'X ... ' - -A 5 vi; THE MLWS-RECORD MADISON COUNTY RECORD S Established June 28, 1901. FRENCH BROAD NEWS t Established May 16. 1907. ' Con.olid.Ld NoTmbr,, 1011 1 PRICE A YEAR s - i i ' I" .1 i i' i i .i- . r-v'y VThe PROGRESSIVE FARMER I BOTH A YEAR FOR j$L.UO :.,y::U Oty ; ','. . '' ; -i. li'i. Iff I I i T : I iv lil i -.11 1 THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN MADISON COUNTY VOL. XXI ' i? MARSHALL, N. C, FRIDAYj JWE281929 8 Pages This Week 1300 ' .l SEVEN YEAR OLD MADISON BOY KILLS TWELVE YEAR OLD GIRL Father' Shotfun, Playfully Turned On Companion, It Discharged GIRL DIES INSTANTLY Cleophus Graves, 7 years old, shot and killed Ruby Shetley, 12 at the former's home, 14 miles from Hot Springs, last Friday, it was learned in Hot Springs Saturday. The little boy apparently in jest, stuck the muzzle of his father's shot gun into the face of Ruby's 14-year-old brother, it was said. When the brother, becoming frightened, struck the barrel of the gun, in order to pro tect himself, it was discharged, and the entire fire took effect in the mouth of the little girl. She died instantly. Since the shooting was clearly ac cidental, no investigation was deem ed necessary, Madison County au thorities announce Saturday. The tragedy occurred near Bluff, in an isolated and mountainous sec tion of Madison. The Shetley chil dren had been to a point near the Graves home to carry lunch to their father, Nick Shetley, and had stop ped at the Graves home on their re turn. The Graves child is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Graves. Rnt.h families are well known in the Meadowfork section of Madison County in which they live. Coolidge on President's "Appalling Burden" An "appalling burden" is borne by a President of the United States, ac cording to Calvin Coolidge, whose latest article, "What It Means To Be President," appears in the American Magazine. Coolidge declares that a "power so vast in its implications has ever been coferred upon anv rul ing sovereign." The duties of the President, Cool idge continues, are described in a few brief paragraphs of the Consti tution, but each year brings occas ions upon which the chief executive must assume additional power. For example, Coolodge points out- that when-Jefferson -waafaed with the Louisiana Purchase, he doubted that the Constitution gave him authority to add to the territory of the Nation. Highest authorities, however, con firmed his pqaer and since that time similar weighty problems have arisen with the result that new presidential powers were created. While the former President does not minimize the value of his advis ors, he declares that the chief execu tive's decision must be final and that while the mistakes of others may be corrected, those of the President are irreparable. This constitutes the, ap- i palling burden of . his office, he adds, j In addition to the rigorous official duties, which required fifteen hours a day of Coolidge's time, iocai bur dens were almost equally heavy and, aside from the formal social affairs, he was daily obliged to meet scores of casual visitors. One day he shook hands iwith 1,900 persons in thirty four minutes. "Instead of a burden, it was a pleasure and a relief to meet people in that way and listen to their greetings," he concludes. FRENCH BROAD MEETING OF W. M. U. TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, JfJLY" 2 The French Broad Associational Meeting of the Woman's Missionary Union of the Baptist churches (will be held at Madison .Seminary church on Tuesday, July 2. This annual meeting will open at 9:45. A resume of the program follows: Devotional Mrs. Cora Allison Welcome Mrs. Al Bryan Response . Mrs. Polk Bryan Reports Address 'Mrs. Edna R. Harris, of Raleigh, N. C. Keeping Faith with our Pledges to the Centennial Education Fund Dr. J. H. Hutchins Luncheon Report of Young People's Leader - Mrs. H. L. Smith Winning our Young Peo ple Miss Pearl Tweed, of Weaverville Co-Operative Program Mis3 Delia Huggins W. M. U. Specials Mrs. E. R. Harris Conference on Personal Service Led by Mrs. W. F. Robinson Reports from Extension Work Closing Devotional The meeting will be full of sug gestions for carrying on the work in the association. All members of the W. M. U. are ur.gled to attend and to bring from their . local societies ev ery member possible. Churches who are not already fostering these soci eties are especially requested to send representatives to this all-day pro gram. MRS. E. R. ELMORE, Sec'y. TONSIL CLMC A Tonsil and Adenoid Clinic, by the State Board of Health, will be held July 9-10-11-12 for children be tween 6 and 12 inclusive at the High School building in Marshall. The cost of operation 512.50, Put total Parents may stay with child dur ing this time, at the school building. Miss Cora Beam, who did inspec tion here last year of school children in fhe County, is here now in con nection with the Clinic. : THE PUBLISHER'S; COLUMN : ABOUT5VARIOUS MATTERS : .?('' i"' VV VACATION TIME iW'-J $' Summer has at last coma Tfcfteirja Veyy cool and wet spring and many people are taking their gn$m'ir tatiojlB. But a newspaper cannot vacate. Like eating and fehwaahdng, as Boon as over one time, another is ready to be started agln-noff nd to it. Members of the force may at times snatch a changpr rest by calling in supplies but the paper must come out one way or another every time. For the last few weeks this publisher has been taking a Vacation from his usual column and we wonder how many of oucjreaders have missed it. Only two or three have spoken of it. But Mkrpeopla; Jfail, to express appreciation of the wonderful programs funiisnedluB free these days over radio, it is human nature to neglect doinj&'aijd saying Ynany little things that would make life more pleasant, we fonder if one person in fifty who enjoys radio ever takes the time, to sit down and write saying that it was enjoyed, and all this in spite $f ,th constant appeal of the announc ers to their hearers to respond.''-3?rechers often go home heart sick after doing their best in the pulpijfaniply because the members of their congregation failed to express tblr appreciation of the message, no matter how much they enjoyed it' f.-' 1 THAT SCHOOL INDEBTEDNESS; f In our last issue Dr. R. L.j!toare, thairman of the Board of Ed ucation of Madison County, gave Our readers some facts and figures in regard to the school indebtedness tf Madison County. He showed the seriousness of the situation and appealed to the readers of this paper to offer some remedy. We have-seen no remedy offered. If any one has the solution to the problem, we would like to have it for this paper. Certainly the Board has our sympathy in its struggle for the correct so lution of its problems. . . , SOME STRANGE FACTS f If Marshall had no newspaper,; the business men would come to gether and promise to give it all its printing and help support the paper by subscriptions to the paper and promise many things to induce some one to start a paper. Now that the paper is going, many of them seem to forget that the paper needs their support and quite a number do not hesitate to send their job printing orders out of town work that could be done just as well and at equally low prices on the average at home. This is true not only in Marshall,, but'also in almost every town. Why is this? , . -: . REVIVAL NOW IN PROGRESS AT MARSHALL METHODIST CHURCH A revival is now in progress at the Marshall Methodist church, of which Rev. J. C. Umberger is pastor. He is be ing assisted in the meeting by Evangelist Harry S. Allen, who is doing the preaching, and Rev. L. J. Derk, also an evan gelist', is leading the singing and otherwise assisting in the services. The ioiiowing rel ative to the visiting ministers and the revival has been fur nished this paper: Madison County Report Of Agriculture, Week Ending June 15, 1929 By Earle Brintnall College Degree Given For Dishwashing Dishwashing, which, like the weath ' er has long 'been one of those things about which everybody complains but does nothing, has at last been digni fied as a college course. The Uni versity of Chicago has awarded a degree to a young woman who made an intensive study of the subject and established the first dishwashing re cord ever set up. The most important discovery made by the young lady who won a Mas ter of Arts degree with a dish towel, is that washing dishes uffice instead of three times a day is a labor saving scheme for a housewife. Choosing the subject of dishwashing as a spe cialty, the student planned a six months experiment. During all that time she washed dishes assidiously. She had two helpers, but not of the common kitchen variety. Instead of a towel, one held a stop watch and the other counted every movement made, from the eleanng of the table Robert W. Shoffner reported for ork on Monday morning acting as assistant county agent for a period. We are favorably impressed. The greater part of the week has been used in driving for those interested in raising funds for the warehouse to see the farmers. A part of the time has been used in arranging with others for a canvas of different sec tions of the county. Saturday a meeting was held in the county agent's office and plans for the ware house were discussed. It is proposed to give these plans to contractors for them to use in giving bids on the building. To date $6,500.00 is avail able. .Monday and Tuesday of this week I visited the farms of W. O. Rector, J. J. Keys, and J. E. Carter. I cut and weighed one square rod of the clover demonstration plots on each farm. These plots were supplied I nth lime and then seeded with clover. Each farmer had seeded this land before but failed to get any clover. The lime was supplied at the following rates: Plot one had 8000 pounds of lime per acre; plot two had 2000 pounds of lime per acre: plot three had 1000 pounds per a:re; plot four was a checkjlot with no lime. The amount of clover iron eacn plot was as follows: 3000 pound plot yielded 4250 pounds of clover; 2000 pound plot yield 2440 pounds per acre; 1000 pound plot yield 2240 pounds per acre ; check plot with no lime yield 2630 pounds per acre. ' These results are the average from the three farms on the demonstration plots. The check plot of each farm showed very little clover and some ";' htve set up high attainments in life, uvea to NEW IDEA IN i I uyi v u 10 is vi. v x v. Qlf VQf'R APF.RS' each generation who have Tf Cvisee their highest aspirations become , ' -'i accomplishments. Vision, ambition, When Wilbur P. Foshay was aand an ability to accomplish big youth of fifteen, he yisited-the cityiy,; coupled with an implicit faith of Washington witn ms lainer, ano. hjB country and hia community, felJUin..love wth thfi.renaynei Wa8h-jjy helped Mr. Foshay who is Pre ineton monument. He was struck with the possibility of some day e- of Minneapolis to make his dreams recting an office building incorpora- a reality." ting its unusual design, great beauty , Search at the Patent Office has and dignity. failed to disclose any record of any As the years passed, marking the structure of similar design or type ung Foshay's rise to a position of t0 th;8 Xqer. and its builder has therrfore filed five applications for patents covering its unique features. A resolute man 1s often found to be remarkably shy on resolutions. The dinner gong and the dinner I'ir.g are not always synonymous. Originality: Doing what some oth er fellow did so long ago that peo ple have forgotten all about it. favors young great importance in the world of A merican business, he was never so busy as to lose sight of this inspira tion, and from time to time he con tinued to study and visualize the pos sibilities of such a building. The realization of his dream has come at last, with the completion of the 32-story Foshay tower in Minne apolis. The story of this remarkable new idea in skyscraper construction has just been recorded in an address by Irwin L. House of Ntu- York, at a meeting of the Association of Ar chitects in Washington. "Never before," said Mr. House, "has modern architecture used the sloping sides design in building con- : Lots of pepole make a specialty of struction. Yet its advantages are pouring ice water on enthusiasm, obvious, particularly from the view-: point of lighting, beauty and simpli- ! If there is any pig in a man's na city. The Foshay Tower surpasses tire it is sure to crop out when he any building in the world in efficiency ; travels, in providing an abundance of natural ' light and fresh air. and in freedom Some men give their friends sure- from street noises and dirt. thihg tins on the DrinciDle that mis- "Minneapolis has provided us with erv loves company. a revolutionary idea in architecture, : through this central and monumental Qualities that make a man feel su feature of the most beautifully de- acquaintances to rate him as inferior, corated city in America. Many men still be a thief. When some men do you : they never let you forget it. The greatest blessing that can come to any town or community is a great revival of religion. Roger Babson, the great business expert, speaking before a Chamber of Commerce in a large southern city some time ago, told the representa tive business men that the greatest need of America today is a turning to God on the part of the people and an old fashioned revival of religion, where the people repent before God and get right with Him. A united effort on the part of the churches and preachers and people of Marshall is being made to this end at the present time. The; er?lfte are being held each day tiT th6 Methodist church at 10 a. m. and 8 p. m. The interest and attendance to begin with has been encouraging but it is hoped and expected as the ser vices continue that both will increase and all the people of Marshall and surrounding country will take part in making this one of the greatest seasons of revival effort ever realiz ed here. 'Evangelist Harry S. Allen has just closed a great revival at Sulphur Springs, Texas where nearly a hun dred professed conversion and ap plied for church membership. " At the conclusion of tbft. meeting the following 'resolutions were sign ed and given , him testifying to the good accomplished and impressions made by his ministry. Sulphur Springs, Tex. June 17. 1929 The entire membership of the Board of Steward sof the First Meth odist church desiire to express their sincere appreciation of the great work and meeting that Evangelist Harry S. Allen has done for this church. We do not know of a more zeal ous, hard-working or deeply spiritu al evangelist than Harry S. Allen. We have had a great meeting and one that will be of lasting good to the church and community. In this day of commercialism it is truly refreshing to meet a man who convinces you from the beginning that he puts God first in everything. Signed by the Chairman and secre tary of the Board of Stewards. At Cocoa, Florida, where the E vangelist conducted a union revival, the Pastor of the Presbyterian church Dr. Chas. E. Bovard, said: I want to say that your mission here has been a great blessing to the iwhole community. Your servic es were conducted in a dignified man ner, at all times honoring, waiting work. The singer Mr. L. J. Derk, also comes highly recommended as a man of deep piety and he will render a great service in leading the music and as a soul winner. It is earnestly desired and urged that all the people of the city and county will avail themselves of the opportunity of attending the services and taking a part in the meeting. HOT SPRINGS LIME PLANT TO BE MOVED The G. C. Buquo Lime Company, subsidiary of the American Agricul tural and Chemical Company, has sold its factory in Hot Springs, and the plant will be dismantled by the purchasers, the American Zinc Com pany, and moved to Mascot, Tenn., it was learned in Hot Springs Satur day. The removal of the plant comes as a keen disappointment to Hot Springs business men. Employing a bout 40 or 50 men it has been the only industrial enterprice in western Madison County. The High Cost Of Overproduction The terriffic penalty which the far mer pays for overproduction has been clearly shown in figures prepared by C. B. Dedman, President of the Na tional Livestock Producers Associa tion. Mr. Denman is the originator of a new scheme of stabilizing live stock prices, which he sets forth in the current issue of Farm and Fire side, national farm magazine. I Touching on over-production, Mr. Denman shows that during 1928 the American farmer sold 50,000,000 hogs. In 1926, he sold only 40,000, 000. But the ,1928 hog crop brought farmers $140,000,000 less than, the 1926 crop. The farmer paid a migh ty high penaltyJor over-production,. This situation is of enormous im portance to national prosperity, be cause live-stock provides the only market for the country's most exten sive and valuable crop grass, hay and forage. And it provides the only outlet for 85 per .cent of the Nation's corn, the most widely grown and val uable cereal product. Mr. Denman's plan of stabilization is summed up as follows in his own i.vords: "Suppose that by agreement the price of the principal grade of 200 pound hogs had been determined at twelve and one-half cents a Dound. the 1926 average price, and that for 230 pound hogs only nine and one half cents, the 1928 average, would be paid. Thus the producer of the twelve and one-half .cent desirable hog would get twenty-five dollars a head. The fellow who insisted on 'over producing' a 230 pound hog would get twenty-one dollars, less money by, four dollars, and nothing at all for the corn and labor to make the urA anted extra thirty pounds." It is obvious that the price should be stabilized at a point low enough to induce the consumer to buy freely. Too high a price would create resent ment and nerhaps wreck the plan. But at no Drice should the nrire hav upon and seeking the direction of to be too low to assure a decent pro fit to the efficient producer. to the final putting away of the last fork, according to the Woman's Home Companion, which tells of the ex-ino clover, but the leeds were very periment. v 1- I winy more in the check plots. This j Various types of soap and methods i is the reason for the heavy weights , or rinsing and drying srere tested, .but the most interesting conclusions had to do with the organization of the -work. It appeared that the quickest plan was to stack the. dishes for. three meals and do them all up in one ope- '. ration just before lunch. - Thus the day's dishes for a family of four could ibe cleaned and all put away in twenty-two minutes and thirty-one seconds, using 1,015 motions. As against washing up three times a day, this saved 600 motions. v It was pointed out that the system if well organized, need not interfere faith the ancient ideal of a nett kit cherC so long cherished by famous housekeepers. ' .-j.H " " Never tell a man that his boy looks like his mother if he owes you money. on these plots. Saturday of this week was used to distribute some pure bred Wh'te Leg horn cockrels to some of the farmers who had Ordered them to mate their flocks with next year. The pure bred flocks are increasing all 'over the county. :- -'"'v';;V-.;r ;.; s CLINIC DIPORTANT ' The Tonsil and Adenoid Clinic to he held fr Marshal Jnv 9-10-11-12 at th Hh School builn is : nat ter, that the people of the County fthould take advantage of. It is very important for these troubles to be corrected as they way lead to other more serious trovbl". . J. N. MOORE, M. a 7r -V ' - -, f''itf4 : , - yx- ' - , s n - s rV s , - - - -i ? V'V "f.- : ' i S ' 1 ! i H i - I ' 1 : V Evangelist Harry S. Allen the Holy Spirit. In all of the trans actions and in all the relations in conducting the services and trans actions with the local pastors you showed the spirit of Christ. The of ferings and financing of the meeting was without the usual objections and a good feeling -was left after it was all over. I very .much appreciated your preaching which was plain and force ful, free from present-day contro versies or any oj the narrow views which over stress some subjects and neglect others, also that you had no pet hobby which found a place in ev ery sermpn. May God richly bless you in all your labor. At Onancock, Virginia where all the churches of the city went into a union tent revival the Pastor of the Baptist Church reported the revival as follows: The union revival services held un der the big tent have been successful in every way. ., The gospel from the lips of Evangelist Harry S. Allen flous into the open hearts of the vast throngs that come from a wide area. Last Sunday it is estimated that at least eleven hundred listeners crowd ed into the-tent while nine hu s ired more lined up on the outside cr sat in parked automobiles within range of the speaker's voice. The Evangelist has .held the atten tions, of his.fojlowers each'evening. His . sincerity his force of personal ity and his true gospel messages will be longi remembered here. He seems to hold his audiences spell bound at each service with a grip that perhaps no other preacher has held thenu ,' v ,t Signed, B. JF. ROBINSON, ; . -r-f . Pastor Baptist Church, ' "These are but a few of the hun dreds of strong endorsements the a vangelist has of . his ministry and Tinted Motion Pictures There is something new happening all the time in the moving picture in dustry, and one of the recent ac complishments has been the perfec tion of a new type of positive mo tion picture film which combines a clear sound track with a tinted pic ture area on one piece of film. The new manufacturing technique that has been devised makes the use of tinted stocks not only feasable, but practical. It frees the presentaion of high-class talking picture produc tion from a serious limitation, placed upon them by the advent of sound, and should prove a decided factor in the advancement of the art. It fur nishes an artifice which has long been employed for emphasizing dramatic effects and for giving the proper set tings for a wide variety of out-of-door scenes. It is no longer neces sary to print all sound-on-film pic tures on black and (white stock as the new positive tvne of motion picture film overcomes all previous troubles. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Children's day program twill be -held Sunday A. M..at the Presbyte rian church. There will be one ser vice only, beginning at 10:15 A. M. instead of 10 :00 A. M.r the usual Sunday School hour. Most people wouldn't want their own way if they couM have it a The palmist has no use for the man woh is afraid to show his hand. Our ideas of a modest man is one .who can keep his opinion of himself to himself. , 4 " 1