Marshall, fr. C, Mar. 29, 1929 ' ' ',-') " 1 " 1 ' . ', y;.T" :. ', 777771 1 - '" 1 " ' ' ' ' ' "- : ' " 1 r' tmugmammmmmnmimtaWMfmatamfmmBmmafmmmmaatnmMtmamMM E1 -.- Ofl,.- fnal-llll I Wi" ' i'H"r I')"11"' I WWmiMMBmBSSSSBSSSSmMl 1 IHflBS IIIIII lilm li i ti i "IiJ ' i l appNii'la'anr44$c$ . ft ih'mE I ' IX (Ssam rDj 0) fll) B 1H I ' mm I Mrs. Mary McClure and her two children are guests of Mrs. Hilliard Rector. Dr. and Mrs. DeWitt Austin of Mr. J. F. Buckner of near Bull ! been on week CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Mrs. W. E. Allen of Marshall, R. F D. No. 2, celebrated her 77th birth day last Sunday, March 24, 1029 Mr Van Rector, who fcaa tfoij-, fn Marshall Thursday tion, in Washington, p. "C.fl Is ow her spending some time withJnw parents, Mr. and Mr. Geo. RectorVa Mr. John Shugart of Walnut was in Marshall last Friday on business. Mrs. W. F. Deaver went to Knox vi!le last Sunday and will return Sat urday of this week. Miss Anna Mav Deaver spent last Saturday P. M. with her mother. Tom Mix in "King Cowboy" at iho Princest Saturday at 2:30 P. M. and 7:45 P. M. Mr. W. B. Coward, of Rocky Mount, N. C, and Mr .M. C. Coward of Spring Creek were in Marshall Monday and paid the News-Record office a visit. Mr. W. B. Coward had been visiting relatives on Spring Creek. . . Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Cline left Mon day night for various points in this State. x , Mr. W. F. Randolph, secretary of Masonic lodges in Asheville, was in Marshall Wednesday. Mrs. Tom Morrow and Miss Mate Horn of Walnut attended the installa tion of Eastern Stanofficers Tuesday evening. , Mrs. Maude Ross, o f Durham, came Wednesday to spend some time with her people, the Frisbys, at Redmon. She and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ben Frisby, attended the installation oere oionlea Tuesday evening. : jUrs. George Pritchard of Asheville was In Marshall. Wednesday after nobiit -.Mr. Pritchard was here attending- court. They were accomp anied back to Asheville by her moth er, Mrs. J. J. Redmon. Mr. James E. .Rector, Asheville at torney was in .Marshall Wednesday afternoon, So Ton Mix in a big "Western at rrincoaa miov at i Mrt. O, C. Rector has recuperated sufficiently to leave the Marshall hos pital last Tuesday. MrTand Mrs. ft. L. Story1 visited Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Brown and family at Hendersonville last, Sunday after noon. ' Mrs. W. H. Morrow is supplying for her daughter, Mrs. Cline, this week at Hot Springs, where Mrs. Cline, nee Miss Gage Morrow, has been teaching music. Mrs. Cline has resigned and gone with her husband traveling over the state. Mrs. J. J. Bailey and daughter, Miss Nelle, of Asheville were in Mar shall Tuesday evening and attended the installation of Elastern Star offl- L Stars took place lat 'the Masonic Hall tn Marshall Thursday. f . l'in Marshall, Tuesday .evening, MaJrch Mrs. Tom Marrow and Mrs. Lloyd, 26, 1929. Quit;a number of invito Honeycutt of Walnut were In, Mar- visitors' were present to witness line ceremonies una hijuj me iwuif ties v ,tne occasion, xne iouowmg officers, "were installed for the ensu ing year: ...... V Worthv Matron Matiiaa risner; ut. ana ana. juenrivt auiwu m Wortfly Matron Mauiaa risner, Charlotte, N. C, are expected Satur- worthy Patron George Sams; As day to spend Easter Sunday with her . si8tant, Matron Alice White ; Secre parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. West. I tary Janie Mc. Ramsey; Treasur- Messrs. Alex, Fielding and Edward er Grace' Freeman; Conductress Russell are spending some time with Effie Sawyer; Assistant Conductress their brother here, Mr. W. J. Russell, pora Ramsey ; Chaplain Valeria manager of the A&P store. ' Roberts; Marshal Stella Sprinkle; Miss Evelyn Ilinkle, student at , Organist Agnes Stuart ; Star Points Oarson-JNewman College, Tenn., is' Maud Ramsey, Adah; Annie Mae 1 Iff - -1. n 1 Y i. V. Loll Jn..n I - n r fTI 1 T71 in marsiiaii iur me iaater iiuiiunye. i White Kuth; Tacoma Mcelroy, JL8- Mrs. C. A. Thomas of Asheville is ther; Orla Roberts, Martha; Maud expected to take turkey Easter din- J Dodson, Electa; Warder Ralph Fish ner with Mr. and Mrs. J. N. West. (er. Sentinel Herschel Sprinkle. L . . . . . . . Creek church, Marshall, R. 3, has'service rendered were given Mrs. J., the jury in Marshall this M Woat nH Mr. J. Herschel Sprin kle, the presentation speeches being made by Attorney Carl Stuart. The incoming Worthy Matron was given a surprise, a box of beautiful roses sent her by the brother organization, tl mo anna nf Mnrxhall. the same be- f ... n n aay iw aunuuy, luuitn , im presented by Mr. ueorge oams. She i wa given r surprise dinher by rs. Fisher's surprise aiid delight the following relatives: her daughter, eqUany evident, as this was a Mr. 7.. T. Blankennhin and husband: j . tu MD.nno Var Mrs. "Z. T. Blankenship and husband; ew departure of the masons, her her granddaughter, Miss May Blank- nrlui.MUAnl never havinir had such enship; er grandsjon, Mr. T. D. I bestowed upon them. Afterl Blankenship and XamUy of Woodnn;;,. ingtallation ceremonies, delicious sicoggins and husband and family of west Asnevuie. au reponea a nne time. . WILSON CHILD HURT Following is a list .of those pres ent, visitors and 'members included': Mrs. W. A.: Sams, Mrs. L. H. Giezen .tanner, Mis-Viva Hayton, Mrs H. E:. Coleman Ramsey,. Mrs. J. N. Wesa cers. Mrs. Lizzie Ramsey of Walnut was MUSIC CLASS Beginning about May IS, I (hall teach music class in Marshall. PKMnts wishing to senoT children will please see me. , MRS. CM. GAGE The four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph, Fishe, Mr. Geo- Sama, Mrs. Fred Wilson of Craggy was ; 'Mrs. J. N. WhiteMrs. F. E. Free struck by an automobile Thursday of , man, Mrs. Claude lawyer, Mrs. Mof Jast week and as a result is in the ' X??' Mrs. W. M. Mirtj, .French Broad Hospital in Asheville Mrs. Carl Stuart, Mrs. R. S. Ramsey, with a fractured hip and other injur- M- AnniJB, Ma W .M. m wnen me car, uriven oy a woman, . r7 ' . . r n v -I struck him. He is the grandson of ..Mr. CarrStuart, Mm Guy Roberto, Mr. ana. Mrs. suas w nson of near . v j - - Marshall ?er, Mm lTances tirairon, iwrs. . LHeamon, mn. oeu ukuj, " Story, Mrs. K. A. Kohloss, Mrs. war flarra Mrs. Howard Rector. Mm Phttihpv. Mrs. J. J. Bailev. of I Asheville, Mrs. Victoria Jarrett, Miss ...... ... . 1 T.M. Nellie isauey, oi Asnevuie, mn. ium Morrow, of Walnut, Miss Maie Home, of Walnut, Mrs. Maude Koss, oi uur- MRS. ADDIE GENTRY BURIED IN MARSHALL Funeral services for Mrs. Addie r uiivini ci vices iui iuio, nuuic v- : T XT v 1. An ...i.- -i. i . i Vmm Dr. and Mrs. Ditmore, J. H oiq Mhu a ,rnn au,,;ii Rnrinkle. 1 and H. It, btory. UT. w. Monday night, were held Wednesday A. Sams came m late. aiternoon ai is:du ociock irom ine . . ...,,,x,rirwT funeral home of Clayton and Hyer. ! BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT The services were conducted by the i A TTt c m tto-Io Rev. J. B. Grice, pastor of the Cal-i Born to Mr. and Mrs. S. N Eads vary Baptist church, Asheville. Burial of Marshall, on Tuesday, March 19th, was in Madison County. 1929, daughter, Rebecca Jean. -' Mrs. Gentry is survived by her hus- . nCAr) band, two sons, Can and Clyde Gen- i PARENT-TEACHER try and one daughter, Isabelle. Sev- i ATION TO MEET NEXT eral brothers and sisters also survive. '. A 1 lyj TUESDAY NlliHT m There's a real wisdom in visit ing the A&P for your food needs for1 it's the modem way to shot) and the sure war to 1 sare; .. ... WNGA-ARfllXjUR'S-WIFW WHITE HOUSE; 'fliifM '". EVAPORATED UOLIQ17 nilflft CoCCqo SUPREME S 252 ib. AJQ . ' .' .. .. If... it b vn i wnvns mAA Peck The Parent-Teacher Association of Marshall will meet at the school audi torium next Tuesday evening, April 2, at 7:30 o'clock. This will be a fathers' night as well as a mothers'. Dr. Knox and' others will jwobably speak, says the president, Mrs. S. B. Roberts, and they will have special music and a large attendance is urg ed. TUSCULUM COLLEGE GLEE CLUB BROADCAST $S2 f N.D.C. Assortment Dcluno pkg. 29c Moonshine Ass't'd Ib. 23c 1 . - HOUSEHOLD NEEDS BROOMS '. .... : .each 29c OLD DUTCH Cleanser 3 cans 20c Octagon SOAP 8" 7 Cakes 25c ftftl n niTOT - 7 nkcrs. 25c STAR WasL Ponder, 3 pkgs.sl0c , Jt. i -J " Friends of Misa Lite Brooks, of Hot Springs, North Carolina, will be interested to learn that the Tusculum Girls' Glee Club, of which she is a member, did broadcast from Station WWNC in Asheville on Monday eve ning, March 26. The program was at eight-thirty, Eastern Standard time. " This Club is composed of twenty monmhorx. sHrlg chosen from the stu dent body because of their musical ability. The club is under the ai wtotinn nt Mis Nellie L. Humohrev. teacher of. Voice at Tusculum. On Thursday evening, Marcn zi, the Girls' Glee Club was presented in its annual concert. This concert met with such an enthusiastic re ception that the success Of the broad casts? Drosrram seemed more than assured. ' In And Near Marshall 5 v -s-'-v. , The1 tittle Ivy church singers are going W sing at Middle Fork Sunday March SI. tMiss Gwen Chandler was the guest nf Mn. If. C. Ensrlish Sunday. She reported a nice time. Last Thursday a crowd oi Calilor mrli anil hnva who missed the echoolbus were as follows: Misses Hettie Woody, Elma Carter, Savada Barrett, Gwen Chandler, Mary uau and Messrs Marion Carter and Fer- mon Fox. . i . MrFennon Carter was tne guest ;. A PERFECT SIORTENING - . ! Gnox7di?5Ctt Qfl.flO V - FIVE GALS. PAINT FREE 'A1afflre.Uaintibncern: in furth- fer&lieeorandwtisiirg and in- tsttdHiarf -emiyalffzi now in rarrifrreag-'ofTfeirs to Jrivte. free of charare, five gallons pf its best i0use painx, an7,coior wj one property owner at each post office or on each rural route in thia county. This concern wants its paint on a house in each locality this season which is'th( purpose of this remark able offer. It also wants a local ikleimtn in each county Persons interested are request ed to-write Central ou com pany, Louisville, Kentucky. . " (q The most complete line new Spring Merchandise I have ever shown, consisting of Ladies" Dresses Coats En semble New Stylish Pumps Straps Ties Both Kid and Patent Leathers New Wash Silks in Prints & Plain Colors Rayons Dress Prints Printed Piques Gabardines and Broadcloth, Batiste, Organdies, etc., etc. Men's and Boys' Suits, Shirts, Ties, Sox, Hats in the New Leghorns for Summer Caps Ox fords in several styles and prices. Exclusive agent for the FLORSH1EM SHOES for the man or boy WHO CARES for appearance. Work clothes headquarters Shoes that will stand the farm also Shirts, double-back and elbow best made for the price. Exclusive Agent for TOM-CAT Overalls None better few as good full 8-oz. East era made denim Try a pair. ' Big assortment Gold Seal 9x12 Rugs oJy $8.49 ea. Big Assortment Base Felt 9xl0y2 Rugs nly $4.95 ea. Good Medium Grade Domestic 7J4c yd. Good grade 32-in. Gingham 15c yd. Gold Seal 32-in. Dress Gingham 20c yd. Good Grade Rayon Silk Bloomers 50c pr. G. L. J W U nDDftCITr riTI71?NS2 RANK J OPPOSITE CITIZENS BANK IVIasonic Bldg. Marshall, N, C, i of Miss Savada Barrett Sunday. Mr. Clarence Carter and Miss Het tie Woodv were out riding Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Buckner, Mr. and' Mrs. Clyde Hamlin, Mr. Dock Holeomibe, Mr. and Mrs. s. u. inana ir Mrs. T. P. Hill and son Boyd were guests of Mrs. W. C. English. Mistf ' Minnie Ruth Edwards was visiting some of her neigkbers Sunda monuny. Mrs. Jeter JSdwaras was visiung relatives of Mr. Edwards' family, or rather she was walking and found that they were off visiting. Mr. Clay Honeycutt was the guest of Miss Orla Ramsey Sunday. Miss AnVberjean Hamlin was at Little Ivy church Sunday. Miss Lois Davis was out riding with friends Sunday afternoon. Miss Edna Buckner and Mr. Ra loifrti Kntrliah ,erp out trvinir the new Chevrolet Sunday afternoon. Miss Eula Buckner and Mr. nomer Tomberlin, Miss Luck Buckner and Mr. Theodore Robinson were out rid ing Sunday. MCr. Ehrrnas Ponder and Miss Orla Ponder made a pleasure trip to Mar shall Sunday aiternoon. Mr. Robinson Hamlin of Mars Hill Route 2,twas seen going to Mars Hill Monday morning. Misses "Velma Ponder, Orla Ramsey Linda and Lena Ponder were, out ko daking Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gardner, Misses Velma and Linda Ponder went visiting on Ponder Creek Saturday. From BULL CREEK Hunter Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Sprinkle and family and Elizabeth Herron were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Sprinkle Sunday for lunch. THE NURSE Ctnr S H i. nrnoTPSsinir nicelv. A v' .o r r c ---- - - large crowd was present Sunday. The pastor preached a wonderful sermon. Miss Ola Hunter was me gue w Mirsas Minnie Belle and Robbie Lee Browtt Sunday for lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Claxton Cohn were here Sunday. t. v Miss Joncie JLee nunter was vne guest, of Miss Georgia BuAner for lunch Sunday. - Miss Glen Hunter was the guest of Miss Velda Buckner Sunday. ., Mr. and Mrs. Cline Guthrie and Mrs. P.." A; Fisher were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W, K. Hunter Sun day afternoon. . .' c . ' Mr. nd Mrs. Toni Cargle were the guests of Mrs. Lizsie Hunter Sunday. Mr. Floyd ana JSan uarson .were the gnests of Mr. and Mrs. N. K. Car son Sunday. . C"v- ' -i Mr., Tilmon Silver, Kate Ramsey, June, Annis and Lena Edwards and Mr nrA Mn Jeter Metcalf were Out riding Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. K. M. wairanan were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Radford Sunday afternoon. ' Mr. and Mrs. Will Rice and Louise Briggs were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H., M. Sprinkle Sunday after noon.' ':'''-: '' V'1 .' Miss Nettie Hunter and Pauline Phillips were the guests of Miss Ola ' The world grows better year by year, Because the nurse in hex little sphere ; Puts on her apron nd griwand sings 1 And keeps on doing the suae, eld i things. i Taking the temperatures, giving the 1 Pills, V' To remedy mankind's numerous ills, Feeding the babies, answering, the bells, Being polite with a heart that rebels. Longing for home and all of the while Wearing the same old professional smile, Blessing the ne w-born baby's first breath. Closing the eyes that are still in death j Taking the blame for the Drs. mis ' takes, i t , Oh! dear Vhat a lot of patience it takes, Going off duty at seven o'clock, , Tired, discouraged, just ready to drop i Called 'back on duty at seven-fifteen, With curse in her heart, but it must ; not be seen. Morning and evening, noon and night, j Just doing it over and hoping it3 right. When we lay down our caps and cross the bar, Lord, will you give us just one little star, To wear in crowns with uniforms new In the city above where the head nurse is you? A. Wilson. IN MEMORY Of Aunt Laura Price wbo died March 18, 1929. . -! -" It I Aunt Laura's gone and we shall miss . her, . v ' - ': She has crossed death's chilling' tide; She has gone to meet her loved ones, And with Jesus to abide. I But some day well ro and see hef.. There will clasp glad hands ones more wnen our work on earut is over, , We shall meet on heaven's bright , shdre.' ' ' .j Oh, 'tis sad to part with old ones, But our loss is heaven's gain, - - ; Let us be prepared to meet her, ; -In a land that's free from pain. , We sre waiting for the summons, . That will call us to that shore. Where we'll meet with all our loved -ones . - ':' And, will never part any more. ' Written by her niece.' 4 - - Mrs. Mitchell A- Griffin THINKS DIFFERENT To The News-Record: I saw a piece in your paper that it was hard for a man to go to hell these days. I beg to differ with that man. . It is just as easy to go to hell as it was when I was a child, and I am fifty years old. There are more on the road to hel now days than then. Why is it so? I can tell you Pride, lust and the cares of this worlc have choked the good seed out anc the. devil is sowing the tares thes . days. There are some trying to preaci their way through. Preaching foi speculation and popularity. Some arc trying to get there on their pocket book, but thank God there are a few that have the old time religion, and have been washed in the blood of the Lamb and are not depending on the riches of this world but looking to Jesus Christ the author and finisher of their faith, been filled with his love and received the Holy Spirit which is the Holy Ghost to teach us, and to guide us in all righteousness. All that have received the Spirit are going to walk a consecrated, holy and upright life in this world of sin. Show the poor lost men and women that there is beauty in serving a true and living God. Let all who profess to know God, "-.cacl: it, live a Christian life, sing & shout and give God the glory, I am not saved eternally yet, but thank God, I have been washed in the Blood of the Lamb and am on my road f,o heaven and desire the prayers of all God's children. Yours as ever, Mary Tweed. MRS. WYATT'S LETTER Ury, W. Va. Mch. 21, 1929 Mr. H. L. Story, Dear Editor: I am writing a few lines in retrard to Mrs. Wvatt'i letter. She doesn't re alise that some time she might need medical aid, as her children, some time wouldn't be able to be taken care of, then would have to call on some one, and if she only knew county hospital is one rreat thins- to have. We, then, can all donate to the poor who would need, medical aid and . not be able to pay for a doctor. I am for a hospital, also health officers,' ednnty doctors and nurses. That is one great help of Raleigh county, W.' Va we have good ' roads, county health doctors, most' anything for the help of poor people, and I hope Some day, Madison county, N. C, can boast all those needs. I am sure you virill agree with me too, for I love my home and would be glad to know it could have all necessary for the rich and poor. ..!-,.. Yours for more news, ; .: Mrs. Bertha . McGhee. i . Pleas send news letters EALY.