If it r.i i " r.r- v ; '" . . ,,'f 1 EIGHTH FAC3 NOTICE! OF FORECLOSURE SALE By the virtue of the power in me vested bv a certain deed of bearing date the 30th day of 1927, executed by T. J. Wild and undersigned trustee and duly regis triiaton to secure a tered in the office of the Register of wife, to me as , . j r.jii c mo: 7 . , V on Z book 22 on page 134 to which refer corded in Book 32 at page 208 of ence hereby anade( and default Records of Deeds of Madison County, having been made in the indebtedness Default having been made in the pay- thereby secured, whereby the power ment of the debt secured, and having of sale therein contained has become been requested to foreclose said deed illS. of trust under power therein, I will, 1929 at 12 0ci0ck, noon, at the Court on the 2nd day of February, 1929, sell House door of Madison County, sell o the highest bidder at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash the fol for cash at the court house door in I owing described lands and premises the town of Marshall, Madison Conn- SSS'h, A. E. ty, N. C, to satisfy said judgment, !Anders wife Attia Anders and interest and cost, the following des- m. J. Anders by deed dated January cribed real estate, towit: 126th, 1914 and recorded in the office Lying and being in Madison Coun-, of Register of Deeds for Madison ty, N. C, adjoining lands of G. W. Wild and others, Beginning on a 10- j cust in the mouth of the line between Gabriel Wilds and the Carver house, .A Qli K9 Woof HO nnloa tn a stake at the creek a tthe mouth of small branch below the road, thence j N 78 West 40 poles to the top of the ridge to a small chestnut oak, thence ' North 23 West 14 poles to two small chestnuts, thence North 59 West 10 poles to a chestnut oak. JN. do West 12 poles to a small dogwood, N 80 Lance, and Harry Hill, and wife, West 45 poles to a chestnut on top of Kathryn T. Hill, to P. H. Lance, Fork mountain, thence S 52 West 18 Trustee, dated 8th day of November, , . . . . . . TT htmj. 1926, and ouly registered in Book 32, poles to a chestnut, being J. R. Wilds pa?e'109 of tne cord deed in truste corner, thence down the ridge with his ; the 0ffice 0f Register of Deeds of line, S. 16 E. 17 poles to a stake, Madison County to which reference thence South 42 East 36 poles to a is hereby and default having been stake, thence S 55 E 20 poles to a made in the payment n the pay stake, thence S 51 E 23 poles to lZZ large chestnut in the mouth of the line near the creek, thnce S 34 E 48 poles via oak stump at the road to stump and stake, thence N 53 E 82 poles to a stake, then N 4 W 48 poles to the beginning, containing 60 acres, more or less, excepting about 10 acres sold to Kennedy Worley. This the 26th day of December, 1928. C. B. MASHBURN, Trustee O-Jan. 25, 1929 1J0TICE! MAGISTRATE'S SUMMONS. , . . NORTH CAROLINA, Justice's Court No. 2 Township, Madison County. Before A. S. Gentry, Justice of the Peace. CIVIL ACTION Stokley Cutshall, Plaintiff, against Kobert Reeves, Defendant To any Constable or other lawful officer of said county Greeting: You are hereby commanded to sum- mon Robert Reeves to appear before A S Gentry, Justice of the Peace, at his office in No. 2 Township, Coun- . ty of Madison on the 22 day of Janu- ary 1929, at 2 o'clock P. M., to ans- wer the complaint of the above named -.I.!-; nnnnavmpnt nt the the nonpayment of the ii.M ..j into,-, y-five dolors, "d inter- 1, due and demanded by sum of eighty est until paid said Dlaintiff. and for costs. Herein fail not, and of this sum- mons make due return. Witness my hand, this 22 day of December, 1928. A. S. GENTRY, Justice of the Peace. 0-Jan-18-29.4t pd. A little girl wns teaching her dolls a Sunday School lesson, Children, 1 she said, "you know God made Adam and he was lonely; so God put him to sleep and .took out his brain and made a lady."- Ex. KILLS THE ITCH IN 40 MINUTES A now roniody In liquid form nalUd PARACIDE ponotrate nVo kin and WtrT th Ith nnta. Boing Ikuid PARACIDE uu nnieUy. Kill tko ck in 40 minnUk At Drug Storas or analad to yon roanid' for SO canto tno hottio. STANDARD DRUG CO., Asnovillo. N. C ' T HE FAMILY NEXT DOOR "The Perfect "Man"'. r - NOTICE! By virtue of the power of sale i i - i-: .1 i ., e -,,,. VZtcZ by J. G. Briggs and wife, Laura Briggs, on th .; 8th day of December, 1920 to the Deeds of Madison County, N. C, in VVn HHnH ef erence i8 hereby made. Contains .45 acres more or less. ' This December 20, 1928 u-Jan. 11. lyza W. A. WEST, Trustee. NOTICE! t By virtue of the power of sale con- rainorl in a r rtoin Hpori nf trust m&dp u.. it n t ana Ram; j 0f gU therein contained has become operative said undersigned trustee win on tne zara aay 01 January, xzv at 12:00 o'clock noon, sell at public idoor of Madison County and 0f North Carolina the following lands and premises; situate, lying and be ing in the county of Madsion No. nine Township, adjoining the lands of Har ry Hill, Hugh Lance and others, de scribed as follows: Beginning on a small locust on tap of the Mill ridge and running East 40 poles to a double dogwood on side of said ridge; thence South 68 poles 1 to a small branch; thence with the meanders of said branch to H. B. 'Lance's and Harry Hill's N. E. cor to Z. B. Anderson's corner; thence ner; thence continuing with said road uci ) vutiiv vuiiuiiuuiK nmu ua'u avow North 2i poles East 78 poles to the beginning, containing 18 acres, be the same more or less. This the 20th day of Dec., 1928. F. H. LANCE, Trustee. O-Jan. 11, 1929. ch. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXECUTION North Carolina, Madison County, In Magistrate's Court. Hilliard King, Emmet Thomas and E. L- Thomas, Plaintiffs, Robert Reeves, Defendant, g,y virtue of an execution to the undersigned from A. C. Gentry's Magistrate's Court, of Madison Ooun- ty in the above entitled action, I wll on TuesdaV) January ,8 29 at 10 0.clock( A. M.t at the barn Bf Rob- Magistrate's Court, of Madison Coun rt Reeves place at Belva, N. C Madison County, to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution, all the right, title and interest which the said Robert Reeves, the defendant has in the following described personal property : Said property consists of one crop of tobacco now in barn on Robert Reeve farm.. mitmifi. fiFNTRY. Sheriff. 0-Jan.-4,-29. I Mr. Badrutt of the Palace oi St. Moriti tells story of one of his waiter's linguistic difficulty and pro- fessional pnae. 1 u inTt. ZL slight earthquake felt , in St. Morits -o n.aatan and on tha same amy 1 a genial visitor, on taking his seat at table, remarked to the waiter: "Well, you have earthquakes here, do yout" "Earthquakes," beat Giuseppe, out he would not admit anything that he thought implied in the hotel. . "Oh, yes, sare," he replied, "we do have them, but they are not quite ripe yet. They have been ordered from Zurich, and Should be here next week." Tatler (London). II MKMMMfc ' HUM. V II . J f MWRMn. MIIM MUM. um m mm ciuMj. y iii ii mh m, tiwn IHMUI MMMMt UMM. Him. Surry County farmers say they can produce enough milk to get one of the Kraft cheese factories similar j to the one now at West Jefferson in , Ashe County. , When a village youth makes a egg production and has proven pro flying trip to the city he usually has a fitable wherever used bird of a time. ! When the green feed pasture is ; exhausted with the earning of frost Weigh some people and they will be and cold weather, it is then necessary found wanting in everything except for the pouitryman to provide such weight. .feed, recommends C. F, Parrish, poul- . try extension specialist at State- Coir wnen a man is going to tne dogs he usually meets the .dogs about half way, SiriKrf Charlie Says- ANTIQUE Yea wonder whsr grandmother wore five or srsr petti coat$? Did ary ofyoayoaii ladies ever try site' orv a haircloth chair?' SOUTHERN RAIL WAY SYSTEM j Southern Passenger Train Schedules For Marshall, NwC. Change Schedule Paasenger train now ium at Manb all as following: 1 (CENTRAL TIME) No. No, No. 101 11 27 West Bound at 6:21 A. M. West Boamf at 1:25 P. M. Wast Bound at T:S7 P. M. No. 28 Emit Boa ml at 8:10 A. M. No. 12 East Bound at 12: IS P. H. No 102 East Bound at 7:)0 P. M. NOTE: Marshall time make, the .WMm " TM schoduW pubHanod as info nation and not girirantd. Cnh the Ticket Aaonts for furtnor Safor nation. f-- ' " NOTICE: Ticket office closes at 40 P. M. f Central Time).- Passengers using evening trains will.please pur chase tickets before that tiaie- J. .H. WOOD, Div. Pass. Agt. O. S. BRADFORD Agont, .: . Mnnnnll, N..C jt s- 1 st?y SI II u -a. J t fjIJ Prtw mixing this oil -with the feed, Mr. Ureen reed INeedea rorlTl . . , ' . Winter cLggS Green feed added to th laying ege There is a wide variety of feeds MOTORISTS ARGUE FOR ADDITIONAL SAFETY MEASURES ON HIGHWAYS . , , , .. Convince Officials of Perils Prevention of Dust an Important Matter to Be Considered. The White Painted Guard Rills Help D' ESPITE the increase in the use of white painted guard rails. whitewashed traffic Indicators of one sort or another and more elab orate danger signals automobile acci dents are. steadily growing more nu merous, automobile associations point out in reviewing the summer's casual ties. The next great important step to re. duce the number of accidents .will on the elimination; of duat,ia the opinion of those assecnittons. . - Dust, In aptt of the greater mileage of concrete toads. Is .causing many ac cidents, a condition doe In part to the eonstantljr growing, highway conges Uon. '' ' ... ' - t ; - - " ' . - I Aim . that may be used to avoid monotony. Rape, alfalfa, oats, clover, wheat, rye, barley, mangels and. other feed I . ft. t 1 M .1. may be used, sproutea oats art w used effectively by some growers. The oats are fed when the sprout is about three inches long and make an ex cellent succulent to supplement the 1 scratch grain and mash. Mr. Parrish says that it is not diffi cult to build a home-made oat-sprouter. All that is needed is a number of trays with holes punched in the bot- torn to allow excess water to escape. The seed oats are spread thinly over the trays to prevent the formation of mold growths. Sprouted oats secured in this manner are fed at the rate of from one to two ounces per day per hen. A good producing hen will con- sume from 25 to 30vpounds of this feed in a winter. t Hanging cabbage about 18 inches from the floor will afford the laying hen needed exercises and will give her the succulent green feed needed. Beets may be used the same way. Wjien it is impossible to supply! green feed, cod-liver oil may be mix- ed with the mash or grain ration to supply the same food elements. Tn 'of the feed be taken and the cod-liver oil worked in thoroughly and this 'Bsed as a stock mixture with the re- maining food. One pint of the oil to each 100 pounds of feed is enough to nse. Many a man who csRs himself con- servative is only a coward. A man's gratitude is always its best just before you do him a favor. Luck fs the trump card played by a fool. r, 1 r 1 ' on Many Crowded Roads to Make Curvet Sato tor the Motorist. High winds and passing cars ratsj dust clouds thati nsvo been compared! with the sradka- screens of naval Uo stroyers. Through that screen toe average motorist must guess his wa and trust to. ttsck that no one Is di rectly in hlsi path, the automublliS):? assert in some sections of the country, where motorists have been able to con vince official of the perils In dost coverdd highways, the authorities arc applying, chemicals to the road Sur face', 'particularly calcium chloride, t moisture-absorbing material that lays the dust The prevention of dust Is unquestionably a large factor in any safety first campaign. : : J I V i III )l G l i 111 VIU' II1,'.'. .1 ' : aitiwwt itttinuroleinwT BIBLE THOUGHT AND PRAYER , If partnti will hoc ihtlt chlUrtn mm rixt m BibU Wcon tach vtek, H will prm m pried mtrtiaf to ihtm In tftm yaera. JESUS SAID; Blessed are the par in heart; for they shall see God. Matthew 6:8. PrAYER : Enable us, .0 Lord, to come to Thee and do Tn wash us and make clean every one every whH thig gnlA bleMing Bpir be ourfc , t . . " V, - How did the chief priests make 8Ure the Sepulchre in which the body, 0f Jesua was placed T Matt 27:66. NOTICE! HI NORTH CAROLINA, MADISON COUNTY. i , V NOTICE TO CREDITOR3 . t t Having qualified as administrato J li" of the estate of Tillery 3. Wild,: ' ceased, late of Madison County,' t& c., this is to notify all persons navinf .. 00. f the same, to the undersigned at'.bls office at Big Pine, N, C.and all. per- sons owing, said estate any indebted- ness are hereby notified to make lm- mediate payments of the same to th . undersigned. This notice will be 'pleaded in bar of any and H claims not presented to the undersigned within one year from and after this date, This December 24th, 1928. G. W. WILD, Administrator I of estate of T. J. Wild, deceased. O-Feb. 1, 1929. NOTICE! NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Madison County made in the special proceeding entitl- d "Boisey Tweed, Executor of Gil- liard Tweed, deceased, against Ilena Shelton, Myrtle Shelton et al, the same being No. 190 B on the special proceeding docket of said court, the undersigned Commissioner will,, on the 4th day of February, 1929, at 1 oVlock P. M. at the courthouse- deor in Marshall, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for- cash that certain tract of land lying- and being- in No. 2 Township, MadIsof?4 County North Carolina, on the waterlf of Shelton-Laurel, joihfng the' Tands of Dr. Eva M. Locke, Mason Banks and others and bounded as follows BEGINNING on a pine, the south east corner of the lands of Mason Banks and Dr. Eva MI Lecko, then down the ridge to a chestnut 4ff poles. then down the hill a northeast direc tion to the bridge 15' poles, then up the road to the old railroad across the creek 8 poles in the center of the road, then up the railroad track on I the north side of the ffll 42 poles to a stake, then north to the Middle Laurel Church Corner- 1Z poles, then West .with the Middle Laurel Church line to the line of Mason Banks and Dr. Eva Locke, then with their line to the beginning corner on top of Big Hill Ridge, containing- about T acres more or less. This the 2nd day-ef January, 1929. JOHN; A- HENDRICKS, Coemnissioner. O-Jan. 25, 1929. 4 about winter -rvx -Krw it airft bathin , eait$ th $iri$ arc vearinM ' - . Char 11. Mr"