4 THE NEWS-RECORD 1 TRICE A YEAR . The PROGRESSIVE FARMER THE NEWS-RECORD (PO OC BOTH A YEAR FOR MARSHALL, N,C, FRIDAYf JEffaijAKV 15, 1929 1750 VOL. XXI : -tr . , : !wf . . . ' ji u 0011 IS Wft ; THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED 1N.31ADISON COUNTY , - I. . . ... . , . . ..... $37,500 NOW JlEADY FOR MADIS0NCOUNTY Th following Resolution No. 2 will be of interest to our readejrs: Whereas, the Board of County Colonel MoudyTo Give Addre Here THE PUBLISHER'S MlN : ABOUT VARIOUS-MATTERS ' SENATOR PLEMMONS AGAIN f f The communication this week f roni Sector Ptemmons we are pub lishing in full, notwithstanding: the fact t. by the article are some statements that should be expurgated. -'WeVn'seli in full so that he and those who agree with him may not accuse jthispaperof being unfair to him. The statement that this publisher safcJT'That tne -mod is iavor- PLEMMONS WRITES AGAIN ABOUT OUSTING DEM. AGENTS ,".-,r Col. Alfred L. Moudy of Waterloo. Indiana, will be in thlS City Friday, Commissioners and other representa- j February 22, at 7:15 P M., 'at which tive citizens of Maaison vouniy, time he will give his aaaress on mv North Carolina, have proposed to pro-1 Rock 0f Liberty" in the Methodist vide a sum of not less than ?o,ouu ichUrch. for the building of a county hospitul, ! ucator in the title to which shall be held by a Rtate for Knorrl nf trustees which shall operate fnnnrl time tkii hrtenitnl fnr the benefit Of the tho acrvicos community and not tor private gam, won an enviable record lor military ; feeijng toward Senator Fieramons ana Bil wrno agree witn mm. we an; and, . . . 'service on the Mexican Border and in Si aware of the fact that there are some as gOd citizns in the country a- Whereas, the atoresaia c.uu the World War. tie serveu iu. a, t , . f -t believe that any fair- Trustees OI VMnoofmnnl Dirpctor Ot tne . S"'"-"' - . Z. - - . HENDRICKS SAVES $5000 FOR MADI SON COUNTY Col. Moudy has been an ea-1 ; the bills to rem0ve these offices from opay rolls" is not only mis- ,that my. position to stop their cost to the schools ot his native ,,hlishPr did n6t sav anvthine of the kind .the- taxpayers oi their services was Editor, N a number of years, an-1 .. . , ' . .,L-.'..I n j::i right, and also, that my election wa. i i. .... -i ie orl not SoTiotnr i' nmmnns to Tirove 1L1H BtaLtsmeilt. uui euiiunai, i , .i- ..i.- i - " to distinsruisn nimtseu ir - - , more or less preuicaie.i on mis issue. T rprpivpn of the countrv. having!" to which Senator Flemmons is replying, wp wruwn wmi um- uci. ... ,ln thls atrree wlth you and 1 teel 4, have su'DmitteJ to tne iruswen time as Juucauonai uireciui ' " . v ,, , -juni-Snl ,n that it ivaq free Thn nke Endowment a complete and '!-. Armv in France and Ger- 'minoed person who would read my editorial would say that it -was tree jn-n;i4 otofomanh i Amplication No. -.a-nu ucbaiicu okuwwuivHv c e t uiuii j HAVE WHITE WAY ia f thp need ot a nospitai ana r,n . Moudv has Deen on tne iec- have requested the Trustees to contri- 'ture platform for a number of years, bute $40,000, or 50 per cent of the an(i his educational lectures have proposed expenditure, and, met with continuous praise from the Whereas, the Trustees of The Duke presS( public and pulpit. He has de Endowment, in the furtherance of the livered more than 2000 addresses be purposes of the said trust, are de- ore high schools, colleges, churches sirous of aiding the applicants in ob- an(i cjvi; organizations. Criticisms taining the hospital facilites as pro- from the press are, "that no true A posed, now, therefore, !merican can afford to miss this educa- BE IT RESOLVED by the Trustees ionai lecture." of The Duke Endowment thatv the ; The public is invited to hear th? sum of Thirty-seven Thousand and speaker. Five Hundred Dollars ($37,500) be . set aside on January 1, 1929, and held jut i n O IT A T T Til tfor a period not exceeding six (G) IflAIiOllALL 11 montns, tne aioresam buiii w ya.-. the French Broad Bank and the Citi zens Bank, Marshall, North Carolina, Treasurer iointlv of Madison County, for the building of a county hospital, ; , . when the lot, plans and specifications The contract has been signed by for the aforesaid hospital have been 'the town authorities permitting the approved by the Trustees of the Duke power company to install t white way Endowment, or their duly authorized ! system in the town of Marshall. Work agent or agents, and as follows: Six- on this improvement will begin at an ty (60) per cent of the funds set early date. The posts will be placed aide to be paid when a certificate ex- on either side of the main street anl ecuted in due form has been .filed at the -intersection of intersecting with the Trustees of The Dufte En, 'streetatt,the way frorn the Free Will dowment certifying that Twenty-two ; Baptist church to the Southern Rail Thousand and Five Hundred DoHars 'way track crossing near the station. ($22,500) has been applied to. the . -.Trm iTS xSr- JssSs; MORE ABOUT TAXES -to the credit of the hospital building i tund; the remainder forty (40) frer ri , ent of thefunrs-herein set aside to 'to News-Record, . be paid In the same propSftton " and ;MarJhu- N' -as the remainder of the funds ar.t:-,t,ea h,r: cipated from other sources, to-wit, I Since we are havmg a a scuss.on Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) (of "Taxes Here and There and e is duly certified as having been ap- conomy, you may publish this scrawl nliH tn thP nronosed exnenditure or you desire. I am surprised that i HpnositpH with the aforesaid treas- our Senator is against keeping a Uem Raleigh, N. C. Feb. 3, 19Z. News-Record. I have read with a good deal of in terest your four column editorial in refernce to my position on the Farm ' and Home demonstrators. I note i that you frankly admit that my posi- tion was well known by the people ; and that a very great majority felt ' February 11, 1929. ews-Record : erewith hand you a letter which from Mr. Charles Ross, At- rnpv for the State Hichwav Com- that with more than lour thousand miS3jon. This letter explains itself, out of about forty-eight hundred that jt wiu he recalled tha the County of voted in Madison County, voting for Madison, for the purpose of getting me, certainly shows that the very certain road improvements made by great majority of the people of Madi- the State Highway Commission, the son county approved of my views. County of Madison borrowed, all told, urer to the credit building fund. of the hospital I would be I better pleased if he would compel us to keep one, and if possible not lor two years, but ff: an indefinite pe riod, for we all need to ask ourselyes what the next few generations are coins to do, with a worn-aWay soil. tr. ,,,, We are in the wilderness-and the X M- BTtPPARcrYScWH,T ay out is not by following men who HURST S ART itut want to deprive us of advanced ideas TT ,non I'but by following men -who can visu- February 11, 199. 'alize a proSperous farming Counby. Mr. A. W. Whitehurst, 0ur ands wili set to a mjxed sod of Marshall, N. C. I grasses, and stocked with the best Dear Arthur: ihroH Hvo stnrk. usine- the manure. I always thought your heart was d erowml. elrlme crops, selling the WANTS HOSPITAL 11 oRnprs nns. otherwise it would not nave naa tne approval 01 '-t ' I . . I J I t - "J VyUUllty Ul iTinUJoUIl UvllVWCU, ail bViUf such men as Dr. R. L. Moore. But when; it comes to giving vent to ! Now I feeLwith this great approval $650,000.00 and loaned to the State one's feelings and revealing under-lyifig purposes, who could word it :of my coufsffi betore ana during the Hiirhwav Commission for Hiehwav more bitterly than Senator Flemmons has done in the last paragraph of L8"; V?J r.PJl' his article this week? "Insofar as it is possible I shall drive the knite into their greedy stomachs. I cannot tio it all now, but later I hope to help complete the job." What is the meaning of this language? Is Senator Plemmons already announcing-hinii'elf for office in the future? In what way is "private interest" being srvd by the County keeping demonstration agents? ' 4 Well, we have matters more urgently (demanding our attention just now than these matters. One is the matter of a hospital for Madison County. This publisher is earnestly seeking information as to this mat- ter. In a former communication Senator Plemmons stated that he had talked with a number of representatives at Raleigh, in whose counties the Duke hospital had become a burdeft. We have written Senator Plemmons twice to furnish us names of counties and people he has talked with about this matter. In a personal letter to the writer this week, dated February 11, Senator PlempioHs says: "Just as soon as I can find time, I will try to get you in';tottCh with some folk who have had real experience with the County hospitals. I am most worked to death and time will not permit me to.je;as prompt in this matter as I should like to be." , We are certainly sorry Senator Plemmons cannot find time to sit ; doA-n and write just a few names, so that we can begin to investigate. " This County hospital matter is one that' perhaps means more to Madison - County uist now than any matter wejihave considered for some time. 4 And the" time between now and April, 9, the date for the election, is rapidly passing, and much discussion is necessary so as to get the mat- ter properly presented to the people, jt isiot matter of politics and partisan feeling should be eliminate'; M.anouia oe bmiuibu .wishes of this great majority. I am jn an probability, would have been pleased to note that you never made very ghort on the Highway proposi- I the charge that I had misled or that ion. A question arose in regard tc I am insincere. refunding Madison County $5,000 ', If the people of Madison County ;which the County had paid on a cer- had by their votes said I was wrong tain road note, and it was claimed by . (or even in the minority, then I would he legal department that the State have yielded to their wishes, and COuld not refund to Madison this i would not have undertaken to have $5,000. I went to Raleigh and took j followed up the Senator or the rep- the matter up with Mr. Charles Ross, resentative and by means fair and lAttorney for State Highway Co-mimis-, four .to have tried to prevent them '8ion, the State Treasurer and the An t f ram- carrying into effect the wishes jditor and we got the matter straight- iof the majority, whether the measure iene(j out, and State will pay to Madi- is wise or unwise. Our principles of on County the $5,000.00. It will be ; government are, as I understand, bas- j een from Mr. Ross' letter that of the ed on the will of the majority ani 600,000 loaned by Madison County that is as it should be. Of course I to the State Highway Commission, do not contend that the majority is that the State owes Madison lalways correct, but at least they are $170,812.05. I think we have been more apt to be than the minority. Very well favored to get the amount In this case I do not think that down to this sum. It is expected the those who are hopelessly in the mi- state will make another allocation of nority have any monopoly on thought money to the County some time in or brains, yet it does seem that they !juiy and will take up a portion or have undertaken to make me believe jall of the $170,812.05. To loan that way, -" this money to the State has cost tha There Is perhaps only one term that . County something, but it has been a you used' that you may have used in- good invstment to the County. I advertently and that is, "That the !d0 not know the exact figures that 'Mob'; favoring the bills to remove the State has spent in Madison Coun thesa' offices from our pay rolls." tv under the State Highway law that Those-Opposing the Farm and Home wag passed in 1921, but I think it Demonstrator are not a mob they tevfrojtf the lear springs of -6r hflls. While there are only a very few that' want the officers retained. jl know rtioBt of them and they aro fine gentlemen and ladies, but hap !pen in this case to be in a hopeless 1 minority, in the right place and since reading your letter in the last News-Record, I know it is in the right place. I wish I were financially able to cover the $1000.00 you propose to donate to the hospital. I know of nothing that would be of greater good to the ones who arc not able to pay a hospital bill. I still have a little property in Mad ison County and will be glad to pay my part of the extra tax for the sup port of a hospital. Best wishes, I am Your friend, J. M. BALEY. BASKETBALL .sheep, battle, milk, butter, cream .vegetables, and tobacco, etc, thereby becoming a prosperous and indepen dent farming people. This method and ohters are advocated by our agent and he stands ready to assist any farmer who asks advice or intimates he would like help in any form. The way out is not by cutting off all ex penditures and helpful ideas by our 'agent, but to spend less foolishly, such as cars and gas, Snuff, etc., and spent more for pure seeds, better live stock, and learning more how the other fellow' is making- a success of .farming will help miraculously. Then i the tax problem will be no more a problem with the farmers. , ED ENGLISH fully with reference to the welfaie of th;jt!ty.8 whpleiT -Certainly the people wfto arc noi w-pay Vl AToo& people as ever drank wa- . A.utaA tw cbaritv cases will be taken care of as well a8 pay -T frftv.. t. . , . , ; - patients. The matter of maintenance will depend largely upon the pro- portion of pay to charily patients. If the profit from pay patients will offset the loss from chantry patients, it will be self-sustaining. One o. the advantages it will be to pay patients, granting that the expense will be the same as at other hospitals, will be the saving of expense to the, patient's family going back and forth or staying with the patient while at the hospital. We have it on goo:! authority that the Duke fund noA- available for Madison County is by no means seeking a place for expenditure. We are reliably informed that if Madison County fails to do her part to get this amount, our hope for it will cease, as they have more appli- cations for help than they can fill. Madison County is fortunate in be- i i au: ;;f if Qfc of nnrp. It will be ing one county tnat can get ui - " t ial, insofar as the ,e approved of s t , omin d t take noticed irom tne rewiuwun - my position, i am here to serve all Icare of the Countv roads and m a msotar.as I can but certainly I must few years no doubt all roads in the I listen tty'Vhat I positively know is the i County of any consequence will be great wish of the majority. There maintained by the State, With it are a few that have in the past dictat- ;all we have a great Stete and there I ed to our representatives, or at least is no time to get up little petty fights jfcried to do it, whose private interests trying to go backward instead of fex were to be served. That crowd bas no ward. would run close to $1,500,000.00, and one of tha,great things about it is that tb Statawill continue Wperpetoally maintain these roads and all the time make them better. The Stat is now surfacing the road up Little Laurel from Belva to the Tennessee line, working on the road from Marshall tn Mars Hill, and finishing up the If this..Jhing had been turned a- road between Hot Springs and Bluff, round and I had understood that the ia-.id, in a-dition to this, the State ha, i folks wanted to keep these officers or crews on all of the State roads in " 'hire moie, I as their representative Madison County at 'work all the time. I would have undertaken to have given And all of this has been accomplish- Ithem what they wanted, although I ed by a tax on gasoline and automo- J might personally think it unwise to bile license, except the interest the I do so. I was not sent here to do County has paid on the money above wnat l wanted done except to serve , mentioned loaned to th State. The ,ni Kp withdrawn after six months. The question as to a location for the hospital is not yet set out oth er than that it is to be in the corporate limits of the Town of Marshall. The exact spot, we understand, is to be selected by the board of trus tees. What are you gong to do about it? Let's talk it and find out all we can about it and be ready to cast an intelligent vote April 9. o strings on me and shall not have. I am free to act for what I believe to be right and to the very best of my ability represent the wishes of the majority. I have had no part in the fuss be- TOBACCO WAREHOUSE FOR MARSHALL Almost every year, as we see hundreds and hundreds of loads of tobacco pass through Marshall, we begin to talk about the need of e Marshall. And steps have been taken in the past to have one, but it seems that up to the present time, we have nothing ,tween Pr. Hutchins and Mr. McDev- definite along this line. If the money this tobacco represents could be rtt nddono t expert to have I could seen as it passes through, we wonder if w wouldn't make a greater ei fort to stop it. We have been requested to an nounce that on Friday night, Febru ary 16, 1929, at Alexander, there will be played a double-header basketball game (both girls and boys). The op posing teams are Oakley School Biltmore vs. Red Oak school at Alex ander. The admission charge will be 10c and 26c. Everybody come. STORE BLOWN UP ! Upon whom should we cast our burden? Psalm 65:22. STAR STUDENTS LOUISE CLARK AND JAMES BAILEY HAVE RECORD OF "A" IN WORK (Courtesy of Asheville Citizen) MARS HILL, Feb. 7. According They Head Their Classes I not see that the taxes would be re duced any by doing away with the prohibition officers or electing the po lice at Marshall by a vote of the peo ple. I am not interested in these petty things, but I am vitally interest ed in doing all within my power to relieve the taxpayers of Madison County of some of their burdens. This I expect to accomplish in some measure by the acts that are now be- jtoTraVthe legislature, and then after A T M A D C II I f f 'to tne registrar's records three stu Al II A n N rlllili t?ents out of more than four hundred XI 1 111 n. 11 J 11 1 U U maintained a class standing of A, on all subjects taken during the first News reached us Thursday morning i semester at Mars Hill College. Of that the store operated by Holcombe ,' these three, two, Miss Louise Clarke and Tilson at Mars Hill was blown up ;and James hi. Bailey, Jr., are from ' Wednesday night about 1 :30 o'clock. !,A?heville and vicinity and are both The front of the buildinc was said bv i eraduates of Hall Fletcher high thnoa wKn saw it. tn ha Vinrtlv nrralraH s,hnnl I . thought to have been -done with some- I James Bailey, son of Mr. and Mrs. ' "thing stronger than dynamite, pos-! James M. Bailey, 83 Beverly Road, is sibly nitro-glycerine. (No motive for ,the youngest member of the senior r.the explosion has been advanced, but class and has carried eighteen hours .it is thought that the purpose of the of college work. He haa likewise 4 ttrime was hardly robbery as it would jbeen active in campus' tif The f ol "i have been done in a quieter manner. I lowing are among the nonors"which r The explosion was of sufficient, force !he has received: winner of the" com v to break out the windows, in the rear meneement debaters' imiaal, 1928; s: of the building and some of the glati iwinner of the society debaters' medal abo-ut the bank ond drug store. Thisl928; intercollegiate 'debater; 1529 ; X "tore. wa beins; operated by Messrs. anniversary debater," sedretary . : i r ' ' r5rr, i n I Respectfully, . j JOHN A. HENDRICKS. ! Jan. 21, 1929. Mr. John A. Hendricks, Marshall, N. C. IN RE: MADISON COUNTY LOAN Dear Sir: Confirming our conversation of this morning, and in order that we may have a record of the facts dis cussed, I am making, for your infor mation, the following memorandum: Paid to Sinking Fund Commission, May, 1927 $230,000,00 Paid to Madison County, September, 1927 44,087.96 Paid to Sinking Fund Commission April, 1928 115,100.00 'Paid tn Madinnn flniimtv. wliat can be done here to relieve i September, 1928 . 100,000.00 these burdens on my people, then the f , balanco oi what they could be reliev- j Total repayments $489,187.95 ed on taxation depends on the wise administration of our county cemmis- You will note from this statement sioner. I feel that we could have a .that two of the items of repayment better administration with two more were made to the Sinking Fund good men on the board, and that the . Commission, one being for $230,000.- saVing would perhaps be many thous- '00, and one for $115,100.00, making and .doUars.vi Now is the time that a total of $445,100.00. Madison. must have a wise administra- , I understand that this fund has tion if weare to have a chance to.boen applied to the indebtedness of keep.puliwaes. The Tax Collector the County, as follows: is hard; , Cour heels and it will pos- 'Paid on $235,000.00- itiveljlysip do for us to make any ! note $230,000.00 more BuswKes. we co not want any Fad on 1100. 000. 00-note. and interest, July, 1928 102,600.00 Balance in State Sinking Fund Commission 12,600.00 - JAfV4 R4II FV JR. ' ' LOl'ISE CLARK Mr Bsllej and MlMClart. graduate of Hall Fletcher High school., V, UhnaU .ire . t5S To? three out of 400 students at Mtm Hill collie, wl-o d n "AoUl their work during the first semester dt the current yea . Total -$345,100.q e annual, 1929; member of the de- T ,.rki.J.-4M WT9 r.alLT. fper. 1S29; aUaeiie ew.r vi "Warel. tain ..standinf l A B j.aubjcUJyfaj .,fkj'f during the first semester was C. L. Weston of liars HilL . James Baley.it well known in Mar UeJL where hie parents live trota they moved U iAsheviHe stout three more).lAfeds and we must have lower J taxation, '. I do not have the private interest? to aftXVeBnd if thev do not like it. theh"ftwiU take less of it for them. I The .private interests have lived fat f pp. many, very many, years, at the , The State Sinking Fund Commis Kpen?e of the hard-earned money of sion accumulated some interest to the taxpayers. Now it has come tiuic your credit, amounting to something for them4'stop. Insofar as it is p,ore than $1,000.00 so that they now possible I shall drive the knife into jfcave on hand your original balance their greery stomachs. I cannot do j0f $12,600.00, with an accumulation -it all new. but later I hope to help pf interest that will make the totai complete e-job. jrun close to $14,000.00, and your J.V IRA PLEMMONS. .Connty can secure this, to be applied ' . 'on County indebtedness, at any time ,iyou wiu write State Treasurer Lacy . Lula Blanche' is the most treach erous woman I know. Leila Why soT for H. This leaves the State Burhwav commission due you on the original Lula She shot two of her fcae-llosn,. $170,812.06, to bo paid fronv bands from ambush. . tnne to time, out of any talanr t;,at le.Auievuis rooni, vnm bands from ambush, .v; v - "n me, ont oi any taianr t;,&t

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