P3XTI1PAGE Makeshift Sweeter Next time a coated tongue, fetid breath, or acrid sk in gives ev idsnce of sour stomach -try Phillips Milk of Magnesia! Get acquainted with this perfect anti acid that helps the system keep sound and sweet. That every stomach needs at times. Take it whenever a hearty meal bring9 any discomfort. Phillips Milk of Magnesia has won medical endorsement. And convinced millions of men and women they didn t have "indigestion." Don't diet, and don t guffer; just remember Phillips. Pleasant 4 fjike. and always effective. Hee'sTe S prS 3 MaJnesia" hafbeen the U. S. registered rX mark of the Charles H. Phillips Owmieal Co. and its preaecessur H. Phillips since IW7o. PHILLIPS I Milk . of Magnesia From CREWE, VA. The farmers of Crewe are about through with their work for the pres- C11Mr. John Love, from Detroit, Mich., is spending a few weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Luns ford and daughter, Dortha. Mr and Mrs. J. H. Sams and fam ily Mrs. J. B. Rice, Messrs. Loyd and Spurgeon Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rice and , ... iA ri Mr onrl Mrs. G. M. . 6- j -r ;i ,7iitorl Mr and IjeWlS arm mm.., 'rrl.-.. Vr Wpslev Lewis reported a nice time eating water melons Mr. and Mrs. J. to. rattersim auu family irom vveueviue . . fflr. anair.i.' - I ily Sunday. , p , Mr E. M Lunsford and son Paul. , aaugniei, raiuj, on,.."--- ---- ness meeting at Beech Grove Satur day night Mr nd Mrs. Dovle Lewis and Mr. Loyd Rice attended the show at Blackstone, Va. Thursday night. Mr. Hardy Lewis spent the week end with his friend, Mr. Jack Murphy of Wakefield, Va. , Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Lewis, Miss Opha Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lewis and family, Mr. Oscar Sams and Mr. Spurgeon Rice all made a trip to Norfolk, Va., August 5th. Rev. C. P. Sutherland, Miss Thel ma Vernon, Misses Louise and Thel ma Hastings were visiting Mr. Paul and Miss Pansy Lunsford Sunday. Mr. Walter Sams and Miss Vady Lewis, also little Misses Elsie and Ora and O'Ceal Lewis, Misses Cora Sams and Glen Rice went riding Sun day. I Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Glass and son, , Junior, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. W. ; t o.-vi nnp niirht last week. I Miss Pansy Lunsford and Mr. Paul Lunsford, also Mr. Walter Sams and Miss Vady Lewis attended meeting at Beech Grove Sunday night. Miss Ernestine Lunsford was vis iting Miss Vern Lunsford last week. Yes, indeed, we are glad to know that our O. K. is not dead and we hope he will put more in his Kolum next week. CARL R. STUART Attorney at Law Office Over Citizens Bank Marshall, N. C. From BLUFF Mr. and Mrs. Haynes and daugh ter took dinner with Miss Bessie Fowler Sunday, We are having a good revival meet ing at this place now. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Burley Fowler, Mr. J. M. Fowl er end srrandchildren took dinner 'Tith Miss Bessie Fowler Sunday. !Mr. and Mrs. Wash Fowler took dinner with Mr. Linsey Sunday. Mr. Stanberry Linse took a joy ride to Meadow Fork Sunday eve. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Moore a fine girl baby. Mrs. J. M. Fowler took dinner with sister, Mrs. Jim Linsey Sunday. UI TJ8 TBAIlf YOU FOB " BUSINESS TBM tucpBfj FIELD Of TB WORLD JTrpswrlttag. Shorthand, BUuutTT, Bookkseping and Accounting are L i '.Km that oven, the avannaa to Shi 'business world. Hew business enterprises eomlrt so this sectkm wui can upon our sciioou for offlo help then, wy not takt gped&Uasd training vnuB nusffiei Aahevlllc, N. C. t wuuiburf, S. C I.lah potatoes a a "money cropis bcir.3 abandoned by farmers of Cur rituck County. They are no tu.'nig to livestock and other c:-:;3. From SANDY MUSH Rev. B. B. Plemmons preached at Chestnut Grove Saturday and Sun Aav Hia sermons were KOOd. We wish we had more preachers like Mr. Plemmons. Mr. and Mrs. John Hood of Gains ville, Ga., are planning on visiting Mrs. Hood's grandparents, Mr. and iMts. M. O. King and other relatives here next week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hunsmger, Mr. Lawrence Hunsinger, Mr. Dewey Rogers and Miss Cornelia Hunsinger of Alexander were on Sandy Mush Friday. w Mrs. Edd Ward called on Mrs. E. T. Duckett Wednesday. We were surprized to hear of Mr. Edward Lusk being married. Little Miss Gladys Hannah spent Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. T. King. Mrs. Will Hunsinger and Miss Cor nelia Hunsinger spent Saturday night with her parents at this place, Mr. and Mrs. M. 0. King. Mrs. Fred Hannah had as her guests Friday afternoon Miss Geneva King and Julia King. Mr. L. L. Jones and Mr. T. T. King motored to Leicester Friday on business. Mrs. Will and Miss Cornelia Hun singer visited Mr. and Mrs. T. T. King "Sidd Ward and darter. Re- va, were visiting Saturday. Misses Elsie and Julia Surrett were jm trie KODerson tuve oaiuiu. Mrs. T. T. King spent r riaay ai- i ternnon with Mrs. M. M. Hannah. Mr. Everett Clark called at Mr. D. Surrett's Sunday. Miss Geneva King took dinner Sun day wiht Miss Lois Garrett. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. West of Mad ison County attended preaching serv ices at Chestnut Graove Sunday af ternoon. We were glad to have them with us. Miss Bonnie Jones anl Mr. Charlie King were out motorng Sunday. Miss Mayme Surrett called on Miss Annie Hawkins Saturday. Miss Lois Garrett and Miss Geneva King enjoyed playing the Victrola Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Nate Surrett had company Sunday. Mr. B. B. Plemmons was the guest of Mr. anl Mrs. E. T. Duckett Sat urday. Mr. Herbert Garrett was motoring 'Sunday afternoon Tko Sn,nv Srhnn at Che'tnut urove is K0lnK m mreiy 'for a larger attendance. We hope Everybody is welcome to attend j Several of the people of this com- :murlitv are planning on attending the ' association at Pine Creek Friday, Saturday and Sunday. eave the old uglv Office Kat a bad cold. Hope it did, anyway. Your tongue tells when you need Coated tongue, drymouth, bad breath, muddy akin, groggy nerve and tour stomach suggest its use. GRAPE VINE Saturday and Sunday weije our regular meeting days. Having no pastor, there was not any preaching service Saturday; Dut Kev. jas. a,. Lamb was elected pastor for the coming year, un bunaay mr. uamD was present and preached a sermon on the "Church." We began a meet ing that we hope will be a revival of the old time religion in this commu nity. Rev. Patterson Davis of Tennessee was with us at the services Sunday night. We hope that he will remain with us a few days and help in the meeting. Mr. Jeff Cargile of Woodftn was at Grape Vine Sunday. Miss Gladys Rochester spent the past week with her father, Mr. Thom as Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. Weslev Hunter were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Van Wal lin Saturday night. Mr. Bernard Proffitt of Woodnn is spending a few days wth relatives on Grave Vine. Mrs. M. E. Hudgins, who nas been ill this week, is improving. Mr. A. H. Sams went to the Sams reunion at Mars Hill Saturday. Mr. Jim Gosnell oi Revere is vis- itinar relatives on Grape V.ne. Mr. Hartley Arrowooa oi xancey County is visiting Mr. M. E. Hudgins for a few weeks. Mr. Arthur Dunn of South Caroli na is visiting relatives at Grape Vine, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ramsey of East Fork were visiting relatives here Sat- ur&ay and Sunday. y GOSNELL FAMILY REUNION Descendants of Mr. M. W Gosnell met at the old Gosnell home on Sun day, August 11, 1929 for a general family reunion. Those prsscnt were: Mrs. Easter GosnelL M. and Mrs. Frank Gosnell and three children. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gosnell and four chil dren. Mr. and Mrs. George Bruce and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Thom as E. Rochester and three children, TH P ' H W,S May Be r intent When your Children Cry for It Castoria is a comfort when Baby i fretful. No sooner taken than the little one is at ease. If restless a few drops soon bring contentment. No harm done, for Castoria is a baby remedy, meant for babies. Perfectly safe to give the youngest lniant; vuu u ,""v'" word for that! It Is a vegetable pro duct and you could use it every day. But it's in an emergency that Castoria means most. Some night when constipation must be relieved or colic pain or other suffering. Never be without it some mothers keep an extra bottle, un opened, to make sure there will always be Castoria in the house. It is effective for older children, too; read the book that comes with it. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Wallin and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Coy Gos nell, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hunter, Mrs. Victoria Proffitt, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Reel, Messrs. Will and Devious Gosnell, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Sams and three children, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Buck ner and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd West and four children, Mr. and Mrs. Gnat Hensley and baby, Messrs. Fred 'Shepherd, John Caraway, Jim Gos- nell, Arthur Dunn, A. E. Fisher, Ber ; nard Proffitt, Burgan Buckner, Mrs. ;Louart;e West, Mrs. H. C. Allen, Mr. Rey Jas R Lamb. Several others came in the tafternoon. . j In the forenoon several of the boys attended Sunday School at Grape Vine while the ladies finished prepa ring dinner, at one o'clock the table, j which had been prepaid on the ' porch, was laden to its fullest capac ity with the very best of delicious eatables. Sixty-four men, women and children gathered around the table and satisfied their hungry appetites. In the afternoon the congregation fathered on the hill where Mr. M. W. I Gosnell lies in the silent tomb of death. Rev. Jas. R. Lamb preached Mr. Gosnell's funeral. Supper was i served at six o'clock in the after- ! noon. In sreneral the dav was well spent and enjoyed by all present. From Meadow Fork By a 7th Grader The Meadow Fork school opened July 25, 1929. The principal teach er Mr. Jack V. Joyce; primary teacher Mrs. Cumi Stamey. There ( have been several present, but hope ' there will more come and be with us. i We have to study hard to prepare our lessons. The readers and spelling books have changed this year. Motelle Woody has come back to school after spending some time in Marion, N. C. There 'were not many at school Monday on account ofthe storm Sun day night. 666 is a Prescription for Colds. Grippe. Flu, Dengue, Bibous Fever and Malaria. It is the most speedy remedy knew. From SPILL CORN It has been quite a while since oar local news has appeared in tne pa per, but perhaps some one will be elad to hear from us again. The two weeks revival conducted by the 'Revs. James L. Hyde and Curtis Shugart of Walnut, N. C, has come to a close. The services were very much enjoyed by all and we hope that lasting good has been done bv them. The Uennett Lumber works nas been delayed somewhat by the fire whteh occurrsd recently. Hope to be in operation again soon. Mr. and Mrs." Scott Cook who have been working for Mr. Fred Moody, are spending a few weeks at home on Laurel. Mr. an Mrs. Thad Cloer, Jr., are the proud parents of a sweet baby boy. Mr. Carl A. Betenbaugh, of Union, S. C. called on Miss Zona Hensley re cently, .'u ' Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Darnell are keeping the boarding house and are making quite a success of it. Mrs. Verdie Tweed, who is teach mg the school here, spent the week end with relatives at White Kock. . Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cutshall have been, visiting friends and relatives -RECORD in Asheville, N. C. We wish to thank the people from Gunter Town who sang for us during the revival. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Franklin from Big Laurel attended church serviced here Sunday. The people of this community were very badly shocked by the tragedy which occurred at Little Laurel Sun day afternoon. Misses Ethel Cloer and Zona Hens ley plan to attend Washington Col lege this fall. Mr. Jesse Rice was the pleasant caller of Miss Vircie Cutshall Sun-; day. , Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rice called on Mr. and Mrs. Thad Cloer, Jr., one day last week. i Mr. Bill Holden was the caller of MTss Zona Hensley recently. Mr. Tom McDevitt attended church here Sunday night. POLLY'S BRANCH The revival meeting at aetnei nas closed. We hope evrybody will still enjoy the wonderful sermons that have been preached for the last two weeks. There were only four pro fessions, but we hope much good will follow. . Mr. Garrett Burlison accompanied Miss Charlsie Ponder home from church Sunday. Mrs. C. C. Gregory is visiting her mother at Yancey. Mrs. Harriett Griffin, who has been ill for a few days, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Vergil Calloway spent Sunday night with her mother, Mrs. Harriett Griffin and also her daugh ter of Yancey County, Mrs. Chas. Parker. Mrs. Minnie Radford, who has been ill for some time, is not any better. Mr. Oscar Rollin of Yancey County was killed on a car wreck last week. He was laid to rest in the Cane River Cemetery Friday night at nine o' clock. He is survived by his wife and seven children. He will be miss ed by many friends. Miss Flossie Robinson spent Mon day night with Miss Luna Griffin. Mr. Vaughn Ferguson of Michigan is visiting his father at this place. Mr. and Mr'. Ton 5?th vted her brother, Mr. Sam Gregory Sun day at Ponder Creek. Mrs. Louis Scoggins viisted her sis ter, Mrs. Willard Rice Sunday. Mr. arid Mrs. Willard Franklin vis ited her mother, Mrs. Bnrnett Rad ford, Satur av arrl Sunday. We are sorry Mr. Office Kit that you have resigned. DR. HUTOMS MARS HILL AT To Open Dental Office Two Days In Week Over George & Whitaker's Store WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY beginning APRIL 17 & 18, 1929 WILL BE AT MY OFFICE IN MARSHALL ON OTHER DAYS J. H. HUTCHINS, Dentist From Lower Big Pine Our Sabbath School is very good at this place. Could be lots better if more of the older folks would come out and help us. We are glad to say the young folks atend the bab- bath School very well. Our every day school has been go ing on two weeks witn air. urcs ory, Miss Minnie Rice and Miss Texie McGalliard teachers. Mrs. Josenh Anderson and children from Highland spent the week-end here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Davis from Black Mountain weer on Big Pine Sunday. They ate dinner with Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Worley. Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Worley ana family from Walnut were on Big Pine Sunday. The revival at Worley church closed Sunday, August 4. It had been in progress two weeks, Rey. Mr. Rob inson assisting the pastor, Rev. Ev erett Snrinkle. Five were baptized and added to the churcli Mrs. Gen eral Baker, Mrs. Wilburn Farmer, Lela Hagan, Miss Carrie Massie, and Mr. Sam Roberts. Mr. Wavman Waldroup of Spring Creek was a nleasant caller at the home of Miss Annie Mae Worley Sun day. W. A. SAMS Physician and Sursreon Office Front Room Over Citizen Bank.5 From the wreck of a biwer the engineer and fireman of a big loco motive gathered a flapper who, some how or other, seemed to have escaped injury. - V.-'..-'.-' ; v t - "Why in the world didn't yon ston?" the engineer asked. ' " ; . "I tonded my honker befors yon blew your whistle." ': . From Spring creek A record-breaking attendance fea tured the N. C. Sunday School Asso ciation held -with the Flats Baptist Church Sunday. Some good sug gestions were made and the leaders of our churches should study to put them into practice. The Association goes to the Walnut cnurcnes nexs year. People here are proud of our new school building which is being com pleted this week. It is beautiful and placed in a splendid location. From the highway can be seen a most pic turesque back ground formed by a mountain with cliffs and this unique rock buildinar thus makes a lovely appearance.' Some work on grading the baseball diamond has been done and some more is to be done yet before the opening of school. A day will be set soon for trucks to haul shale to make driveways around the building. Sev eral have already volunteered for work and it is hoped a liberal amount of help will be donated. Folks turned out very freely to a graveyard working last Thursday at the Flats. Above thirty were "res ent and all worked so well that the job was completed easily before noon. Why not several get together and put the new school ground in excellent condition? It can and must be done. A heavy rain came in this section yesterday and last night to spoil the "nubbins" and add the finishing touches to tobacco. Mr. Henry Duckett was carried to Dr. Kimberly early this morning and reported very sick. . "Grandpa" James Case has been very ill at the home of Mr. Roy Woody, but has improved so as to be able to be carried to his home with Mr. Ellis C. Jones of West Asheville. Mr. Stephen Burnette and wife and children of Skyland, N. C, were on Spring Creek yesterday visiting his wife's brothers, Messrs. Kent of Meadow Fork. Mr. Roy Franklin and wife of White Rock were present at the S. S. Association. Supt. Blankenship and family mo tored through this part yesterday. TAXI SERVICE Open and closed cars. Better serv ice. Prices are right. Phone, write or telegraph S. B. FERGUSON Phone 58. !tf. BUCKNER (Too late for last week) Rev. T. J. Eatmon preached a wonderful sermon at Middle Fork Sunday. A large crowd attended. Miss Mae Penley is planning on a trip to N. J. to join her brother, Ralph, who is newly married. Miss Texia Briggs and Mrs. N. E. Jarvis attended church at Bethel Sunday. Mrs. Ollie Swan and daughter, Helen, visited her mother Tuesday. Miss Texia Briggs went to Ashe ville Saturday on business . Miss Geneva Hamlin took dinner with Miss Cora Rice Sunday. Miss Ada and Clara Ann Cox were absent from Sunday School Sunday. Miss Mae Pencey is spending a few days with her cousin, Myrtle Roberts. Mr. Nelson Chandler had a wreck near Bethel church and was serious ly injured. DEATH OF WILLIAM LEONARD SHOOK On Thursday, August 1, 1929, at 12:00 o'clock P. M., death again vis ited the home of Mr. R. F. Shook, taking his only son. Leonard was seventeen vears of age, and has been a member of the graduating class of Mars Hill High School in the past year. Althougn tne conaitiorr oi nis health prevented him from complet ing the course, he was honored by teachers and students for his sin cere work and efforts. Each of his teachers expressed regret at losing him as a student. During Leonard's illness of twenty two days, through all the untold suf fering he realized, he was always pa tient and kind, praying for relief, but reconciled to God s will He told his father many times that he was fuJv in trn tj Jbbiid. Whnn Deatnt. came he answered the call calmly, leaving no doubt but that he was at rest. The funeral services were held at the Shook Cemetery at Faust, North Carolina, conducted by J. R. Owens, castor of Mars Hill Baptist church. His many friends honored him by at-' tending the funeral, and by bringing I many beautiful flowers. ! Leonard nas gone to join his moth- 1 er, sister anu urviucr, ,uu id euivv- ed bv his father, R. F. Shook, and two sisters, Mrs. A. C. Hill of Faust, N. C, and Miss Nelle Shook; also his step-mother, who was before her mar riage Miss Lula Robinson of Buck ner, N. C. Leonard was the cousin oi the late 0. D. Buckner who died only one week before his death. . . From SANDY MUSH (Too late for last week.) ; Rev. and Mrs. "Jim" Green of Rutherford College, and the Rev. Dr. Owen from Taylor, Indiana, spent Monday night with Mr.' and Mrs. c H. Reeves. Mr. Green has charge of "Camp Free" camp-meeting near Connelly Springs, which has just closed' . . Mrs. Copeland and daughter, Miss Hortense, from Little Rock, Ark:, and Straus Smith, ; of Statesville; who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Smith, have returned to their homes.- - -i-:"-: .' Miss Elsie Teagu and sister, Mrs. Marshall, N. C, Aug. 16,1929 THERE is nothing that has ever taken the place of Bayer Aspirin as an antidote for pain. Safe, or physi cians wouldn't use it, and endorse its use by others. Sure, or several mil lion users would have turned to some thing else. But get real Bayer Aspirin (at any drugstore) with Bayer on the box, and the word genuine printed in red: lanlrln 1 th tnd nark of 5k.e.cid..t.r of BsllexUeaH Robert Hensley, of Weaverville, have been spending several days with rel atives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin B. Lloyd and two children, who have been visiting Mrs. Lloyd's parent, Mr. and Mn. C. H. Revees, have returned to their home at Raleigh, N. C. Mr. Frank VanValkenburg and family of West Asheville were mo toring in this community last Sunday. Mrs. Norman Randall entertained a party of young folks at her home last week. Games were played during the evening and delicious refreshments were served. The following were there: Mr. and Mrs. George Randall, of Washington, N. C, Mr. and Mrs. Rankin Wells, Leicester, Mrs. Sam Respass, Rocky Mount, Mr. Straus Smith, Statesville, Hr. John Weaver, Leicester, James Reeves, Randall Duckett, Misses Hortense Copeland, Dicie Randall, Blanch Wells and E- i lizabeth Penley of Candler. I Mrs. Arrington, who has been vis iting her mother, Mrs. Nelia Reeves, on Little Sandy, has returned to her ! home at Detroit, Mich. Misses Lil lian and Mary Reeves accompanied here for a short visit. Miss Lucy Reeves attended services at "Camp Free" near Connelly Springs last week. Misses Julia Frisbee and Marietta Brown and Randall Duckett are at tending school at Leicester High 'hich opened last Monday. Mr. Fred Hannah and Mrs. Zeb Roberts are teaching the Union school this year. The revival which has been going on at Union for two weeks, closed Sunday night. There were several conversions. Mrs. E. L. Penley and daughter, Miss Elizabeth of Candler, visited Mrs. C. H. Reeves last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Vaughn had several visitors from West Asheville last Sunday. A GOOD DESSERT Put two eggs in a teacup and fill with sweet cream, pour into a mixing bowl and add one cup sugar, one and oite-hilf cups flour, one teaspoon baking powder, beat thoroughly. Grease and flour cake pan and cover bottom with halves or quarters of ripe peaches, pour bater in and bake. Serve with whipped cream. The peanut crop of Edgecombe County is reported to be above the average this summer. THE RIGHT WAY TO TRAVEL s by train. The safest. Host com fortable. Most reliable. Coat less. Inquire of Ticket Agents regarding neatly reduced fares for short trips. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM 'nf T mill DT DAlf (o U J. IlljUli; JXAjLT WAY SYSTEM' Southern Passenger Train Schedules For Marshall, N. C Chances Schedule Passenaer trains now de at Marsh- all as following t ' EFFECTI VK MAI .V-4 (CENTRAL TIME) Not 101 West Bound at 6:23 A. M. No. 11 West Bound at 1:25 P. M. No.' 27 West Bound at 7:57 P. M. No. 28 East Bound at . 8:19 A. M. No. 12 4 East Bound at 12:46 P. M. Ni. 1(12 Eui Bound at 7:33 P. M. NOTE: Marshall time makes thess figures on hour later. - ; Tab schedule published as Infoi atiou and uot guirauteed.' Cousuh , the Ticket Agents for further Infor mation. ' I T 0TICEs -Ticket office closes at 4:00 P. M. (Central Time). Passengers using evening trains will please pur chase tickets before that time. , r J. H. WOOD, Dlv. Pass. Aft. ii:-iftM;- Asheville, N. C O. S. BRADFORD, Agent, rt : Marshall, N. C i

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