,4 2X. f !. j I II szrniPACS The 0 the Sage HAL G. EVARIS Copyright by Hal a. Hvarts WNU Servlcs THE STORY CHAPTER I. At the Warren ranch, the "Three Bar." on the fringe ot the "oow country." a stranger applies for Work a rider. He la engaged by the owner, Wllllamette Ann Warren known to all as "Billle." The girl's fa ther, Cal Warren, had been the original owner of the place. The question whether the territory Is to remain -cow country" or be opened to settle ent Is a troublesome one. CHAPTER IX Cattle "rustlers" aavs been troubling the ranch owners, file Three Bar, with a girl boss, bav ins? suffered more than others. The Mw hand elves his name as Cal Har ris. By hi announcement In favor of "Muattsra" ha Incurs the enmity of a rider known as Morrow. The will made V Cal Warren stipulated that half the roperty should to to the son of his lid friend, William Harris, under cr laTn conditions. The new arrival la til an, and he discloses the fact to Bil lle! The girl Is suspicious ot her new rider and takes counsel with her friend, the ranch cook. "Waddles?7 He quiet ier fears. CHAPTER I1L Harris method of wearing the inevitable "gun" rather axoltas the girl's derision, though to herself she aamlts she Is impressed by his manner. Blade, a ranchman with an unsavory reputation as a "bad man, visits Bull. He has long wanted to marry bar. but aha dislikes and fears him. Blade, endeavoring to embrace llllia, la Interrupted by Harris. The men. on tb verge of gun play, are Suleted by Billle. but mutual, enmity i established. Harris' half Jesting pro posal that the girl marry him and so settle the matter of the ranch owner ship, la indignantly rejected, but the man declares he will remain on the place and restore its prosperity, waning under Blllie's rule. CHAPTER IV. The regular calf round-up is begun. While the riders are at their evening meal, far out on the range, Blx outsiders loin them. Bil lle knows them to be "rustlers." who, under the leadership of Slade and a man named Harper, have in the past stolen Three Bar cattle. To test Har ris' courage the girl appoints him temporary foreman, suggesting that he order the visitors to leave. Somewhat to her surprise, he does so. The men depart, making threats. Billle makes Harris permanent foreman. Catching Morrow leaving cattle where they can be stolen. Harris discharges him. Mor row leaves, and Harris realizes he has made a deadly enemy. Also, he knows that Harper. Slade, and the rest of the "rustlers" now will know with whom they have to deal "A foreman has a scattering of a dozen or so men to back him up," Morrow observed with a shrug of one shoulder toward the rest of the men. Harris turned to the girl "1 resign for about sixty seconds," he said and swung back toward Mor row; and again all hands noted his queer quartering stand. 'To not fore man right at this minute," he said. "So If you had anything in particular to address to me in a personal vein yon can start now. Otherwise you'd better be packing your stuff." Morrow turned bis back and headed for the rope corraL When he had addled one horse and packed his ef fects on another he turned to Evans. "Ton helped frame this on me," he aid, "I thought I saw you messing over Into my detail a few days back. One day right soon 111 run across you again." "Then I'll take to riding with my head over my shouldersurveying my DaCK-tracK, lmuhj promised, w cause well most likely meet from be- . hind." i Morrow started to snarl an answer, Us usual self-repression deserting him, but Harris waved an impatient hand. "Drag itl" he snapped. "Get mov lnr. If I had mv own way we'd lead your horse out from under you and j we win if I ever bear of your turning j up on the Three Bar range again." j ! CHAPTER V J Billle Warren rode with Harris on J the last lap of the circle. There were ; but two men remaining with them. "Moore 1" Harris-called, and the man turned his horse down the bead of a draw that would lead him out ; Into the bottoms a trifle less than a ' mile above the wagon. Harris heard : a shrill whistle behind him and , turned sldewise in the saddle to look ! hack, saw that Moore had regained' 'the ridge and was signaling. They tamed and rode back to him. Settling There's another," Moore said,, did not change horses .bat searched pointing down the gulch. ."It's fet-., i hastily In his war bag and slipped ting to be a habit" , '. ?the strap of a Wnocular ease across dead cow -la? on a little flat a - .his shoulders and rode off with, the hundred yards below. For three con girl as she finished cinching her sad aeenove days anme-ri der -had found lit w'tLtttahlane. ' .ft-fresh-killed Three Bar cow. Every .. In i than' five minutes from the animal had been, shot , Wi'Attaa she had reached the wagon the TH look this one ever rnyself," lt Three Bar man had moan ted and Harris decided. "Tnerei only . two" f goo Harris rode with her np a long more gulches to work. Each on, of '.ridge that led up to the divide;, they you boys take one." w v;Hr;i fallowed another ' Into the next hot The girl followed him as he toned v tome and ascended the second divide. down the first steep ditch, - . They - polled up their horses and sat look ing at the cow. ' A trickle, of blood oosed out ot a hole between her eyes. Harris rode In a circle round the 'Vot -; -t'v'V'.; "He downed her from some point above," he said. - "Jfot a sign any .where close at hand." He surveyed -the r'.'jps that Car.ked either Me of . v. e 1 . t ' . . preesloa at fMteaTof 11 from which .they Itad Jut descended. From be yond tall cap . cam the shrill nicker, of a bona, the sound chopped short ; as 11. a man had clamped his band on 'the animal's nostrils to sllenca It Harris turned swiftly to the girt. "It's a plant," ha said. "Ride hard P Be suited his action to the words and jumped Ills horse off down the t- - w "It's a Plant," Ha Said. "Ride Hard." bottoms. He waved her over to one aide. "Keep well away from me!" he or dered. "They don't want you." They hung their spurs Into their mounts and the horses plunged down the steeply-pitching bottoms, vaulting sage clumps and Bounding along the cow trails that threaded the brush. Two hundred yards below the cow the draw made an elbow bend The ;iiii rounded it and as Harris fol lowed a Jump behind he felt a Jarring tug at the cantle of his saddle and the thin, sharp crack of a ride reached him. The gulch made ft reverse beud and as they swept around It Harris swung sldewise In the saddle and looked back. They were entirely sheltered from any point on the divide six hundred yards behind them. He pulled his horse to a swinging trot and they rode down the sloping meadow that led str:ii;.'l)t to the main valley. "We didn't pet started any too soon," Harris said. "His liurse wasn't more than a hundred feet beyond the notch when he blew off and warned us not time for me to get cached and drop hlra as he topped the ridge." The girl's eyes suddenly riveted on a small round hole in the cantle of his saddle where the ball had entered. On the Inside and far to the left ex tremity of the cantle a ragged gash showed where It had passed out The ball had not missed his left hip to ex ceed an inch. She started her horse so suddenly that before he realised her purpose the was well In the lead and going at a dead run toward the mouth of the gulch where it opened out into .the main bottoms two hundred yards beyond, From the opposite slope riders were basing cows oat ot their respective draws. The running horse caught ev ery man's eyes as the girl careened out Into the center of the valley, rose In her stirrups and waved an arm In a circle shore her head. In five seconds riders were whirling In behind her from all directions as she headed for the wagon. She waved those already on the spot toward the rope corraL "Change horses I" she called, and as each man rode In he caught up a fresh horse. "Scatter out; some of you below where we came down, some above," she said. "Five hundred to the man that brings Morrow In." "It's no use, Billle," Harris coun seled mildly. "He's plum out of the country by now. Itl! be dark in three hours end ifi right choppy country over there." Waddlc.i Interposed and seconded her move. "Let 'em rip," he said. "There's Just a chance." Bangs was the first to change mounts. The boy's physical Qualifica tions were as sound as nib mental ability was limited and it was. his pride to have a string of mounts that included the worst horses In the lot He rode from the corral on Blue, hold ing the big roan steady, and headed up the ridge a mile below where Har iris and the girl had come down. Bile i Foster chose the ; next; ' five riders were but a few jumps behind. Harris ' narP ana rocxy, us crew a mase of ragged pinnacles. He chose the highest of these and dismounted to sweep the ran-e with his glasses. The high point afforded a view, -of .every ridge for miles. AfUjr perhaps .half an hoar Harris caught five horse men In the field of his glasses. They were riding taknot . . : V OH CONTINUED NEXT WEEK r..' ff, ; 4 THE 11 ii iVTY ".ulmuiIllumniiiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiitmiGR Quality : Service f for 26 Years We have served the public in the examina tion of the eyes, accu rate fitting and adjust ing of glasses for a pe riod of 26 years. Sat isfactory service at rea sonable prices has and is accounting for our success. Wa are now established In our new offices and thoroughly equipped for every phase of optom. etry service. i CHAS. H. HONESS OPTOMETRIST No. I Flat Iron Bldg. aMmiiiiiiiiiiiiimniiiiiiiiiiiiiiinni"aHihm!:i!iiiii5 From BELVA A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Gosnell and little niece, Mrs. Edison Cook and children, Mrs. Rob ert Waldroup and children, Mr. Rob ert Payne, Mr. Delmos Cook, Mr. Dennie Gentry, Mr. Emmfitt : Cook, Miss Florence Gosnell, Gertha Payne and Lela Cook went on a picnic to Newport, Tenn., Sunday and it was enjoyed by all. Miss Ethel Capps was the dinner guest of Miss Ruby Payne Sunday. The guests of Mr. and Mrs. Shelt Norton Knndav afternoon were Mrs. Alec Payne, Mrs. Edison Cook, Mr. Harrison Payne, Mr. uan jvuyaenaaii Miss Ruby Payne, Lela and Juanita Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Colwell and friends of Marshall. We are glad to have Mrs. Robert Wardrep and children of Maggie, N. C. back with us again. Miss Gertha Payne was the guest of Lela Cook Sunday. Mr. W. W. Williams is on the sick list now. Mr. Carl Kuykendall and Miss Flor ence Gosnell took in the show at Marshall Saturday. Miss Lela Cook and Gertha Payne called on Miss Mable Shelton Sunday. Mr. W. C. Cook was at Erwin, Tenn., Saturday on business. Mr. George Gentry got his arm badly cut last Friday evening while cutting wood. Mr. Dennie Gentry is doing some plowing for Wm. C. Cook. Little Bertha Shelton spent Sunday afternoon with little Juanita and Gwendolyne Cook. Mr. Robert and J. V. Kobards were here Z-ry'l?.-j evening. Mr. Oliver Norton called at Mr. Wm. C. Cook's Sunday evening. Mr. Euger.e Franklin passed thru heie Sunday. DONT suffer headaches, or any of those pains that Bayer Aspirin can end in a hurry I Physicians prescribe it and approve its free use, for it does not affect the heart Every drug gist has H, but don't fail to ask toe druggist for Baytr. And don't take any but the box that says Bayer, with the word gnmu printed in red: -' A J.ln la . - ma surk at ' From RICE COVE Miss Lisa Norton and brother were at Mrs. Tamrer: Chandler's Sunday for dinner. v- ;"":"'',; r Mrs. Vesta Chandler was the guest of Miss Lisa Norton Sunday ; after noon. V. -.-? -.' f . j - '. i a - Mrs. Dorothy Norton and her hus- iband were the guests of Mr. James Chandler Sunday. : - i Miss Lida Chandler was the guest of Mrs. H. C Bice Sunday. : W. A. SAMS Physician and ourreou Oltice Front Room 0?er Citizen Ban!c. v,1- Hvtvt.nvrnnn From BIG, LAUREL Rev. N. H.. Griffin delivered a splendid- sermon Saturday and also Rev. Henry Rice, Sunday afternoon. There was a large crowd present on Sunday evening. . Mr. N. H. Wilds is not any better at this writing. Mr. and Mrs,, Ernest Rice visited homefolks Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Ernest Capps was the guest of Miss Thelma Rice Sunday evening. Miss Leoda Holland took dinner with Miss Jimmy and Hattie Crowe Sunday. Mr. Tuba and Audie Norton were the guests of Misses Carrie and Katy Lewis Sunday. Prayer meeting is getting along fine. Several attend but there could, be more come out and take an inter est in the work. Mr. Rhea Bishop was the guest of Miss Linnie Wilds Sunday. Mr. Barnum Lewis spent Saturday night with Mr. Hubert Roberts. Macole Holland was the guest of Miss Jimmie Crowe Sunday. Miss Frances Crafton, Home Dem onstration Agent, will not meet her clubs the week of April 22nd, as it will be necessary to be with Mrs. Sarah -Porter Ellis, District Home Demonstration Agent, who will be in the County scoring the yards for the Yard Improvement Campaign, but these clubs will be met at their next regular meeting. TAXI SERVICE Open and closed ears. Better serv ice. Prices are right Phone, write or telegraph S. B. FERGUSON tf. Phone 68. From ALEXANDER We are having a good S. S. at French Broad now. The attendance is increasing. It is the largest now that it has been for some time. Everyone is cordially invited and we hope you will come. The singing school is still going on and is making a great improvement in the choir. Mr. Charley Haney is, teaching ibe singing school. We are also glad to have Miss Ethel Johnson with us in the singing school and choir. We are sorry to hear of the illness of our leader, Mr. Claude Parris. Mr. Will Parris motored to Mar shall Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Buckner, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Silvers and Mr. Mc Clure White were visfitinig in the home of Mrs. Nanny Johnson Sun day night. They enjoyed the quartet music on the new Victrola. Mr. Coleman Johnson has purchas ed a new Ford coupe. He and Miss Lillian King motored to Alexander lliSt WGGiC. Mrs. Hattie Edwards had as her juest Sunday Mrs. Bessie Edwards nd familv. and Marv Johnson. Mr. Oscaf Henry got his car stolen in Asheville last week. As yet the sheriffs have not found it. Miss Lela Johnson spent the night with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Haney Satur day night Misses Nannie and Kitty Brown from Idaho are visiting in the com munity. We are glad to see them. They are planning to visit Spring Creek soon. Mrs. Etta Buckner visited Mrs. De lia Parris one day last week. Mr. Marion Buckner killed two snakes in Mrs. Johnson's yard last week. He shot both of them with one fire. Miss Virgie White went to Alex ander Monday. Mrs. Delia Parris has purcnasea a new sewing machine. Misses Mae Johnson and Ldiuan Parris are planting flower gardens.' Mr. Coleman Johnson motored-to Marshall Sunday. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Dor- sie Edwards is very ill. We .hope her a speedy recovery. (By Another Writer; Mrs. Delia Parris is on the sick list noiw. Hope she wall soon recover. Miss Lucy Davis visited Miss Ethel Johnson Saturday night. Miss Mae Johnson and Miss Lillian Parris were visiting Mrs. Etta Buck ner Monday afternoon. Mrs. Mae Sams spent baturaay night with Mrs. Hattie Edwards. Mr. Claude Parris went to ur. ,r- vin Parris' Monday. Mr. Wilbur Allman made a busi ness trip to Alexander Monday. Miss Katie Carter spent Thursday nite with Miss Lillian Parris. Miss Lela Johnson was visiting Mrs. Alice Buckner Monday afternoon. Mr. Claud Foster motored to Ashe ville Monday A. M. Mr. Guy West made a business trip to Alexander Monday. " iss Mae Johnson was shopping Monday. Mr. Will Parris has a nne aairy oi cows at this writing, 'r i .ii IN MEMORY OF Mrs. Jane Powlerj our ' dear grand mother who died March 80. 1929. Grandmother is gone and we will miss her, " " '' " She has crossed death's chilling tide. She has gone to meet her loved ones, And with Jesus to abide. .. . . ' i : But some day. we'll sco and see her, There will clasp glad hands once more When onr work on earth is over,! - We wiD meet on heaven's bright shore Oh, tia sad to part with grandmother, But our loss is heaven s gain, : Let us be prepared, to meet grandmo- ther -tl ?, In a land that's free from pain, , v We are waiting for the summons, That will call us to thst shore, V Where we'll meet -with dear grand- mother, ' " v r7 And we'll never part any more, i - Written by her granddaughter, y"- Geneva Brown. From LONG BRANCH The farmers of this place are Very bvv retting rep 'y to i con. 1 ' Ae-nrs i '.fp v " : V1 I Misses, Florence and Roxle Buckner Saturday evening. . Miss Florence Buckner and Agnes Bishop are at home now after spend ing nearly two weeks on Big Laurel. Mr. Collis Rice was visiting Mr. G. W, Buckner one day last week. Vr mil-.ai tT.m .t I mil I Sana Jo. Sams. Walter and Oscar Buckner were visiting Miss Ellen Keys Thurs- . .. , a 1 - day nigntana enjoyea some music. Miss Edna Sams was visiting Miss Agnes Bishop Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Hatten Hams spent tne nigm Thursday with Mr. Doyle Bishop. Mr Walter Buckner. Miss Jessie Lee Keys and Misses Cora Briggs, Rohenn Freeman took a hike to the mouth of Ivy Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Genrire Hunter were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Hunter Sunday. Miss Florence Buckner and nine Sister Ollie took dinner with Miss Agnes Bishop Sunday. Miss Leesta Tweed spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Roxie Buckner. Miss Agnes Bishop spent the night with Miss Florence Buckner Sunday. Come on folks with the news from Rice Cove and Revere. We like to hear from you all. THE RIGHT WAY TO TRAVEL is by train. The safest. Most com fortable. Most reliable. Costs less. Inquire of Ticket Agents regarding greatly reduced fares for short trips. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM When a woman aroes visiting noth ing hurts her so much as her inabili ty to impress upon her hostess the idea that she is used to something better at home. From MOUNT ZION We are having a good Sunday School at Mt Zion, and are thankful that it got started again, and we invite all good preachers who preach the Bible and work in Sunday School to visit Mt Zion church. We need more good preaching at our church Everybody that belongs to God is my brother and sister in Christ Jesus, and everybody pray for one another that our work may be stronger in the last while to come than it has in time pass ed that we might be a light to this world and helping somebody to get ready for the next world, for the Lord is going to call us all away sooner or later. We are thankful for the word that God left for His chil dren to go by. for every word that He left is true. I know this world has changed from the way it once was but God's word has not changed, nor the heaven has not changed, nor the way we have to go to God is not changed but if we are not careful we will not get hold of the way for we will let these poisons run away with us and that isn't pleasing to God. We must stay unspotted from the world and wat after our Saviour. We cannot serve two masters. We will either hate one and love the other. If we love Him keep His com mandments. We kndw that all is ready, will go when Jesus comes. We know that it is a clean life to go to Jesus. Except we serve Him in this world, we will be cast off in darkness. He meant for His children o be a help to get the world saved. He did not mean to, have us here forever. He meant to gather us all up again. All read the Bible and love the word and love one another, and love Jesus our Saviour. It will be so good to get to go to heaven when we leave this old world. Our friends that are gone, if we don't meet them all, we will meet our Saviour, and meet Him face to face. Be careful, all you wicked peo- will be a dark road to travel after you leave .this; world. Mrs. Jane A. Baldwin. Vh en or tv t j umaren w felt I'.i. V?l3 iJ fejtaxotijo ymtr car eaanei prevent them. But yea MW pa prsparwu, xw yn n no y lay expsrkii''d 'anree would' do what teas nhvBkjLba- Wvi.'.J Uil you to do live a few drops el t.U jCMoriaw' Ke Mar done than Baby la soothd relief taataaBaXtertt raoments. let 3 i bare Md your child without use of a s ""i Isubtfol drug; Caatoria is vpet&ul. o H's to no as often a an infant Us any i.i.Ue pain you eaanot pat away lad, it's always ready for the .cruelt ; tangs of eolie, or constipation, or dia . thee; effective, too, for older childra fwonly vo milium bottle w oj) ) v- :.v. - i Marshall, N. C.J f Apr, 19, 1920, MS" '3 n, OLD FOLKS SAY DR. CALDWELL WAS RIGHT The basis of treating siaknees has not changed since Dr. Caldwell left Medical Ob liege in 1875, nor since he placed on the market the laxative presqription he bad used in his practice. He treated constipation, biliousness, headaches, mental depression, indigestion,' sour stomach and other indispositions entirely by means of simple vegetable axativea. nerna ana roots, idcm still the basis of Dr. Caldwell's S; Penain. a combination of senna ai other mild herbs, with neosin. The simpler the remedy for constipa tion, the safer for the child and for you. And as vou can set result in a mild and safe way by using Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, wny teae eaancee wins strong drugs t A bottle will last several months, and all eaa use it. It Is pleasant ,to the taste,' gentle in action, and free from narcotics,.' Elderly people find it ideal. All drug stores have the generous bottle. er wrm bttw - apsin, - p- is, for free sna b bottle From GttAND VIEW . .vnil,fl fn receive the news this morning that Mr. Grant Ward of Long Branch was instantly killed Sunday afternoon. -Ha has many friends m wis commu,. . extend our sympathy to the bereaved nThose that attended the baptizing nr i.i,riii Sunday afternoon from this place were Mr. and Mrs. j. G. Reese, Mr. ana mrs. k,. . nette, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Reese, w ' j i I M Allman. Mr. J. H. Ensley, Misses Grace Reese, Lillian Connor, Stella Rice and Bonnie Ens- 1V Miss Lucy Reese took dinner with Misses Clara and Blanche McDans Sunday. . . ... m j tAr-a j T. Rice and chu- Xfii, aim dren were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jess Bishop Sunday. T.iiiinn fonnor was the dinner guest of Miss Stella Rice Sunday. Miss fjrace Reese had as her dinner" ' guest Sunday Miss Oeneil mcuaris. Mr. Dave Deal and daughter, May oma, of Long Branch, took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McDaris Sunday. , , ... Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Rice and chil dren of Burnsville Hill were visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Rice Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Reese and chil dren of New Bridge, were visiting Mr. Reese's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Reese Sunday afternoon. Miss Lillian Connor has returned home after spending severfal days with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Deal of Walnut Creek. She reported a de lightful time. k av Mr. Jonah Rice is visiting his broth ers, Messrs. Kelly and Curtis Rice, of Burnsville Hill. ' ;r , . Mr. Ezra Burnett left recently for Detroit, Mich. He is greatly missed in this community. We wish him a delightful trip. Mr. Winston McGallaird was out horseback riding Sunday afternoon. IN LOVING MEMORY Of our dear brother, Little James Smith who departed this life June 11, 1929. Our dear brother he is dead and gone, He has crossed that hhssful shore, He's gone to dwell with loved ones : gone on before, ' His vacant chair is empty, no one can all Mm nlaM 4 . .. . We no more hear the patter of his lit tle feet or See nis smiling iace. But I hope to meet dear oroiner in heaven, (Iiim mnm ana his smilinir face. The angel came, and brother, you have earned a starry crown, Brother has gone and left us, he lived with us? years 6 days, . No one can tell how we do mass little J brother, .-v.; ; ' ? But he is on that bright shore beckon- - ing us to come, ; . r To that happy land where I hope Friends may think we have forgotten' Dear brother,' when at times they see . ir us -.smile, - , , " ' No one knows the heartache that our miles hide all the while. 1 ': nr brother. I am cominer. Vnwrtt vnn art I aoorji shall be. When the Saviour says "us nnisnea,v , And death shall set us free. rnf lu,r una tsfjmf la monrn their " idksj bat i if esl that our loss is heav-, n'a sTWins .ti sweet to think wa , will Ajljneet upyonder after a little while. I hope to meet you dear tro- ' ther" with a loving glorious smile. ' But oh, how sad it is to give up dear brother, no one' can ever tell' the dear Saviour just loaned, him to ns for just little while. 'He-lived with us just seven years and 6 days. No one knows how he-suffered for ; 15 days but he has gone to dwell with Jesus where there , will be no -more suffering, no more heartaches, . no more pain. He is waiting up yon- -der for ns all. I want to be ready, when death comes to say welcome death, I am ready to meet thee." ' -j- -y Written by his sister - " JT Eettie Smith, Paint Rock, N. CA yrtiHLT