SECOND PAGE GRIT GRINDS Edited by COUNTY AGENT Let us grow clover and grass on the hill; While intensely the le Is and flats we till. The cows and hens wil settle our, daily bill; While the beeves, shoe and tobacco the coffers fill. And when orchard, ga den and sty the larder fill, Then, with a smile, wil Mary greet her Bill. THE FARMERS WAREHOUSE The subscriptions to the building fund for the Farmers Warehouse con tinue to swell. At this time approx imately $8,000 is available; $2,000 more is needed. Every farmer m Madison County should be interested in this building. The company will be incorporated under the North Car Kna atMtP laws and will issue certi- stand that the rate of payment is $2.05 per 100 pounds of 4 milk. This is at the rate of 51 cents per pound butter fat. The hauling charge is 30c per hundred pounds of milk. For if,' milk this would be at the rate of 7V4c per pound fat, leaving a net payment to the produc er of 43a.ic ner nound butter f t. This Drice will of course vary with He 'vnll be used on a select bunch of pullets. MORE LIME, MORE CLOVER-This also means more corn. The yields of clover on two more lime and clo ver plots were secured .during the past week. On the Allen Bros, farm Mars Hill, R. 1. the plot receiving no lime yielded at the rate of 832Q lb s. to the acre, most of which was grass. The 1,000 lb. plot yielded at the rate of 5600 lbs; the 2,000 lb. plot at the rate of 8800 lbs. and the 8,000 lb. plot at the rate of 10,080 lbs. This is of course green weight. There would have to be a correction made for the cured weight On Zeb Whitt's farm the results secured by the use ot limestone are still more outstanding. On this farm, the 'No Lime' yielded but 1600 lbs. to the acre; the 1,000 lb. plot, 6600 pounds to the acre; the 2,000 lb. njot, 10400 lbs. to the acre; and the 3.C00 lb. plot 13,600 lbs. fo the a cre. The use of 1,000 lbs. of limestone secured an increase of 3,140 lbs. of grass. 2,000 lbs. of limestone se cured an increase of 7140 lbs. of grass, or 3570 lbs. per 1,000 lbs. of .1.000 lbs. of limestone spiMivrt n increase of 9380 lbs. of cf fnr nil atnrk. It will Of a laabs j-wt - , , cooperative concern Hnv u, hl, intn,sted in learn holder Will nave one vuie in cm"f, j T " , ho ,nmmittPe. which com- ling hcv this price compares with This price wil ot course vary witn ft xfiQQ of th, season, being h.gher in the win- f "p J Considering that the same er. . e t. nA et macc amount oi juiullai sppi wns used on each plot the mittee will have charge of the busi ness for their tenure ot ottice. The past season there has been over $11,000 worth of fertilizer sold thru the present warehouse. This amount of business has saved the farmers of the county a very sub stantial sum. Figure it yourself. There has been :!SS0 bags of l'ertiliz- o h . W hat would ine price nave been in comparison with the selling , en.-, i"w-i i ,.!,.,. fhis vonr hu.l ilie farmers not the skimnntk been doing business? that paid for cream. The cream prions at the same late were 43c per pound butter fat. This is ?i cent less than the whole milk price but the -kimmilk is kent at home for f-.-cding purposis. Kor every pound of fa; there will he left, in 4'; milk, 21 pounds of skinimilk. This is ! .onh from "0c to !j 1 per hundred j pounds ns m IV'.d, highest for chi.k- . ii iu-.-. 1'ronerlv used Mould add a valiK1 of lc to 2L'e to everv pound of fat .1,000 lb s. profitable. of limestone was most THE RIGHT WAY TO TRAVEL is by train. The safest. Most com fortable. Most reliable. Costs less. Jnquire of Ticket Agents' regarding greatly reduced fares for short trips. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM ! from 4'. :n ilk. Using the same rate, MADISON FLOCK AT THE TOP ; there would be a value of 8c to Mrs. T. A. Woouv's flock of White M per pound fat added with 5 , Leghorns topped 'the records of 41 ! m'lk. This is worth consideration, flocks reporting during May. Mrs. ! We are glad that ( nurch Bros. Woodv's flock averaged 25 eggs per ; have given the Spring Creek citizens hen. 'The next highest flock was i this opportunity. V e hope that these very close. 24 eggs per hen tor trie month. Mrs. Woody's flock averag ed a return of 38c per bird above the feed cost. We consider this an honor. While other flocks received a greater a mount for their eggs per bird this Iwas because of a higher selling price for the eggs. Mrs. Woody's flock laid more eggs and the feed cost was held down to make a large profit. CHURCH BROS. HAUL MILK Church Bros, of Hot Springs have started gathering whole milk on Spring Creek and hauling it to the Pet Condensary at Greeneville. From a load of 7 cans on Monday, June 10th, they have increased their daily load to 17 cans on Thursday, June 20th. This truck should be loaded down ! folks A ill make the most of it and make it possible to continue the route. A LOT OF GOOD CHICKENS Mr. Shoffner purchased from the Valley View poultry farm, Asheville, 320 Standard Bred White Leghorns during the past week. These are all pullets, 4 to 7 weeks of age. They are quality stuff. Because of sick ness the Valley View farm is selling out. M. M. Davis secured 120; Mrs. T. A. Woody, 100; W. O. Rector, 50; and J. N. Ramsey, 50. These pullets will make a valuable addition to the Leghorn flocks of the County. Emmet Davis, who has a nice bunch of White Leghorn pullets, has al-o bargained for a cock bird from the Valley View farm. This bird is from pedigreed stock, with a good HOME DEMONSTRA TION WORK 1 Ilia Li ucrv suu uiu uc iuhucu uuvvu , , i by the citizens of the Spring Creek egg record behind him, and was pur section every morning. We under- I chased at a cost ef ?-15 originally. The first Achievement Day of the Home Demonstration Clubs of Mad ison County was held Tuesday, June 25th, at the high school building in Marshall. This iwas an achievement day of the clubs takintr clothing work. There were 0 clubs to compete in the program of the day which proved to be very interesting. There were a loiinrl 125 uresent in spite of the in cessant rain during the day. The main feature of the day was the dress contest at 11 o'clock. There were 20 beautifully made dresses entered in the contest. These dresses had been made from the pat terns the clubs have been working on this year. The style and design were purely original with each con testant. They had taken their plain muslin pattern and created some very original, interesting, well fitting and stylish costumes. These dresses showed that quite a bit of interest has been shown in the work of the '!ubs during the seven months the II i s : 1 1 I ? Os- Oofoi XK'CW s 'y I . sssssssssj X ritefor v . ," further J" I- information BUILDERS SUPPLY CO. .J " . : - MARSHALL, N. C-'f i - - . . v - ' - : ' " ' 1 ' VOLUIJTIiSIl' .: : "l TcroxA:n)Ct:nzrrCa JlnoxtlZe, Venn.i ' i FloHillffelfQuicHpr work, has been done in the county. Thoro mora 90 HrpsspH in the contest. these dresses averaged less than $2.00 each. They were made of tne best cotton materials. The type dresses entered were housedresses, afternoon dresses and street dresses. The U. S. Government score .card was used. They were scored on purpose, color, appearance iworkman ship, neatr.9S cleannesa, presl'nR and style and design. The judges were Mrs. Sarah Por ter Ellis District Home Demonstra tion Agent, Asheville, N. C, Miss A- da waiKer, nome uemuiumuuu - gent HendersonvHie, jn. ana mioa a r.onn Doiaat P.nnntv nnd Citv mill uciiavii a w.wv " V Nutritional Specialist of Buncombe County and the city 01 Asnevme. Mrs. Ellis awarded tne prizes. The judges did not complete the judging of the frocks until in the af ternoon. It required quite a bit of discrimination of the dresses due to the well designed and good technique of the .costumes. Thod.' receiving prizes were: Mrs. Edwiin Jarvis of California Creek, first; Mrs. G. W. r",.kt r, Hot Snrinirs. second: Mrs. Lee Ramsey of Enon, third! Mrs. Plumer Bryan of Hot Springs fourth. Those entering the contest were as follows: Mrs. Edwin Jarvis, Califor nia Creek; Mrs. Oscar Brooks. Hot j Springs; Mrs. G. W. Corbett, Hot, Springs; Mrs. Plumer Bryan, Hot Springs; Mrs. Lee Ramsey, Enon; Mr J. E. Rice. Knon; Mrs. O. L. I Rice. Enon; Mrs. Polk Bryan, Enon; ; Mr." Lloyd Honeycutt, Vrs. Frank Honevcutt. Mrs. Cecil McDevitt and Mrs A. T. Anz all of Walnut: Miss kellie Carter, liiss Beatrice Fisher, and Miss Clara Merrill, all of Pio- nter; Mrs. Arda Ledfotd, Mrs. Gen eral Ledford, Mrs. R. W. Kent, and ; Miss Marv Morris, all of Little line;, and Mrs". E. B. Banks, of White Rock. , I The clubs wish to take the oppor tunity to publicly thank the clothing merchants of the city for so gener- , ouslv giving the following prt.f?s: . Mr E. R. Tweed & Co., first prize $5.00 pair of shoes and $1.50 pair of silk hose; Mr- P. V. Rector, second prizs $5.00 gold piece; Mr. G. L,. McKinnev. third prize a nice house dress; and Mr. J. N. West, tounn prize $2.00 in merchandise. Miss j Edna Rice played me mm... -stvle show. . . , 'The afternoon program consisted of a very cordial welcome address to the city of Marshall by the Mayor, Mr. Carl Stuart. Mrs. Jane S. Mc Kimmon was the principal speaker for the program. Mrs. McKunmon is assistant State Director of fcxten- - nronose in our hearts; let -nr i, M-a McKimmon spoKe ! tr .. . ic sion -L .-, j :US give not eipwung m rtccHe. on the relationship of the family ana . Qur money expecting cakes the duty of the woman in ln""'"eJ ! ,walks and cakes or anything in lieu Shi stressed trauning the children mnnp it Wni not nlease God. wisely and making a business or Jf u preacher is truly called homemakingi. Every woman shou d , 'ch we ho he wil, fin that l - . ;n.i tnr hnsiness as a man is t nr. j nAUaA uk li - i caning, trained for his business. preachers m, ttotIb Rrintnall srave a very i v , much enjoyed vocal solo, aecomp- readers anied by Mrs. Gage. Miss Edna Rice . . ... i n Til Q II A I concluded the program v solo. , . , The cake contest was held over un til the next day, 26 cakes being en ij Wo .wish to thank the toi- lowing Marshall people for so gen- Keep On the Right Trac!t i I Having a BANK ACCOUNUT and feeding it often i being on the track which leads to success. Bees have honey in their hives dur ing the winter because they put hon ey into their hives during the summer. Start saving regularly now We invite YOUR BANKING business NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPOSITORY THvaer sW....M ""I V I HAVE MONEY! THE BANK OF FRENCH BROAD "Home of The Thrifty" Marshall, North Carolina Tsmuvi HAVEMONEYt pers or cake walks. It says, let us We need more God-called With love to all the News-Record E. S. MORGAN. From BELVA Mrs. A. A. Payne spent Sunday at Mrs. Wm. Cook's. iMVs. Edison Cook spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Theodore Thom as. Miss Ruby Payne spent Thursday afternoon with Lela Cook. Mrs. Shelt Norton and son and ilnno-htor Mr. Frank Curshilll and I Miss Irene Gentry visited Mrs. Alex. rayne saiuraay evening. FROM POLLY'S BRANCH Mr. Jack Sprinkle filled his ap pointment at Bethel Sunday. Mrs. John Dodd is making her home at Mr. George Allen's at this place. Mr Willip DnrlH and familv soent ! Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. T V.. - J J hv Pavne. Ethel Caons. l0WiT and Viola Cook 1 ft Li Mrs. E R. Tweed, Mrs. Monday to attend the Young Peoples n i i 1:107. i i ill ii l f i t line ni. iiui ngviiici Geo. L. McKinney .irs " - T, M-e pK I .Inhn Dodd. rramfandM Maudg Pe, M, m.lid ' King Gertna ! Mr. and Mrs. Willard Franklin 'wifh'To thank the judges, Mrs. . Payne,' ArMe Shelton, Cook, Les- ! spent Saturday and I Sunday with her A J Ramsev. Cook and Mable Shelton were oui momei, jus. uoiucu iu u.u and Mrs C. D. Bowman. j riding Sunday. The County Council is very grate- ; Mr. Fred Payne was the guest of rl (n Sheriff R R. Ramsey for his Miss Mary Gosnell Sunday, untiring efforts in auctioneering the j Eugene Franklin and Miss Cather cake sale Wednesday evening at the ine Ramsey of Walnut Gap were Pmirt Hnnse The cakes brought here Sunday. iTn Some of the callers at the home of rAMPThe eirls club encampment Mr. and Mrs. Alex Payne Sunday will be held July 15 instead of July night mere Emmett Thomas Arhe 8 as planned as the camp will not Shelton Hilliard and Bernard King, L lmnleterl for July 8 as planned. ' Denny Gentry, Elmer and Delmas The Tadison County Rlrls will camp ! Cook? Charley Williams Oliver Nor wich the, Hender-.ton, Lela and Juanita Cook, Nellie r,,i T?,iHiprfnrd counties. Further : Gosnell. ditaita " e cf:mpCwill be given at' Arthur Cook accompanied Gertha thecals schedule for next! Mr .Tell Cutshall, Miss Ruby Payne Scosrsrins Sunday afternoon The lolloping hLiicumc t:ih r.nntor mH ZaI ' o.nn Repch Glenn girls Gertha Payne attended the ball game Any man who works only for pay junijr -c; rirls nt Whit. Rock Sunday. seldom does nis Desi. Ttiaarlnvl I II OU e, - - Tuesday 1:30 Spring Cr. women Wednesday 9:00 Wa nut Krls Wednesday- 2 :00-Walnut women Thursday will not meet Cal. Friday 10:30 Little Pine girls Mr. SDurareo" Radford has moved (o his new home. Mrs. Harriett Griffin and daughter visited her daughter in Yancey Co. Mr. Zenas Allen was the guest of Miss Pansy Radford Sunday after noon. Mrs. Nola Robinson and children spending a few days on Califor nia Creek with the children's grand father. Mr. C. C. Gresrory preached at Ivy Gap Sunday night. Mrs. Cora Gregory visited Mrs. Naomi Scoggins Sunday. Mrs. Ella Wray visited Miss ueua From GRAPE VINE Mr R. O. West of this place is at work in the furniture plant at Asne ! ville. He was at home Saturday. , Mrs. L. H. Clark was visiting her daughter at Petersburg last aray Mrs. Charlie Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. E S. Morgan were visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cody Sunday evening. Mrs. Frank Morgan was visiting on Grapevine Sunday. . Mr George Wild who has been on the sick list is up and going again. i wan conducted ai Center school house Saturday nigh r named Sherman Ballard. He said his object was to raise money. We don't kno; how much money was raisea, dui..i- u. a it resulted m one aiu raise u ; ... young man getting tabbed with a knife and anoiner wugou fight was in the house while a cake nn. We have had ouite a number of good pieces writ- ten on tne vus oi '"K" ra the evil that grew out of their influ ence.: In an article written in the NewsJRecord a few months ago was sUted that a preacher was con ducting a box supper and that there was drinking and swearing. Now wath love and friendship to one and all, it we can't get money to build chorea houses without making a compromise with .. the devQ never. never build. What is,a church. It is not lumber of brick. It is a band of true Chris tian believers full of God's love, working together for the salvation of lost souls. God can't use a dollar that does not come from a pure heart. The Bible says nothing a- wt gPttirg money with' box sup- Celebrating the sale of a million Frigidaires The second National DEMONSTRATION of the Frigidaire "Cold Control" is now going on THE "Cold Control" la being shown in actual use. De licious frosen desserts are being, served. We're giving . sway souvenir book con taining recipes. .We're dis playing the "Million Model" ' Frigidaire . . . all porcelain enamel finish . . . priced at ' only $205 completely In stalled. And we're making a special offer to all who bay Frigidaire during this special demonstration. BP H .-.'fed H. E. ROBERTS Marshall N, C. v 134

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