! II, f 7 " Marshall, N. C, July 19, 1929 FOURTH PAGE THE NEWS-RECORD ? THE NEWS-RECOl, LANKFORD STORY, Editor. H. L. STORY; PoMisker. ; Entered second class mail auttter at tk peetoffice at Marshall, N.C.. ader act of March 3, 1879. ' ' ONE YEAR BEC MONTHS THREE MONTHS SUBSCRIPTION PRlCEt ' r $2 00 THREE YEARS (in advance) $5.08 1.00SINGLE COPIES M .60 Many (ordered before preudny) .04 .1 From MILL RIDGE UNDER YOUR NAME ON THE LABEL the line talis yon whan yoar subscription expire. If tka paper does not stop whan yoar time is out, a le postal card or letter addressed to MR. H. L. STORY, Marshall, N. C. will stop it. If he does not hear from you, he will think you wish the paper continued and that you are willing to pay for it at the rata of 80s OTary three months. SIGN YOUR NAME 8 e Don't blame the publisher ef the News-Record for not pub lishing what you write, if yon do not sign your name and ad dress. We cannot publish ar ticles unless we know who sends them. We will not pub lish the name if yon object. -tL. Rev. W. E. McFall filled his appoint ment and we had our decoration last Sunday. "' 'A Mr. and Mrs. Cutshall and Mr. and Mrs. Griffin and other good folks of Laurel came down and sang for us. We love to see them come. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Plemmons and daughter Eulalia of Marion re turned home Thursday after spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Davis. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ely Whitson and lit tle daughter and three sons of Ten nelina, N. C, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Ebb Anderson. Mr. James Clark and two daugh ters of Tennelina and Mrs. Eliza Whitson of Tennessee spent Sunday with Mrs. S. L. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Sawyer of Craggy and Mr. and Mrs. Amnions Iraton, N. C, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Davis Mrs. Carl Wyatt returned home Thursday from Biltmore. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lance ancTchil dren were on the Lance farm Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wyatt and two daughters of Old Fort are visiting his son Carl and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sex ton at Hot Springs. They took dinner Sunday with Mr. Z. B. Anderson. f rom WALNUT GAP 1929 Sun. Nm. . l 7 5 July 1929 hi. Sat. 5 ,6 12 13 2 3 4 9 lO 11 14 15 16 17 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 29 30 31 i. u - , , HRIST FOR ALL-ALL roil CHRIST tT HhH.lf.t,lWllittm.Ttk-Pbll: tW BIBLE THOUGHT AND PRAYER If partntt" will have their children memo tizt a Bible selection each week, U will protn a pricelets heritage to them in after yeart. RIGHT REASONING : Let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Isaiah 1:18. 1 PRAYER: For the privilege of coming to Thee, O Lord, we thank Thee; for the possibility of reasoning with' Thee, we thank Thee; and for the power which makes us clean we thank Thee. Many friends of Florence Gosnell will be glad to know that she is on the road to recovery from her re cent illness. Miss Mary Chandler and Polly Thomas were motoring Sunday. Miss Bertha Thomas and Mr. B. W. Gahagan were motoring Sunday. Mr. Eugene Franklin called on Miss Catherine Ramsey Saturday evening. The tar crew are bulding the road with tarvia through the gap. Mrs. Tom Cook and Mrs. McKinley Cook had a nice time picking berries Tuesday. Mrs. Fronie Cook and sister, Mrs. Ella Cook are planning to soend the iveek end in Asheville. Mi-. B. Y. Gahagan was the guest of Miss Berlha Thomas Saturday evening. .Mrs. Jess Tuni'blen returned to her home in Kentucky after spending some t me with her father, Mr. Wi Ramsey. Mrs. Will Ramsey was visiting Mrs. Ida Rice Sunday. Miss Catherine Ramsey will leave to visit her brother in Detroit soon. LOST & WANT ADS. 25 words or less 25c for one weak 75c for four weeks. Additional word 1 cent a word a week CASH First. fahat is an ornament of grace to the neck of a child? Proverbs 1:8-9. From Anderson Branch NOTICE! We had a good S. S. and a great sermon preached on the Branch last Sunday. Mrs. Martha Lunsford, Marie and little sons Frank ond Ray took din ner with Mrs. Campbell Sunday. Mr. Edgar Fortner was the guest of Miss Nina Payne Sunday. Miss Tlwhtja Lunsford took dinner with Miss Nina Payne Sunday. Mr. James Lunsford and son J. B. took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Payne Sunday. Mr. J. SW. Roberts is recovering from a long siege of sickness. i I am offering my Brush Creek I farm of 215 acres for sale on the ' fi&Harfkl t-O rm ln nlan .knf A U .""11 fa, (iMb VM. LUC interest and one percent of the prin cipal per year. Lots of bottom land. One acre of good tobacco. Will "more than make the payment, $2,500.04 cash will handle. Will sub divide to suit. Write L. B. CRAINE, ' 1665 Jefferson Ave., St. Paul, Minn. LOST A Shepherd dog. Wags his tail at name "Ranger." Reward if returned. Notify ; FRANK SEARCY Marshall, N. C . at Court House. It. pd. The Tlsie-Tested National News Digest D.C. Es Nov C22crcdto Cur Elccdcra ca Terms They Cannot Hcclst As the result of a very favorable concession ware able to give you that old reliable family weekly, the Pathfinder, in combination with your Favorite Home Paper, at a greatly reduced price. The Pathfinder is bright, inter-, esting, dependable, different nothing else like it. Orig inal matter not just a. rehash or echo. tvf The Pathfinder Is the only paper .that tells you just what you, want to know about everything that goes on at Wash ington and everywhere. Chuck full of crisp, timely things 100 percent readable. The Most Vklely Quoted Paper ia the World - Governmental Gossip, Politics (free of bias), Science, -Travel, Fun. Lots of Pictures, Instruction and Entertainment foroIL Too must not miss this ' Bare Chance to secure these two splendid papers at the ' Bargain Price, a . . : Call at our office, see samples of the Pathfinder and . hand in your subscription or send it by maiL . THE r JEWSRECORD jj QrJx?f .'P ': TssCrsttslfci' I 7Slfcttlsa A asi rfcss SOT jj I ft, faajb & 2 mOISm .nifii - If i n i ?? .X $ U J u I OFFICE EAT KOLUM By the "Office Cat" Boys and girls, mem and women, ladies and gentlemen, wise and oth erwise, hear ye, hear ye! The Office Kat is about to start anotheir weekly wail (or weakly wail). About what he will talk, I do not know, but I don't think that it will be important. If it happens to be im portant, it will be the first time, will it not? Well, here goes nothing, anjyi way. : O. K. K. : How many of you folks ever go ove to Asheville Sunday nights to the mid night shows? Perhaps I should say Monday morn ing, for it is always after twelve o'clock when they . start the shows. I run over there onca in a while to a midnight show, and enjoy it very much ; and I see several Marshall peo ple there every time I go. Some people say that it's a durn fool thing to do but they are people who probably have never been, and don't know how much fun can be had on such an occasion. Strike me dead'" if there wasn't a large crowd there last Sunday night. I thought I neve(r would get inside the the atre. There was a long line of people standing outside patiently await ing thejir turn, and I thought my turn was a long time in arriving.How ever, I finally got in and enjoyed the show tes beaucoup. I saw about eight or ten Marshall peo ple therev. last Sunday night alone, and I just wondered how many Mad ison people attend these shows. I hope that those who do attend, enjoy the shows as much as yours truly does. : O. K. K. : Did you ever stop to think about what an ideal -climate we have the priv ilege of enjoying herd? Good gosh, just think of what nice, cool nights we have here in the moun tains, while people in the ft lowlands are) simply swel tering in the heat at night And then there is another thing rather important when you come to think a bout it, and that is mos quitoesv Oh, my gosh, I'm glad there are not so many of these pests in the mountains. The little ; devils worry me else " where.. It might be E tit- . , tie better ff they -wojtld ' -just go on and.bita. fel-' low, and not just-keep .him t in suspense so long. But A ;for their cute little songs 'welETnever did like to?" hear a nosquito sizs i THElBRICE 1 , of a Ciiriefe Suit is al ways reasonable, an d when it fails to give satisfactory wear you get a new suit absolute ly free. You are to be the judge. One lot of Men's Suits, $22.50 to $25.00 value we are going to sell for r pa . 1 New lot Remnant Rolls .... 3 yd Indian Head Linen .... 79 79c Some beautiful new patterns in Peter Pan Voiles guaranteed fast colors, 40 to 45 cent orade sellind for fcl C t 15c grade selling for New patterns in English Prints, 20 to 25 cent grade, going at Flowered Crepe, $1.00 grade af - - - 69c est Grade 20c Striped Shirting - - - 15c 75c Taffetta Checks going to sell at - - 49c New patterns in FASHEEN and S0IESF.TTE 35c Beautiful Voile patterns in Cretonne 25c grade 20c We carry a full lir of School Books and School Supplies. l Men's $1.00 Ties Cp Are Golnd at Men's Stiff Straw Hats, Value up to $2.50 98c IP. V. RECTOR "The Quality Store" Marshall, N. Carolina Bill "Larkin, aren't you crazy a- bout bathin' beauties?" Larkin "Don't know, never bathed any." Dr. Simpson "Have some plums, Selma?" Selma "No, thank you, I'm plum full." Bessie "Kitty, I can do two things at once." Kitty "What?" Bessie "Kead writing. Agnes "Nancy, if you hypnotized a person, and couldn't get her waked up what would yflu do?" Nancy "I'd get Mrs. Simpson to come by and ring that big bell." Madeline a ca-?" Genvive-i aboit" ; Madeline and'stop."' 'Geneviev; has your beau -"Oh, yes! He has a run--"Yehl Runabout a mile Paul Give me a kiss or I'll sock you over the head and take one any way. Pauline Oh. I'll not arive vou a kiss. and don't you dare hit me too hard! I The Pathfinder Mother You must not leave the crusts later en, ypu may ba glad to eat crusts. ' . ' .' . i Johnnie Yes, that's why I am not eating them ' now. The Pathfinder Giant Beams White Oak ' Vj "iiWSlWV.'' H Make "Old Iroosidcs" .S ' ' ' . ARCHITECTS and builders throughout the country hive long been- familiar with the beau ty and durability of oak floors. Architects know that the. interior decorations and furniture are en hanced by floors of oak, with their rich, warm, glow, , ' Builders, with an eye to the prsc- tical, recommend their installation. . - not only because they add matcn . ally to the. sale value of the home, but because they will last as long as the hone itcelf. Recently, t!ic iurability of Ameri can oak was irrapbically illustrate.!. By popular subscription money v:as raised to rebuild the fassias frljT.'.t Cotstit43tion. ' The Atnorican t)-;b-lic v,-as not friKia thst "Old Iron sides," wtt!v her glamorous nawi history, sliculd becom a xneccrjv .When " the'- Constitution , vras V j: placed la dry-doc!f at the Boston Navy Tfard-it vcs found that time, . mor than enemy -shot and shl . 1 had played 'havoc with her wocd- worKwiin geveryrning except oui Up toihe tfroe it the launching of the "ship that was a navy" no rr tion had ever nsed live oak in r!;;-- in, ft' Ji I rr The Tzmio-i Frigste, With AU Sails SvCf Flying Before A CiiC Brcie" rebvildinr; t!w famous Iriyte r;cts On. it was Toy - J thtt tziy aucut 12 -:r ccr. o.-Uo, oroiriai sU ,ex-istsdiail-.th'i r::4 has bscn restored r.t -vaia tiJjoS.iOniy the liV4.cak, it-riniajr V-ic br.ci-.jone of the vessel, Is- .kej:i her to;;ithcr and made jt frt-; to t;?. .i- reb'dlld her. Ti.tr Rsvere,' who wrote to;-the Esercttry' cf .. V'ar tl:zt lis ci-j.lt t'-irVas c!i:;l any en," euplrcd crjrer bolts and r;UeS -luch held the cak backbone ia pkce. . . And now'ralc aain.is o be nsed :a makinii vthe Constitution -.anew. iVTt as th art ir-t-inr.is orin- Initalliag Bewm Sessoned Under !-WittfFtff Seventy Yean bf her -original builders, , so the same materials will ba used fn re storingf Jtne'Jiulli It happened thai in Commodore's Pond, Pensafcola, manjr- tons of" live oak had been submerged far use ; in buflrfino- wopdsn l'-tes. The war. that freed the slaves,, who gathered this wood building. ..Today, as,. the work cti T. crc p!tced in "Old Ironsides" awths 6assitlgo he --woodea z'.-Uns snip These great- beams, stored away .for hear 78 yeirs, fcevo b:;:nshlppei t Boston. To dzte l,6jS large" pieces' of oak, wclghis; nearly a ton apiece, have been Tecivedat the navy yard V' Admiral Philip ; Andrews:' In charge of- the work of reconstruc tion, -is asking the public to sub scribe $240,000 more to finish the work of rebuilding the famous ship. When' sle"-isi completed It is . -' . . - , piani:cu vi s-n ncr 10 every large . American port. '

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