IUfi NEWS-RECORD (9 AH PRICE A YEAR P-.UU The PROGRESSIVE FARMER THE NEWS-RECORD PO OC BOTH A YEAR FOR $L.LO ON COUNTY RECORD .' "tablished June 28, 1901. RENCH BROAD NEWS JNJ Established May 16, 1907. Consolidated November 2, 1911 THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN MADISON COUNTY c jt I i 1 -n. Matk If IW. r " . r - EH!!' f v- I r aarv x jft a m m m jar- -- p jr -m, u - x-.m r -r t r- r 1 sa if 11 iie7ii .1 x jr yti.xxi MARSHALL, N. C, FRIDAY;- JANUARY 11, 1929 1800 SPECIAL SCHOOL ELECTION AT j WHITE ROCK RECALLED MOUNTAIN TOBACCO FARMERS iu Undtir the above viead 'The Asheville Times haa the fottow- !Thfl following is recorded in tine minutes of the County Com missioners this week: At the request of the Board of Ed- ;.l .l.n fnr WhitA ucation tne Bpeciiu w .. , , , Rock special school district be ana tne mg to say m regara to me 10 same is revoked and that notice of b&cco c g section; the recalling of this order for said e-, lertion be published in the News-1 Growers of tobacco m Madison, Record to the effect that there shall Yancey Buncombe and other com, Kecora to tjeg of thja region have thls past year be no election held. 'marketed crops that paid them hand- ' " somely for their labor. The quality of i the leaf produced in these mountains is excellent and the demand forjt is said to be such that no danger".?. n over production will appear for sev eral years. The demand for Madison's tobacco is especially good. Such a cash crop is the farmer's best farm relief. But the farmers of this section will hardly need warning against going into tobacco farming wholesale, to the virtual exclusion of other crops and to the neglect of cat- ATTENTION, FARMERS There will be a meeting of all the farmeri interest ed in continuing the coop erative purchase of fertiliz ers, seeds, and feeds in the County Agent's office on Saurday, January 12th.. at 1 :30 P. M. This is an important meeting and it will profit every farmer to attend. If there is not room in the said office the meeting will be held in the court room. It is hoped that it will be nec essary to go to the court room. LISTEN FOR THE RING OF THE BELL. By order EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. tie and poultry. The one-crop system in tobacco was tried out very tho roughly here many years ago and the I lesson of that experience has not been forgotten. j The agricultural difficulty in the way is that demand and over-supply seem to run in cycles. Just now, for instance, Secretary of Agriculture Jardine is advising cattle-raising on big scale. He says that the economic signs point unmistakably to good prices for three or four more years. ' Vf VOl) WENT MVO-lrtftT; ,,, W yfWA vou'o ONLV UStflN j . WE J!1 A ttiuii- umlvrv wpb 'Ias. m ' : L STOCKHOLDERS MEETING BANK OF FRENCH BROAD What Is Cooperative j Extension Work And Where It Originated The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Bank of French Broad at .Marshall was held Tuesday. I Jan. 8, at the bank. The meeting iwas well attended- The following named directors were elected for the ; forthcoming year: Mrs. J. J. Red- d w p,.-.. rr.fton mon, J. S. Brown, C. Eugene Rector, By . Roy L. Gudger, R. M. Whitt, O. C. Extension Cooperative Extension R g Gjbbs g R Robert3 work in agriculture and home econom- Mrs Katje M Gu( Dr F Roberts, ics is part of the educational system w M RobertS( E T Worley. of the State and the nation, li is ReguIar divijend of 12 was ds called Extension work because it goes dared and orderc(, paid on the sto;k out from sources of information, ii Jn ad(lition ?5000 was paid into the sets its. information irom the uniteaurplus fund making tneir earned Sates Department of Agriculture ana ,ug $50,000, or twice the amount from other approve ! sources. ic of the capiul stock During the past raation from MONARCH MFG. PL START J AN ANU Ih'ii 4iW-i T TO ARY FIFTEENTH obacco Brings High Prices The machinery has been install and is ready for work at the Monarj Mfg. Co. plant in Marshall as soon , he power is connected but will no' start until the 15th. About five or ' , , ,. . six skilled workers will take charge , A "'ber of Madison County of some 25 or 30 local women and 4fWncrs aIe etting h,gh Prlces on itirls at that time and train them in-"0, Mornstown, Tennessee .'he work and other help will be ad-i- b(Te 0 th.em a" .avel'?'"? f40'..1.1 but after that, he warns cattle nrir-po ed from time tn timP as evnedipnt. anf as hln as an" 4'i lor tneir ; . ,. I entire loads. The floor average for will probably decline. VhfI nil O M"ay at the Hamblen Tobacco No one can catch the top or the I K A h Ml KM I Warehouse was $34.87. bottom of these cycle movements. 1 1 lJ UlLiliO , ) The only wise course is for the farm er to keep himself well posted on market prospects as far ahead as pos sible and never forget th basic prin ciple of diversjneatioQ. Bread fnd la I WJ7I I Rl?ri7iii Ft-eifirht Jumps Track, r btation gaineis two years un(jer the present manage rs own experiments ana tmnnn nr 4fi' nf t.bp nnital IftMMinquiries and observation of the stock has begn get aaj(Je from eam success obtained by farm people ana . ftnd the issued dividend haa alao prepares this information been paid. public. The United States Depart- , Following the stockholders meeting, ment of Agriculture is constantly ac- a directors meeting wa3 held at which quiring useful and valuable inlorma- TOeeting all the officer8 who had tion of all kinds, which is ot greai wed the year previous were elected iOenent io me iari pcuF.. r for ensuinlr year: namely. JJr. tension Work constitutes one oi uie Robertaj president; Guy V. Roberts, most important means of getting this : vice President. j g Brown vice. information out to the farm people. president. c, Eugene Rector, Cashier; Extension work is designed to teach j j Ramge Agst Cashier. i 1 iL .. nnn nr rrr cr art in j their every day occupations, w ithout event logse3 &nd ' Ma!nhPH Teaches by bringing inot Pve earning cipacity and thus help Son to the farm peoplf that will the whole state. The largest possible !he1p solve some of their existing prob- benefit to the community, the county, ! "ems on the farm, in the home or the and the State will come from a ! community. Extension work deals tr.ondlv attitude toward the work and 'with practical Agricultural and Home f" 'ooPeraUon on the part of tho T ,Ana, nu -m. nnt with theories, li vwwi.i. y rrv. urv. ... take.i proven facts and does not deal I''i'- with experiments. I Extension work originated by the la.e Dr. Seaman A. Knapp, who was then an employee of the United States Department of Agriculture. In 1903 he suggested to Hon. James Wilson, tv.oi Sftcrf-tnrv of Agriculture, that the best way of meeting the ravages nf thfi holl weevil was to teach the t, farmers how to grow other crops than ;of Mr and Mrg' Mark Davi8( of near MADISON COOPERATE COUNTY. JAMES DAVIS STILL UNCONSCIOUS the tfounalii On Road To Tennessee Mon " agriculture. The Little Laurel State highway in ThomaSViUe Qrphanage ! ...Greemb Propoisals For Greater Safety Of TraTe! Get General the boll weevil. At that time Central Texas was in de spair over the first advance of the boll weevil. Dr. Knapp believed that the Indorsement About 100 yards of track was torn 'hnt wav was to get farmers to illus it .Redmon, three miles west of . tiate good practices on weir tJFriday, when local freight w JfZZZJ? w.- train jumped the track. Engineer W. Madison county Is receiving a much' needed layer of shale, which is being moved from the shale pit near Wal nut by a fleet of trucks; This road leads to Greeneville, Tenn., east Tenn essee's largest tobacco market and Contributions Made By Madison County Sunday Ccjioob " r J- Ford and the fireman jumped off oro. Dec. 29. The oroooi. ., ... I , ' tne engine ana were unnurt. a spine ed State highway patroL State vide left in the joints of the iB Mii i ui i vers license ana me saieiy respon ment under real f aria conditions. H Marshall, was knocked unconscious Tuesday afternoon by a New Ford sedan, in front of the store of J. G. Ramsey, Jr., about half way between Marshall and Walnut. James was brought to the Marshall hospital heje jie remains iftj unconscious. mem, : , i conuition we gw. io press. , ine ocm. men . . r . onver oi uie Mr vhfnk.. eftwM1r Kim." good agricultural training out as a-,Mr A c mj of Bear Athena, gents to secure what he called dem- i Q is held in Mar8han awaiting the lonstrators 10 uemononatc nuv..- k,,,,, nr fho .hilH'o MnHjnn to have caused the wreck. Four cars methods of crop production, xou-y , Mi rVfof.Kio nrA hi a uri-fA n$A nil1 sibility act, three major items on the flrlfi Tua phc-ip flnH tjnAa vat a 'this stands as the most distinct con- aj. the MargnaU hospital awaiting legislative program submitted t o raUed and m leanin. awinBt 1?' &uth from th . offle members of the Carolina Motor Club thfl rnlVa tt . ?. cfitl? A"J"ZZ hJ I f". They we 0 theirway. fro w -ri--. ". - rromauiuo uceiuuiu6 . 7 iineir nome m ueorsna to Uincmnau. where Mr. Mathis had worked before Accoraing 10 tne receipt columns for referendum vote, are runnincr .,. n 4.- . xr. , j , i ".....i tn the fart htmdreds of loaded tobacco trucks of Chanty and childrta, several of neck and neck in piling up overwhel- exchaneed passengers. that it won recognition at every step from Western Worth Carolina travel our cnurcnes ana Jsunday ;$6hools mmg favorable majorities, according Four or five crews of workmen and and finally resulted in the Lever Act. over mis roaa uany in j,ne wobcco " hibub generous inanK6giving 10 ngures ma season. The State Highway Commis- offerings for our Thomasville Orphan- : headquarters. and where he was returning to make Mo : M t . i. " j - uu 1 1 vri i icsuiiiiiuv i turniHr hiniliuu. Thanlriving to figures made public today at club Uo wreckinjr train3 wer6 set to work r c. 1 Mr. Mathis haa only one arm but says' ., , ..... uever, ai liioi, nu.c ne nas anven very cautiously for i u i. j 4v. I" " ... j .v.: " u""" l3 tauuiouaiy lor a sion recently appropriated $25,000 ge. If all the churches.in the,French The vote on the State highway oa- ZCSl l ":: gress 7? l Tl 7- i?umber f which he can prove 1 o oii mi - ivcjr iiigtiva j mail VI cue 1IVUOU w o - 'culture. by the Cincinnati firm for whom he worked. He says he was not driving to exceed 25 miles per hour and his view of the school bus, stopped at the Ramsey store, was obstructed by an other car between him and the bu3, and he did not realize he was passing a school bus until he had struck the Ll:ij . . . . - . 1 - . . .. t . j x ne iuvo. . j . . --w 1--" - i. li n u. Ajccoroing to nis s to rv of the saving us from worldliness and cove-1 applicants be able, to read and know Lecester section of Buncombe county the Lever Act are contained on the !affajr the accid(rnt was unavoidable! to put the Little Laurel road in first Uroad Association had given their itrol is 3,829 for and 414 atrainst iwhile class condition. ,members a chance to make a contri, ,3,742" favw thV State driver's law A jwj p C f was created and passed in 1914 When the road is finished, the trip .'button the amount would have been-'aad AM are, -opposed, Discussion of "nunce 11CW. 1. r . mJ a,pprpved fcy the late President W ..... M . i . t . m T " . I - i--. rwr it . nr...- O t Q't A ' from Marshall to UreenevUle can be mucn larger. And all the churches the proposed licensing act has disclos- IxOUCe TOr IeiCeSter made in an hour and a half. The work would have followed their pastors, if ed that the measure does not provide is going on rapidly and will be com- Itoey had presented the need and ap- for an exhaustive mental and physi- An additional rural free delivery pleted soon. By an act of Congress it anu ood- 1 row Wilson on May 8, 1914. This 'act was accepted by all of the States land thus became a part of the State ..n-A.u n-f nrJ ii statist Yl portunity. Giving is God's way. of 'cai examination but does require that ma.il route j11 be established in the! The most important provisions .f O. C. Rector In New Brjck Building The new three-story brick business 'f comPassion fm h'm, how- dwell- Many inquiries regarding additional huilding constructed by Mr. O. C. . of God in him? The list information on this measure have Rtor of Marshall ha hn POmnlt. A asloIlows: I been received. It -a iw. u. u.. -a vi. Marshall Church and S . -j j x , Bull Creek S iiuruwure, luriuture anu unueruiKing business into it. The new building is Ana. Dmh.L O rrencn rtroaa ana is one oi tne nnest tousness "which is idolatry "...iBhoso the simple, ordinary rules of the road. effective March 1, according to offi- first two sections. (1) provides frThe boy had jmst alighted from the hath this world's tmnA anA .atiik u: I riv. :lh:i i. xi cial informtinn rpf civcrl fm tiin the establishing of the work and the :kur onrl atnrfo1 ,j n.t.' u &uwl. aWU wwu ma vi ociaclv i eauuiisiuinuy act tne ' -- . -v. w . j wic iumu wibii- vfi,. v ii'W.fua.. . i a.' . j - . ... "'"'v nQfn A . . . ... . other describes in general terms the out sp(.inD. a. . r: .i ...c ..eeu ana snutwwv up vote is ior and 406 against. f ,.uu,n. . he WQrk tQ be done un. w-.T"-;" - o ",,.'" .t.ZTIL Herman A Merrell, postmaster at it I? " " "u"uusi tuuuervauve- Leicester, a fourth class office, has at in order to aid in dfITS. also been notified that the new route among the people of the United States tack of flu. The whole affair is un will be established. Several rural useful and practical information on 'fortunate, not only for the child and S 21.66 ity for the safe operation of motor "ales operate out 01 that postoffice .u?c" ""ihls Paren3 but. also for strangers Peeks Chapel S. S. 10.40 vehicles on the hiehwavs. It ha area, immediately around that ' VT.H tttt0ngb- 9.5ft Deen evolved by a national committee lne new one wm e designated be inaugurated, in connection with . S. provides for the 48.67 ; establishment of financial responsibil- S. business structures in the county. The hardware business will be hous ed in the basement and on the first ' floor. The second floor (will be given 'over to the furniture department, and . on the third floor he will have his undertaking business. ncy Fork S. S . k no after two vears intensive stndv nf as No- 3 and wil1 serve patrons in the the college or colleges receiving the liddle Fork S. S. n.12 compulsory liability insurance which North Turkey Creek, Sugar Creek, benefit (of What is known as the Ftm -?-50 " Tlt6d iD admittCd iD S?dy UUSh tbnd CZT,RrTmX whtoh" sl'Te "carried Tn I Jttle Ivy S. S. 2.74 the only state where it was enacted ,utles- lt 18 thou&ht likely that with in operation with the United States Jrape Vine S. S 4.73 into law. The safety responsibility th.e new route PIacd in operation i Department of Agriculture." ; fars Hill Ch., S. S., and measure will be introduced in 42 leer- Probably dispense with the small The second secction of the "Lever" j Col 495.15 islatures during the coming year. Postoffices at Odessa, Sandy MushV11 "Cooperative Extension act" refer- iAcust urove s. s. KENNETH DAVID- Piney Mountain S. S. Chief of Police Craig Ramaev of on on Th . . . ' Cross Rock and Canto nithnno-n fhi'' to specifies of what the work Ht Springs arrested and lodged in ; ? me.a!" Slr't. ZlCZTT2 consist and i,, in part, as fol- the Jail at Marshall the first of the 30.00 ures on the motor club's program fol- nas not yet bpen definitely determin- loJ-. To The Delinquent Tax- rers of Madison County Pay I wish to inform all persons whose lflni) ham hikpn Hold for tsiYAH for n period of more than one year that the through their Sunday schools. 1 1 it. . 1 . x . i! 1 : . law makes it compulsory to file suits to foreclose the Tax Sale Certificates for such delinquent taxes. As County Attorney I am now filing suits in such cases. I dislike Very much to do this, ;". b(rt. the law makes it compulsory. .' The costs of the suits all told will run from $50.00 to $75.00, which will be aaaeo to tne lax. 1 nave heretofore ; senflnt detailed., statements to. all I persons whose land has been sold for taxes, many of these notices have vwu iv,iuiuvu uu;iriiic. . jutr' iw l 'summons is Issued and.serve4 k large an.nnnf nil Lk .Jl.i T am making this appeal to all persona . 1 1 a . . a LM - a wnosa tana was aoia i or taxes oeiore June 16, 1928, or where the land has been ol4 . for taxes - more than one : year ta come, forward at once and re ? deem the Tax Salo-Ceryfkat,o before " yon are served with summons. , i , Respectfully, -aurel Branch Church 27 00 la: Grand View Church 8.94 ; Elimination of obstructions at Mt Pleasant S. S. 2.00 curves and crossroads; for, 4,229 a- Laurel Seminary Ch. ' '5.00 gainst, 40. Gabriel's Creek Ch. 11.72 I Reduction of motor vehicle license It is hoped that these churches and fes t the end of each quarter of the others will make a monthly offering year; for, 3.857: aeainst. 34. Prohibiting use of light bulbs in ex- Sincerely, ess of 21 candlepower on motor ve- R. Li MOORE. hides; for, 3,875 ; against, 233. Diverting any portion of the pres ea. in case rney are abolished all of "The cooperative agricultural ex--he mail for these localities will be tension work shall consist of the oiv- week one Kenneth Daviison, who was out under a $1000 bond, for trans porting liquor. He had in possession iistribute . by the Leicester office. in instruction an . practical demon- 4 gallons the last time he was ar- Boy Killed At Springs Wednesday Night stration in agriculture and home eco- H. nomies to persons not attending or O I resident in said colieces in the several , communities, and i.irparting to such persons Information on said subjects through , field demonstrations, pubh- rested. The first time he victed he had 42 gallons. was con- A l V t r who was beating his way on a freight haU bexarned on in such manner a train, was killed at Hot Springs wld- m8y agreed upon by the , . j : . 1 . -ea.oA 1 t i ucvicwi v ui iKiituivuic anu out h mi -r dH . v...i ...e..-aj- vuiianucuon ana main- the scene, was unable to completely ; f Tv- Coffee pays an important part in' tenance ; for, 610 ; against, 2,697. identify or learn much about the bf.' organ,.- America &e. It fa wiled America ' I Out of 18,000 ballots mailed last other than that his name was Kerrie " 'f'Tyf. ' . . fJt favorite drink and a long'story has.' , oin v-J v-.i . and he was from Hnmrv. "- ""u "yaia w ik iunnu nM Mt -,lf u 4vA n.- 4-:- p ,ow .4. oeen retumea yes- .. . ' Hvlnn th JHno nf mmnmih . . " '., imla. Dwa . M il n 1 . . ' Cations, and otherwise; and this work TOBACCO SELLING HIGH NATIONAL COFFEE WEEK At you m!1 your tobacco this yearKoa't -forgatitke.' NW4tJ or"- -oa nder .ymr.mvf am how maca in arraars from mtjlf and pay . If pMiibl 'mall ;'r!dutek la.Tfc. Nows-Rocrf41rl, N. or coat la u4rut t. X)tU h ao ialondod or aky on X-ipar-ticalar. bat if TO-r atXiU OaMkLA. t oar Vutf T-i9mHiii,1 tor Club, provide that the onranftk- " -raTipn lOI these .developed the idea of community, 1;;: r " "'r AZ mnty, and state plans of work. All branch, in M.wi Z tiZZvT .100 vianuu iiui j White lcick;Fjriday i 7..ini uae ithaehol Ijemir clldsed 'ai uooMOTeji Dy tne ttttd ot-urectoj, .. and so much. flukl thai commanity.-porated into these. olana, in so far as (tiqna 4egtlktive Jljaift Jbe etfr- j vimmiljya rtferendum vote on items! are made up so as to reflect ZTZT.' a T""JS5!"Iur- county, and the state. AH phases of brands of AAP coffee. . atmevrcure aaa nome. iin are incor- t Missa Frances Crafton. Hornn nm- Uiav innlv 'f'ti- kiKa ni Dl.l kl , , I - . 7 " -. . . lv Swu w ure wuacco seeo is one sure t onWion Agent, will not toe at Stated will come from a' sutecessful. 4. 1 J at . t , a - . - - TTT i.-ii..a t t v -i. . : pert Frid TTVk Cvw4 . KMAfiMtin4 iTKi-mJ. -. ai i .. . with lforiaaldehyde solution be- m ailneet her clubs tchedulei f or rural people are proeperoua The trna P. T. A. TO MEET We have been requested' to an nonnce- that there' will be a meeting 01 tne rarent-reacners Association in the school auditorium next Tuesday afternoo'January'ISta, at 6:30 P. K'. ';..'--'..-' , . . . . ',ti' I- ' Tw 'A - V 'VT-'