r FOURTH PAGE THE . NEWS-RECORD Marshall, N. C, Mar. 15, 1929 I ft r - t ! I"' THB NEWS-RECORD LANKFORD STORY, Editor. H. L. STORY, PbllW. Entered as second class man matter at th poeSeffice at Marshall, N. C of Mereh 8, l7t. ONE YEAR BIX MONTHS THREE MONTHS SUBSCRIPTION PRICEi S3 00 THREE YEARS (in advance) $8.64 1.00 SINGLE COPIES .06 .04 .60 Many (ordered before pressday) NOTICE! UNDER YOUR NAME ON THE LABEL the Una tells you whoa your subscription expires. If tka paper does not stop when your time Is out, a lc postal card or letter addressed to MR. H. L. STORY, Marshall, N. C. will stop it. If he does mot hoar from you, ha will think yoa wish the paper continued and that you are willing to pay for it at the rata of 80a erery thrsx SIGN YOUR NAME Don't blame tha publisher f tka News-Record for aot pub lishing what yoa write. If yen do not sign your nante and ad dress. We cannot publish ar ticles unless we knew wka ana them. We will aot pub lish the name if yoa object. VIrW,i tmmr m AU-Aurotamrr Pwfcaw-)Ti.ekMsiia taaittana BIBLE THOUGHT AND PRAYER If oamtrWr note thttr thtUnm mans, ate a B&1 teUdion tmch wml H will proem m prktlm htrilag to than bi mfltt years. CHRISTIAN CONFIDENCE: This is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything accord ing to his will, he heareth us. 1 John 5:14. PRAYER. Dear Lord, Thou aidst assure us that if we ask we shall re ceive, if we seek we shall find, and if we knock it shall be opened unto us. Why is a little that a righteous man hath, better than the riches of many wicked? Psalm 37:32-37. out. I'll stay in the print ing office and he'll stay in the White House1, and I doubt seriously that he, will ever have much to say to me. -But here's wishing him good luck, anyway. It seems that Lind bergh's days of freedom are about over. I don't suppose that it will be vejry long now until he has tak en unto himself a wife, and when that happens, you may look out! I am not speaking from experi ence, however, for I am a bachelor Kat (and just as frqe as they get, believe me). Following is a pretty good little "pome" which was handed to me for my Kolum : "May I print a kiss on your lips?" I asked. She nodded her sweet permission So we went to press and I rath er guess We printed a large edition. Enemies of Civilization NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE By virtue of power vested in ma by a certain deed of trust executed on the 6th day of April, 1927 by John W. Randall, widower to ma as trus tee, to secure a debt therein describ ed, to G. W. Plemmons, recorded m book 32 page 160 of records of deeds of trust of Madison County. The said debt secured, having become due and payable, and default having been ,'made in the payment of said debt, .and having been requested to fore close said deed of trust, under the jpower therein contained; I will offer said lands for sale described in said deed of trust at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in the town of Marshall, '.Madison Countv, N. C, on the 13th ,day of April, 1929, at 12 o'clock M. to satisfy said debt, interest uand cost. Said lands are described as follows: Situated in No. 7 Township ,in Madison County, N. C. ; adjoining i the lands of Joby Lunsford, Fleet Go , forth; Elmer Randall and others. Said lands consist of two tracts. The first tract lying on the West side of French Broad River, on the waters of I Anderson Branch, known as a part of 'the John Goforth farm, beginning on ' a sourwood, near the old ridge road, leading to the Kiver, and runs S 6 poles to a sourwood, thence S 89 E 61 poles to a small dogwood, thence with John W. Randall s line to a hickory and sourwood, thence west 18 poles to a stake, thence N 10 W 35 poles to a stake, at the top of the ridge, thence N 69 W 10 poles to a black walnut, thence N 13 E 18 poles to a stake at top of the hill, thence N 14 W 10 poles to a rock and pointer, thence E 53 poles to a rock and small white pine,- thence N 68 poles td the top of ridge at a hickory in Payne line thence S 30 E 25 poles to a stake, thence with the Payne line to ,the beginning, containing 35 acres, more or less. For a fuller descrip tion reference is had to deed book No. 21 at page 340 of Record of Deeds of Madison County. Second Tract: Adjoining the first tract and known as a part of the Hickory Spurr tract. Beginning on a beech stump and stake in the beech gap, near the old Gudger tract of land and runs west with the mean ders of the top of the ridge 40 poles to a stake, thence N 73 W 23 poles to a sourwood, thence S 6 poles td a 6ourwood, thence S 39 E 61 poles? to a small dogwood thence N 30 E '61 poles to the beginning, Containing 9 , c:res and 1-11, more or less. For a ull description refernce is made to ' deed book 17 at paee 528 Record of i !dee:!s of Madison County. i I Also another strip of land lying ' on the south-ea?t sule of the second an 1 being all OFFICE KAT KOLUM By the "Office Cat" Didja miss my Kolum last week? Uh, huh, I thought so. I hated to dis appoint you folks a whole lot, but honest, circum stances would not permit me to write my Kolum last week. Maybe the reason for the lack of Kolum was that I had not then fully recovered from my "scent imental" experience of week before last. I don't know just how much I am going to get written this week, but anyway, I've madq p. start at it. Well, I guess "Herb" is busy now with the many;, many duties of President of the United States. Gee, ; . whiz ! For my part, Td hate to be in his shoes. Yap ! It seepns that ' the people all over these Unit-' ed States of ours. are ex-", pectin? 'great tilings of ' Hoover; in fact, they are . expecting too darned much, if you ask my opin ion of it. No one . man could possibly do what it -seems is expected of Hoov-' er.,Well, that's his look-.'.. Thirty million dollars worth of livestock and game is being destroyed annually by wolves, coyotes, moun tain lions and bobcats, according to a statement made by the United States Bureau of Biological Survey. jtract aDOve described The coyote is described as the most .that strip between the above second destructive of all the animal high- tract and the first tract. j waymen, for it not only kills but it is I. . The, above described lands include ' - ,. - ,. .the place where the Harrison Go- responsible for the spreading of dis- forth House and lo(, barn for stockqf 1 ease among livestock and human be- located, being about one mile anl J m V? VOURili ') fi:. . v,:'.'i .;. MRT1JTY Pretty line of Misses' and Ladies' Wash DressWs, Print 98c Men's Guaranteed Dress Shirts, this week . 98c 16-in. AA Cutters $690, $7.90 & $8.90 These are samples and originally sold for $12.50 $13.50, and $15.00 Men's Dress Oxfords, Black or Tan $2.98 Men's Flannelet.Shirts, 2 for $1.00 We have the famous NUNN-BUSH Shoe and Oxford for Men of Taste. These shoes retain their shape and color in old age, and wear great guns White Flat Crepe, Crepe de Chine & Pongees for school exercises. Beautiful line of Spring Coats, Dress and Sport, with Scarf to match. This is the prettiest line of Ladies' Spring Coats we have ever had. We invite your inspection. I 25c Beautiful line of Wash Prints, Guaranteed Fast Color Ladies' Hand Worked Nainsook Gowns n .98c 100 prs. Oxfords, Ties, Straps, Crepe soles. Pat, Kid & Tan Calf, up to $4.50 Value going for - . $2.98 Leather Bottoms and medium Heels $4.50 to $6.00 Vahie -going for J- $3.98 Ramsey Oxfords for Ladies', triple-stitched, rubber soles, Black and Tan, sizes 2 to 8 , $1.98 Final Close-Out on Ladies' Winter Coats BELOW COST. -$1.98-$1.48-98c Big Assortment Ladies' Felt Hats ! Big Line of Ladies' New Spring Hats If you want the best grade of Tobacco Canvas we have it, at a reason able price. We also brave some 30-f t length of 9-f t. Canvas. Also the cheaper grades. MEN'S SUITS GOING CHEAP Last Call for Overcoats. If you were assured of a 50 per cent interest on your investment, you would invest. That is just what we will save you on our Overcoats. Cheyenne Ties for Men. ARROW Shirts absolutely guaranteed. We handle Carhart, Hawk Brand and Allen Overalls all guaranteed to give satisfaction. Nunn-Bush Shoes Interwoven Sox Cheney Ties ings, such as rabies and tularemia. More than 1,000,000 coyotes have been killed by hunters of the Biolog ical Survey during the past 12 years. A report on the whole predatory animal control situation has been transmitted to Congress by Secre tary of Agriculture Jardine to back up his suggestion for a ten-year co operative predatory-animal control campaign. He recommends , annual appropriations of $1,378,700 for the next ten years to carry the program into effect If all these animals could be de stroyed, and hawks, owls, crows, wea sels, skunks and roving house cats were exterminated there would be little difficulty in maintaining a suf ficient supply of wild game and game birds on our farms, fields and forests, and on rivers, lakes and streams. "What a fine looking husband you have, Mrs. Willikins." "Yes, isn't he? I've had him in the family for several weeks." The Pathfinder. The county poultry association of Gaston County has marketed 24,687 pounds of live poultry for its mem bers since the first of the year. tone fourth above Barnard. This March 13, 1929. ! ; C. B. MASHBUEN, Trustee. I ,0-Apr. 5, 1929. TWEED'S STORE sSHBIflBBflBDHBlBiSHHi mw flBQBjBnsjjHSjasji I MARSHALL, N. C. She E .J i 1 i ' i i: ii MANUFACTURE OF CORN SUGAR AIDS FARM PROSPERITY t CHICAGO. Use of corn In the manufacture of sugar and allied prod ucts Is helping to solve the problem of creating a profitable cash market for the anrnlna corn nrodnctlon of 4 America's 6,000,000 farms. I; Of 2,776,000,000 bushels of corn grown on American farms every year. 87M per cent Is 1 tow dare yon trv to kiss ma 1 ! He WdL fd been In the war IS prance ng Gaston County farmers plan have home gardens on nearly farms in ,he coumy this year. to ail 1 - v' 'a.i.nyfe used for feeding live stock. The other 12 per cent finds Its way to the markets, where the price Is set which de termines the value of the entire corn crop, according to Jay . Chapin, sec- Recleaning and treating of tobacco seed is a common practice through out the bright belt area of eastern Carolina this winter. NOTICE! NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE FOR PARTITION ! ATWATER KENT RADIO 1 By virtue of the power in me vest ed as commissioner, appointed by an order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Madison County, made and entered in a certain special proceed ing, entitled: Henry Cody and other heirs at law of Gabriel Cody, Dec'd.. 'vs Anna Cody, Grover Cody, and other heirs at law of Gabriel Cody, dec'd., defendants. I will as said Commissioner offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash for the pur pose of partition among the .tenants in common on the 15th day of April, 109Q 19 n'olnxL- M of V Pnuvt retary of the As- I house door jn the town of Marshy soclated Corn Madison County, N. C, the following Products Manu-1 described real estate: Situated in No. facturers. 1 1 Township Madison County, N. C, ine corn proa- consisting of three tracts: 1st Tract: Beginning on a stake in 'the ege of Brush Creek, at the mouth of the Thomas Branch, and runs up and with said Brush Creek to C. A. Clark's line, at the lower end of his meadow the Freeman tract; thence a northerly course and with C. A. Clark's line to Zack Thomas' cor ner, thence down and with Zack Thomas' line to the Thomas Branch Cotton will likely sell for satisfac tory prices this fall if the acreage is not increased and the usual average yields are secured. The lespedeza acreage of Iredell County will be doubled this season according to orders placed by far mers for the seed. LOST & WANT ADS. 25 vords or less tie tor one week 76c for four weeks. Additional word 1 cent s word a week CASH First. Have on hand the following used Radio Sets at Bargain Prices: 1 5-tube, 3-dial Model 20 1 6-tube, 1-dial Model 30 1 6-tube, 1-dial Model 33 . 1 7-tube, 1-dial Model 37 The above machines are in perfect shape, and all guaranteed for one year. All have ; . new tubes and batteries. ' GEO. S. LIPPARD Hot Springs, N. C. . Jay Chapin. ucts industry Is using 85,000,000 bu shels of American grown corn every year,", said Mr. Chapin. "Of this about 80 per cent goes into the manu facture of corn sugar. If this great quantity of corn were not used for su gar making it would have to be ex ported and take Its chances for profit In the world market In competition wi loreign com prouucea at a lower velow Zack Thoma8. houge; nce cost than American farmers can pro- 'down the branch to the old mill race, duce the crop. anj th the mill race where the "Greater development of the corn road now is to the corner to the lo-w- sugar industry would be to the Inter- er edge of the road; and runs with est of erery American farmer growing ?the Davis line back to the Thomas corn. It would Increase tha market ,??ch ,n brn oa- wvw Ufa mmina Mm ftan tA sMMiio uvv vi kdb. , tlM BrtcM and add million of doQara ' Tract: Bejrinnin.r at the month J3IL of the old Wardrnp mill race, on a JUDY'S PRIDE TOBACCO SEED THE ORIGINAL RESISTANT Originated and frown only by W. A. Judy Seed Co. The world is demanding more smoking tobacco. Judy's Pride pro duces more high class smoking tobac co thin any Burley grown. In yield and price it brings more dollars per acre. Matured unaer cover, germi nation .94. Sold only through au thorized agents, mail order, in 75c and $1.50 packages for planting 2 and 4 acres, respectively. All mail or ders will receive prompt attention. Mail or come in and get your seed and let's grow a fine crop. Sold by J. WILL ROBERTS Register of Deeds Office, Marshall, N. C. snnnally to the nation's farm revenue. xock, and runs seven rods down tha nation in the federal reroUdons bank of itum m a northern against eora sugar nsod In commercial direction tiro rods to stake on tha cmoBdag and pi Mining would b sa hill; thence in an easterly direction Important step la this direction. Tha four rods and, six feet to a stake on so of corn sugar la munfactara tha bank above Gab Cody's bouse; mod products wtthoat Mag so lsbelod thence southwardly two poles to tha Should bo bo mors of sa impairment beginning Containing 11 rods, mors of ths aatfoal pars nod km tnaa or less. the nso of beet or cans sugar for sock . 3rd Tract Beginning on a small 'purposes.. The American Farm Ba- branch' on the k bank of the Thomas jiesn Federation recently went ss res "Branch sand rons'N 28 E about 9 rd at Its annual convention with Ple to a stake in the branch- 8 89 ZmnHom J!.. h,.mZ -TvI E. on.up ud with the branch 10 poles iiSSSSS-'take In the branchiS 78 H E riven its .rightful place to the trade 2 ,M and 17 Iink, to a beech c a. I practices of the nation and so provide corner. s 43 up and with a -an Increased market for one of our mM branch, C. A. Clark's Una 18 suple crops. , ; Inoles to a rock in the edge of the branch; S 70 W 16 1-2 poles to a stake; N 43 W 20 poles to the begin ning. Containing 2 acres more or less. "v- ' ' "-: This ihe 13th ay of March, 1929. C. B. MASHBURN, Commissioner. O-Apr. 6, 1929. Nash County farmers are plkcing orders for s car of pnre bred Jersey heifers.-' Please send newt letters EARLY. 171 ATI7I7DC r LtJ If lillsT" artUtieaUy imaged. Miss Meade Calbertsoa of Hot Springs weald like te greet her friends in ear store at New If, Hay weed St Flower Phone all 7. - Mrs. A. B. .MeDenieU. ef -tae Frenek Bread Tea Reesm, Is acting as -ear agent MerehelL DICKINSON, THS. TXJOmUTt Flewsrpasas S317 J " AsheviBe, N. C : FOR RENT My residencs asw eld seheol building. See . JOHN USEIfBU "'' - MersaaO. O-Msr. II, 192B. f4. N.C OR SALE OR RS.NT-- geed e-st-re farm, 1 good tobacco barns, with fine opportunity to make , tobacco: situate 2 miles N. W. of Walnut, on Stackhouse road, known as the Cand ler Farm. For information see C B. MASHBURN ... Marshall, N. C. ; DEMAND BASIC SLAG (The 6 in l Soil Builder) for Legumes, Spring Crops and Pastures. Write for Fold er, H. P. Brawn. DUtribater. Win ston-Salem, N. C. ' St. pd.