.' " ' A'V" - "v-; w-v " - '.-,'' . - 't'"?V if t? i'l '? D It'JJ Vy'i f!- 3 SIT I'M''! I?K'.JjJ . w . "'V, I Tllfi NEWS-RECORD '! PRICE A YEAR I IIThe PROGRESSIVE FARMER f j THE NEWS-RECORD ffO OC 1 1 BOTH A YEAR FOR $L.LO 1. ,. f VOL..XXI S l W.L: GEORGE If ; POARD COUNTY) C05KIISSI0NERS Mart Hill Man- Is Suc ceeded by John F-r Amnions ,5 ,,Tfc Former t ComakiMioner Wf ' Cluurmaik And Old Mem f , ber, SucceMor U Prorai- nent Mars Hill Busi-i neu Man. (By Glenn W. Nitm) Stating that ill health and extreme pressure of business made it unad visable for him to continue in service, W. L. George, Chairman of the Madi ' son County Board of Commissioners, tendered his resignation toJ(. Hubert Davis, Clerk of Superior Court; Tues day. The resignation was accepted and John F. Ammonal, well-known Mars Hill business man, appointed by Mr. Davis Wednesday. Shortly before noon the same day the new Commis sioner took the oath of office under Mr, Davis, and was declared legally a member of the constituted Board for the ensuing administration of twp years, ending in 1930. . f 4 ' . Mr. George's resignation calme as a rfinHnp aurnrise to County officials and citlsens, and resulted fromil his Hrkno to IU health and hi Der- S bness li ilars Hill. Ss're- sAntJV rnBnnrsini; m DinnuDu iivui Prof ewaw: .and SUetgta. (.!.". . , . ' ul iw iiiunM .KM .aima nravionaiT 'oat the Board- as member and Chair "-" y f-r- 'T.i" VnmM. Run and vnared. in whlck fcTha. not yet rtmd,fwhlch4ASn? KTlv r wved wy eonmendable tnamin or jouniy. ijoma, terntimixmtfheW-Trtthe Ma?r 1 JL J'tlJlJaiU 'I 1 ZSi 1 LhoT avil 6f hw Jadgment in dispos- jj. ;oaW Memorial Presbyterian fVftiWitJVifWit.M. - S?H? rtSSjAji iSfetewSS i; ''OM "-"-"" - r Thi lam vcrv worthv eanak and i.w. Wr.; , v. 1 .Am teaM, UiKPirt . 5tCaMls2toM wauUlif ta sea eontribu- byrTan M.av C thw..''e 4tT ity ... I-sJajii4 iwWtATt? W--r ' tJL-SSE2 -i atars-s'x'r anatt.w. t-' arnavsasnai. iiiirn anu nnu. ui ius Aarwaa t t. -r -,. sw - tCaaatyp.W i-t ywars aaa sa-.T-associated with Oscar.-Crowder, for I"i .... & . m u.. . 1 ILi ' I mer jwrsnaiv .Bannev i t firm of Attunons A Crowder, in Mars;. Hill. Prior m that tkme s ;was ea- , gaged in farming. ,p .f ;f In ahrief statement Tuesday, a few minutes .af ter, having, taken the path of office; Mr. Ammons said "It is my intention anu mincer ueaure m th. nannla of Madison Counter t the best of my ability, and to render help ful and efficient servicea" The resignation , of Mr. George. unanimously elected Chairman at the i-t:.i r..mI December , necessitates the reorgani- cation of the body and the election ocai nign scnooi nas peen ciosea ana of a second Chairman, and it is probv lFMic gatherings curtailed or diseon able that lOiis action wiU take-place toned, indicating tiiat ths situation at a special called meeting of the (there is improving, reports, from va Board to be held here next Satur- -ious Madison sections this week re day. In ' fact, this wiH be necessary, Sealed that the disesv is spreading, since no business can be transacted and physicians hava advise that ey prior to . tha reorganization of the t?7 P.oWe effort to .check . thr con Board and the election of a Chair- inoed spread of the malady be taken man to preside over the scheduled y the citizenship of , esjcA-eomrnqni. meeting as well as future meetings. y m .,-fsl'fil-x8f'i'.- The members of the Board (who will So far, no fatalities baTe; been re serve -with Mr. Amnions are Claude ported, and the situation is not alarm J. Wilde, Republican, reelected Nov- ng, yet it is thought that precaution ember 6, and T.: A. Silver, . elected ary measures wiU eliminate, the pos November 6 . sibilties of an epidemic ..which tnay The entire Board is ReDublican. . NOTICE! J. WiU Roberts, Register of Deeds, states that there are now on file in his office several "ieeds for REGIS. TEATION on which the fees have not been paid. These deeds cannot be iTe4 2.?til Jthe," feeB are 1,MD ia FULL. ; The. deeds are worthless un- til they are indexed. T , j ----- is reportea very mucn lmprovea in office- wUl please send In the FEEb the MarsnJlli hospital,, following in . and they win be' Indexed and mailed urjeg ,reCeived when,' he, was struck TMHFfTrA FTPlffin foreman, about two iweeks ago. The ?1 rHw TrS7F14iRB EXPE(TED accident is said to have been un PAID IN ADVANCE. -3- avoidable, the child havinsr deliberate :ZS..T. xt.XLZ fCZ" sora 2 Weeks to 'Oirikmas ' ' WW- lis THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED TOBACCO SELLING ''i''iinrri A von sell Tour tobacco thin .1 year, don't forgot 'the News-Rec ord.- Look wider yonr name on the label of yonr paper and ee how much in arrears yon are and dbt no. If Dossible mail a check to The Newa-Record, Marchall, N. C. or como In and ea a. Thif I not Intended for any one In par. ticular, but if yon could look ot or our list, you would too why thi Is written. t.f. '1 CHRISTMAS TREE AND DINNER Mrs.' B. M. Safford. of Hot Springs. -with 'the aid of the Jesuit Fathers there, will arive a Christmas tree and a" a . "n" amn "W.?; . . ... . , I U1B UIU HLff ' V IH1 W UUI V ' UlHl Ul WHm thetf iatenst in h. unfortunate 'ones Ltn nu flantrlbuta aomethinr to 1. . . '- : r"-. -- -. . ------ lUila eauae. ; Anvumur sron mtotit wish to contribute please send , to VJ.' By CXENN NAVES i .....jtnaW NDICATIONS THATtNF.UN2A fj'JfSSSZii WO TO COPE WITH MALADY . With an epidemic of approximatery E00 caaea of influenza renortad well n hand at Htt Springs, .'where, the Prove Uountiymae in seope.v y.f., -, Press report sshowr . that . various Southern schools, colleges and univer sities have; been- closed,: and that, in other counties ; of Western North Carolina influenza is making its mark. Twelve cases in Rutherford Coun- ty have proved fatal, and the disease has been wide-spread in Henderson County. The situation there is said to be improved, however.'- - . . . . . v f i i , CHILD IMPROVES FOLLOWING I r v, AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT .-, I Elmer Barker, 11, of Hot. Springs," wout warnings ALLEGED PROHIBITION LAW VaV..... t -. "'" i, Madison County, at a1 -preliminary hewing held before Magistrate R.' S, Ramsey last " Saturday. roay. Koperson, ehanreif with havimr .'in. sosrfession strsra..iiiiMiinf. ji. aiOi"' "iiU'p niii n i, t.w i VIOLATOR BOUND, TO COURT at opinion inai iv wouia oe wise w Thj" di8C0Ven . . UIma. an1- a,f. tha tfnui nf fill, wit. UlDtuvcrj .Vjrover KODerson, or near ne ran- " V . 7 u due to Josenh . . .. i -. x . inn. 4t was iwt. intw that 4innl wnnM uu" V ""a"' - eey flni,,.;.."! ''iT,,: and a chemist.- i -whiskey was releaied-ntvder $ 1,000 1 bond, pending; his--appearance for t' trial. - -. ' -. -,. Y..i. tr. , , - Ht Tirother Will be jp :-t-a- hear i tng oa a similar charg ' tdaj-. ,. . -, V .,.-- . i r - - vV VJ .y PROMINENT W. C. i ,;. 'u. i; FICIALS TO L 1 i -?SV - " - General E. B .Lews, t." T inaton, N. C. and-W.- H. Grogan, ,Ji of Bre i vard,' N.' C; twill attend tiie regular ,' weekly meeting of Marshall t-Caaip ,. 'S71K of the Woodmen of the World, Friday" night;' Mayor Gfover C Red- 'rflon' Announced ' Tuesday, :.-iiJoth are r '. 1 -cr i here, baviry stte"'d the i r...X -r -' -"i-.-i ' ' - ,;. i -. c . - UJ Km MARSHALLiNCFRIDAYi DECEMBER 14,192S 1 ,'-waK'vBBS, tw? J-VfilKfvwViK! v Pete and .me '11 caper, ''SICAvM WH. x A-teppin' high and wide. WVWmmi lk iS'-'Tilus to an acre-patch, 'mjuiJoJMtlW&liM'fm Wjf S ot us up in town, KTJ ,.fl M 1 B U V Wi cant orance a step, man, "WMWWWi M Pete and me Is partners 7ffiMltJrfk WvfSu lib I '. Pete's too young to leave It, 1A ; Prslrlellkeasea, V VHm' jPl Hl'l jAnl 'r rlp-rarin' free! WIHJII i A Old WeitttWlnV W&Wf IwAlll' V,T jAnd the Newest U wuest V " Un: IZilWlL Wmft' Iftefnnftewlnd'in-'blowln' f ' :; AYJlyViSWW !"- asislstlcfc It-! r . - ' !i4lMl.:iW T8llsh4egoj, ' ''.H'T.UnHM vsewWiiissswtNis ; 1 i'l' ' I 'mi n 1 it lUitji j. 1 l.i i'l ,. " ., Jl li '.''in frjM Mi in i U f. .' " i' 1 . . 1 j . . . . ; xl. . . t -County Agent Earfa BTtetnatfc-ltf stratiott ageni - of ' Madison 'Cotnrty; Deer, lfW!aree.,X)ther gatne be are in Raleigh this week.-" Mr. Brint- Icams joura. Gams-birds were drrron nail is attending the annual confer--out of saost of their haunts. In eon ence of N. C. 'county agents and the sequence the protection of game be annual convention' of he Southern came avvery serious problem, calling Livestock "' Association, while Miss for intelligent consideration and con Crafton is attending the annual con- structivav methods. The Government ference of N. C. home demonstration and the States took it up and passed agents; ' - ; - - r ; .witwxi EX-CONGRESSMAN UPS HAW, OF GEORGIA, SPEAKS ' HERE" 1 Tjwo 1 speaking engagements in Marshall by William D. Upshaw, ex- versified angles of propagation, con Congressman; and noted writer and 8ervation and restoration of small atfd lecturer, of Georgia, Sunday and biff same. ?ame birds and fish. Aft'A Monday nights, attracted much inter- 1 aHJ.n Ul. lTflln. uwp. ouuuajr uigtM jni. wjjsunw (BCUVO ASSOCWUVU Iiviua Its uvtl spoke at the Marshall Baptist church, meeting in New York early in De1 and Monday night in the Marshall cember the event will resolve itself high school auditorium. He was into a -great national game confer-' greeted with a large and attentive encei with official and unofficial par audience at each place.' ticipants. The Bureau of Biological -'';" 1 1 SurvBV. the Bureau of Fisheries, ilie' MADISON SCHOOLS TO CLOSE FOR HOLIDAYS The graded and ' high schools of maaison vouniy wui ciose xrecemoer 21 for Christmas, oCunty Superin- tendent Carl M. Blankenship, has an- nounced. They will remain closed for ;ten days, reopening December 81, he statea. The Hot Springs high school which closed several days ago because of an influenza epidemic will probably re- imain ciosea until uecemDer si, it, l188"- I I ', ..T". : 7.. '. MARSHALL SCHOOL TO CLOSE TODAY As we go to press Thursday after- llUIMl. UIH '. Ill U LLAUUUa Oil: .- LllUb Hrfi-ntiiMIH AHA . - ha - . r 1 . ' - ... . .. . . .. .tendance had dropped off considerably and the physicians consulted were of i x .11 vx ,x " ;'r-Jr- ?T'7 IT" w . . .-- . MISS LX) WYS; HECITAL ft -S i postponed; L ! n account of the probability; of the school closing and. partly due to the fact that Miss Lowry. herself hi hardly able to attend her music class, it was thought best to postpone the music recital scheduled . tonight an-. ti)..ft. th. hniMav n.r.r... ts seoond week in January, '-A i . , i ii i ii - -; Charles McCall of McDowell Conn- store upon which there was a stesm. good battle tv leru a ree'ar foor-vear rotatioB -g teapot,. v , , j ys. - :lf , of incomplete of cro- a a M ht tV s res on his? '- : ftleaearing TreetMridr v,,, -p-, Jdiee tagging. A t ixl - c, tJ aIopt 'TT.t aatowioNls .rket sewn. . -t eopet Jul IN. MADISON COUNTY i,vcouiia iftw-riiirf to tae buffakna JHk And eB disappeared laws to help preserve and conserve jtama, Oi&cial Bureatas were created I m -States throughout the Nation. - Sportsmen, conservation bodies and 'other organizations and individuals, have been giving attention to the di- result: when the American Game PfoV i .a; ... LIJ :t. U-l Forest Service and the National Parks Service of the United States Government, and the same authorial ties of various States will take part in the conference; as will also the Izaak Walton League of America; the National Association of Audubon So- cieties: the American Forestry Asso- ciation: the American Gamekeepers' 1 SocietyV and many other. IfroupsW ImTulrquarte? of toh organizations interested in the prob?, ' ,.G d f d ervice,1 To the American Farm Bureau ems of forest and fields. ' M!.?:TWV.. ' fiTil ii rt Ji.h'..tin. , What CaHdrasi ShonU Ksww ' lPnerColumbuBwassuiTnsed;tlo . . ? he ..und !? .mitoves in W.X3tonlh.ess is associated in the pub- piaying witn Daus mat were anaaejiu' tnirid with oroteition of health, from the gum of a tree.. These baitfuj auaiitv m service, with comfort, bourrded in a way that exeited the bountied m a way that exeitea tne i? Irn ' w v v his fellow-voyagers. 111s Kiiiiw'tuvaxcio, ' I The natives called their playtlunt ine natives cauea ineir P'syBn-ted' other eating places must in- touuuiuuc, w...v V'TlLcreafcmglyVbe the most immaculate, material that we now call rubber. and Hl0re 4nd more restaurant own- w occuio tr - nrvtr thn Mntrne Af SniThATO 111 AT L ... ' . r "- 7"". -JT". ,J TP5. aSin!!nd r of its usefulness was Priestley, a-clergyman A little more than a 100 years .v: r:T.. T w.j ...Yi.T"'"c"v . .r !'.'"' . : r"" Zl,",'"?: Mackintosh disolved rubber hi naptba u..u.tA.v jUnJ hw hi iunMnf creating ' the -' waterproofing ': tradl wwiq , ' " i f4W.V aillU V4 BC S TBrxAX aVHUW WA Mackintosh is still the name ofa csc'ljgty food! and every penny expend- tain kind of rubber raincoat . : T 1B!19 Oiarlea' Goodvaar. who had been experimenting with rubber, witn auipnu on nu " more than a .smell out of it because e accidentally discovered the means vulcanizing rubber. From thatjx-. periment . the grubber industry has grown - grown Quite as marveloasly as did the nee of steam resulting from Fulton watching the top ' of another . t r " 'j; VIl ; f j j : f ' r. MCHTNERY FOR GARMENT :' ''''HV'. nomlc situation is judged. Wheat and steer used to-.be the basic commodi ties, but now one hears more about cars. In the face of new eortditione it is interesting snd encouraging to know that the automotive markets of the world have shown increased ac tivity during the past three months. . Four Hour Vamiah One of the most recent contribu tions of chemical research . to time saving and- the reduction of costs is the development of a varnish which dries hard within four hours. In many cases, where a second coat is requir ed,' a painter may put on both coats of this '.varnish within the usual work ing day instead of having to return to the Joh a second time, as is neces sary' whettVyarnish requiring twenty four hours' to dry is used. A further advantage from the use of four-hour varnish is that of making more- fre-. quent use of drying rooms and racks in shop and factories, thereby redu cing the "overhead cost of such fa- cilities. Rush jobs can also be exper dited, making 'quicker delivery - of manufactured goods which tmust re ceive a varnish finish. " , . Campaign Money Reports of various organizations reporting to the Clerk of the House of Representatives on campaign ex penditures shows it has cost a whole tofetft good money for the American people to elect a President; yet, thank goodness,- there has apparently been no corruption in this election. - " ' Drtuery Fabrics ,':;,;''C , , Do you know that of all things dif ficult to 'define 'modern art designs aj w'tlidsi: inuivT : ; Nowhere1 in the mouernistie world hat thafealinr :for the 'nntagged, the daring and th effective been' so gbbdicolor UT their Be ara'hshg1ngant f drapery fabric ons their wajla f or f -corativrf purposes, 'covering' iscree KaTnwewiiftawng'evenwscol Of'thSBilVt'iM' ' i fiy..--4..J.. 'UR-nousa'"tt''ITliaa mai.. croenm 'nisviavs-ranarv Tas- jn .ia-aaaa tuMBafc..ir tot jtfaMtmi-L:. armIalicnMhww(ra;rn'F.a'-1a nappuy producer as , in- anpttyiefi rica, 4 From1 Paris toA Ssa-ffranclseo people who- lik splashes' of prstation; of. tM aWen&of Edeai -mvira- silk and rayon. comWnation.J Aaotter: wnartem of the Amerfcsn Farmi iftHM pi .Venetian orlgin-Venice , gono modern-f-4n multi-colored rayon and silk. In some there were as many as six, and seven colors- harmoniously blended' yith nothing short of. genhia RhVon aihir'botton. were also shown in cottbination of yarns and - in these wera fftUhd several really new color irigihan which nothing is much more dfffifult to find. Modern interpreta tions of leaves, fountains,- Chinese motifs, arid the newest kind of imagi native flowers were found in spark ling' hew supple and subdued lusterod r4joIWen historic silk was mado to 1ot1' brand hew with new colors; historic peacock was moder nized' to' show its every line and color. "":t?Wjflx.jr 10 ' Th;habit of dining out is taking Increased hold on Americans. Scores sf'ople who have been accustomed q eaiing at nome, now uuce tnetr fSmllies to a restaurant for the even nirimeal. 'Whatever the reason for this fact, theitrestaurant is faced, to a greater degree than ever before, wiith thiecessity of pleasing the public aqovUBTajg 11 uirougn a ngia coae ..anliness, . ; .''ta no other "industry "does ctead llqess bear a more important relation no success man in me restaurant in- dustrtr.V. Rbscoe C. Edlund of Cleanli- z v-v. - J' T C'Jli-.i il i.U xl. ( K uuu 1 vmuea, may mean itucxiiuj il 1- t.ZZZJLZ - tfiif .nA Btmn.niio n.l att , xtiven-S8 ond atmosphere, and wjtjjr th best standards of manage-1 meitC The most successful restaur- . it. ' mi j. a, w. mint nwnni u tha u m annm of a IXlUOb ICtUKIIMIC. VV OMlo auuwaa . . . .7" The specinc relation 01 cleanliness nd "late, to the preparation of .food, sanitary handling ot au liquids, v fl ' M,, .:Vi ; window: and fixtures,". Mr."" Edlimi ;- tntAH. "T tTiere anv better- adverv. .tigement far public patronage than ...A. x.i:J? i mi... :. g& that glisten and shine? That is kind of setting really required lor ed on dining room cleanliness can oe made to pay for itself onany times over in the approval of patrons and in a growing clientele. This kind of atmosphere, advertises itself,' and it can be made one of the most aefinits and sueejessful sales appeals. , - t ftdUeretlone Being Checkad ' i " "Frni v Louisville tomes word that t!.. Better Business' Bureau of that energetic southern city , is waging a against the Indiscretions or Inaeeurate inerchan- psrticulariy good mer- t"n is reit - ... ..- MADISON COUNTY RECOKO. r" : EstabHahed ion 29, 190 L 1 . FRENCH BROAD NEWS Eetabllahed May 16, 1907. " CoMolidatod NotcdiW X, It II II , ' ? 1750 i Mr. 'KohloU" general manager of the garment manufacturing coaniMuur. locating at . Marshall, was In town Wednesday. We untferslfend th machinery, for this slant is being loaded into cars at Canton and will soon be moving to Marshall. The building now occupied by the whole sale busines of N. B. McDevitt & Co. has been rented from its owner, Mr. Roy L. Gudger, and both floors will be used for the garment factory. It has not' yet been announced where Mr. McDevitt will move his stock to, but we understand to some other building in Marshall. The charter for 'the new corporation has been drawn up and the organization will be completed in the near future. in advertising and salespersons' con versations. When silk is not all silk and wool is not all wool, the facts mugt be stated. So also with all fab rics; , The Louisville Better business Bureau implies that each of the five iljasic textiles, wool, rayon, silk, cot- ton and linen, have much to commend them' to the public for their various legitimate uses. For example, atten tion is called to the product of that great industry recently reaching such high fashion pinnacles with its many rayon woven and knitted materials. Says the Bureau: .' "Many fabrics are . now made ia part or wholly of wood fiber which is very neritorioUsi this fiber has been termed rayon." Lovely trans parent velvet with its glistening and flattering rayon pile, and silk . back. ' should be called both rayon and .silk. . The public for its own information and education should havaaU ha fastsV-- r','. r:.',::..' -. .,.'. M,!' :j i ffnirsji. Fee" Irish laaaetsy, j i North. Ireland was for centuries a 1 11 1 11 at r.na vsi.rin .in niin..jniiMB J.2t n1nrA -1 .A ga,.. -i 1 h -) weiqg ..dona with vatiierxtp,aaoV;h w. , man, wide-awake linen maker, are r , i , ! 'N'--Ufs ttfJhl;ciniBsta awsat wsa. tHHWUfi.iWf ,4(wr 1 . -arty rmKwziei;siAKaui; luurcawiuiat W9 fBTBifliv ox os nax - f; r , tion are no longer content to look for, ,. "farm relief solely from legislative X 4 halls. At least, that is "what many gather from the announcement of the , Tenth Annual Meeting of Farm B reau, which will be held in the "Win- -, dy City, December 7 to 12. :r A significant paragraph in the Fed eration, announcemnt reads J "The development of uses for agricultural . products that formerly had been con sidered as wastes, is engaging the at tention of scientists. Recognizing the immense possibilities in this for im proving the farm income, place has been provided on the program of the annual meeting for presentation of the subject. Doctor Charles M. A. s. Stine, chemical director of the E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, will tell of the marvels accomplished by chemistry in converting farm waste into wealth. His address promises t be an outstanding feature of the con vention." ' The editorial columns of the Penn sylvania section of the Farm Bureau official . TMihlication have been used - several times' in' recent months ro . urge the American Farm Bureau Fed- ' eration to adopt chemical research as part of the program of this Farmers' A.M..i..ttAn wV4a1i im maA n MB.h li v ... h .m a4i' consideration to the possibilities of chemistry doing for agriculture things .comparable with what the sci- ence has done for various other lead. in? industries. 1 : - One hundred and twelve cars -if fat hogs sold cooperatively by farm- ers of Beaufort County this year: have returned the growers $143",87. . . M AW. WW 14 high pada heifer, to fmrnv Ashe Countv'for 11.265 at S recent eonsignment sale. ; .. ' MailEatjif an use j Uiratmas Seals 1 T ; ' -- - '' ".v, - JT v'. i.'.'.t ;tV j ' i ? . t ; ; ' - '-; .-. '.-'.. '''.vJ-v..:

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