, .... v.- . -. . iii MADISON COUNTY RECORD. Established June 28, 1901. FRENCH BROAD NEWS Established May 16. 1907. Consolidated Novatnber 2, 1911 The PROGRESSIVE FARMER THE NEWS-RECORD UUlHAICAKrUK uMtf THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN MADISON COUNTY MARSHALL, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1929 12 Pages This Week 1750 VOL. XXI iv C?A 7.( I- i 1 I HAYWOOD COUNTY HOSPITAL MAKES FINE RECORD FIRST YEAR has surpassed the anticipation of the most ardent of the hospital support ers. Valued at $118,000 The money value of the institution represents in total, a five-acre lot, good building, equipment and gifts; approximately $118,000. Several rooms have been furnished by public spirited citizens and organ izations. The following men have served on the Board, and under their supervis- on has the hospital been built and Spoof He calls himself a human dynamo. Piffle No wonder; everything ho has on is charged. The Pathfinder. Slim Strange, isn't it, that Scotty will drink out of a bottle? Jim Why, no, it isn't. You see he obbjects to tipping a bottle. The Pathfinder. FAVORS BONDS FOR HOSPITAL First In State To Be Built By Vote Of People Service Is Attested By List Of 800 Names On Patient Charts Raleisrh. N. C. March 5. 1929, By HILDA WAY GWYN i . tl! hosnitai been built and To the Citizens of Madison County: Of statewide interest is the splen- operated: Rufus Siler, Chairman, Dr. i I wish to address these few re did record of the first year of the J h. Smathers, Murray Ferguson, marks to the fair minded people of Haywood County Hospital. It is the (will Hyatt, James M. Long, Dan Wild Madison Countv, since there has first County Hospital in North Car- ,and J. H. Kirkpatrick of Canton, who keev quite a lot said lately through olina to be built by taxation by vote 'succeeded W. G. Byers of Clyde, who our local paper in regard to a hospital of the people for this purpose. It is Iresigned to become the County Wei- for Madison County. I have taken the first countv hosnitai to take ad- faro Officer v.afh momhpr of t.h. it on myself, in regard to the matter, vantage of the statewide law provid- Board was actively engaged in busi- as this fund from Duke has only been ing for this method of acquiring the 'ness with apparently no time to available for a short period of time. spare, yet they keenly felt their re- iet in every case, wnere i nave ebkcu riponsibility. TJhey have given unT lniornrauun, as reganis LHKrag u stintedly of their time, enthusiasm vantage of this opportunity, the and personal interest From the be- answer has invariably been, "you can MISS MURRAY GIVES GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OF ROADS IN NO. 5 AND NO. 11 TOWNSHIPS same, it is a pioneer or its type, it is a noteworthy example of county cooperation. It is the realization of a community ideal of health work. Based unon sound ana Practical ideas trinninc nf their annointments thev mane no mistane, u mis is a rawav . . developed into a permanent form of have thoroughly studied the task in wonderful opportunity for the people yould not be affiliated with one of the denominations, or that he would . it is tne nrst nospitai in nand and have at all times during I i a county mat ao not nave a nos- ut vote a ucKei naving one ot the political parties printed at the top Carolina to receive aid from the planning and operating of the rital sufficient to take care of their i. Qur opinion of a non-partisan paper would be that articles on either side payer. After you have done this, think i of the good an institution of this na- I ture might do for your county, thinn j of your neighbor, who probably is i unfortunate, and woui. be unable :o pay the price and go to a hospital, but if we had a hospital of this kind this person could get the nroDer treat-1 ment without cost, otherwise thev I could not get at all. . L ollp nwn .rt : or(1r thftt th(, pi 1. Dss- .....uo, a unicvc we as ciri- otner ieiiow miifiit receive sume zens of our great countv. of whiph benefits therefrom. I am makincr theso I we an are so proud, should be able remarks as one voter who hopes ro to look just a little beyond our door have a chance to vote in this special ttep, ana be willing to sacrifice a little election, and friends, I hope you feel dition And Progress : THE PUBLISHER'S COLUMN I ABOUT VARIOUS MATTERS : THIS PAPER NON-PARTISAN The first issue of The News-Record that came out under the pres- ent management tried to make it clearly understood that this paper would be non-partisan, non-sectarian, and devoted to the best interests 0f the county. That meant that it would not be either democratic or Republican in politics, but would endeavor to give the facts of each farty. To be non-sectarian it would endeavor to give as much from One denomination as another. That does not mean that. th r,,,hi,.v, service. North the Hospital section of the Duke En- (Hospital, had the advice of experts, r.eeds to get such a hospital." Mr. A, dowment Fund. .The Board of County Commissioners, v. Usborne, Clyde, W. U, came to me County officials from other parts of consisting of W. P. Swift, Chairman, oday to explain further, the condi the state, contemplating the erection 'm. M. Noland and the late Clem I ions in regard to their hospital at of similar institutions are observing Smathers, have often been congratu- Waynesville, but after introducing not only its architectural advantage lated on their wise selection of the himself, he found that it w;as the U . J. ' 1 1. ! - e 1 .1 T" , HIni;.n U V n .1 uui nisu its various uetuns ox manage- memoers 01 tne aoaru. ment. It is an inspiration to all ru- j Public Service ral counties of our state that face T1 . j . t the same problems of inadequate ' It is generally conceded that the hosnitai facilities that faced the neo- .P1. "Presents the finest piece nle of HavwooH nrinr to tht hiTilH- ,of Publlc !?rvlce ever rendered m the ing of the present institution .county. Experts from within and Senator from Madison that he had !been talking to in regard to this mat ter. This conversation had taken place, shortly after the Legislature conve'n d in January of this year. This citi en of Haywood County feels that they could not get along without this Since it opened its doors to the ,0"' of the state agree that it is the hospita, that it is one of the est assets that any county could have, and that their hospital has been a success from every angle, and any county that fails to avail themselves of this opportunity, in his opinion will be making a serious mistake. outsiders, that a hospital was needed ," TCliZ citizen to vote. Yes or No on this in Haywood. The large number ot ZTJ fliSS I you to be your ow nnblin fnr insnontinn nH outlay ior tne amount ot money Dec. 31, 1927, approximately 800 ih.Bt he ever seen in a hospi names have been registered upon the te'- Amon? the distinguished men charts as patients. This is the best fhave 'nsPectd f?nd patld. ,hlgl? possible proof that can be offered. lbuhterto J?e institution, autode of not only to the citizens and tax- ?0Tt Carolina are Dr. William A - payers of the county, but also to ,2 - a nrjili a ' uiatiuii, is a xurtner tesi oi lot men ,v: i . i tne way you leei you snouiaii; -the first four mesths it was neces-1 sary to call on the funds set aside by tne county for running expenses. This was to be expected for a brand new instint-'on. However, durin? woro nn tnwn. with nl.nnl.tinn in ov- ,l'F"a1,jf it win uost US cess of 5,000, and the counties were 1 TuKggest thTth" ! tTZT" T ? h oismoutett over n states. Mr. Auditor of Madison County make a , on QIlrerent questions. Consequently, it would not be right to sai fv.ranL.CaPom!"? "?iteIeJ,t .-' Ut and cause same to be printed in i either factlon right or is wrong about any given matter, hut' Mars Hill, N. C. March 11, 1929. Mr. H. L. Story Editor News-RecorJ ! Marshall, N. C. Dear Mr. Story: I am writing this letter under rath er unusual circumstances. I hope you may have room to print it in an early issue of your paper. ! I am at this moment on my way to the French Broad hospital to have an operation for appendicitis. It is my wish to express my feelings to wards Mr. Ira Plemmons before my 'brain is numbed by an anesthetic and while I have physical strength to write this letter. About January l"8th, I became very ill and had to give up my work as teacher in Buncombe County. My people brought me to Mars Hill and for four weeks I could not be taken to my home on California Creek, just eight miles away, on account of the 'miserable condition of the road. At i ast when I could go I felt as if I 'were isolated from the whole world by the almost impossibility ot travel. j&st week I suffered an attack of ap pendicitie. The rain was pourting, and the mud "was so deep that all tfould not be shut out or given preference. The publisher can do this ;na still have very decided views about matters, though at times it is exceedingly difficult not to appear biased or partial. But in making he statement that this paper is non-partisan, we would not like to have nyone think that we are shutting our columns up from any editorial Repression. The publisher of the paner is a' .citizen nf tho t taxpayer and has the same right to express his views as ny other cit- gravel practically ceased. My brother t x u . j .... , walked to Mars Hill to see a doctor T Inact' he 13 exPected as a newspaper publisher, to express his :ior me. For three days I suffered the Views and interpret events, and those who disagree with him should not jterrible dread of having to be car- become offended because they do not agree with the publisher's views ried on a litter over a road that was 'aDout matters, especially if he gives them an opportunity to express their nce a bt&tQ highway. Alter 1 gam own views in the same paper. ' But Matiison County seems to be split not altogether with refer- ence to party lines, but we say in factions; for on either side you will find men and women of different political affiliations. One faction calls the other the ring, and the other faction calls the other the ring The members of one faction almost always oppose what the other faction sponsors nd vice versa. But even this is not always true. There are A some -exceptions, at times and on some questions. , For instance, on the . Matter A? : tha hnnvri t arl,.Maf;A. a: Ai , . ... j7 - 7 T " " " uiie iotuun minKs xnere should be a ange, tne tner thinks "ih,old .board should be retained, , Some of iTonnel will support it. Still others in each of itoto T u i m it .: .js ii ,,i' "u tauw same tu ue unntea in ' the remainder of the year, the man-' "BH r "Wr,.VT ,. " PPer, just what it would' W w'h. n nohi r V P-a k expe"Se?' thority on Hospital arranglment and aatMw ?S 8 ! 'but has been able to reimburse their 4 Vr iPn$500, $1,500, $2,500, $4,000 wort own fund, which thev drew on the M r''TZ Property and so on, this would thin cZdZnthS; WaS !edthe in,& J than could be experted, for a new Dr0Vai :What it would cost them each year institution, going through the ordeal r v,', . , , ' or a given number of years. of organization, establishing and ! The doctors of the county who have I believe you will be surprised as building up a reputation. The record (CONTINUED TO 7TH PAGE) to how little it will cost you as a tax same say that wrong about anv riven matter v.t matter has two sides to it, and the publisher of this paper is seeking in- formation on each side on every Question so na tn .!.. 1!? ! Pssible what opinion to form. It has always been rather strange tn -: niMiiMiiiimn-- ' JsskJ t$ ' W "riTri ! iJE H- i'V nif1 " .dSMWtrT- JJ " ' 1 - . v x S ' . - .V ' I! ii , : . JTi-tt i '. ' jirl- . N, j rr Pecord for the splendid stand he takes for the progress of our county, I x - 1 I am, very sincerely yours, FLOSSIE MURRAY tViio ri-,tow KAi nAw i j ,i i.vw oulIlc jjeupje Know instantly which side of a matter they are on without ever considering and weighing the facts on either side. With some they oppose a matter Vcause their frien.s oppose it or be- cause their enemy favors it. They do not stop to weigh the merits or ueuieiits in tne matter, lo oppose a matter simply because some one !not ashamed to else favors it, is not only simple, but it is unfair to the question at issue j County's son. and not only kindles but tends to fan the flames nf hatred aj ni0t.t Thanking the Editor of the News- and instead of working together for community interest and upbuilding, the tendency is to tear down and destroy, and the consequence is that the community gets noahere. It is time for factions in Madison County to come to an end. No ' one expects everybody to agree on any one matter, but their differences should be ironed out in a friendly manner, and such a scene as Madison County has created in Raleigh during the present session of the legis- ' lature should never be known again. Recently there was a start made to organize a Kiwanis club in Marshall. The expense of the' organiza- fun wouiu cause quite a number to stop and consider for a while be- fore signing up, but if we knew that such an organization would get our people together and enable them to thrash out matters in a friend- ly, fraternal spirit, it would well be worth all it would cost. Isn't it the tendency of human nature to think too much about, to magnify, to exaggerate the faults rather than the tfood dualities or virt.no. fellow beings? Everybody has faults and plenty of them, and it is possible to exaggerate the faults of any person until that person is be- heved to be a bad character. A good rule, but one exceedingly hard for some people to follow, is never to say anything about another unless you can say something good. " . Top, front view of hospital. Left one, of the solanums in the hospital. Right, private room in tSe building. Bottom, view f the splendidly equipped operating room. , . LEGISLATURE TO CLOSE NEXT WEEK . We understand the present session of the legislature will co'nie to a close not later than next Tuesday. Until the last day is over and the bills ratified, it will be hard to say what has been done for almost every day, Conflicting reports come Out from Ralek-h. Perhan few tt- wide' measures have been passed that were worth while, such as the ad- ditional one cent on gasoline for roads, the secret ballot law and may- be a few others, but, my! see what it has cost North Carolina to pass those lawsl With the laws multiplying every two years, we have too many. And see what Congress costs our country and what it amounts to I Half the number of people well qualified could meet once in five years and give us the laws we need and better ones. ' Let's do away - witn so mucn legislating and devote our attention to other matters. o ANSWERING MRS. WYATT i For our own satisfaction and for the satisfaction of others who may feel about it as Mrs. Wyatt feels, we have taken the time to look up in the tax records and get some idea what the proposed nospitai in Madison County would cost Mrs. Wyatt, who has an article in this pa- Per opposing the hospital. We find that if we allow $3000 a ear for maintenance of the hospital and pay off $1000 of the bonded indebted- ness every year and keep up the interest, the hospital would cost Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt about 16c a year. If they have no sickness in their family and have no use for the hospital they could have the satisfaction of knowing that they had contributed fifteen cents toward helping some unfortunate person have the benefits of a" hospital. U, on the other hand, thejf should need the hospital for one of the family and were not able to pay the bill at the hospital, how many years at the rate of 15c a year would it take them to pay th kbapital MIM.. ..,... This publisher's tax under the same conditions would be about $3.30 a year. If the maintenance cost were less' than $3000 a ear these amounts would be reduced that much. We would much rather " pay it and know we would never be benefitted from it than to fhoxr we were going to need; t3er services of the hospital. Y . v . .r . as free to cast your vote as I do to 'cast mine, so I beg you again to think (it over, and be your own judge in casting your vote. If you are an average tax payor with an average family depending on you, then don't you think it would oe a good business proposition to have a hospital available that might suit your pocketbook? As I have said before, I will not be a party to placing upon the people that I represent, any more burdens of taxation. Yet as a citizen, I claim the right to vote the way that my con- c ence dictates that I should vote, and I concede to every other citizen the same privileges. I believe that when this Legislature convenes, now, in a few days, the people will find that the burdens have been lightened , tu some extent, as regards the state-wide affairs. I don't claim the credit, for fthis, however I have tried to vote and work for every bill that I felt would help my people. So, folks, let's go forward in everything that seems to be for the uplifting of our county, face our burdens as they confront an from day to day, and I believe that things will come out all right in the end. "v: - Respectfullv, J. H. HllTCHINS. Tusculum Glee Club To Be In Marshall Next Tuesday. Night . ? CONCERT SPONSORED BY THE PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN i The Tusculum Glee Club will be in Marshall next Tuesday night at the school auditorium. -They -will give a concert at 7:30 o'clock the 19th. This concert is being sponsored by the women of : the Presbyterian church.1 Admission will be 20c and S5c Askum Hello, Bascom, what are yon doing nowT ' i Bascom I'm . a Specialized hu- morist Askum What do yon mean, specialized T" Bascom I write only the first line for two line jokes. 'ed strength enough to walk one half 'a mile I got to where a car could trav el only with the most wretched progress. Some one is responsibele for this unreasonable handicap of the people"" of Nos. 5 and 11 Townships of Madi son County. Yesterday's paper bore the news that Mr. Plemmons had kill ed the bill in the Senate which would have brought relief to us. Judging from, Mr,. Plemmons'; past record, I Opposed to every progressive mover ment in our county However I do notice and am proud to say there are' enough fine intelligent men, such -as Mr. Coleman Ramsey, R. L. Moore, Mr. Story and others that stand up for the right and make Mr. Plem mons appear to be the goat he ha3 shown himself to be. I appeal to the thinking people of Ma:iison County to hereafter select a man of reasonable intelligence to represent us in the Legislative As sembly of North Carolina one we are own as Madison

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