuesday night and Wednes day by the Marshall Citizen correspondent, for the As sociate Press, the Interna tional News Service, the Asheville Citizen, the Char lotte Observer, the Char lotte News, the Raleigh Times, the Raleigh News and Observer, and the Greensboro Daily News. while all these' dailies and a number of others in the State were given additional coverage Wednesday morn ing and afternoon. One of thet G. O. P. strong holds of the State, the huge vote in Madison was a large factor in giving Hoover a lead of approximately 25,000 votes in North Caro lina which for months had been conceded as Smith territory. p ! President Hoover and Vice President' Curtis - vPilXrwhn Hbcted!jTuecda- ;v "V' In the real drama of life the lead ing ladies are cooks. ' ' There are lots of big boy. and small men in the world. A blockhead is a man who is un- able to fit his opinions to your chan nel. .. . i A silver dollar ' isn't very heavy but some men find H difficult to raise. , t The secret of "popularity is always to remember what to forget . p- V. The man who has no faith in hu--' man nature is not to he trusted. , . Every married woman thinks1 that ' aQ- lier husband's bsvchelor ifriendf ' - ) A, 1lT H1 1 ey ot ta interest.':" :- ; envy Ua. : . 'vJ..''' "

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